• Published 8th Jun 2015
  • 649 Views, 70 Comments

Legacy of Illumination - Metool Bard

An interactive memoir written by the founder of the Wonderbolts.

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Princesses, Silliness, and Clarification

If there was no need for the EUP before Nightmare Moon, what changed afterwards for it to be absolutely necessary?

Well, that's easy. The power struggle between Princess Celestia and Nightmare Moon did not go unnoticed by other nations. And the thing about power struggles like this is that they tend to portray nations as weak and vulnerable. For conquerers, this is practically an open invitation to march in and take over. Princess Celestia didn't want that to happen, especially since that battle with Nightmare Moon took a lot out of her. That's why the EUP was so crucial. We provided defense during a time when we didn't look that strong.

Since that time, the EUP is recognized as Equestria's standing army. I can't say with full certainty if it's the best in the world, but it gets the job done.

What was your most embarrassing moment growing up?

Yeah, I've had my fair share of embarrassing moments. I've even talked about a few with you. Like when I blew up at Thistle Whistle during Captain Monsoon's briefing? That was a big one.

But I think my most embarrassing moment has to be from the Wonderbolts' first Chuckle-Lot. I don't think I'll ever live that one down.

See, after Nightmare Moon was banished, Princess Celestia wanted to show ponies that she didn't consider herself to be above them. So she started an annual banquet called Chuckle-Lot. It's basically just her goofing around and having fun with her subjects. And one night, the Wonderbolts were asked to assist her.

Now, I didn't really want to do this. I may have a sense of humor, but I'm no comedian. Most of the squadron weren't comedians, either. Unless you counted Wind Cutter's dark humor, but that kinda undermines what Chuckle-Lot is all about. In the end, though, we couldn't refuse the Princess.

So, we showed up for Chuckle-Lot as requested. By this point, the Wonderbolts had started to get a lot of recognition in Equestria, so we definitely made some heads turn. We marched out on stage, and Princess Celestia introduced us. There was an applause, and I started to feel a bit more relaxed. Maybe we'd just stand up here and riff on the Princess a little. That would've been kinda fun.

I was dead wrong.

Princess Celestia offered me this medal in honor of my service. Already, warning bells were going off in my head. I usually remember what I did to earn my medals. This one was just kinda foisted upon me out of the blue. But again, can't refuse the Princess.

It turns out the medal was a modified squirting flower. You know, that trick corsage thing that squirts water on the poor sap who goes up to sniff it? Well, I was the poor sap.

Now, why do I consider this to be my most embarrassing moment when I've arguably been in situations that were far more embarrassing? After all, I knew Chuckle-Lot was supposed to be all about not taking stuff too seriously. I shouldn't have felt embarrassed at all. Well, here's the problem. I think you might've guessed this already, but I have a bit of a temper problem. I don't like it when ponies assault or insult me, even as a joke. It's because of this that I gained a reputation for not having a sense of humor. Again, I do. I can take a joke. But things like what Princess Celestia pulled kinda set me off.

I exploded at the Princess, saying a lot of things that I wouldn't have said otherwise. Things that probably should've gotten me banished to the moon along with Nightmare Moon. But, as you're probably aware, it didn't. In fact, Princess Celestia wasn't fazed at all. Nopony was. Instead of laughing with me for being pranked, they laughed at me for taking it too seriously. And let me tell you; that stings a lot more. I don't think I've ever been that ashamed at myself before or since.

Thankfully, my outburst wasn't enough to ruin the night, and I even had some fun having a cream pie war with my squadron. Nevertheless, I'll always remember that little lesson in humility. I can't let my temper prevent me from enjoying life.

Actually, you should consider yourself lucky, Mr. Book. I don't think I would've been able to put up with your nonsense questions back in the day.

Can you tell me how to get to Sesame Street?

Speaking of nonsense questions...

Mr. Book, I don't even know what that place is, let alone how to get there. Even if I did, how were you planning on getting there, anyway? You're a flipping book.

If you could only keep five of your possessions, what would they be?


I'm afraid you've lost me here, Mr. Book. I already have everything I need to live comfortably. Why would I only need to pick five to keep? Five possessions to take onto a desert island? Five possessions that I could keep with me after I died? I'm sorry, you have to be more specific.

Also, have you ever seen the skeleton of a Terror bird?

Nope. I don't even know what that is. Although given your track record, I believe it's safe to assume that it can't fly.