• Published 12th Aug 2015
  • 719 Views, 4 Comments

The Whoovius Project - Evil Twilight

One mind, can do so much, for so many lives.

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Chapter II: Whooves' Solution

“Wait, WHAT?!” Doctor Whooves said as he almost fell off the couch. After hearing the enter story about Twilight becoming a werewolf it almost made him faint from utter shock. He didn’t believe her at first, but when someone mentions that the princess are dreading from this will make Doctor Whooves believe.

“It’s, all true,” Fluttershy said continuing her sobs. Telling the story to him only made Fluttershy all the more sad being that it was a hurtful reminder that Luna had to kill her. Of course she pretty much had to but it was still painful for Fluttershy to bear all around.

Doctor Whooves got up from the couch and started to pace around the room. He believed everything that Fluttershy told him, but it was difficult for even him to bare. He had worked with Twilight closely when Derpy Hooves was mutilated in town square. She was such a good partner to work with and now that she’s gone is a burden to Doctor Whooves.

However, that’s when an idea stuck Doctor Whooves.

“Wait a second,” Doctor Whooves perked up his head and said. “THAT’S IT!” he said very enthusiastically.

Fluttershy looked up at him. “What are you talking about?”

“Didn’t you say you could communicate with Twilight’s spectre because you were one of the elements of harmony?” Doctor Whooves said feeling prouder than ever.

“Y-yes?” Fluttershy said very confused.

“Well, for the past several years I have been developing an experiment that could bring ponies that are completely dead back to life. The problem is, I could never find a power source strong enough. BUT! With the power of the elements of harmony, that could be the edge I need! Where’s Twilight’s body?” Whooves said looking at her and smiling.

“Princess Celestia had her guards take it recently. Her funeral is tomorrow I believer. However I can probably arrange a meeting for you and her if you like,” Fluttershy said wiping away the tears from her eyes.

“I would indeed like that Fluttershy, and I promise you will have your friend back,” Doctor Whooves told her. He wasn’t sure if this was going to work, but it was definitely worth a shot. Doctor Whooves had all the medicines he would need ready back at his laboratory. What he needed was a strong enough power source so he could first send neurological charges through her nervous system, and revive her heart.

“O-okay. But you have to promise me that you’ll bring her back,” Fluttershy said nervously.

Whooves gave a confident smile. “I promise Fluttershy. I can’t guarantee my experiment will work, but I can try. I’m very confident it will work. I have been developing this for years now.”

“Okay, are you ready to set out?” Fluttershy ask him as she walked towards her door.

“Yes I am Fluttershy,” Doctor Whooves said following closely behind her.

“Okay then, let’s go!” Fluttershy said smiling a little.

“Allons-y,” Whooves said walking out with her.

Both of them didn’t talk to each other at all while walking to the train stations to get a train to Canterlot. Fluttershy thought Whooves was crazy for all he was saying but she decided to give him a chance, if that meant getting her shortly known best-friend back. Whooves was running all the numbers in his head on what he was going to need to power up his device. He would need to extract all the power from the Elements of Harmony to fully power his device. This very well may render them useless, however it will bring Twilight back.

As they reached the train, not many ponies were on it, it seemed. Apparently word somehow got around about Twilight’s death and most ponies in Ponyville are sad about what has happened. Thankfully all they apparently know is that Twilight is dead, nopony knows how or why, just that she is dead.

The rain ride wasn’t too bad going up to Canterlot. Doctor Whooves was planning out what he was going to say to Princess Celestia during the train ride up. He knew she wasn’t going to follow through with his plan so it was going to take a lot of convincing to do what he needed to do. He was prepared for any argument or reason she was going to say to him. At least, he hoped.

After arriving in Ponyville, Fluttershy and Whooves rushed off the plan and towards the castle. They had no time to waste if they wanted to try to get Twilight’s body back to Whooves’ house to get revived.

Thankfully nopony stopped them on their run to get to the castle. There was also very little traffic as well. Thankfully Canterlot isn’t nearly as crowded as somewhere like Manehatten. Also no thugs got in the way as well, so Flutters and Whooves were having a good run so far.

After reaching the Castle entrance. Whooves walked up to the door, almost completely out of breath and knocked as loud as he could.

“Who goes there?” a castle guard spoke from the other side of the wall.

“Where here to see Celestia,” Fluttershy said back to the guard.

The guard open the door and saw Fluttershy and let her and Doctor Whooves in.

“Where’s Celestia?” Whooves asked anxious.

“She’s in her chambers. She’s writing her speech for Twilight’s funeral tomorrow,” the guard said looking rather sad at the thought that somepony so dear to Celestia was now gone.

“And where might that be? I don’t think neither of us have been in this castle before,” Whooves asked from behind Fluttershy. Flutters also nodded in agreement with Whooves.

“Just follow me, it’s actually not that far,” the royal guard said turning around and dashing up the stairs. There were multiple flats of stairs they had to go up to get to the Chamber of the Royal Pony Sisters. However there weren’t that many hallways thankfully.

After traveling up many flats of stairs, Fluttershy and Doctor Whooves finally made it to Celestia’s Chambers with the help of the royal guard.

“Princess Celestia? You have visitors. An Element of Harmony and accompanied by a friend,” the royal guard said knocking on the door.

“Send them both in,” Celestia said inside.

The royal guard open the door letting both Fluttershy and Whooves inside. Celestia was sitting at her desk continuing to write her speech. She was roughly half-way through it when Fluttesrhy and Doctor Whooves showed up.

“Hello Princess Celestia,” Doctor Whooves said only near feet from her.

“Oh hello, and hello Fluttershy, how may I assist you both today?” Celestia said getting up from her desk. The royal guard bowed and closed the door behind him, to give them some privacy.

“Okay Celestia, I have a proposal for you. I think I can bring Twilight back from the grave,” Doctor Whooves said cutting right to the chase.

Celestia looked at him like he was an idiot. “Go on,” Celestia said half-believing him.

“For the past several years, I have been developing a project you could say that may bring ponies back to life! I won’t go too much into detail on how it works, but I will give you the quick version. I inject multiple medicines into her body reviving her red and white blood cells, then the brain cells, as well as restoring any decaying organs. Then I manually get her blood working again via my machine, then I send multiple neural shocks that revive her brain and her heart!” Doctor Whooves said confidently.

“Wait, back up. Forgive my rudeness, but I have been around for a long time Mr. Whooves and bringing ponies back to life has never been possible. What makes you think you are the pony that you will make this kind of breakthrough?” Celestia said.

Doctor Whooves looked her right in the eye. “Because Princess Celestia, I am Doctor Whooves. I have seen stuff in my time that will never been unseen. My parents died right in front of me to protect me when I was a kid. Ever since then, I have dedicated my life to living up to my father’s dream, to becoming the best known scientist that this world has to offer.

“Throughout my life, ponies have told me to give up, stop trying, and let it go! But I never stopped, I kept going on. I kept moving forward with my inventions and never stopped at just one! I made more, more, and more! Now you’re probably thinking, this guy probably makes them up right on the stop without testing them. But you are wrong my fair princess.

“This project, the Whoovius Project, I have worked the better part of three years on. Hoof making all the medicine used in it. Getting herbs from the Everfree Forest and avoiding that creepy zebra that lives out there. And as for the machine I told you about, you don’t know what kind of pain, brain bogging, blood, and sweat I went through making it. Getting the right wires and hooking it up just right took about a year on its own. But I did it dang it, and I don’t doubt myself for a single SECOND that I did anything wrong developing this project.

“Now let me ask you one question Celestia, do you trust me?”

Celestia didn’t know how to react to Whooves’ speech. She couldn’t tell if he had planned that out in his head or made it all up right on the spot, either way, it was still impressive. She stood there for a couple of seconds and pondered her decisions, should she trust this Doctor who she couldn’t tell if he knew what he was doing or not.

“Yes, I do,” Celestia ultimately came to. “But you must not break my trust. I am trusting you to bring back somepony who I hold just as dearly to me, as my sister, and another pony who I lost some time again.” Celestia thought back on her former red and yellow student.

Whooves bowed before her. “I will not let you down my fair princess.” Whooves thought about what he was getting himself into. He basically promised the goddess of all ponies that he was going to do what most ponies thought was impossible: bring somepony back to life. He had worked on this project for too long now for it to fail, and he knew it wasn’t going to. Even if he had to put his own life on the line for this project he was going to do it. To prove, even the goddess of all ponies, that the impossible, was possible.

“Good,” Celestia said standing up. “I will have Twilight’s body sent to your home as soon as possible. Is there anything else you need Doctor?”

Whooves nodded and turned towards Fluttershy. “Fluttershy, if you would be so kind as to gather the other elements of harmony and bring them to my house that would be perfect. I want to get this underway as soon as possible.”

Fluttershy nodded. “Okay Mister Wh- sorry, Doctor Whooves.”

Doctor Whooves smiled and nodded at her. “Alrighty everypony, let’s move out!” Doctor Whooves said as he ran out of Celestia’s chambers while Fluttershy moved behind him.

Fluttershy could fly but Doctor Whooves needed to find the train that was soon departing to Ponyville. He was pondering just running back, but he was going to need all of his strength for what was going to happen next.

Author's Note:

Thank you all for your patient! Can't wait for the next Chapter.