• Published 27th Aug 2015
  • 1,930 Views, 205 Comments

Pro-Life or Pro-Choice - HallelujahBrony

A pegasus named Endowa became pregnant after she was tragically raped. Will Princess Celestia save a precious life or affirm the young mare’s aspirations to choose? So is she Pro-choice or Pro-life?

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Pro-Life or Pro-Choice

“Clemence Violet? It is so good to see you here in my palace again after all these years,” said Princess Celestia, greeting her old friend.

Clemence just smiled and responded, “Well, I couldn’t resist coming back for a visit. I cannot believe that even after all these years, the palace is just as I remembered it.”

The two walked toward a stained glass window that stood between two beautifully decorated marble columns. They stood and gazed out upon the castle maze in the distance.

“You know, the Castle’s Botanical Garden hasn’t been the same since you left Canterlot. There wasn’t a flower that failed to flourish while you worked here.”

“Actually, I am just a regular old Earth Pony. I certainly cherished every moment tending the garden!” Her cheerful smile slowly melted into a disappointed grin. “However, there was a certain flower that would routinely fail to blossom.”

“Oh? What flower would that be?” inquired Celestia.

“Well -”

A loud screech echoed inside the chamber. As the palace doors opened, a member of the royal guard quickly galloped in with haste. “Your Royal Highness, your councilors seek an audience with you immediately!” He took off his golden helmet and continued, “They say it is a matter of... life & death! What shall I tell them?”

“Bring them in,” she said, and the sole ruler of Equestria took her place upon the golden throne awaiting her trusted advisers.

A few moments later, a group of eleven male unicorns trotted toward the throne. In the middle of the pack was a pink pegasus with a long braided pink and purple mane. When the group stood before the throne, the unicorns in the front stepped aside, revealing a confused & distraught young mare. Her protruding belly- a clear indication she was in a later stage of her pregnancy.

The eldest unicorn in the group stepped to the front. “Princess Celestia, as you know, I am Fair Esteem. Please forgive our intrusion, but we stand before you for a good reason,” he stated courteously. “You have made it clear that you care for all your subjects within this Grand Kingdom; no matter how big or how small. We are here because this young mare over here was on her way to get a medical procedure that would terminate the life of her defenseless unborn foal. Fortunately, we found her just in time. Every life is precious, so we implore that you remind her that terminating a life is wrong and convince her to keep the child.”

All the accompanying followers glanced at one another and nodded their heads in agreement.

“We trust you will make the right choice, so we await your wise council, Your Highness.”

Princess Celestia gave the crying young mare a handkerchief and a warm smile assuring her, “Do not be afraid.”

She gratefully accepted the handkerchief; wiping her tears and blowing her snout.

“So what is your name?” asked Celestia.

Although the young pegasus was clearly shaken, she managed to politely bow before her Princess and she whispered, “Endowa, my name is… Endowa.”

After composing herself, Endowa cleared her throat and declared, “It is true. I was on my way to get an abortion. What my accusers failed to mention was that the conception of this thing,” pointing to her large belly, “was not made with my consent. It was forcibly made by somepony I knew. Somepony I trusted, but he… he… viciously assaulted me with self-conceded intentions, and… I… I don’t know what else to say except that- I was raped,” she painfully stammered.

Celestia’s jaw nearly dropped to the floor. “That’s terrible! Who could have done such a thing to you?”

Fair Esteem again stepped forward, declaring: “I do have some good news Your Highness. The pegasus whom she is referring to has recently been apprehended, and he confessed to the crime. He is currently being held by the royal guard and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Endowa, I am sorry you have gone through such a grievous tragedy, but don’t forget that the foal which is currently being knitted within the fabric of your womb has a purpose and destiny that only your foal can fulfill; I can feel it in my bones!”

He adjusted his gaze to the sole ruler of Equestria and asked, “What is worse than one tragedy, Your Highness?”

“Two tragedies. Go on” remarked Celestia.

“Exactly, this is a most heart-wrenching tragedy because she did nothing to provoke this assault. No pony ever does! It would be an equal tragedy to terminate the life of this beautiful unborn child- which is just as innocent; if not more so. Did this foal choose to enter this world or the circumstances of the conception? Need I remind you that even a seed planted by an evil deed can still bloom into something good. Something beautiful! I know what you must be going through right now Endowa, but….”

“But you don’t know what I am going through!” Endowa screamed.

An eerie silence filled the room.

“You see, I don’t want to go through with this abortion, Your Majesty, I really don’t!" Her emotions were ripping at the seams. "I am a full-time-student working full-time to make ends meet. I don’t have the means to continue my education and raise this child. I can barely support myself as it is! Besides, how could I love this 'thing' when it is but a reminder of my betrayal from a so-called-friend, and my constant trauma that still haunts me to this day? Plus, the fact that I was paraded in here like a… a common criminal is more than I can bear!”

Her legs gave way and she fell on her knees weeping uncontrollably upon the red velvet carpet. Her tail covered her left flank tightly- as she was trying to comfort herself.

Celestia gave her another handkerchief and Endowa was given the time and room to cry.

Until that is the youngest in group blurted out, “Wow, this is a more difficult decision than I thought it would be!” “Ouch!” Another member from the group elbowed him and gave him a snarl. He quickly corrected himself. “I mean, Princess Celestia? Are you going to stop her from terminating a precious life or will you allow her to go through with the abortion?”

All eyes were upon Celestia and the room went silent. Even Endowa stopped crying as she held her breath waiting for a response.

Princess Celestia closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and collected her thoughts. She then stood up and stretched her wings out. The sun was shining behind her- displaying her regality. “I have heard your case my trusted councilors, and your desperate plea Endowa. After much thought, I have finally made my decision.”

Everypony leaned in with eager expectation to hear the ruling.

“Endowa? Please step forward if you would.” So she gingerly stood in front of the imposing figure that was Princess Celestia upon her throne.

“Considering the extraordinary circumstances in which this foal was conceived, I have decided you do not have to keep the baby if you so choose,” she said affectionately.

Endowa began praising Celestia; showering her with gratitude, but the councilors began to murmur amongst themselves.

Fair Esteem looked confused. “But Princess Celestia,” he complained, “Are you saying that you are going to allow…”

Princess Celestia immediately silenced him and gave a curious looked at her advisers. “So you declare that it is wrong for her to abort the unborn baby?” inquired Celestia.

They all fervently nodded in agreement.

Celestia pondered their response and began to use her magic to paint something in the air. Above the group, a silhouette began to take form within the atmosphere- displaying a lively little foal gleefully jumping around in circles in front of a lovely home. Everypony in the room strained their necks upward and marveled at the majestic spectacle displayed above them.

“Then who among you will adopt this foal into your home and agree to raise him or her as if they were your very own?” Celestia asked to her councilors.

The group was taken aback by the request made of them, so they began to look at one another nervously and shrugged.

No pony volunteered.

“Again I say, if you all are so adamantly opposed to her aborting this ‘precious life,’ who among you will step up and give her another option?”

One by one each of the councilors became making excuses why they themselves couldn’t do it. The eldest said, “I am much too old to raise a babe in my condition,” the youngest shared he wasn’t ready to be a dad just yet, and the rest had too many children of their own to take on another.

Not ready to give up, Celestia pleaded with the councilors one last time. “You wish me to tell her to reconsider her options. Is there anypony among you who will become that option?”

In response, the group just lowered their heads in shame. Acting as if they hadn’t heard the question, and just like that, the visual incantation evaporated like the morning fog. So the jumping foal was no more.

Princess Celestia, much to everypony’s surprise, descended from her throne toward the pregnant mare. She knelt beside Endowa and comforted her with a wing wrapped around her. “Since those who condemn your intentions to carry out an abortion are either unable or unwilling to lend a hoof in your time of need. I hereby decree that you may go and do what you intend to do without interference from anypony who opposes your decision.” Tears began to pool up within Celestia’s eyes. She stamped the parchment with her Royal Seal and placed the scroll in front of Endowa.

She hesitated for a moment, but eventually accepting the written decree. So Endowa got up from the floor and began to walk toward the door.

Princess Celestia sharply turned her head toward her Royal Councilors and lamented, “What is worse than two tragedies? O-my-trusted-advisers; if only you had as much compassion stored in your heart as your abundant supply of conviction that you hold within your bones. If that was the case, then maybe, just maybe the procedure would have been unnecessary. That is the third tragedy.”

You could hear the heavy hooves of the young mare echoing with every step upon the cold marble floor, but the echo that resonated louder was the apathy that filled the chamber of empty hearts.

Before she reached the door, somepony began galloping towards her, crying out, “Wait!”

Everypony in the room was startled by the unexpected interruption. It was the old mare that was speaking with Celestia before the intrusion. She got to Endowa and began to catch her breath. “My name is… Clemence Violet… and I…”

“Did you not hear Princess Celestia? No pony who opposes my choice may interfere now! Go away and leave me alone!”

“But my dear, I am not here to condemn or judge. In fact, I am pro-choice! So I will respect whatever decision you make. I am just here to tell you that I wish to adopt your foal” said Clemence in a soothing tone.

“Thanks, but no thanks! I don’t need your pity!”

When they both exited Princess Celestia’s throne room and into the hallway, the door slammed loudly behind the two mares.

Unfazed by the rejection, Clemence kept pace beside her and replied, “This offer is not made out of pity for you, but love for your unborn child. I can’t explain it; I can only sense it. Fair Esteem was right about one thing- there is something very special about this foal,” pointing to Endowa’s belly. “For years my husband and I had long dreamt of raising a family of our own, but we were plagued by miscarriage after miscarriage. Although my husband has passed away, the dream of raising a family still burns strongly in my heart. I may be just an Earth Pony, but I will raise your Pegasus with love in my heart. This is the sole reason why I extend this offer to you, my dear.”

Endowa stopped dead in her tracks. She closed her eyes and tears of joy began to run down her face. “So are you saying that you promise to take care of my baby with the love and life that I myself cannot provide him or her?”

“Yes I am, and yes I will if it’s OK with y-” Endowa tackled Clemence with a tight embrace before she could finish, and Clemence hugged her right back.

Upon the warm touch of Clemence’s embrace, Endowa’s baby leapt inside, vigorously kicking her stomach. At that moment- a magical wave began reverberating from the womb. This magic couldn’t be seen, yet it had enough power to cover the entire palace.

Unaware of what had taken place, everypony inside, including the advisers were in awe because of the love, tenderness, and warmth, that had mysteriously enveloped the room. This magic had penetrated their soul and it began to overflow from their hearts like a cup under a waterfall. Then as if on que, the group of advisers immediately huddled together in discussion.

As the two mares exited from one another’s embrace, the advisers burst through the doors and into the hallway.

“Endowa, we understand you are going through with the abortion, but before you leave, we just wanted to say that it was wrong for us to drag you before Celestia in the manner that we did,” said Fair Esteem with great humility. "We should have been there to provide the support and comfort to help you through your pain. Instead, we only dragged you through additional trauma; only adding insult to injury. For all of this, I am truly sorry.”

One by one they all bowed their heads and humbly apologized to Endowa. “We cannot take back our mistake. However, as Celestia as our witness- we all discussed the matter and we felt compelled to pitch in whatever we could spare. By our combined pledges, we have enough bits to pay for the remainder of your education until you graduate. It is the least we could do. We wish nothing but the best for you and your future. We only request that you accept this gift and find it in your heart to one day forgive us.”

“This cannot reverse the agony that my heavy heart carries!” she said while wiping the tears from her eyes. However, I accept your generous gift because it will help to lighten the burden of moving forward in my life, and I do also accept your apologies; though it will take some time to forgive you.”

Endowa grabbed the front hoof of Clemence Violet and looked deeply within her eyes and said, “Actually, I have decided not to go ahead with the abortion after all.” She slowly ripped the scroll in two allowing the pieces to float toward the ground. “Clemence Violet and I agreed that she will raise my baby."

“That is wonderful news.” Into the hallway, Celestia entered into sight with her wings stretched, and a smile that shined as bright as her cutie mark.

So on that day, Endowa accepted Celestia’s invitation to stay at the Palace until she and her foal were healthy enough to leave their physician’s care. Clemence soon after returned to her small Earth Pony village at the edge of a dense forest waiting for Celestia to send foal to her.

Every morning Clemence would look out of her kitchen window facing Canterlot: wondering if Endowa’s baby would finally arrive this day.

One day, a crying little foal was heard outside the little Earth Pony village. When Clemence finally arrived at the scene, half of the village had already crowded around a woven basket made out of papyrus.

When she finally reached the basket, Clemence had her breath taken away when she gazed upon the gorgeous pink Pegasus with a mane of three hues. One strand matched the yellow shade of papyrus she was stored in; the middle was a vibrant rosy red color that could make a rose envious, and final stripe was a violet strand that covered part of her adorable little face.

There was also a scroll in the basket that read:

To my beloved friend Clemence Violet,

I am most pleased to hear that
the flower has finally bloomed
after all your years of waiting patiently.
As you know, this baby you are holding,
generated a powerful magical rhythm
that filled all our hearts with unconditional love.
In commemoration of this event,
I have decided to name this beautiful foal:
Mi Amore Cadenza

Yours Truly,
Princess Celestia

Over the years Mi Amore Cadenza was constantly surrounded by the inhabitants of one most loving and compassionate villages in all of Equestria. Yet even they were inspired by the love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faithfulness, and gentleness that she displayed even as a small filly.

No pony could have predicted she would one day become an Alicorn Princess. Yet those who raised her weren’t surprised in the slightest to hear that their little Cadence had grown-up to be the Princess of Love. It would be difficult to imagine the world of Equestria if Cadence hadn’t entered this world, but when Clemence accepted Cadence with love in her heart, she didn’t just save a filly. She rescued an entire kingdom from certain peril.

Between the options of pro-choice or pro-life, it was the choice to show compassion that made the previous positions inequitably obsolete. Through a selfless act of sacrificial love, a seed sown by evil deeds was able to blossom into a blessing in disguise in the form of Cadence; reaping a harvest of love that increased a thousandfold within the Kingdom of Equestria and beyond.

Comments ( 197 )

This is a parable of truth & morality so everyone can learn something from this. Whether you are Pro-choice, Pro-life, or uncertain about your stance, there were three main lessons that was taught. What are these 3 lessons?

You know, I really dislike being talked down to by another author, especially when it's such a heavy-handed polemic. Edit: Thank you for removing this author's note, I suppose.

This isn't Sunday school. You are among your peers and elders.

p.s. You missed a few things in your attempted in-story analysis of the situation, anyway.


Eight downvotes on my original comment just because I enjoyed the story? Thanks for that, everyone. Your downvotes have made me see the error in my ways.

In all seriousness, I still have great respect for the story and don't believe it should've been placed in passive-aggressive groups like "the badfic bin". Hide under whatever wall of excuses you want, 'it's a buffet for critics' or whatever, but all those groups serve to do is make a pariah out of the author and rake in more downvotes. If anyone in those groups were real critics, the whole thing would be titled "stories in need of improvement", or "We want to help you make this better'. All people want to do is tear down what rustles their jimmies.

Yes, this story has flaws. It covered most bases in a fairly non-biased yet moral fashion, but not all of them. It didn't have to be an MLP fan fiction, but some people are simply more comfortable covering sensitive topics through a pony lense to 'coat the pill in chocolate', if you will. Whether you think it's the mother's choice to end the life of a developing and irreplaceable human being or not, it doesn't matter. It's just a childish move to dump stories you didn't like in a group and humiliate the author for his hard work.

I'm pretty pro choice so it's really interesting to see something like this.

That is definitely an itnersting tale. I was at first worried it was gonna take one side, but i am glad that it looked into both sides of the argument.

I would have dove into such a sensitive issue without reason or evoked a controversial topic if I didn't have a lesson to teach from this story. This is more than a just a FIMFiction or short story. This is a parable of truth & morality, so everyone can learn something from.

Wow. Think highly of yourself, don't you. :ajbemused:

I believe my opinions would end up being inflammatory and will keep them to myself. If anyone cares to hear them, message me and I'll give my opinions, but I will not place them here.

However, I like the story, and good job taking on a hard topic.

6362883 not as fatnastcally itnersting as your comment though

Regidar #8 · Aug 27th, 2015 · · 2 ·

Interesting fact: horses can abort at will (they do so in the wild if resources are scarce)

6362850 where are you actually reading that from? Admittedly i skimmed through to avoid potential facepalm and or cringe but i cant find those... "questions" anywhere?

You really can't express controversial topics through the medium of pony fanfiction. That's not how this works. If we were being honest, why the fuck do we need a lesson in the first place? Are we all so beneath you in intellectual thought that your only way to reach out to our primitive minds was to invoke it in a way we are comfortable with? This was about as comfortable as spooning a lathe.

Edit: Upon the authors removal of his note, I still stand by my point that we really shouldn't try to hit on controversery so much, especially with topics as heavy handed and divisive as this. While it's great you've got the stones to try it, it's still one of those things that should be tread on lightly. There's land mines out there man.

I also apologize for directly insulting you, it's a habit I've formed when I'm trying to argue a piece of my mind.

To actually address something other than the (edit: now-removed) author's note - you could have just used this image instead of the story, due to how poorly-argued your points are:


It is safe to say that you have not studied the issues your message-fic is about. This straw mare, "Endowa" (why the bloody deuces would you use that name for anyone ever?), receives little to no legitimate consideration of her concerns; instead, Celestia (standing in for the implied moral authority of the author) only considers that those other straw ponies who essentially arrested her are not living up to their values (edit 2: and "you're hypocrites, so I'll let her do what I see as killing her baby" is not a good argument either). This is a critical error when your cover description appears to promise a serious discussion of both sides.

I'd be happy enough to know there was something to this fic other than the message, but there honestly isn't. There isn't even any real characterization to be found anywhere; all of these ponies could be anyone (except for any canon ponies), and that the foal ends up being Princess Cadance has no real weight to add to either the message or what little story there is to tell.

I mean, your spelling and grammar aren't bad, and the story isn't incoherent, but it lacks colour or impact, so the message was the biggest thing the story had going for it - and you blew that.


It was an author's note. I guess it is gone now.

“Yes I am, and yes I will if it’s OK with y-” Endowa tackled Clemence with a tight embrace before she could finish, and Clemence hugged her right back.

Upon contact with Clemence’s embrace, Endowa’s baby leapt inside, vigorously kicking her stomach. Unfortinately this was because Endowa's actions had been too violent, rupturing the umbilical cord and aborting the fetus anyway

the end

Moral of the story is be more careful next time you crazy mare.

Are you suggesting that this author's option to exercise his own personal views in the form of pony fiction is not permitted, while everyone else is somehow permitted to do so? Why the double standard?

You know very well that authors on this site write about controversial topics all the time and express views which many people find offensive.

I'm not a fan of author's agenda driven stories...buuuuut...

I think this is an interesting story. Bold choice in title... a little too bold. I'd try for more eloquence if I were you. Unless you're actually going for the big attention grab.

All in all, I noticed a few grammar mistakes, I'd get an editor to comb over it for you. As well as any future stories.

I like the fact that you used the typical strawman arguments for both sides. Bold move, but I'm sure you raised a lot of hackles, and as a result, many readers probably never made it to Celestia's response. Yes people will jump ship in the middle of a fic like that if you hurt their fewweings.

I like the fact that Celestia does in fact sit on one particular side of the divide, since nobody is ever truely neutral, but unlike her idiot advisers, didn't force her opinions on Endowa, and was in fact, trying to get her advisers to see just how wrong they were in dragging the pregnant mare through their moral mud.

People have paper thin skin these days and I'm convinced most of the down votes come from people who didn't even read this. Though you've got to admit, you made no attempt at being subtle. Which is not good when tackling a topic like this. For the sake of good storytelling, you need to work on that aspect.


I'm pretty sure I implied nothing of the sort in objecting to being talked down to like someone who never graduated Sunday school. Why the hostility and force-feeding of words?

Alright lets go three main lessons you asked me to identify

1. Tackling and during pregancy is safe so rugby and football are on the cards

2. your kid might be bill gates and make you very rich when you're 74

3. the more faceless the character the stronger the agenda it is pushing

There we gooo

6363189 You were talked down to?


Did you not read what I quoted in the comment you replied to?

6363199 Oh, I get it now. You are objecting to the "what are these 3 lessons" question.

I'm sorry, but your response comes off as a bit touchy to me. You can read a condescending tone into his statement, or you can read a neutral tone into it. When I read it, I didn't see any "talking down" so your response seemed a bit uncalled for. I guess it all depends on what was intended with his tone. I've seen enough of this author's work on Youtube to know for certain that he is a very soft-spoken individual who wouldn't deliberately talk down to anyone.

Just a reminder to you - if you're gonna write a story like this, it only works if the reader cant tell what your opinion is, else you end up with 14 different anonymous self inserts walking around .

Because this is just a fic basically stating your opinion in a very long winded way it quite honestly has little to nothing to do with mlp at all you could have written it about anonymous beings and then shoehorned mlp in at the last second for all it matters.


Mate, he actually said "there are lessons I am teaching you, do you see them?"
In doing this, he positions himself as some kind of authority.
That is a quintessential teacher-student/adult-child interaction.
The story and the (now-removed) author's note, good intent or not, is how a Sunday school teacher presents an issue to a child.

That is not an appropriate interaction for the actual audience.
He is not my father, my pastor, my deity, my teacher, or any other authority.
There is no way in which this is not condescending.


It's not really that condescending unless you really want to be that offended.

I see. Well then, that is unfortunate. Although...

In doing this, he positions himself as some kind of authority.

I have to disagree in principle, that "teaching someone something" implies authority. People teach me things all the time, and they are not my authority. If someone points out a lesson in life, or a scientific fact, or a biblical truth, or even a nugget of learned wisdom they picked up, I don't interpret this as them positioning themselves over me as an authority figure. I take the lesson for what it's worth, and if I gained something useful from it, I thank them.

To simplify this into mathematical formulas, if A is the authority, and B quotes A to C, then B is not projecting himself as an authority over C. However, if C does not recognize the authority of A, then C will automatically assume that B is projecting self-authority. This is a misconception on C's part because it was never B's intention to project self-authority.


Personally, I think you're taking this a little too personally.


To simplify this into mathematical formulas, if A is the authority, and B quotes A to C, then B is not projecting himself as an authority over C. However, if C does not recognize the authority of A, then C will automatically assume that B is projecting self-authority. This is a misconception on C's part because it was never B's intention to project self-authority.

This entire paragraph is inapplicable to the actual situation. The author has not presented the work of an authority to anyone; he has presented his own material. You might have a point if the situation you outline were actually occurring.

To the rest: there is an extreme difference between learning things and someone you do not know and have not paid to do so insisting on teaching you. Of course you learn something new every day, but you do not - and should not - listen to people who run up shouting at you to think a certain way.

I'm not further replying along this line of conversation. I can't believe we're actually discussing this in the first place.


To the rest: there is an extreme difference between learning things and someone insisting on teaching you.

Um...then don't read the story? Believe it or not the words on the screen will not kill you. The internet has yet to gain such power.

I'm not further replying along this line of conversation. I can't believe we're actually discussing this in the first place.

Of course you're the kind of person who'd say free thinking and open discussion is a BAD THING.

The complete incarnation of Fimfiction crafted into one single human, you guys.


I don't know why you've attempted to insult me every single time we've interacted in the past ten months, but I'd love it if you stopped. It's unbecoming of you and unpleasant in general.


I think....I know who you are? Maybe? I honestly don't remember. I haven't been active here in ages.

But sure, I can't say I haven't spoken to you in the past.


Really, it doesn't entirely matter if you remember. You've already done enough by belittling and personally attacking me here.

6363251 recently... Proper Noun has gotten bit too... 'rude' for the lack of better word... I wounder why?
edit: and here we go... seriously you need to chil mate! chill like a pirate!


Maybe you perceive this because some people like to substitute personal attacks for personal inquiry.

I have not read this story, nor do I intend to, so I will not comment on its content; I'm not in any position to do so. What I will comment on is this:

To simplify this into mathematical formulas, if A is the authority, and B quotes A to C, then B is not projecting himself as an authority over C. However, if C does not recognize the authority of A, then C will automatically assume that B is projecting self-authority. This is a misconception on C's part because it was never B's intention to project self-authority.

There is nothing anywhere in that statement that is a "mathematical formula." I don't understand why you would think that there was. There are the beginnings of a logical argument, yes, but not a "mathematical formula." I fully understand that this will come off as lecturing or condescending, but I honestly do not care about that; there is no possible way for me to overemphasize the importance of knowing the difference between the two.

6363301 I just think you need to chill out a bit mate!


I'm quite calm at the moment. But if you really wondered why it seems to you that I'm (insert negative statement here), you would ask instead of joining a bandwagon of public attacks on my character. Pardon my skepticism.

6363313 no I just think you are easily offended... You just sound like one of those guys who yell "racism/sexism/homophobia alert!" at everything even when it is not intended to be racist/sexist/homophobic.


Gosh, it's almost like someone tried to talk to me as though I were a fifth-grader at the oldest, and then others followed up by personally attacking me for objecting.

6363305 I think she needs to go verb a noun.

6363319 you have no idea how much i enjoyed reading that comment.

6363328 well considering this story has 20 DISLIKES no one is objecting you for disliking it... what we ARE objecting is that you are making an objection at things that ARE NOT THERE. Just don't be offended at tiny things and miss the big picture.
Like I said

edit: and here goes dislike rampage... seriously bro chill.


Are you seriously telling me I wasn't being treated like a Sunday-schooler or insulted by other users (including yourself)? Or is there something I'm missing here?

6363349 INSULTING... LOL Bro you were NOT even close to being insulted. We are just saying that we find your attitude of being offended by everything hilarious. Just don't be offended at everything. For all things this author isn't trying to be too preach ( OK I admit that authors note was bit annoying but its gone now...) and no one is ganging up on you. If you would jusr relax and chill we wouldn't be having this discussion would we. Just chill out for a bit.


Being insulted, not being insulting.


6363342 No, I can assure you that I was being insulting. On purpose.


I noticed.


It kind of doesn't stand. I'm already fairly chilled. All that happened was I was personally attacked for saying, and then defending, that I felt talked-down to.


d. All that happened was I was personally attacked for saying, and then defending, that felt talked-down to.

why were you feeling talked down to anyway? I didn't felt it and no one else did.


I have already explained why, at some length. It would contribute nothing for me to re-post everything I already posted.


I didn't felt it and no one else did.

I question the underlined part, especially as I was in a chat with several other people who felt the same way at the time and one person posted what looked like a similar objection here.

6363373 I actually do agree that this story is rather preachy, and poor preaching at that.

6363383 I read it and it seems that you think you don't want to read any sort of controversial material... if so why read it? No one is forcing you to.

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