• Published 12th Aug 2015
  • 719 Views, 4 Comments

The Whoovius Project - Evil Twilight

One mind, can do so much, for so many lives.

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Chapter I: The Truth

The Next Day…

Doctor Whooves was taking his usual morning stroll around Ponyville. He had hoped that he would run into Twilight today because he needed her help with an experiment he was doing. He eventually came up to her home and noticed the two guard ponies were gone.

He knocked on her door a couple of times to see if he could get an answer from within.

“Twilight, are you home?” he said as he knocked. No answer came from within and he got confused.

“Hmm that’s odd,” Doctor Whooves said out loud. “Could it be out of town? Possibility.”

Shrugging it off and walking along, he noticed that everypony was just going about their day normal like nothing was wrong.

“I haven’t seen Twilight for over twenty-four hours though,” Doctor Whooves thought to himself. “Maybe I should go see one of her friends?”

Whooves tried to remember one of her friends’ that he could talk to.

“That’s it!” he said out loud. “Fluttershy, I think her name was.”

He was right in front of Ponyville town hall so he could easy look around for her from his current position.

After scanning around for several minutes, he could not find her. However an orange earth pony walked right past Whooves as he was about to give up his search.

“Excuse me miss?” Whooves said walking up to her. “Might you please point me in the direction of Fluttershy?”

The orange mare perked up her head. “Sure I guess, she’s right down that forest pathway. You can’t miss her cottage.”

“Thank you!” Doctor Whooves said. “You look rather said by the way, might I ask what’s wrong?”

“Sorry mister,” Applejack said rubbing away some of the tears drying up in her eyes. “One of mah friends died and it’s just a heavy burden on myself and a couple of mah other friends. Yern know?”

Whooves felt bad. “Why I’m so sorry miss. I’m sure everything will be fine. Would you like to talk about it maybe?”

“Yern know Fluttershy, the one yern’s looking fo’?”

“Yes, is she also one of the other friends that is currently upset over this loss?” Whooves said looking really upset as well.

“Yeah, talk to her about it, I really don’t want to talk about it if that’s okay,” Applejack said as her head hung downwards.

“Okay, if you say so. But if you need to talk to somepony about anything. I don’t live too far from here. I actually live a couple of blocks down from Twilight’s house. If you need me, just come find me okay?”

“Thank you kindly Mister Whooves,” Applejack said looking up at him. “I might actually need that.”

Doctor Whooves bowed and walked off towards Fluttershy’s cottage. He didn’t know what to expect when he went to go visit Fluttershy. He had saw her walking through the park yesterday looking around weirdly, but that’s all that he had saw of her.

After walking through the tiny forest that separated her cottage and Ponyville, Whooves finally reached Fluttershy’s Cottage. He was prepared to endure whatever emotional outburst that Fluttershy was about to have when he walked in. He had handled ponies with awful attitudes pretty much all of his life, that’s why he’s considered ‘The Problem Solver’ in Ponyville.

He walked up to the door of her cottage and stopped ice cold. He really didn’t know how to approach her. She knew she was rather sensitive to things, and if she lost a loved one then she must be going through a really hard time at this moment.

Doctor Whooves ran numbers through his head on what he should do and how to approach Fluttershy. He ultimately came up with trying to be as detailed as possible to her. Try not to cut to the chase too fast, just try to be slow and steady with her.

He walked up to her cottage and knocked on the door a couple of times, there was no answer. He reached up his hoof to try and knock on the door again, but he refrained.

“Maybe she’s not in the mood to talk. I’ll try again maybe tomorrow,” Doctor Whooves thought to himself as he turned around to head back to his house. Just as he was about to walk into the forest, the door opens behind him.

Doctor Whooves walks back to see a really small bunny with a bored expression on his face. He starts to tap his paw on the floor as a rapid tempo to see what he wanted.

“Sorry to bother you, I’m here to see Fluttershy. I understand she’s having a hard time and I’m here to help her. Also to ask her a couple of question like the whereabouts of my dearest friend Twilight Sparkle,” Whooves said scratching the back of his neck.

After hearing the name Twilight Sparkle, the bunny in front of him began to break down into sobs. Whooves got worried about this and stepped back and was ready to just head back to his house.

However as soon as he turned around to head back, Fluttershy appeared in the doorway!

“H-hello?” Fluttershy said through pitiful sobs. “Who a-are you?” she could barely get out any words to him.

“Hello Fluttershy,” Doctor Whooves said feeling slightly bad. “Um, maybe this isn’t such a good time maybe I can come back tomorrow?”

Fluttershy shook her head. “No, no, it’s fine. Please, come on in.” Fluttershy gestured for Doctor Whooves to come in and make himself a home.

Doctor Whooves walked in and observed all the animals around him as they all looked sad and sorrowful. Obviously they were just as upset about whatever Fluttershy was just as much as she was.

This made Doctor Whooves much more determined to help solve this problem that Fluttershy was having. If Applejack was also having this problem then maybe if he was able to get whatever info he needed out of Fluttershy he probably would be able to solve her problem as well.

“So Fluttershy,” Doctor Whooves started off taking a seat on her couch next to the window.

“Why don’t you tell me about your problem rather than directly tell me. To make it a bit easier on you.”

“Thank you, I will,” Fluttershy said sitting on the couch to the left of him. “Well, one of my friends yesterday night. And while I hadn’t known her for very long, she was one of the best friends I could ever ask for. She was willing to help me with my shyness problem and make me get out more. I just wish I could have known her longer.”

“I see,” Whooves said getting comfortable. “Would you like to tell me some of the other ponies this is affecting besides you?”

“Well,” she took a deep breath in. “It’s affecting four other ponies besides me.”

“Isn’t a mare named Applejack one of them?” Whooves interrupted.

“Yeah her too. As well as another earth pony, Pinkie Pie is her name. A pegasus named Rainbow Dash,” Fluttershy started off.

“Ah I remember seeing Rainbow Dash that one time when Derpy was murdered,” Doctor Whooves said interrupting her again.

“Yeah I know. And a unicorn named Rarity,” Fluttershy finally finished wiping away the tears from her face. “Even Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are very upset about this. In fact they think it’s all their fault.”

Doctor Whooves raised an eyebrow. “Oh really?” he said perking up his head. “Would you like to tell me who’s murdered now?”

Fluttershy took a couple of deep breaths as she tried to gather herself together for what she was about to tell him. Nopony knew about Twilight’s death besides her friends, the princesses, and Twilight’s family. But Doctor Whooves worked with Twilight so it’s only fair if he knows too.

“It was, it was…” Fluttershy wiped away another tear. “Twilight.”

Doctor Whooves almost fell off of his chair. “What?! This, this can’t be! She was such a nice pony to work with. I’m so sorry by the way but, but, what happened?”

“You best get comfortable because, this is going to take a while,” Fluttershy said cuddling her bunny.