• Published 15th Sep 2015
  • 10,363 Views, 51 Comments

Fertile Ground - AJ Aficionado

The Flower Trio go about their lives as usual, until Discord is freed from his prison of stone. Set during the season two opener "Return of Harmony".

Comments ( 43 )

Fun to read, fun to edit, and one hay of a wild ride! Thanks for writing this, AJA! Certainly allows me to indulge some of my more out-there interests... :rainbowwild:

My favorite parts outside of the clop were actually Discord's appearance. I think you nailed his lines and personality. I also really like the Rose/Lily backstory, which makes their role-reversal and swapping of personalities all the more yummy. Ponies acting against type can be a real turn-on, and Discord corrupting them in such a matter is a very fun premise. "Won't somepony pleaaase think of the Lily?" Classic line! :rainbowlaugh:

Out of all of my stories, this was the one I enjoyed writing the most. I just wanted to see if I could write for two genre's I dont even follow. My only regret is the tags suggest that Discord is going to be participating. It might be scaring people away.

I'm impressed.
This very rarely happens, you've a knack for writing, my friend.

6427936 I overdid it on the number of fetishes in here. That explains my awful likes/views metric. I'm glad you liked it though.

6428294 Thanks. I'll admit though, I consider this my most notable failure at least statistically. I guess Fimfiction just wasn't into this one.

6429228 Probably uploaded at a bad time and burried beneath a million other things.

6430323 I posted an hour early due to Fimfiction hiring a new mod, but that wasn't the issue. Actually, I was up against The Abyss who posted his latest clop before mine. Poor Fertile Ground got sacrificed to the clop god. :facehoof: Note to self: don't post stories after The Abyss; you will get curb stomped. :fluttershyouch:

The story is still doing fine at 50/7 in 24 hours. I just worked really hard on this and hope it does well. I appreciate your vote of confidence, good sir! :moustache:

6430396 Heh, if Pen Stroke, The Abyss or Whatmustido updates/posts something, wait at least a day until you post yours, else It'll be forgotten.

Rose's body-language combined with her dialogue, pre-conversion were great. It's easy to see why the

notorious stallion-aficionado

:rainbowlaugh: is so successful.

Lily's visit by the D and her conversion were just perfect. She never had even the slightest chance of resisting.

That left me wanting a little more from Rose's. However, the way it played out was very convincing.

she’d dealt a heavy blow to her old friend and adversary

"Mayday, mayday, bogey at 6 o'clock!" :pinkiecrazy:

It was odd that Daisy's corrupted form was her care for plants taken to the extreme, and not the opposite. Is this meant to have something to do with how her magic and the magic of the Tentaculus were interacting? Or, am I just thinking too much into it? :twilightsheepish:

Fun little trip! Great job!

6432890 It was odd that Daisy's corrupted form was her care for plants taken to the extreme, and not the opposite. Is this meant to have something to do with how her magic and the magic of the Tentaculus were interacting? Or, am I just thinking too much into it?

I commend you for picking that out, it's a legit seam in the story's edifice. Let me explain:

My idea was that the corruption followed different lines. Discord intervened with Lily and Rose directly, but with Daisy he just tweaked events in favor of a certain outcome; an outcome Daisy was already okay with. Discord did not manipulate Daisy, she very willingly took responsibility for healing the plant to the extreme of her own volition.

Amazing comment, I only wish I could upvote it twice. Thanks for the follow! :twilightsmile:


with Daisy he just tweaked events in favor of a certain outcome

An outcome that may have contributed to his re-imprisonment. Hmmmm, what are you playing at Discord? Or, like most Chaotic beings, he doesn't always act in his own best interests.

6433891 His only desire was to see things as they shouldn't be, not contribute to his re-imprisonment. So he made Roseluck a fooler (depending on your interpretation of Roseluck as a character, there is more than one way to view her sexuality), Lily a pickup artist, and most sinister of all, forced one of the purest of earth ponies to willingly corrupt herself.

Indeed, this story would have had a very bad ending, not to mention a dark tag, had not harmony been restored to the land.

That left me wanting a little more from Rose's. However, the way it played out was very convincing.

All five of my stories have a Roseluck that is written the same way. If you really want to overdose on rose pony, check out A Gentleman's Price: 50,000+ words worth of first-person Roseluck with an M-rating.

Beautiful. Nuff said.

6442863 I'm honored, thank you. :twilightsmile:

6443252 ya know what? I just checked your stories and realized I've read every single one you've posted so far! (Minus siege) so to mark this occasion, have a fallow.

6443899 What did you think of the other stories, if you don't mind me asking?


Though, I do believe a few guys who once worked Ecosystems for Equestria would argue on the classifying of an organism as corrupted versus untamed/wild instead...

Fair enough. This story retains some of the tendencies of the Gentlemanverse such as calling their planet "Tellus", so it's a fair point to bring up. Thing is, I'm keeping this story outside of the canon while making the event itself a part of A Gentleman's Price. I have a couple different reasons for this, but mainly it's placed so far back in time, it's just show canon at this point. Think of Five Star Service in its current form.

I can understand why Lily and Rose were so adamant on avoiding any discussion on this event in your other stories. It makes quite a bit of sense, and it also makes the fact that they were able to make amends in the years following all the more appreciated.

Then I have succeeded. Thanks for giving my admittedly dubious and somewhat extreme piece of clop a chance! :pinkiehappy:

Mm hmm. Top kek. Have a like, good sir/maam. Top show old chap! :moustache:

6662815 Jolly good m8. I'm right chuffed you liked me silly clopfic. Fair seas and following winds to ye Admiral Nelson. :rainbowkiss:

I love this story so much.

If you're an Applejack fan, then why do you write almost exclusively about Roseluck?

Applejack is my favorite of the Mane Six but I'm weirdly uninspired as to writing fiction based around her. Something about Roseluck just speaks to me. She's my muse.

“Hey, you wanted to help!” Daisy replied heatedly, her face flushing at the thought of where her friend’s imagination must be going. “If you must know, this is an Everfree Tentaculous: a thermogenic plant species that lives off of the chaotic and corrupted energies of the Everfree. Unlike most thermogenic plants, this one requires corrupted energies to pollinate instead of insects, using its warm blood as a means of survival in an unstable climate. A fully-grown tentaculous can burrow up to one-hundred feet away to find its next source of magic and when it does, it latches onto it and sucks its magical energies dry!” Daisy grinned indecently. “And when it’s done with those energies, it re-releases them back into the forest in the form of its seedlings, which then spread those energies around to ensure its own future food supply, corrupting everything they come into contact with.

What. Could possibly. Go. Wrong?

“Our plants, our home, it’s a disaster!” Lily Valley wailed, rearing up on her hind hooves and striking her horrified pose again.


Really fun! And some nice world building with Daisy.

Aww, I wanted to see where Lily and Rose went

As promised, my longposts begin! This’ll be the first of several, given the amount of material in here. :rainbowwild:

“I’m sooo bored!” Roseluck shouted, her face to the sky with forelimbs outstretched in growing frustration at the futility of waiting for customers that never came.

And I'm a bit drunk, but you don't see me complaining. Poor Rose, without customers or an available stallion. Whatever will we do? If only there was ome chaos god around to spice things up...

Lily Valley, the small, pink-coated mare with golden blonde mane frozen into a tight bun by liberal amounts of hairspray looked up at her friend from one side of the dirt-filled bed, her eyebrow ridges furrowed. “Rose, what are you doing? Daisy told you to watch for customers!”

“I give up, Lily. Nopony is giving me any action out there, so you’re my last hope,”

Her only hope...?

Save her, Lily! She's starved for stallion attention!

“Ugh!” Lily stomped into the dirt as she struggled to regain her composure. Rose would often come and taunt the reclusive roommate with her perfectly color-coordinated body, long neck, and glorious feminine curves.

Not that you ever noticed, of course.

Lily knew better than to take her roommate, a notorious stallion-aficionado seriously,

A product of one AJ_Aficionado, who under different circumstances might have named himself Roseluck_Rapture

but often found Rose getting under her pink fur all the same. “How long has it been then? A week? A couple days? Please tell me you can go more than a couple days without rutting!” Lily forced herself not to think of the image of a stallion mounting her from behind and...

Rose is powered by rutting, Lily. And with ability to seduce any stallion she chooses, she will change the world! Of course, that leaves open the possibiity of being waylaid by some mare who can show her a whole new world...

“Rutting? Whoa, Lily, get your mind out of the gutter!”

I blame her comic books showing impossibly idealized mare models crossed with too much chocolate milk.

Or worse, they would openly mock her for feeling something as natural as the desire for the company of another mare.

I know, right? That's as normal and natural as thestral stallions humping each other and Prince Blueblood!

For once, Lily agreed as she shuddered involuntarily. “Anything that comes out of that forest should be set on fire! And we certainly shouldn’t be breeding it!”

Typical Lily: Fire is the only answer. And the only who should be doing the breeding is her!

“Of all the ponies to move in with…” Lily suddenly didn’t want to know if she wanted to laugh or cry.

“Come on, you know you love me, filly four-shoes!”

Lily turned her face towards the window to hide her teary eyes and furiously blushing face from Rose. For to hear it spoken so truthfully, even in jest, was simply too much for the shy mare to take.

You're really asking for it Rose. And all it will take is some recently-released chaos god looking for some additional amusement outside of corrupting the element bearers to do it!

I just don’t get her. If she would only tell me why she acts like this about sex…

Why ask when she can show? :ajsmug:

Daisy’s eyeridges disappeared into her curly, lime-green forelock. “Oh, I see how this works. So… you’re telling me the reason you aren’t doing your job is that… you don’t have a job to do?”

Don't think I didn't spot that Kill Bill reference!

Still a great movie. And Budd was the only one to actually defeat The Bride. Gotta love Quentin Tarantino!

“But of course she was, sweetie!” Daisy said heartily, her smile replacing her stern expression, betraying a tease of her own. “And since I need to concentrate on our newest plant, you’ll both be getting the rest of the day off with pay once we get my little friend set up inside the flower bed.” She nodded back at the covered cart behind her.

Oh really? So what's her pay policy on Coronavirus? Or the curse from Nightmare Night?

Lily gave a sigh of relief as Roseluck facehoofed, cursing herself silently for taking the boss mare seriously. “Your little friend?” Roseluck asked.

or better yet: say hello to My Little Pony! (skip to 1:38)

“I’d say yes, but... “ Daisy shook her head before pulling the tarp off the cart to reveal a large pot containing a green-gray, hair-covered, plant covered with dozens of long tendrils; its appendages waving slightly as if it were alive and searching its immediate surroundings for something.

Lily shrieked immediately, Roseluck catching her as she went dizzy from fright and nearly fainted. “What in the name of Cerberus' little brother is that Tartarian monstrosity!?” the latter asked for both of them.

“Hey, you wanted to help!” Daisy replied heatedly, her face flushing at the thought of where her friend’s imagination must be going. “If you must know, this is an Everfree Tentaculous: a thermogenic plant species that lives off of the chaotic and corrupted energies of the Everfree.

Soon to make a guest appearance in Nightmare Night. It seems Daisy wasn't the first pony to encounter this!

“Hey, you wanted to help!” Daisy replied heatedly, her face flushing at the thought of where her friend’s imagination must be going. If you think her imagination is going there, where is yours going, Daisy? To say nothing of the readers! We've already seen the story description and the groups this has been added to! :rainbowlaugh::rainbowwild:

“Ugh, you might be the first earth pony to take the ground too seriously!” Roseluck grumbled, sarcastically. “But honestly, why do we need to domesticate this thing and risk it destroying Ponyville? Hasn't this poor village suffered enough?”

Sorry, Rose, but Ponyville in general and AJ's barn in particular will be ground zero for all sorts of destructive phenomena. It's just part and parcel of living in Ponyville and having so much exotic magic around! But the fringe benefit is you get all the stallions you can lay and the occasional sexually transmitted curse to keep things interesting. :twilightsmile: Maybe someday I'll tell your story in Nightmare Night...

Rose’s shoulders slumped in defeat. “I get it. Just so long as it doesn’t destroy our village to save it,” she muttered skeptically.

If it makes you feel any better, Rose, Ponyville will be destroyed or endangered many times over. If you think it's bad now, just wait until Tirek comes through! RIP Golden Oaks Library. It was also the last time we ever saw owlowiscious.

“Come on, Lily, it’s a day off work! Do you want to stay here with the hideous plant monster or join me and go find out where everypony in town is hiding?” When she got nothing but a stunned look from Lily by way of reply she sighed, “Come on, let’s go get a drink. If we do, there’s even a good chance you’ll actually get seen by somepony!”

Lily's greatest fear. She'd actually be happy for Coronavirus forcing everybody indoors and into social isolation. Then again, most of the bars are closed now.

Fun fact: back in the 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic, one of the cities that handled the outbreak better actually allowed saloons to remain open, on the condition that each customer could only stay for one drink. Who knows; maybe consuming alcohol killed the bugs before it could take hold.

Lily absent-mindedly touched the spot Rose had nuzzled in a daze. Lily absent-mindedly touched the spot Rose had nuzzled in a daze.

I know she was pretty dazed, but not so much she repeated her own thought twice. :twilightsmile:

Daisy shook her head and smiled as they departed, Rose all but pushing Lily along. Those two are so cute together! I still can’t believe she hasn’t figured out that Lily has a crush on her yet. Can she not even imagine there’s sex without stallions involved?

Whereas Blueblood has to figure out there's such a thing as sex WITH stallions involved! Thestral stallions, to be specific... but what if Rose discovered them as well? :unsuresweetie:

Before she could return to her work, however, she caught a glimpse of a pink cloud floating lazily in the sky over the trees that separated her property from the road. Pink clouds? And just what are the pegasi playing at today? She stared for a moment more before shaking her head, deciding the weather was not her department and therefore none of her concern.

I blame Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo for this in its entirity. If they hadn't fought in front of Discord's statue and provided an extra infusion of chaos power, he'd never have broken free. CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS, CHAOS GOD COLLABORATORS, YAY!

Unwilling to leave the safety of her property to the stallion-obsessed mare and her reclusive sidekick, Daisy wheeled the flower stand into the greenhouse and then locked the door behind her.

Thankfully for you, Rose, this is a crazy clopfic and not some horror movie!

Hope you enjoyed part 1 of my longpost comment! More will certainly follow...

“No!” Lily grunted through gritted teeth, pushing back with all her might.

Roseluck pushed the recalcitrant mare forward down the road by her head, the latter leaving four, long ruts in the dirt road. “Lily, you read enough comic books. We are going to do you the biggest favor of your life whether you want it or not!”

“But, I don’t want anypony, I’m fine!” Lily lied, digging her hooves in harder.

Rose and Lily sounds like me when I was trying to force myself to go to dating site mixers. I hated them with all my soul. Meat markets where you get instantly judged and I had no idea what to do or how to carry myself.

Lily’s pink cheeks turned a deeper hue. “But… but… you can’t go to a filly bar, Rose! That’s just wrong! Wait, what am I saying? I can’t go either! Pleasepleaseplease just let me go home…” Lily whimpered pitifully.

I love this paragraph. Gets across who Lily is and her social anxieties quite nicely.

Lily turned away from Rose, scowling as she trudged up the road towards the filly bar under her own power. “Thanks… I think.” Nice one, Rose. That wasn't insulting in any way!

Hey, if you want insulting, hang out with Blueblood a spell. Pre-curse, of course!

An hour later found the two mares walking home in silence, Rose having apologized a dozen times to no effect.

How was I supposed to know other mares would find ME attractive too? I thought fillyfoolers had a sixth sense for who swings which way!

They do, Rose. And it's working perfectly. :ajsmug:

The rose-maned beauty staggered slightly as she walked, having been bought one too many by the gaggle of amourous mares intent on bedding the popular flower vendor leaving Lily all but entirely ignored.

I sympathize, Lily. I know the feeling quite well. :ajsleepy:

Well, fine… at least ONE of us is going to get lucky today! she contented herself with the knowledge that there was still time to get laid herself, wondering idly which stallion would have the time of his life with her that day.

Well, considering this is an AJA clopfic after he's just discovered tentacles and futa... :rainbowwild:

Just be glad this didn't happen in Nightmare Night, Lily!

“A… stallion? Could I become a stallion… for her? I would do anything if she would finally notice me.”

Just as long as it's real transformation and you're not just 'identifying' as one, please. :facehoof:

I’m… I’m a stallion? Surprised, she reached a leg back to search for her marehood only to find it was gone, replaced with a flap of skin between her applesack and tail hole, giving her a very large set of stallion equipment. But… that’s…[i/] part of her tried to protest, but she felt no revulsion or fright, only curiosity… only an increasingly burning desire to explore it…

And use it.

In a manner of speaking, Lily. Discord's corruptive magic at its finest! And best of all, he doesn't charge anything for transgender transformations. His payment is his own amusement. God, I love Discord, and this story depicts him believably.

Climbing down from her bed on four uneasy legs, she looked in her dresser mirror and abruptly realized to her that she’d grown a few inches taller as well, though aside from her new male equipment and larger size, all her feminine curves were still there.


Shame I have to work tomorrow or I’d have time to pick up a Canterlot guardspony. Maybe even a bat-pony!

Sorry, Rose, but Blueblood is now monopolizing them! :rainbowlaugh:

Oh, horseradish sundae surprise!

Uh... ick? :pinkiesick: I guess that would be a surprise, though...

the herculean task of pushing her phallus up through the hole and sealing it away without sustaining an awkward and life-threatening injury,

Not-so-fun fact: I once was trying to get dressed quickly because there was a knock at the door, and I caught something in zipper I shouldn't have... Ouch!

Hot blood began to course southward, her magical stallionhood gorging itself greedily on her unrequited love and increasingly unbridled lust, the shaft pressing defiantly against its fabric prison, now reaching a third of the way across her stomach.

Superb description!

Lily concealed her own confusion at her friend’s change of heart and what she was feeling, bluffing it off with a charming smile. Did she find me out already? Focus, Lily. Stay cool! she told herself even as her turgid organ began to snake its way forward up her belly like a hungry python, rudely indenting her dress as it unfurled its immense length. “Sure, I’m alright. We should go check up on Daisy though; I’m not sure about that weird plant…”

Don't worry, Lily. If Rose is oblivious to your crush on her after this long, she's certainly oblivious to anything you might be packing now. So much the better!

A deafening clap of thunder filled the air, and a sheet of rain fell to earth, an unusual brown rain…

Obligatory. But instead of just linking the video, I'll link the kids react to it:

Lily returned her attention to Roseluck’s ear. Lily had always appreciated how scandalously erotic they were to her eyes, even if she had no idea why and felt awkward every time she gave her fascination — her obsession — more than a passing consideration.

I learned earplay from you, you know! Consider that at least one point where you corrupted me instead of the other way around!

“I... liked it!” Rose laughed nervously, both anticipating and fearing Lily's next move. “It made me feel really good!” she admitted, immediately stunned that she’d said it.

It may just be Discord's corruptive effect, but I like the idea that the normally aggressive and toppish Rose will actually respond to somepony submitting her, in an interesting role reversal.

Through the haze and fog of her altered state, she couldn't ignore the implications of her actions, or her own increasingly desperate whimpering for release — every echo of the word fillyfooler in her head battering her increasingly feeble resistance…

I love this kind of thing. Don't know why, but it's a huge turn-on to me. :rainbowwild:

Lily knew she could only hold off for so long before plunging herself into the beautiful mare and relieving herself of the terrible burden holding back her seed had become. And yet, she couldn’t waste her one shot without first worshipping her goddess.

That's the stuff! Milk this for everything it's worth, Lily! Chocolate milk, of course...

Forget chocolate milk, this is the best dessert EVER!

And I got the idea of aroused mares having very tasty scents from you as well!

“Forgiveness, you ask? That must be earned, my goddess!”

Your goddess? That happens in Earthmother, Lily!

End comment part 2.

Fortunately for Daisy, they were a very hearty plant

Singular/plural conflict. There's only one plant, even if it has multiple appendages, so "it was a very hearty plant" would be more correct.

Daisy admitted that they were both good workers, despite their true passions being elsewhere, but neither of them matched herself for earth pony fecundity or love for botany.

Not everypony can have a green hoof, Daisy. They have other interests; Rose has her stallions, and Lily has her comics and Rose herself.

Ugh! This isn’t working fast enough; It’s still too gray. I’m going to lose it if I don’t get more of my magic in there quick!

The plot thickens! So do the vines, I'm sure...

At least she was enjoying the feeling of the plant’s hairs tickling the soft part of her hoof, the subtle throb from the initially sluggish transfer of magic from her body, and the fresh avocado smell that intensified with each stroke.

I love avacadoes. I'd add them to a lot more than I do if they weren't so expensive and quickly overripe/spoiled.

Discord snapped his claws together carelessly, conjuring up a bag with which he scooped up a pile of buttery popcorn which had collected on the chocolate rain-soaked ground. “As much as I’d love to stay and watch, there’ll be time enough for it later. For now, I need to go deal with Twilight and her friends. Ta-ta!” After tossing a single kernel into his mouth, the Draconequus vanished, his work at the Ponyville flower shop complete.

Oh, I don't know... some would say it had just begun! :rainbowwild: Seriously, what, specifically, did he do here?

“Oooh! You got hungry all of a sudden!” Daisy said playfully, as a sudden surge of power came through hooves and into the creature.

Asked and answered, I guess!

Soon she felt another, far more sensual ‘surge’ down lower on her body and was reminded of how long it’d been since she’d been with another pony. It's been so long. Too long! Ugh... Is this what I’ve been reduced to after years of going without taking advantage of a potted plant?

Well, don't feel too bad, Daisy. Annie Smith took advantage of them too in her long-ago youth!

Thank Celestia everypony is probably indoors! I really, really need this! “Oh, so you want some more, stud?” Daisy asked rhetorically, removing the shoes on her back hooves. Taking great care not to step on her new friend, she climbed inside the flower bed, kneeling on all fours with her belly in the soft, damp earth so that all four hooves were exposed. “Help yourself!”

I like how you had earth pony magic be concentrated on the hooves. They were often given short shrift in canon as far as their strength and abilities went. Not here!

Daisy was reduced to a whimpering pile, all four hooves worked at once… and she had to admit that on the subject of hoofplay, this plant was the best she’d ever had

Didn't realize you were into that sort of thing, Daisy! :ajsmug: There is such a thing as a foot fetish, of course, but like so many other fetishes, if you're not into it, you don't get it. I'm one of the latter.

struck quickly into the gap, effortlessly plunging itself all the way to the bottom of her marehood, as Daisy’s maresong threatened to shatter the glass around them.

Excellent indrect description of her scream of pleasure.

“Harder, little guy! Harder! Mommy wants all of you inside her!”

She'd get along swimmingly with Owlia, then! :rainbowwild:

Not even the sound of her greenhouse being destroyed around her as thickened vines sundered pots and overturned tables, spilling and scattering their contents could distract her from the ecstasy of each powerful thrust.

Totally worth it!

As Celestia is my witness, I’ll never go pony AGAIN!

"Hello, everypony, and welcome to the first support group meeting of TTA--Tentaculous Tuckers Anonymous..."

“What was that?” Lily challenged. “I can’t hear you!”

With that, Rose began to tremble “I’m a fillyfooler!” she repeated a bit louder, her voice shaky and front legs collapsing beneath her, leaving her rear in the air. “Please, mistress…”

Lily moved close enough that Rose could feel her hot breath washing over her wet and winking opening. “If you want it, say it and mean it!”

At long last, she did not hesitate or hold back, desperate for the pleasure and release only her fellow flower pony could provide. “I’m a fillyfooler!” she shrieked and nearly climaxed on the spot.

You are a demanding mistress, Lily. But Rose very much deserved that! Well done.

Gasping lungfuls of air between coughing, Lily stared in amazement at the sight of Roseluck’s widened entrance, still quivering and leaking after having been split to her depths. Lily could make out the details of every slickened, circular ridge of the mare’s inner walls down to the cervix. Somehow seeing a very detailed model in school couldn’t come close to capturing the delicate details of texture, color, and the pure hunger of the real thing.

Again, excellent description. An instant anatomy lesson for Lily! If a bit Discord-aided...

“Magic,” Lily said obliquely, allowing her mate’s hormone-primed thought process to fill in the blanks. “But does it really matter now? So what do you say, Rose? Can I be your mistress… and master?”

The Turnabout Tucking is nearly completed! :rainbowwild:

Roseluck’s eyes opened wide. She wants me to have her FOALS!? She turned the thought over in her head, only to realize… “Yes, Lily! I want that! Please, let me bear your foals!” Rose whined impatiently, imagining her swelling belly and the future cries of the newborns in her mind.

So this is where you first expressed an interest in breeding, in hindsight. I'm sad to say, I didn't pick up on it as cleanly before Temptations & Transformations, where you said you liked directly with regards to Night Owl and Package Handler.

Roseluck’s eyes opened wide. She wants me to have her FOALS!? She turned the thought over in her head, only to realize… “Yes, Lily! I want that! Please, let me bear your foals!” Rose whined impatiently, imagining her swelling belly and the future cries of the newborns in her mind.

This is what you call Deux ex Discordia. Which is fine, btw. His being here means you can do anything with anyone and chalk it up to his chaos magic and corruptive effects. That's the beauty of a story like this; it enables you explore relationshps, pairings and topics you couldn't otherwise, at least not without being ridiculously OOC. But here? With personalities and other attributes turned on their heads but still drawing on base desires, it works perfectly.

End part 3.

Daisy gave a muffled scream as her twenty-eighth orgasm trickled down the hoof-thick main tendril of the tentaculous.

Lucky filly! :pinkiegasp: Of course, it would take an earth pony to be able to withstand such an assault and keep going without dropping half-dead of exhaustion. Score one more for the Earth Ponies!

Unknown to her or her flower pony friends, it was at that moment Discord met his defeat to the Elements of Harmony. Turned once more into stone, the skies cleared, the roads turned back into dirt, and Daisy’s corruption faded — her purple coat restored.

Aw... well, it's kind of some of the folks on Nightmare Night who want the villains the win. Take is as a compliment that we kind of want things to remain as they are under Discord's influence! But then again, we get to see the aftermath as bodies and personalities are restored, which results in more storytelling opportunities. Such as:

Groping blindly, one of her forehooves brushed up against a definitely equine form, confirmed to be a mare when she found one of Roseluck’s perky teats. No… This isn’t happening! I’m going to open my eyes and that thing will NOT be a pony!

If it makes you feel any better, Lily, Coyote ugly she isn't.

Despite her wishes, Lily opened her eyes and beheld her uncorrupted love’s equally tangled and shabby pink and red mane and cream coat, a smile on her beautiful face. She was still sleeping soundly, and thus Lily did the first thing that came naturally to her.

She panicked, screaming until her vocal-cords nearly ripped and rolled off her bed with a loud thud with a grunt before continuing to scream.

Another classic paragraph. Lily, doing what she does best!

Roseluck’s mind stuck in overdrive, she forced herself back through the events of her ‘dream’ and remembered, “Discord!”

Lily’s panicked eyes looked up into Roseluck’s equally terrified face. “D-Discord? You mean th-that statue in the Canterlot Gardens I saw as a foal? He’s escaped!?”

“Never mind that, we’ve got to find Daisy! I’ve got to get out of this room! Daisyyy!”

"Quick! Before we're tempted to rut again!"

“Oh, I’m more than okay!” Daisy gestured toward the filled pots, her face ecstatic. “My babies are going to be alright! I’ve cleansed them, Rose!” Daisy jumped up and down on all four hooves in a shocking display of irrational exuberance usually reserved for Ponyville’s resident party planner.

Pinkie has parties. Daisy has plants. But Daisy had the far better party here!

Roseluck just stood there and gawked at the mother mare. Celestia, help me. Only the dead can know peace from this horror!

Only the dead, or Discord. He found it all quite fun and soothing. Now, now, Rose, someday you'll look back on this all and laugh. Probably while you're lying in bed with Lily again.

Lily Valley arrived, out of breath and equally traumatized at the sight of the chaos and destruction. “D-Daisy, the greenhouse!”

Daisy gave a nervous laugh. “It doesn’t look good, does it? Can you gals help me salvage what we can?

The two of them nodded, devoutly thankful to have something to occupy themselves with other than think about the two horrendously traumatizing events that had just happened.

They both have PTSD--Post-Traumatic Sex Disorder. Sadly, there is no cure except to try to dampen the symptoms with more sex!

As the three mares toiled away at moving everything of value out of the greenhouse, a lavender unicorn wearing a saddlebag with her starburst cutie mark monogrammed into the side approached the flower shop at a run.

“Oh my goodness! Is everypony alright?”

The three instantly recognized her as the librarian, Twilight Sparkle. “It was Discord!” Roseluck said angrily, “He made me get tucked by a may — he made all of this happen!”

Tucked by a may? You mean by a mare?

“Thanks, Twilight,” Daisy replied with a wan smile. “Actually, could you send the fine ponies of the The Royal Society of Canterlot Botanists a message letting them know that I’ve successfully cleansed the Everfree Tentaculae? I need to get the offspring to them so they can continue their research into cleansing the Everfree.”

Twilight Sparkle broke out into a huge grin. “You did!? Through all of the chaos of Discord’s emergence, you managed to achieve a major scientific breakthrough? That’s wonderful!” she clopped her forehooves together happily. “And how did you do it?”

“Well… you’ll get my report later,” was all Daisy would say, looked strangely evasive.

I'd change that to "Looking strangely evasive." And I'd love to see Twilight's reaction to what she actually did to do it. :twilightoops:

As she spoke, Roseluck’s face turned white beneath her fur as she brought a hoof to her mouth, having strong suspicions about Daisy’s ‘scientific breakthrough’. “I think I’m gonna… excuse me…” she ran off behind the house and out of sight to go empty her stomach, from what Daisy had done as much as from the renewed realization of what she’d done with Lily.

Poor filly. It's a lot to take in. Will she just try blaming discord for it all, or will she accept that there was actually something there he just brought out with minimal corruptive influence? Ditto with Daisy, who will probably be the only one of the three to fine with all of it. She saved the plant, and that's all she cares about, though getting tucked by it sixty ways from Sunday was certainly a bonus!

She also knew there was no way her roommates would live or work within one-square-mile of a tentaculous.

Their loss! Your gain... :raritywink:

Daisy approached the front door to the house, thinking the first thing she was going to do was get something to drink. I wonder what’s up with those two mares anyway? Finding the door unlocked, she walked inside...


So she's not disturbed by her own mess, but by the one they left? Or just the evidence of all their rutting? The smells and the wreckage in the living room?

Well, maybe she'll just borrow a page from Lily and decide that fire is the only answer! :rainbowlaugh:

Still an excellent story, however many years on! It earned its likes and I'm just sorry it didn't catch on more quickly. But, here you are--a four-part longpost on it! Hopefully a little something to soothe your pains when you get home tomorrow. Hope you like! :coolphoto:


As promised, my longposts begin! This’ll be the first of several, given the amount of material in here.

I had to make this one-shot as long and thick as possible to do the Flower Trio justice.

And I'm a bit drunk, but you don't see me complaining. Poor Rose, without customers or an available stallion. Whatever will we do? If only there was some chaos god around to spice things up...

It's a quarter after one, I'm a little drunk and I need clop now.

Her only hope...?


Save her, Lily! She's starved for stallion attention!

And yet she isn't a stallion. We're going to have to call a specialist to fix that.

“Ugh!” Lily stomped into the dirt as she struggled to regain her composure. Rose would often come and taunt the reclusive roommate with her perfectly color-coordinated body, long neck, and glorious feminine curves.

Not that you ever noticed, of course.

Rather, she'd never admit to noticing. That's Lily's big issue really; she can't just come out and admit her feelings because the last time she did with a gal she was interested in, she wound up getting hurt and turning into an incel.

A product of one AJ_Aficionado, who under different circumstances might have named himself Roseluck_Rapture

I came up with the name AJ_Aficionado on the spot when I was registering for the site. A lot of bronies have a ponysona they adopt and name themselves after it but I never really understood the concept. To me, a pony is a better version of ourselves and to become a pony while still retaining our nature is an insult to everything Equestria stands for. I've always been a bit negative on people, something I share in common with Lily Valley, I suppose.

But I digress. The name comes from the fact that during my initial binge-watch of MLP during the Spring of 2014, I found I just generally liked Applejack better than the other ponies because of sexy trad-pone personality and reassuring strength and dependability. There are few people in this world you can count on to really be there for you and Applejack to me is that woman; the kind of woman you take home to Mama; the kind of woman you put a ring on and consider yourself the luckiest man alive...

Which is pretty fucking ironic because when it came time for me to write an OC-version of a background pony, I made her the exact opposite of that.

Rose is powered by rutting, Lily. And with ability to seduce any stallion she chooses, she will change the world! Of course, that leaves open the possibiity of being waylaid by some mare who can show her a whole new world...

After what happens in this story, you better believe Roseluck isn't daring to close her eyes around Lily.

I blame her comic books showing impossibly idealized mare models crossed with too much chocolate milk.

It's funny to imagine but there is likely a pecking order among ponies about who is more beautiful even though I think they're all beautiful.

I know, right? That's as normal and natural as thestral stallions humping each other and Prince Blueblood!

Well, he is a national treasure!

Typical Lily: Fire is the only answer. And the only who should be doing the breeding is her!

Well someone's doing the breeding, Don! It's not 2019 yet so Zebras aren't doing it. Futanari is the only answer!

You're really asking for it Rose. And all it will take is some recently-released chaos god looking for some additional amusement outside of corrupting the element bearers to do it!

Tempting fate is dangerous. Tempting Discord is far worse. Tempting the Killing Joke in Fallout Equestria is the worst. Possible. Thing! :raritydespair:

Why ask when she can show?

Show, don't tell. It's one of the fundamental truths of good writing.

Still a great movie. And Budd was the only one to actually defeat The Bride. Gotta love Quentin Tarantino!

Glad someone's got their eyes open! Yeah, I loved that scene. A Gentleman's Price has a scene ripped from a movie too but someone managed to pick up that reference.

Can you believe there are critics that hated the Budd and Larry scene? They said it hurt the pacing of the story. As if there was any pacing in either of these two movies. Streamlined editing is for pussies!

Oh really? So what's her pay policy on Coronavirus? Or the curse from Nightmare Night?

There is MLP fanfic about the Coronavirus now. I can't bring myself to read about the thing threatening to wipe us all out having to work in a grocery store around so many germ-filled people. The curse in Nightmare Night has the potential to be far worse as it possesses sapience and can subvert powerful creatures, like something out of a DC comic. Rest assured if either virus comes to Equestria, the Trio are barricading inside their home and eating all the flowers.

or better yet: say hello to My Little Pony!

I can't wait to watch the Season 2 finale with you again. I loved all the action stuff in S2.

Soon to make a guest appearance in Nightmare Night. It seems Daisy wasn't the first pony to encounter this!

I look forward to a tribute version if the Tentaculous! Actually, I've seen more recent clopfics actually use that name for their own tentacle hentai. It's good to be noticed! :raritystarry:

If you think her imagination is going there, where is yours going, Daisy? To say nothing of the readers! We've already seen the story description and the groups this has been added to!

I like the think the time I spent building to the inevitable conclusion — and the friends made along the way! — made all the difference for the readers.

Sorry, Rose, but Ponyville in general and AJ's barn in particular will be ground zero for all sorts of destructive phenomena. It's just part and parcel of living in Ponyville and having so much exotic magic around! But the fringe benefit is you get all the stallions you can lay and the occasional sexually transmitted curse to keep things interesting. :twilightsmile: Maybe someday I'll tell your story in Nightmare Night...

Raze this barn! Or is it Racist Barn?

If it makes you feel any better, Rose, Ponyville will be destroyed or endangered many times over. If you think it's bad now, just wait until Tirek comes through! RIP Golden Oaks Library. It was also the last time we ever saw owlowiscious.

The guys who made Pony Waifu Sim actually added elements of Golden Oaks Library when designing the interior of the Castle of Sparkly Horror meaning that at least here, we get to hold on to our roots — pun shamelessly intended.

Lily's greatest fear. She'd actually be happy for Coronavirus forcing everybody indoors and into social isolation. Then again, most of the bars are closed now.

Fun fact: back in the 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic, one of the cities that handled the outbreak better actually allowed saloons to remain open, on the condition that each customer could only stay for one drink. Who knows; maybe consuming alcohol killed the bugs before it could take hold.

Thankfully, it's very unlikely Corona-Chan will notch a kill count that high. Spanish Flu was so deadly because it spread across the trenches of WW1 Europe, meaning an insanely-fast runaway ramp up in infections followed by lack of infrastructure and nutritious food. On the other hand, Coronavirus has the benefit of globalist integration, meaning a far larger area to quarantine. I'm just thankful that no matter what, I have a job because my job is keeping people from starving to death.

I know she was pretty dazed, but not so much she repeated her own thought twice.

How does this thing still have errors in it? Ugh! Fixed.

Whereas Blueblood has to figure out there's such a thing as sex WITH stallions involved! Thestral stallions, to be specific... but what if Rose discovered them as well?

How many thestrals did you sleep with last night, Rose!?

I blame Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo for this in its entirity. If they hadn't fought in front of Discord's statue and provided an extra infusion of chaos power, he'd never have broken free. CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS, CHAOS GOD COLLABORATORS, YAY!

In a different time, Celly may have had them executed!

Thankfully for you, Rose, this is a crazy clopfic and not some horror movie!

Hope you enjoyed part 1 of my longpost comment! More will certainly follow...

You didn't scrimp on the details! I really appreciate the time you spent into making this so fun to reply to! I may have to do the other three later though. I'm very tired after a poor night's sleep and getting anesthetized the day after. I hope my reply made it worth it for you!

Rose and Lily sounds like me when I was trying to force myself to go to dating site mixers. I hated them with all my soul. Meat markets where you get instantly judged and I had no idea what to do or how to carry myself.

Dating is a very inelegant art in a cynical consumer-driven time. I've been on two in my life and both of them sucked. The second one sucked so hard I took an eternal vow of celibacy. Dating is for the young.

I love this paragraph. Gets across who Lily is and her social anxieties quite nicely.

Thanks! In this particular instance, I was writing what I know which is like cheating only you're allowed to do it.

Hey, if you want insulting, hang out with Blueblood a spell. Pre-curse, of course!

If Fertile Ground is semi-canon to A Gentleman's Price which is a Gentlemanverse Story, this means Blueblood is actually kind of fun to hang with, as long as you're not a feminist!

They do, Rose. And it's working perfectly.

Totally! Rose has quite a few awesome lesbian clopfics out there. I recommend Full Bloom without hesitation if Fooler Rose is something you'd like to see more of.

I sympathize, Lily. I know the feeling quite well.

You and me both.

Well, considering this is an AJA clopfic after he's just discovered tentacles and futa... :rainbowwild:

Just be glad this didn't happen in Nightmare Night, Lily!

I like to think of Nightmare Night as the perfected long-form version of Fertile Ground. This is what FG had in it with more plot and tons more effort put into it.

As you say, I had just discovered tentacles and futa, though only the latter I found titillating. I wanted to do tentacles purely for artistic sake.

Just as long as it's real transformation and you're not just 'identifying' as one, please.

I sexually identify as a Tyrannosaur. :flutterrage:

In a manner of speaking, Lily. Discord's corruptive magic at its finest! And best of all, he doesn't charge anything for transgender transformations. His payment is his own amusement. God, I love Discord, and this story depicts him believably.

This is the part of Fertile Ground that makes it my best work in terms of fetish clop. It's show-accurate enough to be plausible while delivering on the goods.

Climbing down from her bed on four uneasy legs, she looked in her dresser mirror and abruptly realized to her that she’d grown a few inches taller as well, though aside from her new male equipment and larger size, all her feminine curves were still there.


That was of those descriptions that in a normal story would have been trimmed but for the sake of clop are necessary enough to stay in. You got to make sure you're on the level with fetish fuel.

Sorry, Rose, but Blueblood is now monopolizing them!

Royal privilege is an ugly thing. Save some bat dick for the rest of us!

Superb description!

Thanks! :pinkiehappy:

Uh... ick? :pinkiesick: I guess that would be a surprise, though...

I think I was going for "oh sugar honey ice teaaa!" or whatever it was Phoenix said in TS. Though this surprise was much less pleasant.

Not-so-fun fact: I once was trying to get dressed quickly because there was a knock at the door, and I caught something in zipper I shouldn't have... Ouch!

I never had that happen before for which I'm thankful!

Don't worry, Lily. If Rose is oblivious to your crush on her after this long, she's certainly oblivious to anything you might be packing now. So much the better!

That's a good point and an angle I hadn't considered.

Obligatory. But instead of just linking the video, I'll link the kids react to it:

** I move away from the keyboard to breathe in

I learned earplay from you, you know! Consider that at least one point where you corrupted me instead of the other way around!

Feels good man! :twilightsmile: I've seen other cloppers do it but it's so rare to see it as a focus that it doesn't have its own fetish group. I've considered making a group just for it but who would add stories to it? Weirdly on a website that has necrophilia, straight-up violent rape and torture, making a group with flagrant ear-licking in it seems a bridge too far. Maybe earplay is just too small a story element to be considered its own thing and is merely an ingredient in a basic, vanilla recipe. It could also be that earplay falls under standard horse behavior in people's minds because... well... it is.

If I did make an earplay group, I'd have to differentiate between basic horse behavior and deliberately writing in ponies with large, pointy ears which is something you'd more likely expect in a universe that has elves in it or something. It'd be yet another dead group if formed, I'm sure.

It may just be Discord's corruptive effect, but I like the idea that the normally aggressive and toppish Rose will actually respond to somepony submitting her, in an interesting role reversal.

Alas, when I did write in a sexually-aggressive Roseluck, I wound up canceling the story after the first chapter. It is true she's told people that's how she is but you never really get to see it play out in any of the stories I've finished.

I love this kind of thing. Don't know why, but it's a huge turn-on to me.

I'm not surprised. That was one of your edits! :rainbowwild:

That's the stuff! Milk this for everything it's worth, Lily! Chocolate milk, of course...

Let's not discount the refreshing taste of strawberry though!

And I got the idea of aroused mares having very tasty scents from you as well!

Aromaphilia, a minor fetish but a good one. It's casually thrown into Gentleman For Mares of all places but inexplicably I never mentioned it in A Gentleman's Price. Like most of my memorable qualities, it came from this very story.

Your goddess? That happens in Earthmother, Lily!

We do actually get to see Roseluck achieve alicorn status in Foolers Rush In. Sadly, Earthmother didn't make it that far.


Singular/plural conflict. There's only one plant, even if it has multiple appendages, so "it was a very hearty plant" would be more correct.


Not everypony can have a green hoof, Daisy. They have other interests; Rose has her stallions, and Lily has her comics and Rose herself.

What can I say? Rose is quite an interesting character. I just wish I could have that dream where I have sex with her again.

The plot thickens! So do the vines, I'm sure...

Thin ones, thick ones, all different sizes for her pleasure! :moustache:

I love avacadoes. I'd add them to a lot more than I do if they weren't so expensive and quickly overripe/spoiled.

Hummus is reasonable and goes great on snacks.

Oh, I don't know... some would say it had just begun! :rainbowwild: Seriously, what, specifically, did he do here?
Asked and answered, I guess!

The Denim_Blue curse got ya! :rainbowlaugh:

Well, don't feel too bad, Daisy. Annie Smith took advantage of them too in her long-ago youth!

If I've learned anything about Grannie Smith from Nightmare Night it's that she's got wood.

I like how you had earth pony magic be concentrated on the hooves. They were often given short shrift in canon as far as their strength and abilities went. Not here!

Made sense from a mythological standpoint and explains how earth ponies are constantly using magic and yet you can't see it. I also shamelessly stole from Blue Print, author of this gem.

Didn't realize you were into that sort of thing, Daisy! :ajsmug: There is such a thing as a foot fetish, of course, but like so many other fetishes, if you're not into it, you don't get it. I'm one of the latter.

I don't get it either. The hoofplay used here is tied to Daisy's essence as a magical creature rather than the anatomy, a sort of fetish-lite.

Excellent indrect description of her scream of pleasure.

Thanks! I didn't want to remove the camera away from the demolition work going on around her and that was my compromise.

She'd get along swimmingly with Owlia, then!

Once she got past her being a griffon, yes.

Totally worth it!

I initially had some reservations about having Daisy's experience being so far removed from Roseluck's and Lily's. If it wasn't for the scene with Discord snapping his fingers, you'd think Daisy had planned for this all along. When I saw what I had, it felt right. Daisy really loves her plant and given the right prodding (and poking and penetrating...) I think she'd have gone along with it without Discord's corrupting influence.

"Hello, everypony, and welcome to the first support group meeting of TTA--Tentaculous Tuckers Anonymous..."

Ya gotta admit, a rut like that is pretty much impossible to beat unless you're an extremely accomplished unicorn/alicorn.

You are a demanding mistress, Lily. But Rose very much deserved that! Well done.

This was one of your additions. It's great!

Again, excellent description. An instant anatomy lesson for Lily! If a bit Discord-aided...

There was definitely some cheating here!

The Turnabout Tucking is nearly completed!

Too bad it wasn't accidental anal.

So this is where you first expressed an interest in breeding, in hindsight. I'm sad to say, I didn't pick up on it as cleanly before Temptations & Transformations, where you said you liked directly with regards to Night Owl and Package Handler.

A lot of things had only begun to express themselves in Fertile Ground like pregnancy. You'll notice that after Fertile Ground babies became much more of a focus of my work. It's a shame pregnancy wasn't explicitly mentioned here but there's always the possibility of a bonus chapter!

This is what you call Deux ex Discordia. Which is fine, btw. His being here means you can do anything with anyone and chalk it up to his chaos magic and corruptive effects. That's the beauty of a story like this; it enables you explore relationshps, pairings and topics you couldn't otherwise, at least not without being ridiculously OOC. But here? With personalities and other attributes turned on their heads but still drawing on base desires, it works perfectly.

From an engineering perspective this is simply my finest work which is why I wanted to have you longpost for it. I've not been disappointed. Your input has been great at putting into words what worked about Fertile Ground.


Lucky filly! :pinkiegasp: Of course, it would take an earth pony to be able to withstand such an assault and keep going without dropping half-dead of exhaustion. Score one more for the Earth Ponies!

It is nice to work with canon even when I don't always appreciate what's put into the universe.

Aw... well, it's kind of some of the folks on Nightmare Night who want the villains the win. Take is as a compliment that we kind of want things to remain as they are under Discord's influence! But then again, we get to see the aftermath as bodies and personalities are restored, which results in more storytelling opportunities. Such as:

Groping blindly, one of her forehooves brushed up against a definitely equine form, confirmed to be a mare when she found one of Roseluck’s perky teats. No… This isn’t happening! I’m going to open my eyes and that thing will NOT be a pony!

If it makes you feel any better, Lily, Coyote ugly she isn't.

Despite her wishes, Lily opened her eyes and beheld her uncorrupted love’s equally tangled and shabby pink and red mane and cream coat, a smile on her beautiful face. She was still sleeping soundly, and thus Lily did the first thing that came naturally to her.

If I have a regret about Fertile Ground it's that the story ended on status quo. I chalk up the existence of Foolers Rush In entirely to Lily and Rose not being able to move forward after what happened. Then again, technically... they did — in A Gentleman's Price. This was a trick of sorts I employed in Fallout Equestria: TAoO by offloading the backstory onto a different story for the purpose of writing my own resolution to my own OCs.

Fertile Ground needs another chapter.

Another classic paragraph. Lily, doing what she does best!

I thought the idea of Lily falling out of bed and then continuing on like it was nothing was quintessential Lily. It also immediately dispels the question in the reader's mind as to whether or not she was wounded in the fall. When Denim_Blue is prereading your story, that's one of the misconceptions you want to prevent! He's got a dark sense of humor at times.

"Quick! Before we're tempted to rut again!"

If nothing else, your comment makes me wish this story had two chapters. I want to watch those two have purely consensual sex.

Pinkie has parties. Daisy has plants. But Daisy had the far better party here!

Pinkie Pie has a few tentacle fetish clopfics to her name. I think the two of them would get along well.

Only the dead, or Discord. He found it all quite fun and soothing. Now, now, Rose, someday you'll look back on this all and laugh. Probably while you're lying in bed with Lily again.

Whether or not I write a second chapter to this you can rest assured that Lily and Rose are a thing and have at least five foals with each other. Lily is getting as much productivity as she can out of Rose Pone.

They both have PTSD--Post-Traumatic Sex Disorder. Sadly, there is no cure except to try to dampen the symptoms with more sex!

This is terrible, Rose! We had sex and neither of us consented to it!

I know! If I gotta be honest though, that was one of the best lays I've ever had! My body is still shaking!




Cadance, yes!

Tucked by a may? You mean by a mare?

I was trying to convey an interruption phonetically instead of precisely by the letter. It lead to confusion in this instance and has been changed.

I'd change that to "Looking strangely evasive." And I'd love to see Twilight's reaction to what she actually did to do it.

Twilight Sparkle has slowly gained a trickle of lines over the years as I've edited this work. Perhaps a future chapter could address this.

Poor filly. It's a lot to take in. Will she just try blaming discord for it all, or will she accept that there was actually something there he just brought out with minimal corruptive influence? Ditto with Daisy, who will probably be the only one of the three to fine with all of it. She saved the plant, and that's all she cares about, though getting tucked by it sixty ways from Sunday was certainly a bonus!

At the time this was written I'd never even considered this as I considered the follow-through on AGP to be canon to this. It's only now in the distant future I really want to see this alternate universe added to.

Their loss! Your gain... :raritywink:

Daisy approached the front door to the house, thinking the first thing she was going to do was get something to drink. I wonder what’s up with those two mares anyway? Finding the door unlocked, she walked inside...

So she's not disturbed by her own mess, but by the one they left? Or just the evidence of all their rutting? The smells and the wreckage in the living room?

just borrow a page from Lily and decide that fire is the only answer! :rainbowlaugh:

Still an excellent story, however many years on! It earned its likes and I'm just sorry it didn't catch on more quickly. But, here you are--a four-part longpost on it! Hopefully a little something to soothe your pains when you get home tomorrow. Hope you like!

To Daisy, what she'd done was beautiful and natural and productive of good. What Rose and Lily did was done all over the furniture she'd paid for. Not a good look, girls! In time she'll get over it and so will Rose and Lily. I predict a very good end for them.

Thank you so much for your longpost! You put a lot of effort into it and it caught a few very big mistakes which I've corrected. As for my pains, I've upped my dose of acid-suppressors and that's done the trick for now. I would like to reduce or even remove my dependence on them someday. It's just a sad fact that once a stomach starts overproducing acid, it can get stuck on that setting and there's no real cure. At the very least I don't have anything life-threatening for now. I look forward to my next prereading assignment. Into The Storm is looking magnificent! :pinkiehappy:


If nothing else, your comment makes me wish this story had two chapters. I want to watch those two have purely consensual sex.

Your wish was granted, Past Aficionado.

Uhh, it says update, but the latest chapter was 5 years ago?

The last chapter used to be the story's only chapter. The entire story has been edited, adding thousands of words since its inception, and split into pieces to make things easier for people to read.

See the Author's Note.

Ah, I see. Just got a bit confused. Stil, nice work!

You're welcome! Riseluck's my favorite of the flower ponies and I think you do great work with her

Well, I appreciate your story, so we're even. :derpytongue2:

“You did!? Through all of the chaos of Discord’s emergence, you managed to achieve a major scientific breakthrough? That’s wonderful!”

More like because of Discord's CHAOS

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