• Published 5th Jun 2012
  • 539 Views, 4 Comments

Condemned to The Darkness - CrazyIan

  • ...

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

She heard a beeping sound. It continued on and on. Perhaps she was dead, or she was in a mental state. She didn't know at the moment, but all she could here was that constant beeping sound. She Struggled to open her eyes, and finally, she saw light. It burned her eyes. As her eyes adjusted, she saw that she was in a hospital bed, and the beeping sound was a heart rate monitor. Looking over to the left, she saw Spike, laying on a chair, asleep. He had bags under his eyes, he hadn't been sleeping much. She called out to Spike.


Spike opened his eyes, and saw Twilight awake, and looking at him. He jumped and up and hugged Twilight, saying,

"Twilight! Your ok!"

"W....What happened?

"You had something called a Stress Breakdown....The Doctor said that you were lucky to wake this fast...."

"Wait....How long was I out?

"....4 Days...."

"Oh my...That long?

"Yeah.....The doctor expected you to be out for much longer though....Like...Weeks...Maybe even months...Im so glad your awake, I was afraid I would lose you...." Spike said, now crying.

Twilight embraced Spike back and thought to herself, "What would happen if I did die? Spike wouldn't be able to handle it......" The thought pestered her, she tried to push it back, but it kept popping up again. "I just need to be more careful I guess...." She turned to Spike. "Spike, I need you to go back to Canterlot, Its to risky keeping you here, you could get hurt, or worse...." She didn't wish to think of it.

"But...What happens if you need help?" Spike asked.

"Trust me, I can take care of myself."

"But Wh--" He was cut off by Twilight.

"I can do this Spike. Please, just listen to me, go back to Canterlot."

"....Fine....." Spike said defeated.

Spike sat back down on the chair, and said "Well....Its pretty late, and I haven't gotten much sleep....Im gonna sleep much better knowing your ok.." With that, he closed his eyes and slept, leaving Twilight to the silence. She wanted to sleep too, but it was hard. The dream she had had before the accident was so....surreal. It was if it had happened in real life! She then gasped, thinking back to a detail that she remembered before passing out. Her hoof, had apparantly snapped. She lifted the blankets weakly, and saw that her hoof, was infact, broken. She put the blankets back on herself, and shuddered. "What if those.....Things....were real? Were they just part of my mind? If I can get hurt in my dreams....I can die." She never wanted to sleep again. But after several hours of sitting in a bed, her mental system was starting to wane. She found her eyes closing, only for them to spring open, in fear of falling asleep. She suddenly heard a faint ringing sound, and looked around to see what it was.

She then noticed that Spike was gone. "Mmpphh" She called out. What she heard come from her mouth startled her. She found that she could only make slight muffling sounds. She wanted to move, but her body was paralyzed, almost as if she was just viewing another ponies body. So, staring straight ahead of her, she tried to contain her sanity, by looking at the clock that was in the room. *TICK* *TICK* *TICK* *TI--* It had stopped, the only thing that was helping her hold her grasp on sanity had just failed. Her pupils dialated, she knew she was going insane. Twilight shifted her eyes to the bedside, and saw a black figure sitting where Spike had been sleeping. The black figure sat and watched Twilight for what seemed like hours, she looked at him out of the cornor of her eye. The figure... its so familiar, yet so distant. The shadow seemed to mock Twi as she looked back at him with horror. He just sat there calmly as she was having a near heart attack by staring at it. Finally the shadow stood up and came over to Twis bedside. The faint glow of the radiant moon shown through a window and lit the face of the figure. Twilight could never forget him... not that face, the face of hate, sadism, cruelty, pain, lust, greed. The face of the stallion named Red.

"Mpphmm!" Twilight grunted.

"Having trouble speaking there Twi?" The figure asked in a mocking tone.

"Mpphhh Mh Mphh!" She grunted again.

"Well since you obviously have nothing to say to me, Im going to say something to you." The figure said in a devious tone. He leaned in next to Twilights face and said,

"I may be a figment of your disturbed mind, but I'm back, I really am... but I will never forget what happened, you and that fucking horn of yours put a hole right into my ribs" Red stood up on his hindlegs and exposed a large patch of badly healed flesh that went between his ribs.

Twilight shifted her pupils to her horn, which now had blood and bits of flesh on it.

"Your lucky I have finally found a reason to live, otherwise I would have your horn shoved down your throat by now. But Im'a cut to the real shit, I can't kill you since I made a deal with my employer to keep you and your 5 other friends alive...Oh wait...Make that 4 friends." He smiled evily.

"So I got my good old friend to get me in and get me out without any detection.
I have came to give you a warning though".

"Mhpph?" Twilight Grunted in response.

"Dark magic is real, and many things that you need to keep your grubby little hooves out of, or else you will face a deadly situation aswell as your friends"

As the figure finished these last words, his body began to disapate.

"Mppmmhh!!!" Twilight Grunted, hoping to stop the Stallion. This did not work, and her world began to melt before her eyes, an Immense pain in her chest erupted, her mind screaming as her world faded to black.



An Immense shock jolted her body. She could hear faintly, but had no control over her limbs.

"She isn't waking up!"

"Try it again!!" A familier voice called out despertly.


Another Immense shock, this one had more feeling, and she was able to hear a little more.

"Wait....Her BPM Is stabilzing!"

"One More!!"


The shock was painful this time, and she moved her arms to stop whatever was shocking her. She suddenly felt a pair of scaled arms wrap around her neck. Twilight opened her eyes to see Spike crying into her mane.

"S-Spike?" She called out faintly.

"Twilight....your ok!" Spike said, still sobbing.

"What....What Happened?"

"You had a Stress induced heart attack....." Spike said sadly.

"Oh my....."

"You could have died...." Spike said, Grimancing.

Here Twilight was, Sitting in a bed, just minutes from losing her life, and she almost failed to protect herself, and Spike. She had promised to protect Spike, and she had come that close to breaking it.

End of Chapter 3

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