• Published 13th Jul 2015
  • 9,389 Views, 1,028 Comments

Code Lyoko: EG - Azure Sandora

In Canterlot High Boarding School, Twilight and her friends fight the evil XANA in a virtual world that's somehow connected to the network.

  • ...

03: We're a Team

Author's Note:

Just a quick note. As Rarity is foreign in this story, whenever she skips a word it's intentional, as that's a word she probably doesn't have in her native tongue, I think. Don't quote me on that.

If you want to support me in any way, then please check out my Patreon and consider donating. Just a dollar from everyone would help me.

Theme song: A World Without Danger

03: We're a Team

It was Sunday in Canterlot Academy, so the students didn’t have class. For many of the students this meant that they could play around with their friends. For Twilight, that meant working toward her new goal.

Materializing Fluttershy.

It was a daunting task, something that Twilight wasn’t initially sure she could even pull off. She had asked if anyone could come with her to the factory so she could analyze a few things, and thankfully Rarity had volunteered. Twilight scanned Rarity’s make up into Lyoko so she could compare it to Fluttershy’s.

“Alright, I’m bringing you back, Rarity,” Twilight said from the computer. Once she finished the materialization process on Rarity, she pulled up the information of Rarity’s Lyoko form and Fluttershy, and began comparing them. As she got to work, the elevator opened behind her and Rarity walked in.

“Did my data help?” Rarity asked.

“Well, I did learn something,” Twilight said, “Fluttershy, could you step into the center of the tower for me?”

“Sure thing, Twilight,” Fluttershy said. Twilight began typing on her computer, attempting to use the materialization program on her outright. Not too surprising, it didn’t connect. Twilight sighed and sat back in her chair.

“Don’t know why I thought that was going to work,” Twilight chastised herself, pinching the bridge of her nose.

“You have program made now?” Rarity asked confused.

“Well, with the data I got from you, I saw that there wasn’t much of a difference between you and Fluttershy. There’s a .5 difference, but that’s simply because you’re human turning into a program while Fluttershy herself is a program.”

“You thought that the same program would work on me?” Fluttershy asked.

“I thought it was a possibility,” Twilight sighed, “The problem though, is that the materialization program is designed to pull humans out, so it’s more of a devirtualization program.”

“De… virtual…” Rarity said looking confused. This wasn’t the first time Rarity got confused when the others began using bigger or different words around her. English must not have been her first language.

“How can I explain it?” Twilight thought to herself, “It’s not really meant to bring things from Lyoko into the real world. It’s made to reverse the virtualization, i.e. the transferring into Lyoko. Does that make more sense?”

“I think so,” Rarity said, “So, program just does opposite of sending me into Lyoko?”

“Exactly,” Twilight said, “In order to bring Fluttershy into the real world though, I’d have to create an entirely new program. One that’s made to do what the virtualization does for us to Fluttershy, but in reverse.”

“At least we have a base then,” Fluttershy said, “You won’t have to work from scratch. We just need to make the scanners do their job in reverse.”

“Fluttershy is right,” Rarity said placing her hands on Twilight’s shoulders, “This won’t be as hard as you think. Just work from scanners in reverse.”

“You really think I can do this?” Twilight asked, seriously doubtful of her skills.

“I know you can,” Rarity said, “Fluttershy, you agree, right?”

“Most definitely,” Fluttershy said smiling, “Don’t doubt yourself Twilight. I believe in you.”

Twilight looked down biting her lip. She sure as hell wasn’t as confident as they were. In fact, she wasn’t sure of herself as a whole. Since activating the super computer and awakening XANA, they had to transfer into Lyoko six times. Sometimes everyone would be able to transfer in, but more times than not they had to go in separately.

One time Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash had to go in without Rarity and Applejack, who were the best fighters on the team. One day Rarity had to go in with Rainbow Dash and Applejack, but Applejack arrived late. On a truly tense day, everyone was down for the count except for Pinkie Pie, so she had to go in by herself. No matter what though, the one who never went into Lyoko herself was Twilight.

It wasn’t just because no one else could run the computer. In fact, Fluttershy could actually use the computer from her side and use certain programs. Truth was, she was terrified of going into Lyoko herself. She had heard from the others that the monsters looked rather terrifying in person, and everything looked real once inside. Did it hurt going in? What did it feel like being devirtualized? Did she really have a purpose on the team?

Or was she just here as a novelty?

After finishing things up with Fluttershy, Twilight and Rarity began making their way out of the factory and back to the school. They were supposed to meet Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie back in the game room.

The walk on the bridge was a quiet one, as Twilight was in deep thought.

“Twilight? What’s wrong?” Rarity asked.

“Oh, nothing really,” Twilight lied, “Hey, can I ask you a personal question?”

Dah, you may,” Rarity said. It had taken a few times for Twilight to realize that “dah” meant “yes”.

“Is English your first language?” Twilight asked, afraid that she would offend Rarity. She relaxed when Rarity laughed.

Nyet,” Rarity said shaking her head, “My family and I have lived in America since I was six, so… ten years. English was difficult language to learn, but I learned it faster than my parents.”

“You really speak good English,” Twilight said.

“Thank you, Twilight,” Rarity said, “I tend to slip up sometimes when I’m upset, and there are some words I have trouble with, but I’m best in my family besides my little sister. She speaks perfect English. Why?”

“Well, I just wanted to know more about you,” Twilight said stopping and looking down, “You’re so pretty, and really cool. For the longest time I wanted to get to know you and even be your friend. I never really knew how to approach you though, as you’re a grade higher than me and from another country. I was terrified of you actually.”

“Oh Twilight,” Rarity turned to Twilight and hugged her, “You don’t have to be afraid of me. I’m glad you and I are friends now, regardless of age or country.”

“Thank you,” Twilight said returning the hug, “You’re really cool.”

“You have me confused for Rainbow Dash,” Rarity said laughing, “Speaking of, they’re waiting for us.”

“Right. Let’s go,” Twilight said running to the nearby manhole. Since they needed to make many runs to the factory, they left a few scooters and skateboards in the sewers for them to use. When they climbed down, both girls grabbed the scooters waiting for them and rode off back to the school.

When Rarity and Twilight got back to the school, they immediately made their way to the game room. It was put in so the students could have a place to wind down when they weren’t either in class or their rooms. Vice-principal Luna hated the idea, as she felt that it distracted the students from their studies, but she couldn’t do anything about it as Principal Celestia herself seemed to fully support the idea.

In the game room were multiple TVs with various game systems hooked up to them, a ping pong table, pool table, regular tables for working on your laptop computer, and green couches in front of all the TVs, which were perfect for relaxing and playing video games.

Which was exactly what Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash were doing when Twilight and Rarity got to the game room.

“We’re here,” Rarity called out to their friends. Only Applejack looked up in response.

“Glad ya could join us,” Applejack said with a smirk.

“What took you so long?” Pinkie Pie asked, both she and Rainbow Dash glued to the screen playing some fighting game.

“We needed to test out the materialization program,” Twilight said, both she and Rarity sitting down next to Applejack on opposite sides, “What are you guys playing?”

“Smash Bros 4 Wii U,” Rainbow Dash said, “We were trying to decide who would buy the pizza later, so when we saw that there was a Wii U in here, I said 'let's settle it in Smash'!”

“I'm totally going to win, by the way,” Pinkie Pie bragged.

“Dream on,” Rainbow Dash said, “Mega Man can't beat Sonic.”

“Wanna bet?” Pinkie Pie asked. A second later, on the screen Mega Man fired a charged shot as Sonic was spin dashing, and sent him flying off the screen.


“Yeah!!!” Pinkie Pie said jumping up cheering. Dash sighed sitting back in the couch and folded her arms.

“Damn it...” she pouted.

“Looks like lunch is on you, Dashie,” Pinkie Pie taunted.

“Alright, alright,” Dash said shaking her head smiling, “What kind of pizza should I get?”

“Anyone opposed to pepperoni?” Applejack asked.

“That's my favorite!” Pinkie Pie said excitedly, “Let's get that!”

“Sausage is my favorite pizza,” Rarity said folding her arms.

“Oh, oh, no, that's my favorite pizza!” Pinkie Pie said, “No, it's pepperoni! No, sausage! No! I CAN'T CHOOSE!!!”

Twilight sighed, “Look, I don't care which one we get as long as we make a decision.”

Applejack and Rarity both got up and turned to each other, glaring intently at one another. To anyone watching them, it would have looked like they were about to fight. This was a bit of the norm in their group actually. Everyone knew that they were hot for one another, and sometimes they even were seen holding hands or in very suggestive positions. However, whenever they couldn't agree on something, things got violent.

It was like they went from loving each other, to hating each other.

“Rarity, Ah want pepperoni,” Applejack said coldly, almost like an old western character.

“Too bad,” Rarity said seriously, “Because I want sausage.”

“You know, I could just get a-” Dash spoke up, but Applejack and Rarity both held their hands up at her shutting her up.

“Stay out of this!” both girls ordered at the same time, startling Dash.

“Geez, it's not that serious, you know,” Dash said once again sitting down and folding her arms.

“There's only one way to settle this dispute,” Pinkie Pie said thoughtfully.

“Order a half sausage and half pepperoni pizza like Rainbow Dash said?” Twilight asked.

“Nope,” Pinkie Pie pointed her finger to the ceiling and shouted with all her might, “SETTLE IT!!!! IN!!! SMASH!!!!”

Immediately, both Applejack and Rarity grabbed the controllers, sat down, picked their character (Princess Peach for Rarity, and Samus for Applejack), chose the most chaotic stage they could, turned on all the items, and then proceeded to beat the ever living shit out of each other.

It was truly a scary match to see. On the tier list that Twilight checked, Peach was supposed to be a higher tier than Samus. Apparently Applejack didn't care because she was even with Rarity. They used everything, and it got to the point that both characters were on high percentages and hadn't been knocked off once.

“And I thought I was competitive,” Dash said.

“I think this is the most violent match of Super Smash Bros. I've ever seen,” Twilight said, glued to the screen.

“Well, my work is done,” Pinkie Pie said clapping her hands and getting up, “Dashie, why don't you order that half pepperoni half sausage now?”

“What?!” Dash asked, “You were the one who said 'settle it in smash'!”

“I only said that so we could get this awesome match,” Pinkie Pie admitted, “Look at them. They're having the time of their lives.”

That wasn't what Twilight or Rainbow Dash saw. It looked like they were trying to kill each other, though Smash. Twilight half expected the loser of this match to drop dead.

“I'm going to get some water,” Pinkie Pie said walking to the door, “I'll be back in a bit.”

“Uh huh,” Applejack said.

“Sure Pinkie Pie,” Rarity added. Neither one of them looked away from the screen. Pinkie Pie walked out of the room, leaving both Dash and Twilight alone with the two fighting girls. What sucked was that they were stuck sitting in between them.

Pinkie Pie walked over to the water fountain, feeling really good about herself. She had been trying to get those two together for days. It seemed like normal methods didn't work on them though, rather they loved fighting. They had a lot of chemistry on the battle field after all.

“I did a good thing,” Pinkie Pie said as she approached the water fountain, “With any luck they'll be kissing behind the bleachers in no time.”

Pinkie Pie turned on the water fountain and began drinking, but her attention was caught by a surge of electricity on a nearby light. This past week had taught her to pay attention when stuff like that happened she needed to pay attention.

Stepping away from the fountain, she decided to investigate. There was a surge of electricity that flowed all the way to the girls room. Pinkie Pie was happy that it was empty, as she didn't know what would happen. If it was XANA, then anyone else could be in danger. I mean, she would be in danger too if it were XANA, but she was a fighter on Lyoko. It was expected for her to get attacked as she was fighting XANA directly with the others.

She didn't want anyone else getting hurt.

As she stepped into the bathroom, she looked up and saw one of the lights flickering as the electric surge flowed over to the light. Once it hit, there was a bright flash that completely engulfed room.

In the game room, everyone heard a high scream come from outside. Rarity and Applejack stopped playing as they all stood up in shock.

“That scream,” Rarity said.

“Pinkie Pie!” Dash shouted running out of the game room. They all followed her all the way to the girls bathroom, where a bit of a crowd was forming. There they saw Pinkie Pie leaning against the wall, holding her hands over her eyes sobbing in pain. Dash pushed everyone out of the way and held her friend.

“Pinkie Pie, are you okay?” Dash asked. Pinkie Pie calmed down a bit, but she didn't look in her direction.

“Dashie? Is that you?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Yeah, we're here. We're all here,” Dash said as Twilight, Applejack, and Rarity all gathered around her too.

“What happened?” Twilight asked, “Are you okay?”

“Twilight?” Pinkie Pie asked looking around, “W-where are you?”

“Pinkie Pie, I'm right here,” Twilight said, now getting worried, “I'm right in front of you.”

“I can't see you,” Pinkie Pie said, beginning to panic, “I can't see anything!”

“What the?” Applejack asked.

“Help me! Dashie, help me!” Pinkie Pie cried. Dash immediately embraced her friend as she cried on her shoulders.

“I'm here, Pinkie Pie,” Rainbow Dash said, “I won't leave you, I promise.”

“Alright, what's going on here?” Vice-Principal Luna asked pushing through the crowd, “Pinkie Pie, are you alright?”

“We don't know,” Rarity said, “She says she can't see.”

“There was a bright flash of light,” Pinkie Pie sobbed, “It hurt, and-”

“Let's get you to the infirmary,” Vice-Principal Luna said trying to take Pinkie Pie's hand. Immediately she pulled away though and clung to Rainbow Dash.

“I'm not going anywhere without Dashie!” she demanded. Luna sighed in aggravation.

“Pinkie Pie-”

“I'm refuse to go! Not unless Dashie comes with me!” To Twilight, Applejack, and Rarity, this was quite a shocking change. Normally Pinkie Pie was the life of the party and positive. Right now she was scared, extremely upset, and unreasonable. It was like she was a completely different person.

“Vice-Principal, I need to go with her,” Rainbow Dash said, “Trust me, I'm the only one she trusts in times like this.”

“Alright then,” Luna relented, “The rest of you stop gawking! This isn't a freak show!”

As the crowd dispersed, everyone began walking with Dash and Pinkie Pie, but Luna held her hand in front of them, “Not you three.”

“Pinkie Pie is our friend too,” Rarity said, “We're worried about her.”

“You'll have time to see her after the nurse checks her out. Until then, you need to stay out of the way, alright?” Luna said, glaring in the direction of Applejack and Twilight in particular. Luna had never forgiven Applejack for “ruining their star student” as she tended to put it from time to time. She and Twilight were still relatively close, but Twilight didn't appreciate being treated like a doll.

“It's okay, girls,” Pinkie Pie said somberly, “I'll have Dashie text you all when I'm ready for you to visit.”

As they left, Applejack folded her arms glaring in their direction, Rarity placing a hand on her chest looking worried.

“Cunt,” Applejack said referring to Luna, “Ah'm convinced that woman is tryin ta get on my nerves now.”

“Pinkie Pie must be so scared now,” Rarity said, “Poor dear.”

“Do you think it's XANA?” Twilight asked, catching both girl's attention. She was looking up at the light examining it.

“Why would XANA go through all the trouble of activatin a tower just ta blind one of us?” Applejack asked

“XANA does target us individually,” Rarity said, “Maybe he wanted to get all of us?”

“Let's head to my room and ask Fluttershy if she's sensed any vibrations on Lyoko,” Twilight suggested. Everyone nodded and followed her to her bedroom.

“I'm not getting any vibrations from where I am,” Fluttershy said on Twilight's computer.

“So maybe it wasn't XANA?” Applejack said/asked.

“We can't rule it out yet,” Twilight stated, “Remember, the further away from the tower Fluttershy is, the weaker the vibrations. Fluttershy, could you look around on Lyoko? We'll keep our cellphones on, so you can text us via facebook if you find anything.”

“I will,” Fluttershy said, “I'll let you know the second I find anything.”

Applejack's phone chimed, and she checked it, “That's Rainbow Dash. She said that Pinkie Pie can have visitors now.”

“Then we better get going,” Rarity said, “We need to ask Pinkie what she saw before her eyes gave out.”

“Please send her my best,” Fluttershy said.

“We will,” Twilight said, “Thanks Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy nodded smiling, and disappeared on the screen, apparently leaving the tower. The three girls walked to the infirmary, where they saw Pinkie Pie sitting in a hospital bed, Rainbow Dash holding her hand comfortingly.

“Pinkie Pie, they're here,” Dash said.

“Guess you still can't see, huh?” Twilight asked. Hers and everyone's hearts sank when she shook her head.

“According to Nurse Redheart, that flash damaged my retinas,” Pinkie Pie said somberly, clutching the sheet of her bed tightly.

“Damn it,” Dash said angrily, “XANA's gonna pay for this!”

“We're having Fluttershy check Lyoko right now,” Rarity said, “We're not sure if it's XANA though.”

“It is,” Pinkie Pie said, “There was a surge of electricity right before the light flashed. It didn't look natural.”

“Well, Fluttershy will let us know if there's an activated tower on Lyoko,” Twilight said, “Until then, how are you doing?”

Pinkie Pie bit her lip before answering, “Not good,” Pinkie Pie admitted, “I'm really scared. It's like everything is gray to me. I can hear the voices, but I can't tell where anything is,” she closed her eyes as tears began falling, “What if I never get my eyesight back? What if I forget what you all look like? What if I end up becoming a burden on Lyoko?! I don't want to leave the team! I don't want you to leave me! I-”

“Pinkie Pie, calm down!” Dash said placing her hands on her shoulders, “You're not going to lose your eyesight forever! We're going to figure out how to fix this, I promise!” Dash looked up at Twilight as if silently asking her.

“That's right,” Twilight said, “You won't become a burden to the team, Pinkie Pie.”

That's already me, Twilight thought.

“Dash, could Ah talk ta ya outside?” Applejack asked.

“Pinkie Pie, is that okay?” Dash asked Pinkie Pie, who bit her lip actually thinking about that it seemed.

“Y-yeah, I guess, but...”

“I'll be right outside, I promise,” Rainbow Dash said, “We won't go anywhere.”

“Okay Dashie...” Pinkie Pie said, “Hurry back.”

Dash nodded and walked outside with Applejack. Twilight and Rarity both turned to Pinkie Pie, probably wondering the same thing as Applejack. Were they seeing the real Pinkie Pie right now?

“Okay, they can't hear us right here,” Rainbow Dash said leading Applejack down the hall a bit. They were still close, but not close enough where anyone could hear her. She had a feeling that she knew what Applejack wanted.

“Good,” Applejack said, “So what's goin on, Dash? Ah ain't seen Pinkie Pie this bad off ever. Ah know what she's goin through is traumatic, but...”

“Yeah, I know what you mean. You think of Pinkie Pie and you imagine that she'd be able to handle a situation like this in stride, but then you see her break down. Truth is, Pinkie Pie pretends to be strong.”

“She pretends?” Applejack asked.

“Well, that might not be the right word for it. You see, she comes from a really strict and old fashioned family. They basically shipped her over here so they wouldn't have to deal with her. Because of that she has a lot of self esteem issues.

“When I first came here, I was a bit of a bully I guess. I never pushed her around, but I did make a lot of other kids uncomfortable. You see, my family is really strict too, but in a more military way. My Dad even expects me to join the air force one day.

“Anyway, I was frustrated, so I took my frustrations out on the other students. I never did anything to anyone smaller or weaker than me though, so that's why when I saw Pinkie Pie getting bullied to the point of tears I reacted. After I saved her, she sort of imprinted herself onto me. She didn't have any friends, and she wasn't confident enough to reach out on her own.

“So I decided to try and help her. She has a big sister back home who looked out for her, so I became like a big sister to her also. I protected her, made her laugh, and eventually she grew into this bundle of joy. I think that she became more positive because of my presence.”

“Sounds like she really depends on ya,” Applejack said, “Ya did a good thing takin care of her.”

“Well, she gave me something too, ya know? Back home, I couldn't impress my Dad no matter what I did. Nothing ever made him proud or smile at me. The first smile I ever got was from Pinkie Pie. After that, I changed. I decided that I had to become a better person, so she'd keep smiling at me. I… depend on that smile...” Dash admitted.

“She'll smile again,” Applejack said, “If XANA is involved in this, maybe takin care of the tower will give Pinkie Pie back her sight.”

“Yeah, maybe,” Dash nodded after a second and smiled to Applejack, “Gotta stay positive, right?”

“That's right. Now, why don't ya order that pizza anyway? Ah bet Pinkie Pie would appreciate that.”

“I bet Vice-Principal Luna's gonna hate that,” Rainbow Dash said.

“Well in that case,” Applejack put an arm around Dash as they walked back to Pinkie Pie's room, “Ah'll chip in, so owe can order two.”

Fluttershy went to the Way Tower in the Forest Sector (which was her favorite) and transferred to the next sector, being the Ice Sector. When she emerged she sensed vibrations, but they weren't really big.

“Twilight was right,” Fluttershy said, “XANA did activate a tower. But it's not in this sector...”

She went back into the tower and transferred to the next sector, this one being the Mountain Sector. She didn't really care for this one. She didn't know why, but every time they had to deactivate a tower here she got really tense.

When she emerged from the Way Tower, she was met with intense vibrations. A feeling of pure dread came over her.

“Oh no,” Flutershy pouted, “Not this place again. I don't want to go back here.”

Even still, she had to proceed onward. She ran forward, keeping an eye out for XANA's monsters. Eventually, she found the tower at one of the higher points of the sector. She also saw two hornets flying around the tower guarding it.

“I have to warn the others!” Fluttershy cried, running as fast as she could to the nearest tower so she could log onto her facebook account and get Twilight. There was no way she could get to that tower by herself.

After having pizza with everyone, Twilight went off to check the lights. At least, that's what she told everyone else. In reality, she also wanted to be alone for a while. Seeing how Pinkie Pie really depended on Rainbow Dash just reminded Twilight of how no one really depended on her. There was one thing that only she could do supposedly, which was make the materialization program for Fluttershy, but she wasn't even sure she could do that.

Beyond that, she would just be in the way.

Rarity and Applejack were probably training for when they needed to go onto Lyoko, Dash was watching Pinkie Pie making sure she didn't do anything drastic, and right now Fluttershy was searching Lyoko to find the tower. Maybe that was where she should have been. Maybe she should have been on Lyoko helping Fluttershy locate the activated tower.

Once they found out what XANA had planned, things would take their usual turn. Applejack, Rarity, and maybe Rainbow Dash would transfer into Lyoko and join up with Fluttershy. They'd make sure she got to the tower safely, and then Fluttershy would initiate code: LYOKO into the tower turning it off and stopping XANA. After that Twilight would do her ONE job after that, which was activating Return to the Past, making sure that no one remembered what happened.

Her job list: Get everyone onto Lyoko, sit and watch while her friends fought, and then initiate Return to the Past.

Twilight shook those thoughts out of her head and put her focus on the light. She had an idea of checking the power generator, so she sneaked over to the nearby power cables when the janitor wasn't looking. When she checked the energy output, she was surprised to see that there was less energy than usual. With how the light overloaded like it did, Twilight would have thought that there was excessive power, but with this…

“Why did the light explode then?” Twilight asked. She walked back to the girls bathroom, where she saw the janitor working on the light. All of the students and staff called him “Discord” because of his jovial personality and how he played pranks on the staff from time to time. All of the students loved him.

“Excuse me, Discord?” Twilight asked, startling Discord a bit.

“Oh, sorry Twilight,” Discord said, “If you need to use this room I can get out of your way.”

“No, it's fine,” Twilight said, “Um, what happened with the light?”

“This old thing finally blew,” Discord said, “Was bound to happen eventually I guess, but the chances of it blowing the way it did was odd.”

“You talk like that light has had problems for a while,” Twilight said.

“Oh right, you didn't enter this building last year so you didn't know,” Discord said to himself, “Yep, this lights been on the fritz since early last year. They're supposed to last for years so I expected to last at least another two before blowing out, but then this happened.”

So the light was already showing problems? If that was the case then why did it blow out like that?

“Thanks Discord,” Twilight said, “I'll talk to you later.”

“When you see Pinkie Pie, tell her that I'm really sorry,” Discord said, “I feel like this is sort of my fault for not making this a priority.”

“No, you didn't know that this was going to happen,” Twilight said, “Like you said, this was supposed to last for another two years. This wasn't normal.”

“Between this and that power cable outside, it's beginning to look like sabotage,” Discord said thoughtfully, catching Twilight's attention.

“Hold on, what power cable?” Twilight asked.

“Outside there's a power line that showing a lot of extra electric build up,” Discord told Twilight, “Don't worry though, I called the electrician, so they'll deal with it.”

Twilight thought about what Discord just told her, and then ran out of the bathroom to check this out herself. When she made it outside, she saw exactly what Discord was talking about. The power line was sparking, as if there was a constant charge going through it.

“What in the world?” Twilight asked herself. Her phone chimed, letting her know that she received a message on facebook. It was Fluttershy.

Fluttershy: Twilight, I found the tower! It's in the Mountain Sector!

“I knew it! It was XANA!” Twilight said typing her reply.

Twilight Sparkle: Thanks Fluttershy. I'll get the others and we'll meet you on Lyoko.

Twilight then sent texts to everyone telling them to meet her in Pinkie Pie's room so they could plan. When she got there, she filled them in on everything she learned from Discord and what she saw outside.

“We saw that too,” Rarity said, “But we saw it near gymnasium.”

“It looks like XANA's overloading power lines all over the campus,” Twilight said, “I think what happened to Pinkie Pie was just a side effect of him gathering energy.”

“So Pinkie Pie did get hurt because of XANA,” Dash said venomously.

“We need ta get ta Lyoko fast,” Applejack said, “If enough of those explode they could take out the entire school.”

“Well, I'm ready!” Dash said, “Let's get going and-” Pinkie Pie grabbed Dash's hand quickly, cutting her off.

“Please Dashie, don't leave me alone here!” Pinkie Pie pleaded, “I'm scared to be by myself!”

Dash bit her lip thinking. It was clear that she really wanted to give XANA a piece of her mind, but she couldn't just leave her alone.

“Ya should probably stay here, Dash,” Applejack said, “It ain't safe ta move Pinkie Pie, an' she clearly needs ya here.”

“Applejack and I should suffice on Lyoko,” Rarity said, not knowing how that statement hurt Twilight.

“Are you sure you'll be okay without me?” Dash asked.

“We'll be fine,” Twilight answered, “Come on. Let's go to the factory!”

As they left, Dash turned to Pinkie Pie, who looked really upset and frustrated. Rainbow Dash did want to be there with the others, but this was where she was needed right now. Hopefully they could get Fluttershy to the tower safely.

Taking the short cut through the sewers, the three girls were able to get to the factory really fast. Unlike Twilight and Rarity, who were on scooters, Applejack had special wheels that hooked onto her shoes that turned them into roller blades. She was a sight to see skating ahead, and to both Twilight and Rarity she looked like a true hero.

If Twilight didn't know better, it looked like Rarity was blushing a bit watching her.

When they arrived at the factory manhole, Twilight and Rarity left their scooters and began climbing up after Applejack, who kept her skates on. After helping her companions up the ladder, the three girls ran to the ropes near the elevator and swung down, landing in front of the elevator and going down.

When the elevator made it to the computer room, Twilight separated from Applejack and Rarity, who continued their trip to the scanner room. Twilight sat down in her chair in front of the keyboard, logged onto the super computer and connected to Lyoko, where she was immediately greeted with Fluttershy's smile.

“Twilight!” Fluttershy said, “I'm so happy you came!”

“Hope we didn't keep you waiting,” Twilight said, “Applejack and Rarity are on their way now.”

“I'm waiting for them in a tower just a bit east from the one XANA activated,” Fluttershy said, “Transfer them in front of my tower and I'll meet up with them.”

“Got it,” Twilight said putting her focus on the scanners, “Okay, if you two are ready, I'm preparing the transfer.”

“We're ready,” Applejack said, “Go for it.”

“Transfer Applejack!” Twilight said as Applejack stepped into her scanner before it closed.

“Transfer Rarity!” Twilight said as Rarity stepped into her scanner before it closed.

“Scanner Applejack!” Twilight said as Applejack Lyoko form was rendered on the screen as Applejack got scanned.

“Scanner Rarity!” Twilight continued focusing on Rarity now as her form began rendering, Rarity herself now being scanned.

“Virtualization!” Twilight pressed the enter key, and both girls vanished from inside their scanners.

In the Mountain Sector, Applejack and Rarity took form in the air before falling to the ground in front of Fluttershy's tower. Fluttershy emerged from her tower just as they landed.

“Fluttershy, good ta see ya,” Applejack said.

“XANA doesn't know you're here yet, does he?” Rarity asked.

“No, not yet,” Fluttershy said, “I was careful this time.”

“Girls, I'm seeing a number of monsters surrounding the tower,” Twilight said, “A few hornets, krabs, and I think I'm seeing a megatank somewhere around there.”

“Could you keep an eye on that for us?” Applejack asked, “Ah don't wanna get any unpleasant surprises.”

“Y-yeah, sure,” Twilight said, sounding a little depressed for some reason.

“Twilight, are you okay?” Fluttershy asked.

“Yeah, I'm fine,” Twilight said quickly, “We need to hurry, so get to that tower as fast as possible.”

Rarity and Applejack shrugged to each other and ran toward the tower, Fluttershy right behind them. As they ran, something began shooting at them from above. They stopped and looked up, seeing three hornets flying their way.

“Looks like XANA did know you were here!” Applejack said, “Rarity, you keep goin! Ah'll keep these guys off of y'all!”

“Be careful, Applejack,” Rarity said. Applejack gave Rarity an assured nod and began firing at the hornets with her shot gun. They tried firing at Fluttrshy, but Rarity blocked with her sword and pulled her away, continuing to run up to the large mountain where the tower was.

“Rarity, be careful!” Twilight said, “The megatank is closing in on you!”

“Where is it?” Rarity asked, right before taking a large red blast in the side almost falling off the cliff.

Rarity: 60 HP

“Rarity!” Fluttershy cried out running to her aid. She almost fell into the digital sea. After helping Rarity up, she ran behind her knight as Rarity pulled out her sword staring at her foe.

Rarity VS Megatank

“Never mind,” Rarity said, “I think I found megatank.”

This was really bad. Both of them were going against enemies they weren't good at fighting. Applejack's bullets weren't good for fighting hornets, and Rarity had to fight close quarter, which wasn't where you wanted to be against a megatank unless you had Rainbow Dash's super speed.

“Oh no! They're losing!” Twilight cried, “Ooh, I wish I could do something!”

She heard a grunt of pain from Applejack, and looked at the screen.

Applejack: 70 HP

“Applejack, you're taking too much damage!” Twilight said, “You need to take cover or something!”

“Ah'd love ta,” Applejack said, “But there ain't no cover to take!”

In Lyoko, Fluttershy turned to Applejack and held her hand out. She then began singing a soft tune, and a boulder digitally formed in front of Applejack for her to hide behind. After it formed, she fell to her knees in exhaustion.

“Thanks Fluttershy!” Applejack said. Fluttershy nodded to Applejack and then turned back to Rarity, who was having a tough time against the megatank.

Twilight looked at the screen which showed everyone's hit points, and felt absolutely helpless. This was all she could do right now. She wasn't there in Lyoko, so she couldn't help them. All she could do was watch as her friends fought.

“I hate this!” Twilight said to herself, hugging her knees as the tears came, “I hate being so useless!”

In Pinkie Pie's room, Pinkie Pie looked up suddenly.

“Dashie, I think Twilight's in trouble!” Pinkie Pie said.

“How do you know that?” Dash asked.

“I heard her just now. She was crying.”

“Damn it,” Dash said, not questioning Pinkie Pie on her sixth sense. It was something she always had, and it had saved her and her friends on more than one occasion, “I want to be there, but I can't leave you here.”

It was then that Pinkie Pie realized how selfish she was being. Yes, she was terrified of being alone right now, but their friends needed Rainbow Dash. She had to be strong, for everyone.

“Dashie, you should go,” Pinkie Pie said softly.

“What?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Twilight and the others need you,” she began trembling, “I'll be fine here alone. Please, go help them.”

She was terrified of being left alone in that room. She couldn't see if anyone was in the room with her, nor could she tell how bad things were getting thanks to XANA's attack. Still though, Rainbow Dash was needed on Lyoko.

She felt Dash take her hand and lift her out of the bed, putting her on her back. What was she…

“Let's go, together,” Dash said. Pinkie Pie didn't need to be able to see to tell that she was smirking.

“Right!” Pinkie Pie said, suddenly feeling invigorated. As Rainbow Dash began running, Pinkie Pie embraced Dash as tightly as she could, snuggling against her a bit. Dash truly was her best friend. As long as Dash was by her side, she could be strong.

“Geez, this is terrible!” Dash said.

“Dashie, what is it?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“The cables look like they're all about to overload!” Dash said.

“Can we get to the short cut?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Are you sure you're okay taking that way?” Dash asked.

“With you leading me, I know I'll be safe,” Pinkie Pie said smiling, “You won't let anything happen to me.”

“Damn right I won't,” Rainbow Dash said running to the short cut, “I'll protect you no matter what!”

As they arrived at the sewer entrance, Pinkie Pie silently thanked Rainbow Dash for being there for her. She could always count on Rainbow Dash to protect her.

She loved Rainbow Dash so much.

Things were not looking up for everyone in Lyoko. Rarity hadn't yet defeated the megatank yet, and Applejack still had three hornets to take out. All the while, Fluttershy was stuck in the middle of all of this unable to get to the tower safely.

Twilight's nerves were wearing thin. Very thin.

On Lyoko, Rarity charged over to the megatank as it opened up to fire, but it launched it's attack before she could reach it or dodge.

Rarity: 20 HP

“Rarity, no!” Twilght cried from her computer.

“Rarity, please get up!” Fluttershy urged. Rarity pushed herself to her feet and glared at the megatank.

“How does Rainbow Dash kill these things!” Rarity groaned.

Applejack stepped out of her boulder and fired at the hornets, but they flew out of the way and fired at the boulder, now destroying it and knocking Applejack back.

Applejack: 30 HP

Applejack got to her knees, but quickly rolled to the side as the hornets began aggressively firing at her.

“Shoot! If Ah go down here, they'll rush to Rarity an' Fluttershy!” Applejack said, “Twilight, what should Ah do?!”

“I… I DON'T KNOW!!!” Twilight shouted, breaking down on her side.

“Twilight, stay calm!” Rarity urged from her side, “You can't lose your head here, otherwise XANA wins!”

Twilight was completely broken now. Everything she was feeling was hitting a head right now. She felt even more helpless now, and now she couldn't even think of a way out of this. There was only one thing she knew she could do to get them out of this situation.

“I… I'm coming over there!” Twilight shouted typing on the super computer frantically.

“Hang on, what?!” Applejack exclaimed.

“Twilight, it's too dangerous here!” Fluttershy said, “You need to stay out there!”

“No! I'm not going to leave you guys!” Twilight cried, “I'm not useless! I'm not helpless! I can fight too!”

“Twilight, you need to calm down!” Rarity urged, “Getting upset isn't going to-”

“NO!!!” Twilight shouted, “I'm not… I'm not going to be left behind again! I'm coming in to help you, and that's final!”

“Twilight, no!” Fluttershy shouted.

“We need you in the computer room!” Rarity shouted.

“Damn it Twilight, use yer head!” Applejack snapped.

She heard none of that. All she could focus on was activating the program that would activate the scanners the second she stepped into it. This time she was going to help them for real. She was going to prove to everyone that she was strong too.

She wasn't going to let everyone treat her like a damsel in distress.

When Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie arrived in the factory, they took the elevator to the computer room, which was surprisingly empty.

“That's weird,” Dash said looking around.

“What? I don't hear anything,” Pinkie Pie said.

“That's because there's no one in here,” Rainbow Dash said, “Twilight's not at the computer.”

“Oh no! We didn't make it in time?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“I don't know, but it looks like something's happening on Lyoko right now,” Dash said taking Pinkie Pie's hand and walking to the computer. After making sure Pinkie Pie was okay, she put the earpiece in so she could hear the action and talk to someone.

“Hey, what's going on in there?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Thank god!” Rarity cried out, “Rainbow Dash, you must stop Twilight! She's attempting to enter Lyoko herself!”

“Shit!” Dash shouted, “Pinkie Pie, don't go anywhere! I'll be right back!”

“Hurry, Dashie!” Pinkie Pie urged as Rainbow Dash ran to the ladder leading to the scanner room.

Twilight stared up at the large machine in front of her. All she had to do was step inside, and she would be transferred into Lyoko. She was scared, but this was the only way she could help her friends.

“Here I go,” Twilight said, slowly walking to the scanner. Just as she placed her foot into the scanner, someone grabbed her arm and quickly pulled her back just as the doors closed. She was turned around and met the angry glare of Rainbow Dash.

“What the hell, Twilight?!” Dash snapped, “You trying to get yourself killed?!”

“W-what are you doing here?” Twilight asked.

“Pinkie Pie thought you were in trouble, and as usual she's right about these things,” Dash said, “What are you thinking, going into a scanner?”

“I… I want to fight too!” Twilight said.

“What are you talking about? You fight,” Dash said.

“No I don't! I'm not fighting XANA sitting in front a computer screen! The ones who fight are you, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy! All I do is sit here and watch! I'm not going to be left behind again! I'm strong too! I'm useful, so I can-”


“Get a hold of yourself!” Dash ordered, “You're right, you are useful! You're probably the most important person on the team!”

“Only because I'm supposed to be making the program to-”

“No, because of what you do for us when we fight XANA!” Rainbow Dash calmed herself down before speaking, “Look, we're a team, and as a team we all play our parts. Fluttershy deactivates the towers, Applejack kills krabs easily, Pinkie Pie fights kankrelaks the best, Rarity is strongest against bloks, and I'm the only one who can kill megatanks with ease and hornets. None of that, none, would be possible if we couldn't even get into Lyoko. Also, you can see things on your screen that we can't. Remember yesterday? I would have been devirtualized if you hadn't let me know that an army of bloks were approaching me from behind.

“Bottom line, everyone has a role on this team, and to fulfill your role, we need you out here as out real world contact. If everyone entered Lyoko, we'd be sunk. How would we get out of Lyoko if you were in there with us?”

“I… hadn't thought of that...” Twilight said shamefully, “I'm sorry, Dash. I just… thought that you guys would want me fighting by your side.”

“You are fighting with us,” Dash said, “Just cause it's not with a gun or kunai doesn't mean you aren't a fighter. You're a part of the Lyoko 6, remember?”

“Right,” Twilight said smiling, “Thanks Dash.”

When they got back upstairs, they saw Pinkie Pie sitting in the chair.

“Um, guys?” Pinkie Pie said, “I can't see, but it sounds like things might be getting really bad somewhere.”

Twilight helped Pinkie Pie out of the chair and switched places with her, “The cables in the school are about to hit critical! If we don't act fast a lot of people are going to die! Someone needs to evacuate the school just in case we can't deactivate the tower in time!”

“I'm the fastest one on foot,” Dash said, “I could get there in a few minutes, but it sounds like they need help on Lyoko.”

“I'll go in,” Pinkie Pie said suddenly, surprising everyone.

“Pinkie Pie?!” Twilight exclaimed.

“Pinkie Pie, you're still blind! Going into Lyoko isn't going to fix that!” Dash stated.

“I heard what you guys were talking about,” Pinkie Pie said, “I'm not going to be the only one not fighting. My place is in Lyoko right now.”

“But...” Dash said.

“Twilight will guide me, right?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Yes, I can be her eyes. Since you turn into a cat girl on Lyoko, I can also create a program that will heighten your other senses. You'll be able to hear and sense everything around you on Lyoko.”

“Thanks Twilight,” Pinkie Pie said, reaching out to take Twilight's hand, “Dashie, go to the school. I'll help the others.”

“If anyone gets devirtualized, send them to the school to help,” Rainbow Dash said running to the elevator. As it rose, Twilight quickly created the program and equipped it to Pinkie Pie's avatar.

“Alright, it's ready. Let's get you into a scanner.”

Twilight lead Pinkie Pie to the scanner she had tried to activate and moved her inside.

“Are you sure about this?” Twilight asked.

“I'm sure,” Pinkie Pie said, “I'm in your hands, Twilight.”

“I won't let you down,” Twilight said running back upstairs.

“Transfer Pinkie Pie!” Twilight said, closing Pinkie Pie's scanner, “Scanner Pinkie Pie! Virtualization!”

Twilight pressed the Enter key, and Pinkie Pie vanished from the real world into Lyoko, where she took form and landed perfectly on all fours making an adorable “nya” sound.

“Pinkie Pie, how is everything?” Twilight asked, “Can you see?”

“No, I can't” Pinkie Pie replied, “But I can sense everything. It's incredible.”

“They say when you lose one sense your other senses get stronger,” Twilight explained, “Take the pathway right in front of you. Be careful, because its somewhat of a winding path, and the edge leads to the digital sea.”

“I'll be careful,” Pinkie Pie said running on all fours toward the fights.

Using her new senses, she was able to actually feel her surroundings. It wasn't perfect, but between this and Twilight she felt safe moving around.

“You're coming up on where Applejack and Rarity are fighting,” Twilight said, “The tower is just a bit away from there. Can you tell where the hornets are?”

“I can hear them,” Pinkie Pie said.

Applejack rolled to the side, and then looked at Pinkie Pie in shock.

“Holy… Pinkie Pie?! What are ya doin-” she was cut off by a shot right in the chest, which knocked her back and devirtualizing her.

Applejack: 0 HP

Back in the real world, Applejack's scanner opened just as she reappeared inside. She panted form exhaustion for a few seconds before going back upstairs. She'd never get used to the shock of being devirtualized.

“Glad ta see ya heeded our warnins,” Applejack said once she reached the computer room.

“Thank Rainbow Dash for slapping some sense into me,” Twilight said, “Speaking off, she needs help evacuating the school. Get there as fast as you can.”

“Got it!” Applejack said skating back into the elevator and going up.

Pinkie Pie jumped out of the way of all the hornet's shots perfectly, continuing to make her way to the megatank Rarity was still trying to kill. Currently, she was using her sword to push the blast back, but she herself was about to be pushed off the side of the mountain.

“Twilight, I think I hear Rarity, but she's close to the edge!” Pinkie Pie said.

“She only has twenty hit points left!” Twilight said, “Grab Fluttershy and get her to the tower once she gives you the okay!”

Pinkie Pie nodded and ran over to Fluttershy, who immediately took her hand.

“Pinkie Pie, thank goodness!” Fluttershy said, “Are you...”

“I'm still blind, but I can see just fine,” Pinkie Pie said with a smirk, “Let me know when there's an opening to proceed.”

“Understood,” Fluttershy said.

Rarity turned to Fluttershy, nodded, and lowered her guard taking the blast.

Rarity: 0 HP

Rarity devirtualized as she flew back, and the megatank retracted its blast and closed.

“Now!” Fluttershy called out. Pinkie Pie wasted no time running forward with Fluttershy, running past the megatank, who began rolling after the girls as they made their way to the tower.

Standing in front of the tower waiting for them were three krabs, who began charging up their lasers right as Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy made it to the top.

“Pinkie Pie, stop!” Fluttershy called out. She stopped immediately, making the krabs hit the ground in front of her instead of her directly. That could have devirtualized her.

“Girls, the megatank is right behind you!” Twilight cried.

“I can take out two of the krabs,” Pinkie Pie said, “It'll be dangerous, but when you see the opening, run into the tower.”

“Alright,” Fluttershy said. Pinkie Pie rolled into a ball, and rushed over to the krab on the left.

“Homing Attack!” Pinkie Pie shouted, jumping into the air and hitting the krab right in the head, killing it immediately. The other two krabs began charging up their lasers.

“Pinkie Pie, dodge it!” Twilight called out. Pinkie Pie immediately did a series of back flips out of the way of the shots, but the megatank rolled behind Fluttershy and began charging up.

“Oh no! The megatank is going to kill Fluttershy!” Twilight cried.

“No it won't!” Pinkie Pie shouted, rolling into a ball again, “Spin Tackle!”

She charged over to the megatank, knocking it off balance and into the digital sea. She then switched back to the krabs, and did her homing attack on one of them killing it.

“Fluttershy, now!” Twilight called out.

“Right!” Fluttershy called out running over to the tower. The krab tried firing at her, but she was too quick and fazed right into the tower.

Inside the tower, Fluttershy ran right into the center, and calmly rose upward to the platform above her. When she landed, she ran to the holographic keyboard and began typing on it frantically, trying her best to break the security.

In Canterlot High, the power cables were all getting ready to blow. Everyone was panicking except for Rainbow Dash and Applejack, who were leading the students and staff out of the school.

“Come on! This way!” Dash shouted.

“Everyone try ta stay calm!” Applejack commanded, “Exit in an orderly fashion!”

Right at the main gate, the power line exploded creating a fire right in front of them.

“We're trapped!” Applejack exclaimed.

“Guys, hurry!” Rainbow Dash shouted.

When the holographic touch screen appeared in front of Fluttershy, she placed her hand on it.




At the school, time itself stopped moving. Applejack and Rainbow Dash both sighed in relief, as they knew what this meant.

“Talk about a close one,” Applejack said.

“I hope Pinkie Pie will be okay after this,” Dash said.

Fluttershy looked down into the abyss as the numbers on the wall lowered. There was a white flash in the abyss that shot out of the tower and out of Lyoko.

Twilight pushed the enter key on the super computer, “Return to the past, now!” she shouted as everything around her and Rarity faded into a white light.

In the game room, Rainbow Dash and Applejack were fighting each other in Smash Bros 4, Rarity sitting in between them. Twilight was sitting off a bit by herself talking to Fluttershy on her laptop.

“So that's what had you so upset,” Fluttershy said after Twilight finished telling her what was wrong.

“I know that I was being silly,” Twilight said somberly. Surprisingly Fluttershy shook her head.

“I've had those same feelings myself,” Fluttershy admitted.

“Wait, you have?”

Fluttershy looked away painfully, “All I can do is deactivate the towers. Until then, all I am is a helpless damsel that needs to be protected. The one thing I can do to help in the field takes too much memory for me to do constantly, so more times than not I'm helpless to help everyone.”

“I guess I never thought about that,” Twilight said, “But that has to be hard having to watch while everyone fights right in front of you and not being able to do anything. Fluttershy, I wish I could give you a hug.”

“Once the materialization program is finished, you and I can hug as many times, for as long as we want,” Fluttershy said, “I can't wait, Twilight.”

“Me neither,” Twilight said. The door to the game room opened, and Pinkie Pie walked in. Immediately everyone stopped what they were doing to meet up with Pinkie Pie, who walked over to Twilight's table.

“Hey everyone!” Pinkie Pie said happily.

“Hey yerself,” Applejack said, “Ah guess this means yer eyes healed?”

Pinkie Pie nodded, “Yep yep! When I got back from Lyoko I could see again!”

“So, Return to Past heals injuries?” Rarity asked.

“It saves your information prior to the attack and reverts you to the state you were in before it,” Fluttershy explained, “Sadly, it can't bring people back from the dead.”

“Ya seem ta know a lot about how Lyoko and the super computer work,” Applejack stated.

“I just wish I could remember why they work,” Fluttershy said sadly, “I can remember everything except for why it, or myself were even made.”

“We'll figure all that out,” Dash said standing in between Twilight and Pinkie Pie, “Together, as a team, right?”

“That's right, Dashie,” Pinkie Pie said smiling. Twilight looked down smiling herself, feeling like she was truly a part of their team.

“Yeah… together, as a team.”

In the girls room, Discord had closed the bathroom for a bit so he could replace the faulty light in there.

“Can't leave things like this unchecked,” Discord said to himself, “You never know what kind of accidents can happen.”