• Published 13th Jul 2015
  • 9,389 Views, 1,028 Comments

Code Lyoko: EG - Azure Sandora

In Canterlot High Boarding School, Twilight and her friends fight the evil XANA in a virtual world that's somehow connected to the network.

  • ...

30: Past Records

Theme Song: A World Without Danger

30: Past Records

Opening past logs_

May 15, 2015: subject RARITY DOSTOEVSKAIA is captured and sent far away from other LW while bomb is set_


Subject is strongest fighter. LW is crippled in LYOKO_

Subject is moved to farther location making rescue difficult_

Subject is guarded by four operatives_

Interface tower is guarded by high level monsters: approx 58 of same anti air type_


Subject TWILIGHT SPARKLE leads attack. Security program FLUTTERSHY SANDORA is able to appeal to TWILIGHT SPARKLE and deactivate interface tower_

Subject APPLEJACK AMBROSIA is able to contact LYOKO ARCHITECT #2: SELENE and track down RARITY DOSTOEVSKAIA. APPLEJACK AMBROSIA and LYOKO ARCHITECT #2: SELENE are most resourceful LW, able to improvise and fight holographic operatives on semi even level_


APPLEJACK AMBROSIA is current generation LW leader. Capture her instead of RARITY DOSTOEVSKAIA_

Before attempting capture, insure the following LW are unable to enter factory:


Also disable all under file: LYOKO ARCHITECT_

Side note: entry LYOKO ARCHITECT #4: PROTEUS is replaced with subject MI AMORE CADENZA_


Alterations made_

Time of assault set for 1200 hours PDT_

Preparing assault_

Fluttershy was so nervous about going back to school. She stayed in her dorm all weekend after the talent show, out of fear of what the other students would be talking about. It would have been lonely, but now that Rarity was her roommate she had someone to keep her company. Also, Twilight was there a lot, claiming that there was nothing to worry about.

She still didn't know what that meant.

Either way, it was time to go back to school, so Fluttershy braced herself for the worst. Her heart wouldn't stop racing. She just knew that once she got into the cafeteria she'd get a bunch of attention she didn't want.

“Fluttershy, everything will be fine,” Rarity said.

“Ooh, I'm so nervous,” Fluttershy said trembling a bit as they walked, “I haven't even checked the school's facebook page. They're all talking about it, I know it.”

“Some probably are, but it's not as bad as you think,” Rarity said taking Fluttershy's hand, “You're fine, darling.”

Fluttershy and Rarity entered the cafeteria, listening closely to what the students were talking about. Sure, most of them were going on and on about the talent show results, but it seemed like a good deal of the students were talking about something else.

When they got to their table, everyone except for Twilight and Applejack were there. Now they were joined by Adagio's sisters Sonata and Aria, who naturally flanked Adagio at either side almost as if protecting her.

“Glad you could join us,” Adagio said as Fluttershy and Rarity sat down, “For a second, we thought you'd hold up in your room.”

“She almost did,” Rarity said with a sigh, “I had to drag her out of room.”

“Aw, but then you'd miss your adoring fans!” Sonata chirped. When Fluttershy moaned and slammed her head on the table, Sonata turned head in confusion, “What did I say?”

“Being number one isn't so bad,” Dash said, “I've been number one all my life. Hell, still am,” she demonstrated by looking at the table her soccer team sat at. She winked at them giving them a bit of a sultry look, and they all blushed and looked away smiling like love sick puppies, “Ha! Even in second place I won.”

“Doesn't that mean you have a bet to keep?” Sunset asked handing her a stick of lipstick. Dash sighed and took it reluctantly.

“Rarity can I borrow a mirror?” Dash asked deadpanned. Rarity giggled and handed Dash a small compact mirror, which she used to apply the dark red lipstick.

“Do you want some mascara too?” Aria asked tauntingly.

“Shut it, Blaze,” Dash said not looking up, “You're just mad because I can rock this shade so hard, and you can't.”

“Oh it is so on, bitch!” Aria said, “Give me that when you're done!”

“Psh, okay,” Dash said, “Give me that mascara too, and I'll show you how an expert wears make-up.”

“You need to be one first,” Aria said handing Dash the mascara while Dash gave her the lipstick. Everyone laughed at them, and then Fluttershy looked around the table.

“Where's Twilight?” Fluttershy asked.

“She and Applejack are with Principal Celestia and Lulu,” Pinkie Pie said, “They're talking about the last attack.”

“Was that last attack odd or something?” Sonata asked, wilting immediately, “Sorry if I ask dumb questions sometimes.”

“Sonata, you never ask dumb questions,” Aria said applying the lipstick, “It's good that you're trying to figure things out. We're on this team full time now, so we gotta catch up.”

Fluttershy and Rarity smiled at Aria. The love she had for Sonata was pretty apparent, and reminded them a bit of how Dash was with Pinkie Pie.

“Besides, that attack was odd, from what I heard,” Sunset said, “Cadance told me something really scary about what happened on the Talent Show.”

“What's that?” Rarity asked.

“That attack happened already?!” Applejack asked. She, Twilight, Luna, and Celestia were in the latter's office, but Celestia and Twilight were off to the side away from her and Luna.

“It was a little different, but yes,” Luna said sitting on Celestia's desk, “Actually, the first thing XANA ever did was trap Chrysalis in her car. Back then, he tried to drown her in the White Tail Lake though.”

“XANA doesn't do the same thing more than once though, right?” Applejack asked.

“He doesn't,” Twilight said, she and Celestia walking over to them, “That would require a level of programming that he isn't capable of.”

Applejack was still in a bit of disbelief looking at Twilight, who was now wearing her top a little differently. Normally out of embarrassment of her C-cup breasts, she would bind her breasts together as much as possible to make her seem more like a small B-cup. Right now though, she had her usual top open by three buttons, allowing the full size of her breasts to be shown.

It was her idea, but Applejack wasn't sure where it came from. She kept saying that it was to take the heat off of Fluttershy, but as her roommate, Applejack wondered if something else was going on beside that.

“Even with XANA getting stronger from expanding,” Celestia added, “He's still a program at the core, so he doesn't work based off the process. He has an objective, and that's all he cares about. This would mean he can now learn.”

“If that's true, then we're runnin outta time,” Applejack said, “Twilight, how's the anti-XANA program comin along?”

“I have a plan combining it with the source codes,” Twilight said sitting down next to Applejack, “Sunset, Fluttershy, Adagio, and I are going to work on it together during lunch.”

“Adagio? Are you sure that's wise?” Luna asked, “I know she hasn't done anything suspicious yet, but we can't let our guard down.”

“At this point, I'm pretty sure that Adagio and her sisters are okay,” Twilight said, “I scanned their biological make-up in the super computer, and they're human. Adagio actually is pretty good with computers herself, so she's volunteered to assist us with the program.”

“It does seem a little odd that one of XANA's operatives would help us kill XANA,” Applejack said, “Still, Ah plan on keepin my guard up. We're doin pretty good against XANA. One wrong move an' we lose our lead.”

Twilight rolled her eyes slightly and sighed, “You're right. Come on. Let's head to the cafeteria.”

As Twilight stood up and walked out of the office, Luna grabbed Applejack's arm and raised an eyebrow.

“Ah don't know either,” Applejack said, “She ain't talkin ta me about it.”

Luna nodded thoughtfully, “Keep an eye on her, AJ. You're the only one I'd trust with her like this.”

Applejack nodded and ran out of the office after Twilight, “Hey, are you alright, Twilight?”

“Yes Applejack, I'm fine,” Twilight said with a sigh.

“Twilight, Ah don't think ya are,” Applejack said grabbing Twilight's arm stopping her, “You've been actin strange all weekend, an' we haven't talked about what happened to ya in Tartarus yet. Look, if ya wanna talk-”

“I don't want to talk, Applejack!” Twilight snapped, “Right now, I just want to focus on deleting XANA! So can we just… not worry about me right now?”

Applejack could feel how much stress Twilight was in right now, but she just sighed and let Twilight's arm go.

“Ah won't press it right now, but ya need ta talk about it with someone, even if it ain't me,” Applejack said. Twilight didn't say anything as she pushed into the cafeteria. Applejack sighed, deciding to talk to Rarity about it later.

“Hm, I hadn't noticed it before,” Rarity said as she and Applejack walked down the hall, “But now that you brought this to my attention, Twilight has been out of character.”

“Ah'm startin ta worry about her,” Applejack said, “She won't talk about Tartarus. Ah think she's traumatized.”

“She needs to talk soon,” Rarity said, “Her mental state is in danger.”

“Speakin of talkin,” Applejack said wrapping her arms around Rarity, “Are you an' yer parents talkin yet?”

Nyet,” Rarity sighed, “Mama has been calling phone, but I'm not ready to talk to her yet.”

“Rares…” Applejack said.

“Last time I talked to them, Papa yelled at me! I just got back from XANA attack! I almost died!”

“They didn't know,” Applejack said, “Remember, we had ta use Return ta the Past.”

“That doesn't make it better!” Rarity said turning to Applejack, “They didn't even ask me if I was okay! It wasn't like I was hiding!”

“Rares, ya gotta talk to them eventually,” Applejack said cupping her face, “Ya can't keep dodgin the issue. Y'all are still family.”

Rarity sighed. She hated it when Applejack was right, but when it came to family, she was an expert. Applejack actually was really close to her family. Her parents died shortly after Apple Bloom was born, but she retained a close bond with her relatives. Rarity was a little jealous of her for that.

“Ah'm headin out fer my free period,” Applejack said, “Ya wanna cut an' join me?”

“Could Rarity Dostoevskaia please come to the Principal's Office?” Celestia asked on the loudspeaker before Rarity could answer.

“That answer question?” Rarity asked with a groan.

“Alright, Ah'll see ya later, alright?” Applejack said. She and Rarity kissed and parted ways for a bit, Rarity making her way to the Principal's Office. When she arrived, she got the shock of a lifetime, as a familiar Russian woman with light purple hair was sitting in the desk in front of Celestia. She turned to Rarity with a soft smile.

“Rarity…” the woman said with a heavy Russian accent. Rarity narrowed her eyes looking at the woman.


As Applejack left the school, Sonata was lying on her back on a bench watching her leave. According to their schedule, Applejack was the only one who had a free period at this time. She looked at her cellphone checking the time.


“Mmm, not yet,” she said closing her eyes relaxing. She wouldn't be back at the school till later anyway, so this gave them plenty of time.

Rarity couldn't believe that she was there. She didn't know who she was more irritated at. Celestia for forcing this meeting like this, or her mother for barging into the school on short notice.

“I'm sorry with how sudden this is,” Celestia said, “I didn't expect your mother to show up at the school like this.”

“I see…” Rarity said still narrowing her eyes at her mother.

“Rarity, we… talk now, dah?” Rarity's mother asked slowly. Neither of her parents spoke very good English, so her mother was clearly having trouble.

Rarity sighed and turned to Celestia, “English isn't first language. Would you mind if we…?”

“Continued in Russian? Not at all,” Celestia said, “I feel like this needs to be just the two of you anyway.”

Rarity nodded and turned to her mother folding her arms, /Why are you here, Mama?/

/Well, I wanted to see you,/ Rarity's mother said, /You haven't been answering your phone, so I worried./

/I haven't answered my phone because I don't want to talk to you or Papa,/ Rarity said sharply, /I'm sick of being yelled at just because I'm dating a girl./

/Rarity, your father is just confused. Back in Freshman year, you were normal-/

/I'm normal now!/ Rarity shouted angrily.

/R-Rarity, I'm sorry,/ her mother apologized quickly, /That was a bad choice of words. I didn't mean-/

/Oh you meant it alright!/ Rarity fussed, /You keep saying that you're on my side, but I can tell that you're just like Papa, wanting me to break up with Applejack because it's “unnatural”! You want to know what's unnatural?! Going all throughout the rest of freshman, sophomore, and the beginning of junior year afraid to get close to anyone because I didn't want my heart broken again!/

/Is that was this is about, Rarity? Blueblood breaking your heart?/ her mother asked, clearly trying to understand her daughter's mindset. Sadly, all this did was push Rarity even further off the edge.

/Blueblood didn't taint my view of boys! Gender has nothing to do with it! Applejack makes me happy, happier than I've been in years, and I'm not giving up that happiness just because you and Papa think it's wrong, nor am I coming home to a house that doesn't respect my choices! So go on, disown me if you want! In fact, I'll make it easier for you!/ Rarity walked over to her mother, pulled a key out of her pocket, and slammed it onto the arm of her mother's chair, /You probably don't want to give me the shop when I graduate now, so I'm giving the key back to you! If you don't want a gay daughter in your life, then I'm leaving it, but I'm not giving Applejack up! Not for Papa, or even for you!/ Rarity turned to Celestia, “I'm going back to class now.”

Before Celestia could answer, Rarity turned to the door, walked out, and slammed it shut behind her. She walked toward her next class, when the realization of what just happened hit her. Her dream was to one day make Carousel Boutique into a major business in Canterlot, and she just gave that up. What's worse, by now she probably pushed her mother away so much that she probably would be disowned.

She fell to her knees, and wept for her lost dream and family. It wasn't fair. Why couldn't she just be happy? Why did her parents want her to give up the one thing that made her truly happy?


She couldn't take going back to class right now, so instead she sent Applejack a text.

Rarity: I changed my mind. Can we meet?

Immediately she received a response, complete with a smile emogi.

Applejack: You're darn right we can meet! I'll wait for you outside the Everfree mansion! :pinkiehappy:

Feeling a little better, Rarity stood up and exited the school. Applejack always made her darkest days brighter.

Applejack checked the clock on her phone, which showed it had just hit noon. Rarity would probably be showing up pretty soon. They'd probably just go to their special spot and talk, or whatever Rarity wanted to do. Based on her text message, something happened.

Right when Applejack was about to call Rarity to see how close she was, someone grabbed her from behind and placed a cloth over her mouth and nose. She tried to struggle, but a strong sent hit her head, making her entire world go dark. The last thing she heard was her cellphone going off.

Rarity just arrived at the mansion, surprised to see that she was alone. She knew Applejack wasn't the type to stand her up or be late, so not seeing her there was a bit of a red flag.

As her heart started racing, her cellphone chimed. She hoped that it was Applejack, but instead it turned out to be Twilight, and the message was exactly as she feared.

Twilight: The super scan went off just now! Are you and Applejack together?

Chert poberi! (Damn it!)” Rarity swore typing in a reply.

Rarity: No, but she and I were supposed to meet right about now. What should I do?

Twilight: For now, head to the factory. We'll try to meet you there.

Rarity hated leaving Applejack, but she knew that there wasn't much she could do without going to the factory first. She groaned in frustration and took the passage next to the Everfree Mansion to the factory, praying that Applejack would be alright.

When Applejack came to, she found that she was lying down someplace really dark. Looking around she saw that she was inside what looked like a wooden box. She felt a scarf tightly gagging her, but when she tried to move her hands to remove it, she saw that her wrists were bound together in front of her and a rope was wrapped around her waist and arms. Her ankles and wrists were also tied together.

XANA, she thought immediately.

Trying to stay calm, she moved as best as she could to grab her phone. It took a second, but she managed to pull it out of her skirt pocket and turned it on, gasping in shock when she saw the eye of XANA flash on it before a text message appeared.

I've been going about it wrong this entire time. I shouldn't have targeted Rarity all those times. The answer was staring me in the face the entire time. My target… should have been YOU.

Applejack was wide eyed, screaming “what” through her gag.

You see, with you being the one captured, Rarity's anxiety will cause her performance to fall, whether she comes here to rescue you or goes into Lyoko, assuming they CAN get into Lyoko.

Applejack asked XANA “What do you mean?” as best as she could. XANA seemed to understand her.

Well, it's kind of hard to come into Lyoko when the only ones with the key can't get to the door.

With that, the eye of XANA returned to her screen. Applejack tried to push buttons on her phone, but nothing was happening. XANA had effectively frozen it. She tried kicking at the top of the box, but stopped when she noticed how fragile the top felt. If she moved too much it could break and suffocate her.

Realizing all she could now was pray that her friends could deactivate the tower, she did just that. She closed her eyes, and prayed.

Please hurry girls.

Rarity, please be alright.

Twilight, Adagio, and Fluttershy started making their way to the factory, but noticed men in black surrounding the building.

“Those are the agents XANA had me use before.” Twilight said with a frown.

“You mean this is a copy of a previous attack?” Adagio asked, clearly confused.

“I don't think its an exact replica. I think XANA made a few adjustments and tried it again,” Fluttershy reasoned.

“So it's true then,” Twilight said trembling, “XANA's become stronger.”

Adagio embraced Twilight in a comforting hug, “It's going to be okay, Twilight Sparkle. We'll protect you.”

Someone stopped in front of them. The three of them looked up and saw two of the agents standing over them. They tried to run back but found one more standing behind them with a gun pointed at them.

Realizing they couldn't fight them, they allowed the specters to guide them. The specters lead them to a small office room, where Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer were waiting for them.

The three of them were shoved into the room and the door was shut.

“Twilight! Are you okay?” Sunset asked running to her.

“I'm fine,” Twilight said, “But why are you guys here?”

“Those assholes brought us here,” Dash said, “I don't know what XANA's trying to do.”

“It's actually pretty obvious,” Adagio said, catching everyone's attention, “You, Twilight, Sunset, and Fluttershy; all people who are able to use the super computer.”

“Also, with me trapped here, we can't deactivate the tower,” Fluttershy added, “This is actually XANA's best plan yet.”

“It's safe to assume that the others are also trapped somewhere in the school too, along with the Architects,” Sunset said, “Damn it, now what do we do?!”

“We have to focus on getting out of here,” Twilight said, “At least Fluttershy. She's able to use the super computer, so if she can get out of here she can get into Lyoko and deactivate the tower.”

“We can't let her go in alone though,” Adagio said, “XANA will be expecting her to go in.”

“Aren't Rarity and Applejack out of the school building though?” Fluttershy asked, “They can support me inside Lyoko.”

Before anyone could speak, Twilight's cellphone rang, “Rarity? Where are you?”

“I'm in factory now; where are you?” Rarity asked.

“We're trapped in the school,” Twilight said, “XANA's using a revamped version of the attack I led, and has agents guarding the school. Anyone who's capable of using the super computer computer is with me, including Fluttershy.”

Rarity said something under her throat in Russian that sounded like a swear, “Applejack still isn't here either. Ooh… where is she…?”

Twilight could hear it in her voice, Rarity was starting to get worked up. Usually her anxiety disorder was manageable to the point where it was easy to forget, but she tended to get really stressed whenever Applejack wasn't with her.

“Rarity, I need you to stay calm, okay,” Twilight said, “We're going to try and get Fluttershy and hopefully at least two more people there to back you up, but I'm going to need you to manage the super computer for me.”

“M-me?!” Rarity cried, her heart racing now, “I can't use super computer! I wouldn't know where to begin!”

“Rarity, listen to me,” Twilight urged, “I'll walk you through everything if I have to, but I need you to be ready.”

Rarity was so worried right now. It would be better if Applejack were with her. Sure, she didn't know the first thing about computers beyond the basics, but she could at least keep Rarity calm. Not knowing where she was though made Rarity feel really tense.

“Alright, what should I do right now?” Rarity asked slowly.

“First try to contact Applejack using the phone app on the computer,” Twilight said, “It's stronger, so it should be able to bypass most interference.”

Dah,” Rarity said sitting down at the computer. Thankfully she at least knew how to use that app. She pulled it up and tried to call Applejack, but was horrified when it didn't connect.

The number you have dialed is not in service. Please check the number, and dial again.

“Twilight, Applejack's phone isn't registering,” Rarity said, “What does that mean?”

Twilight's grave sigh made Rarity's heart sink, “Nothing good, I'll tell you that. Chances are, she's being targeted by XANA.”

That was exactly what Rarity was afraid of. Her heart, which was already racing, was now beginning to beat out of her chest, making it a little harder to breathe.

“X-X-X-XANA is… t-targeting… Applej-j-jack…?” Rarity asked, her accent much stronger now.

“Rarity… calm down…” Twilight urged, “I know you're afraid, but you can't panic.”

“H-How do I search for her?!” Rarity asked suddenly, “Please, Twilight! You are only one who can help me!”

Twilight sighed and turned to the others with her, “Rarity can't connect to Applejack. She's about to have a panic attack.”

“Do whatever you have to do to keep her calm,” Sunset said, “We'll take care of the next part.”

Twilight nodded and walked away, continuing to talk to Rarity as Sunset turned to Adagio, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash.

“Now, how are we going to get out of this?” Sunset asked.

“XANA didn't take any of our phones,” Dash said, “I bet he didn't take Pinkie Pie, Aria, or Sonata's phones either.”

“Alright, let's get in touch with them,” Sunset asked, “They can probably get us out of here.”

“I know Aria can,” Adagio said pulling out her phone, “I'll call her.”

“Yeah, I'm with them,” Aria said, “We're in the Rec Room with a couple of other students.”

“Perfect. You need to try and get out of there and help us escape. At the very least Fluttershy needs to get to the factory,” Adagio said.

“I could probably sneak through the school and get them out,” Sonata said, Pinkie Pie with her, “As long as one of you creates a diversion.”

“I'll do it,” Pinkie Pie said, “You two help the others.”

Aria nodded to Pinkie Pie, “You hear that, Adagio?”

“I heard,” Adagio said, “We're in the math teacher's office, room 306.”

“306, got it,” Aria said hanging up, “Alright Pinkie Pie, how about that diversion?”

“Leave it to me!” Pinkie Pie said saluting Aria. She then rushed the door to the rec room and knocked it open, running down the hallway, “You'll never take me alive!!!”

Through the door, they saw three agents running after her.

“Alright, perfect,” Aria said turning to Sonata, “We'll take two different paths.”

“That way it will be harder to track us,” Sonata added.

Aria and Sonata nodded, and ran out of the door running in two different directions.

Inside the box, Applejack heard what sounded like wood being strained. She looked and saw some of the dirt above her beginning to seep into the box.

Damn it! If they don't hurry, I'll be crushed!

Once again she struggled against the ropes, but it was hopeless. Was this how Rarity felt when XANA kidnapped her? How was Rarity doing right now? Was she stable? Without her there she was liable to have a panic attack.

Realizing that panicking herself wouldn't do any good, Applejack tried her best to calm herself down by thinking of her family, which naturally included Rarity. She imagined herself back in the arms of her family, being kissed by Rarity, and petting her as the lovely Russian cried in her lap.

Everythin will be alright, Rares.

Ah'll be home with ya soon.

Sonata put her phone on vibrate so she wouldn't attract attention. She had to admit, sneaking around like this was a lot of fun. She was in a hall that led to the third floor when she felt her phone vibrate. Stepping behind the corner, she knelt down and pulled out her phone.

“This is Snake,” Sonata said, making her voice deeper and gravelly, “What's your status, Otacon?”

“Sonata, seriously?” Aria asked, “Adagio and the others are in danger.”

“I am being serious!” Sonata fussed, now in her normal voice, “I can't help it that this is fun!”

Aria sighed, “Listen, I'm almost at the third floor. Once we're there, we both rush the specters. Try and get past them without being seen.”

Sonata looked to the side and saw something that made her smile, “Oh, I'll be fine, Aria. Snake out.”

“Sonata, I swear, you better not-” Sonata hung up the phone and giggled to herself. This plan was foolproof.

Next minute, two specters walked down the hall searching for any stragglers, walking past a large cardboard box. Said box then started moving down the hall when they went past it. Inside, Sonata could barely contain herself. That actually worked?!

Oh, she couldn't wait to tell Pinkie Pie about this. She was going to flip.

Aria stood in the hall, looking at the entrance to room 306. It was being guarded by two specters, both of them holding machine guns. This was super dangerous, so she decided to wait until Sonata arrived before she tired to make a move.

Speaking of, her phone vibrated showing Sonata's number. She pulled it up and saw a text from her sister.

Sonata: Approaching from the other hall. Look up ahead.

Aria looked down the hall and saw a cardboard box stop right at the corner. She couldn't believe Sonata actually did that.

“Goddamn it, Sonata…” Aria sighed before writing her response.

Aria: I'll rush them and knock them away. After that, you run to the door and get it open.

Aria hung up her phone and rushed down the hall. She slid on the floor knocking the two specters off their feet. When they stood up, she spin kicked one in the face knocking him down, and then flipped out of the way as the other fired his gun at where she was standing.

Sonata wasted no time, throwing off the box and running to the door and opening it.

“Kept you waiting, huh?” Sonata said super seriously before jumping up and down excitedly, “I've always wanted to do that!”

“Good job Sonata,” Adagio said, “Let's go!”

Adagio, Sonata, Sunset, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Twilight ran out of the room, but were stopped as three more specters stopped them down the hall.

“Shoot!” Twilight shouted, “Now what?!”

“This!” Dash cracked her knuckles, “Who else is good to stay behind besides Fluttershy?”

“I am,” Adagio said stepping forward, “Sunset, what about you?”

“I'll go with Twilight and Fluttershy for now,” Sunset said, “Be careful Adagio.”

“I will,” Adagio said smiling at Sunset, “Sonata, go with them to the factory.”

“Alright Adagio,” Sonata said reluctantly. She, Twilight, and Fluttershy ran down the hall as the rest of them engaged the specters. Aria met eyes with both Sonata and Adagio, all three of them nodding to each other at the same time.

“Ooooh, Applejack…!” Rarity said, trying her hardest to stave off the incoming panic attack as she searched around for Applejack's signal. No matter where she looked though, she couldn't find her anywhere. Either XANA destroyed her phone, or she was someplace without a signal.

Either way, she was beginning to lose her mind.

“Rarity, we're almost there,” Twilight said on the phone app, “Fluttershy, Sunset, Sonata, and I are heading to the factory now.”

“T-Twilight, I c-can't find Applejack…!” Rarity said. Oh God, her heart wouldn't stop beating. What if she were in serious danger? What if she were already dead?

“Rarity…” Twilight urged.

“I don't know what to do, Twilight…!” Rarity said, tears building up in her eyes, “Applejack always keeps me calm…! Without her… I can't…!”

“Listen, we're coming close to the exit of the school,” Twilight said, “Once we're there, we'll-” the phone suddenly went dead.

Right at the secret passage, three specter agents stood guard standing over Twilight, Sunset, Fluttershy, and Sonata. Twilight was on the ground injured, her phone shattered and her body sparking a bit as Sonata and Fluttershy knelt over her and Sunset stood in front defending them.

“Twilight!” Fluttershy cried holding her up.

“Fluttershy… you have to… get to the factory…!” Twilight urged.

“I'll get you past this,” Sonata said, “Just leave it to me, love. Sunset!”

"Right!" Sunset stated. She charged at the one in the middle and knocked him deeper into the forest.

Sonata stood up and charged at the two remaining specters. They fired at her with their electricity, but she jumped forward out of the way and pushed them down. Fluttershy immediately ran to the secret passage. It looked like she was going into Lyoko alone.

“T-twilight…?” Rarity asked, “Twilight! TWILIGHT!!!” she sat back in the chair and brought her knees to her chest, holding her head as she screamed at the top of her lungs. Normally she was in more control, but without knowing where Applejack was, any control she had of her emotions was lost.

Where are you Applejack?!

What do I do?!

Something within Applejack was crying out just now. She could tell immediately. It was Rarity. Wherever she was, she was terrified right now, and probably having a horrible panic attack. Despite her hopeless situation, the top of her prison straining even more as more dirt fell inside, she wanted to be by Rarity's side so badly just to comfort her. Instead, she closed her eyes and reached out to Rarity as much as she could.

Everythin's gonna be alright, Rarity.

They'll get us outta this. Please be strong.

Still in her chair, Rarity sobbed uncontrollably. Her cellphone rang, and she slowly answered it, not even bothering to look at the caller ID.

“H-hello…?” Rarity sobbed.

“Rarity?” her mother's voice asked from the other end. Rarity's breathing picked up instantly.

“Mama…?” Rarity asked.

/Honey, you're crying. What's wrong Rarity?/ her mother asked softly.

/Mama… I don't know where she is…!/ Rarity cried, /Applejack's in danger right now… and I can't… I can't…!/ Rarity broke down into heavy sobs.

/Shh… it's alright honey./ her mother said, /Remember the breathing exercise I taught you./

/Mama, Applejack is gone! She could be hurt, or even dead, or-/

/I know you're terrified right not, but if you want to help her, you have to try and calm down. Now, breathe in and hold./

Rarity reluctantly did as her mother told, taking in a deep breath and held it in.

/Now slowly release, and count to three,/ her mother continued. Rarity released the breath slowly.

Ah-deen, dva, tree…” Rarity counted in Russian.

/Now, do you feel better sweetie?/ her mother asked.

/Y-yeah… a little,/ Rarity said, /Why did you call me? After what I said back in the school-/

/Mother's know when their children need them,/ Rarity's mother said.

/I thought… by now you'd disown me…/ Rarity said.

/Rarity, no matter what happens, you will ALWAYS be my child, and I will always love you,/ Rarity's mother said, surprising Rarity.

/Even though I'm in love with a girl?/ Rarity asked.

/I know true love when I see it. Rarity, you were willing to give up your dream for this girl, who I'm assuming you've been dating for a while now. I just want you to be happy, Rarity. If this Applejack makes you happy, then you should be with her./

Was she hearing her mother correctly? Her father was COMPLETELY opposed to her dating another girl, yet her mother just said she ACCEPTED her?

/What about Papa? He won't accept me,/ Rarity said sadly.

/Don't worry about him. He'll come around eventually. Also, I'm sure Applejack will be fine, wherever she is. If your love is this powerful, then that alone will keep her alive./

/Thanks Mama,/ Rarity said as the elevator came on behind her, /I have to go now, but I think I'll be fine./

/Alright. Call me later and tell me what happened./

/I will,/ Rarity said as the elevator opened, /Bye Mama./

/Take care, Rarity,/ her mother said. Rarity hung up and turned to the elevator. She was happy to see Fluttershy, but worried to see only Fluttershy.

“Rarity, are you okay?” Fluttershy asked hugging Rarity.

“I am now, thanks to Mama,” Rarity said returning the hug, “Where are others?”

“There were too many specters, and they're surrounding the entire school,” Fluttershy said walking over to the computer and taking Rarity's spot, “Now then, let's see if we can find Applejack.”

“I search everywhere,” Rarity said holding her arm and looking to the side, “I couldn't find her at all.”

“If her phone is out, we just need to search for signs to lead us to her,” Fluttershy said, “Something like a place where specters are gathered other than the school. Like… here!” Fluttershy pointed on the map of Canterlot, where Rarity saw three specters gathered together someplace in Canterlot Cemetary.

“Applejack is there?” Rarity asked.

“I'll use the satellite to zoom in,” Fluttershy said. After zooming in, they saw the specter agents standing around what looked like a newly dug grave without a headstone, “Oh dear.”

“You don't think…” Rarity said.

“More than likely,” Fluttershy said, “Rarity, if we don't act fast she could suffocate in there.”

“Where is tower?” Rarity asked, “Can we get there in time?”

“It's in the Ice Sector, 17 degrees latitude, and 36 degrees longitude,” Fluttershy said as she typed, “Right here.”

The activated tower looked like it was heavily guarded, monsters guarding all of the passages.

“Ooh, that's bad,” Rarity said.

“Applejack is running out of time,” Fluttershy said, “Rarity, if you want, head to the cemetery. Just in case I can't deactivate the tower in time.”

Rarity thought about it. Most of her wanted to rush over to the cemetery to rescue Applejack, but looking at the radar…

Nyet,” Rarity said shaking her head. Fluttershy looked at her wide eyed.

“Rarity! Are you sure? Applejack could be-”

Dah, Applejack could be running out of time. That's why I have to go with you into Lyoko. Applejack wouldn't want me to rush into danger and leave you. I'm only one who can protect you in Lyoko, so I'll go in too. You can set up Return to Past now, dah?”

Fluttershy nodded and got to work, “It's set up. I've also set up the stalled transfer. Once we enter the scanners, we can't leave until the mission is done.”

“Then we better hurry,” Rarity said. She and Fluttershy ran to the elevator, taking it down to the scanner room. Once there, they wasted no time running into the scanners, which immediately closed. As the scanners did their job, the computer automatically matched both girls to their Lyoko avatars, and in a white flash transferred them into Lyoko.

In the Ice Sector, Fluttershy and Rarity rendered and dropped a bit in front of the tower. Immediately, they were bombarded by laser fire from two tarantulas. Rarity jumped in front of Fluttershy and used her sword to block the attacks while Fluttershy got a light arrow ready. She fired one at the tarantula on the left, killing it and then taking cover behind Rarity again.

Rarity charged up her sword, and launched her shock wave at the one on the right, slicing through it, but took a shot in the back before she and Fluttershy could move.

Rarity: 70 HP

“Rarity!” Fluttershy cried helping her up. They looked behind them and saw three krabs walking after them. They ran down the path as the monsters fired at them.

As they ran, two hornets flew next to them and started firing at them too. One hornet shot at Fluttershy, knocking her off the side.

Fluttershy: 80 HP

“Fluttershy, no!” Rarity cried. Thankfully, Fluttershy remembered that her avatar had wings and caught herself right before she fell into the Digital Sea, flying back up next to the hornets and firing a light arrow through both hornets.

Rarity was being pushed back by the three krabs as they continuously fired at her. Fluttershy fired an arrow at the krab in the middle, which gave Rarity the opening she needed to launch a shock wave at the right krab. The last krab fired at Rarity, but she rolled to the side and fired another shock wave, killing it.

They resumed their trek to the tower, but both of them were knocked back by lasers.

Rarity: 40 HP

Fluttershy: 50 HP

Two bloks and a megatank approached the girls as they slowly rose to their feet. Behind them a krab and two more tarantulas approached them.

“This is hopeless!” Fluttershy cried.

“We have to get past them! Applejack needs me!” Rarity shouted.

Applejack heard the top of the box start to seriously give way, and more dirt was falling in. XANA must have planned this really well for it to take this long. She closed her eyes, once again praying that her friends would deactivate the tower in time.

Rarity and Fluttershy braced themselves as the monsters started charging up. Right before they could fire though, a loud and angry howl was heard, catching everyone's attention. Green fireballs hit the krab and tarantulas, instantly killing them. Fluttershy and Rarity looked behind them and saw Spike walking up to them.

“Spike!” Rarity cried, unsure what to make of this. She heard that Spike had attacked the others during the last XANA attack. Did he really catch a virus? Was he now their enemy?

Fluttershy quickly took out the two bloks and was now engaging the megatank as Rarity slowly approached the cybernetic wolf. She held out her hand, and was pleased to see him nuzzle it lovingly.

“Spikey, you're still on our side, aren't you?” Rarity asked, Spike simply licking her face as a response.

As for Fluttershy, she was having a bit of a time with the megatank. Every time she fired at it, the megatank would close before her arrows would hit it.

“Ooh! I can't beat these things!” Fluttershy cried, “What should I do?!”

The megatank opened up to fire, but something sliced through it, instantly destroying it. Fluttershy landed and saw something that had her confused. She saw the phantom putting up its scythe. It slowly walked over to Fluttershy and reached out to her. She flinched in fear, but stopped as the phantom lightly caressed her face. When she looked into the phantom's glowing green eyes, her heart felt funny. It was like she was looking at someone she…

No… it wasn't possible… could this phantom have been…

The phantom looked behind Fluttershy suddenly, grabbed her arm, and threw her behind it. She looked and saw two more megatanks approaching them. The phantom pointed to Spike, and then pointed to Rarity, and then Fluttershy.

Spike nodded and lifted Rarity onto his back without warning. Rarity screamed in shock as Spike took off, stopping next to Fluttershy, who was trembling looking at the phantom.

“Fluttershy, we need to move!” Rarity commanded.

“R-right…” Fluttershy said catching herself. Spike and Rarity ran to the tower and Fluttershy flew after them, briefly taking another look at the phantom as it engaged the megatanks.

They stopped in the clearing where the activated tower was, but noticed a tremor in the sector.

“What the?” Rarity asked.

“Rarity! Spike! Look!” Fluttershy said, pointing behind the tower. They looked and saw something terrifying. Forming behind the tower was the biggest monster either of them had ever seen. It's body was made of black rock encasing what looked like lave, its left arm was a blade, and its head had a large eye of XANA on its head.

“How strong has XANA become…?” Rarity asked, Spike growling at the monster. The giant monster, which was larger than the tower, stepped in front of the tower and raised its blade arm. It brought its blade down, forcing Fluttershy, Rarity, and Spike to go in two different directions.

Fluttershy tried to fly toward the tower, but the giant swung its blade forcing her to fly back away from it.

“I can't get close to the tower!” Fluttershy shouted.

Rarity growled looking up at the monster. Right now, the one she loved more than anyone was in danger. Whenever XANA targeted her, Applejack was always the one who came to her rescue. She turned into a knight on Lyoko, yet she was always the one who needed saving, and Applejack was always there to save her.

Applejack was there when XANA infected her with a virus that put her in a state of perpetual fear.

She ventured into Sector 5 and saved Rarity from the Scyphozoa in their first encounter with it, even after they had a horrible argument.

When she was corrupted by XANA, it was Applejack that brought her back to her senses, even though she had tried to kill her.

She protected Rarity from XANA after she temporarily left the team.

She damn near died trying to save her when Twilight lead an attack that almost killed her.

But most of importantly, even when Rarity was pushing her away, Applejack was always there for her. She loved her, and put her heart back together when it was shattered by Blueblood.

Applejack always saved Rarity…

Now it was Rarity's turn to save Applejack.

Poshel von s moey dorogi… (Outta my way)” Rarity said through gritted teeth, slowly bringing her hand to the diamond emblem on her skirt's belt, “POSHEL VON S MOEY DOROGI! NARUSHENIE PREDELOV!!!!!!

She pressed the diamond on her belt, and her sword turned into a golden spear. She threw it right at the giant's face, actually making it flinch back. When it turned to Rarity, she pointed her newly spawned sword forward.

Idi!” she commanded Spike, who howled and charged toward the monster, seemingly being influenced by his rider's fury. Spike shot fireballs at the monster as he ran, and then jumped high into the air, throwing Rarity even higher. She grabbed onto the giant's back and started climbing it. The giant swayed and shook, trying to throw Rarity off its body, but she held on tight and managed to get to its shoulder.

While Rarity and Spike violently fought the giant, Fluttershy flew down to the tower and immediately phased inside.

Fluttershy ran to the center of the tower, and allowed herself to be lifted to the higher platform.

The top of the box completely gave way, and dirt was now pouring into the box Applejack was imprisoned in. She screamed Rarity's name through the gag, praying that they were close to deactivating the tower now.

She probably had only a few seconds left.

Fluttershy elegantly landed on the platform and calmly walked over to the keyboard.

Rarity screamed in rage running on the shoulder of the giant. She slid down to its blade, latched onto one of the veins on the blade, and stabbed the eye of XANA with her sword. The giant roared loudly and threw Rarity onto the ground. Before she could do anything else, the giant stepped on her, instantly devirtualizing her.

Rarity: 0 HP

Fluttershy had been typing on the keyboard to hack into its security, and after a few tense seconds broke through, as the touch screen appeared in front of her.

The entire box was now almost completely filled with dirt. She could feel the weight of it beginning to crush her, making it impossible to breathe. Now panicking, she closed her eyes and braced herself. Either she was saved now, or she was dead.



Fluttershy placed her hand on the touch screen.




“Tower deactivated,” Fluttershy said in relief. She looked down as the coding on the walls fell into the abyss, and a bright light shot out engulfing everything as the computer initiated Return to the Past automatically.

Rarity ran through the hallway of the school, frantically searching for Applejack. If she had died, her entire body would have vanished. She needed to know that she succeeded. Maybe she should have gone to the cemetery to search for-

When she entered the cafeteria, she saw Applejack sitting at the table with everyone else. She looked up at Rarity with a relieved smile, and Rarity broke down completely running into Applejack's embrace.

“Ah knew you could do it, Rares,” Applejack said softly as Rarity continued to cry in her lover's embrace. Everyone at the table breathed out in relief while the rest of the students looked at them confused. None of that mattered to Rarity though.

Applejack, the love of her life, was still alive.

“Are you okay, Applejack?” Rarity asked Applejack as they walked through the hall together.

“Except for bein embarrassed, yeah,” Applejack admitted, “Talk about a role reversal, eh?”

Rarity giggled, “It felt nice to be able to save you for once.”

“Ah'm jus' glad yer okay,” Applejack said wrapping an arm around Rarity, “While Ah was trapped, somethin told me that you were havin a panic attack.”

“I did, but everything worked itself out,” Rarity said, “Someone… important to me calmed me.”

“Rarity Dostoevskaia, could you please come to the Principal's office?” Celestia asked on the loudspeaker. Rarity smiled and took Applejack's hand.

“Speaking off, would you… come with me this time?” Rarity asked, “I think… I want Mama to meet you.”

Applejack smiled and caressed Rarity's face lovingly, “Ah'd love ta meet yer Mom, Rares.”

Before they made their way to Celestia's office, Rarity and Applejack wrapped their arms around each other and kissed.

Ya tebya lyublyu Applejack,” Rarity said lovingly.

“Ah love you too, Rarity,” Applejack said, equally lovingly. They kissed one last time and then walked to the principal's office, holding hands the entire time. When they entered the office hand in hand, Rarity's mother looked at Rarity…

And smiled.

“The idea of XANA now using past records is terrifying,” Twilight said, she, Adagio, Sunset, and Fluttershy walking outside of the school together.

“Yeah, that's definitely a shock,” Sunset said, “Since when could XANA learn?”

“Maybe something happened to XANA while he was merged with Twilight,” Adagio suggested, “Like… an imprint or something.”

“He was merged with me for a while,” Twilight said, “Actually, something odd happened right before I was freed. Sunset, you remember, right?”

“Oh! Right!” Sunset said, noticing that Adagio raised an eyebrow in confusion, “Sorry. You see, Twilight was able to forcibly take control from XANA right before she was released.”

“Really?” Adagio asked thoughtfully, “I think we should look into this angle. That might have had a side effect on XANA.”

“So, this was my fault?” Twilight asked looking down sadly.

“No no no Twilight, this isn't your fault,” Sunset said.

“Exactly,” Adagio walking behind Twilight and putting her hands on her shoulders, “You were merely trying to regain control of your body. You couldn't have known that would have effected XANA too.”

“Hey Fluttershy, are you okay?” Sunset asked, “You've been really quiet all day.”

“Girls… I saw the phantom again,” Fluttershy said softly, twirling her finger in her hair.

“You did?” Twilight asked.

“Are you okay?” Adagio asked.

“I'm fine, but...” Fluttershy looked at her friends, “I think the phantom… is my father.”

Ending Theme: Can't Fight the Moonlight

Author's Note:

The additions to both Twilight's and Rainbow Dash's looks are permanent after introduced.

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