• Published 16th Oct 2015
  • 297 Views, 2 Comments

The Pegasus Sakura Blossom - Prince Garnet

This story chronicles the adventures of an unlikly heroic pegasus Sakura Blossom. A victom by chance, she devotes herself to filling a slot now left open by the main six. Sakura adventures make her a pain in Queen Chrysalis' side.

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Chapter 1, A Heroine's Beginning

It was a nice fall afternoon in Ponyville as Sakura Blossom walked toward Carousel Corner. She was interested in finding a new dress for the Galloping Gallo this year. Sakura was never good as sewing and she knew that Rarity had a very keen eye for fashion. She had been fired form her Cloudsdale job in the weather factory without a reason. She showed up for her normal work day after the first day of new year within an hour of clocking in she was fired. Sakura found herself without a home eventually moving back to Ponyville were her parents lived.

“Hello Miss Rarity?” the door to her shop was ajar. "HELLO, IS THERE ANYPONY HERE?" There came a bit of noise from the back side of the shop, Sakura went to investigate. As she walked closer something struck her hard in the back of the head and everything went dark.

Slowly wakefulness crept into her head she became aware of voices around her. Though distant she could make out two stallions and a mare, none of the voices she recognized. Slowly she opened her eyes and looked around, her hooves and wings were tightly bound, she was in some sort of cage, and Rarity lay unconscious next to her she too was bound. Squinting in the dark room Sakura could make out their captors. The stallions were dressed as Princess Twilight's royal guard the third made her heart skip a beat Chrysalis, the Changeling Queen, was talking to them.

“I don’t care what you do with the other filly Rarity is the one I was after. She is the key to this plan. Now if you will excuse me I have to get back to the Carousel Boutique before I am missed.” Chrysalis walked away from the stallions, as she did her form shifted to that of Rarity. As she left, she turned and in Rarity’s voice, “Don’t you dare fail me darlings.” Both guard saluted smartly as she left.

Rarity who stirred slightly, “hmm….” This naturally attracted the attention of the Guards

“Well looks like I didn’t hit you hard enough little filly did I.” his form shifted to that of a changeling drone.

Sakura scowled, “Figures you changelings would have your hooves in this. So what are you going to do beat us drain out love or something like that?” her voice was tinged with hate.

His companion shifted as he walked over, “To be honest we haven’t thought about it yet, but for now you will just keep Rarity Company.” With a chuckle the pair walked back to their post near the front door. Sakura glared after them frustrated with herself for falling in their trap.

After a few minutes Rarity began to wake up. Opening her eyes she looked about, “Oh my head…where am I? Why am i tied up and in a dirty rusty old cage?”

“You and I are being held prisoner by Queen Chrysalis Miss Rarity. I am not quite sure were we are but is seems like it may be a warehouse.” Sakura quietly whispered to Rarity. She tested her bonds before continuing. "What they want with us i have no idea, but Chrysalis left after shifting into you. The name is Sakura by the way."

“Just Rarity dear.” Rarity struggled to right herself but the bonds prevented her from moving very well. “It is nice to meet you Sakura any ideas how to get out of this horribly nasty cage dear”

Sakura examined her bonds, “Not right at the moment but I am sure we can figure something out. Can you use your magic at all Rarity. Or is that little band around your horn stopping you from using magic?”

Rarity tried to untie the rope using her magic but nothing happened, she shook her head. “No sorry dear it is preventing me from using my magic.”

“Not surprising they bound my wings as well.” Sakura sighed and reevaluated the situation.

After a few moments the guards made a quick check on their prisoners. Both mares lay there scowling at the Changelings. With a smiles they headed outside with a snide comment, “Two little fillies lock in a cage first comes, love then comes marriage and then a filly pushing a carriage.”

“Nasty little creatures what do they want with us anyway?” Rarity complained as the Changelings left.

Sakura was working her bonds loose, “I don’t think they want me for anything, but Queen Chrysalis left about two hours ago. It would not surprise me if she intends to cause problems for Princess Twilight and the rest of your friends.”

“Then we need to get out of here as soon as possible to warn them.” Rarity commented.

“I am working on it, i hope all those Daring Do books pay off.” Sakura said with a smile. She gave Rarity a wink and began working on her bonds. Sakuras bonds were very loose on her hooves but they looked as tight as they were originally.

Sakura had already begun working on Rarity’s bonds as the drones came in with a third boasting how they capture one of the great six heroines by themselves. Rarity and Sakura had adjusted themselves so they were hoof to hoof. Sakura quickly stopped working when they came in. The bonds on Rarity’s back hooves had been finished earlier all that remained were her front ones. The three drones walked over to gawk at the seemingly helpless mares.

“I DEMAND YOU LET US GO IMMEDIATELY YOU BRUTES!” Rarity furiously yelled at them. Sakura remained quiet as Rarity kept the attention off Sakura who worked Rarity's bonds free.

One of the Changelings stepped up to the cage door, “What are you going to do Miss Rarity, stitch me a cute bunny costume, or maybe decorate my hoof with pastel ribbons….”

His friend joined in insults, “Oh I know she will stitch you a brilliant blue bonnet so you can wear it for the winter festival.”

Sakura laughed at the Changelings, “Big words from something that is nothing more that an over sized dung beetle. You guys could use some primping up girls. it just might make you a bit more likable punk.”

“You got a lot of mouth for a filly in a cage.” he scowled at her his furry very evident in his features.

Sakura continued her verbal onslaught after flashing Rarity a glance Rarity realized that the bonds would slide off without effort. “Why don’t you open this cage cockroach. i bet you couldn't even break my hide without being winded.” His eyes immediately turned red with hatred towards her.

“Why you arrogant little….” His friends pulled him back as he was about to charge Sakura,

“Whoa it is not worth it, she said that neither mare was to be hurt remember.”

With much resistance he scowled at Sakura, “This isn’t over filly….” He stomped off with his friends.

Rarity lay there looking up at Sakura, “That did not seem to have been very productive dear.”

Sakura smiled, “Actually it was perfect Rarity, and I got exactly what I wanted.” Rarity Stared at her bewildered. After the three went outside Sakura rolled up to her hooves and slipped off the ropes. She scrutinized the cage and explained, “The whole goal was to get one mad enough so his friends would be forced to remove him from the building. It is evident Chrysalis does not want us dead or we would have not made it this far, we would have been a bloody mess on your Boutique’s floor."

Rarity slipped off her own ropes, “Making that one mad as he was, does that not endanger us?"

Sakura shook her head, “Chrysalis has something planed for you. What it is I have no idea” Sakura was examining the sides of the cage tapping on a corner and nodding in approval before she continued. “We escape this cage, and get to Princess Twilight.”

Rarity crossed her hooves in moderate irritation, “And how to you propose we do that. This is a metal cage and the key is outside with three disgusting changelings.”

Sakura smiled and aimed at the corner, “Like this…” with a swift kick of her back hoof the old rusty weld fractured.

Rarity looked in amazement, “How did you know it that would work Sakura?"

“Actually I had no clue it would, guess paying attention in shop class paid off." She commented with a coy smile. "Come on lets get out of here before they discover we got out.” Rarity nodded and followed.

The two mares jumped free as several crates came crashing down on their rusty prison sending echoes throughout the building. Before Rarity had a chance to protest Sakura scooped her up and carried to the top of a large stack of crates were they could see the scene. All arguments set aside the three drones charged in panicked. There was no signs of the mares and no blood.

“Where the hay did they go?” one of the changelings argued.

“No idea, the unicorn still had the magic constrictor on her horn right?” his friend asked.

“Yea it was still there unless she managed to get it off.”

The third interjected, “Will you two shut up, they can’t have gotten far there is only one way out of here and that is through us. Now spread out I will watch the door.” The other two nodded and set off looking for Rarity and Sakura

“Were to now they got the door blocked off and the other two are looking for us.” Rarity whispered. Sakura shrugged and began looking around for possible avenues of escape. A soft voice spoke up form behind them.

“There is another way out, and it will take you out the back side of the warehouse.” As Rarity cringed Sakura turned to look, an ivory colored unicorn mare with pink irises slowly stepped out of the shadows like a specter, she made no sound as she walked.

“Who are you, and how do we know you can be trusted.” Sakura whispered to the unicorn mare.

“My name is Sasami, and you can either trust me or take your chances with the changelings it is up to you.” she smiled.

Sakura weight the options, “OK but we need you to run a distraction for us.”

Sasami smiled an impish smile that made Sakura shiver, “With pleasure, be ready to move when I draw them to the front.” Before Sakura had a chance to say anything Sasami disappeared into the shadows without a sound.

“How will we know when to move?” Rarity whispered.

Before she could respond there was a crash towards the front, “Hey boys looking for me?”

“There is the unicorn, get her.” Rarity stared dumbfounded as she watched herself dart out the front door with drones on her hooves.

“I never would do something like that. How does she get off on acting that way……” Rarity protested

“Does it really matter Rarity lets get out of here before they figure it is a ploy.” Sakura interjected Rarity's rant.

The two of them made their way to the rear entrance. Soon as they arrived they noticed the lock had been compromised presumably by Sasami Rarity screeched to a halt just before the door, an abnormally large changeling stood between the mares and their exit.

He grinned evilly, "So were do you two think you are going?"

Sakura sprinted past Rarity with a snide comment “We are going RIGHT THROUGH YOU!” before he could react Sakura spread her wings suddenly arching up at a right angle sending both her fore-hooves solidly under his muzzle sending him head over tail into a wall. “MOVE YOUR TAIL RARITY! THAT NOISE IS BOUND TO DRAW ATTENTION!” Rarity nodded and galloped out of the warehouse. Sakura could hear several drones heading her way, “Great they got more. At least Rarity got away.”

Sasami's voice came from above “Not for long, quick up here. We need to catch up with Rarity before Chrysalis realizes her pony prize is back in town."

"Her pony prize, you mean Rarity." Sakura inquired as she and Sasami jumped from roof to roof.

“No not Rarity, she could care less about Rarity. She is after Princess Celestia, and is going to use Princess Twilight as a means to get to her through Rarity. Princess Celestia is here to check up on Princess Twilight. Princess Celestia is planing to throw a celebration for Twilight for returning the magic to the ponies. ”

As they jumped from roof to roof Sakura inquired "So what exactly is your part in this. it is not hard to tell your a changeling, why are you helping me?"

Sasami groaned, “Great Celestia you ask a lot of questions, I will explain it later. There’s Rarity, and she is headed headlong into a welcoming committee.”

Sakura smiled, “Not if I can help it. Meet you at Princess Twilight's Castle” Sasami nodded and got down were she could meet up with Rarity.

Sakura jumped from the roof and power-dived the waiting changelings. In a flurry of hooves changeling went flying caught completely off guard.

Rarity slid to a halt, “Sakura, what in Equestria….”

Sakura stood at the ready, “No times to explain go with Sasami. I got these punks, it is tail kicking time.”

Rarity nodded and joined Sasami, the two headed off towards Twilight’s castle leaving Sakura in the center of around ten or so Changeling drones. One of the drones smiled, they clearly had the advantage.

“Time to kill a filly boys" several of the drones got to their hooves.

Sakura smiled, “You boys need to know how to better treat a filly, your nothing but chitin and snot.”

“YOU ARE GOING TO PAY FOR THAT COMMENT YOU BRATTY FILLY!” he dove at her with several others. Sakura tensed,

“BRING IT!!!!!” there was a resounding thunderclap causing an explosion of drones. As the battle raged Sakura became a flurry of hooves and wings, she moved with the speed of lightning sending changelings in all directions with a resounding crunch.

Almost all the drones were incapacitated Sakura set her sights on the leader drone. Breathing heavily Sakura turned to face him, “Now it is you turn to step up for your tail whooping stud.” Sakura rushed toward him when she was hit in the side by a kinetic blast the knocked her head over hooves into a large stack of crates. “What the heck.” Before she could react Chrysalis lifted her up in a kinetic bubble.

“Now what do we have here? Oh its the little filly thinking she is so clever and skilled.” Chrysalis held her fast.

“Put me down and I’ll show you clever and skilled as i break your shell Queen Chrysalis.” Sakura struggled but to no avail.

“I like you your not afraid to fight young filly, I am going to enjoy taking you down but for now however I shall let you go I do not have time to deal with you. You have managed to foul up one plan but this has only just begun.”

Chrysalis slammed Sakura into the ground with a bone crunching thud. All the air was expelled from her lungs and her right wing was shattered. Sakura grunted with pain as every bone in her wing was broke. Chrysalis left her there broken and unable to breathe as they disappeared into the night. Sakura tried to move but the pain was too intense. Darkness enfolded her senses, last thing she saw were changeling hooves then nothing.

Slowly her senses returned she could make out the sounds of the heart monitor with its slow beeps echoing her heart. Sakura opened her eyes she was in a hospital bed a cast encompassed her right foreleg, torso, and wing. She winced as pain from her broken bones shot through her body. Nurse Redheart finished checking her charts before looking up.

“Good evening Miss Blossom, how are you feeling?” Sakura struggled with her words each breath causing pain,

“Apart from a lot of pain……fair… Nurse how long…have I been here?”

“ Four days now, and considering that you came in looking like you lost a fight with a train, you are recovering quite well.”

Sakura tired to struggle to sit up, Nurse Redheart gently set a hoof on her, “Easy Miss Blossom you’re in no condition to be reckless. I will send word of your recovery, just take it easy.” She nodded and laid back into the bed. A quick dose of pain killer and she slipped into slumber once again. Later that afternoon Rarity and Princess Twilight came to visit Sakura.

“It is good to see you are up and moving Darling.” Twilight and Rarity walked over to the side of her bed

“I want to thank you for helping Rarity get free and for warning me of Chrysalis’ plan.” Twilight smiled.

“No problem Princess, just trying to do my part for you and your friends. I am just glad we could stop it before it went too far.”

Twilight nodded, “Me to, when you recover I will have Pinkie throw you a celebration in honor of your deeds.”

Before much more could be said Rarity and Twilight got recalled to the castle a friendship issue had come up

“Oh dear, we have to go darling you take care.” Rarity sighed.

The two mares left leaving Sakura to cringe with pain. She had never broken a wing before and was surprised how delicate they seemed. Several weeks later Sakura was discharged sighing she headed to her parents house.

Author's Note:

well chapter one is done, hope you all like it.

Comments ( 2 )

Overall a decent first story, some issues with time passing and telling instead of showing and a bit of grammar but nothing that can't be fixed with a bit of practice, keep it up!

Oh boy. where to start. This fic is like a laundry list of what not to do when trying to write a good fanfiction. Aside from Sakura and Sasami being a blatant Mary Sues this is filled with spelling errors, out of character moments and nonsensical plot lines. Most of which i could forgive mind you if it weren't for the fact that this fic is bad. Not even the good bad were it's so bad it's fascinating to read, similar to how people slow down on the highway to see the little Honda Civic that got pancaked by a semi. No this is the fender bender at the corner of a busy intersection type of bad. Not interesting, not worth note and is just an inconvenience really. The biggest problem is just how bland the writing is. It's like trying to choke down gruel with nothing added to spice up the flavor. Difficult and kinda painful at times. If you told me to put a number value to this I'd give it a 15 10 20.

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