• Published 12th Aug 2015
  • 719 Views, 4 Comments

The Whoovius Project - Evil Twilight

One mind, can do so much, for so many lives.

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“Mmm, am I,” Twilight moaned as she almost completely opened her eyes.

Doctor Whooves stood there breathless, speechless, he didn’t know how to react to what was going on. In one day, he just healed and brought a good friend of his back to life.

“Doctor, Whooves?” Twilight said lifting her head and looking at him right in the eyes.

“Is she, alive?” Applejack said.

“Ughhh,” Twilight said letting her head fall back down.

“Twilight, say something,” Doctor Whooves said not really knowing how to react to what was currently going on.

“S-something,” Twilight said feeling tired at this point.

“Are you alive?” Doctor Whooves asked.

“Well I’m, uh, talking right now,” Twilight was still trying to gather herself together so she couldn’t talk that well.

All of the ponies behind Doctor Whooves began to rise and wonder what was going on. They didn’t celebrate yet because they need to see what Twilight would respond when she saw them.

“Would you like to see you friends Twilight?” Doctor Whooves said looking behind him at all of them.

“My, friends are here?” Twilight started to raise her head again. “Where, where are they?”

Whooves smiled and moved out of the way so her friends could scoot in. All of them gathered around Twilight inside the now open chamber. Twilight looked at each of them in the eye and smiled.

“Hi girls,” Twilight said. “I missed you all.”

All five of them had tears in their eyes. Their best friend was finally back from the dead, they could talk to her again. Fluttershy broke away from the group and walked over to Doctor Whooves who was just standing by himself away from everypony.

“Today Doctor Whooves you did something great. Not just for me, nor my friends, but the community in general. Not only that, you proved the impossible, was possible. For that, we are forever in your debt,” Fluttershy said smiling.

Doctor Whooves raised a hoof at her. “No need to repay me. Consider this as an act of friendship. And you are very much welcome.” Doctor Whooves rarely got thanked for his actions if ever. So it was nice for once being thanked.

All of the other ponies didn’t notice Fluttershy break away to thank Doctor Whooves. Normally they would have piledrived Twilight and started to hug her to death, but they knew she wasn’t at her full energy capacity right now so they just left her alone.

“Will she be okay?” Fluttershy asked.

“Oh yeah she’ll be okay. She’s just getting her energy back at the moment,” Whooves said looking at the open chamber with four ponies gathered around it.

“How ya feelin’ Twiligh’?” Applejack asked.

“Yes indeed, how are you holding up?” Rarity also asked.

“I’m, feeling good, thanks,” Twilight said smiling at them. “But I really need a nap.”

“Would you like us to carry you to your treehouse Twilight?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“That would be nice yes,” Twilight replied smiling. “But I need to tell Doctor Whooves something after you get me out of here.”

Applejack and Rarity carefully lifted Twilight out of the machine that brought her back to life.

“Say Doctor Whooves you wouldn’t happen to have wheelchair would ya?” Applejack asked again.

“Yes I do upstairs,” Whooves walked over to his trapdoor and went upstairs. The rest of the gang soon followed and Doctor Whooves grabbed a wheelchair out of his living room and gave it to Applejack.

Her along with Rarity propped Twilight on it and prepared to leave his house, however they all had one thing to say.

Doctor Whooves held the door open as Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, all hugged him and said thanks on their way out. Applejack was the last because she was pushing Twilight out of the door.

Twilight looked up at Whooves and smiled.

“Thank you Doctor Whooves, thank you so much,” Twilight said looking like she was going to pass out.

“You are certainly welcome Twilight,” Doctor Whooves said smiling back. “If you ever need anything, just let me know.”

Twilight nodded as Applejack now stepped up. “You’re a hero Doctor Whooves, you’re a real hero.”

That made Doctor Whooves’ day right there. He had done quite a bit of good deeds without being thanked before but never has he been called a hero before.

Both of them walked out while Doctor Whooves closed and locked the door behind him.

“You did well today Whooves, you did well today,” Doctor Whooves told himself.

Author's Note:



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