Moving Forward, Wrought with Danger

by Odayama

First published

A mercenary guild from the Forgotten Relms gathers their three strongest fighters to take on a job too close to their city. Little did they know that their target would use wild magic that would thrust them into another relm that is...less forgotten.

Mercenaries usually get jobs that are more grounded. But having a demon that was summoned only three days travel away from where you live would be bad for business.

When wild magic takes control of the battle, a tear in the fabric of reality takes everyone into a world that is very different from their own...

Vinyl Scratch was just on her way home from the studio when a bright flash of light catches her attention, and she finds a creature she has never seen before. Curious, she takes a closer look...


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“So, a wild mage is causing trouble, eh?”

An elf was sitting at his desk, watching a mayor of a small town called Felton fidget in his presence. “Y-yes. You see, this mage was very open about her magic. She called herself Tia, the wild mage. We probably would have kicked her out, but she had protected us. She guarded us from some hobgoblins that attacked us, sending them back to their damn holes.” He looked at the elf, still intimidated. “But…one day, a small boy went to visit her. He came back with his arm missing. He told us that a demon was there. We evacuated immediately, coming to this city.” Regretfully, the mayor of that small town placed a large bag of coin on the desk. “…This is all we can afford to give you. Please, get our home back.”

The elf stood up. His blonde hair swept over his left silver eye. He wore a breastplate over his robes, his symbol of Odin was resting on the plate. His look on his face was deep in thought. This elf wasn’t tall, being only above 4’5”. But the mayor was still intimidated by this elf. It wasn’t because of what this elf looked like, it was because of who this elf was.

This was Tom Odayama, head cleric of Odin, and the leader of a guild of mercenaries who will do any job for the right price. His reputation exceeded expectations, but he wasn’t the friendliest of people. There were less known reasons why he was cold hearted to most people.
Tom wasn’t always known as Tom, though he had abandoned his elven name. When he was young, he had lost his parents in a battle in a town that the three had traveled to. A power-crazed Lich had boldly attacked the town, but Tom’s parents were there immediately to stop him. Though the battle was fierce, it ended with Tom watching his parents’ death. Tom took up his father’s sword to finish off the wounded Lich, and the battle was won that day. The survivors of church of Odin had seen the bravery that Tom had shown, and took him in as their own. Raised in the church for the rest of his childhood, Tom picked up his name there and became a cleric of Odin.

Tom emptied out the bag on the desk, spilling all of the coins over the desk. Tom grits his teeth. “If you had warriors in your town, you’d be able to keep your money and take your town back from this demon. The fact that you’re at my doorstep, begging me to do this, is pathetic.”

“Now, Tom. Not everyone is a warrior. You know that.” A voice called out to Tom from behind the mayor. The mayor turned around to be surprised at what he saw.

The first thing you would notice of this person would be his silver scales. He had elven features, but his scales showed that he was a half dragon. Half silver, to be exact. His blond hair was kept neat, his baby blue eyes showed kindness from beyond his draconic features. He wore neat clothes, for unlike Tom, he didn’t wear his armor inside the building.

This was Newtolm, Tom’s second in command of the guild, and second strongest member of in pure strength. A Psychic warrior with the power of a silver dragon. He was a kind hearted elf, who considers Tom his friend. Tom only considers him a comrade in arms, but there is something about their interactions that show that Tom actually cares about what Newtolm has to say. Unknown to the rest of the guild, Newtolm was actually giving Tom lessons to control his anger. Only Newtolm could convince him otherwise. If it wasn’t for him, Tom would be even angrier to everyone around him.

Newtolm’s story is not as sad as Tom’s. He was born and raised in the mountains, where his father kept his mother safe. As a powerful silver dragon, he kept his family and friends close and away from harm. Newtolm grew up with one other half dragon; a half brass named Charzaliax. The two were close friends, even though they were not of the same clans.

Until Newtolm became old enough to leave the place he called home, his father had approached him with a simple, but harsh philosophy almost every few months. 'As the lines of the next generation come into the world, they lose what their fathers would give them. Even though you are my son, you will never reach the power I hold.' His father never really believed that dragons were the end all power. There were people who had taken down dragons single handedly. But this still woke something up in Newtolm. He took his father’s words as a challenge.
Newtolm started visiting a psychic warrior in the village at the bottom of the mountain where he grew up. To make sure that Newtolm was accepted in the town, his mother had crafted him a hat of disguise to hide his dragon features. From then on, Newtolm learned how to fight with blade and mind, able to take down the mightiest of enemies.

Newtolm’s presence startles the mayor, but then he saw that this half dragon wasn’t actually as tall as he looked. He looked like he was well over 5’, but he was actually a foot off of the ground! Newtolm walked over to the desk, not making a sound of footsteps. “And not every man can fight demons. Most town guards only have to deal with the likes of bandits and wolves.”

Tom let out a short breath. “Humph. We’ll take this job, but only because this demon is so close to the city.” Tom started to walk out of the room. “Newtolm, see this man out, then get George to sort out the gold. Tell him that if we’re not back and the job is not complete, then give only half the gold back.”

The mayor looked at Tom, about to say something, but Tom had already closed the door behind him. Newtolm patted the mayor, trying to comfort him. “It is alright, sir. We will handle this. You will have your town back in no time.” Newtolm opened the door, holding it open for their guest.

Tom walked down to the main floor where the common room was, where everyone had made it the gathering place. Tom went straight for the bar that the guild had set up.

The one who was holding the bar was the only aquatic elf in this port city. He was a cleric of Thor, but more like an acolyte compared to Tom. He saw Tom and had a drink already for him. “Hey, Tom. Got a mission for the troops? Or are you gonna take this one?”

Tom took the drink and downed it. Wiping his mouth, he looked at the aquatic elf. “A demon and a wild mage. Too dangerous for me to leave it alone. I need to take this one on. Newtolm will back me up, but I’ll take Juno as well. We’re going to out muscle them, for even a demon will have trouble taking on Juno. Anyone else will be too much to risk.” Tom looked at the group of people at the table on the far end of the guild.

There seemed to be a drinking contest at the table. Juno was in the middle of the drinking contest, most of the men were betting to see if he could drink three other guild members down under the table. They were half way through their fifth round when Tom shouted out. “Juno! Get over here!”

The table quieted down. Juno got up, rushing over to Tom. His short brown hair was messy, but his brown eyes showed that he meant the best intentions. Juno was a lovable idiot, but had straight forward thinking when it came to battles. He was the strongest member of guild, even though he was human. Well, the reason why he’s the strongest, instead of the half dragon, is because that Juno is a were-bear. A natural born were-bear. He had free reign on his transformations.

But because of his in-born talents, everyone was always scared for Juno. Eventually, Juno would one day lose control; the beast would take him over. Juno always told everyone else not to worry, but even through the fun times they have, everyone always has that one fear for him.
When Juno was born, his mother had somehow survived the small were-bear cub tearing his way out. His father was the one afflicted, but he couldn’t bring himself to admit it until they had discovered that his mother was with child. Even though it was likely that she would die, they stayed together.

It wasn’t a happy beginning for Juno, though. A corrupt steward knew about the power lycanthropes could give to his forces. Four years after Juno’s birth, his family was discovered and taken to the keep. There, Juno was trained to be the most ferocious warrior, while his father was chained to the jail walls. A collar was made for Juno, so he wouldn’t betray the steward.

Though one day came where Juno’s mother, along with some of the servants of the keep, had snuck off the collar from Juno’s neck. Juno, enraged to know what had happened to him, picked up his weapons, and slew everyone who worked for the steward. He even got to his father before the steward could threaten to kill his father with a silver sword. Even with every precaution the steward took to make sure this killing machine would be his and his alone, Juno ended up with the steward’s blood on his claws.

Juno took his family and those who helped him far away from that keep, giving everyone a second chance. But when he knew his family was safe, he left. He didn’t want his family to see what he had become, even if he had regained control.

Juno stood in front of Tom. “Yes, Tom? Do we have a job?”

Tom nodded. “We leave tonight. You, me, and Newtolm are heading to the town just three days south from here. There’s a demon that’s possibly enchanted a wild mage. Your speed and power will come in handy, so I need you to take the demon down personally.”

Juno nodded. “Alright. I’ll just…”

Before Juno could even turn around, Tom spoke out again. “As much as I would want to drink myself drunk as well, I said that we’re leaving tonight. We should gather our equipment for the trip.”

Juno looked at Tom, who was already equipped with his entire gear. He let out a sigh. “Yes, sir.” Juno rushed over to the stairs, running to gather his equipment as fast as he could, if only to get back to the drinking game before they had to leave. Hopefully, Newtolm will take his time so he could have that last drink.


The three day travel was uneventful, only because they were still close to the city. Any bandits or hobgoblins in the area were pushed back, so the chances of encounters were left to the wild life, which were scared away by Juno. It was when they entered the area of the town when things got interesting.

There was a demon here, alright. It seemed that when he came over, he had brought over some friends. Imps were loitering around the town, scavenging items they could use, when they saw the three warriors coming their way. Tom drew his sword. “Let’s draw out this blasted demon and get this over with.”

A massacre of imps had gotten the demon’s attention alright. He was waiting for those who were foolish enough to challenge him. At the center of the town was a demon, lounging on the fountain, holding a leash attached to a woman. “Well well… seems we have some playmates. Those who approach the demon Korthak will only become my slaves.” He looks at the mage under his control. “Have fun, my dear. But leave them alive for me to use.”

Tom thought to himself. ...I know that name. Maybe I should have brought more men...

The party of three lunged forward, attempting to stop the mage before she could get any spells off, but the mage was already casting.
The magic that the mage had summoned up was supposed to be a fireball. Tom saw that. He had learned enough from the mages in the guild to know how fireball was casted. He had a spell ready to stop a fireball.

But something was wrong with the effect. Instead of blasting the three with fire, and Tom’s spell canceling the fire, the small pebble that was launched towards them tore a hole in the material plane, right in front of the caster. The demon got up, surprised. “You fool! What have you done?” Those were the last words that were heard.

Newtolm, seeing this, had grabbed onto his two companions. Their only hope of getting away from this tear was to teleport away. Newtolm opened his mind to generate the power…

Nothing happened. The tear had some power, preventing him from using his psychic powers. The tear was expanding fast, for the three were engulfed into it as well.

When the tear had engulfed the five creatures in the area, it had receded, leaving the town as quiet as a cemetery. This scene was witnessed by George, a gnome illusionist who fancies himself a fighter. He was on his magic carpet, making sure that the three wouldn’t get into trouble, but now he had watched in horror as the three of the most powerful members of the guild had…vanished. “…Juno? Newtolm?...Tom?” He started to panic. “I-I…I have to get the guild! We have get them back!” He turned around towards the city. At full speed, he zoomed through the sky to tell the others of this bad news.

Chapter 1

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“…ey…hey, buddy? You ‘aight?”

Tom stirred. What happened? He remembered the demon, and the mage, but then what? His head was foggy, like he was only slightly hung over. Where was he now?

He felt the grass get blown in the breeze. Was he in a meadow, or a field? He ventured to open his eyes.
The first thing he noticed was the sunglasses. Now, there are no sunglasses where he came from, so this pair of glass was a bit confusing. He had seen goggles before, but these weren’t attached the same way.

The sunglasses were pushed up by…a hoof? That’s when Tom had realized that the person who was talking to him wasn’t a person, but…a unicorn? A white unicorn with those deep red eyes and a wild, multi blue mane. Tom was a bit skeptical at first. Sure, unicorns could talk, but it was their own language. Only druids knew the language.

Wait…there’s the old tale about how unicorns are always attracted to virgins…Tom just hoped that this wasn’t Odin’s idea, and just trickery from some fey sprit, or even Loki trying to trip him from his faith.

“Hey, you’re awake.” The unicorn smiled. “I was wondering when you’d wake up. What are you doing outside of Ponyvile, dude?”
Tom looked at the unicorn, confused. He got up, only to see the town reveal itself in front of him. From the distance, he saw...he was dumbstruck as he saw…the citizens of this town were…ponies. It seemed that this unicorn was the only one to notice him so far. There were no people. Only…well it was more than just ponies. There were other unicorns, and pegesi. Tom placed his hands to his face, rubbing his eyes.
“So….what are you, anyways?” the unicorn had asked. Tom looked at the unicorn. Weren’t unicorns and elves creatures that lived in similar areas? How did this one not know what he was?

Tom looked at the unicorn sternly. “I am an elf.”

The unicorn looked up at Tom. “Oh, so you can talk. I was beginning to wonder if you didn’t.” She held out her hoof, as if to offer it in a handshake. “The ponies around here call me Vinyl Scratch, the DJ pony. I blow music up at all sorts of parties that everypony calls on me when they need a sick beat. What’s your name?”

Tom blinked. A unicorn…bard? She spoke funny, but he dismissed it. Tom crossed his arms. It didn’t matter what was speaking to him anymore. He was still being asked who he was, so he will introduce himself like he would to anyone else. “My name is Tom Odayama, head cleric of Odin. The keeper of his knowledge and the leader of his armies on the material plane.”

Vinyl looked at Tom, a bit confused at his intro. “…Well…okay…so Tom, then. I’ve never met an elf before, but at least your name is easy to remember. Nice to meet’cha, Tom.” Vinyl pulled her sunglasses down with her magic.

Tom blinked again. He didn’t know what was more impressive, the fact that unicorns here have a different kind of magic here, or the fact on how his intro didn’t really faze her.

“So, what are ya doin here? You seem…lost.”

Tom looked behind him. His comrades weren’t behind him. “Was I the only one here?”

Vinyl nodded. “Yeah, you were just lying here under this tree. I had just finished working on my newest song, and decided to take a long walk home. There was this flash of light on my way, and…well, here you are. You missing somepony?”

Tom took a deep breath. “Some people, yes.” He was just hoping that whatever happened, that the three of them were at least in the same area. He started to walk into town. Vinyl walked in front of him. “Whoa, where are you going?”

Tom looked at Vinyl. “What does it look like? Into town.”

Vinyl nodded. “Okay, yeah. You are…but…aren’t ya worried? You don’t really…blend in, here in Ponyvile.”

Tom took another deep breath. “Look, I was with two of my comrades. If I attract more attention to myself, the more likely I will get their attention.” He started to walk again.

Vinyl looked at Tom. “…‘Aight. You’re missing your friends. Well, at least let me show ya around. You probably don’t know where anything is, do ya?”

Tom stopped walking. Newtolm’s lessons had told him that asking for directions wasn’t something he had to be ashamed of. Tom was trying so hard to follow the lessons, but his pride always was in the way. Finally swallowing his pride, he looked at Vinyl. “…I need a drink, some alcohol. Then I need something to eat and a room in an inn. I don’t know how long I’ll be here, so I might as well get ready to stay.”

Vinyl nodded. “‘Aight. I only know two places to buy alcohol, but one of them is only seasonal. So, I’ll lead you to Berry’s place. C’mon, I’ll show ya the town.” Vinyl started to lead, but then looked back at Tom. “So…are ya sure that you don’t mind walking around town like ya are? I know you have to find your friends, but…”

Tom crossed his arms. “I am a proud warrior. If anyone has a problem with my presence, they better be prepared to voice that issue, and have power to back their courage up.”

Vinyl had no idea what she had just picked up, did she?

Chapter 2

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Fluttershy had picked up a bag of chicken feed. It was feeding time for the chickens, and she wanted to be extra nice to them today, so she had bought some sweetened corn seeds earlier. She will mix it in with the regular feed, so all of the chickens would have a chance to eat the treat.

She had just stepped out of her house and started to glide over to the chicken coop when she noticed two of her friends walking towards her house. “Oh, hey Twilight. Hey Rainbow Dash. How are you two today?”

Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash showed up at Fluttershy’s house, both carrying two big bags. Twilight smiled. “Hey Fluttershy. We’re doing alright.”

Fluttershy noticed the bags. “What’s that you got there?”

Rainbow Dash chuckled. “The mail ponies were apparently given the wrong address when they were delivering the mail, and I ended up seeing Twilight carrying these two bags, or at least trying.”

Twilight sighed. “Apparently, Zacora had ordered a lot of rare ingredients from far off regions, but they were shipped to the castle instead. They’re heavier than they look, even with magic. So now the two of us are bringing them over to Zacora’s hut, and thought that we should visit you while we’re on the way.”

Fluttershy smiled. “Oh, thanks for the visit. Hey, how about I join you? Just let me feed the chickens, and then we can head over.”

Rainbow Dash smiled back. “Sounds great, Fluttershy. Need some help with that?”

Fluttershy was about to answer, when a flash of light surprised the three of them. It apparently came from the chicken coop, because the chickens were rushing out in horror.

Rainbow Dash jokingly looked at Twilight. “Hey, Twi? You didn’t have to bring the chickens out here for Fluttershy.”

Twilight shook her head. “That wasn’t me.” The three ponies rushed over, investigating what just happened.

Rainbow Dash shouted out ahead. “That better not be you, Discord!”

Fluttershy approached the coop. Rainbow Dash had offered to head first, but these were Fluttershy’s chickens. It was her job to make sure that these chickens were alright. She was nervous, though, shaking ever so slightly as she approached the opening of the chicken house.
“Yeep!” Fluttershy bounced back, hiding behind her friends.

Rainbow Dash took a defensive stance. “What’s wrong? A dragon?”

Fluttershy nodded.

Rainbow Dash looked surprised. “What, really? I was just joking.”

Twilight ventured ahead, peeking her head in. To her surprise, there was a dragon in here. Not a full grown dragon, but not a baby one either. But…this dragon was clothed. And armored. She thought that Spike was the only dragon who was formal, and he doesn’t even wear clothes. And most dragons have hard scales, so they wouldn’t need armor. Using her magic, she teleported the dragon in the coop outside for the three to see this intruder.

Sleeping soundly, the draconic figure was lying down on the grass outside of the coop. Rainbow Dash jumped back. “Whoa…I-I didn’t think you were serious…where did this dra…” Rainbow Dash stopped, looking closer at the dragon. “Uh, Twi? You don’t have to levitate him. He’s outside already.”

Twilight looked confused. “What? I’m not using my magic on him anymore. He should be on the ground.” She lowered her head, and gasped when she saw that the dragon was a foot off of the ground. “Wh-wh-what? This is impossible!”

The three ponies watched in amazement. Twilight shook her head. “I can’t take this. He has to be on the ground.” She put her two front hooves onto the dragon’s armor and pushed down, but to no avail. Scowling, she used her magic to push the dragon down.

The magic surrounding the dragon was suddenly absorbed into an item on the dragon’s person. A hat attached to his belt started to send out electric charges, shocking him.

After a couple of shocks, Newtolm woke up. “Ow, ow ow OW OW!” He got up, trying to get rid of the source of his pain. “Ow! Why?! Why the hat?!” He finally got the hat off of him, and hopped away from it. His breathing was heavy, watching his hat still send off electric charges. As the hat was settling down, Newtolm had finally noticed that he wasn’t alone. He slowly turned his head to the left and saw two pegesi looking at him. “Um…hello.”

Rainbow Dash looked up at Newtolm, about to say something, when Fluttershy approached him. “Excuse me, mister dragon, but this isn’t a place that you could just take over. That coop belongs to the chickens, not to you. I want you to leave these chickens alone, and find a nice cave where you can live in peace.”

Newtolm looked at Fluttershy, completely dumbfound. Up until now, he thought that he had seen everything. He had watched the hall of wishes collapse around him and that took him to Limbo. He had seen a single bard take on an army and win. He had watched his childhood friend, Char, change his gender just to show his affection towards him. That was the strangest night he ever had.

But now, not only was this pegesus talking to him, and having an unusual color, but it was demanding him to leave her chickens alone and live in a cave. This was a strange day today. “…I-I am sorry, but…”

Fluttershy interrupted him. “No buts, mister. This chicken coop is no home for a dragon. Find another home, so you could horde your gems, and leave these poor chickens alone.”

Newtolm raised his eyebrow. “Umm…look, miss…pegesus.”

“Fluttershy.” Fluttershy raised her head, looking proud.

Newtolm recollected himself. “…Miss Fluttershy. Please forgive me, but appearing in your chicken coop was not my intention. I do not even know how I got here. I do not even know where I am. And even if I had a choice, I would not choose to kick your chickens out of their home. Please except my humblest of apologies.” Newtolm bowed apologetically towards the yellow pegesus.

The three ponies looked at each other, surprised on how gentlemanly this silver dragon was acting.

Rainbow Dash looked back at Newtolm suspiciously. “Why are you being so nice? Aren’t most dragons supposed to be territorial and mean?”

Newtolm looked at Rainbow Dash, a little confused at first, but then realized what had happened. “Oh! You believe I am a full dragon? Oh, no. You see, I am only a half dragon. I am not a hoarding dragon who hides in caves with a mountain of gold. I am more like a traveler who would stick his neck out for unfortunate strangers.”

Twilight finally spoke up. “Wait…half dragon? You’re a cross breed? How…how does that work? Species of other races can’t mate. How can…”

Newtolm finally notice the unicorn...pegesus...mix...Well, that was ironic that this creature was asking this question, but then he realized that he was the only one of the three party members here. “Forgive me. I would love to explain the fact that love between any two creatures can create something beautiful, but I need to find my comrades.”

Rainbow Dash flew right into Newtolm’s face. “Whoa whoa whoa, are you saying there are more of you? Is there going to be a dragon invasion? Start talking! Are you a spy, or something?”

Newtolm flinched. He was expecting some questions, but he wasn’t expecting this pegesus to be this close to his face. “Please, calm down. No, I was forcefully placed here. I…actually, I do not know what happened. I remember…a hole, wait, no…more like a tear in reality. I was in a village close to where I live, and this creature had taken a wild mage to cause chaos…and…well, I guess the magic went wild.” Newtolm looked around, a confused look on his face. “…Actually…may I ask…where am I? This does not look like the small town of Felton, or even the port city, Opalz, where I come from…”

The three ponies looked at each other, then to Newtolm. Twilight walked a bit closer to get a good look at his face. “You’re at the outskirts of the kingdom of Ponyvile. Where is Felton? You mention a port city, but we’re nowhere close to the sea, so…you must be far away from home.”

Newtolm blinked. Ponyvile? Where was this now? Newtolm ventured some questions. “Wait…Ponyvile? Far from the sea…um…if you do not mind me asking, what country are we in?”

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “This is the land of Equestria. Everypony knows that. Why?”

Newtolm slowly raised his hand to his face, covering his eyes. Where in the blazes was he sent to? And why did she say everypony? Why not everyone? Hold on…

“…This is a land dominated by...ponies…is it not? Ponies, unicorns, and pegesi, right?”

Twilight looked at Newtolm, tilting her head. “…Where are you going with this, sir?”

Newtolm sat down, still hovering a foot off of the ground. “If I am to venture a guess on what has happened to my friends and I…that ‘tear’ that had enveloped us had…transported us to another plane of existence. This world is nowhere near my home, for I would have to jump realities in order to get there.”

Twilight’s eyes widened. “Oh my…um…please don’t be offended, but this sounds amazing. You come from another world? You don’t look like you’re from the one I’ve visited. This would make great research notes…What is the magic like in your world? Is that how you’re floating like that?” She got out a quill and paper that seemed to have come out of nowhere. “Please, I would love to learn magic from another world.”

Newtolm chuckled. “Whoa, madam, excuse me, but you are going a bit too fast. You barely know me, and you are already barraging me with questions. Please, at least let us introduce ourselves to each other before we start anything more.” He got back up, standing up straight to make a proper bow to the three. “My name is Newtolm. I am a Elocator, a type of Psychic. If you want magic, I would have to see if I could contact my friends from my world, so I could get you to talk to them. I hope I can make up for starting off on the wrong foot…or hoof, for this case.” He mentally chuckled to himself. Everything they’re going to say about the ‘people’ of this land is going to be horse related, isn’t it?

The three ponies were a little hesitant at first, but the Fluttershy smiled as she stepped forward. “H-hello Mr. Newtolm. My name’s Fluttershy. I’m a caretaker of the animals here in Ponyvile.”

Twilight stepped forward next. “My name’s Princess Twilight Sparkle, the princess of friendship. I’m a student of magic, and I learned from under the tutelage of Princess Celestia. I have a large library in my castle, so any pony who need to research something could come to me.”

Rainbow Dash still looked at the half dragon suspiciously. She was still hovering over Newtolm. “…Rainbow Dash…Weather pony. Look, I know you’re acting all nice and stuff, but you’re still…you’re still from some place we don’t know about. How can we trust you?”

Newtolm frowned. He was expecting this. He was an invader on their lands, so of course he wouldn’t be accepted with open arms...or hooves.
He looked at the hat that was left on the ground. He walked over to it. “Let me show you what this hat is supposed to do.”

Twilight pointed her hoof out. “But that hat was shocking you. Are you sure it’s a good idea to put that on?”

Newtolm nodded. “It is a hat of disguise. It is supposed to just change your appearance. I will show you, even though there is a chance that it has been altered in some way.” Before any more protests could be said, Newtolm tossed the hat onto his head.

Chapter 3

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Juno was having the worst luck today, wasn’t he?

He woke up, alright. Upside-down. With wolf like constructs trying to bite his head off.

He found himself in his human form with his foot stuck between two branches in the middle of a forest, and he couldn’t reach his weapons, because they had fallen towards the ground. The place smelled different from the surrounding forest that the town Felton was surrounded by, so where was he? Also, these wooden wolves were creatures he had never seen before, so this was all new to him.
He would have just formed his lycanthrope form, but there was something he didn’t want to happen. On the same branches that he was stuck to was that wild mage. What was her name again? It started with a T, right? Or was it a P?

At this point, one of the wolf creatures decided to be smart. It jumped up onto a lower branch, climbing up to Juno. Within two jumps, it was enough to pounce onto his back. The force was enough to get his foot out of the branches. The two were now plummeting down to the rest of the pack, waiting for a meal.

It took Juno a moment, but a smile grew on his face. He started to laugh as he was falling. “ahahahaHAHAHA!” This was perfect.
In the dust cloud that was created by the fall, a mighty roar was heard as the wolf was tossed to the side. The dust settled to reveal the giant were-bear. Juno was still laughing as he lunged forward, tearing apart the wooden wolves. “HAHAHAAA!”

Leaving a giant pile of sticks and stones, Juno let himself calm down a bit. “…I’m…in…control…” Still in his lycanthrope form, his breathing was heavy.

*Snap* Juno looked up. The wild mage was about to fall. He rushed over to her, prepared to catch her.

The mage landed in his arms, but this only proved Juno’s fear. She was awake. Dammit, this is what I was hoping not to happen… The mage looked up at the lycanthrope, then struggled to get out. Holding the mage with one arm, Juno’s eyes were locked onto the collar around her neck. Being careful not to stab her neck, Juno slowly poked his claw in-between her and the red collar. This was the hard part. He needed to get his other claw in there so he could tear it apart without snapping this person’s neck. Letting the mage go for just a moment, he went as quick as he could without digging his claw in her neck.

Seeing that she was mostly free, she started to cast a spell.

Juno kneed her back gently to knock her off balance. “Oh, no you don’t.” Juno finally got his other claw in, and in one swift motion, tore the collar off.

Juno looked at the mage. Her back was towards him, so he couldn’t see her confused look on her face. “Wha…where am I?” Juno stuck his head forward, putting himself into view. She turned her head towards him, and her eyes widened. A small ‘meep’ came out of her mouth, scared stiff about what was starring at her to her side.

Juno completely forgot that he was still in his lycanthrope form, but before he could say anything, the mage screamed. “AAAAAAAAAAAAHHH! Nonononogetaway!” She ran for the tree that the two were stuck on. She saw on the ground three weapons, a great-sword, a great-axe, and a heavy crossbow. Struggling, she picked up the crossbow, hoping she had time.

Hiding behind the tree, she held the crossbow on a low branch, aimed at Juno. To her surprise, the lycanthrope was just standing there. She watched as he took a deep sigh, and reverted back to his human form.

“I’m not going to hurt you.” Juno made a sad, but reassuring smile. A long pause took its toll on the two, as they both just stared at each other. Juno took a step forward. “Look, I’m in contr…” A bolt hit him in the face, sending him reeling back, interrupting his speech. The force from the bolt made him fall to the ground.

The crossbow was now empty. The mage dropped the heavy crossbow, and searched her person for some items. “I know how you work. You pretend to be all chummy with people, and then you attack when they least expect it. Well, you’re not getting me. I am Tia, the wild mage. I will protect myself from your kind, and in turn the village as well.”

Juno wasn’t hurt. The bolt could only hurt him if it was a silver bolt. Juno never carried anything silver on him, so unless she had some spell to turn weapons into silver, he had nothing to worry about…unless she had some powerful spell, which she most likely had. The fact that the bolt was a head shot was still scary as hell, though. He could have lost his eye if she was a lucky shot. At least his skin prevented the bolt from actually entering his head, or he’d lose the ability to wear a hat for a while.

Diplomacy wasn’t his strongest suit. But he had to try. Not even getting up, he let out a loud sigh. “Look, if I wanted you dead, you would be right now. Why would I change back if I had you right there? Also, we’re nowhere near the village, thanks to your work.”

Tia looked at Juno with a confused look. She was about to retort when she noticed her surroundings. The trees were thicker than the ones surrounding the village, and…were different. She couldn’t place it, but they seemed…darker, yet…more colorful.

She looked around more, and Juno sat up. “Look, you had summoned a demon, and I was sent with my friends to stop you. You had this collar on…I know what it’s like to not have your freedom. And then…whatever spell you casted, we ended up here. And wooden wolves almost ate me.”

Tia was only half paying attention when she turned back to Juno. “…Wooden wolves?” Juno nodded, and turned around to the pile of sticks and stones.

That’s when the two noticed that the sticks were moving. It seemed that the sticks were constructing a new beast. Juno got up, reaching over to his weapons. The wild mage was still searching for an item on her person. “Gods dammit! Where did I put that pouch of components?”
Before the beast could fully form, a glass vial was thrown at the bone-like structure of sticks. The purple liquid splashed over the sticks, and they started to lose their shape. The two looked at where the source of the potion had come from.

“I came to the aid of the scream, expecting some in the forest some lost ponies. I come at full speed, and am I to believe what I see?”

Juno stared dumbfound. He couldn’t tell what he should be more surprised about; the fact that there was a zebra in front of him? The fact that said zebra threw a potion, with extreme accuracy? Or the fact that this zebra was not only talking, but rhyming?

The pile of sticks and stones is seen struggling, but it is forcing itself to become whole again. “Come, you must hurry, or you will fall prey of the beasts. I can provide shelter for those who do not wish to become their next feasts.”

Tia looked at Juno, and Juno did to Tia. Without a word, Juno gathered his weapons, and Tia picked up a pouch off the ground. The two followed their new guide, for they needed answers of this new world that they were in.

Chapter 4

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“What do you mean ‘all you have is wine’?”

Berry Punch had backed away from the angry elf. Vinyl had taken Tom to the only place that sells alcohol daily. The only other place was Sweet Apple Acres, but that was a seasonal event to sell their different kinds of apple cider. When he had asked to be led to alcohol, to tell the truth, she had expected him to be an angry drunk. She wasn’t expecting him to be an angry pre-drunk. What she didn’t know was that he was a happy drunk. He just never drank ‘til he was drunk in front of others.

Berry Punch was a good friend to Vinyl, and good business partner. Normally, when the party calls for the DJ, the drinks are not that far to follow. But this normally means that the good stuff is gone as soon as it shows up, and Berry has to order more. She has wine for sale, and her usual customers are ponies like Rarity and Octavia. But nopony buys wine in large quantities, so she’s always in stock.

“I-I’m sorry, sir. I-I just don’t have anything else in stock. I have the order coming in tomorrow, if you’re willing to wait. Other than that, all I have in stock is wine.”

Tom grit his teeth. He really didn’t want to be here. There was a demon that was probably lose somewhere out here. At least it didn’t seem to be in this town, otherwise, he would be fighting an army of dominated ponies along with the demon. But the fact that it hadn’t made a move also made it disturbing.

But all these facts just made him want a drink even more. Even with his power, he felt…powerless…to do anything else. He needed a drink.
Without realizing what he was doing, he had slammed his fist on the counter. This sent the two ponies back in surprise, expecting shouting on top of the loud noise. “…Dude, what the hell?” Vinyl looked at Tom, starting to get angry herself. She turned her attention to Berry. “Look, Berry, I didn’t know he would be like this. If I knew…”

Tom glared right at Berry, who flinched, expecting something to be thrown at her. “Fine. I’ll take ten bottles of your best.”
Berry opened her eyes. She didn’t expect such a big order. But ten of her best wine? She’s going to have to make a new order to replace those fine wines, instead of trying to make it herself. “…I…Are you sure?”

“Did I not make myself clear? I said ten, and I mean ten! Now tell me your price, and stop flinching. Just because I am threatening, doesn’t mean you have to take it. Be strong, stand up to me!” Make me believe that I shouldn’t stay and force to train these pathetic civilians to become warriors…even if they are horses smaller than me. Tom pushed that thought out of his head.

“…Five hundred bits, sir.”

Tom blinked. “…What?”

Berry looked like she took Tom’s words to heart, getting more confidence in herself. “…I said five hundred bits. That is my price. The best ones are expensive, you know. Take that price, or be without drinks.”

Tom had the strangest look on his face. “…What are these ‘bits’ you speak of?”

Vinyl facehoofed herself. “ugh, I should have seen this coming. You don’t have any of our money, do ya Tom?”

Tom, with an angry look on his face, dug into his pack for his bag of holding, and dished out 700 hundred gold coins. “I don’t know what your money is, but I know that gold is the universal language of money. Keep the change of whatever the exchange rate is.”

Berry looked at how the coins shined in the setting sunlight. There was no doubt. This was gold, and not fool’s gold. That stuff is really shiny. No, this had the right amount of shine in the sunlight. This would not only be enough to cover her expenses, but this would also get her that little vacation she always wanted to have. Berry looked up at Tom and smiled. “I’ll be right back, sir.”

Vinyl stepped up to see what just happened. “…Whoa, shit dude. You’re loaded. That’s real gold?”

Tom nodded. “Gold is rather common where I come from, and yet mines churn out more gold than needed.” Tom looked at the coins on the counter. “This was part of a dragon’s hoard. It was a younger dragon than most, but it was still a challenge.”

Vinyl lifted her sunglasses, a surprised look on her face. “…Wait…you stole from a dragon?”

Tom looked at Vinyl. “Dragons steal from everyone, good or bad. Why should it make any difference if I claim treasure from a dragon?”

Before any more words could be said, Berry came back with a big heavy bag full of wine bottles. “Here you are, sir. Enjoy.”

Tom took out a small black dot from his pocket. Placing it on the counter, he ‘opened’ it, revealing the extra-dimensional space that he carried with him. Hefting the bag into the hole, Tom closed the hole and picked it up, made a small bow for his purchase.

“Thank you. Your confidence in yourself is grateful sight to see. Thanks for the wine.” And with that, Tom walked out.

The two ponies stared in disbelief to what they just saw. “…I gotta stay with this guy, or he might just end up pulling another Trixie in our town, only worse. I’ll cya later, Berry.” Vinyl ran off to catch up to her mysterious friend.

Berry Punch was left alone in the store, staring dumbfound at what had transpired. She looked back down at the coins in her hooves, and the coins left on the counter, staring into the golden sheen of them. But…what about the stamp on the coins? She now had gold, but who would buy gold with this strange…head of a creature on it as the stamp?

…Maybe she could just melt them into a large gold bar.

Chapter 5

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Vinyl dashed up towards the elf. Why was it that she felt like it was her responsibility for bringing him to Ponyvile? Tom did snap at Berry in her shop, so who knows what else will get him off.

“Hey, Tom? Am I going to have to watch out for ya? I don’t want any trouble to happen because somepony says something wrong around ya.”
Tom looked at Vinyl, his eyes were hardened, but his sigh showed some restraint. “This might be surprising, but this is me showing restraint. My comrades would think some demon had taken over my body if they saw how much I’ve improved.”

Vinyl made a face. If that was an improvement, she didn’t want to see what he was like before.

Tom sighed again. “I paid off that wine seller with more coin than needed. I never did that before. And why did I buy ten bottles? Two would have been enough. Maybe it’s because she showed more confidence at the end there...”

Tom suddenly stopped walking. Vinyl turned around to ask what was up, when she noticed a greenish unicorn holding onto Tom’s hand in her hooves

Lyra was fascinated…neigh…stunned. Such shape…such…versatility. The perfect appendage to have, presented to her in such a fashion was…exciting. She looked up to the eyes of such a majestic creature, only to be greeted with an angry look.

“Are you looking for trouble, unicorn? None have ever stopped me before like this. Do you dare stand before Odin’s servant upon…”
“O-ookay, Tom, I think you need to find the place to eat something, I think you’ve gotten a bit too crankyLyraletgoofhishandrightnow.” Vinyl looked straight at Lyra, hoping she’d snap out of it.

Lyra stared right back at Tom, but not scared by the glare she was getting. Her curious gaze just looked up at Tom, wondering what he was.
“…Sir…how do I get hands like yours?” Lyra finally spoke. Vinyl slapped her hoof to her face. Lyra was open to her friends about her obsession with hands, and how their kind were missing out on how great it could be to be able to grab onto everyday items with ease. Vinyl just figured that Lyra was frustrated of accidentally biting off the erasers of her pencils when she was too tired to use magic, but this was a bit of a long shot on her part, wasn’t it?

Tom looked at the unicorn, changing his glare to a confused look. “You…you stopped me because…you want hands?” Lyra nodded furiously. Tom took a deep breath before he spoke. “Find my companions. We have been separated, and we need to regroup as soon as possible. Then maybe I could get you hands of your own.”

Her eyes looked as if they couldn’t go any wider than they had that day. “…Wait…really?”

Tom rolled his eyes. “Did I stutter? Find them. They have hands too, so they should be easy to find. Find them and hands of your own will be yours. Now go!”

With a giant smile, Lyra bounced off in a random direction.

Tom continued to walk, but Vinyl stopped him. “You just made an empty promise, didn’t you?”

Tom looked at Vinyl. “Is your magic as weak as your fighters? I have a transmuter back at my city that could transmute a ferret into a lion with a simple wave of his hand. Stop pestering me about trivial matters. I need food.”

Vinyl watched Tom walk past her. He didn’t lie to Lyra? Maybe he’s not as bad as his tongue made him out to be…He could be kinder with his words, though. Something to work on.

Chapter 6

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“…And so the kids made a mess of the kitchen again, but after I got them for nappies, I had just enough time to clean up before the Cakes got home. I’ll tell ya, Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake sure are a hoof full.” Both Pinkie Pie and Applejack walked out of Sugar Cube Corner, Pinkie telling the story of her babysitting adventures.

Applejack chuckled. “Sounds like you have things sorta under control there, Pinkie. You’re probably the only pony here who could take care of them squirts.”

Pinkie Pie beamed. She was proud of her achievements, her accomplishments, her…

Gasp! What doth her eyes peer at? There be some…creature…walking towards her. Walking along side the DJ pony is a creature she had never seen before. Not only is it a new creature that had come into town, but two major problems arise with this new knowledge. First: This creature is a stranger to Ponyvile. He hadn’t gotten the proper Ponyvile welcome led by her. Second: He wasn’t…gasp!..Smiling!

This was her job…neigh, her destiny! She is the protector of the smile! The seeker of the Grin! The bringer of Joy! The…

“Um…You could stop with the bad superhero intro. I’m just a pony who loves to see others smile, not a cape wearing justice seeker.”

Oh…Sorry Pinkie…

Applejack looked at Pinkie Pie. “…Who were you talkin to, sugar cube?”

Pinkie smile. “Oh, no one important.” She bounced back to Sugar Cube Corner to retrieve her trusty party canon.

Applejack looked at the empty space that Pinkie had turned towards, confused to see nothing there.



“What’s that place?” Tom pointed at the strange building with icing decorations on the roof slightly to the left of them.

“That’s Sugar Cube Corner. It’s a sweets shop. I was going to bring you to another place, but if you have a sweet tooth…”

Tom shook his head. “I don’t like sweets. I’ll pass…”

Tom turned his attention to the street. What he saw next surprised even him.

A canon, pointed at them at point blank range. Vinyl saw the fun, but Tom saw death.

“Get down!” Instinctive reaction from Tom’s body threw himself onto Vinyl, pushing her aside while protecting her with his body. Vinyl’s sunglasses flew across the road while the canon unloaded its load of confetti.

“…Wow…I never had that reaction before.” Pinkie Pie looked over her party canon. She walked around the canon to see the two on the ground. “You alright? Oh, hey Vinyl.” Pinkie let out a nervous chuckle.

She didn’t mean to scare or hurt anypony, but the strange creature didn’t take kindly to her party canon.

Vinyl looked at Tom, whose face was digging into her side from the impact. “Tom, buddy? I appreciate the chivalry, but I should’ve warned you about the one of the owners of Sugar Cube Corner.” She turned her attention to Pinkie Pie. “Hey Pinkie. How do you get your party canon out that fast?”

The pink pony let out a happy giggle, getting her usual cheeriness back. “Oh, I have them equipped on me, just for the occasion.” She pulls the canon back out of view, wherever her ‘equipment’ is.

Vinyl used her magic to get Tom off of herself, and puts her sunglasses back on.

Tom sat on the ground, looking deep in thought. Finally, he looked at the pink pony, no change from his frown. “…You have a canon…a weapon of war…for what I’m supposed to believe is for…parties?”

Pinkie nodded. “Yup! The party canon is the best thing to have for an emergency party. Just like now!”

Tom raised an eyebrow. He wasn’t sure what she meant about that, but something is telling him that he didn’t want to know. He got up, dusted himself off, and started towards the same path he was originally on.

Pinkie stopped him before he could take three steps. “Wait! Where are you going? The emergency party is for you, silly.”

The very fact that this pony not only stepped in front of him, but now she’s telling him what’s for him, was starting to tick him off. He could feel his anger start to boil over. But then Newtolm’s lessons came to mind.

Do not use anger as the only answer when it comes to people. Some people actually are very helpful. You will be surprised on how many people helped me on my travels just because we stopped and talked to each other. Just because you are the head cleric of Odin does not mean you should shut the people of the world out of your life except to lead them into battle.

Tom looked at this pink pony. He took a deep breath to calm himself down, crossed his arms, and closed his eyes. “I’m on my way to find a place to buy food. Vinyl here was…”

Before he could finish, Pinkie bounced up. “Ooh! Ooh! You could come to Sugar Cube Corner! We have plenty of sweets, like cakes and cupcakes and muffins! And Candy! Lots of candy! I’m sure you’d like to eat here. By the way, what are you? You’re not a pony, that’s for sure. Wait! Don’t tell me.” Pinkie started jumping in-between guesses around Tom, as if she was able to teleport or something similar. “You’re…a Leprechaun! No, a Minotaur! A Dwarf! A Brownie! A Fairy? No, Fairies have wings, they annoy little Hylian boys on their quest to save the world. Ooh! You’re a Hylian!”

“Pinkie, I think you’re goin’ too darn fast for this here stranger.” Applejack trotted up towards Pinkie. She looked up at Tom, taking her hat off. “Pard’n my friend here, stranger. Pinkie Pie gets excited when there’s a new face in town.”

Tom had his hand on his face. He felt like just spouting out on how Odin save them if the pink pony made one more guess on what he was. If it wasn’t for the promise he made Newtolm about controlling his anger, he would probably have punched something and left.
Tom took another deep breath. This was pushing his limits, but he was still in control. “I do not eat sweets. Never in my life have I had any, so I will take my lea…”

Pinkie gasped so loud that it drowned out everything. “…You…you never had sweets? This really is an emergency!”

With extreme speed, Pinkie appeared behind Tom, and started pushing him into Sugar Cube Corner. Vinyl and Applejack were left outside, just stunned at what they saw their party friend do.


Tom was pushed into the candy shop, all the way to a free table. Tom must have blinked, because he could see this pink pony not only seat him, but bring a dish of strange food items.

Pinkie held a cupcake in her hooves as an offer. “Here, try one.” She was holding out the cupcake to tempt him.

Tom looked at Pinkie with an unimpressed look on his face. “Do I have to spell it out for you? I do not…” Pinkie attempted to shove the treat into Tom’s mouth, but Tom blocked it with his left hand. Now that Tom was aware of this creature’s intentions, he had his guard up. “…I admire your persistence, but I do not eat sweets.”

Pinkie looked at Tom. “But why? Sweets are delicious and good for you.”

Tom stood up, trying to towering over the pony. “I’ve lived about two lifetimes of the average human, one rather peaceful and one not. I’ve learned that anything sweet in life is normally taken away from you. Even for an elf, life is short, so I have to bring the most of what I can to work for Odin. I do not have time to waste...eating sweets.”

Tom said that last bit with disgust, then he started to walk away as he wiped the icing off of his hand.

Pinkie spoke up with a sad tone before he got far. “But what do you do with your friends? What about birthdays? And other celebrations, like newborns or achievements?”

Tom stopped in his tracks. He looked back at Pinkie with a dull stare. “…I only have comrades. I only have one person who I could talk to on a personal level, and he’s my second hand man. You want friends, talk to Newtolm. He’s friendly. I’m not.” Tom turned back to face the door, only to find the pink pony in front of him.

“You don’t have friends?”

Tom stood there. Why would this pony care at all about him? He could probably kill this pony where she stands, and yet…she just cares for…no reason. Why?

“I only have comrades and sword-at-arms. Anyone who considers me a friend is wrong. I don’t need friends as long as I have comrades who are willing to fight for me.”

Pinkie looked up at Tom. “...But if you don’t have any friends, then it would get lonely.” She turned around towards the door and started to walk towards it. “You only get one chance at life, and there are millions of lives out there. If you close your personal self off from them, then you will be alone in your paradise.”

It took Tom a moment, but what Pinkie had just said made his face darken.

Pinkie continued. “So why don’t you instead share with those other lives out there, even if you never see them again, and grow as a better…not a pony…creature I’ve never…you said elf…elf! Grow as a better elf.”

Tom stood there, still and silent. Pinkie tilted her head, waiting for him to say something. Finally, Tom knelt down on one knee to bring himself to her height, but realized that he wasn’t that much taller than she was, so he was below her chin. He stood up again, adjusting himself so he could face her at her face level. “What was your name, pony?”

Pinkie smiled, gaining her usual cheer back. “My name’s Pinkamena Diane Pie, but you can call me Pinkie Pie, what’s….”

Tom interrupted her. “You want me to take anything you say seriously, Pinkamena Diane Pie, then you’re going to have to do something.”

Pinkie bounced in her spot. “Ooh, ooh! What? What do I have to do?”

“…Impress me.” Tom stood up straight, trying to tower over her again, but only being 4’7”, he didn’t get that high. “If you can impress me, then I’ll eat your sweets that you call cakecups.” Tom started to walk towards the door again.


Tom turned around. “What?”

“They’re called cupcakes. And don’t worry. I’ll get you to eat them before you have to leave. I promise you that. And then we could be friends!”
Pinkie bounced with gusto.

“…Whatever.” Tom pushed the door out of his way, onto the road.

Vinyl and Applejack were talking to each other, both worried about how silent it had gotten. When Tom walked out, Vinyl approached the elf. “…Soooooooooooo, did ya eat?”

Tom continued walking. “Bring me to a place to sleep. I’ve lost my appetite.” His voice sounded like a low growl.

Vinyl was worried that he might do something they’d both regret, so there was only one place she could offer. “…you can crash at my place. We don’t really have an inn, so it’s the least I can do. You know…for saving me and such.”

Applejack walked into Sugar Cube Corner, looking for Pinkie Pie. She was worried that Pinkie felt defeated, and was sulking in the corner.
Then she saw that there was a saddlebag in the middle of the room. Pinkie was seen carrying a large pile of items from upstairs. “What in tarnation? Pinkie? What are you doin?”

Pinkie Pie put the items into the saddlebags. “I’m going to impress that elf, that’s what.”

Chapter 7

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His mother…why did he have to remember his mother?

Those words that Pinkie Pie had said to Tom were similar to that his mother had told him. The pink horse was reminding him of his mother? Of all people he needed to remember in a place of ponies, his mother is coming to his mind?

“H-hey, Tom? Thanks for the save back there. I know we barely know each other and…”

“Vinyl, I need to sleep. Just get me a bed to rest on. I will answer anything you want to ask when I’ve had my rest.”

Vinyl looked up at Tom, about to say on how early in the day it still is, but then she saw the shadow growing on Tom’s face. “…O-okay, man.”

Tom stopped. Vinyl noticed after taking a couple of steps ahead. With a deep breath, Tom knelt down to speak with Vinyl. “I shouldn’t have said it like that...My mind is a jumble at the moment, and the pony at that place reminded me...of something I don’t need to remember at the moment. I might snap if I do not sleep this moment off, unless you know someone who is willing to spar.”

Vinyl shook her head. “I’ll get ya a place to sleep. Just keep ya cool, ‘aight, Tom?” She turned and trotted off in the lead.
Even though he’s easy to snap, I can see that he’s trying. Maybe I Well, I’m in deep in this, whether I want to or not. It’ll probably be better if I keep an eye on him.


It was a chilly winter that day. There were three elves in their travels, going from town to town. Tom was young for an elf back then. Unlike most elves, these three traveled for their lives. Tom looked up at his parents, his mother’s clerical vestments soft even when damp from the melted snow in his grasp. All he could see were their smiles from their faces. He could remember the snow falling softly on his face, when his father attacked him with the snow on the ground. He actually smiled back then, having the carefree snow fights with his parents.

Bringing up these memories only brings up the ‘incident’.

Flames surrounded him, the town he was in was under attack from a hideous creature. A lich. Only his parents were left standing from the mass of corpses surrounding them. A blinding flash of light, and Tom could only see his father’s sword fly towards him.

Tom took his father’s sword, with intentions to give it back, but he saw there what had happened.

A bloodcurdling scream escaped his throat as he saw his dead parents, but his body had charged towards the wounded Lich as he plunged the sword through…



Tom fell over a yellow pegesus, who seemed to have been leading a family of ducks somewhere. Fluttershy was walking backwards, while Tom was spaced out, completely oblivious to the world around him.

Fluttershy was caught under the legs of Tom. “Oh dear…I-I’m sorry, I…I didn’t look wh-where I was going….”

Before anypony could do anything, Tom slammed his fists into the ground. “That does it!” He got up, towering over the pony on the ground. His intimidating stance made the pegesus cover her face with her wings. “Every one of you has been stopping me for no good reason! None of you are warriors, this town not only has a lack of protection, but of personal space! And you have the gall to not even face me!”

“Hey, Tom! Chillax, man! Flutters doesn’t deserve…”

Vinyl got a glare from Tom. “Stay out of it! I’ve been holding it in, but this town is all wrong!” He looked at Fluttershy. “And why even bother with such a task that they could do themselves?! Was it on purpose?! You did it on purpose, didn’t you?!”

“Hey, leave her alone!” A shout from behind him catches Tom’s attention. A blue pegesus with a rainbow mane flies in-between Tom and Fluttershy, defending the cowering pony.

Tom glares at the newcomer, and then glances at the scared faces of the other ponies surrounding him. …Finally, someone has the gall to stand up for what they believe in. Tom draws his sword and plunges it into the ground. “And why should I leave her alone?! It was her fault I fell over!”

Rainbow Dash glared back, even pushing her face up to his. “Nobody blames Fluttershy of anything! She’d never do anything to anypony on purpose! If you pick on Fluttershy, then you’re picking a fight with me!”

That was the magic words for him. “Oh, am I? You are the first one I have met in this town who stood up to me fully.” Tom looked to the left of him. There was a tree with a single dead branch sticking out. Tom took three steps over to the tree, reached up, and ripped the dead branch off. It was a hefty club that he could use. He unattached his cloak of charisma, and pulled out a cape to wear out of his pack instead. “If you want me to leave her alone, however, then let us fight.”

Rainbow Dash had a look of confusion at first, but then glared again. “Fine! If I win, you have to apologize to Fluttershy, right in front of everypony!”

The two of them faced off, the ponies around them backed off even further than they were already.

“Hey, look guys. We don’t have to...” Vinyl spoke up, standing in-between the two, but it was too late.

Rainbow Dash flew straight up, thinking that she had time to prepare any kind of attack she had.
Tom’s cape split in half, becoming a pair of feathery wings. Flying straight up after her, Tom swung a solid hit at Rainbow Dash. The hit sent her flying off to the side, but her expert flying skills got her back on level.

She was still surprised about the fact that Tom could fly. “Wha…? How…! Oh, it…is…on!”

With amazing speed, Rainbow Dash flew straight at Tom, then made a deke around him and struck from behind.

Tom didn’t even have time to react. A solid hit at his back sent him forward. But Rainbow Dash wasn’t done yet. With perfect corners in her flight pattern, she flew under Tom’s position and did an uppercut to his face. Tom didn’t have time to recover, and fell to the ground, into a bush.

“Had enough, you jerk?!” Rainbow Dash hovered over Tom’s position, acting triumphant. “You better be ready to apologize to Fluttershy!”

Tom stood up. He began chanting, summoning power from his god’s blessings. He felt his body feel lighter, as he speed up his body with a haste spell.

Flying up to be level with Rainbow Dash, Tom held the dead branch resting on his shoulder as he rubbed his sore chin. “Such speed. I’ve never seen anything like it. This is the first time I had to use a spell in a spar before. I commend you. But no one can beat me in a straight martial combat.”

“Well, you better be ready to eat those words, cause I’m the best pony here!” Rainbow Dash zoomed forward, going for a head on collision.

Time slowed down for Tom. She was fast, that was for sure. Tom had to focus on the timing of his swing if he wanted to win. Within a moment of time, Tom’s strength shot up, making the swing as fast as it could.

One well placed swing upward struck at Rainbow Dash’s chest, knocking the wind out of her. The dead branch broke, splintering in his grasp. I’ve won, He thought in that short time. Nothing could withstand that amount of force of that swing and be conscious.

This is when forward momentum kicked in. Rainbow Dash’s path was altered only by a little at such close range. There was no time to dodge. The sound of skulls cracking together was heard across the town as the two were sent hurdling towards the main hall building of Ponyvile.

However…there was no collision. A dimensional door appeared out of nowhere, as a hoof reached out for both fighters, bringing them both in.

Chapter 8

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Tom woke up. His head throbbing from the collision, he got up off of the dirt road. He was back with Vinyl and the one called Fluttershy. How did…?

“Well, it is about time you woke up.”

That voice…it sounds familiar…well, that explains why he was back here, and not in a window or something.

Tom sat up. “Newtolm…If anyone were to find me first, of course it would be…”

Newtolm wasn’t there…instead, there was a silver pony with a blonde mane wearing a familiar hat, sitting in front of him. Tom blinked. He looked around, but Newtolm was nowhere to be seen.

“I wonder how long it will take you to realize, Tom.”

Tom spun his head back, but the only creature directly in front of him was the silver pony.

“Newtolm, this better be just you wearing that invisibility ring…” Tom looked around the silver pony, seeing if there were any imprints of touching on the pony’s mane.

“Well, now you are just assuming that magic acts normally here.” Newtolm spoke, but it didn’t make any sense. The words were coming from the pony sitting in front of him.

The silver pony grinned. “Well, I just gave it away, now did I…” A fist swung at him before he could finish.

With quick reflexes, the silver pony moved his head out of the way. “Whoa, Tom! It really is me!”

“Newtolm, this better be a joke.” Tom looked at Newtolm, starting to get ticked off again.

“No joke, Tom. Something with this world’s magic messed with my hat of disguise. Let me explain…”


A few hours earlier…

A shot of pain went through Newtolm’s entire body as he placed the hat on his head. The pain was actually so tremendous that he closed his eyes and fell over. The three ponies watched in horror as they watched his body change in front of their eyes. Newtolm blacked out.

“…Is he alright?” Newtolm hazily heard the one named Fluttershy ask.

“I…I don’t know. He’s still breathing, that’s for sure…but…was that supposed to happen?” The one named Twilight asked back.

“Don’t you see?” The one named Rainbow Dash pointed out to the other two. “This just proves that he’s a spy! Whatever your magic did just
prevented him from running off looking like that!”

Twilight sighed. “Rainbow Dash…was I a spy when I came to Ponyvile?”


“Then let’s give him a chance when he wakes up, alright?”

“I-I think he’s waking up.” Fluttershy said sheepishly.

Newtolm groaned. His body felt like a blue dragon had his way with him. He slowly stirred, opening his eyes and putting his hoof to his head.

Wait…a hoof?

Newtolm lifted his ‘arm’ to inspect it. It wasn’t his, but he was in control of it. He tried moving his fingers, but all he did was wiggle the hoof a bit.

“…So…was that supposed to happen?” Twilight asked.

Newtolm stared at Twilight, his eyes shrinking as his mind now fully comprehended as to what just happened. “…Am I correct to believe that I am now a...pony?”

The three mares nodded. He got up on his two back hooves, but then fell back.

He still had his powers, it seemed. He was still hovering a foot off of the ground. That prevented him from hitting his head. Flipping himself onto all fours, he had the weirdest look on his face. He wasn’t used to this, but of course, who would other than these ponies here?

“So, you are probably wondering why I am a pony now, just like you three.”

Rainbow Dash didn’t look amused from Newtolm’s question. Twilight and Fluttershy merely nodded.

“Well, I would like to know that too. The hat I am wearing has the ability to disguise the person who wears it. I have used this hat that my mother gave me before to hide my draconic nature from the town I grew up by, but it only has the selection of humanoid people. The fact that I am a pony right now should be impossible.”

“So you are a spy!” Dash scowled. “You just admitted that your hat can disguise you.”

Before Newtolm could explain properly, Twilight spoke up. “Dash, he just said that it was to hide his dragon half from his town he lived by. Even if he is a spy, it wouldn’t be to spy on us.”

Rainbow Dash didn’t know how to argue back, so she didn’t speak up while Twilight was thinking.

“Well maybe when my magic made contact with your hat did this? Maybe my magic isn’t compatible with the magic on the hat?”

Newtolm shrugged. “Magic is not a part of my knowledge. I am willing to trust you on this matter.” He reached over his head to try and take the hat off with one hoof, but there was no movement from it. He reached with both front hooves, but it was like the hat was attached to his head.

“It is stuck…Bahamut’s fang, it is stuck!” Newtolm started to actually panic. He tried fruitlessly to push the hat off of his head.

Rainbow Dash watched Newtolm’s struggle, then hovered over him. Giving a sigh, she reached out to him. “…I guess you’re not a spy…no spy would freak out like this. Here, let me help.” She held onto the hat and started to pull. Newtolm pulled back to resist being pulled into the air.

The hat was stuck. That was for sure. This was going nowhere. “Thank you, Ms. Dash, but this is only hurting my head.”

Newtolm sat down as he made a sad chuckle. “Well, at least my mate is a druid. She would not mind this form…”

Twilight put a hoof on his shoulder, trying to comfort him. “We can figure this out. Let’s head back to my home. I’ll figure this out, don’t you worry.”

Newtolm looked up at Twilight, a smile showing up on his face. “I am glad that you are so nice here. Back at home, they would just say it is a curse and drag me to the closest priest.”


Twilight had brought Newtolm back to the castle that she had called home. Fluttershy had noticed that a couple of ducks were having trouble leading their young through town, so she had stopped to make sure that they reached the river safely. Rainbow Dash was called off because somepony had ordered a dangerous cloud by mistake, and now the cloud got loose.

Newtolm was carrying not only his gear, but the two bags that Twilight was carrying earlier. Twilight looked back at Newtolm as she guided him back to the castle. “Thanks for taking those off of me. They were heavy. You sure you got those?”

Newtolm nodded with a smile. “I am quite capable, Princess Twilight. I still have my strength of my dragon heritage it seems, even if it does not look like it. And a gentleman always takes the load for a lady.”

Newtolm took a moment to take in his surroundings, but the main thing that made him wonder was on how this royalty in front of him was so kind. “Anyways, Princess Sparkle, I am glad that it was your care I have fallen into. Only a few members of royalty in my world share the same kindness you are providing.”

Twilight looked at Newtolm. “Well, then your members of royalty need a lesson on friendship.”

Twilight shouted into the halls when she stepped in her castle. “Spike! I’m home!” But there was no answer. “…Huh, I wonder where he disappeared to. Well, anyways, let’s get that hat off of your head, shall we?” Twilight started to head over to the library, pulling books off of the shelves as soon as she entered, looking of a specific one. “Hmm. Should we consider this a curse, or magic that attaches to a pony?”

“This is a wonderful castle, my lady.” Newtolm looked around. “Small, but built with a material I have never seen before.” He tapped the walls. “Quite strong, If my guess is right.”

“Thanks, Newtolm.” Twilight shouted from the library.

Newtolm put everything down on a table in the hallway. “But where are the guards and servants?”

Twilight poked her head out of the library, embarrassed slightly. “Oh...I kinda recently got this castle. I don’t really have anypony at the moment.”

Newtolm gave a chuckle. “Well, if this hat does not withdraw its curse, and I remain a pony forever, then I would be glad to become your first guard, my lady.”

“...Really? Sounds like you’re giving up before we’ve even started.” Twilight was grabbing books off of the shelves. “Don’t worry, I’ll get that hat off and change you back in no time.”

Newtolm looked out the window, peering upon the lovely town that he found himself in. But then he noticed two figures up in the sky. One of them was Rainbow Dash, wasn’t it? And the other one was…

“TOM!” Newtolm ran closer to the window.

Twilight was surprised by the shout that she dropped her books. “Oh please tell me Rarity isn’t possessed again by greed from Discord again. That giant rock was…”

“My lady, please forgive me, but one of my friends is in combat with one of yours. I must go, before they do something they both regret.” Newtolm had turned his head to explain, but snapped his focus back towards the sight he saw from the window. “Bahamut curse it, Tom, have my lessons been for naught?” he opened a dimensional door and ran through, leaving the confused alicorn in a state of shock and amazement.

Chapter 9

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Vinyl was inspecting Newtolm as he had told his story. She even ventured a poke at him. Newtolm looked at Vinyl when he had finished his explanation. “May I help you?” He asked with a smile.

Vinyl tilted her head. “…You’re really a dragon, and not a pony?”

“Half-dragon. But yes…I do not believe we have met. My name is Newtolm. Who might you be, fine maiden?”

Vinyl chuckled. “Fine maiden? You’re talkin like the knights from old folk’s tales.” She lowered her sunglasses with a grin. “I’m Vinyl Scratch, the town’s DJ. I don’t think I deserve the title of ‘fair maiden’, but thanks anyways.”

Newtolm tilted his head. “DJ? Pardon my lack of knowledge of your town, but is that a type of bard?”

Vinyl chuckled again. “I guess you could call me that, if ya have to.”

Tom sat up to get off of the road. “Newtolm, I don’t have the time…”

“Ahem!” Said Rainbow Dash very loudly. Everyone turned their attention to her.

Fluttershy was half hiding behind Rainbow, looking at the elf sheepishly. “I-it’s okay, Rainbow Dash…I-I’ll be alright…”

Rainbow Dash looked back at Fluttershy with a caring look. “Look, I got this.” She turned back to glare and grin at Tom. “Besides, I totally won that fight!”

Tom looked shocked at what he just heard. “What are you talking about?” Tom still remembered getting hit really hard in the head with…well, with her head. There was no way there was any victor. “It was a draw. You fought bravely, pegesus, but you…”

“Aaaaaaactually, Tom…You did lose.” Newtolm sheepishly said aloud.

Tom’s eyes narrowed, then he turned to face his polymorphed comrade. “…Run that by me again.”

Newtolm avoided eye contact with Tom, but he spoke in a clear manner. “You see, Tom, after you two had collided with each other, I had grabbed the two of you and brought you through my dimension door. Ms. Dash over there was still conscious when I laid you on the ground, even if she was disoriented.” He took a deep breath as he finally made eye contact with Tom. “Even the greatest and mightiest of heroes can fall with a head injury. Nothing to be ashamed about.”

“…Newtolm, are you saying…”

Tom was interrupted by a gloating Rainbow Dash. “Well, I am the greatest Pony here in Ponyvile. I’ve stopped many powerful creatures from taking over. I bet you have nothing on me.”

Tom didn’t know who to glare at, this pompous horse or his comrade. Instinctively, Tom reached for the sword that he had left in the ground, and pulled it up violently. This made many ponies jump from their spots. The only pony who made the position to defend was Rainbow Dash.
A sharp pain erupted from Rainbow Dash’s chest. The whack that Tom had made seemed to have finally taken its toll on her. She doubled over, the pain too much to stay afloat. “Oooooowwwwww….”

“Rainbow Dash, are you alright?” Fluttershy, already by her side, put her hooves on Rainbow Dash’s shoulders.
Newtolm ran over to the wounded pony, coming to her aid. “It is alright, Ms Dash. I got you.”

“She needs a doctor. I’ll go to the…”

Vinyl was interrupted by Newtolm. “Forgive me, but I am better than any healer you have.” His attention turned back to Rainbow Dash. “Ms Dash, I know this will sound like the strangest request, but…you are going to have to let me in.”

“Wh-what? What the hay does that mean?” Rainbow Dash tried to squirm away, but the pain in her chest prevented her from moving.

Newtolm placed a hoof her head. “The power I am going to use only works if you do not fight it. I know you do not find me trustworthy, but we do not know how much damage that last swing caused you. I can take away the pain, but you are going to have to trust me.”

Rainbow Dash looked up at Newtolm. All she could do was lie down on the ground, not even able to push this now pony away. What he just said didn’t make any sense. But looking up at him, all she could see was a soft, reassuring smile.

The pain was too much for her to move. She gulped and closed her eyes shut. “O-okay…I’ll trust you.”

Within seconds of Rainbow Dash’s words, the pain was going away. It felt as if it was lifting off of her like a blanket. Rainbow Dash opened her eyes, blinked, then got up. As if she was never hurt, she thumped her chest, and then smiled. She turned around to see her healer. “I don’t know what you did, but thanks, buddy…”

Newtolm’s face was in pain. He could feel which ribs Tom broke in that swing. Rainbow Dash looked at Newtolm, shocked to see his expression. “Hey, buddy! What’s wrong?”

He lifted a hoof just to stop from anypony coming to his aid, then with his psionic power, he started to adjust his body to perfect health. With everything now calm, he looked at Rainbow Dash with a reassuring smile.

With a deep sigh of relief, Newtolm was back to normal. “…No worries, Ms Dash, anything to help those in need.” He made a small bow towards Rainbow. “Now, if you’ll excuse me.”

Angry, he turned his attention back to Tom, who had sheathed his sword. “Tom, I know you are a proud warrior.” Newtolm started to walk towards him. Tom stayed his ground. “You do believe you are the strongest when it comes to combat ability. If Juno was not a lycanthrope, you would probably be able to take him down with ease. But there comes a time in everyone’s life where reality shows you that there are others who are stronger in a different way.” With his psionic ability, Newtolm levitated himself to Tom’s eye level. “If you know what is good for you, you will apologize to Ms. Fluttershy, whom Ms. Dash had fought valiantly against you to defend her, right now.”

Tom stared right back at the glare Newtolm gave. If he wasn’t a pony right now, Tom would probably feel threatened. But he still felt that this was his comrade. Newtolm was the one who brought him back from a point of no return when it came to interaction with people.
This would hurt his pride more than anything. It was a good thing that Newtolm was the only one of his comrades who was here to witness. Tom walked over to the two pegesi. He looked at the one named Fluttershy. Undoing the strap that held up his sword’s sheath, Tom held the sheathed sword point down in front of him. Fighting his pride, he knelt down on one knee.

“In glorious combat, your champion has defeated me. By Odin’s hand, I have lost at what I am best at. Many opponents have been defeated by my sword arm, and very few have escaped the jaws of defeat. But here, today, Odin has shown me that my actions were unjust…and for that…” A knot was in Tom’s throat. He really didn’t want to admit anything. But here he was…kneeling down…admitting defeat…to multi-colored ponies. “…I…I…”

Newtolm looked surprised. Did he just break his friend? He walked over, but Tom grit his teeth when he could feel the presence behind him. “I ask for forgiveness of my actions. My mind was clouded…” A hoof placed onto Tom’s shoulder.

“…Tom…a simple ‘I’m sorry’ would suffice.” Vinyl said. Tom opened his eyes and looked at the dj pony. She had a grin on her face, reassuring him that everything was better now.

“…What did I miss when I was changed into the equine race?” Newtolm looked confused, but then chuckled. “Well, no matter. This is quite the improvement, Tom.”

Rainbow Dash looked at Fluttershy. “Is that good enough for you, Fluttershy?”

The yellow pegesus fluttered over to the elf, very shy as she approached. “…Um…well…thank you…sir…” She made a small bow towards Tom. “I…I accept your apology.”

A quack broke out. Fluttershy whipped around to see the ducks were blocked by some ponies who were still dumbfounded by what had transpired. “Oh dear, I better get back to helping them. Bye Rainbow Dash…Bye sirs…” She flew over, excusing her way through some ponies to clear a path.

Newtolm patted Tom on the back. “Alright, Tom, I am going to be at this town’s castle. Hopefully, Princess Twilight will be able to remove the hat and change me back. I do not suggest that you follow me until you have calmed that rage of yours, but I do not know of any inns in this place.”

Vinyl spoke up before Tom could answer. “I already invited him to crash at my place. If it’s alright with you, I could look after him.”

Tom looked at Vinyl in disbelief. What was he, a human child? Before he could speak, Newtolm answered in wide-eyed surprise. “That…that is perfect. Tom could use a change of pace. Besides, he could use some more time to learn to except the peace of this world.”

Tom glared at his comrade. The fact that Newtolm was looking at him with the face of a pony didn’t help. But…there was truth to the words. If he was to have a better social standing with the people, and rather than rule with intimidation, he would need to give in from time to time.

“Ms Dash, would it be too much to ask of you to direct me back to Princess Twilight’s home?” Newtolm looked over at Rainbow Dash, but she rested her hoof over his shoulder.

“Just call me Dash. I’ll lead ya to her, Newtolm.” The two started to walk off towards the castle

Vinyl looked up at Tom. “So am I gonna expect some other outburst if I do take ya to my house? I live with a friend of mine, so I don’t want you
harassing her either.”

Tom brought his hand to his face. “If I get to even a seat, I’ll probably just sleep.”

Chapter 10

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“Hey Octi!” Vinyl shouted out towards the inside of the house. “I’m home! I hope you don’t mind company!”

Tom looked around the room that he had entered. The room was two different colors, as if someone had made a spell to create another room with a wall missing for the other room. It was clear that the two sides had different styles, with two long...chairs?... on either side. A large instrument on one side of the room looked like an oversized fiddle. On the other side was a strange...shrine? Something was on the other side of the room, but he wasn’t sure what it was. Frankly, he didn’t care at the moment. He just wanted to rest.

A few hoofsteps was heard from the kitchen. “Vinyl, how many times have I told you, warn me beforehoof when you’re bringing compannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnny….” Octavia had just stepped out into the living room when she saw the newcomer with her friend, her eyes wide in surprise.

Vinyl chuckled nervously. “Hehe…yeah…about that…you see, I kinda just stumbled upon him this afternoon. Octi, this is Tom. Tom, this is my best friend Octavia.”

Tom merely nodded at Octavia, acknowledging her existence. “Good Evening.” He looked back to Vinyl. “I need to rest. If there are no beds available, I will take out my bedroll. Just a space will do.”

“Oh, you could just take my couch if ya want.” Vinyl patted the long seat on her side of the room. “Rather comfy. I sometimes crash on it myself I’m up late with gigs.”

Tom didn’t understand what she had just said, but he was too tired to care. He started to take off his breastplate.

“Vinyl, can I talk to you privately?” Octavia clearly showed her discomfort, but she tried her best to hide it.

“Wha…? Oh, sure.” Vinyl walked over to her friend, but then turned back to look at Tom. “Oh, anything I can get ya, Tom?”

Tom looked lost in thought, but then shook out of it. “Hmm? A cup…I will open one of the wine bottles I bought.”

Vinyl nodded, but then she noticed that she was being pulled by her tail into the kitchen. Vinyl looked at Octavia. She lowered her voice, suspecting what was wrong with her friend. “Okay, look Octi. I know that he’s different, and he does seem a bit rude at first, but...”

Octavia had a panicked look on her face. “Vinyl, what is that...thing? It’s one thing to have one of your other dj friends, but...but...what is...?”
Vinyl lifted her hoof to stop her friend while she opened the cubbord for some cups. “Octi, I stumbled into this guy at the edge of town. After seeing what this guy is like, I’ve taken it upon myself to see he don’t cause trouble, ‘aight? Even his friend thinks it’s good for him. I need you to just be nice to him. He already caused a scene earlier, but had himself shown his place by the Dash. Hopefully, we’ll see a better dude in the morning.” She smiled. “He’s actually a chivalrous guy, even if he’s blunt and rude.”

Octavia blinked, not exactly sure what was being said. Against her better judgement, Octavia trusted her friend.

Vinyl walked into the living room, with three cups in her magical grasp. “Hey, Tom. Mind if we have some of the wine too?”

Tom looked at the cups being levitated in front of him. If he didn’t live with wizards at his guild, he’d probably be unnerved about this. But he simply poured wine into the three cups in front of him, then placed the bottle onto the table in front of him. Grasping one cup in his hand, he held it while Vinyl gave the other cups to Octavia and herself.

Lifting the cup, with a goofy grin, Vinyl shouted “To a new beginning with new friends!”

Tom, unamused, simply raised his cup and said “And to good health.” With a strong swig, Tom drank the cup in one go. The others drank leisurely at the wine.

Tom looked at the bottle, then poured himself another cup. “Good wine. If I did not buy ten bottles, I would ask of you to bring me back there, Vinyl.”

Vinyl grinned. “I know, right? Berry Punch has the best, even when low on stock.”

Octavia looked at Tom, clearing her throat. “Excuse me, Mr. Tom. I just have to ask you of something.” Tom looked at Octavia. “I normally practice my music early in the morning. If you are going to sleep here, are you going to...?”

Tom shook his head. “I have many bards show up at my guild, playing many songs early in the morning. If you wish to practice your art in your own home, there is nothing stopping you from doing so.” He took another swig, then grabbed his bedroll. “I’ve had a stressful day. I’m going to sleep now...if you don’t mind.” He seemed to shoehorn that last bit, remembering Newtolm’s lessons of being polite.

“ ‘Aight. Night, Tom. We’ll talk in the morning.” Vinyl finished her drink, and both ponies got up to leave the elf with his thoughts for the night.


Rainbow Dash guided Newtolm back to Twilight’s castle. Newtolm, struggling with his new form, made a bow towards Rainbow Dash. “Thank you, Ms. Dash.”

“Please, stop being so formal. I’m not used to it. And I said before, just call me Dash.” Rainbow Dash shook her head. “Anyways, how did you do that earlier? I could have sworn that I had broken bones there, and now they’re not broken at all.”

Newtolm smiled. “As a psychic, I have learned powers that can help others. Unfortunately, that power I have does not heal the injury, it just...moves it to myself.”

“So, that pained look you had...”

“Was your broken ribs becoming my broken ribs, yes.”

Rainbow Dash looked at Newtolm with a worried look. “...I was mean to you before, claiming you were a spy, and stuff...And yet, you did that for me. Why?”

Newtolm tilted his head. “Why? I help those who are in need. Anyone...or, anypony in this case, is not going to be left injured because of my friend’s insensitive actions. If it was not for his pride, he probably would have healed you, anyways, but I was closer.”

Rainbow Dash looked at the distance towards where she thinks Tom is now. “Yeah, that friend of yours...He’s such a jerk.”

Newtolm nodded. “Yes, he does not seem to hold onto the lessons I have taught him to be nice well, does he?”

With a raise of her eyebrow, Rainbow Dash gave the weirdest look. “Wait...lessons? You’ve been giving him lessons to be nice?”

Newtolm nodded. “Yes. Would you believe that he was such a grouch in the past that he kicked peasants to get them to fight back and stand up for themselves? He believes that everyone has to fend for themselves, and he used to beat that message into every cowering person that approached him. I finally got him to stop the kicking, but he is still expecting there to be warriors ready to defend their homes.” Newtolm lowered himself so he was only an inch off the ground instead of a foot, so he could be more level with Rainbow Dash. “...Dash...I must thank you, from my deepest gratitude, that you not only shown him the warrior in you, but the fact that you won by staying conscious after that deadly blow. He needed someone to beat him in combat to show that he is not the strongest. You truly are a wonderful mare.” He took Rainbow Dash’s hoof and kissed it, like a gentleman would of his world. It was still weird that he had this new form, but that wouldn’t stop him from being a gentleman.

Rainbow Dash took her hoof away, blushing from the praise and this act of Newtolm’s. “Well, yeah, I’m awesome, but you don’t have to...”

The door opened by a wide-eyed Twilight. “So...can you teach me that kind of teleportation? I can teleport too, but I’ve never seen anything like that before.”

Newtolm and Dash looked at Twilight, taken aback by the interruption. Newtolm cleared his throat. “Well, my lady, that might be a little difficult. There is the magical version of that power, but I do not know if they have the same properties. And even if I did know, I do not know if your magic is the same. Anyways, as much as it would be nice to teach, I believe there are some more pressing matters.” He said as he pointed to his hat.

“Oh, right. You just disappeared into that door you made, and I kind of lost track on what was happening. I tried looking at any books I had about teleporting, and found nothing of that kind that you did.” Twilight had a couple of books levitating around her. She ushered Newtolm to come inside. “Dash, do you want to come in too?” Twilight looked at Rainbow Dash.

Dash was sort of in a daze, but was shaken out when she heard her friend call her name. “Wah...? Oh. Nah, I got to get more food for Tank.” She looked towards Newtolm, who was starting to walk inside. “So, after you get that hat off, how long are you going to stay?”

Newtolm stopped to look at the both of them. “I need to find my other friend, Juno. If there has not been any talk about a bear walking through town, then he would probably be in the forest. Then the three of us would probably have to find the creature we were fighting before it causes any more damage” Newtolm gasped. “...Oh dear...I completely forgot about that, did I?” Newtolm gave a sigh. “I just hope that thing does not make a move tonight. You might need some people...I mean, some ponies to stand guard tonight.”

Twilight and Dash looked at each other. Twilight spoke. “We...we don’t really have anypony guard the town at night. It’s been very peaceful here since we’ve defeated the major threats to Ponyville.”

“...But, surely, you must have those same warriors who defeated those threats, then. You are probably going to have call upon those warriors.” Newtolm walked into the hall.

“Well, ya lookin’ at two of them.” Dash proclaimed.

Newtolm’s ears perked up, then turned around to look at the two. “Well, if that is the case, then that saves myself a lot of trouble. I would have talked about this sooner, but the hat transforming my body, then Tom fighting you, Dash...” Newtolm shook his head. “I-I should stop rambling. Please, call upon these other warriors who have triumphed by your side! This is important!”

Dash looked at Twilight. “Well, if this is important, I’ll go get the others. You help with his hat problem.” And with lightning speed, Dash took off into the sky to find their friends.

Twilight looked back to Newtolm. “Well, if this is important, then I should try to get that hat off now.” She looked at her bookshelf, pulling off books to look at their titles.

Chapter 11

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Juno was still confused. Sure, he was part animal, and he could talk, but this was too much. Not only was this Zebra talking (and rhyming), but she also lived in a tree that resembled a house. And she was making potions! Was this some kind of witchdoctor that had an experiment gone wrong?

Juno and Tia were given tea by this Zebra. Tia was taking a leisure sip, finding the taste quite pleasant. “I thank you for bringing us out of the wild. Might I ask for your lady?”

The zebra smiled as she put some herbs into her cooking pot. “Zecora is my given name. Might I ask you for yours to proclaim?”

Tia smiled back. “My name is Tia, a wild mage.”

Juno was still dumbfounded by the fact that he was watching a rhyming zebra make something in the cauldron, but introductions were still introductions. “I’m Juno. I’m a fighter.”

Tia looked over at Juno. “I think you’re forgetting to mention the fact that you’re a bloody lycanthrope!”

Juno was taken out of his daze, looking at Tia. “Well, excuse me for trying to be nice. I don’t think the first thing people want to hear is ‘I’m really a bear’!”

Zecora lifted an eyebrow, a bit confused. “You, a bear? You do not have nearly enough hair.”

“He’s a shape-shifter. He hides the fact he is one.” Tia looked angry at Juno.

Juno growled. “Look, I don’t have time to waste drinking tea and listen to you accuse me of going to eat you in your sleep! I have to find my friends and kill that demon! If I knew you were going to be this bitchy, I would have just lopped your head off, instead of saving you!”
Tia was taken aback by Juno’s words. Saving her? What did he mean?

Zecora cleared her throat. “What you mean is you are not friends? Then what you should do now is make amends.” Zecora took a flower off of one of her shelves and put it into the pot. “Maybe you should tell us of your quest. It might help this one, but her the best.”

Juno, calming himself down, took a deep breath. “There’s this demon, see? He must have been summoned by accident by Tia’s magic. It took her over, and tried taking the small town Felton. We took the demon on, but miss wild magic here took us for a joy ride, and next thing I know, I’m hanging upside-down with those things trying to bite my head off.”

Tia looked at Juno. “’re saying that I...?”

“You had a collar around your neck. I tore it off, thinking you’d be still under control of that demon.” Juno took another deep breath. “Being born as a lycanthrope, I was discovered and taken as a slave. I know what it’s like to not have your own will.” Juno took a swig of the tea, but it was too hot for his tongue. “Ah! Hot!”

Zecora had a cup of water ready, and let his mouth cool down. “This demon that plagued your town is trouble, but something tells me that your troubles are double.”

The two looked at Zecora. “What do you mean?” The two asked at the same time.

“This town of Felton is nowhere to be heard. And something tells me that this isn’t the last of your trouble curd.” Zecora took a ladle and poured the potion into a cup. “The forms that you two own are not the one you will see. The race of the citizens of Equestria is the pony.”

Tia’s eyes widened at the moment Zecora said that.

Juno blinked twice, not registering what was just said. “...What?”

Tia looked at Juno. “We’re no where near the town of Felton. If what Zecora said is true, then we’re not even in the same world.”
“ on how Newtolm was sent to the land of Limbo with that hall of wish-thing?” Juno looked outside. “But it looks so much like our world.”

Tia got up, poking at Juno’s shoulder, then pointing at Zecora. “You probably thought that Zecora was a person that had an experiment gone wrong, right? Well, push that thought out. She was born a zebra, and this world has many horse-like creatures instead of humanoids.”

Juno blinked. “...Again...what? You’re saying...” Juno finally got the message. “...Oh...I’ve got to find my friends...” Juno got up. “Zecora, please. Where is the closest town? That would help me find my friends.”

Zecora took a couple of bottles out and poured the potion into them. Then she put them into a saddle bag. “You will follow me through the brush, where there are some dangerous plants. These potions will help from their sickness, but you might be protected by your pants.” Zecora walked out the door, and with a smile she headed towards Ponyville. Tia gathered her bag, as Juno equipped his weapons.

Chapter 12

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Spike was happy. Not only did Rarity ask him to help her today, but she also gave him a basket of gems for helping her. “Ah, nothing could be sweeter. I’m glad she came by the castle. These might be the leftovers from her collection for that dress, but knowing these came from Rarity makes this basket sweeter than any treasure hoard.” Humming a little tune, he walked home. But then he noticed there was a flash of light coming from the windows. “Huh...I wonder what Twilight is up to?”

Spike walked in, going towards the library. When he reached the doors, he saw another pony sitting on a chair as Twilight was looking through the books around her. “That didn’t work either. I don’t understand why it’s not working? I’ve tried everything from removing cursed items to despelling the magic. Nothing seems to work.”

“Princess Twilight, my lady, I appreciate the amount of work you are putting into fixing my problem, but do not overexert yourself for my sake. Casting spell after spell must be tiring, and as much as I need this hat off as soon as possible, you must not take too much of your spell casting ability for one job.” Newtolm got off the chair.

“Twilight, what happened that you have to get this pony’s hat offwhyisthatponyfloating?” Spike dropped his basket of gems in surprise.

The two ponies turned to look at the frightened dragon. “Oh, Newtolm. This is my trusty helper, Spike. Spike, this is Newtolm.” She gathered Spike’s pile of gems with her magic and put them into his basket. “Spike, I know it seems weird, but Newtolm here did that when I first met him.”

Newtolm walked towards Spike with a friendly smile. “A pleasure to meet you, Spike. I apologize about startling you. I am a psychic, and no longer have the restraint of the ground to affect me.” He offered his hoof for a handshake.

Spike was a little weirded out by this, but still shook his hoof. “Uh...nice to meet you too.”

Newtolm lowered himself to give Spike more comfort. “If you do not mind me asking, what is your race?”

“Can’t you tell? I’m a dragon.” Spike puffed his chest up to make himself more macho.

Newtolm looked confused. “You are a dragon?” He looked at Spike’s back. “But if that is true, where are your wings?”

It was Spike’s turn to look confused. “Huh? My wings?...Well...Twilight, did I have wings when I hatched?”

Twilight looked in thought. “...I don’t recall you ever had wings before. Newtolm, why should it matter? You didn’t have wings before you changed.”

Newtolm cleared his throat. “That is because I am half dragon. Not every half dragon gets wings. And just because I am polymorphed into this equestrian form does not mean I feel no pride in how my body was born.”

“Waitwaitwait wait, what is this about being a half dragon?” Spike had even more confusion show up on his face.

Newtolm sighed. “Forgive me, little hatchling, for not explaining fully of what I am. This body you see before you is not the my real body. I have changed because the magic of my hat had mixed with my lady’s magic, and now it changed me into this pony body. I am actually half dragon, half elf.”

Spike had mixed thoughts about this. It was possible for a dragon and another race to have a child? Is it possible that if he were to marry Rarity, he could have kids? How do you have kids, anyways?

“Anyways, Spike, could you help me put these books away? I’m going to take his advice and take a break.” Twilight started to gather her books off of the ground.

Spike started to pick up some books. Newtolm moved to help, but he tried to pick it up with one hoof, instinctively thinking he had hands. “...Oh...”

Twilight chuckled. “You’ll get used to picking things up with your mouth. Or holding things with one hoof, if you get used to it.”

Newtolm sighed. “I do apologize, but I am so used to be the one helping others. The fact I cannot even help by picking up books is...disturbing me. This form is not one I might not get used to at all.”

Spike looked at Newtolm. “Why can’t you just use your 'psychic powers' to levitate these books?” He wiggled his fingers in the air, half mocking the mystical powers that he'd never heard of before.

Newtolm shook his head. “This power only works on myself. And most of the powers I have learned only affect myself, with very little affecting others. Levitation is only limited by myself only.” Newtolm moved over to the pile of equipment in the corner to move them, only to feel like he could help.


After the books were all put away, there was a knock on the library door. “Twilight? We’re all here.” Dash was heard on the other side of the door.

Twilight opened the door with her magic. “Come on in, guys.”

To Newtolm’s surprise, one of the four other ponies to arrive was Fluttershy. He didn’t know who the other three were, but Fluttershy was one of them. “Hello there, Mr. Newtolm. Nice to see you again.”.

Before he could ask about how Fluttershy was one of the warriors he asked for, the pink one came bouncing in. “I hope this doesn’t take to long. I’ve got a big day planned tomorrow!”

“I hope you don’t really mean to impress that tall critter ya dragged into Sugar Cube Corner earlier, sugar plum.” An orange pony shook her head. “That fella didn’t look in the mood for sweets, let alone in the mood for smilin’.”

“Wait, are you two talking about...”

Newtolm was about to ask what those two were talking about, when the white pony with a shiny, purple mane walked in saw him and gasped. “Oh no, darling. That look will just not do. That hat looks so...old! That can’t do for such a charming stallion like yourself. I must fix that, and give you an outfit that will suit you.”

Newtolm was taken aback from this sudden outburst. What was this pony on about. He put his hoof over his head, holding onto his hat. “Pardon me, madam, but what is this about my look?”

“Well, you have a such a beautiful silver coat of fur, and your blonde mane is only a little messy, but that hat is an ugly color on you. If you come by my home, I can make you look fabulous, darling.”

“Rarity, can you lay off?” Rainbow Dash got in between Newtolm and the one named Rarity. “Didn’t I tell ya that he’s the one who got transformed? That hat is stuck to his head!”

Twilight smiled. “Well, Newtolm, these are my friends, and the warriors you need...”

Newtolm shook his head, interrupting Twilight. “Ladies, please, I asked to call upon you because of something important. But before I start...” He looked at the six ponies in front of him. “...Please do not take this the wrong way, but...are you six...really the only warriors in this town?”

Rainbow Dash looked at Newtolm, scrunching her face a bit. “What, not impressed? You were just commenting on how awesome I was fighting your jerk friend not that long ago.”

“I did not mean to question your strength, is Ms. Fluttershy one of the warriors you talked about? Ms. Fluttershy, you do not seem to be the kind to hurt a fly, let alone anyone...anypony.” Newtolm looked at the other three. “And before I become any more rude as I have been now, my name is Newtolm. Might I ask of your names, and how you are the warriors that had triumphed your past trials?”

“Well, mah name is Applejack. I’ma farmer in Green Apple Acres.” Applejack had taken off her hat, being nice.

“My name is Rarity, darling. I’m a designer of the best clothes in Equestria.” Rarity positioned herself dramatically, showing off her best side. “And my offer still stands if you need a nice suit to slip into.”

The pink one seemed to have disappeared. Newtolm looked around the room for a second, until he looked to his left. “And my name is Pinkie Pie!” How many times was Newtolm going to be taken aback in one day? He feels like if he was on his best day and could spot a white rabbit in the middle of a snowy field, he’d still wouldn’t be able to tell when and how this pink pony snuck up on him. “I’m the town’s best party pony. You need a party, I’m your pony. And because you’re new in Ponyville...” Suddenly, confetti spewed out from random locations. “We have to have your ‘welcome to Ponyville’ party!”

With a dessert in hoof, Newtolm blinked. How did he even get this? He didn’t see her have any of these spongy things on her when she came into the room. This seemed to have snowballed so far away from what he needed to talk about. “Ms. Pie, please. I do not mean to cut celebrations short, but there is a reason why I called upon you.” To make things more comfortable for himself to hold the strange food item, he sat back in the air so he could hold it in both hooves. Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie gasped.

“What in tarnation?”

“How is this possible? You’re an Earth Pony.”

“Cool! Do a slow-motion flip!”

Newtolm gave a sigh. “Please, ladies, can we focus on the task at hand? I still need to know how you are all warriors that had defended this town.”

Twilight stepped forward, clearing her throat. “Well, Newtolm, we have a power that most ponies who try to cause harm cannot withstand. We six are the wielders of the Elements of Harmony.”

Newtolm raised a questioning eyebrow. “Elements...of Harmony?”

Everypony nodded. “Given to us by the Tree of Harmony, the Elements of Harmony allows us to stop those who try to bring chaos to the land of Equestria. We’ve used this power many times, and we know how to use it for good.” Twilight smiled. “With the power of our friendship, we were able to take down and convert Nightmare Moon and Discord, and defeated the tyrant Tirrak. That’s only naming a few of our victories.”

“...That...if what you say is true, that makes this situation quite comforting. Using friendship to defeat tyrants...” Newtolm looked the six. “But even so, this problem of mine has become yours because my comrades and I failed to stop it. I do not wish to burden you with our problem...”

Rainbow Dash put her hoof on Newtolm’s shoulder. “Hey, all six of us are awesome. We can take on anything thrown at us. Tell us what this problem is and we’ll fix it in no time.”

Newtolm looked at Dash with sad eyes. “...It is not that simple. The problem is that my comrades and I were facing a demon named Korthak. I do not know what kind of demon it was, but it seemed to be the kind who would dominate any who stood against it. And to make things worse, I have no idea where this demon is now...If one of my comrades is here as well as I, then there is a high chance that everyone else who was caught in that tear are also in this land.” He carefully flipped himself back on all fours, still holding the strange gift Pinkie gave him. “This demon could be capable of doing anything, depending on what is out there to dominate. We need to plan for the worst.”

“...You need to cheer up a little.” Pinkie bounced around Newtolm. “Eat the cupcake. I was saving it for the elf I met earlier, but you might need it more right now than he does.”

Newtolm watched the pink pony bounce around with upset eyes, but seeing the cheer this pony had kind of stirred those feeling away. With a nod of agreement, he started to get his usual cheer back. “...Yes, you are probably right, Ms. Pie. Dreading on things like this is bad for moral. Thank you for this... ‘cupcake’.” He was about to take a bite, when the words she said finally hit him. “...Wait...elf?...Have you met Tom?”

Chapter 13

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If there was ever a bet that Juno made to say he would run into a village where every person who lived here was some kind of horse, then he would probably loose that bet. Night was starting to settle in the town, but there were still a few ponies walking out.

“Well, we’re definitely not in Felton anymore, let alone our county...” Tia proclaimed.

Zecora walked froward. “Princess Twilight is probably the one you should seek. Her home is in the castle, beyond that creek.”

“Thanks. Lets go.”

Juno strutted forward, but then stopped by something grabbing his hand. He looked at what grabbed him, and to his surprise there was a bright green unicorn was there. “I finally found you.” She said in a cheerful tone.

The three looked at each other, a little confused. Tia ventured towards the unicorn. “May we help you, miss?”

“Your friend told me to find you, and I found you.” The unicorn started jumping around them. “He promised me something, and I’m going to get it now. I’m sure you want to see him now, right? Oh, before I forget, my name is Lyra. What’s yours?”

“My name is Tia. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Lyra.” She bent over to give the unicorn a handshake, which Lyra shook with such pleasure.
Juno was a little cautious. “...Juno...look, I have to ask...which friend are you talking about? Was he a happy person, or was he a grouch, or was he some red skinned thing?”

Lyra looked up at Juno in thought. “Well, I’d have to say he was the grouch.”

Juno let out a sigh of relief. “Okay, you’ve met Tom. Good.”

Tia looked at Juno. “Tom?”

“Yes, he’s the head of the guild of mercenaries I’m a part of. My boss.” Juno started to smile. “Even if he’s an ass, I’ve never been happier to hear he’s okay.”

Lyra lifted her eyebrow in confusion. “I don’t know what kind of donkeys you have where you come from, but that doesn’t matter. Lets go get you guys to him.” With that, she made a happy trot to her destination.

“To Twilight’s castle I will be. After you regroup, I suggest that she is the next you see.” Zecora started to trot off.

Tia bowed to Zecora. “Thank you for guiding us out of the forest, Zecora!”

Zecora waved back towards the two.

Juno was already following Lyra, just happy that he was about to see his boss again. Well...that’s a first.

He noticed that Tia was following him. “You know, you could have gone with Zecora. Tom would be glad to know you’re no longer possessed, but you don’t have to meet the grouch.”

Tia looked at Juno, but then looked away. “...I should apologize about my behaviour earlier...Back in Zecora’s hut, you said it was my fault I got possessed. Guess I didn’t have any memory of what happened...” Then she looked panicked. “Oh...oh gods, are the people alright? They wouldn’t have any...”

Before she could go on, Juno raised his hand to stop her. “They’re alright. Only one injury, and the whole village ran to our doorstep to drive out the demon. There were a lot of imps living in the place in their stead, but we killed most of them. Just the demon left.” Juno didn’t have the heart to say that the one injury involved a missing arm, but with a powerful cleric there, it was easily fixed at the time.
After a moment of silence during their walk, Juno talked to Lyra again. “...Sooo, if you don’t mind me asking, Lyra, what did Tom promise you?”

Lyra smiled a big, happy grin. “Hands.”

“...Excuse me?”

“I want hands. You two of all ponies should know just how wonderful hands are.”

Tia looked at Juno. “Juno, is this Tom a wizard?”

Juno shook his head. “No, he’s a cleric of Odin. But we have this Transmuter in our guild who can work wonders. A great craftsman of many treasures and artifacts.” Juno looked at Lyra. “Sorry to spoil your happiness Lyra, but we’ll have to contact our guild first before you get your hands.”

Lyra looked a little down. “Oh...okay then.”

Juno knelt down in front of Lyra. “Hey, cheer up. Tom is the one who promised you, right? He might be a jerk from time to time, but I have never seen him lie to anyone but to some bandits who tried to kill us one time. And that was only one time.” Juno ruffled Lyra’s mane. “If Tom promised you hands, then he will keep his word. In the guild, his word is law. And if he says to give you hands, then our wizard will do so.”

Lyra looked up at Juno, a bit teary eyed, but with a smile. “Thanks, big guy. At least I know he won’t break his word now. Anyways, if he’s still with Vinyl, then we’re here.”

Lyra walked up to a house just to the side of where they were standing, and gave a couple of knocks.

In a moment, Vinyl opened a window from the upstairs window. “Shhh. He’s asleep. Oh, hi Lyra.” She waved at Lyra, but then looked at the other two guests. “Well, friends of Tom’s, I’ma guessin?”

Juno nodded. “Yeah. Can I see him?”

“I suggest you see him in the morning. He did not have a good first day in Ponyville. Though, your friend Newtolm is in town as well.”

“Newtolm’s here too?” Juno’s sigh of relief was a large one.

“Yeah. Go see the Princess. He’s staying at her place for the night.”

“Thank you, unicorn!” Juno started to run in a direction.

Tia shouted after him. “Wait! You don’t even know where to go, do you?”

Juno shouted back. “I have a keen nose! I’ll just smell for Zecora! Also, I think I’ll know a castle when I see one!”

Vinyl bit her bottom lip. “...Hey, I should have probably told him before he left...”

Tia looked up. “What do you mean?”

“Well...ya see...Newtolm is...”

Chapter 14

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Pinkie Pie had just told Newtolm about how she met Tom, in very fast detail. A lesser man would have been lost in the description, but Newtolm heard and registered every word.

“...And he told you that you have to...impress him?”

“Yup! And that’s why I got my bag of tricks.” Pinkie started to pull out a couple of items out, that seemed too big for the bag. Guess she had a bag of holding, too?

Before he could tell Pinkie Pie about how to impress Tom, there was a knock on the front door of the castle. Twilight looked towards the door. “Wonder who that could be?”

With Twilight’s magic, the door swung open to Zecora. “Princess Twilight, to disturb is not my intent. But there are some strange creatures that have been sent.”

“Zecora!” Twilight rushed over to the door to hug her friend, as the others moved over to join in.

Newtolm walked over to the newcomer, wondering who she was.

Zecora looked at Newtolm, but was amazed to what she saw. “My, do my eyes not believe what they see? Is that the floating figure of an earth pony?”

Twilight cleared her throat, letting there be a space for the two to be introduced. “Zecora, this is Newtolm. Newtolm, this is Zecora.”

Newtolm made a bow towards Zecora. “A pleasure to meet you, Ms. Zecora. I am a psychic, so that is how I am floating, if that is your concern.”

Before anything could be said, a loud banging could be heard again.

“Now who could that be?”

Before Twilight could open the door again, a loud voice could be heard. “Newtolm! It’s me, Juno! Open the door!”

Newtolm panicked a little. “Oh dear...He does not know of my current predicament...” With a deep breath, he started to walk towards the door. “...Guess I will have to break the bad news like you would with a bad splinter.”


Juno was still banging on the door, when Tia and Lyra came running behind him. “Wait, Juno! Your friend is...”

The door opened to a silver pony with a blonde mane and a familiar hat on. Juno looked down at the pony. He was about to bear hug Newtolm, but realized that he wasn’t there. “Hi, yes, is Newtolm here? I was told he was here.”

With a sigh, the silver pony responded. “Yes, Juno, he is here.”

Juno took a moment. Tia and Lyra finally caught up with Juno, a bit out of breath. Tia patted Juno’s shoulder to get his attention, but he was still trying to register what had just transpired. “...Newtolm? No jokes, please. You can take your invisibility ring off, now.”

Lyra spoke up to Juno. “Vinyl, the pony with your friend Tom, told us that something happened to Newtolm. Apparently, something to do with his hat and the princess’ magic...and now he’s...a pony.”

Juno’s eyes widened as he stared at the silver pony and listened to Lyra’s words. Could this pony standing before him be...


Newtolm looked up at his friend. “Unlike with Tom, I will not toy with you about what had transpired. This form you see...”

Juno, panicking, grabbed Newtolm in a bear hug. “That demon did this to you! I’ve got to get you out of this town! That will change you back!”

Juno, carrying his friend, ran towards the town’s exit. But before he could get far, Newtolm opened a dimension door and change their direction to end up towards the castle wall.

A loud boom shook the castle as Juno made full impact to the wall. The two tumbled over.

Newtolm got up as he looked at the wall. “Ha! I knew that these walls were harder than they look. Not even a crack.” He turned to see his friend, who was seeing stars. “Are you alright, Juno? I did not mean to hurt you, but you were being hysterical, and not many things can stop you once you get going.”

“I’m alright, little Kyle. Just give me a minute, and I’ll build your sand castle.” Juno slurred, disoriented of everything.

Everypony went on the side of the castle to see the loud noise, to all of them to see the two on the ground. Rainbow Dash flew over to Newtolm. “Was that really the best way to stop him? He could have broke a window if he hit one.”

Newtolm chuckled. “Juno was always a little panicky when it came to things out of his control.”

“A little? If anyone else saw that, they would think you were being kidnapped by a mad man.” Tia stepped forward to kneel over at Juno. “Are you alright, you big lug?”

“Excuse me, miss. I do not believe we have met properly.” Newtolm walked over to Tia. “You were the wild mage that the demon had taken over, are you not? Tia was your name, correct?”

Tia nodded. “Yes. If it wasn’t for your friend here, I’d still be under the control of that demon you fought.” She looked back at Juno. “I think he’s coming around.”

Juno shook his head. “Oww...Newtolm, next time, just let me fall from a higher hight. I’d rather fall than charge that wall again.”

“Juno, forgive me. But you of all people should know how hard it is to stop you.” Newtolm patted his back. “Now get up, as I will introduce you to her highness.”

He walked towards Twilight, and made a small bow. “Forgive the interruption, my lady, and the unjust use of your castle. There was little I could do. This is my friend, Juno. And this is the wild mage who had escaped the clutches of the demon Korthak, Tia.” He looked the two behind him. “Juno, Tia, you stand before Princess Twilight Sparkle, and her royal subjects: Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Zecora, and...” He stopped when he saw Lyra. He cleared his throat. “Forgive me, but I do believe we have not been introduced.”

Lyra looked at Newtolm. “Oh, that’s because I came with them. As did Zecora. My name is Lyra. It’s a pleasure to meet you Newtolm. I’m sorry about what happened to you, though.”

Newtolm chuckled a little bit. “It is alright. It was my fault anyways. I should have not put the hat on after what had happened to it.”
Twilight cleared her throat. “Anyways, we should all get back in the castle. There’s a lot we’ll have to talk about.”

Lyra looked at Juno and Tia. “I’m going to go back home. Will you tell your friend Tom that I had found you and brought you right to him?”

With a chuckle, Juno knelt down, and ripped off a small strap from his shirt. He held it out to her. “As a sign of proof you found us. Come find us again later, Lyra.”

Lyra took the strap. Startling Juno, she jumped up at him to hug him. She trotted off to her home. “Thanks, Juno! Have a good night!”
“What was that about, Juno?” Newtolm looked at his friend.

“I’ll tell ya about it after we talk about that demon.”

Everyone had stepped into the castle to discuss the preparation for Korthak, and how to deal with him.


A figure was walking around in the forrest, quite transfixed at his surroundings. He could not figure out where he was, but it felt like the material plain.

He walked deeper into the forrest, seeing the many creatures that walked around him. More avoiding, than walking, for many saw the strange creature as an invader.

The figure saw a cave. Smoke was coming out of it. Without fear, he approached the cave, delving deeper into it.

Chapter 15

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“Why don’t you go over to her and say hi?” Tom’s Mother asked him.

Tom, as a small child, was hiding behind his mother’s dress. “Because she killed a flower, and held it up to me yesterday.”

His mother gave a chuckle. She knelt down to look at her son. “Now, hin, do not shut others out because you do not understand.” She picked him up, to bring him home.


“Why don’t you want to play with those boys, utinu?” His mother asked him.

Tom looked at his mother. “I don’t want to. I want to stay with you.”

“Why stay with me? There are many children in this town. Sure, they’re all human, but I think you should give them a chance.”

Tom shook his head. “No. I’m good just being with you, atara. The people here are mean.”

His mother got closer to her son, giving him a hug. “Now utinu, you need to open to others more. Just because you don’t understand, doesn’t make them mean. Don’t close yourself from those you don’t understand.” She looked at him with a smile. “Open up to those around you.
There are many people out there who will make your life more fun.”


Tom wandered around the inn that he and his parents were staying at, seeing all of the grown ups and children moving about. He didn’t really understand how these people could be happy here.

“Come here, utinu.” He heard his father call to him. Tom rushed over to his father, who lifted him over his shoulders. “Your atara is going to sing tonight, for the people who helped us.”

The songs that his mother sang was peaceful, full to the brim with happy tales. Tom understood every word, bringing comfort to him. The last song of the night was one of love and family, bringing loved ones together. The warmth of the song transferred into everyone in the room, giving everyone the enjoyment of each other’s company.

Then the wall blasted open, shattering splinters on everyone in the room.

Tom saw him, clear as day.

The lich.


Tom woke up with a startle. He grabbed his sword in reaction to what he saw, but then realized where he was now. A single bead of sweat rolled down his face. He sat up on the couch, and noticed that the bottle and a new cup were on the table. He picked up the bottle and poured himself a drink.

That’s when he heard the music. The music he heard seemed to...haunt him. It couldn’t be.

He looked across the room to see one of the hosts was playing this giant stringed instrument. She was apparently so engrossed in her music that she didn’t even noticed Tom’s panicked wake. He watched as she strummed each note with such grace.
It was impossible, and yet it calmed Tom in its serenity. This song that Octavia was playing was...the same rhythm of the one his mother used to sing. That last song in his dream...

Octavia stopped playing, and was about to reach for her pencil.

Don’t stop...”

Startled, Octavia whipped around to see the visitor sitting up on the couch. She quickly composed herself, clearing her throat. “Excuse me, Mr. Tom, but did you say something?”

Tom coughed. He didn’t know why he said that. There was no reason to say that. He quickly thought of something that would stop that train of thought.

“I asked why did you stop? You were preforming well, from what little of music I know.”

Octavia put down her instrument to have a proper conversation with Tom. “I stopped because it’s a song I’ve been working on. It isn’t done yet. It is a lovely piece, though, is it not?”

Tom just stared at Octavia. He didn’t know what to say. It was a song from his childhood. How could it be a song not even made here? It was a different instrument, but it was the exact same song.

He took a sip of his wine, just staring at Octavia. She was a bit unnerved about the silence. “ there something I can help you with, Mr. Tom?”

Fighting his pride, he decided to talk. “...Your song...I’ve heard it before.”

Octavia looked at Tom, a bit upset. “What do you mean ‘you’ve heard it before’? The only other pony I’ve shown my work was Vinyl, and she wouldn’t play anything classical sounding. How could...”

Tom held up his hand to stop her. “From what my comrade has told me, I come from another world. It may be possible that you’re the first one to hear of a song that is not from your world.”

Octavia just stared at him, his words peeking her interest. “ mean to tell me that...I have a song from another world in my head.”

Tom shrugged. “I do not see how else the song is so familiar to me.”

Octavia picked up her pencil. “Can you tell me the rest of the song?”


“Can you tell me? Please? I’ve been struggling with the last part. If you know the song, then you must be able to...”

“I don’t know music that well...and even if I did, the version I heard was singing. I don’t know what your instrument is.”

She looked at Tom with a smile. “Well, that’s alright. Could you sing it to me, then?”

Tom froze. He didn’t know why she would ask that?

“...Sorry...I don’t sing...”

“You don’t have be the best singer. I just need the general range of the notes. Can you just...”

Please.” The word came out louder than he anticipated, startling Octavia. Realizing how loud he just was, he looked away. “...Please...don’t ask of me...I just can’t...”

“...Alright. I won’t pry.”

Hoofsteps were heard coming down the stairs, followed by a sleepy Vinyl Scratch. She yawned as she made the final step into view of the two. “Hey Octi. Hey Tom.”

Octavia waved to her friend. “Hey Vinyl. There’s some coffee on the pot if you need some.”

“Thanks Octi...” Still sleepy, she walked into the kitchen.

“Vinyl is not a morning pony, that is for sure.” Octavia chuckled. “Would you like some coffee too, Mr. Tom?”

Tom looked at Octavia. “...What is coffee?”

“They don’t have coffee where you come from? Well...what’s the best way to describe coffee? Well...oh, I know. It’s a drink that will definitely wake you up if you feel tired.” Octavia walked towards the kitchen herself. Tom followed suit.

Vinyl poured herself a cup, adding only a little bit of cream and sugar. Octavia grabbed a cup and poured a little of the dark drink. “Would you like to try some?”

Tom accepted the drink, looking at it with a strange look. Before he took a sip, Octavia held out another small pot. “Cream?”

Vinyl shook her head, still sleepy. “What I learned the other day, Tom doesn’t like sweet things. He should probably try a bit straight.”
Tom nodded to confirm what Vinyl just said, and turned his attention back to the strange drink. It wasn’t much for a taste test, but he wasn’t sure why they needed to sweeten it if it does what Octavia said. He took a swig of the drink.

His tastebuds were defiantly not used to how bitter it was. He couldn’t hold back from making a face. Well, at least he found out why it would wake people up.

“...You drink this...every day?”

Octavia nodded. “It’s how we handle the long nights of work we normally have.”

Vinyl, fully awake now, chuckled. “Yup! And it’s how we wake up from them long nights, too!”

Tom looked at the coffee pot. He held out his cup. “...Another...”


After the coffee, Tom had requested a room for privacy. He told the two that he needed to pray to his god for the spells he needed today. Understanding of a cultural difference, the two gave him the space he needed.

There was something off with the prayer today. His god was only giving him access to only certain spells. It was as if Odin was punishing him.
Only lightly, but it was still an inconvenience that he didn’t have access to some of his main combat spells.

When he finished, Vinyl was at the bottom of the stairs to greet him. “Well, I guess I should take ya to the castle. Last night, your other friends came by, but then they headed over to the castle themselves.”

Tom stopped in his stride. “My comrades came...and you didn’t wake me?”

“You were dead asleep when they got here. I wasn’t going to wake you, and that’s that. Besides, you’re going to see them now.”

Tom looked at Vinyl, then walked by to the couch, where his stuff was.

“...Thank you...” He started to gather his things.

Vinyl looked at Tom, a bit surprised about what he said. But then she felt happy, feeling some appreciation from him.
Tom got his equipment on, then looked at Vinyl. “Very well. Lead me to the castle.”

Vinyl nodded. “‘Aight. Let’s...” She noticed something about Tom as he faced her. “Hey, Tom? You ‘aight? Ya got something in your eye or something?”

“What?” Tom touched his face, and noticed that it was...wet. He wiped it away with his sleeve. “Maybe I did. Let’s go.” He headed straight for the door.

Chapter 16

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Vinyl knocked on the door of the castle. The door magically opened, and the young alicorn approached the two. “Hello, Vinyl. And you must be Tom. Welcome. I am Princess Twilight. Your friends stayed here for the night, so they’re already here.”

Vinyl made a bow to the princess. “Good morning, Princess”. Tom merely nodded his head. Vinyl noticed this, and gave a slight nudge to Tom.

Tom ignored it, speaking to the princess. “There is a matter that needs to be discussed. It is of the most importance.”

Twilight looked up at Tom. “Newtolm already told us about Korthak, but he didn’t know much. He said you might know more about this ‘demon’.” She lead the way up the stairs. “We’ve already sent out word to my mentor, Princess Celestia. Hopefully, She will be here shortly.”

Vinyl looked at Twilight. “Uh...should I be here, then? I’ll go if I’m in the way.”

“You can stay.” Tom said abruptly.

Twilight looked up at Tom. “Um, not that I don’t mind company, but this is something that would cause other ponies to loose peace of mind. I would rather...”

“You’re going to have to tell the citizens anyways, so I don’t see your point. Besides, she is my guide. I would rather her to be close.” Tom walked on. Twilight and Vinyl looked at each other. Vinyl shrugged, giving a nervous smile.

Tom noticed Juno in one of the side halls, sound asleep. He walked over to his sleeping comrade.

“Oh, you should probably let him sleep.” Twilight spoke as soon as she noticed Tom wondered off from the main hall.

Ignoring her, Tom nudged Juno with his foot.

“...mmrrrrmm five more minutes, Dan....” Juno waved sleepily. Who was Dan? No one was named Dan in the guild.

Before Tom could really shake his sleeping comrade, Twilight levitated him away. “He’s had a confusing night last night. It would be better if he isn’t disturbed right now.”

“Put me down.” Tom looked at Twilight, arms crossed. “This matter needs all present to the discussion. And that includes Juno.”

“N’ver mind, I’m up.” Juno sat up. “Just getting used to...this place.”

“Oh, good morning. Did you have a good sleep? Sorry about not having beds your size.” Twilight spoke to the waking person.

“It’s alright. I had a good sleep...Princess.” Juno was still getting used to the fact that they were ponies. Well, he did make a friend out of the one he tore his shirt for.

“Morning, boss.” He looked at his guild leader.

Tom nodded. “We’re going to discuss about the demon. Since I heard the name of that beast before we got sent here, I have some things to explain.”

“Kay, let me just get dressed.” Juno got up. “I’ll meet ya in the dining hall.”


“So how do you do that with your fire breath?” Newtolm asked Spike. The two were sitting together in the dinning room, enjoying some breakfast together. Spike was munching on the gems he had from last night. Newtolm was still getting used to the diet of his new form. The closest thing to a normal meal for him were some leafy greens and some oats.

“What, how I sent that letter to Princess Celestia from last night?” Spike munched on a rather large gem. “...I’ve always been able to do that. I know not all dragons can do that, but I really don’t know how to explain why my fire breath can do that.”

Finishing off the large gem, Spike gulped it down. “So, what about you? You said you were half dragon, but you probably had a fire breath, right?”

“Well, my draconic heritage is of the silver dragons. Our Breath weapons is not actually fire, but more rather ice.” Newtolm chuckled as he munched on a leaf.

“Wait, you breath is cold? Not hot?”

“That is correct, Spike.” Newtolm gulped down his own food. “In my original form, I am immune to the cold, and I can breath out a cone-shaped blast of cold. Though, I must admit, I have never met a purple dragon before. Nor have I met a dragon that...well...eats his treasure.”

“What?” Spike looked at Newtolm questionably as he tossed a small gem into his mouth.

“Well, the dragons of my world normally...keep the treasure horde. They do the treasure.”

“...But these gems are so delicious. How could you not eat them?”

Newtolm shook his head. “Well, in my world, they are not. Some dragons do eat certain gems, but not us silvers.”

Twilight, Tom, and Vinyl opened the doors to enter the room. The two got up from their seats. “Hey, Twilight.” Spike called out.

“Your majesty.” Newtolm bowed at Twilight. Then he looked at Tom. “And I see you have calmed down. You did not cause Princess Twilight any trouble, did you?”

Tom looked away. “I am not a child, Newtolm.”

“And I see that Ms. Scratch has joined us.” Newtolm bowed with a warm smile. “He was not any trouble at your home, was he?”

“Nah, Tom here was ‘aight.” Vinyl chuckled. “Apparently he seemed interested in my roommate’s music this morning.”

“Really? Well, that is new.” Newtolm looked over at Tom, who was ignoring them. He then looked back to Twilight. “My lady, would the others be back from their morning meal soon?”

“They’ll be back soon. Applejack said she would bring over some apples and pies from her farm, so if you’re still hungry, she’ll have a feast over here soon.” Twilight smiled back.

Tom took out the small black dot from earlier. “I could use some food right now.” He walked up to a wall and placed the dot onto the wall.

Twilight and Spike were surprised to see a hole open up in their wall. “What the...!?!”

“…Tom, please refrain from using your portable hole in front of others. It can give quite a shock to those not used to seeing strange things.” Newtolm shook his head.

“Says the one who stays a foot off the ground at all times.” Tom said as he took out his dried rations. “...Only enough for five more days. I should save some of them for later.”

“So that’s what it is. You never really explained what this...hole thing is when you pulled it out last time. But if you had food, why did you want to get foo...” Vinyl looked into the hole. “Whoa! That’s a lot of stuff!”

Twilight fluttered over the two, peering inside as well. “You have amazing things from your world. Is there any chance I could take a look? I would like to know more about your world’s magic.”

Tom closed the hole and took a bite out of a piece of his ration. “There are more important matters to discuss. If there are others that need to be a part of this meeting, then call upon them now.”

“Tom, the most important guest to come here is flying from another castle. From what Princess Twilight has told me, it will take Princess Celestia till noon for her to reach here, if she was to fly at full speed.” Newtolm was floating level with Tom, munching on his breakfast. “The least we could do for her majesty is to show off some magic.”

“Very well, you want to show off magic? Then let me start by getting that stupid hat off.” Tom rolled up his sleeves. There was the beginnings of chanting, and his voice became powerful as it resonated. With waves of his hands, he focused the divine energy into one point.

Twilight hastily took out a quill and paper, and began jotting down what she was witnessing.

With a commanding word, he thrusted the power towards Newtolm, aimed right at the hat.

Surprisingly, nothing happened apart from a puff of smoke and some electric discharge. The room was silent.

“Uh...Tom? Was that supposed to happen?” Vinyl broke the silence.

Tom, looking at his now pony comrade, was in disbelief. Is this really the limit on his power? First the pompous horse from yesterday, and now this. Even with the power to level armies, was he really this...powerless?

Tom gritted his teeth, grabbed the hat, and yanked at it with all his might.

“Eehyaaaaa! Tom, stop!” Newtolm yelled as he was pulled along with his hat, still attached together. His breakfast getting flung across the room. Since he was floating more than a foot above the ground, his weight was not much of a factor to Tom.

Juno and Tia had just walked into the room. The two watched as Newtolm was getting flung around. Juno moved in to stop Tom. “Oi! Tom!” Before Juno could reach him, Twilight used her magic to separate the two.

As the magic had enveloped Newtolm, the hat had an effect mixed with the divine energy from earlier. With a blast of energy, the whole room was filled with smoke, almost knocking everyone out.

Spike was blasted on the other side of his chair. All he could hear was coughing. “Is everypony alright?”

He waited for the smoke to settle before venturing to see if the others were alright.

Chapter 17

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Newtolm leveled himself above the ground, still coughing a fit from the smoke in the room. As the smoke started to disperse around him, he opened his eye to see that the hat had fallen off his head.

He stood up on two legs, but to his surprise, he fell over as he did the first time. He inspected his...hooves. ...Still a pony...

He got back on all fours, with a sigh. “Well, the good news is the hat is off of my head. The bad news is I still reside in a pony body.”

As more of the smoke began to settle, Twilight and Vinyl came into view. “Are you two alright?” Newtolm offered to help both of them up.

“*Cough* What the heck was that about?” Vinyl yelled out. “Gah, my sunglasses are all fogged up.”

“Well, that was unexpected.” Twilight coughed.

Spike ran over to her, giving her a hug. “I’m glad you’re alright, Twilight.”

“Same here, Spike.” Twilight patted the head of the little dragon.

“Hey, Tom?” Newtolm called for his friend. “You got the hat...”

“What in tarnation?” Applejack called out from the door. “Everypony alright over there? What’s with all tha smoke? Do we need ta call the fire department?”

“Ms. Applejack? It seemed some magic conflict happened. Everyone...Everypony is alright.” He corrected himself, not to be courteous about the people of this land, but because...he didn’t know of the condition of his friends.

“Hang on, I got this.” Rainbow Dash was heard. “Hey, Twilight! Open a window over there!”

Twilight did as her friend asked her to, and a guts of wind from Dash’s wing power blew the smoke out the window.

To everypony’s surprise, there were three extra ponies in the room, with none of the people that were there before. All three of them were knocked out.

“Wow, I didn’t know you were having a slumber party right now, Twilight.” Pinkie Pie bounced into the room to see the three ponies.

“Newtolm....Did...did I...” Twilight looked at the three, terror slowly appearing on her face.

“My lady, please calm down.” Newtolm gave a warm smile. “If any...anypony is to blame, it would be me. You are not the one at fault here.” He then turned his attention to the three ponies on the ground.

He walked over to the white unicorn with blonde hair. At least the hairstyle was the same. He nudged the pony to stir some kind of reaction.

The pony woke up, blinking twice before looking directly at Newtolm. “ are you feeling?”

“Why is your hat off if you’re still in that shape? Become your true self already.” Stammered the voice of Tom from the white pony.

“Tom, I think my form is the least of your worries.”

The pony got up on two legs. “What are you talk...” Before he could finish, he realized just how short he was. Standing on two legs barely got him over Newtolm’s head.

Then he realized he wasn’t as stable on two legs as he was comfortable with. Instinctively, he made himself fall forward instead of backwards. Then he saw that there were hooves where his hands were.

Tom stared at those two hooves in silence. His mind went blank as he saw that he didn’t have any fingers.

“I will give you a minute. Juno and Tia were also caught in the blast.” Newtolm walked over to the brown pony and dark green unicorn.

Tom snapped out of his daze. “Wait...The wild mage is here too?”

Newtolm nodded as he nudged the brown pony. “Yes. Juno removed the enchanted collar by pure strength, from what he had told us last night.”

The brown pony stirred. “Ugh...What happened? Feels like I coughed up a lung, or something.” The brown pony held his hoof to his head.

“Juno, please do not panic.” Newtolm held his hoof out onto the brown pony’s shoulder.

“Why would I...?” The brown pony held out his other hoof to stop Newtolm’s, but then made a realization of some sort. Slowly, he turned his head to look at his front leg.

“Ah...aah...aaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!” Juno shouted, moving away from the hoof, but realizing that it just followed him, he turned his head away, only to see that his other front leg was the same thing. Flailing about, he discovered that most, if not all, of his body was very different.

This stirred the dark green unicorn. “What’s with all of the excitement? First that explosion, and now the yelling? We’re not dead, are we?”

“Far from it, Ms. Tia. Though there is something very different...” Newtolm gave a sigh.

The unicorn looked down to notice the change instantly. “...Huh...neat.”

“You’re not freaking out like tha others, sugar cube?” Applejack stood beside the one now known as Tia.

“As a wild mage, I’ve had my fair share of...accidents. I did turn myself and others into unintended creatures, so the fact that I’m a unicorn now is...a nice change from what happened before.” Tia stretched her new body, having a nice cheer.

“What happened before?” Rarity asked.

Tia looked up at Rarity with a dull look. “You don’t wanna know.”


Eventually, Newtolm and Twilight managed to get Juno to calm down, but he was still jittery. Rarity was asked by Newtolm if she was still willing to make the outfit for himself, and if she could add three more ponies for that offer. She gleefully agreed, running over to her shop to gather her supplies.

Tom looked out the balcony, watching the town ponies, and their peaceful lives.

“Hey, Tom.” Vinyl walked out onto the balcony to join him. “I know you’re probably not used to...bein’ a pony and all, but at least you’re still yourself, right?”

“Still...myself...” Tom looked straight out, then an idea came to mind. “That’s it. I must still be a cleric. My power must still be with me.”

Tom began chanting again, as he casted his spell. It was different, because he felt as if he didn’t have to move, merely let the horn do the rest.

A blue swirl formed in front of him.

“Still alive.” Tom began. Vinyl looked confused.

“In another world. Demon still alive. Cannot leave until demon is dead. Demon nowhere to be seen. Request backup as soon as possible.”
As the blue swirl seemed to disappear into the sky, Vinyl looked at Tom with her confused look. “What was that about?”

“A spell of sending.” Tom began. “I can talk to others that I know, though limited in the words I can use. Now be quite, I must do it again.”
Another swirl showed up after the chant.

“Do not know what plane of existence we reside in. Looks very similar, but the land’s residence refers to themselves as... ‘ponies’. Prepare Polymorph spells.”

Newtolm came onto the balcony. Being formal, he bowed at Tom. “Tom, this town’s six heroes are gathered. We still must wait for the Princess’ mentor, but she should arrive soon.”

Not even turning, Tom nodded. “Very well. I will be right in to greet these warriors.”

Newtolm went inside. Tom, giving a sigh, stared forward.

“...This is the second time I must thank you today.”

“Wha...?” Vinyl was distracted by some fillies playing a game on the ground when Tom spoke. “Oh, was” She looked at Tom.

Tom looked at her. “...Don’t make it a habit.”

“What?” Vinyl looked at him with surprise.

“I don’t like it when people get close. I trust you, but I’ve only known you for one day.” Tom turned around to walk inside.

Vinyl stopped him. “Hey, Tom, ya don’t have to be a jerk and say about making habits being a bad thing. In this town, we help each other.”

“Well, don’t. I carry a burden, and would rather not let others remind me of it.”

This confused Vinyl even more. If he had a burden, why would he have to be reminded about it?

Before Tom stepped into the room, he stopped. With a sigh, he made the least amount of effort to look back at her. “...But...thank you...”

Vinyl sat down as Tom walked into the throne room, more confused than ever. He’s a jerk, yet he’s thankful. Make up your mind, ya dumb idiot. Are ya nice, or are ya a jerk? You can’t be both.

Chapter 18

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Tom walked into the throne room, still getting used to his new legs. Four legs to walk with felt weird, and he had no hands for holding his sword properly, which was the only equipment that stayed on him. Everything else could not fit properly, not even magic rings. This made him have the feeling from that time again. It made him feel...truly naked.

Then a terrible noise made him jump out of his thoughts, as the pink pony from before appeared out of nowhere and started playing many instruments in front of him.

It seemed...impossible for her to play all of those instruments at the same time, with at least two of them to breath into.

“Pinkie Pie!” Applejack shouted beside her, trying to get her to stop.

Pinkie stopped to look at her friend. “Hey, Applejack. What’s up?”

“What’s up? We’re about ta have a serious conversation, and ya nearly made the one who needs ta talk deaf! We’re inside, remember? Stuff is even louder when ya play tha stuff inside.” Applejack offered her hoof to Tom, who had fallen over. “Sorry ‘bout that, mister. I guess Pinkie figured that she still had ta impress ya from yesterday.”

Ears still ringing, Tom looked at the hoof being offered to him. This was a good way to measure the one in front of him. He (somehow) held onto the hoof, but let himself be limp. He wanted to see how strong this pony was.

With no effort at all, she swung him to his hooves. Tom nodded in approval. “You are quite strong. You must be one of the six warriors Newtolm told me about.”

“Well, ya got that right.” Applejack said with a grin. “Lets introduce ourselves.”

As the six gathered together, Tom looked in confusion. Something didn’t seem right.

Other than the princess and his comrades, there were only five others. Guess the princess is counted as one of the six.

Tom looked at the six, and the first thing he noticed was the light blue pony with the rainbow mane.

He looked at her, then made a small bow, which was more like a nod in the body he was in. “Rainbow Dash.”

“You remembered my name?” Dash looked at Tom questionably.

“I would never forget the name of the one who beat me in combat. You are a warrior, and I see why you are in this room today.” Tom looked at the other five.

“*Ahem*” Twilight cleared her throat. “Sir Tom, we are the six heroes that stand before you. We have Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and myself, Twilight Sparkle.”

Tom looked at the others as the names were said, and stopped when he realized the two that didn’t look like they would belong here

Walking over to Fluttershy, Tom watched her reaction as she noticed that it was her that his focus was on.

Before anything could happen, Rainbow Dash landed in-between the two. “Hey, we don’t need a repeat of what happened yesterday, do we? Because If you’re thinking on picking on Fluttershy again, I’ll gladly kick your flank a second time.”

Tom looked at Dash. But to her surprise, there was more of a look of...approval? It was hard to tell, since he didn’t smile. “You truly are a warrior, in both body and spirit, Rainbow Dash. You are quick to defend the ones you care about as your speed to fly. Your loyalty to those around you puts you in front of danger, but that loyalty is your strength.”

Tom’s look changed when he looked at the others. “But…are you really the only warriors this town has to offer?”

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “Let me were hoping that there would be more stallions here, all dressed in armor and stuff. Is there something wrong with the six of us being mares?”

“What makes you say that?” Tom looked at Dash questionably. “In Odin’s army, his strongest warriors are called the Valkyries. They are brave and proud warriors, and they are all women. I do not see gender as a barrier to stop you from taking arms to defend your homes.”

Tom walked up to Fluttershy, watching her.

Fluttershy looked at Tom, but his stare was...unnerving her.

“...Um...may...may I help you, Mister Tom?”

With a sigh, Tom closed his eyes. “You are too kind. The one who trampled and yelled at you yesterday stands before you, and you offer your help anyways?”

“W-well, you did apologize.” Fluttershy looked at Tom with a soft smile.

Tom opened his eyes with a hard look on his face, but softened slightly when he looked at her. “...When you find your life partner, you are going to make a wonderful mother.” Fluttershy, surprised by this comment, blushed to a beet red.

“You are caring. Any creature that has a problem, you are the kind of person who would go out of your way to help them. Your kindness is worn on your heart as the sun warms the land...And that is exactly why you shouldn’t be here.”

Before Fluttershy could say anything, Tom turned his attention to Pinkie Pie. “And you...”

Tom was actually terrified of what he saw. Pinkie Pie actually inflated herself on que when his attention was turned to her. She left out the air, almost getting launched by the wind pressure. “Impressed ya, yet?”

Tom shook his head, going back to his unimpressed look. “....You do not take anything seriously, do you?”

“I take parties seriously.” Pinkie said as she bounced around Tom. “And making sure that everypony around here has a smile on their face is another thing I take very seriously.”

“Children must like you, since you are full of cheer and laughter. But that is not what we need against this threat.”

He moved on to the second last pony. “And you... aren’t you the tailor Newtolm asked for, earlier?”

“Why, yes I am, darling. But I am here because I am one of the six heroes as well.” Rarity held her head proud. “I will lend my hoof to those in need, even if they get dirty. If need be, I’ll even give them the things they need, free of charge.”

“I’ve heard of farmers taking up arms to defend their lands, but I’ve never heard of a tailor doing the same. And to give to others is generous, but I need warriors.” Tom walked to Applejack. “And what of you? You have the strength greater than most I...”

Applejack held her hoof up. “Now let me stop ya there, partner. I don’t need no shower of praise here because I exercise. I’m just a plain ol’ farmer, straight out of Green Apple Acres.”

Tom looked at Applejack. “As I said before, I’ve heard of farmers taking up arms. But I like your honesty. You could have said nothing and made me believe you were a true warrior, but honest warriors are the best warriors. Just don’t let your honesty be your downfall on the battlefield.”

He stopped at Twilight. “And your power comes from your magic. While you do not hold a warrior’s spirit, it is plain to see your intelligence is your strength.” Tom walked back to his original position “There are some I can see you facing strong opponents. But the main point that I must say are you six the ones we need to defeat the demon Korthak?”

As Tom turned around to face the six, a voice called out from the hall.

“The reason why they can help is because of the very things you said. Their loyalty, their kindness, their laughter, their generosity, their honesty, and their magic. They are the wielders of the Elements of Harmony.”

Tom blinked as he whipped around to see who was calling out to them.

Chapter 19

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“Princess Celestia!” Twilight ran towards the tall, majestic alicorn. She was about to hug her mentor, but stopped. She composed herself in front of Celestia. “Welcome back, Princess Celestia, to Ponyville.” Making a bow to Celestia. Bowing back, Celestia chuckled. “No need to be for formal, Twilight. We’ve been through a lot, and it is I that should be the first to bow to you. Come here, Twilight.”

Twilight lost composure as she ran up to Celestia and hugged her.

“My sister has come with me as well.” Celestia looked to her side, as another alicorn with a mane as starry as the night sky came into view.

She had cleared her throat, as if to make a small speech, but Twilight interrupted her before she could even say anything. “Princess Luna!” Twilight went to hug Luna.

Luna was shocked, but then chuckled and received the hug. “It is good to see you too, Princess Twilight.”

The other five ponies were formal in making a bow, but then lost their own composure and joined Twilight in the informal greeting.

The four others walked in front of the group, looking upon the majestic guests that have entered the castle.

Twilight cleared her throat. “Princess Celestia, Princess Luna. May I introduce you to our guests: Newtolm, Juno, Tia, and Tom.”

Newtolm smiled and made a bow himself. “It is a pleasure to make your acquaintances, your highnesses.”

Tia followed suit. Juno was mesmerized by how their manes flowed in the air, but was nudged by Newtolm to make a bow.

Tom did not bow. Instead, he walked up closer to Celestia. “You had said something about these six wielding something. What is this power you said they hold?”

Celestia looked at Tom. “Well, you’re rather direct, aren’t you?” Celestia stepped forward.

“Tom, could you at least show some respect? These two Princesses came all the way from their kingdom because of us. At least you can be a little formal? Not everyone...everypony has to impress you for you to show respect.” Newtolm said, looking at Tom with a disapproving glance. “And that goes for these six heroes who have gladly shown us hospitality, even after your...incident yesterday.”

Tom couldn’t look at his comrade. “We don’t have the time.”

“It’s alright. Considering the signs that my sister Luna had seen last night means that this is another real threat that has come to our lands.” Celestia looked down at Tom. “Let us reconvene into the throne room, so we can explain each other’s side. Then we will decide the course of action.”

The whole group reconvened into the throne room, and Celestia began explaining what the Elements of Harmony were.


“So let me see if I have this straight.” Tom began as he finished one of the apples Applejack had brought. “These... ‘Elements of Harmony’ is a power in these lands that is fueled by...the power of your friendship?”

“That’s about right, darling.” Rarity said as she was taking Tom’s measurements. Newtolm had suggested that Rarity took their measurements while this discussion was being held, to save time on making clothes right away.

Celestia nodded. “And you have identified who has what element pretty fast, even without knowing what the elements were. The power of their friendship powers the Elements of Harmony.”

Tom looked at Rarity, then at Celestia. “I fail to see how the power of ‘friendship’ can defeat a demon.”

Celestia chuckled. “You haven’t seen the many trials Twilight and her friend here have been through. My sister and I hold so much power in our magic, but my little ponies here have triumphed in situations where we had failed. With their lessons in friendship, they were able to take on many who had tried to take over Equestria. And the ones who tried have either been defeated or reformed.”

“...Pardon me, my lady, but about those who have been reformed.” Newtolm spoke up. “Princess Twilight had told me last night about the victories, but did not go into detail. Who are the reformed?”

Princess Luna spoke up. “...I do not want reminders of those terrible nights from long ago, but I am one of them.”

Tom looked at Luna. “You apposed your own sister in these lands?” He looked at Celestia. “And you’re alright of having a traitor among your presence?”

TOM!” Newtolm reeled back his front hoof and clocked Tom in the head. “Her highness had just said about not being reminded about her trial! If you were not the one who had to explain who Korthak is, you would not be allowed in this conversation, so control yourself!”

Newtolm turned his attention to Luna. “Please, I ask for forgiveness for my comrade’s actions. He has a lack of tact when it comes to...certain social cues.”

Luna shook her head. “It is alright. Even when I had returned to my normal state of mind, there was much suspicion from other ponies. If it were not for these six ponies, I would have brought eternal night to the lands. But even after the Elements of Harmony had saved me from my rage, there are many others who still doubted me. I do not blame you.”

Tom held his head from where he got hit. “Before my comrade hits me again, who was this other who got reformed?”

Celestia looked around the room. “His name is Discord. He’s a master of chaos, with powerful magic. He was originally defeated by the elements, but using those same elements, we had revived him, and thanks to Fluttershy’s kindness, he was shown what he was missing in life: friendship.”

Tom looked at Celestia skeptically. A master of chaos? “How are you sure that this Discord isn’t going to betray you?”

Rainbow Dash fluttered overhead. “He learned his lesson the last time he did. Discord had teamed up with Tirak, but Tirak betrayed him at the end.”

“...What keeps him from not betraying you again?” Tom looked up at Rainbow Dash.

“Well, I’m still learning this friendship thing, but if it wasn’t for Twilight’s forgiveness, I would not have been able to give her the final key for the box that the tree gave.” A disembodied voice called out.

“Who said that?” Juno looked around the room.

“I was wondering when you were going to join in this conversation, Discord. You were right behind us when we got here.” Celestia chuckled.

A pouch hopped across the floor. “My components pouch!” Tia shouted when she noticed it.

The pouch opened, and out popped a goat(?) head with mismatched horns. “Well, I was listening, but I wanted to have some fun as well, so I made this new lamp for Twilight, as a thank you for that fateful day.” Discord stuck his arms out, and held out what looked like a model of the very castle they were in.

“Really? Wow, thank you, Discord.” Twilight smiled as she accepted the lamp.

“If you’re done...” Tia was beside the creature in the pouch. “Get out of my components pouch.”

“But’s it’s so cozy in here. Did you know that the mushroom here is very squishy that it sinks in like a comfortable seat?” Discord chuckled.

“And did you know there is also bat guano in there?” Tia looked at Discord disapprovingly.

“...Oh...” Discord looked in the pouch. “Well, I believe I need a shower now. If you excuse me.”

With his magic, he created a bath tub. He hopped out of the pouch and closed the curtain, as water started poured upwards from the tub.

“Why do you have bat...guano?” Twilight looked at Tia.

Tia reached over to her bag as she pulled out her spellbook. “Well, you see, your majesty, one of the spells I have needs it. Translated into the common tongue, the spell is called a fireball. I can’t explain why the spell calls for it, but that’s what the creator of the spell chose as a component of the spell.”

“Really?” Twilight looked at the spellbook, but it was in a language that she didn’t recognize. “If we have the time later, could you teach me how to read this? I’ve never seen this before.”

Tia smiled. “Only if you show me how to preform some of your spells. A fair trade is always the way to go when it comes to learning spells.”

Newtolm cleared his throat. “Well, it is nice to meet you, Sir Discord. How are you on this fine day?”

Discord stuck his head out of the curtain, a little surprised. “Well now, a pony who doesn’t know me personally, being nice to me?” He stepped out of the shower with a towel. “Why, thank you for asking. With you, you have brighten my day. Many other ponies haven’t forgiven me yet, so I’ve been kind of in a sour mood lately.”

“Well, you kinda did give those same ponies to Tirak on a silver plater when he was on his path of conquering, so it’s a little understandable on why they’re a bit sour themselves.” Rainbow Dash floated above Discord.

“Now, Rainbow Dash, I don’t need that....nasty reminder.” Discord reached up behind Rainbow Dash’s head and pulled out a rainbow towel from her hair. He started to dry his head with it. “At least Celestia and Luna have been enjoying nice cups of tea with me lately. By the way, Fluttershy, that tea you gave me was wonderful.” Discord had seemed to have teleported to Fluttershy’s side.

Fluttershy smiled when she realized that he was by her side. “Oh, you’re welcome, Discord. And you’re welcome to come visit me for some more any time.”

With a hug, the two gave a warm hum.

Discord went back to Newtolm. “Well, anyways, I thank you for being so nice, as well. Newtolm, was it? I am Discord, the prince of chaos...reformed.” He went for a hand shake.

That was when he noticed something was off with this pony. Newtolm held out his hoof for a handshake. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Sir Discord.” When he put his hoof back to the floor, no noise was made. Discord realized that the pony wasn’t touching to floor at all.

He lowered his head so he could see what exactly was happening with the pony in front of him. “How...What...” He stood up straight, and looked at Celestia. “I’m not doing this. You can see that, right?”

Celestia chuckled. “Yes, I can see that. I would like to know how our new friend is doing that too.”

“Well, you see...” Newtolm started with a bit of a laugh. But he was cut off when Discord put a finger on his back, pushing him down.

To Newtolm’s surprise, Discord actually pushed him down to the floor. He looked up at Discord, then levitated himself back up to his usual level.

Discord pushed him back down. Newtolm levitated back up. They had an exchange of this for a bit, when Newtolm finally spoke up. “Stop that.”

“No, you stop that.” Discord said back. “You’re not using magic, and’re defying gravity.”

Dash chuckled. “Well, this is a first. Discord, the prince of chaos, flustered when something chaotic happens in front of him.”

Discord looked at Dash, unimpressed at first, but then broke out laughing. “Wow, this is a first. But normally, I’m the one causing the chaos.”

“Well, it is not magic, or even chaos I am using.” Newtolm began. “I am a psionisit. My mind is how I use this power, and many other powers of my own.”

“Interesting...” Discord started, but a loud cough echoed through the room.

“If we’re done with formalities...” Tom began. “We need to have this discussion. You’ve wasted enough time with introductions, the demon Korthak could be at our doorsteps by now.”

Celestia nodded. “You are correct. Tell us about this Korthak, then we can hatch a plan for the worst situation.”

With a deep breath, Tom looked around the room. He didn’t believe that the residences in this room was good enough to defend against the demon, but they had to try.