• Published 8th Jun 2015
  • 649 Views, 70 Comments

Legacy of Illumination - Metool Bard

An interactive memoir written by the founder of the Wonderbolts.

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Easyglider, Medley, and Wooing

Congratulations on becoming a grandmother again soon. Is Easyglider excited to get a sibling? What is he hoping for?

What are you doing with Easyglider now?

First of all, if anypony needs congratulations, it's my son Snapdragon. I honestly couldn't be more proud of him.

As for Easyglider, well, he's pretty excited to be a big brother. In fact, that's all he's been talking about since he got here. I don't think he cares whether he gets a brother or a sister, though. He says he just wants to teach them how to fly.

He's out back right now, practicing his maneuvers. He's really been getting into stunt flying lately, and I gotta say, he's pretty damn good. It always made me feel nostalgic, just watching him go. Truth be told, I see a lot of myself in him. He really does have a Wonderbolt's spirit, that Easyglider. He's got the talent, the enthusiasm, and the heart to stand with the best flyers in Equestria. Like I said before, I believe he's going to accomplish many great things when he grows up.

Actually, you know what? I think I'll go join him after I'm done answering your questions here. After all, I can't have the little rascal showing me up, now can I? Don't worry, I'll be careful. I've played with Easyglider like this before, and trust me, I know my limits.

What about Medley? Did she ever get married and have children and grandchildren?

Nah, not really. Medley has always been more of a free spirit kind of pony. She's gone on a lot of dates throughout her life, but she just never liked the idea of settling down. Sure, early on, she'd keep making excuses about not finding the "right one" and whatnot. Personally, I think she was just using that as an excuse to justify constantly trying to set me up with a special somepony when I came of age. I never understood why Medley thought I had to get married yet she didn't. I mean, sure, I'm married now, but Medley played no part in that little romance.

That's not to say she isn't good with kids, though. Medley has always had a fondness for children. She's certainly sang at enough birthday parties to know how fun they can be. That's why I trusted her with Snapdragon so much. However, she kinda winces at the idea of childbirth. I remember when I was giving birth to Snapdragon, she fainted no less than three times throughout the entire night. Why she insisted on staying in the room with me when the procedure clearly made her squeamish, I'll never know for sure. My best guess is that it's just a testament to how much she really cares about me.

What would be the best way to woo a mare?


You'd better not be coming onto me, Mr. Book. Otherwise, I'm going to feed you to one of Dragonfly's dragon friends. I mean, why else would you want to know that? It's not like you can put it into practice or anything. After all, you're a flipping book.

Anyway, I think the best thing to do when courting a mare is to just be yourself. That's what Dragonfly did, and he managed to win my heart without too much trouble. Granted, it was by accident, but that's leagues better than trying too hard. On the other hoof, I can't say I know any mares who would be into a magic talking book that's obsessed with flightless birds. Guess you're on your own on that one, Mr. Book.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a grandson to spend quality time with. We'll talk again later.


Nope, it still feels weird to say that to you. I really thought I would've gotten used to it by now. Oh well.