• Published 8th Jun 2015
  • 651 Views, 70 Comments

Legacy of Illumination - Metool Bard

An interactive memoir written by the founder of the Wonderbolts.

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Moments, Buffalo, and Cake

Do you have any regrets in life?

Sure, who doesn't? Most of my regrets can simply be boiled down to me losing my temper when I shouldn't have, such as the whole Chuckle-Lot debacle. But my biggest regret will always be what happened to Songbird. I know, I know. It's not really my fault that she did what she did. Even so, I still feel like I could've done more to help her, y'know?

What is the most amazing thing you've ever seen a pony do?

That would be Nimbus beating me in a race after he claimed that he was the fastest pony alive when he first joined the EUP. I thought he was just boasting, so I challenged him to a little race around Cloudsdale just to take him down a peg. He quickly proved me wrong, and I do mean quickly. Honestly, I've never seen a pegasus who could come close to matching Nimbus's top speed in my entire lifetime. I guess it's true what they say. It's not really bragging if you can back it up.

Have you ever encountered buffalo? Where exactly do they roam?

Sure, I've seen buffalo before. They mainly roam out in the Mild West; pretty far away from most pony cities. I've never spoken to one personally, since they mainly keep to themselves. But whenever Cloudsdale is in the area, I do get a certain joy out of watching them dash across the desert plains. Seriously, those guys can run as fast as the Wonderbolts can fly. That is something to be admired.

Why does he ask you how?

Who, the buffalo? No idea. Mainly because no buffalo has ever asked me anything. Again, I haven't taken the time to speak to one in person. They don't seem like the talkative type, anyway.

Could Celestia make a cake so big even she could not eat it?

I don't know; I'm not her. I don't even know why Princess Celestia would want to do that in the first place.