• Published 13th Jul 2015
  • 9,389 Views, 1,028 Comments

Code Lyoko: EG - Azure Sandora

In Canterlot High Boarding School, Twilight and her friends fight the evil XANA in a virtual world that's somehow connected to the network.

  • ...

31: Our War Game

Author's Note:

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnd we're back! Sorry for the long delay, I had to step away from it in order to keep it fresh and figure out how to go about the rest of the story. I will not bore you here, just ask you to please consider supporting my patreon if you aren't already (special thanks to Blank Scroll for returning!) and to enjoy.

Also, I make a brief shout out to another show in this chapter. For those wanting a hint: It's related to Steven Universe.

Theme Song: A World Without Danger

31: Our War Game

Analyzing previous attacks_

Subject TWILIGHT SPARKLE has shown a steady decrease in mental stability_

Chances of irrational behavior: 78%_

Chances of endangering other LW: 65%_

Chances of endangering innocent lives: 58%_

Planning assault_

Assault made_

Time of assault unknown_

Begin observation of subjects TWILIGHT SPARKLE and security program FLUTTERSHY SANDORA_

Preparing assault_

After classes ended, the girls all gathered in the schoolyard to discuss yesterday's attack. More so, Fluttershy's revelation of what the phantom was.

“Yer father?” Applejack asked, leaning against a tree. Fluttershy, who was sitting on a bench next to Twilight and Sonata, nodded.

“We ran into it on Lyoko, and it didn't attack us. Actually, it… protected me,” Fluttershy said softly, “When I looked into its eyes… I felt something familiar.”

“It's a trap,” Dash said sitting under another tree with Pinkie Pie, “It has to be one.”

“XANA already did that though, right?” Pinkie Pie asked, “Impersonating Fluttershy's dad.”

“He did,” Sunset said, pacing back and forth in front of Fluttershy's bench, “But XANA is using past information to create his attacks now.”

“But we'd see an activated tower though,” Pinkie Pie said.

“That's assuming XANA still follows the same rules,” Adagio pointed out. She was sitting on another bench close by next to Aria and Rarity, “If this is a new monster, XANA wouldn't need to use a tower.”

“But it's not one of XANA's monsters!” Fluttershy shouted shooting up, “It's my father! I know it is!”

“Fluttershy, you're father is dead,” Twilight said sadly, “He fell into the Digital Sea, remember?”

“That doesn't mean he's dead,” Fluttershy defended.

“Doesn't it though?” Twilight asked, “He's been virtualized permanently. He's a part of the network now.”

“That still doesn't mean anything!” Fluttershy shouted, “He didn't hurt me! He protected me! Rarity, you were there! You remember, right?”

“I… remember seeing phantom,” Rarity said.

“So you believe me,” Fluttershy urged, “The phantom protected me, so it's has to be my father.”

“I'm… not sure,” Rarity admitted, “It's possible… but… phantom did attack us once.”

“Yeah, explain that,” Dash said, “If that is your father, then how come he attacked us on Lyoko the first time.”

“Maybe he…” Fluttershy looked down, “I mean… he might…”

Twilight sighed, stood up, and took Fluttershy's hand, “I understand you want to believe that your father is still alive, but the chances are just too low. I'm sorry Fluttershy, but there's just no way.”

Fluttershy looked at Twilight sadly, pulled away, and ran off. Twilight looked pained as Sunset walked over to her and put her hands on her shoulders.

“Was I too harsh?” Twilight asked.

“You're just being realistic,” Sunset said, “I hate to admit it, but I really don't see how Sombra could still be alive.”

“We don't know what happens to someone exactly when they fall into the Digital Sea though, right?” Sonata asked, “All we know is that they become a part of the network.”

“That sounds like death to me,” Dash said.

“But what if it isn't?” Sonata asked, “What if someone actually holds onto their mind and will after falling into the Digital Sea?”

“That would mean the person is still alive, at least partially,” Aria said, almost like she were finishing Sonata's fault.

“And given enough time, that person might be able to form themselves on Lyoko,” Adagio said, concluding what Aria and Sonata were saying.

“That thing took Spike though,” Applejack said, “We can't overlook that, or that it attacked us.”

“What do we do if we see it again?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“I vote for taking it out,” Dash said, “It doesn't read like a part of Lyoko, right? That means a virus. It could corrupt the super computer.”

“Mm, that's true,” Twilight said, thinking to herself.

“But what if that is Fluttershy's father?” Sonata asked.

“Then all the more reason to take care of him,” Applejack said, “We can't forget, he did betray the Architects.”

“Even if that's Sombra, he might be working for XANA,” Rarity added.

“Exactly. Ah don't wanna hurt Fluttershy, but if her dad is workin fer XANA, we have ta deal with him before he gets his hands on the super computer. He already got Spike.”

Sonata closed her eyes in frustration, and shot up walking off.

“Sonata, where are you going?” Sunset asked.

“I'm going to find Fluttershy,” Sonata said, “I'm worried about her.”

As she left, Aria and Adagio looked at each other and sighed. Twilight wanted to believe Fluttershy was right, and that her father was in fact still alive, but with XANA now being so much stronger and smarter, they couldn't afford to take any risks.

Even if that was her father, could they afford to let him stay on Lyoko?

Fluttershy ran to the Everfree Mansion, which was the one place she felt truly safe. Lying in her bed, she thought about her father, and how safe and loved he made her feel. It was the same feeling she got from the phantom when it caressed her cheek.

But could it be a XANA trick?

It was true that he had worked with XANA. Actually, everything that happened to her was his fault. She lost ten years of her life because of him. She was trapped on Lyoko because of him. Finally, though she was disconnected from the super computer, she was still registered as a security program on Lyoko, thus would always have a connection of some sort to it, even if they turned it off.

All because of her father.

She didn't know why she was crying, nor why she even wanted to see him. Did she want to be reunited with him? Did she want to say how much she hated him? Did she hate him?


“C-come in,” Fluttershy said wiping her eyes. The door opened, and to her surprise Sonata walked in.

“Hello Fluttershy,” Sonata said with a worried expression.

“Sonata, h-how did you know I'd be here?” Fluttershy asked.

“This is your old house, isn't it?” Sonata asked walking into the room and looking around, “I figured you'd be here after what happened with your father.”

That didn't answer all of Fluttershy's questions. Yes, it made sense, but how did Sonata know that she'd come here? Did Twilight and the others tell them that this was her old home? They had to, now that she thought about it.

“You… really believe that the phantom is him, huh?” Sonata asked after a second, walking over to the bookshelf.

“I… don't know,” Fluttershy admitted, “Maybe I just want it to be him after all. I don't have anything of him except my memories of him. It's true that he fell into the Digital Sea, but… do you think he could have somehow kept himself together?”

“If his feelings were strong enough, then I believe so,” Sonata said, “And there's no feeling stronger than the love a parent has for their child.”

Sonata picked up the picture of Fluttershy with her parents and smiled warmly.

“Do you remember your parents at all?” Fluttershy asked.

“They were both brilliant,” Sonata said, “I hear that they were scientists who wanted to change the whole world. I wish I could meet them,” she walked over to Fluttershy and sat down next to her, “But there's a chance that you can meet your father.”

“You really think the phantom could be my father?” Fluttershy asked.

“I do,” Sonata said, “I also believe that if you feel like you need to see him again, you should.”

“But what if this is a trap set by XANA?” Fluttershy asked, “I could be handing myself over to him.”

“I'm not sure that this is a trap, love,” Sonata said, “Weren't you next to the phantom for a while yesterday?”

“I was,” Fluttershy nodded.

“So if XANA did want to use the phantom to kill you, why didn't he do it right then and there?”

That was true. XANA wasn't the type to waste an opportunity. The second they let their guard down, he struck. The only thing about that was how strong XANA had become. Somehow, he was able to learn now. What if that meant he was now able to plan more complex attacks?

“I need to make sure first,” Fluttershy said, “I can't just jump right into this.”

“Then let's find out everything that we can,” Sonata said taking Fluttershy's hands, “Together.”

The way Sonata smiled at Fluttershy seemed so genuine. She didn't seem like a bad person at all, and in fact she did seem like she wanted to honestly help. But if that was the case, why did Fluttershy still feel so uneasy around her?

The next day, Fluttershy and Sonata met with Celestia in her office. She was joined by Cadance and Discord, the latter sitting on the desk next to Celestia and the former sitting in a chair to the side.

“Hm… I see,” Celestia said thoughtfully, “Twilight told me about this phantom in an email last night.”

“Do you think it could be possible then?” Sonata asked, “That the phantom could be her father?”

“What was the phantom's weapon?” Cadance asked.

“It was a scythe,” Fluttershy said, “It was very big, almost like a grim reaper's scythe,” she paled a bit when all three of them sighed gravely, “It doesn't match… doesn't it?”

“Oh that's the thing,” Discord said rubbing the bridge of his nose, “Actually, it does.”

“Sombra's avatar was a paladin in large armor,” Celestia said, “It had a red cape, and minor powers over Lyoko. He could adjust the terrain by hacking into the environment, a lot like you can on Lyoko.”

“Oh dear…” Fluttershy said, her heart racing a bit, “That's what I saw on Lyoko… it was a paladin…”

“Fluttershy?” Cadance asked, “Are you…?”

“It's him…” Fluttershy said, trembling as tears built up, “Daddy… is alive…!”

“Hold on, we can't jump to conclusions yet,” Cadance said, “XANA would have Sombra's information saved. With that, he could easily recreate Sombra's avatar.”

“But it's not a virus made by XANA!” Fluttershy cried, “It's my father! I know it is!”

“Fluttershy, we're just trying to be-” Celestia began, but was cut off as Fluttershy shot up, “Fluttershy!”

Fluttershy ran to the door, swinging it open and rushing out. Sonata stood up, bowed to Celestia, and then ran after her. Celestia sat back in her chair and sighed.

“The poor thing,” Discord said, “She's beginning to spiral back into the dark place she was in before.”

“I heard that she was seeing a therapist,” Celestia said, “If this isn't Sombra, it could destroy her mind even more.”

“I really don't see how it could be him though,” Cadance said, “He fell into the Digital Sea. We all saw it.”

“I know,” Celestia said sighing as her phone rang, “Hello? No I haven't. Why?” Celestia closed her eyes seriously, “I see. I'll deal with it,” she hung up and burying her face in her hands, “If it's not one thing, it's another.”

“What's wrong, Tia?” Discord asked.

“That was Time Turner,” Celestia said, “Apparently Twilight didn't show up for any of her classes.”

“That's not like her,” Cadance said, “Unless there's a XANA attack.”

“No, she'd let us know,” Celestia said, “I'll have Luna investigate this,” she said picking up her phone, “Maybe some of her friends have seen her.”

“Sorry, but we haven't,” Pinkie Pie said gravely, Rainbow Dash standing next to her.

“Neither of you have seen her?” Luna asked.

“Nope,” Dash said, “Actually, she wasn't in homeroom either.”

Luna took a deep breath, “Okay, I think I might know where she is.”

“As do I,” they heard behind Luna. They all turned to see Adagio and Sunset walking up to them, “She had mentioned last night that she wanted to use the super computer to analyze the source codes for her anti-XANA program. If Twilight Sparkle is anywhere, she would be there.”

“I see,” Luna said, “Alright then. I shall go there and-”

“Don't trouble yourself,” Adagio said, “I'll go and talk to her. This is my lunch period anyway,” she turned to Sunset, “Is this okay?”

“Yeah, I'm fine with it,” Sunset said, “We can go have dinner tonight to make up for it. Want me to come with you?”

“As long as we take the motorcycle,” Adagio said, “Vice-Principal Luna, will you cover for us?”

“I saw nothing,” Luna said, “Take care of her.”

“We will,” Sunset said, “Come on.”

Adagio smiled. The two of them ran out of the school, leaving Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Luna there, the latter of the three folding her arms.

“That egghead,” Dash said, “She's going to push herself to exhaustion at this rate.”

“Odd,” Luna said, catching the girls' attention, “Adagio is always trying to get close to Twilight.”

“She said that she really wants to get to know her,” Pinkie Pie said, “Why's that odd?”

“It's kind of hard to explain,” Luna said, “Once I know more, I'll let you know.”

With that, she walked off. She was still very uneasy around Adagio and her sisters, and she always followed her hunches. More often than not, her hunches were right.

Adagio and Sunset stopped right at the factory bridge, and ran to the ropes swinging down to the elevator. They took it down to the computer room, where they immediately found their target. Twilight was in fact sitting at the computer, typing furiously. Around her were empty energy drink cans.

“My God…” Sunset said looking around. Adagio walked over to Twilight and placed a hand on her shoulder, making Twilight jump.

“It's just us,” Adagio said. Twilight breathed out in relief.

“Adagio, Sunset, sorry for being so jumpy,” Twilight said.

“It's fine,” Sunset said walking to Twilight, “How long have you been here?”

“Since last night,” Twilight said returning her focus to the computer, “I came here when-” she cut herself off with a yawn, “when Applejack went to sleep.”

“You came here alone at night?” Adagio asked, “That's very dangerous, Twilight.”

“I've been doing this every weekend,” Twilight said, “This is the first time I came here on a school day though.”

“Yeah, about that,” Sunset said folding her arms, “The teachers are getting worried. It's not like you to cut classes.”

“I had to come here and work on Starlight's anti-XANA program,” Twilight said distantly.

“That could have waited until after school though,” Sunset said, “We have time.”

“No we don't!” Twilight screamed, shocking both Sunset and Adagio, “XANA is getting stronger, and he could attack at any moment! I have to kill him as soon as possible, before he finishes his robot army, or whatever else he's planning! I'm not letting XANA win!” she looked at the computer screen with a dangerous glare, “I'm going to make XANA pay…”

“Twilight…” Sunset said, taken aback by what she said. It almost sounded like she wanted…



9 LAT, 32 LONG

“What timing,” Adagio said stepping forward.

“What's XANA planning to do this time?” Sunset asked.

“Let's find out,” Twilight said pulling up another tab, “Wait… is this…? Shit!”

“Whoa! Language!” Sunset said.

“Twilight Sparkle, what do you see?” Adagio asked.

“I think I'm seeing… military tanks,” Twilight said, “An army of them! They're heading to the school!”

“XANA?” Adagio asked.

“I'm picking up traces of XANA's data within the tanks,” Twilight explained.

“I'll warn the others!” Sunset said pulling out her cellphone, “Rarity, is Fluttershy with you? Find her and bring her to the factory! We've got a doozy of an attack! See you soon,” Sunset hung up and turned to Twilight and Adagio, “She's going to bring Fluttershy here.”

“Good,” Twilight said, “In the meantime, we have to try and defend the school.”

“How do you suppose we do that?” Adagio asked, “Fighting specters is one thing, but an army of tanks?”

“Simple,” Twilight said typing on the super computer, “With an army of our own.”

Elsewhere in the Mountain Sector, another tower activated, this one gaining a green aura.

“Alright, I've activated a tower. I want you two to log in and protect it,” Twilight said.

“Twilight, why do you need a tower?” Sunset asked nervously.

“Don't worry about it,” Twilight said, “Just protect my tower. I'll transport you two right in front of it. It's a bit away from the tower XANA used, but this should force him to spread out his monsters,” Sunset and Adagio looked at each other unsure, “Well? Get going.”

Both Sunset and Adagio sighed, but walked to the elevator taking it down to the scanner room. Once Sunset sent Twilight a text, she got to work.

“Transfer Sunset!” Twilight said, closing her scanner.

“Transfer Adagio!” Twilight said, closing Adagio's scanner as she walked in.

“Scanner Sunset!” Twilight continued, rendering Sunset's demon avatar.

“Scanner Adagio!” Twilight continued, rendering Adagio's geisha looking avatar, “Virtualization!”

Twilight pressed the enter key, sending both girls into Lyoko.

In the Mountain Sector, Sunset and Adagio rendered and dropped down in front of Twilight's tower. It was stationed high up on a ledge looking down at the rest of the sector.

“Whatever happens, do not get devirtualized,” Twilight commanded, “I'll tell the others to get here as soon as possible.”

“You got it,” Sunset said pulling out her laser whip, “Adagio, you ready?”

“Always,” Adagio said pulling out her fan. Almost on command, they were fired upon by a swarm of hornets.

“Tell them to hurry, Twilight,” Sunset said, “We can't defend this spot for long!”

“W-what's going on?!” Pinkie Pie asked Dash, both of them running away from a tank.

“Look at the electricity! It's XANA!” Dash said, “We have to find Fluttershy and get her to the factory!”

They heard a scream a bit away from them. They looked and saw Apple Bloom on the ground about to be fired on by another tank.

“APPLE BLOOM!” Pinkie Pie cried. Before she and Dash could reach her, Aria rolled in grabbing Apple Bloom just before the tank fired.

“You okay squirt?” Aria asked.

“Ah can't find Applejack, or my friends anywhere!” Apple Bloom sobbed.

“Aria!” Pinkie Pie called out, her and Dash running to Aria.

“Have you guys seen Sonata?! I can't find her anywhere!” Aria shouted frantically.

“We're searching for someone too!” Dash said, “We can't find Fluttershy anywhere in this-”

“Look out!” Pinkie Pie shouted, pushing Dash and Aria to the ground as another tank fired at them. The tank started rolling over to them, but another tank fired at it. They all looked to the side and saw three tanks riding to the school, but those had purple electricity.

“Hold on, is that…?” Dash asked. Above them they saw two military choppers flying over the tanks, firing rail guns at XANA's tanks.

“OMG, she's playing real life Advanced Wars!!!” Pinkie Pie cried happily, “I am sooooo jealous!!!”

“Pinkie Pie, focus!” Aria shouted, “Argh! Where are you Sonata?! Sonata!”

“Whoa! Aria?!” Dash cried in shock as Aria ran off. She was losing it.

“Dashie, we need to help Apple Bloom!” Pinkie Pie said.

“Right! Come on!” Dash said, putting Apple Bloom on her back and running off, still thinking about how upset Aria was. It was almost like the idea of Sonata being hurt scared her more than anything.

Aria ran through the school, doing her best to dodge all of the tanks attacks. She briefly looked around and saw the tanks and helicopters fighting, actually a lot of damage to their surroundings.

“Damn it!” Aria swore, “If this keeps up-”

“Aria!” Rarity called out running up to her, “Have you seen Fluttershy?”

“No, I haven't! What about Sonata?!” Aria asked.

Nyet!” Rarity said, “I think they were together though!”

“Then try to keep up!” Aria said running off, Rarity close behind her. She looked out at the fight, seeing XANA's tank fire at one of Twilight's choppers, but the helicopter flew away, causing XANA to hit a building instead.

“Is Twilight in control of…?” Rarity asked.

“Don't know, don't care!” Aria said, her focus solely on what was in front of her, “Sonata! SONATA!!!”

“Aria!” they heard Sonata cry in the forest. They turned int hat direction and saw Sonata and Fluttershy near the secret passage. When Sonata saw Aria, her expression lit up, “ARIA!!!”

Aria's expression softened into one of pure relief and joy, “Sonata!”

The two of them ran toward each other and embraced, Aria picking Sonata up and spinning around, both of them laughing happily.

“Are you okay? Are you hurt?” Aria asked.

“We just got here,” Sonata explained, “What about you? Are you hurt?”

“Who cares about that?” Aria said smiling.

“Silly, I do!” Sonata said. She kissed Aria on the cheek and the two of them continued to laugh holding onto one another.

“Rarity, are those tanks XANA?” Fluttershy asked.

Dah,” Rarity said, “But only half. Other half are fighting XANA.”

“We need to get to Lyoko!” Sonata said, “I think Adagio is there already!”

“She is,” Rarity said, “Sunset call me earlier, and I think Adagio was with her.”

“Alright, let's go!” Aria said running to the secret passage, “Sonata, come on!”

“Right!” Sonata said running to Aria. The four of them ran down the secret passage, making their way to the factory and the super computer. The trip was one of complete silence, and with how fast they were moving, it didn't take long for them to arrive.

Where they saw Twilight, her face close to the screen and showing a screen almost like a video game. He field looked like a grid of the school, and there were a bunch of purple tanks and helicopters fighting red ones.

“Twilight?” Fluttershy asked walking over to Twilight, “What are you…?”

“I've already prepared the transfer,” Twilight said, “The tower is in the Mountain Sector. Once there, go right to the tower.”

“Twilight, the way you're fighting, it's-”

“Necessary,” Twilight said, “I have to fight XANA. If I don't, he's going to hurt a lot of people.”

“But, this method is…”

“Not. Now. Fluttershy!” Twilight ordered, “Get to the scanners, and deactivate the tower.”

Sonata walked over to Fluttershy taking her hand, and led her to the elevator. Aria and Rarity looked at Twilight briefly before following their allies. Once in the scanners, they automatically closed and began working, completely independent of Twilight's inputs.

Back on the computer, Twilight saw Fluttershy, Rarity, Aria, and Sonata's avatars render, but she immediately closed that screen as to not be distracted.

Back in the scanners, the four girls vanished in a white flash, and were pulled into Lyoko. When they rendered and dropped down, they saw Adagio and Sunset back to back, defending one another. In front of Sunset were three hornets, and in front of Adagio were two bloks.

“Target locked on,” Aria said pulling out her larger buster blade, “Engaging! Fire!” the kanji for fire appeared in the gem of her blade, and she threw out fireballs at the hornets, knocking them out of the sky.

“Laser Arrow!” Sonata shouted pointing her arm forward.

“Light Arrow!” Fluttershy shouted, pointing her bow forward. Both of them fired at one blok killing it, and Rarity jumped on top of the last one stabbing her sword through it.

“You guys showed up just in time!” Sunset said, her and Adagio running up to them. Naturally, Adagio embraced Aria and Sonata immediately when they were together.

“How are things in the real world?” Adagio asked.

“Einstein's going Fire Emblem on the tanks,” Aria said, “If we don't want any casualties, we better end this now.”

“Agreed,” Sunset said, “Let's get go-” she was cut off by laser fire in their direction. They saw three krabs walking over to them, “Rarity, you're somewhat good against these, right?”

Dah,” Rarity said stepping forward, “You three go with Fluttershy and get her to tower.”

“Understood,” Adagio said taking Fluttershy's hand, “Come, Princess.”

Fluttershy looked a little nervous as Adagio pulled her away, Aria and Sonata flanking them at either side. Three hornets flew up to them, stopping right in front of them. Adagio stopped and screamed at the hornets, using her Sound Wave to disrupt them and make them fall to the ground. Before they could proceed though, a green fireball shot at their feet, followed by a familiar mechanical howl.

“Spike!” Fluttershy cried out, looking up to see the cybernetic wolf walking forward on another section, “If you're here, then that means…”

She looked ahead, and sure enough she saw the phantom forming in front of them. Once it fully formed, it walked toward them, dragging its scythe on the ground.

“Fluttershy, stay behind us!” Aria said holding her katana out.

“We will protect you,” Adagio said pulling out her fan, “Just proceed to the tower!”

“But…” Fluttershy looked in horror as Adagio and Aria charged at the phantom. Once they reached it, the phantom raised its scythe and slashed both girls knocking them back.

Adagio: 40 HP

Aria: 60 HP

“Daddy, no!” Fluttershy shouted. She was about to run to their aid, but Spike jumped in her way growling at Fluttershy, “Spike, why are you doing this?! They're my friends!”

The phantom raised its scythe at Adagio and tried to slash, but Aria blocked with her katana and pushed the phantom back.

“Adagio, are you okay?” Aria said helping Adagio to her feet.

“Yes,” Adagio said, looking in shock, “Aria, look out!”

The phantom charged at them, but Adagio pushed Aria aside, taking the blow herself, her body instantly breaking apart.

Adagio: 0 HP

“Adagio!” Sonata cried, holding her arm forward as the phantom turned to her and Fluttershy. She pulled Fluttershy behind her and glared nervously at the phantom as it approached them.

Adagio's scanner opened, revealing her lying on the floor of the scanner. She stirred a bit, and then forced herself to her feet.

“I have to make sure they're okay,” Adagio said to herself. She ran to the elevator and stopped for a second, pondering her actions, and her feelings. This lasted for a few seconds, then she ran into the elevator, taking it up to the computer room.

“Twilight, I'm sorry,” Adagio said, “I was unable to…” she stopped when she saw how many tanks were apparently on the screen now. Between Twilight and XANA, it looked like most of the military's weapons had been taken over.

She could only imagine what the situation was like back in the school.

At the school, Celestia and Luna were helping evacuate the school with Applejack. Thankfully Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were with them.

“Hey!” Dash called out, catching their attention. They looked and saw Dash and Pinkie Pie running to them, Apple Bloom still on Dash's back.

“Apple Bloom!” Applejack cried out running to them. Dash let Apple Bloom down, and she immediately ran into her sister's arms, “You alright?”

“Ah'm scared! What's goin on out there?!” Apple Bloom asked.

“That's what we'd like to know,” Celestia said, “Is this XANA?”

“Yep,” Pinkie Pie said, “And Twilight is like going all Disgaea on him!”

“Seriously?” Luna asked now looking out the window, “Jealous…!”

“Not now, Lulu,” Celestia said, “Twilight is being too reckless. Three buildings have already been destroyed, and a lot of people have been injured.

“Is my sister okay?!” Sweetie Belle asked, “I can't find her!”

“I'm sure she's fine,” Dash said, “In fact, I bet by now she's with Fluttershy on Lyoko.”

Applejack's phone rang, showing Adagio's number, “Hey Adagio. What's up?”

“Sorry, but I got devirtualized. Aria, Sonata, and Fluttershy are currently facing the phantom, and I think Sunset and Rarity are still defending Twilight's tower.”

“You think?” Applejack asked.

“Twilight refuses to click over to the navigation screen,” Adagio said, “She's too focused on fighting the tanks. Applejack, you are the leader. What are my orders?”

Applejack looked outside at the carnage caused by both Twilight and XANA. It was a literal war zone out there, people running screaming, buildings being destroyed, fires spreading, it was absolute chaos out there. It was bad enough knowing that XANA was half of the reason, but to know Twilight was fighting too…

“We're on our way,” Applejack said seriously, “Get Twilight off the controls an' take over. Can you use the super computer?”

“Sunset taught me,” Adagio said, “I can use the transfer system, Return to the Past, and I should be able to control the tanks.”

“Good. Prepare to transfer us when we get there,” Applejack said hanging up and turning to Dash and Pinkie Pie, “We gotta go.”

“Things getting bad on Lyoko?” Dash asked.

“Oh yeah, but that's not all,” Applejack said, “Ah'll fill ya in on the way. Apple Bloom, stay here with the Principal and Vice-Principal.”

“Where are you goin?” Apple Bloom asked, “Ah don't want ya to leave me!”

“It'll be fine,” Applejack said, “Ah'd trust both of 'em with my life, especially the Vice-Principal.”

“I'll go too,” Pinkie Pie said, “I can drive my bike fast, so I can keep up with you two.”

“Got it,” Dash said, “Let's go!”

“Be careful girls,” Celestia said.

“Make sure you take one of the secret passages,” Luna ordered, “It's too dangerous to be out there.”

“Right! Let's go!” Applejack ordered. She, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie ran to another passage they found in the boiler room of the school. It looked like Twilight and Applejack were going to have to talk later.

After she hung up, Adagio turned to Twilight and considered her for a few seconds. She then walked over to Twilight and touched her shoulder.

“Twilight, let me take over,” Adagio requested.

“I'm fine,” Twilight said distantly.

“No Twilight Sparkle, you're not,” Adagio stated, “You're thinking irrationally, and are currently a danger to yourself and the others. I'm taking control of the situation.”

Adagio reached to pull Twilight away from the computer, but she pulled away harshly.

“No! I said that I'm fine!” Twilight demanded. Adagio looked at Twilight intently, and then tightened her fists. She then reached for Twilight and grabbed her, pulling her harshly out of the chair. Twilight screamed loudly and struggled as Adagio wrestled her away from the computer.

“Twilight…! I'm doing this… for you're own… good!” Adagio said.

“NO!!!!!!!” Twilight screamed, “I HAVE TO FIGHT HIM!!!! I HAVE TO FIGHT XANA!!!!”

“Damn… it… Twilight…!” Adagio swore. Eventually she pinned her to the floor as the elevator clicked and started coming down. When it opened, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie ran in to see Adagio literally sitting on top of Twilight holding her wrists to the floor as the latter struggled and screamed.

“Twilight!” Pinkie Pie cried.

“Help me restrain her,” Adagio requested. Dash and Applejack looked at each other, but then quickly grabbed a nearby chain and started wrapping it around Twilight.

“LET ME GO!!!! LET ME GO!!!!!!!” Twilight screamed as they chained her in the side of the room.

“Pinkie Pie, stay here with Adagio and watch Twilight,” Applejack commanded, “Dash, we're goin inta Lyoko.”

Dash nodded, and the two of them ran to the elevator, taking it down. Twilight screamed and pulled at her bindings, apparently going into a state of pure panic as Pinkie Pie embraced her.

“We're sorry, Twilight,” Pinkie Pie said somberly, “We had no choice though.”

Adagio closed her eyes somberly, and sat down at the computer, “Sunset, how are you and Rarity doing?”

“Oh, thank God!” Sunset said, “We were afraid we lost contact with the real world! Rarity's fine, but I've lost most of my hit points! One more hit and I'm out!”

“Applejack and Rainbow Dash are on their way,” Adagio said, “I'll send them close to you, so Applejack can support Rarity.”

“Transfer Applejack,” Adagio said calmly, closing Applejack's scanner.

“Transfer Rainbow Dash,” Adagio said, equally calmly closing Dash's scanner. She didn't notice, but Pinkie Pie was watching her intently as she worked, and raised an eyebrow.

“Scanner Applejack,” Adagio said, connecting Applejack with her avatar.

“Scanner Rainbow Dash,” Adagio said, now connecting Dash to her avatar, “Virtualization.”

She pressed the enter key, sending the two of them into Lyoko. She then quickly pulled up the tank control app, and started instantly moving tanks around with little to no effort.

In Lyoko, Dash and Applejack materialized and landed a bit behind where Sunset and Rarity were fighting. Currently they were being assaulted by two krabs, Sunset standing behind Rarity as she blocked their lasers.

Applejack pulled out her two laser pistols and fired at the krabs, forcing them back, and then ran over to Rarity and Sunset's aid.

“Sunset, you go with Dash,” Applejack commanded, “Leave these guys ta us.”

“Got it,” Sunset said, “Good luck.”

“Need me to go slow, or can I jet?” Dash asked Sunset.

“I'll be fine. I'll stay airborne, so go crazy.”

“Just what I wanted to hear. Super Sprint!” Dash ran off at high speed, and Sunset flew after her while both Applejack and Rarity got in fighting stances, targeting a krab each.

Applejack vs Krab

Rarity vs Krab

The krabs started firing at them, but both girls rolled out of the way in separate directions. Applejack put her guns together forming her shotgun and fired at her krab. She managed to get it to fall on one knee, but it still got a lucky shot, hitting her in the chest.

Applejack: 70 HP

Rarity charged at her opponent, slashing its legs and using her blade to block its attacks at the same time. Once she saw an opening, she jumped on its head and thrust her sword into the XANA symbol, killing it. She jumped off before it exploded and started running to help Applejack.

“Rarity, hold on,” Adagio said from the real world, “I'm picking up a large signal forming nearby.”

“Large signal?” Rarity asked, “What is it?”

“I'm not sure, but its readings are rather strange,” Adagio said, “Is that…? Rarity, it's a monster! Whatever it is, it's larger than anything we've seen on Lyoko yet!”

Pinkie Pie patted Twilight on the shoulder, and then sat up to see what was on the screen herself. She was shocked by how many hit points it had.

“Is that the boss of this area?!” Pinkie Pie asked.

“I think so,” Adagio said, “I just hope they're at a high enough level to beat it. Rarity, do you see it?”

Dah, I do,” Rarity said as Applejack ran to her side, “This isn't first time I've seen monster.”

She and Applejack looked up as the giant lava monster from the last attack materialized and began slowly walking over to them.

“Adagio, we got an ID on this thing yet?” Applejack asked.

“The computer calls it a Kolossus, spelled with a K,” Adagio said, “It has too many hit points, and is too big. I don't know how you're going to beat it.”

“I can fight Kolossus,” Rarity said gripping her sword tightly, “Applejack, you deal with anything else that attacks.”

“Rares, you serious?! You ain't about ta-” she was cut off by Rarity charging at the Kolossus, “Rarity!”

“Spike! Ko mne!” Rarity commanded. Instantly, Spike turned to Rarity, howled, and rushed over to her as fast as he could. Once they were together, Rarity jumped on his back and rode toward the Kolossus.

Elsewhere, Aria and Sonata were working together trying to remove the phantom, who was violently assaulting them. Sonata, who was still staying close to Fluttershy trying to defend her, fired a laser arrow at the phantom, but it blocked and slashed the air sending a black shock wave at her. Sonata grabbed Fluttershy and jumped out of the way.

“I don't get this!” Fluttershy cried, “Why is he fighting us?!”

“Wish I knew, love!” Sonata said, “But we gotta start making our way to the tower, and fast! Aria, clear a path for us!”

“Got it!” Aria said, “Wind!” her sword showed the kanji for “wind”, and she was engulfed in a tornado. She spun around holding out her sword and charged at the phantom, who jumped to the side and sliced her in half through the tornado!

“Shit…!” Aria swore as her body fell apart.

Aria: 0 HP

“No! Aria!” Sonata cried. The phantom turned to them, and started approaching them slowly, “Stay back!” Sonata ordered, firing laser arrows at the phantom rapidly as it approached.

“Daddy…!” Fluttershy sobbed, “Why are you doing this?!”

A kunai shot the phantom in the chest, knocking it back a bit. Dash stopped right in front of Fluttershy and Sonata holding out her kunai, and Sunset landed next to her holding her laser whip.

“Get to the tower!” Dash shouted, “We got this, hurry!”

Sonata nodded and grabbed Fluttershy's arm. They started running toward the tower, but the phantom turned to them and actually acted like it was going to chase them.

“Oh no you don't!” Sunset said, throwing out her whip and wrapping it around its neck, “Dash, I think it's after Fluttershy!”

“I knew it! It is one of XANA's!” Dash said gripping her kunai tightly, “You want Fluttershy, you have to go through me!”

Dash rushed at the phantom throwing two kunai. The phantom turned around and used its arm to block Dash's attack, and then grabbed Sunset's whip. It used it to yank her over to it, and then kicked her in the stomach knocking her away.

Sunset: 10 HP

Dash rushed at the phantom, running in a triangle formation using the same strategy she'd use against a megatank. The phantom didn't attack right away though. Instead, it just observed her as she ran.

One of the Dash clones jumped at the phantom, but it moved to the side out of the way and slashed at the Dash about to attack, which turned out to be the real one as the other two vanished.

Rainbow Dash: 60 HP

“How the hell did he do that?” Dash asked rising to her feet.

“This thing… isn't a normal monster,” Sunset said staggering over to Dash, “I really hope Fluttershy makes it to that tower.”

“Hey Adagio, how are things in the real world?” Dash asked.

“Currently I'm trying to move the fight outside of the city limits to lessen the damage,” Adagio said, “But we're definitely going to need to use Return to the Past after this one.”

“Hey, you don't need me here, right?” Aria asked standing next to the computer, “If not, I can head back to the school.”

“And help with evacuations, perfect,” Adagio said, finishing Aria's thought almost, “I will stay here and act as a link between the real world and Lyoko.”

“Sonata is still there, so it should be okay,” Aria stated. She and Adagio nodded to each other, and Aria stepped over to the elevator, looking at Pinkie Pie and Twilight briefly before it closed. Pinkie Pie held Twilight tightly as she cried helplessly, thinking about what she witnessed. Now that she got a chance to really look at them, she had to admit, something about those three was off.

It was almost like they were the same person at times.

The phantom rushed toward Sunset and Rainbow Dash, holding his scythe ready. Sunset slashed with her whip, but the phantom moved out of the way and slashed her, instantly devirtualizing her.

Sunset: 0 HP

“Shit!” Dash said, bracing herself for the worst. The phantom simply kicked Dash to the ground out of the way and kept moving, running after Fluttershy and Sonata. Dash gritted her teeth and ran after it.

When they reached the tower, Sonata and Fluttershy were shot back by two tarantulas.

Sonata: 40 HP

Fluttershy: 50 HP

“Fluttershy, head to the tower, quickly!” Sonata urged, “I'll try and keep them off you!”

“Okay!” Fluttershy said, taking to the skies and flying away. Sonata started firing at the tarantulas, but one turned to Fluttershy and started firing at her. Thankfully one shot missed, but the other one actually got her in stomach.

Fluttershy: 25 HP

“FLUTTERSHY, NO!!!” Sonata cried, watching her fall helplessly down toward the digital sea.

The phantom then did something odd. It rushed over to the ledge, thrust the blade of its scythe into the edge, and then jumped down grabbing Fluttershy just in time. When she looked up, she saw the phantom struggling to pull both of them up.

“D-Daddy…?” Fluttershy asked. The phantom immediately responded and looked down at her, causing tears of joy to build up, “I knew it…! It is you…! You're alive!”

The phantom slowly raised the arm that was holding Fluttershy, and she used her wings to get added leverage. Once she was above ground, she pulled the phantom up as well. Before she could say anything though, a kunai hit the phantom in the arm. Fluttershy gasped in shock and then turned to see Rainbow Dash rushing toward them.

“Get away from her XANA!” Dash shouted. She was about to throw another kunai, but stopped when Fluttershy immediately stood in the way holding her arms out, F-Fluttershy?! What the hell?!”

“I won't let you hurt him, Dash!” Fluttershy shouted, “This… this is my father!”

“Fluttershy, you saw him earlier! That thing attacked us! This is XANA just trying to get in your head!”

“No! He saved me just now!” Fluttershy cried, “My father is still alive! I don't know how, but he is! Please Dash, don't hurt him! I'm begging you, don't hurt him!”

“Fluttershy…” Dash said through gritted teeth. None of this made sense anymore, and it was clear that Dash was getting frustrated.

“The situation is reaching critical,” Adagio said from the real world, “Fluttershy, deactivate the tower, quickly!”

Fluttershy turned to the phantom, who slowly nodded his head. Fluttershy nodded and flew off toward the tower. The tarantulas tried to fire at her again, but Sonata's Laser Arrows hit them in the back, killing them. With the way cleared, Fluttershy phased into the tower.

Inside, Fluttershy ran to the center of the tower, and allowed herself to be lifted to the upper platform.

One of the tanks started approaching the main school building, where a majority of the school faculty and students were stuck. Aria stopped right outside and pulled out her phone.

“We're running out of time, Adagio!” Aria shouted, “Can you do something?!”

“Stay back,” Adagio said. Another tank rolled next to that one and fired at it, knocking it away.

Fluttershy calmly walked to the control panel and typed on it, breaking through the tower's security. That lasted for a few tense seconds until the panel disappeared, revealing a holographic keyboard.

In Lyoko, the Kolossus knocked Rarity off its blade, and actually slashed through the tower Twilight activated, destroying it.

“Shit!” Applejack swore, “Rares!”

Rarity managed to land back on Spike's back and they charged at the Kolossus again. Even if the tower they were protecting was destroyed, she wasn't going to back down. She believed she could actually beat this thing.

Fluttershy placed her hand on the touch screen.




The tanks all stopped moving. Aria fell to the ground in exhaustion.

“Mission complete,” Aria said, “Geez, they do this stuff every day?!”

“Tower deactivated,” Fluttershy said calmly, looking down as the coding on the walls fell into the abyss. There was a white flash, and a bright light shot out of the tower.

Back in the real world, Adagio pressed the enter key.

“Return to the past, now,” she said calmly. Pinkie Pie was the only one who noticed her smirking right before everything turned white.

When they returned, they went outside to have another group meeting. This time it wasn't about Fluttershy's father though.

“Do ya have any idea how reckless you were?!” Applejack fussed at Twilight, who was sitting on a bench, eyes closed tightly, “People almost died this time!”

“What did you expect me to do?” Twilight asked through gritted teeth.

“As our navigator an' real world contact, Ah expected you ta use some common sense! Takin control of military tanks?! Most of the damage caused was done by you!”

“The situation was fixed, wasn't it?!” Twilight asked, shooting up and glaring at Applejack, “We deactivated the tower, used Return to the Past, and no one died!”

“We don't know that,” Dash said, “All we know is that no one here died, but what about in town? What if you had destroyed Rarity's house while her parents were still there?”

“I was just doing what I had to do!” Twilight fussed, “If I didn't act, XANA was going to destroy the whole school himself! Did a lot of people get hurt? Yes! Was it destructive? Yes! But if I did nothing, people would have died! I'm not letting XANA beat me! If I have to attack the entire network to get to him, I will!”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Sunset said, “Calm down! Look, we understand how badly you want to stop XANA, and we're right there-”


“T-Twilight…” Sonata said looking pained. Aria closed her eyes holding Sonata, but Adagio simply looked at Twilight intently. Pinkie Pie took note, looking at Adagio closely with narrowed eyes.

“I'm going to kill him…!” Twilight seethed, “I swear to God I'll kill XANA if… if it's…” she started staggering a bit, and then actually fainted!

“TWILIGHT!!!” Everyone cried out, Applejack thankfully catching her just in time.

“What the hell happened?!” Dash asked.

“She's malnourished!” Sunset said, “She must have been working harder than we thought!”

“I'll get Cadance!” Fluttershy cried running off. As they all gathered around Twilight, Pinkie Pie looked up at Adagio, who was helping Sunset and Applejack tend to Twilight. Something about her and her sisters was just… off. They weren't specters though, nor were they robot clones. She was sure the computer would pick up on that.

So… what exactly were they? Was she just being paranoid, or was this terrible feeling she was getting her sixth sense warning her that their enemy was closer to them than they thought?

Ending theme: Can't Fight the Moonlight