• Published 1st Dec 2015
  • 252 Views, 9 Comments

A Queen of Draconic Nature - Superblox

Everything seems right in Equestria... Until a possible threat emerges. Will the ponies be able to face a Queen of Dragons? And why does she seem to have taken a liking to Princess Twilight?

  • ...

The Temple of Old

Author's Note:

This is my next installment! Hope you all enjoy!

Last Time;

There, standing before them, was a large dragon. She had a long, lithe body, her seemingly covered all over in pitch black scales that seemed to shimmer at the same time, like the night sky filled with twinkling stars. Her wings, which she now unfurled, were huge, easily being as wide as two houses put side by side. Her dark magenta eyes stared at the dumbfounded ponies with amusement. She stretched her body, showing off her long, whip-like tail, practically brandishing her long, spiraled horns coming from the back of her head and sprouting backwards several feet. She grinned at the 6 ponies before her, showing off her nearly perfect white teeth, sharp enough to cut diamonds and rubies with ease.

“I… I am Queen Lightbeam the Blinding, and this, my little ponies, is my home.”

The six just stared at her, wondering what they had just gotten themselves into.

The black dragon simply chuckled at their expressions. “You should have seen the look on your faces! Absolutely priceless!” With that, the supposed Queen fell into a giggle fit, which made the mares wonder if this one was all right in the head.

“*Ahem* Excuse me, but if you could stop for a second…” Twilight started, and after a few more giggles, the Queen had calmed herself, though she was still grinning widely. “... Thank you. N-Now, since you have… Introduced yourself… I guess we should return the favor.”

Twilight then went on to introduce them all, then turned to the large dragon. “Now… We’ve been sent here because the Princesses sensed a powerful magical imbalance, and we were told it came from here. Would you mind elaborating..?”

Lightbeam blinked, then chuckled. “Oh, that… Well, that’s simple really. I sneezed.”

This caused everypony to deadpan. “E-Excuse me?”

Lightbeam continued to chuckle. “I swear, tis the truth! I sneezed, and some of my energy must have radiated a bit.”

Twilight stared at her incredulously. “A bit..?! The Princesses sensed the magical energy from your sneeze halfway across Equestria!

“Oh, they did? My bad. I guess you all didn’t exactly come here to say bless you, huh?” Lightbeam joked. It had been a while since she last got to have this much fun.

The others simply facehooved. That didn’t last long when the Queen suddenly lowered her head, sniffing Twilight with a deep breath. She narrowed her eyes. “... Where did you find a baby dragon?” She asked, her voice dripping with venom, a complete 180 from her earlier behavior. Twilight backed up nervously.

“W-Well, I hatched h-him from his egg. It was for a magic test… S-Spike’s been my trusted assistant ever since..!” She spoke quickly, beginning to get nervous.

Lightbeam kept up her glare. “You do realize this ‘Spike’s egg was most likely gotten by ill-means?”

Twilight gasped. “Celestia would never-”

“I didn’t say it was Celestia, but those ponies got their hands on that egg somehow. I will tell you one thing Twilight Sparkle. Dragons may be driven by Greed. Dragons may often be selfish. But there is one thing Dragons aren’t. Horrible parents. Even if they don’t care much for it, the egg is still the vessel for their child, something that becomes hard to obtain with the current greed of most dragons, and they will lay down their life to protect it from those who want it. A dragon never, EVER, gives up their egg without a fight. No matter the cost.” Queen Lightbeam allowed this to sink in as realization slowly showed on Twilight's face.

The black dragon then sat back up. “But, that is a matter for another day. Perhaps you would like some time to relax..? I understand you took quite a while to get here. I’m sure the rest of my clan wouldn’t mind visitors-” She was cut off by a certain flying purple princess.

“Did you just say.. Clan?! As in… There’s more of you here..?” Twilight asked in wonder.

“Yes, it is true that I do not live here by myself. I couldn’t exactly call myself a Queen if I didn’t have others to live with.” Lightbeam said with a grin. “Follow me.” She walked towards the archway she came in from, and the others, though with apprehension, decided it might be worth it to follow.

And what met them was an amazing sight to behold.

Comments ( 2 )

Why is this on hiatus?

7819381 Because I have lost my muse for this story, and am having trouble motivating myself to continue after so long, but I refuse to cancel the story, because I feel that I might still work on this at a later time. Therefore, I have put this story on hiatus.

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