• Published 9th Nov 2015
  • 439 Views, 0 Comments

When Extremes Meet - IMNOTHERE889

When two extremes meet, can love save the day? Or does everyone lose it all?

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It is... What, the middle of the day? Yeah. The middle of the day. It is now the middle of the day, and it is lunchtime. This is a time I dread because, there is a lot of time for bullies to strike; be it tripping, smashing, foulmouthing, smacking, anything. All they want is to humiliate you. Now, if you go to a school where everybody wants to win at literally EVERYTHING, there are bound to be a few bullies. And, since I don't share that quality (the quality being "always wanting to win"), i have another reason to say why I have no friends. Everyone who is friends with each other here are competitive and addicted to winning, as if winning were a rare psychedelic drug that's super, and I mean SUPER, addictive.

I make my way down the halls, clinging to the walls, sometimes hiding from other students out of fear that they would embarrass me. I look to the door of the cafeteria, and let out a quiet gasp.

"It's right there!" I quietly shout to myself.

"HEY!" I hear a familiar voice say, startling me. I let out a small scream, and jump up in the air in surprise.

"Wha... What are ya doin'?" I hear an unsure voice say. Wait, I know that voice!

"Twilight?" I ask, turning towards the owner of the voice. Yup, it was deeeeeeeefinitely Twilight.

"Yeah, it's me... So.. What are you doing?"

"Oh, I'm just going into the cafeteria... But I'm trying to do so before I get noticed and people start to bully me."

"Well, can I join you?"

"Sure! I mean, you seem to be the only friend I've made here.. Ever."

"Wow, really?"

"Yeah, and we should probably get going before lunch ends, right?"

"Oh, yeah!"

I motion my head towards the the entrance to the cafeteria and we both head off, anxiety nipping at the back of my head like a mouse nibbling on the walls of his cage...

Lunch went without a hitch, mostly. I was teased the same old teases, I had gotten used to that. But, right when we were going to leave, I was tripped. But, luckily, I had quickly recovered before I fell face first on the ground, probably breaking my nose in the process, or at least hurting it a good amount. Twilight came out with me, but, I doubt I'll see her for the rest of the day. She'll probably be in that dark room at the end of one of the halls, working on something sciency. Hmm... I might have a class with Allan... maybe even get to know him more during the classes we share?

Who knows, maybe he'll even give away that he has a thing for me, and we just met.

It is the end of the day, and, as if by some miracle, the rest of the day I was just tripped or teased. Hurrah! Ahh, my demeanor has improved slightly noticably, it seems... I feel more... confident. I'm standing up straighter, it seems, which has gotten me looks from all the kids which say, "wait, what?" I guess they didn't see a slightly more confident Neon Screen. Hah! Anyway, I'm getting off track.

I was just casually walking through the halls, but I was still on the lookout for bullis, though, in case they decided to ruin my less-than-perfect day. I turn around a corner and guess who I see?

Mm... My dream guy. Allan Berry.
He looks very confident with himself. I like that.

Wait, why are a few other students following him?
Why do they have evil smirks on their faces?

Uh oh... here comes the christening.

I duck back behind the corner, and poke my head out to watch the unfolding scene. One of the students quicken their pace and catch up with Allan until they're about next to him.

"Hey, new guy, don't ya know how things work around here?" the bully sneered, a smirk still on his face. I just wanted to wipe that smirk off his face.
But... I can't. They'll practically murder me.

Allan says in an impatient tone, "Dude, I just got here. How do you expect me to-"

"Oh right, the newbie hasn't had his coronation yet!" another student runs up to him, wearing a smirk that matches the other's on his face.

"What?" Allan asks with a mixture of impatience and anger, half glaring at the other bully, who was now walking right next to him.

"C'mon, ya want ta fit in around here, right, new guy?" A third bully came running along with the others, a girl, this time.

"Fitting in is for losers! I like to stand out. Being unique is great," Allan states, his eyesight an even stronger glare, now at the girl.

"Aww, really? Too bad. Hit it, Jock!" The first bully shouted, looking behind him before walking away from Allan, followed by the other bullies.

Wait... Jock?
As in.. Disc Jockey?

Uh oh. That can't be good.

I.. I have to do something... But...
I can't just...
Face off the school's biggest bully....
Can I?
No. I can't. I'm too weak. He would smash me into a pulp.

I'm.. I'm sorry Allan.

The kids break away from Allan, and Jock comes running up behind him, and pushes him to the floor. Once he was on the floor, he put his foot dead in the center of Allan's back, and smirked evilly.

"Welcome to Crystal Prep Academy, loser," he chuckled as he leaned down towards Allan's face, whispering lies with his snake-like tongue.

Allan's face was on the floor, and, whenever he spoke, it was muffled. Like right now.

"What was that, loser?" Jock said, his smile growing wider by the minute.

"I said, you better be ready, 'cause NO ONE messes with Allan Berry," he said harshly, as if he was spitting fire as he did so.

Wait.. It's not everyday you hear someone speak in rhyme. Usually it's those outcasts from all schools, who usually like to stay in nature. But, when it's a normal person...

Iron Will....
Must've been. He must've been to Iron Will.
Does that mean... He used to be a pushover? A doormat? Oh, I don't know!!

"Aww, da wittle baby is soooo scawy? What're you gonna do about it, punk?"

You bullies are playing with fire!! No one messes with someone who goes on a course with Iron Will!
Wait, maybe I should do one of those courses.
Nah, too expensive.

Allan grunted, "If you play with fire, the consequences will be dire!!"

The bullies just laughed. Their laughter echoed through the halls.
Why.... Why can't I just... Help?


Allan pushes himself up so fast that he knocked Jock off of his back, causing the famous bully to stagger back with a shocked look on his face. The blue hair boy quickly faces the big-time bully, and assumes a fighting stance. Jock, outraged, runs up to Allan like a raging bull, as if he had just seen red. Allan leans forward slightly, his arms outstretched in front of him, his palms facing the bull-bully.

Jock's head makes contact with Allan's hands, and he handles the bull parody as if he was wrestling one. He quickly throws him away, making the other stagger. Jock quickly recovers though, and his face literally turns red, and smoke was steaming out of his nostrils, like a cartoon character gone livid.

Allan charges up to Jock, but, before he lands a move, the bully punches him in the face.


Allan quickly falls to the floor, and I notice a small amount of blood streaming out of his nose and mouth.

Allan... Oh, it breaks my heart.


Why must bullies be like this?


Allan gets to his elbows, and looks at Jock with a glare that could turn a cockatrice to stone.
He spits out a tooth.
The smirk on Jock's face goes away instantly, and is replaced with surprise.

"Mother.." he quietly says before Allan stands up and punches him. Allan then kicks Jock in the belly while he was recovering from the first hit, causing him to fall to the floor.
Allan puts a foot onto the fallen bully's chest, and whispers to him, "The tables have turned, you will get what you deserve." He then takes his foot off of the defeated bully, and begins walking away in the other direction. But, before he rounds the corner where I stand, he turns around and runs quickly towards Disc Jockey. Allan kicks him hard where the sun don't shine after his run-up. Jock screams out in pain, writhing on the floor, his hands gripping his crotch.
I giggle a little bit at the display.

Allan then takes a deep breath before turning around and walking back towards the corner I hid.

Allan rounds the corner, and he notices me almost instantly.

"Neo, what're you doing here?" He said with a low level of concern, not even caring that some blood was dripping out of his nose and mouth.

"Allan, I-I saw what happened. Th-that was amazing!" I said, trying my best not to stutter, and failing miserably.

He scoffs, "I was just taking care of a bully, so what? I've done it many times before."

My face changes to one of concern, "Allan, do you realize who that was? He was the bully. Disc Jockery, he, he bullies everyone. You're only safe i-if you join his crew."

"Well, I showed him who's boss, eh?" he said, smirking slightly.

My face doesn't change. "Allan, go see the school nurse. You, you're bleeding.."

"Aight, aight, calm down." A look of annoyance crosses Allan's face, his voice giving away the fact that he has grown impatient.

I let out a long hreath through my mouth, running my hands through my slightly moist hair.
He walks away, hopefully towards the nurse's office.

I sigh out of relief and walk out of the school, and walk home.

Author's Note:

This chapter is way overdue.
Sorry for the two of you that read this story.
Criticism is welcome.

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