• Published 5th Jun 2012
  • 539 Views, 4 Comments

Condemned to The Darkness - CrazyIan

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Intro and Chapter 1

Condemned to the Darkness


Twilight sat on the dirty train alone. She was on her way back to Ponyville, as the recent murders had became to much to bear and she left to live with her parents in Canterlot. It was dark and gloomy outside the roaring train, the inside of the train was dirty and desolate. The "Red" Incident, as ponies had come to call it, had left Ponyville ruined. The small village just couldn't take the events. Celestia had tried to find the attacker, but he had dissapeared as fast as he appeared. There were 4 murders in total, but what was disturbing, is that they had all been killed in horribly gruesome ways, Disembowlment, Decapitation, Major Flesh wounds, and all of her friends had run into him. They were able to survive, all except Pinkie Pie, who had gone missing, but not without taking certain, "losses". She was lucky, Rainbow Dash had helped her avoid the attacker, but she was too late to help her. She did everything she could, but she still failed. But that won't happen again. The last person she cared for was Spike, And she would Protect him, No matter what. The small and dirty train finally stopped with the sounds of brakes screeching. She slowly got up and walked toward the door.


Chapter 1

Twilight stuck a hoof out of the train and into the unforgiving wind and cold. She shivered, not used to the cold air. The streets were empty, dirty and desolate. "Damn it....Why did he choose here, of all places...to start murdering?" She mumbled under her breath. A sharp and cold gust of wind startled her. She hadn't realized just how cold it was. She also realized just how alone she was. Fluttershy moved to Baltimare after the murders. Rarity had finally gotten the attention of a popular fashion deisgner and was on a tour. Applejack was with family, and Rainbow Dash was in Cloudsdale, still recovering from a coma. Pinkie Pie had gone missing during the murders, she was never found. Twilight was utterly alone. Twilight felt a sense of dread and sadness, she just wanted to go to bed. Twilight continued walking until she saw the familar shape of the library. She stopped and looked. It had been a while since she lived here, 5 months to be exact. Atleast Spike would be there soon.

She walked up to the front door and unlocked it, then slowly pushing the door open. The house was completley dark, and this unnerved her. She lit her horn up, and looked around. Everything was almost exactly how she had left it, 5 months ago. She checked all the rooms to see if anything was different. Nothing was different, its as if the house had gotten frozen in time. Twilight began to cast the Teleportion spell. In a flash of Bright light, Spike appeared in the Library. "Finally! Took you long enough" Spike said with an Annoyed tone. "Spike, Im tired, Lets get to bed." Spike and Twilight began up the stairs, she wanted to get in bed and this night to be over. She climbed into the bed and settled into a restless sleep.


Twilight opened her eyes. She wasn't in her bed anymore. She looked around and observed her waking place. "Hello?" She called out. Nopony awnsered back. It appeared to be a white void, that seemingly continued in all directions forever. She got up, and did a full circle, looking for anything that might help her. When she found none, she started to walk in one direction. About 5 feet into her walk, she was stopped by a seemingly non-existant wall. She put a hoof up to the white wall, and moved it across the walls surface area. It was smooth like glass, yet had other properties she couldn't recognize. Twilight put another hoof on the wall, and stared into it, trying to see past it . A sudden CRACK was heard, and Twilight felt the wall shatter in front of her. She had been leaning on the wall, and as it cracked, she fell through. Outside of this wall, was nothingness. Complete pitch black. She looked down into the abyss, balancing on one back hoof, and felt it staring back. She lost her balance and fell.



She was awoken by the sound of glass shattering and her front door being busted in. Twilight was paralyzed in fear. She slowly moved her blankets and got up silently. She couldnt make a sound or the intruders would hear her. Twilight looked over at Spike who was still sleeping peacefully, but she had to wake him up. She shook him and tried to get him up. "Wha--" Twilight put a hoof over his mouth and motioned him not to speak. She pointed over to a closet and took her hoof off of Spikes mouth, he knew what she meant. He got up and slowly walked over to the closet and got in, closing the doors. Twilight looked around for anything she could defend herself with in case they decided to come upstairs. She was in full panic mode, as she ripped the leg off of a chair. Then, she walked up to the closet, opening it, slipped inside and waited. She feared that they would come upstairs. Her fears were made real when she heard the thumping of hooves hitting the steps. She gripped the chair leg with her magic and got ready to swing. Twilight heard the hooves touch the last step and Move closer to the bedroom door. She cracked open the closet and peered through it. She saw her bedroom door open and saw two Unicorn Stallions in black jackets and wearing dark masks with bright red goggles trot towards her bed.

"Damn we thought she was here by now!" One said

"Keep Looking, Skips saw her coming into town."

"Check around the all over the fuckin room mate"

Twilight heard her bed being flipped over, and almost dropped the chair leg.

"Fuck...I don't think she's here...Maybe she stayed somewhere else...." The other said defeated

"Alright, We are going to have to check some of the other houses then"

"Alright well first I have to do something..."

The unicorn followed him and with that the house went silent again.

Twilight let out a huge sigh of relief, and opened the closet door. She held the chair leg close to her, just in case they will still here. The room was a mess. Things were thrown everywhere, Books, Chairs, the bed was flipped over and moved. Oddly enough, nothing was taken. Its as if the intruders wanted to only take Twilight. She looked back in the closet and saw Spike whimpering in the corner. She picked him up using her magic and put him on her back, then started to walk down the steps.

End Chapter 1