• Member Since 11th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Comments ( 9 )

I cannot explain this in words. So let me do so with many different video clips.

Try yo play them all at the same time to get the full effect.

[youtube=U6RWiVRwoE8] [youtube=4yfr_Zj1iU4]

[youtube=yg2u_De8j5o] [youtube=vzrDpj6M1ig]

Oh, but yes. It was written well.

Hmm... Tracking for gore. This better be good.

Here's the problems with gorefics: It's all been done before.

Stabbing, amputation, mutilation, electrocution, force feeding one's own body parts, force feeding others' body parts, starvation, incineration, rape, and castration, just to name a few, have been used in a multitude of fics. The next chapters are going to need to be EXTREMELY creative if the story is going to have any impact. I don't think I've seen cutie pox used in this way before, which is a good sign.

Also, I think this could have had a bit more buildup.

It's just like:

:pinkiehappy: "Wheeeee! I'm happy!" :scootangel: "Yay, we're happy too!"

:pinkiecrazy: "Wheeeee! I'm evil now!" :applecry: "Oh no! You are killing us!"

I think a slower introduction would have been better, so that the reader gets a sense of dread and anticipation.

Keep writing!

Oh, and one more thing. Using Pinkie for a gorefic is risky, because no matter how good it is, everyone's going to be thinking "Cupcakes!"

I am loving this just as much as i loved cupcakes, smiled the whole way through! When will we get some rape and tearlicking? Please? :pinkiehappy:

All this needs is rape and othrr creative ways to kill everypony! Maybe make them kill each other or maybe eat eachother? I am tracking and liking this, smiled the whole way through!


The use of the Cutie Pox certainly does give Caberea a lot of options for creative things to do. I just hope it doesn't end up like Sweet Apple Massacre. I thought they died too quickly in that one for it to be effective.


I can do nothing but agree, it went too fast, they are supposed to die a slow painfull death :scootangel:

Can't read author told me not too:fluttercry:


He's not the boss of you!

"You won't let me read? I WON'T LET YOU BREATHE!" :flutterrage:

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