• Published 28th Aug 2015
  • 6,087 Views, 197 Comments

You're Wanted - SciWriter

Rainbow Dash adopts Scootaloo after a horrible series of revelations about her life. However she's starts to get overwhelmed by motherhood.

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Home is Where You're Wanted

The next day came with Scootaloo acting rather upbeat, considering only a few days ago her house had been taken away. She walked down the stairs and into the kitchen with a smile on her face and ate her cereal at a normal pace. I did once or twice catch her slowing down and letting her eyes wander, but I was just happy so see that was no longer the norm.

I would have taken her to school, but today was a holiday. One not many ponies cared about called Labor Day. I think the celebration was something about giving general labor ponies a much needed day off, which was great in concept, but a freakin ton of our days are holidays of some form. Heck, most of us, myself included, only actually take the day off if we’re ahead.

No one cared about the holiday, I should say, except Pinkie. Pinkie never met a holiday she didn’t like. Heck for the most part, Pinkie never met a Monday she didn’t like. Still, there was one place you absolutely could not fail to visit on a holiday, Sugar Cube Corner.

I flew down to the small eatery with Scootaloo as… did I hear that right? “Faster!” My ears perked up. “C’mon Rainbow, faster, please?” She was. She was telling me to go faster! She was enjoying the ride again! I shot forward, Scootaloo laughing with glee.

I landed and Scootaloo jumped off my back running for the door of our destination. It was when she threw open the door and yelled in that I realized maybe I shouldn’t be so happy about her being happy. “I’m gonna be Rainbow Dash’s daughter!” she yelled.

My heart started thumping as… yep, Twilight had been flying by. HAD been flying by, boy did she land fast. Scootaloo let the door shut behind her, me feeling abandoned in a lion’s den.

I giggled nervously, looking away from those purple eyes, which were slowly coming closer. “So um… you want to talk?” I asked.

“Oh no,” Twilight said, in a rather “happy” tone. “Let’s go inside.”

‘So it’s a slow death.’ I thought.

Inside Scootaloo was busy sealing my fate. She jumped up to the counter, yelling, “Pinkie? Pinkie Pie!” Pinkie, started slowly coming to the counter, looking around with a nervous grin.

“Scootaloo, you’re feeling… better?” Pinkie asked. “I mean-“

“Are you kidding? Rainbow Dash promised to be my mom yesterday!” Scootaloo shouted. Every pony in the desert shack stopped eating, half looking at Scoots, half looking at me. I wasn’t yet paying attention to their expressions, just those hundreds of eyes (okay so fifty at best) on me. “My dad came back, Rainbow Dash is gonna be my mom, I got all my stuff back- I feel like a million bits!”

“Really? What about yesterday with your-“ Pinkie started, but Twilight suddenly glared at her and cut the air with her hoof in front of her own neck. “Never mind.”

Scootaloo continued. “Pinkie, get over here… please?” Pinkie walked over to the counter. “I… I um… do you do adoption parties?”

“Of course, they’re awesome, who doesn’t love an adoption?” Pinkie asked. “Who’s being adopted now?”

“Um… didn’t I just cover that?” Scootaloo asked. “Me. Rainbow Dash is gonna be my mom.”

Pinkie looked up and over to me. “Dashie?” I nodded with a sheepish grin. “DASHIE!” Pinkie practically screamed. “ONE OF MY FRIENDS IS FINALLY A MOM!” She zipped over to me. “What’s it like?”

“Um-“ I started, but apparently Pinkie had planned this whole, “my friend becoming a mom” thing.

“What’s it like to have a baby, how’s pregnancy, who’s the lucky stallion-“

“Um… I wouldn’t know, I wouldn’t know and um… what?” I replied.

Zoom! Pinkie shot away and up into her room above the shop. “Was that a yes or no on the party thing?” asked Scootaloo, coming over to me.

“You honestly have to ask?” I asked back. “This is Pinkie. The day she turns down a party will be a dark day indeed. Hehe ya know- oh no…” I watched in horror-disguised to the best of my ability- as Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle flanked Scootaloo from both side and each put a foreleg over her shoulders, huge grins on both of their faces.

The two started congratulating her as I myself found myself flanked on all side by several ponies. Many started speaking all at once. “Congratulations Rainbow” “I knew you'd make a good mom one day!” “Such a blessing!” “You’ll be great at this!” So many praises and congrats. Normally I would have loved them all for it, however today I was pretty sure I had bucked something up so all I could do was stand there with the cheesiest grin imaginable, scratching the back of my head with my hoof. “Ah knew ya would but ah um… didn’t expect it this soon.”

Oh boy. I looked over at Applejack. No huge grin, no look of condemnation, just confusion was on her face.

“You think I’m going too fast?” I asked.

“Ah might… wee bit… yep,” she continued.

I whispered to her. “Can you help me shut her up?” I looked at Scootaloo.

“Oh no, no, no.” Twilight said, getting between us. “This is pretty much her day. Probably a dream come true. We should let her have her moment, don’t you think?” Twilight looked around at the gathering ponies. “Oh hi Miss Cheerilee.” My eyes practically bulged out of their sockets as I slowly turned to look into the eyes of the elementary school teacher who taught every foal in town, including all three of the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

Pinkie reappeared in my face. “So… I have notes!” she wipped out a wad of papers haphazardly thrown together. She started speaking VERY fast, it was surprising I could make it all out. Maybe I was just used to it by that point, considering this was Pinkie. “I’m sorry, I’m usually more organized than this but frankly, I expected you being a mom to be a long ways away, not that I don’t think you can handle it, it’s just you haven’t even shown an interest in Stallions yet- but that’s fine I mean, whatever you have to say about two parents, one in better than none and I’m sure Scootaloo would agree, after all she seems to really like you, idolize you in fact. So hey Twilight do you think an adoption party should be focused on the foal or soon to be parent?”

Twilight shrugged. “Both are celebrating, right Rainbow?” she didn’t have a tone, but the absence of one seemed like more of a problem to me.

“Oh I hope so,” Pinkie started. “I otherwise Rainbow would be starting to act like Violet Blaze and- heeep!” a few eyes turned to her. “Forget I said that name, I never said it. Hey Scootaloo, how about that ice cream cake I promised earlier?”

“Absolutely!” Scootaloo shouted.

“Your fave?” Pinkie asked. “Raspberry Lemon right?” Scootaloo nodded quickly. “Right, and Rainbow’s is…” she went through a few papers. “Oh right, blue berry! Well everyone hang out a bit, I got some work to do…” Pinkie started studying her notes.

I looked at Twilight. “Hehe… Scootaloo’s happy see?”

“Well how many ponies are adopted by their idols?” Twilight asked back.

Pinkie piped in again. “Momma Dash was just bound to happen. Dashie loves kids and if you all catch my meaning, I doubt she’ll have problems with the stallions when she gets around to dating.” I started to blush a little, though I did guess that was meant as a compliment.

“Girls, can I see Rainbow outside?” Twilight asked. “I need to go over… legal matters with her.” All those so called friends of mine either didn’t pay attention or nodded. Thus I left the protection of public and the adoring eyes of Scootaloo, who I doubt very much Twilight would dare hurt me in front of.

Outside the shop and a good distance away, Twilight, still bearing the most plastered smile I’ve ever seen, finally screamed at me. “WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!”

“I wanted to make her smile?” I asked slash answered.

“Rainbow… rrrrr!” she grunted out. “Couldn’t you just wait for that to happen naturally? You realize she’s just having a moment right now right? She’s gonna leave that party and remember her mother still abandoned her and is being prosecuted on charges of abusing her, her father might NOT be coming back into her life and her home is days away from being demolished.”

“Yea but on balance, her father probably is coming back, and no, before you ask, I was clear on that point with her… and I really will adopt her,” I said, forcing myself to hold up my chin.

Twilight looked at me with a kind of pity. “Why?”

“Twi you should have seen her yesterday. I asked how she would feel about adoption-“

“Which was your first mistake.”

“Granted, but that’s hindsight for ya.”

“Also direct warnings from a trusted friend.”

“Yes, I get it, you told me so. But anyway, she said being adopted by me would be a dream come true. She thought she was unworthy because she couldn’t fly. What could I possibly say to that?” I asked.

Twilight shook her head. “Rainbow Dash, if I took you to an orphanage, how many kids would you try to leave with? They all have sob stories after all, all of them would want you and they would all have self-esteem issues.”

“I love kids, I love inspiring, I love ponies who love me and-“

“You have a huge heart,” I looked up and to the left, not wanting to admit that, but maybe it was true. Twilight nodded to herself anyway. “You would try to leave with every kid in the building wouldn’t you?”

“Yea, maybe you shouldn’t plan any trips to orphanages for me. I don’t do well in sad places.”

“I’ll keep that in mind. Still I warned you that this wouldn’t be easy and now… well you’re locked in. I give foal services about a week or two before you’re being investigated. Either you start getting this ironed out legally, or there are gonna be problems.”

“So? I mean you know all that legal stuff. What forms do I have to fill out or whatever?” I asked. I closed eyes, realizing there was more to this than that. “Twi, I get that I probably should have given this more thought, but can you honestly tell me what harm I did by moving fast? Because really, I don’t think I hurt anything.”

“It’s just so fast-“

“Which is strange for me?”


“Also, how long were you hoping Scootaloo would be homeless and without a family?” I asked.

“I suppose the less time the better,” she said with a sigh.

“Look, I’m not proud of moving too fast here, but maybe it’s for the best ya know?” I asked.

“I’m just worried that you’ll lose your dreams Rainbow.”

“I’ve risked that before Twi.”

“And what if you really do lose them, this time because of Scootaloo, will you resent her?” Twilight asked. “Rainbow she’s going to need therapy and a lot of attention, way more than you’re used to giving.”

“I can count on you to help with all that right?”


“Well… then what’s the problem? If you’re asking what’s more important to me, the Wonder Bolts or Scootaloo’s happiness, Scootaloo wins hoofs down, my friends mean more to me than my dreams.” Twilight looked away and up, in the direction of my house. ‘Oh crap… forgot about that.’ I thought. “And yea, throw in me buying a house on the ground, I’m fine with that too.”

“Fine with it?”

“Well…” I looked up, seeing my house off in the distance. “I mean I’ll do it if I have to.”

“You have to.” Twilight took out her paper and pen. “Look,” she slowly looked back to Sugar Cube Corner. “Trust me Rainbow, there is a mess of paper work and legal loop holes to jump through to adopt. I’m not proud of the system there to be honest, but that’s not the point. You go back and enjoy yourself with Pinkie’s adoption party, I’m gonna have to go make sure we get all our i’s dotted and t crossed on that paperwork. The sooner I get started the bet-“ But I picked her up and flew back to the soon to be party.

“Nope, it’ll have to wait. Pretty sure we’re all over due for a Pinkie party.” I dropped her off at the door and was about to walk in when I noticed Twilight still looked upset. “What’s wrong Twi? Can we please move on? I’m sorry I rushed the adoption. I know it was wrong but-“

“That’s not it.”

“Then what?”

Twilight looked away. “See that over there?”

“Scootaloo’s house?”

“Three days.”


“That’s how long before they bulldoze it. I gave that order.” Twilight sighed. “Scootaloo must hate me by now.”

I grunted. “No Twi, no more guilt trips. You saved her life, you’re helping me adopt her, you’re making sure she doesn’t need to be protected from her father…“ I opened the door. “Now get in there before I toss you in.” Twilight started walking in. “Oh and mark my words, she doesn’t hate you.”

We walked in and Twilight made a b-line for Scootaloo. Twilight then gave me a small glare with a scrunched up nose. “She doesn’t hate me huh?” she asked. She looked down at the filly, who was currently chatting with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. “Hey Scoots, your house is gonna be destroyed in three days.”

“What are you doing Twi?” I asked.

Scootaloo looked up at her. “Oh?” she asked. “Okay, whatever,” she shrugged.

“You… you don’t care?” Twilight asked.

“I’m being adopted, I’m keeping all my stuff, my dad is probably back and um… oh yea, RAINBOW DASH IS ADOPTING ME!” she shouted. “So um… no I don’t care.”

“But just a few days ago you were all broken up about it.”

“Well yea, I mean it was my house, but I can’t live there now anyway, it’s not Rainbow Dash’s house.”

I looked down at her, a smile forcing its way onto my face. “Mom, you’re supposed to call me mom.”

Twilight chuckled. “Momma Dash will do right?” she asked.

I looked at Twilight. “Okay, here’s the thing, Pinkie makes cute names for me all the time, that’s just Pinkie. Momma Dash isn’t my name-“

“Momma Dash, Momma Dash, Momma Dash, Momma Dash, Momma Dash,” Twilight started chanting, all three fillies joining in mere seconds later. I looked down at Scootaloo.

“As your mother…” I gritted my teeth, them all still chanting. “I order you to stop…” she wasn’t listening. “Or I’ll do something else being a mom gives me the right to do…”

“Momma Dash, Momma Dash, Momma Dash,” Scootaloo continued.

“You asked for it!” I yelled. I tackled her to the ground and started to blow a big zebert on her stomach, Scootaloo trying her best to fight it, but laughs escaping her anyway. “This was my mom’s secret weapon!” I did it again, Scootaloo screaming and begging for mercy almost immediately. “Oh I don’t know, what’s my name again?” I asked, another raspberry following to punctuate.

“Momma Dash… hahaha CRAP! HAHAHAHA!” it seemed those worked on fillies pretty much universally. And of course, just like my friends don’t help me if I’m getting tickle assaulted (usually they’re the ones doing it to be fair) Sweetie and AB just watched and chuckled as Scootaloo broke. “Rainbow Dash…. BWAAAAHHAHAHAHA!... what did I say wrong?”

“I told you, you don’t call me that anymore.”

“Okay okay… um…mom. Please let me up mommy.” I complied. I then looked around, suddenly realizing I was being adorable in public. Kind of embarrassing really but- well Scootaloo wasn’t done. She jumped at me, throwing me off my hooves and just like that, we were wrestling. Really I was just happy to see the other adults had moved on from watching to just talking amongst themselves.

Pinkie bounced up, looking down at me as I was currently holding my soon to be daughter in the air. “Cakes are ready you two.” She started walking away. “By the way, Dashie’s worst tickle spot is under her left foreleg.”


Tickle fights, wrestling, eating cake, Pinkie pulling presents out of thin air, yep, it was a great party. I don’t know what came over me, I just started to act like a kid with Scoots. It was really fun, course eventually I stopped winning every fight when Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle joined in. You would think Pinkie would join in, and she did, however who’s side she took was pretty random.

Eventually Scoots was sent off to be with her friends Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom at the CMC club house, Apple Jack promising to keep an eye on Scootaloo especially.

After the party, we went to her castle and Twilight practically dropped a stack of papers on my lap that was about twenty or thirty pages thick. “This is abridged, you’re lucky I had the short version of some adoption paper work lying around.”

“Why did you have this?” I asked. “Is somepony thinking of having a child of her own?”

“Princess, remember? Law is kind of my job.” Twilight said, apparently completely missing my jab. “On a related note, that’s my only copy so I’ll have to get another later on. Anyway, I’m off to talk to a few judges, whom I’m sure have memorized my face by now. Have fun with the paper work.”


I…. HATE… paperwork. I sifted through it all, signed my name a bazzilion times, had to stop to look up what race I am out of the apparent seven pegasi races, wrote down my blood type, the names of my parents, existing medical conditions- none that I can think of- existing mental conditions-does wanting to be a mom count?- and on and on down a list of boring and repetitive questions, most of which I swear didn’t make a shred of difference.

About fifteen pages in, Twilight had returned. “Rainbow Dash?” I looked up to see she was looking at me. My eyes were half shut and I was about to pass out from boredom. I started thanking Celestia that she was here to rescue me. “Look, sorry I was hard on you earlier. Anyway I wanted to do something… nice… kinda nice? So ya know I um… kinda went house shopping for you.”

“That really is nice.” I said, getting up. “Really really nice. I could have-“

“Yea well… I also kinda inquired what would happen to your home after you leave and apparently pegasi houses are just reclaimed by the weather ponies and broken down so um… yea… um… wanted to do something nice.”

“What?!” I asked, holding still. “You mean… is there… can’t I just keep it?”

“Not if no pony is living there. You leave and it’s well… gone.”

I shook my head. “Sheesh, does every house get repurposed in Ponyville?”

“Only those of abused foals or, apparently, those that are entirely made of clouds.” She looked at me with a half frown.

“But… it’s my home.” I moved slowly. I looked around the room. “Well… maybe we can hang parts of it in my new house um… yea no.”

Twilight put a stack of pictures in front of me. “I know what it’s like to lose a home so, that’s why I looked for a new one for you.”

“That was really nice Twi,” I laid out the pictures. “You’re a good friend.”

“Yea well, I wanted to make things a little easier, seeing as I can’t just adopt my friends when they’re feeling bad.”

“Okay now you’re just being a twerp,” I said with a slight smile.

“No. You see…” Twilight paused. She started to hum, “This is me being a twerp; Momma Dash, Momma Dash, Momma Dash, Momma Dash” she started singing.

“Ya know, tickling is okay between friends too,” I noted, a sly grin coming over my face.

“Oh but you’re forgetting something Rainbow,” she looked at me with an even bigger and much more obviously evil grin. “I’m the bigger pony here.” Her horn glowed and soon I was rolling on the floor absolutely begging her to stop.


A few minutes and many pleas for mercy later, Twilight accompanied me back home. Looking around she turned to leave, floating the pictures of my new potential houses to me. “I’ll got get some movers for you-“

“Twi,” I interrupted. “Please stop doing me favors okay?” She stopped. “What’s bugging you now?”

She shrugged. “I’m just worried okay. I want this to work out for both of you and you’re both going to lose so much by the time this is all over that I want to just… well ya know, make it all easier.”

“Twi it’s just a house.” I looked back at my home. “All the same… would you mind walking through it with me one last time? Guess I’m getting sentimental, but I might like to share a few of its memories before it’s gone ya know?” Twilight smiled at me.

“Of course.” We walked in, me looking around. The stairs, the statues, the Scootaloo, the Fluttershy- wait. I turned around, looking at the door I just came through. “Didn’t I lock this?”

“Oh… I’m sorry. Applejack asked me to drop her off and I couldn’t bear to leave a flightless child up here all alone,” Fluttershy said. “It was locked but well, it’s made of clouds you see and well… I didn’t want to look over the side anymore, it’s a long way down you know.”

“You gonna tell everyone what’s going on?” Twilight asked me.

I got down with the pictures in my mouth and placed them in front of Scootaloo. “Hey Squirt, pick a house okay?” I asked.

“Why?” she asked back. Then her mouth opened wide, “You’re not leaving the cloud mansion are you?” She slowly started looking down and to the left. “Because of me huh?”

“Well yea, but don’t look at it like that,” I said.

“How am I supposed to look at it? You’ve lived here since before I even knew you. When you’re gone, who’s gonna take it?” she asked back.

“They’re gonna destroy it,” I said, calmly as I could.

“WHAT?!” Scootaloo shouted. “I’m not worth that! You can’t just leave your home. Look I can’t do that to you, Rainbow Dash I-“

“What did I say about calling me that?” Scootaloo seemed to try to mouth something to me, but it didn’t come out as anything but random lip movements. I sat down next to her. “Look squirt, I’m not gonna lie. This adoption isn’t going to be painless for either of us. I mean I’d rather it not happen it all,” she looked at me, starting to back away. “Um-um, what I meant with that was, I wish you weren’t being abused and this wasn’t necessary. Let me try something kiddo, c’mere.” She obeyed and sat closer to me. “Follow me.”

We walked up the stairs, my friends trialing behind. “To start, some ponies think I’m super rich when they see this place. Really I’m not. It’s just made from clouds. Seriously, how much do ya think water vapor costs?” I purposefully skipped the guest room. “Here’s my room. Over there I remember all the girls standing while I lost it because Tank was going to hibernate… for the record, I blame the alcohol-stay away from it kid.” My bedroom was small, with a huge bed taking up nearly all the floor space. Another flight of stairs up was the next room. “This is my entertainment room.” In the room was a large couch surrounded by a few instruments, toys and the walls were positively covered in wonder bolt posters. I walked in. “Here in the closet, this is my custom dress made by Rarity herself, best fashionista in Equestria. And over there on the pedestal shaped like a pony head, that’s my trophy from the young fliers competition. In fact, ya know what?” I picked up the trophy and put it on Scootaloo’s head.

“But I can’t fly,” Scootaloo objected.

“Yea but I don’t think it’s fair that there are no contests for best scooter rider. You win.” I said. “Besides, come,” another flight of stairs up and we were in the next room. “My trophy room.” There must have been fifteen or twenty trophies in that room. Scootaloo stood there in shock. “Well there are reasons I’m recognized without already being a bolt kiddo. There’s one for my sky clearing record, one for doing the first rainboom in one hundred and fifty years, one for when my team won hoof ball… sheesh I actually don’t even remember what half of these are for. Guess you chose your idol well squirt.” Scootaloo smiled looking at it all, but Twilight and Fluttershy rolled their eyes.

Up another flight of stairs we went. “This is the last room of note. I mean, you’ve all been in my kitchen and dinning room on the second floor, but they’re nothing special. This is the rainbow factory.” In the middle of the room was a pool filled with rainbow liquid that shot a huge rainbow up and out of the house. “Didn’t help make this really, just had some extra money and thought it looked cool in the catalog so I bought it. In hindsight, blowing half my life savings on a house addition was probably a bad idea”

Fluttershy walked over to the pool. “It flows up, how does it do that?”

I grinned. “I have to keep giving it a steady flow of sacrificial squirrels!” I announced. Fluttershy’s eyes went wide. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding, I would never hurt an animal, you know that.” She didn’t laugh, instead just biting her lip, making me question my choice in joke. I still wasn’t sure how to joke with Fluttershy, even after two years of knowing her and a decade and a half of knowing of her. I looked over at Scootaloo.

I flew over and snatched her up. “Actually I have to feed it little fillies!” I said, tossing her in. She screamed and made a splash. I must say, I’m not a pony who generally looks for things to be cute, but when Scoots sat up in the rainbow pool covered in rainbow water, her mane messed up and spitting out the sour tasting fluid, it was adorable at the same time as hilarious. The filly smirked at my laughing and finally jumped out, tackling me. We wrestled for a few seconds, until I was able to hold the filly down with one hoof, her giggling and taking token swipes at me with her forelegs. “Le sacrifice is struggling, I must return her!” I tossed her back in, myself now covered in rainbow water. Fluttershy was now chuckling.

Scootaloo got up again and I wrapped a foreleg around her, putting my other hoof in the air. “Now zee finishing blow!” I ground my hoof into her head, messing up her mane and forcing her to slightly wince. “The noogie of doom!” I let her go, Scoots deciding to play dead for a few seconds before she jumped out and shook herself off.

I zipped around her several times at high speed to dry me and her off. When I was done, I was dry and my windblown mane looked awesome as ever. Scootaloo however had her mane standing on end and randomly frayed out, tufts of her fur sticking out in every direction. “Okay I’m still gonna have to work on that trick it seems.” I said, trying not to laugh outloud. Scootaloo rolled her eyes and started shaking with laughter when she looked over at a large mirror in the room. Seeing as she was okay with it, I fell over laughing, joining her.

I then snatched her up and shot back down the several flights of stairs, leaving the others to keep up. I stopped at the guest room. “But this, this is the room I find I care about the most. My bedroom of course has all kinds of memories of reading my books and passing out, the trophy room memories of some of the best days of my life, that fountain room a memory of when I learned how to better manage my bits when I went into debt for several months, but this room tops them all.” I pointed at the bed. “Right there. That’s where it happened. I mean, the paperwork still isn’t done, but I’ll always remember this as where it happened. That’s where I became a mom.” Scootaloo walked in.

“Don’t you see?” I asked as she looked around her own room like she was seeing it for the first time. “It’s all nothing compared to you Scoots. I would give up anything for my friends and your one of them.”

“But I don’t want you to give it all up,” Scootaloo said, looking back at me.

“But if I don’t, I can’t have you. I don’t want this house. I want you. I want my daughter.” I shook my head. “If it means I lose you, then I hate the very idea of keeping this place.” I stood by her. “Forgive me for a really sappy moment here. You see all this?” I waved my hoof in the air. “This isn’t my home, it’s just walls made of clouds and a few memories. Now that I’m a mom, my home is pretty obvious don’t you think? My home,” I wrapped a foreleg around my daughter, pulling her in to a small side hug. “Is with you.”

I think that worked. At least the fact that Scootaloo was hugging me and crying tears of joy made me think I had succeeded in making her feel better. Hey, maybe I should do more of these poetic speech things, I seem to be a natural at it!

Author's Note:

That is the end of the adoption saga. Scootaloo has now been inducted into Rainbow Dash's family. Yes there is the paper work to complete and the court cases are still ahead, but this is where most Scootadopt stories end. This one is only half way through. In a week from this point, for those of you keeping up with Mentoring is Awesome, is when Rainbow meets Lightning Strike and three months from now is the start of the Adventures of Scootaloo and the Cutie Mark Crusaders. To this point, I suppose the intro was a bit of a spoiler. From this point on, I really hope its going to be somewhat difficult to predict what will or won't happen.

I'm aware of the tonal shift and actually I hate stories that never transition their emotional presentation, it just feels monotone. Scootaloo is still going to have issues, but her life is now getting on the right track and you will probably notice a much more upbeat general tone. Oh and yep, if anyone reading the other stories I mentioned is wondering, yes, this story will start to include new characters and Rainbow and Scoots eventually moving on from their own problems and helping others again.