• Published 13th Jul 2015
  • 9,389 Views, 1,028 Comments

Code Lyoko: EG - Azure Sandora

In Canterlot High Boarding School, Twilight and her friends fight the evil XANA in a virtual world that's somehow connected to the network.

  • ...

06: For My Friends

Theme Song: A World Without Danger

06: For My Friends

In an absolutely, yet sadly, rare situation everyone was available to stop this latest attack from XANA. With such a large group is was hard to coordinate their schedules to deal with immediate threats, but it also made it easier to keep the populace safe.

Though things were so bad this time around that Twilight was happy that everyone was available.

In Lyoko's Desert Sector, everyone was scattered around dealing with the monsters they were best at fighting while still supporting one another. It was amazing how quickly the six of them learned how to work so well together. Applejack was with Rarity dealing with the two krabs that were guarding the tower, Applejack firing at the krab in front of her walking forward while Rarity blocked her opponents attacks with her sword and deflected them back.

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie were close together too, as they were good support for one another when dealing with hornets. The flying monsters fired at Dash, but she did a series of back flips out of the way as Pinkie Pie ran forward, jumped into the air, and hit one hornet with her Homing Attack, leaving three more.

Rainbow Dash stood up and did a hand sign, “Shadow Clone!” she shouted as two clones of herself appeared from behind her as if they were always there. The three Dash's rushed over to the remaining two hornets using their super speed. One hornet fired at the Dash on the left destroying her instantly, while the one on the right was shot down when she jumped up ready to strike. The real Dash slid underneath the monsters on her knees and threw two kunai at the hornets, killing them.

Rarity and Applejack stood close to one another, letting the krabs get closer to them. Once they were close enough, Applejack boosted Rarity into the air, and she came down on top of the krab on the right thrusting her sword into its head. She jumped off right before it exploded.

At the same time, Applejack shot at the legs of her opponent forcing it to fall over. She then walked over to it, pointed her shot gun right at the head of the krab with one hand, and shot it point blank killing it.

“Fluttershy, do it now!” Applejack commanded. She had become somewhat the leader of their group unofficially, as everyone listened to her suggestions and she was actually the best fighter on the team.

Fluttershy ran from behind her hiding place and sprinted as fast as she could to the activated tower, fazing into it.

Inside the tower, Fluttershy ran to the center, and allowed herself to be lifted straight up to the platform above her. When she landed she ran to the holographic keyboard and began hacking her way into the security of the tower.

Once that was cleared, the touch screen appeared before her. She placed her hand on the screen to finish up.




“Tower deactivated,” Fluttershy said in relief as she looked down into the abyss. The numbers on the wall lowered into the darkness, and a bright light shined below, followed by a white flash that shot out of the tower and Lyoko.

Back in the real world, Twilight finished running her program and pushed the enter key, “Return to the past, now!”

The entire factory and town was engulfed in a bright light, and Twilight found herself back in her bedroom waking up, which was where she was twenty four hours prior to XANA's attack.

She stretched as she sat up, “Boy, that was a close one, right Applejack?” Twilight asked her roommate. When she looked though, she didn't see Applejack lying there. In fact, her bed looked neat. Applejack wasn't horribly messy, but if she had just gotten up her bed wouldn't have been made.

“Maybe she woke up earlier,” Twilight reasoned. She was already up when Twilight woke up before the attack, so maybe that still applied. Twilight's desktop computer beeped alerting her that Fluttershy was trying to reach her. Twilight walked over to her computer and pulled up the Lyoko app.

“Good, you made it back safely,” Fluttershy said, sounding oddly relieved.

“Was there a reason why I shouldn't have?” Twilight asked.

“Well, you know how I always check on everyone after an attack?”

“Yeah, I know,” Twilight said. Fluttershy had recently begun checking on everyone via facebook right after returns to the past, as there had been many scares with XANA doing something right after clearing a tower. It was nice, as it reminded everyone that Fluttershy was always there protecting them. She couldn't fight, but she was still somewhat their guardian in Lyoko taking on a motherly or big sister role on the team.

“Well, I sent messages to Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie, but they haven't messaged me back yet,” Fluttershy said, looking worried.

“Well, it is really early over here,” Twilight said, “Maybe they just haven't logged on yet.”

“Pinkie Pie is always logged on though,” Fluttershy said, “and I messaged her first. Have you seen Applejack yet?”

Twilight shook her head, “She wasn't in the room when I woke up, and her bed looks like it hasn't been touched in days.”

“Twilight, I'm getting worried,” Fluttershy said.

“It's still too early to tell if anything is up,” Twilight said, “Even if I'm getting a bit tense too. I have to get ready for class. I'm bound to run into them, so I'll see what's wrong.”

Fluttershy sighed anxiously, but nodded all the same, “I know it might be inconvenient, but please keep your phone connected, so you can tell me if you learn anything.”

“I will,” Twilight said, “Talk to you later.”

Fluttershy nodded, vanishing from Twilight's computer screen as it disconnected from Lyoko. Twilight's heart was racing a bit now. Were her friends okay?

They did come back from Lyoko, right?

As the day went on, Twilight's anxiety turned into full on dread as it became more and more apparent that something was wrong. Rarity wasn't in math class, she didn't run into Pinkie Pie in the halls at all, no one was in gym class, and Applejack and Rainbow Dash missed homeroom. When Twilight went to lunch and saw that no one was there she got really worried.

“Fluttershy, you were right,” Twilight said to Fluttershy on her iphone, “I've been all through school today, and I haven't seen anyone.”

“I was afraid of this,” Fluttershy said, “They might still be somewhere on Lyoko. I'll search around. Come to the factory after school.”

“O-okay,” Twilight said, the reality finally hitting her. Her friends were gone. It was taking all of her power to not freak out right now.

“Twilight, we'll find them,” Fluttershy said, apparently sensing Twilight's tension, “I promise.”

“Right,” Twilight said forcing a smile, “We'll find them.”

Fluttershy reluctantly disconnected, leaving Twilight alone, truly alone. She looked around at her table, where her friends would usually be sitting, almost seeing them there.

“Applejack… Rainbow Dash… Pinkie Pie… Rarity...” Twilight said softly to herself as her eyes began to water, “Where are you…?”

In the Desert Sector, Fluttershy began her search running through the sand dunes toward their last fight. When she didn't see any signs of them there, she ran to the way tower and transferred to the Ice Sector. She ran all around, once again seeing nothing.

“Ooh, where are you...” Fluttershy said, tapping her foot anxiously. When she confirmed that no one was there, she went back to the way tower and transferred to the Forest Sector. She wasn't going to stop until she found her friends. She could see that Twilight was really afraid.

She didn't like her special friend being upset.

“You wanted to see me, Principal Celestia?” Twilight asked stepping into the principal's office. Celestia regarded Twilight with a motherly smile.

“Yes Twilight, please have a seat,” Celestia requested. Twilight calmly sat down, not meeting eyes with her her principal and longtime friend, “Your teachers told me that you've been really upset all day, and that you were crying in science class today.”

“Y-yeah, I… um...” She was crying because Pinkie Pie was her lab partner, and going into class just reminded her that her friends might have been dead as far as she knew.

“Does this have anything to do with the unexcused absence of your friends?” Celestia asked. Twilight froze when she asked that. What could she say? She wasn't wrong, but she couldn't tell Celestia what happened. She'd never believe her first of all, and second of all if she did believe her she'd be in even more trouble.

“It does, doesn't it?” Celestia asked, “Twilight, what's going on? Are your friends in any sort of trouble? Are you in trouble?”

More than you know, Twilight thought. She wanted to tell Celestia so badly what was wrong, but she couldn't. XANA would target her if she knew, and that was assuming she wasn't forced to turn of the computer and say goodbye to Fluttershy and possibly her friends forever.

“You can tell me anything, you know,” Celestia said, “I'm sure there's nothing you're going through that I wouldn't understand.”

“I don't...” Twilight said, still not looking up at Celestia, “I don't know where they are,” she half lied, trembling as she did her best to hide her tears.

Celestia sighed, “I see. I asked because Rarity's parents called me. Apparently she wasn't at home this morning. You don't have any idea where they are? None at all?”

“No, I don't,” Twilight said, “If I knew where they were, I wouldn't be wasting time here in school. I'd be there searching for them.”

As her head was down, she didn't see the surprised look on Celestia's face, nor the proud yet saddened smile that quickly replaced it.

“Why don't you take the rest of the day off,” Celestia said, “You look like you need it.”

“Thank you, Principal Celestia,” Twilight said getting up and walking out of her office quickly. When she was alone, Celestia sat back in her chair and considered Twilight's actions.

“She and I are so much alike,” Celestia said picking up her cellphone, “Jon, could you keep an eye on Twilight for me? Yes, I'm pretty sure now.”

Twilight didn't go right to her room. Instead, she went outside so she could be alone. She leaned against a wall, fell into a sitting position, and broke down completely. She didn't think that she would cry as hard as she was right now, but after lying to Celestia like that she couldn't hold it in any longer.

The stress of their fight was getting to her, and she was beginning to wonder if she and her friends were biting off more than they could chew.

She felt someone sit down next to her. When she looked up, she saw Discord sitting there.

“Discord...” Twilight said softly.

“Hey there kiddo,” Discord said, “Worried about your friends?”

“Um… I...”

“It's pretty obvious,” Discord said, “No one knows where they are. Not even their folks. At the same time, you're clearly upset about something, and everyone in the school knows how close you are to your friends now.”

Twilight looked down, afraid that she was going to have to tell Discord about the super computer. He was nice and all, but he was still school faculty. She was surprised though when Discord wrapped his arm around her though.

“Discord?” Twilight asked, looking at the janitor's comforting smile.

“Crying about your friends isn't going to find them,” Discord said, “If there's something that you can do, then you should take the time you have and do it. Contrary to what most adults think, there are some things more important than school.”

Discord was right. She was given the rest of today off. Instead of sitting here crying, she needed to be at the super computer searching for her friends along with Fluttershy.

Twilight wiped her eyes and smiled at Discord, “Thanks Discord, you're absolutely right. There's someplace I need to be right now,” she hugged Discord tightly, and then stood up, “It might be asking a lot, but...”

“Don't worry, I'll cover for you,” Discord said waving it off, “If anyone asks, you're in town trying to clear your head.”

Twilight smiled and ran off to the factory. As she ran, Discord's jovial smile turned to a serious expression.

“I guess the rest is up to you,” Discord said to himself.

When Twilight arrived in super computer room she opened up the Lyoko radar to search for Fluttershy. She was surprised to see Fluttershy already in her home tower waiting for her.

“Twilight, I was just about to call you,” Fluttershy said, “I'm surprised to see you already in the computer room.”

“I was given the rest of the day off,” Twilight said, “Did you find anything?”

“I did,” Fluttershy said seriously, “I think I may know where the others are now.”

“Really? Oh, that's great!” Twilight said, feeling a sense of relief.

“Unfortunately, getting to them is going to be hard,” Fluttershy continued.

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked.

“Our friends… are still trapped in Lyoko, but they don't know it,” Fluttershy explained. Suddenly, that feeling of relief turned back to dread.

Applejack woke up in her bed, still tired from that last attack. It didn't matter if they were in virtual bodies when on Lyoko, she exerted real physical strength, and she needed to rest some more. Sadly, Vice-Principal Luna wouldn't allow that.

“Mmm...” Applejack stretched sitting up, “Kinda odd returnin ta the past an' wakin up, ain't it?” she asked Twilight, surprised when she didn't answer. Applejack looked at the desk and was relieved to see Twilight sitting at her computer working.

“Oh, yer already up?” Applejack asked Twilight, who turned around to regard Applejack with an oddly bright smile.

“Yep! I woke up a bit ago,” Twilight said cheerfully.

“Someone's in a good mood,” Applejack said, “Get close ta figurin out the materialization program fer Fluttershy?”

“Sadly no,” Twilight said getting up, “I'm just… so happy to see my best friend in the whole wide world is all.”

“Aw shucks,” Applejack said rubbing her nose with her finger, “Ah'm mighty happy ta see ya too, Twilight. Fightin XANA's pretty stressful sometimes, ain't it?”

“Yes, I'll be happy when we can be done with this fight for good,” Twilight said, “Why don't you go get ready for class? I'll wait for you here so we can go together.”

“Sounds nice,” Applejack said, “Ah'll take a quick shower an' get dressed.”

Applejack left the room feeling pretty good. She wasn't used to Twilight being so friendly, so that felt nice, even if it creeped her out a bit.

Back in the room thought, Twilight's expression changed completely once she was alone. Her smile faded into a sinister scowl, and she narrowed her eyes thinking about Applejack.

“I'll be so happy when we can be done with this fight… Applejack,” Twilight seethed, her eyes briefly showing a red XANA symbol.

“I don't believe it,” Twilight said, “XANA's recreated all of Canterlot!”

Fluttershy showed her an odd sphere in the mountain sector, where her friends signals were coming from. When she scanned the sphere, she saw a virtual recreation of her home town. It was near perfect too, so they wouldn't even be able to tell the difference.

“It probably happened when you did Return to the Past,” Fluttershy said, “XANA is getting stronger, to the point where he's able to recreate your home town.”

“This is terrible,” Twilight said, “Can we alert them? Get in contact or something?”

Fluttershy shook her head, “We're completely locked out from out here. Apart from going into the virtual field, there's nothing we can do to warn them.”

“How do we get in?” Twilight asked.

“I'd have to find the tower XANA is using to generate it and break the security. Once that's done, I should be able to get inside of there. The problem is though, the tower is heavily guarded, and in order to dispel the virtual field we'd have to disrupt the source from inside the field.”

“Which means someone would have to go inside the virtual field after the tower is deactivated,” Twilight reasoned.

“We have no choice,” Fluttershy said, “I'll go to the tower myself, deactivate it, and then go into the virtual field to rescue the others.”

“Hold on, that's too dangerous!” Twilight said, “XANA wants you to do this! There's no way you'd be able to get through all of that security by yourself!”

“I don't see any other options,” Fluttershy stated, “It's either that, or we lose the others for good. If XANA figures out how to get them into his scanners, we could lose them forever.”

“This is a trap, Fluttershy, and you know it. If you die, XANA wins,” Twilight said.

“Not if you shut down the computer right after my death,” Fluttershy said seriously.

“Forget it!” Twilight fussed, “I'm not letting you do this!”

“Twilight, please-”

“It's bad enough Applejack and the others are in danger, you expect me to be okay with you sacrificing yourself! I'd go in there myself before I-” Twilight stopped herself when she said that, realizing what needed to be done, “That's it...”

“What's it?” Fluttershy asked warily.

“I have to do it,” Twilight said, “I have to go into the virtual field…”

“Twilight, do you realize what you're saying?” Fluttershy asked, “You'd have to come here, to Lyoko!”

“It's the best option,”Twilight reasoned, “If I transfer in, I'll be able to keep you safe while you deactivate the tower. Then I can go into the virtual field and rescue the others.”

“Twilight, you've never been into Lyoko before!” Fluttershy said, “We don't know what you'll turn into! What if your form is like mine, without any good defenses? What if XANA does something to you while you're either here or in the virtual field? Twilight, you're human, you're not expendable like me!”

“Don't say that!” Twilight shouted, “You're not expendable, Fluttershy! You're my best friend, and I don't want to lose you!”

Fluttershy looked really taken aback hearing that.


“I was willing to go into Lyoko before to help my friends, but back then I was needed out here,” Twilight said, “This time, I am needed on Lyoko. Don't get me wrong, I'm terrified of going in there, but apart from you dying, I don't see any other option.”

Fluttershy sighed, grumbled, and groaned, clearly hating this idea, “Transfer in front of my tower in the Forest Sector. It's a way tower, so we can go straight to the Mountain Sector from here.”

“Fluttershy, thank you,” Twilight said relieved. Fluttershy sighed folding her arms.

“No Twilight, thank you. I... didn't know you cared that much about me... I'll… see you in a bit.”

With that Fluttershy logged off. Twilight wondered if she was angry. Probably a bit. This was the first argument they ever had. Still, Twilight wasted no time starting up the program to begin the transfer. Once she was sure it was ready, she stepped away from the computer and climbed down the ladder to the scanner room. She picked a scanner and for a few seconds just looked up at it.

“Don't worry everyone. I'll save you,” Twilight said going into the scanner. When she turned around, she saw the door close. No turning back now.

When the transfer process started up, things got really weird and scary. It was so bright inside that she had to close her eyes as energy flowed around her. She felt herself be lifted off the ground and spun around by some invisible force.

Back on the computer, a CGI image of Twilight was being rendered, but she was dressed in fancy robes.

There was a sudden surge of energy in the scanner, and a white flash that forced Twilight to squeeze her eyes shut tight from both the sudden flash and fear. She felt herself being pulled through a tunnel for a few seconds, yet she couldn't feel her body at all. Suddenly, she was in the air again, but she felt her body being put back together piece by piece from her head all the way to her feet. Once she was put back together, she was… dropped, right onto the ground.

Naturally, she screamed the whole way down.

She landed on her butt hard, surprised when she felt her clothes. For a nerd, she normally wore pretty short skirts, so the sudden added fabric threw her for a loop. Also, was she wearing high heels?

Before she could question anything else, she noticed someone standing over her holding out their hand. Twilight looked up and was awestruck.

“Fluttershy?” Twilight asked, her heart racing looking at her special friend in person for the first time ever.

“Hello Twilight,” Fluttershy said sweetly, “Welcome to Lyoko.”

Twilight felt flushed looking at Fluttershy's full form for the first time ever. Holy hell she was beautiful. It got even worse when she finally took Fluttershy's hand and was helped up. Fluttershy was actually an inch or two taller than her.

“This is what Lyoko looks like?” Twilight asked looking around, “It's amazing how real it all looks.”

“It is real,” Fluttershy said, “At least, to me it is. By the way, I'm impressed by your form Twilight.”

Twilight turned back to Fluttershy, who was giving her a somewhat coy smile. Twilight took a better look at herself. She was wearing an interesting outfit, consisting of a tight purple body suit which connected to pink tipped high heeled boots. Over top of that she wore a long silver and dark purple jacket like robe that was closed with a golden belt. Much to her embarrassment, the top of her robe was open, as was the top of her body suit, so there was no way of hiding her biggest secret, one that only Applejack knew.

She was sort of top heavy.

Twilight immediately realized where Fluttershy was looking and turned around in embarrassment covering her chest, “I know they're huge, okay! I usually wear special bras to hide it as much as possible!”

She heard Fluttershy giggle, and then felt Fluttershy's weight on her as she embraced her from behind.

“I've wanted to do this for so long, Twilight,” Fluttershy said, “There are so many things I wish we could do right now, but we don't have the time.”

“Right,” Twilight said turning to Fluttershy, “Let's go.”

Twilight followed Fluttershy to the tower and looked up in confusion. How the hell did you get inside of these things? There wasn't a door anywhere.

“You can just faze through the wall,” Fluttershy explained, “Watch me.”

She watched as Fluttershy calmly walked through the wall of the tower. Twilight took note and then followed after her virtual friend, who in person didn't seem like a virtual girl at all. Whoever made her was a genius.

She looked around at the interior of the tower as she walked over to where Fluttershy stood, oddly right at the edge of the platform.

“Do you like it?” Fluttershy asked.

“It's amazing,” Twilight said, “It's like stepping into a field of code.”

“That's sort of what a tower is,” Fluttershy explained.

“So… which way is it to the Mountain Sector?” Twilight asked, her heart falling to her stomach when Fluttershy pointed down, “You're joking, right?”

Fluttershy shook her head, “It'll be fine, Twilight. All you have to do is have an idea of where you want to go in your mind, and jump down, allowing the tower to take you to your destination.”

“Can we… go at the same time?” Twilight said shuffling nervously, “I know it's silly, but I'm really scared, and-” Fluttershy took her hand, stopping her instantly.

“Don't let go of my hand, okay?” Fluttershy said with a comforting smile. She was such an angel in person like this.

Twilight snapped herself out of her daze and nodded, allowing Fluttershy to guide her to the edge. If it had been anyone else, Twilight would have snapped, but she trusted Fluttershy with everything. Something about the air she gave off let Twilight know that everything would be fine.

The two of them dropped down into the abyss. Twilight felt like down became up for her, and in a few seconds she was lifted up onto another platform. When they landed, Fluttershy turned to Twilight with that angelic smile of hers.

“See? That wasn't so bad, right?” Fluttershy said. Twilight shook her head wordlessly and followed her friend back outside. She felt so weird looking at Fluttershy now, especially when she remembered that Fluttershy had seen her secret. Oddly, she was happy that Fluttershy could see her.

She had wondered before if she was, but now she was absolutely sure. She was falling in love with Fluttershy.

Outside in the Mountain Sector, Fluttershy and Twilight saw a few monsters flying around in the distance. They also saw a glowing sphere in the distance.

“That's the virtual field,” Fluttershy said pointing to the sphere, “In order to get you in there though, I have to get to that tower over there,” Fluttershy said, pointing to another tower that had a red aura. It was surrounded by monsters of different types.

“Based on what I've seen on the monitor,” Twilight said, “Those look like hornets flying around, three bloks, three krabs, and… a megatank.”

“Yes… that's a megatank,” Fluttershy said, apparently thinking the same thing as Twilight. Worst thing to have to fight on your first venture into Lyoko.

“Fluttershy, I don't know how to fight,” Twilight admitted, “I don't know what this form is supposed to be.”

“Do you feel like you can fight?” Fluttershy asked, Twilight nodded, “Okay then. When engaging the enemy, just do the first thing that comes to mind. I promise you, it'll be right.”

Twilight had no reason not to trust Fluttershy, so she accepted that as they ran over to the enemies. Twilight, realizing that she had to protect Fluttershy, continued past where Fluttershy stopped and looked up at the hornets flying around.

“Just do what comes naturally,” Twilight said to herself, afraid when the hornets turned to face her, “Just do what comes naturally!” Twilight screamed holding her hand out at the hornets as they flew over to her. All of a sudden, an orb of light built up in her hand and shot out at one of the hornets, killing it.

Twilight looked down at her hands in shock. She then looked at the remaining hornets and couldn't help but smirk. With the way they flew back a bit, they must have known they were in trouble.

Twilight held her hand out again, this time releasing the energy immediately in smaller bursts so she could rapid fire them. It took a few seconds, but the hornet on her left was shot down. She jumped out of the way before the remaining hornet hit her with its laser, and looked up at her flying foe.

“So if I release the energy quickly, it creates a weak shot that fires fast. What if I let the energy build up for a bit?” she tried that, allowing energy to build up in her hands. She then released the energy, firing a bigger blast at the hornet killing it instantly.

“Twilight, you're doing great!” Fluttershy cheered, “Keep it up!”

Twilight felt so strong now, stronger than she ever felt. Fluttershy was behind her, watching her, cheering for her. She could beat these monsters. She could fight XANA.

As long as Fluttershy was with her, she could do anything.

Twilight bravely rushed over to the bloks, stopping when they turned to her. She needed to be able to destroy all three at once to clear a way for Fluttershy. She thought about the energy she shot out. Maybe if she could control the trajectory of her shots…

When the bloks started firing at her, she rolled to the side charging up energy through her body this time. She then once again moved naturally, spreading her arms out and moving in a very elegant manner firing three shots at the bloks, killing them. When she through back to her moves she noticed that she looked a bit like she was dancing.

Maybe those ballet lessons she took when she was little stuck with her.

Before she could catch herself, she was shot in the side and knocked to the ground.

Twilight: 60 HP

“Ow...” Twilight groaned slowly getting up, suddenly remembering why she was afraid to be here in the first place. She looked up and saw a krab standing over her. Needless to say, it was huge.

Yep, she found her least favorite monster on Lyoko…

She screamed running away as the krabs took turns firing at her. Fluttershy couldn't watch anymore, so she held her hand out and began singing, creating a boulder that Twilight could hide behind. Twilight jumped behind the boulder and began charging up her energy, this time firing twin laser beams out of her hands killing two of the krabs.

“I'm not going to let you hurt my friends XANA!” Twilight said running up to the last krab, “You let them go this instant!” she fired an orb of energy at the krab, destroying it.

“Argh!” Twilight shouted, getting a bit of a headache. Dash, who was sitting next to her at lunch, took notice.

“Hey, are you okay?” Dash asked Twilight.

“Fine,” Twilight said curtly, followed by an overly cheerful smile, “I'm absolutely fine, Rainbow Dash. Don't worry about me.”

“Okay...” Rainbow Dash said with a slow nod. Honestly, Twilight was beginning to creep her out a bit.

“You know,” Rarity said catching everyone's attention, “We haven't heard from Fluttershy at all today.”

“Yeah, she usually contacts us when we're done with a mission,” Pinkie Pie said, “I never log out of my facebook, so I should have gotten a message by now.”

“Ah'm getting mighty worried 'bout her,” Applejack said turning to Twilight, “Ya heard anythin from her taday?”

Twilight shook her head, “No, now that you mention it. That is odd,” Twilight looked down in deep thought, “Tell you what. I'll go to the factory to check it out.”

“You… do know that school isn't out yet, right?” Dash asked once Twilight stood up.

“This is too important,” Twilight said, “I'm sure I won't be missing much here. I'll let you all know when I've located Fluttershy.”

She turned around to the door, and bumped into a student, who spilled their juice on her shirt.

“Sorry Twilight!” the student said.

“It's alright,” Twilight said, “I'll just wash this in the bathroom.”

“Um, Ah'll go with ya!” Applejack said shooting up. Twilight turned to Applejack with a raised eyebrow.

“Why would I need you to come with me for this?” Twilight asked, genuinely confused.

“Well, the bathroom's mighty busy round this time of day,” Applejack said, “Kinda hard ta get privacy if ya know what Ah mean,” she folded her arms under her chest to accentuate her point, one that was missed by everyone including Twilight.

“Applejack, it's fine,” Twilight said, “It's just juice. I'm pretty sure I can handle being in the bathroom by myself for a few minutes.”

With that she left. Applejack sat down in her seat feeling… odd.

“Something wrong?” Rarity asked Applejack.

“Twilight ain't actin right,” Applejack said.

“I mean, yeah she's a little more forward today, but seriously, all she has to do is take off her shirt in the girls room, rinse it off, let it dry, and it's good as new,” Dash said.

“Twilight never takes off her shirt in public,” Applejack said, “She's late ta gym class everyday 'cause of it.”

“Is it really that big of a deal?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“It is,” Applejack said, “Trust me, Ah'm her roommate, so Ah know stuff she don't tell anyone else.”

Such as the fact that she's too embarrassed by her large bust line to ever take her shirt off in public, Applejack thought.

Twilight had taken care of most of the monsters, as far as she could tell there was only one left. She had finally gotten the hang of her powers, and was amazed at how she could apply them. The beams could be controlled in various ways before firing them, and any limits were just in her mind.

She wondered if everyone was like this on Lyoko? Were they all near godly when entering Lyoko, or was Twilight special in that regard?

All she knew was that at this point any fear she had of Lyoko was pretty much gone. She saw why Pinkie Pie liked comparing it to a video game, as it sort of did feel like one.

Twilight fired at the last blok in front of her killing it as Fluttershy ran over to her.

“Twilight, you were amazing!” Fluttershy cheered.

“Thanks,” Twilight said sheepishly, “It just comes so naturally to me. Does everyone have this amount of power on Lyoko?”

Fluttershy thought, “I don't think so, at least not outright,” Fluttershy answered, “Your forms are all based on your mentality, so any limits you perceive will show up in your form. In your case though, you're oddly unlimited, in terms of your powers that is.”

“This is amazing,” Twilight said looking at herself, suddenly feeling a rush, “I wonder what else I can do here.”

“Maybe you can find out fighting him,” Fluttershy said fearfully, pointing forward. Twilight looked and saw the megatank rolling up to her.

“Oh, is that it?” Twilight said confidently, “I'm not even worried about him.”

“Twilight, don't underestimate megatanks,” Fluttershy warned, “They're XANA's most dangerous monsters thus far.”

“Well, too bad for XANA I'm the Lyoko Warrior he needed to be afraid of,” Twilight said, suddenly feeling stronger than ever. Was this from the amount of power she exhibited against the previous monsters? Was this because she had Fluttershy behind her? Was this because all she could think about was XANA possibly hurting her friends?

Maybe a combination of all three. The amount of power she had now was both exhilarating, but also terrifying.

Twilight vs Megatank

The megatank opened up and fired its attack, but Twilight flipped elegantly to the side (she had learned she could move like this on Lyoko) and fired two homing darts at the monster, who closed before the attacks hit his weak center.

Twilight frowned thinking of alternatives, and then had an idea. She charged up her energy as much as possible, and fired a white stream of energy out at the megatank while it was closed. The attack didn't do any damage to it, but it did push it over to the edge. Once the attack finished, Twilight saw Fluttershy run over to the megatank and push it right over the edge with all her strength, pushing it into the digital sea.

Fluttershy ran over to Twilight as the latter fell to her knees from exhaustion.

“The pathway… is clear,” Twilight breathed out.

“You shouldn't push your power too hard,” Fluttershy said, “Some abilities take up more memory than you can handle, thus eat away at your hit points. That could be one of them for you.”

“If it saves my friends, then I don't care what I have to go through,” Twilight said, “Head into the tower and deactivate it. I'll start making my way to the virtual field.”

“Once you go in, you'll return to your human state,” Fluttershy said, “If XANA is in there, chances are he'll still have power. Be careful, okay?”

“I will,” Twilight said hugging Fluttershy, “Thank you for helping me, Fluttershy.”

“You're my special friend, Twilight,” Fluttershy said returning the hug, “This is the least I can do.”

The two friends separated, took one last look at each other, and them ran in separate directions: Twilight going to the virtual field and Fluttershy fazing into the tower.

Inside the tower, Fluttershy ran to the center, and allowed herself to be lifted up to the higher platform. Once there, she calmly walked over to the keyboard and began working her way through the security. This one was a little harder than usual, which meant that XANA really wanted to keep them out.

I hope I'm not sending Twilight to her death, Fluttershy thought.

The secutity gone, Fluttershy placed her hand on the touch screen that appeared before her.




“Tower deactivated,” Fluttershy said looking down into they abyss, this time without the white light as Twilight wasn't outside to initiate Return to the Past.

As for Twilight, she just reached the virtual field. She looked back at the tower and saw the red aura change back to a blue one. That meant Fluttershy did her part.

Which also meant it was time for Twilight to do hers.

Twilight took a deep breath, and walked into the virtual field. She felt herself fall off what seemed to be a ledge, and then her body changed. It wasn't broken up like earlier, rather it was shifted.

She reappeared in the air and landed once again on her butt, but this time in the middle of Canterlot.

“XANA made all of this?” Twilight asked looking around, “No wonder the others think this is the real world. It's almost perfect.”

It would take forever to find them if she just wandered around, but thankfully she had a few places she could begin searching, first place being the factory.

“Something really fishy is goin on here,” Applejack said sitting with everyone in the gymnasium.

“You're still on that whole thing with Twilight?” Dash asked.

“Not only that,” Applejack said, “But don't y'all notice how weird everything feels?”

“I sure do,” Pinkie Pie said with a shudder, “No one feels alive. It's like everyone is just hollow projections of themselves.”

“I feel it too,” Rarity said, “I tried to call home just now, but Mom sounded… American.”

“No accent at all?” Applejack asked.

Nyet,” Rarity said, “Sweetie Belle and I speak best English as we grew up in America. Parents have harder time.”

“Now that's suspicious,” Dash said thoughtfully, “Also, has anyone heard from Fluttershy?”

“I've been trying all day,” Pinkie Pie said somberly, “But I can't even log on. It's like facebook doesn't even exist.”

“Ah'm gonna check Twilight's computer,” Applejack said, “It's always connected ta Lyoko, so Ah'll see what's goin on with Fluttershy.”

“Do you want help?” Rarity asked as Applejack stood up.

“Nah, Ah'll be fine,” Applejack said, “Y'all jus' act naturally till Ah call ya.”

Applejack walked out of the gym, heading straight for her and Twilight's room. On the way she ran into Vice-Principal Luna. Shit, she was supposed to be heading to her next class.

“Applejack,” Luna said turning to her, “You know that you're not supposed to be in the dorm rooms, right?”

“Yeah, Ah know,” Applejack said putting her hands behind her head, “Ah jus' needed ta get somethin from my room, is all.”

Luna thought about that, and then nodded, “Alright then. As long as you head off to class soon, I trust you.”

Wait… what? Vice-Principal Luna trusted Applejack?

“Um… thanks...” Applejack said slowly, “Ah'll hurry.”

Luna walked down the hallway, leaving Applejack alone near her room. Now Applejack was sure something was wrong.

She quickly went into the room, going right to Twilight's computer. She turned it on, not seeing anything unusual.

“How does Twilight do this? Right, Ah remember. She pulls up this tab here...” Applejack said, “Then she types in the code… ugh, what was it again? Right,” she typed in the code, and was about to push the enter key…

“Applejack? What are you doing?”

“Huh?” Applejack turned around and saw Twilight standing there by the door, “Sorry, Ah was jus' gonna check on Fluttershy.”

Twilight sighed, “There's no point in trying that. I already checked Lyoko. I think XANA activated a tower and is trapping her somewhere in the Ice Sector.”

“Ah see,” Applejack said raising an eyebrow. Something about this whole thing felt off to her.

“I'm heading back to the factory,” Twilight said walking over to the computer, “I just need to get a particular file and then I'm heading off.”

“What 'bout class,” Applejack asked getting up to make room for Twilight, “Ya ain't gonna skip out, are ya?”

“Like I said, this is more important than school,” Twilight said, “Speaking of which, make sure you're ready to head out at any time.”

“Uh, sure...” Applejack said turning to the door, “Ah'll head off ta class fer now. Ah'll cover for ya, alright?”

“Thanks Applejack,” Twilight said smiling at Applejack, “You're a great friend. Don't worry, we'll find Fluttershy.”

“Y-yeah, Ah'm sure...” Applejack said, suddenly feeling really uneasy looking at Twilight's smile. She didn't notice it before, but there was something really off about it that made her heart race everytime she looked at it.

And that timing. It was like Twilight knew that Applejack was going to be there at that moment. Was she trying to stop her from logging onto her computer? Since when was Twilight so private?

“Damn it!” Twilight said once Applejack left the room, “I have to finish this fast. They're getting suspicious,” Twilight looked up suddenly as if hearing something, “Oh really? Yes, leave it to me,” she said to no one in particular. She got up from her seat and walked out of the room, heading right to town.

When she arrived at the factory, she saw someone who looked just like her running in. She frowned and picked up her cellphone.

“Hey, Pinkie Pie? Gather the others and begin making your way to the factory,” Twilight requested, “I think I know what XANA is planning now. You need to get to Lyoko as soon as possible.”

After Pinkie Pie confirmed that she was on her way, Twilight hung up and sauntered into the factory. She saw her double go into the elevator and go down into the computer room.

She narrowed her eyes and calmly walked down the steps over to the ladder. It was high time they finally met face to face.

Twilight immediately logged into the super computer, which she was happy still had all the same pass codes. It seemed to be exactly the same, but that was a facade and she knew it. Something was off about this.

“Where do those scanners lead?” Twilight asked herself, “They can't lead to Lyoko. We're already in Lyoko.”

“They lead to the digital sea,” Twilight heard her voice say, “A one way ticket to the network, where they'll be trapped forever.”

Twilight turned to the ladder, where she saw herself standing there smirking at her. There was something off though. On the way here, she ran into many copies of people she knew, but they all seemed dead in a way. This copy seemed… different.

“I'm impressed, Twilight Sparkle,” her double said, “Not only did you and Fluttershy find this place, but you came in yourself. I was ready for Fluttershy to come and stop me, but apparently I underestimated what you would do for your friends.”

“You're the source of this virtual environment, aren't you?” Twilight asked, “A program made by XANA to emulate me.”

Twilight's doppelganger laughed, “You really think I would trust a program to do something like this? This was something I've been building up to for a while,” her doppelganger walked over to her and leaned in close, “Some things just need to be handled personally, don't you think?”

When she said that, Twilight knew exactly what was different about this copy. It wasn't just an automated copy like everyone else in this world. It wasn't even just an advanced AI. Twilight knew who this was, and the idea of being face to face with this… entity scared her.

“You're… XANA...” Twilight said.

“Bingo,” her doppelganger, now revealed to be XANA, said with a sinister smirk. It was terrifying to look at honestly. Twilight always thought that if she ever got the chance to see XANA incarnate himself, the result would be just a living machine.

That wasn't what was staring back at her though. She saw someone who was very much alive, but still missing something. Their eyes seemed empty, yet displayed intentions that were pure evil. It was like looking into the face of a demon.

“I've been wanting to have this conversation with you for a long time, Twilight Sparkle,” XANA said turning Twilight's chair around and putting her hands on the arms trapping her, “There are so many things I want to say to you.”

“Oh really?” Twilight asked, trying to hide how afraid she was right now, “Like what?”

“Well, for started, thank you,” XANA said still with that evil yet calm smile, “You woke me up from a decade long slumber, and the love you have for Fluttershy keeps the computer on, allowing me to gather strength.”

“Gather… strength?” Twilight asked.

“How does it feel, Twilight?” XANA asked, “To know that every day you're in the presence of your mortal enemy, who could kill you and your friends in a heart beat; all you have to do to stop it is pull the off switch, but you can't, because poor Fluttershy would be gone too,” she mocked. The way XANA leaned in and moved made Twilight wonder what XANA's gender even was. Did XANA even have a gender?

Oddly, the name XANA did sound somewhat feminine.

“Are you afraid now, Twilight?” XANA continued, “Are you regretting turning on the computer and setting me free?”

“You're not free,” Twilight said, “That's why you had to trap my friends here in Lyoko. You're trapped in here too, just like Fluttershy.”

It looked like that hit a mark, because XANA was wide eyed before regaining composure, “This is why you're my favorite, Twilight. So inquisitive. You're right, I currently can only manifest myself here in Lyoko. But that's going to change soon.”

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked, realizing that the one mechanical thing about XANA was that he/she couldn't or wouldn't lie. She didn't know if she should be happy or terrified of that.

“You don't know what Lyoko is, do you?” XANA asked before breaking out into the most terrifying laugh Twilight had ever heard, simply for how human is sounded, “Oh, this is rich! You turned the super computer on, not even knowing what the damn thing was for!” XANA was laughing so hard there were tears in his/her eyes, “Here I was worried that Eos sent you to stop me, and all you were was a child who couldn't mind her own damn business.”

Now Twilight really wanted to know what Lyoko was made for. Also, who was Eos?

“Well, as you're about to die anyway, I have no problem telling you a bit,” XANA said grabbing Twilight by the neck and choking her, “Through Lyoko, I have absolute control over everything in your world, from machines to even biological organisms. Don't you think that's a little odd, Twilight, how all of that can be controlled from a computer? And what of Return to the Past? Why would a computer be able to control time?”

“I… don't…”

“It's because of man's stupid desire to play God, that's why!” XANA shouted, “Humanity learned something they were better off not knowing, and decided to utilize this knowledge to take control of their world. Such power shouldn't be in the hands of mere mortals. The only one who deserves the right to be God is me!” XANA lifted Twilight up from the seat and glared at her angrily, “I am the pinnacle of what human desire to create life lead to! I am eternal, and I'm in absolute control of this system, thus by that right I AM A GOD!!!”

XANA threw Twilight into a wall hard.

“Coming here was a mistake, Twilight,” XANA said looking at Twilight almost in disgust, “Outside this field you may be powerful, but here, you're a mere human. If you die here, you'll be deleted, and you have no power. Me on the other hand...” XANA held up his/her hand and charged it with electricity to make a point. Twilight forced herself to her knees.

“If you think… I'm going to back down from you… you don't know humanity very well...!” Twilight shot up and charged at XANA, tackling him/her into another wall, “I'm not going to let you have your way, XANA! I'm going to materialize Fluttershy, and we're going to turn off the computer for good, trapping you in this cold world!”

“Do you really think it's going to be that simple?!” XANA asked, “Fluttershy is just as much a part of this world now as I am! She's not going to be released from it easily, even if you manage to materialize her! Fluttershy is my slave forever!”

“NO!!! I WON'T LET YOU KEEP HER TRAPPED HERE!!!” Twilight screamed as something snapped within her.

“THEN STOP ME, TWILIGHT!!! LET'S SEE WHAT THE POWER OF “HUMANITY” CAN DO!!!” XANA screamed in response. The two of them began wrestling violently in the computer room, throwing each other into walls, choking, pinning, it was an honest to God cat fight, only one of them had super powers and wasn't exactly a woman.

As they fought, they heard the elevator click on and go up.

“Looks like they're coming,” XANA said with a sneer, “Perfect timing, they can help me kill you.”

“They won't do that!” Twilight shouted, “My friends will be able to tell the difference one way or another!”

“You have too much faith in your so called friends!” XANA said, “I spent most of the day with them, and they seemed none the wiser of my identity.”

“You'll see XANA,” Twilight said, “My friends will know the truth.”

When the elevator opened, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie saw the strangest thing. They saw two Twilights in the computer room. They looked like they had been fighting for a bit.

“Holy...” Dash said looking at the scene before them, “Twilight?”

“Perfect timing!” the Twilight on the left said, “You have to help me! XANA created a copy of me and is trying to use it to kill us!”

“Guys no!” the Twilight on the right shouted, “That's the copy over there! It's XANA, and he's trying to trick you!”

“Don't listen to her!” left Twilight retaliated, “That's XANA!”

“How do we tell difference?” Rarity asked looking at the two Twilights worried.

“Guys, please, trust me!” the Twilight on the right urged, “XANA created this whole scenario to trap you guys in Lyoko! If you go into the scanners, you'll be sent into the digital sea!”

“What? We're still in Lyoko?” Dash said looking around.

“That's so stupid sounding even Rainbow Dash can see it!” the Twilight on the left said, “Is that really the best you can do XANA?”

“I know it sounds crazy, but you have to trust me!” Twilight on the right said, “The only way to get out of here is to destroy that body XANA's using!”

Applejack closed her eyes thinking hard about this. It was far-fetched, but there wasn't anything denying what she had just said either. Also, even if they were still in Lyoko, Twilight probably would go into the scanners if there was no other way. Still though…

“What should we do?” Rarity asked.

“We can't just choose. What if we choose wrong?” Dash asked.

“The answer is obvious!” the Twilight on the left shouted, “I'm Twilight! Guys, please!”

“We need ta be sure,” Applejack said, “So we gotta test it. Somethin that only the real Twilight would know or react to.”

“This is silly!” left Twilight said folding her arms, “We're wasting time here!”

“No, I understand,” right Twilight said, “This is how Applejack is. Go on, Applejack.”

Now that helped Applejack make her decision, but she still needed to be sure, as Twilight could get rather impatient at times too. Now they just needed a way to find out who was real. Something that was sure to work.

“Twilight, Ah'm real sorry fer this,” Applejack said, “But it's the only way we can be sure. Pinkie Pie, could ya do me a favor?”

“Sure Applejack,” Pinkie Pie said. Once Applejack whispered her plan to her ear, Pinkie Pie had a naughty smile, “Really Applejack?”

“It's odd, but Twilight would react in a certain way if ya do that, so go on. Pick a Twilight and jus' give em' a good grab.”

“Either way, this is going to be fun,” Pinkie Pie said skipping forward, “I've been wanting to do this for a long time, Twilight.”

Pinkie Pie went over to the Twilight on the left, and did something that shocked the hell out of everyone. She grabbed her breasts!

Rarity's face turned bright red and she turned away. Rainbow Dash was wide eyed and broke out laughing. Applejack was even taken aback as she didn't expect Pinkie Pie to just go for it like she did. The Twilight on the right looked mortified yet relieved oddly, while the one on the left looked just plain irritated.

“P-Pinkie Pie, what are you doing?!” the Twilight she groped shouted, “What the hell does this prove?”

“It proves that you're not Twilight!” Pinkie Pie said stepping away and turning to Applejack, “Right?”

Applejack nodded triumphantly, “Nice try XANA, but Ah know things 'bout Twilight that she don't tell anyone, so Ah'm sure you wouldn't know,” Applejack said walking over to the real Twilight, “Sorry 'bout that.”

“It saved my life,” Twilight said, “I don't care if everyone knows my secret now.”

“What secret?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Nothing!” Twilight and Applejack shouted at the same time. Everyone gathered around Twilight as XANA stepped back, chuckling.

“Such a boorish tactic, but effective,” XANA said.

“Honestly, I had a feeling you were fake the second you insulted me,” Dash said folding her arms, “Twilight knows I'm not really computer smart like her, but she respects my intelligence.”

“Also, Twilight is reasonable,” Rarity added, “When AJ mentioned test, you reacted impatiently, but real Twilight would do test regardless to put her friends at ease.”

“Wait, that's how we were supposed to figure it out?” Pinkie Pie asked in confusion, “I realized it when I felt her breasts were two cup sizes too small.”

“Augh! Pinkie Pie!” Twilight whined covering her face as both Rarity and Rainbow Dash turned to her in surprise.

“Oh, so that's the secret...” Pinkie Pie said thoughtfully as Applejack patted Twilight on the back.

“Um, hello?” XANA said waving to them, “Hi, I'm still going to kill you, you know?”

“Fat chance!” Dash said as her, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack got in front of Twilight defending her, “You're outnumbered five to one!”

“You lose, XANA,” Rarity said seriously. XANA laughed to him/herself.

“That's where you're wrong,” XANA said, “As she pointed out, you're still in Lyoko, which means I control everything!”

As XANA said that, wired shot out of the walls and wrapped around the girls, but Applejack pushed Twilight out of the way last minute. XANA used the wires to lift them up and electrocute them.

“No!” Twilight screamed.

“I was going to make your deaths quick and painless!” XANA shouted, “But I think now I want you to suffer before you die!”

Twilight looked at the wires and saw a loose one. She grabbed it and thrust it right in XANA's back, electrocuting her evil doppelganger who screamed loudly in pain.

“You're no God XANA!” Twilight shouted, “What I see is a devil!”


XANA's form started to become wavy like static, and the environment started to break down around them, realeasing Applejack and the others. Twilight ran over to them and embraced her friends as the whole world was engulfed in a white light.

Back in the Mountain Sector, Fluttershy ran right to the virtual sphere as it exploded. Right in the middle of where it once stood Fluttershy saw all of her friends huddled together, all in their Lyoko forms.

“Girls!” Fluttershy called out catching everyone's attention. Twilight was the first one to turn to Fluttershy and wave.

“Fluttershy, we did it!” Twilight called out, completely unaware of Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie staring at her chest. As she ran over to embrace Fluttershy, Dash rubbed the back of her neck while Rarity coughed.

“Damn… that's… impressive,” Dash said awkwardly.

“Well, mine are still larger,” Rarity said with an irritated expression. Pinkie Pie just giggled.

The four of them walked over to Twilight and Fluttershy, and Applejack patted Twilight on the back.

“Good work, Twilight,” Applejack said, “Ya really came through.”

“Coming into Lyoko yourself was crazy!” Rainbow Dash said.

“Don't get used to it,” Twilight said, “I probably won't enter Lyoko myself unless its an emergency, which this was. I was terrified when I didn't see you guys. I thought I'd never see you again.”

“Aw, you don't have to be afraid,” Pinkie Pie said putting an arm around Twilight, “We're the good guys. We're not allowed to die.”

“Even still, that was too close,” Rarity said, “If you hadn't come, I don't know what would have happened.”

“This is wonderful,” Fluttershy said catching everyone's attention, “For the first time, we're all together.”

“Yeah, that's right,” Twilight said realizing that herself, “The six of us are in the same place for once.”

“This is nice,” Applejack said, “Even if Twilight ain't gonna be a frequent visitor ta Lyoko, it's nice ta actually have everyone tagether fer once.”

“Speaking of,” Pinkie Pie said, “If Twilight's here, who's going to use the devirtualization program to get us home?”

“Shoot!” Twilight said, unaware of Rainbow Dash sneaking up behind her with a smirk, “I hadn't thought about that! XANA needs to reboot, so there won't be any monsters, and I need to be outside to activate Return to the Past! How are we-”

Rainbow Dash stabbed Twilight in the back with a kunai.

Twilight: 0 HP

“I'm going to kill you Rainbow Dash!” Twilight said as her Lyoko form faded away.

She felt herself be shot back through the tunnel, and everything went white. All of a sudden the whiteness separated like a door, revealing itself to be the inside of the scanner. She made it back from Lyoko, safe and sound.

The best part was, her friends would be following her soon.

Twilight walked back to the computer room and sat down, happy to see that Fluttershy had paused the procedure for Return to the Past, “Alright guys, time to come home,” she pressed the enter key, “Return to the past, now!”

They were all engulfed in a white light, and once again Twilight found herself waking up from her bed. It was like she had woken up from a bad dream, but it was real. Twilight turned to Applejack's bed, anxious to see if it worked.

Sure enough, Twilight saw Applejack lying down, just waking up and rubbing her eyes.

“Mornin, Twilight,” Applejack said, “Kinda weird wakin up three times in a row, eh?”

Twilight couldn't contain herself. She jumped out of her bed and embraced Applejack, knocking her back onto her bed.

“Ya happy ta see me?” Applejack asked sarcastically.

“You have no idea!” Twilight said happily, “You're safe! Everyone is safe!”

Twilight was still afraid of what XANA had said on Lyoko, but there was time for that later. For right now, Twilight just wanted to enjoy the fact that her friends were alive, and that she saved them.

Fluttershy transferred to her home tower, and logged onto facebook to check on everyone. She smiled when she saw Pinkie Pie's facebook logged in.

Fluttershy: Good. You all made it back safely?

It only took a second for Pinkie Pie to respond.

Pinkie Pie: Yep, we're back safe and sound! Thanks again, Fluttershy. :raritywink:

Fluttershy sighed in relief, now thinking about the time she had a little while ago. Twilight was so amazing on Lyoko, and she looked so beautiful too. There was something she had wanted to do when she saw Twilight, but she held herself off, as to not spoil it when she arrived in the real world.

“Now I really can't wait, Twilight,” Fluttershy said putting her finger to her lips, “Soon. We'll be together real soon.”

Author's Note:

For those who thought Twilight was a little OP in Lyoko, trust me when I say that's a major plot to be discussed later in the story.

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