• Published 19th Nov 2015
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Born and made - Foxgear

Rainbow Dash get's tickets from an up coming concert in Canterlot featuring a popular band. Sunset is lukewarm on the matter, but goes with them and accidentally runs into the bands lead singer Johnny B Three back stage after some strange events.

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Everyone loves Bon Jovi

Born and made
By Foxgear

It was lunch time at Canterlot High school, a time Sunset enjoyed very much because it was the only time of the school day she got to hang out with all of her friends at once during school. She sat quietly eating and listening to the chatter around her finding peace in the noise. Across from her Applejack and Rarity were having a roundabout discussion on clothing. Mainly the discussion involved Rarity trying to make Applejack wear some fancy dress or design and Applejack stubbornly refusing.

Next to them Pinkie Pie was her usual Pinkie self and was going on about some party she had in the mix to Fluttershy who nodded politely as she listened while grooming some animal hidden in her backpack, and Rainbow Dash was… not here?

The absence of the rainbow haired girl brought Sunset out of her thoughts as she looked around for the rainbow haired tomboy, only to see no sign of her.

“Is something wrong dear?” Asked Rarity, dropping her conversation with Applejack, the other girls too stopped what they were doing to listen in.

“No it’s nothing, I just noticed Rainbow Dash isn’t here is all,” Sunset felt a faint blush adorn her cheeks for breaking up the happy conversation train.

“Now that you mention it Ah haven’t see her at all today,” Applejack commented thinking back to this morning, “She wasn’t in math with me and I didn’t see her ride in the parking lot either. I just figured she was late getting to school, nothing new there.”

“You don’t think she’s sick, do you?” Muttered Fluttershy hugging her backpack and the critter inside, it looked like an otter from what Sunset could tell. “That would be awful.”

“Knowing Dash she’d be playing video games rather than sleeping like she should,” Huffed Rarity looking at her nails, “That and not doing her homework.”

“Oh, oh, we should throw her a party after school, a get better soon party!” Exclaimed Pinkie Pie throwing confetti and balloons in the air, pulling said objects from what Sunset assumed to be a black hole hidden somewhere in the party girl's puffy hair.

“Or she could be right over there,” Dash said sneaking up on them. The girls shared a surprised gasp much to Rainbow’s enjoyment as she waved six pieces of paper back and forth in her hand.

“You guys will not believe the most awesome thing that just happened!” Rainbow Dash gushed fangirlishly loud. The blue skinned girl pushed her mouth cheeks together with her hands making her look in her own words, uncool, and amusingly funny in the eyes of her friends.

The girls gave each other a shrug as they tried to guess the cause of Dash’s excitement.

“Tickets to the Wonderbolts air show?” Drawled Applejack, remembering the last time Dash was this excited.

“You’re finally decided to let me redo your wardrobe?” Rarity questioned with hope, Dash’s clothes well not bad, defiantly could use some… coordination though. Honestly the girl’s color scheme was all over the place!

“A super cool idea for a party, or a new cupcake recipe that involves rainbow frosting?” Pinkie bounced excitedly, while drooling and licking her lips.

“Captain Spitfire gave you some attention?” Sunset guessed remembering Dash trying to get the senior students attention for the last week. She was kind of surprised Spitfire didn’t have restraining order on her yet; Dash has been pretty aggressive trying to get her attention, sneaking into the showers aggressive.

“No, none of that!” Rainbow Dash denounced loudly getting the entire lunchrooms attention. “I just got tickets for the last concert of Johnny B three’s legacy tour here in Canterlot! Can you believe it?”

The girls shared gasp with varying degrees of excitement ranging from super excited to curious interest. Rarity had a dreamy look about her, Pinkie Pie was bouncing more than ever, Applejack cracked a smile and rubbed her hands together with glee, perhaps thinking of selling her apples at the concert, Fluttershy was being Fluttershy and hid behind her hair at the mention of the band, and Sunset… looked kind of Meh.

“I don’t see what the excitement is all about, I mean it’s just a concert right?” The bacon haired girl said casually, earning her looks of shock and bewilderment.

“My word darling do you not know who Johnny B three is?” Rarity asked looking nearly ready to faint.

Sunset shrugged, “I’ve only been here for about three years remember, and listening to music hasn’t been a big priority till I started playing in the band with you. Who is Johnny B three any ways? Is it a stage name or something?”

That time Rarity did faint, so Applejack took up the lecture, well Rainbow Dash’s brain rebooted having crashed over the fact someone didn’t know of Johnny B three.

“Johnny B three is actually John Bon Jovi the third, son of rock legend Jon Bon Jovi, him and two other guys Aacee Decee and Def Zeppelin, also sons of rock stars, formed the band Parabellum and went on tour playing all the old rock songs sung by their fathers and other famous rockers as tribute to them. The show here this weekend is their last before they go off to do their own music. How have you not heard of them?”

Sunset just shrugged again, “Sorry, but like I said I just started getting into music. I don’t even know their fathers or any of the songs.”

“Have you no soul!” Cried Pinkie latching onto Sunset’s jacket. The reformed bully gently shook the pink partier off and scooted away a few extra inches.

“Ok… that’s a different kind of Pinkie weird.”

Fluttershy poked her head out of her hair, “They say if you don’t like Bon Jovi, then you have no soul and are clearly an unfeeling demon. No offense in your case it’s just what people say, so I hear.”

Sunset shook her head the ridiculous statement, “Look it’s not that I don’t like them, it’s just I never heard their music.”

“Well you will now, because I got tickets of all of us!” Rainbow Dash’s brain finally rebooted as she proudly held up six tickets. “Yelp stayed up all night and stood in line all morning to get these babies.”

“Is that why you missed your morning classes Miss Dash?” A cynical voice asked. Dash glopped loudly as the imposing figure of Vice Principle Luna stood behind her. “Well, I’m waiting Miss Dash.”

Dash chuckled nervously, “If say yes, are you going to give me dentition over the weekend?”

“And make you miss a Bon Jovi concert? Who do you think I am? Hitler? No, but you will be staying after school making up your missed classes for the rest of the week.”

“Oh thank God,” Sighed Dash, happy she wasn’t going to miss the concert. That would be a wasted five hundred dollars.

“Always happy to help a fellow fan, now I’ll see you after school,” Luna said as she walked away. If you looked closely you could see her eyes had deep black circles indicating she also had a late night standing in line. How one would know this is simple, she was wearing a Bon Jovi T-shirt.

Awkward silence filled the air as the girls imagined their vice principle rocking out next to them at the concert. While Luna wasn’t very old, probably only her late twenties early thirties, the idea of her being there was still rather odd.

Rarity coughed, breaking the awkwardness, “Well I think some new concert going clothes are in order. Why don’t you all come by my store after school and I’ll see what I can find for you. Half price deals of course.”

“Alright, see you there,” Said Sunset as the bell rang, signaling for them to return to class.


After school Sunset walked to Rarity’s store as promised. When she walked in she was greeted to the sight of all of her friends in various states of dress from some clothes to their underwear as Rarity ran back and forth between the piles of clothing tossing this and that aside with displeasure when it didn’t match the imagine in her head. Applejack was her current human mannequin; the poor farm girl was blushing red from head to toe as she stood shivering in the middle of the store in a pair of jeans with one leg cut off and her bra. No wait that was a star spangled bikini top. There were also some sort string things hanging off her arms, either way Applejack didn’t look too pleased with her outfit.

“Oh Sunset I’m glad you’re here, tell me which do you prefer?” Rarity held up two outfits for her, one was a corset and skirt with stockings and the other one was black leather tube top and short-shorts and pair knee high leather boots. Neither one really tickled her fancy all that much.

“Meh, not really my thing.”

Rarity threw the outfits aside and proceeded to circle around her like a shark. “Hmm, you’re right, you need something a little brighter, yet still dark, something red maybe?”

Fluttershy emerged from the dressing room wearing a green leotard with a pink leaf like skirt that did little to hide her front and back. The yellow girl hesitantly made her way across the floor in a pair of high heeled green boots, taking all her focus not to trip. “Yum, Rarity, can I please have my clothes back? These are nice but… they're a little awkward.”

“Maybe eight inch heals were a bit tall for you, stand right there I’ll be right back with some three inch ones.” Chime Rarity as she left into the backroom. Fluttershy sighed quietly as she tip toed her way to the sofa and flopped down on it with a relieving sigh as she began taking off the boots.

“So…” Sunset began looking Applejack up and down. Damn that girl was tone! Her arms were in the way, but she could see the six pack abs Applejack was trying to hide. She wondered why the farm girl was trying to hide it.

“So nothing,” Barked Applejack turning away from Sunset, “Can someone please help me find a decent shirt in this place? Not one of them lacy froo-froo ones neither, a normal one!” She grumbled digging through the stack of clothes just as Rarity returned with the boots. The white skinned girl wasted no time in placing the boots on Fluttershy’s feet just as the yellow girl finally managed to get the other pair off.

“There. Walk around and tell me how those feel.”

Fluttershy did as instructed and made a quick pass around the store, “Much better, thank you, now do you think you could find me a less… proactive skirt? This one is kind of brash for me.”

“Yeah Rarity, why are you trying make us look like whores? Ah ha! Here’s one!” Applejack said victoriously holding up a low cut T-shirt. It was still a bit revealing for her, as it showed off her belly button, but it was better than the piece of string Rarity had given her.

Rarity retorted, crossing her arms and puffing up her cheeks, “Looking whorish was not my intent; I was merely selecting clothes that would match the atmosphere of the concert.”

“Uh ha,” Sunset huffed skeptically, “If that’s the case why does that concert poster show everyone in jeans and T-shirts?”

“Well… you see umm… creative genius?” Spluttered Rarity.

“I see, and you were going to wear what exactly?” Sunset questioned as she snatched up the jeans and Tee Rarity had in her arms. The shirt was a dark purple with gems spelling out “MARRY ME” in a dazzling sparkling design. Rarity laughed nervously as her friends glared unamused in her direction.

“Oh, how did that get in there? Let me just take that to the back and see if I can find some less exotic clothes for you all.” Rarity sheepish said as she ventured back into the backroom returning with some more standard Rock and Roll clothes, ripped T-shirts and jeans with varying logos and designs. “Alright here you go, but keep in mind there will be no skirts, a rock concert isn’t really a good place for such things.”

“Yeah, yeah, these will be fine,” Waved Applejack excepting the clothes, “Well I got chores to do, so see ya at the concert gals.”

“Bye everyone I go to get to the animal shelter too,” Said Fluttershy accepting the clothes from Rarity, she got about ten feet out the door before realizing she was still wearing the Leotard and walked back in burning red head to toe. “Um do you mind if I change and use your back door Rarity?”

“Not a problem dear, you know where the changing rooms are and the door is that way.” Rarity pointed for the shy girl. Doing her best not to laugh at her poor friend Rarity busied herself by fetching Sunset’s clothes and handing them over to the reformed girl.

“Here you do dear and just for you I added something a little extra, but don’t look till you get home.”

“Ok,” Sunset shrugged taking her leave. Out on the side walk she passed a fuming Applejack as she reentered Rarity’s store, still wearing the one legged pair of jeans. Sunset couldn’t help but chuckle as the farm girl grumpily exited again in her normal attire.

“Don’t say nothin’” Warned Applejack walking away swiftly.

Sunset burst into giggles causing the farm girl’s back to go rigged at the other end of the block as she pulled her hat over her eyes. Once Applejack rounded the corner Sunset began her way home only to pause in wonder where Pinkie pie was.

(At Pinkie Pie’s house)

“Hey Maud check out the clothes Rarity gave me today!” Pinkie exclaimed excitedly showing of her daisy duke short and pink bikini top with balloon declarations.

Maud Pie looked up from her work with a skeptical eyebrow, judging the outfit their ma and pa would frankly paddle Pinkie’s bottom red if they ever saw her wearing it. Good thing they were away for the week. Still despite the outfits skimpy design it suited Pinkie, it was only missing one thing.

“Here,” Maud said place two star shaped rocks onto the bikini top, “Now it’s perfect.”

“You’re so right! Thanks Maud!” Pinkie yelled hugging her sister.

(Back with Sunset)

As Sunset made her way up the stairs of her apartment building she wondered what Rarity’s extra gift was. On her way home she unfolded the clothes to reveal a wrapped present. The package was thin and small, barely bigger than her hand, but still the giddiness of wanting to open it was getting to her so she quickly entered the one room apartment, placed her new clothes on her bed and quickly ripped open the gift revealing a CD, not just any CD, but a Parabellum CD with a note attached inside.

Dear Sunset

We want you to get the most enjoyment out of the concert, so here’s CD of Parabellum’s songs for you to enjoy before the concert.

With love, your friends

Sunset smiled brightly as she carefully placed the CD in her CD player and hit play. For fun she grabbed her guitar wanting to get in some practice tonight too. The first song began to play and Sunset felt a rush of energy as the song began to play

The song was explosive! She immediately began jamming out with the band, play fast and loud her fingers a blur on the strings as she copied the band’s guitarist. Her hips moved to the music, her head bobbed up and down and she began to sing with the song as she rocked out.

“Get ready to rock! Oooohhoooohohhh! Ah yeah!” She screamed as the song died down. Her body was covered in sweat from her impromptu dancing and singing and she was gasping for breath. She felt to energized and that was only one song!

She stopped the CD to take a short break and to shower. Passing by the mirror she was surprised to see she had ponied up during her little rock concert.

“Did I really enjoy them that much?” She wondered.

After a quick shower and doing her homework Sunset turned the CD back on and listened to the entire thing that night. She couldn’t believe how well they sang and too her own amazement she found herself smitten by the lead singer’s, Johnny B three, voice. It was at that time she decided she wanted to meet him.


It was Saturday night in Canterlot and people where lined up three blocks out from the concert venue waiting to get in. Lucky for six magical pony girls, they had VIP passes and were allowed in early and back stage. Five of the six went to save their spot at the very front of the stage right in front of the bank, while the sixth snuck back behind stage, eager to meet the band. However she soon found herself lost in the labyrinth of the Canterlot concert hall.

“Dammit where do I go from here?” Cursed Sunset walking away from another dead end, seriously why were there so many dead ends here?

Rounding the corner Sunset was knocked to the ground by someone, both landed on the floor in a pile of limbs; Sunset pushed the girl off after getting a little too acquainted with the girl’s goodies for her liking.

“Hey watch where you’re going!” Sunset grimaced massaging her head. Great, a headache before a rock concert that would it make so much more enjoyable. Getting up Sunset took a good look at the girl and decided she was rather… plain looking to say the least, but was did surprise her was the look of fear on her face as she clutched something in her hand. Down hall shouting could be heard and two very big and very bulky guys in security shirts charged at them.

“Stop thief!” They shouted and the girl took off like a rocket.

Acting on impulse Sunset jumped the girl and tackled her to the ground. The two guys managed to catch up and subdue the girl from there.

“Thank you miss, this little bitch almost ruined the whole show.”

“She did?”

“Yeah,” The other guy answered, “She made off with Johnny B’s, I guess you can call it lucky charm, the guy doesn’t play without it.” Plucking the thing from the girl’s gasp the first guard began dragging the girl away, leaving Sunset awkwardly standing with the second.

“So, I um, guess I should be getting back to my seat then.”

“Hold up a minute,” The guard said stopping her, “In thanks for your help wanna come meet the band quick before the show? Johnny will want to thanks you personally I’m sure.”

Sunset spluttered her tongue unable to work all that come out was, “Blah aahhhh high yessh?”

The guard chuckled leading Sunset by the arm, “I’ll take that as a yes, come on this way, show starts in twenty minutes.”

Sunset was in a daze as she was dragged to the band’s greenroom. In her rational mind there was nothing for her to be nervous about they were both human, well he was human, she was a magical pony from another world, but it shouldn’t be any big deal for her to meet someone famous. Really she didn’t even know what he looked like. All the bands CD covers and poster just had some symbol with their name on it. There is nothing for her to be nervous about!

“Hey Johnny, I got your thing back and someone is here to meet you.” The guard announced pounding on the door. Sunset could feel the seconds pass by as the door opened slowly revealing a twenty something blond man with a little bread stubble and steel blue eyes and holy Celestia he was tall! He was about a head taller than her and shirtless! On a side note he had a peach like skin tone similar to Applejack’s and so did his band mates sitting on the couch inside, it was kind of strange when compared multi colored skin tone of everyone else.

Johnny B three looked up and down between his bulking Security guard and the bacon haired girl outside his door. He looked to the guard, an old school friend by the name of Knockdown, holding out his hand for his stolen possession only for Knockdown to point at the girl. There tucked neatly in her slender fingers was a silver cross on a string adorned with feathers, his lucky charm and a gift from his dad before going on tour.

‘Please don’t run off with it.’ He silently begged as he prepared to address the strangely silent girl. Most fans would be going nuts by now, like they would literary try to grab his nuts.

“Hi there, are you the one who got my charm back?” The girl nodded and held out the charm. Smiling he took the charm and tied into his hair behind his left ear. The familiar weight of the cross and the soft touch of the feathers helped relieve his tension. “Thanks a lot, you have no idea how much it means to me. What’s your name?”

“Sunset, Sunset Shimmer,” The girl answered finding her voice. “I’m a… moderate fan I guess? I’m not sure. I like your music, but I only got into it last night because my friends got tickets to the concert and invited me along and anyways I really like how you change your voice for the song in track eight of your CD, also the guitar solos are they you or one of the other band mates? Because I’m learning to play and it would be awesome to figure out how make some of those rhythms.”

Johnny blinked, that was quiet the introduction. “It’s great to meet a fan whose so into playing, but the show starts in ten minutes so I don’t have time right now to show you anything.”

Sunset’s mood sunk, “Oh yeah, well it was nice to meet you. Probably a once in a life time chance you know.”

As she began to walk away Johnny felt a strange impulse, well not strange, but he wanted to cheer her up.

“Hey Sunset,” He called out causing the girl to turn around, “During the show as a thanks I’ll do something special for you, be at the front of the stage by the last song ok?”

“Ok,” Sunset nodded, a flurry of butterflies fluttered in her stomach as she was led back to the stage by Knockdown.


“Where you been Sunset, the shows about to start!” Exclaimed Rainbow Dash as she forced her way through the crowd to the girls, they picked the perfect spot, right in front and center.

“I got a little lost on the way to the bathroom is all,” Sunset lied, wanting to keep her experience private, at least for now, she was kind of embarrassed about how she acted in front of Johnny B three. Way to show her intelligence, by babbling and appearing brain dead.

“Soosh the show is starting.” Hissed Rarity as the curtain was raised and the strum of a guitar thundered through the speakers followed by soft voice and then a guitar mixed in as it all came together with a pop of a bottle.

The crowd came to life bodies mashed and cheered as the band played. Sunset screamed at the top of her lungs jumping up and down with no restraint. One of her boobs might have even hit in her the face, but she didn’t care! Her body acted on its own as she jammed out. She began moving as she pleased, her pose very suggestive as she danced. She clasped her arms above her head and shook her hips, the crowd giving her room as they hooped and hollered. When she opened her eyes they locked with Johnny’s as he played a little smirk on his lips as he nodded in approval. For a moment he didn’t do anything and just stared at her. His bandmate and base player took up the song, matching Johnny’s voice almost perfectly. A subtle head jerk from the drummer signaled for Johnny to get back in the game, which he did, flawlessly switching back into his part as if he never left. He gave her a quick wink before returning his full attention to the show.

The rest of the night was most of the same, each song Sunset would find herself lost in the music, though Johnny didn’t stop singing during any other songs to stare at her, which she was grateful for. She didn’t want to be the cause of the show being ruined because she was distracting him or something. That being said, she wondered what he was thinking about when he looked at her, it wasn’t creepy (yet), since he always seemed look at her like she was a puzzle he couldn’t solve. Curiosity was what Sunset would describe the expression on Johnny’s face.

The night was winding down and the time had come for the last song and Sunset was feeling excited wondering what Johnny was going to do, it couldn’t be her favorite song, though maybe since she said she liked track eight he might think it was her favorite.

Sunset was so engrossed in thoughts she didn’t feel someone take hold of her hand, she did however notice when her boots left the ground. She was amazed by the display of strength Johnny was showing pulling her up on stage, she was by no means a heavy girl, but she still weighted about hundred pounds and he pulled her up with one arm!

She wasn’t sure what was going on still as her boots touched the stage, but the drummer and the other band mate, Acee Decee, and Led Leopard if she remembered right, where already playing, starting off with a count down with Johnny standing right in front of her and looking directly at her as the song began.

Johnny began singing, but it was different this time, he was singing for her. He wrapped his arm around her waist and they began to dance as he sang.

“You were born to be my baby; baby I was made to be your man!”

Sunset felt her cheeks burn as he said those lyrics looking right at her and dipping her down low. He brought her back up spinning her around never once missing a beat or a note as he went.

The rhythm finally got into her blood and she began to dance on her own moving around him as he seemed to act out the song right in front of her. They continued like this throughout the song, the crowd disappearing because in their minds it was them together on stage. The music began to die down and in the final notes of the song Johnny captured her in her arms again and dipped her low, he sang the final notes and Sunset expected him to lift her up again, but instead she felt something press against her lips as the music faded away and the crowd gasped. Johnny B three was kissing her, in front of a live crowd and live TV! The curtain fell and he finally let her back up, sporting his own blush.

“That… that was surprising,” He chuckled a sort of awkwardness filling the air between them.

Sunset touched her lips, still a bit dazed by what just happened. She was going to get hounded to hell at school on Monday, strange thought for just kissing someone famous. “Yeah, it is,” she answered lamely. Johnny took her by the waist and began leading her off stage.

“You better stay with me for a bit, don’t want you getting jumped by fans or the paparazzi.”

“Yeah, sounds good,” She answered trying to keep her emotions in check. From the way he was acting the kiss was an accident, it meant nothing, yet…

“You ok?” He asked.

Sunset nodded unsure how to go about things when they come to limo parked out back. “Here we’ll take you home.”

The ride was quiet and much too short for Sunset as they arrived at her apartment. She had hoped to at least talk to him, but she was feeling so tongued tied she couldn’t muster up the words.

“Thanks for the ride, good night.”

“Hey Sunset,” Johnny said as she made her way to the apartment front door.

“Yes,” She asked turning around perhaps a little too quickly.

“I still gotta show you how I do that one set on track eight, so I’ll be seeing you soon, maybe sooner then you thing and if you don’t mind, how about some dinner some time? I know a place.”

Sunset felt a shortness of breath as the gears of her mind turned at high speed, “Go out for dinner? As in a date?”

Johnny shrugged, “I suppose that’s what people call them, so yes, I’m asking out on a date. My schedule is free, so how about sometime next week?”

“Yeah, that would be awesome!”
“It’s a date then, see you Friday.”

Author's Note:

This was just a fun story that came to mind one day in the tractor. Part of the reason I wrote it is so more people can find me. None the less I did a moderate job making this, but I need to get back to my main story now. I hope you all enjoyed it and feel free to check out my other stories.

One interesting thing I found out while writing this story is that Bon Jovi's real name is John Bonjovi jr, which is why I went with Johnny B Three since there was already a jr.

All songs belong to their respected owners.

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