• Published 8th Jun 2015
  • 649 Views, 70 Comments

Legacy of Illumination - Metool Bard

An interactive memoir written by the founder of the Wonderbolts.

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Protégés, Fear, and Nonsense

Out of all the cadets you've helped train, was there one whose life and career you were more invested in advancing than you would normally and took them under your wing? You know, like a protege?

Normally, I'd say no. It kinda defeats the purpose of a team if you focus on making an individual pony your personal protégé. However there is one pony I ended up taking under my wing, but it's not because he was the star of his class or anything like that. Oh, he was a good flyer and all. Still is, actually. But there was one aspect of the Wonderbolts that he just didn't quite seem to grasp.

His name is Purple Dart. Right now, he's a full-fledged member of the team, and Admiral Fairweather tells me he might be taking over as CO someday. But he never would've gotten to that point without my guiding light, and he knows it. His story is something that a lot of ponies aiming to become Wonderbolts should learn from, even if it might be a tad embarrassing to him.


I won't mince words here, Mr. Book. When Purple Dart first came to the Academy, he was an egotistical prick. He was very eager to show everypony that he belonged on the team with the best of the best, and luckily for him, he had the skills to prove it. He was setting academy records left and right with his breakneck speeds, and he always kept pushing his limits. But there was one big problem. He didn't have much respect for his fellow peers. If you couldn't match his skill, you weren't worth his time.

During team building exercises, Purple Dart would often leave his comrades in the dust while he did everything by himself. Some cadets even seriously injured themselves trying to keep up with him. When the time came to assign him a wingpony, I couldn't think of anypony who'd want to work with the guy. Thus, I decided to take matters into my own hooves.

I called Purple Dart to my office for a private intervention, and he did not take it well. He was under the delusion that being a Wonderbolt meant being the best, and if others couldn't keep up, it was their own damn fault. I warned him that if he kept this attitude up, he would not last long in the Wonderbolts. He simply scoffed at me, saying that I'd be stupid to kick out a talented flyer like him. Big mistake on his part.

"You think you're the first hotshot dock-hole to say that to me?" I snapped. "Get this through your skull, Purple Dart. The Wonderbolts are a team. If you're not a team player, you're not welcome here."

"How can I be a team player when I'm so much better than everypony else?" Purple Dart countered. "I can't just lower myself to their level. Then I wouldn't be living up to my full potential."

Now, I could've done a few things at this point. I could've told him how I nearly died in the battle against Scylla. I could've told him about Monsoon's foolhardy charge against Typhon. But a pony like him would not listen to mere words. I had to show him how destructive his attitude was. Fortunately, I knew just how to do that.

I dismissed Purple Dart for the time being, telling him to remember what I told him. Once he was gone, I sent word to our vapor cannon technicians with new orders for the next drill.


A few minutes later, all the cadets were lined up on the tarmac awaiting instructions. It was a simple matter of finding flags scattered throughout the trenches below; a standard drill that the cadets have gone through before. However, there were two major differences. First, Purple Dart was allowed to fly solo. Second, I arranged for vapor cannon batteries to be hidden deep within the trenches, protecting each of the flags. The goal of the exercise was to find as many flags as possible without getting hit.

The drill proceeded just as I expected. Most of the cadets had very little trouble dealing with these new stipulations. They worked in tandem with one another, expertly dodging the vapor cannons while scooping up the flags. Purple Dart, however, wasn't so lucky. He was so focused on brazenly charging in that he got hit every single time. And boy, did he feel it. While vapor cannons are considered to be a safer alternative to thunderbolts as far as training is concerned, that doesn't mean they don't hurt. Those superheated clouds they expel can really cause nasty scalds if you're not careful.

When the drill was over, I escorted Purple Dart to the infirmary personally. He was pretty upset that he failed, saying that he'd try better next time. But then, I showed him that the rest of his cadets were pretty much fine. Naturally, this took him by complete surprise. The peers that he lorded over performed better than him, all because they worked together and listened to each other. It was then that Purple Dart realized the error of his ways, but he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to be a Wonderbolt now because of his rotten attitude.

"Don't you worry about that," I assured him. "If you're willing to learn, I'm willing to teach. After all, I was in your horseshoes once."

From that day onward, I worked with him on a more intimate level, not because he was a great flyer, but to teach him the value of teamwork just like Thistle Whistle taught me way back when. It took some practice and a lot of patience, but he eventually understood the concept. Now, he knows that being a team player and living up to your potential are not mutually exclusive. In fact, restraining yourself is just as noble as pushing yourself.

What do you fear most?

Hurting ponies unintentionally. My special talent is guiding ponies through the rough patches of life. It's one thing when I fail to do that for whatever reason. As awesome as I am, I'm not perfect. I'm a big enough pony to admit that. But when my light leads somepony to their doom, well, that's something I dread about all else. And it was Songbird's death that made me realize this fear, even if her death wasn't really my fault.

Thankfully, nothing like that ever happened to me again. However, it certainly didn't stop the nightmares from haunting my dreams for a time. I never missed Princess Luna more than during those terrible nights.

Also, If you could fight against any flightless bird, what would you choose?

Doesn't matter what kind of flightless bird it is. If it's a threat to Equestria, I'll take it on. At least, that's what I'd say if I wasn't old and retired. You seem to keep forgetting that, Mr. Book.

Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?!

I don't know who that is.

Tell me about Mane! Why does she wear the mask?!

I don't know who that is.

Why would you shoot a mare before throwing her out of a blimp? Or airship. Whatever.

Why would I be throwing a mare out of an airship in the first place?

If I pull that off, will you die?

Pull what off?

Well congratulations, you got yourself caught! Now what's the next part of your master plan?
Have we started the fire?


Just when I thought you couldn't get any crazier. Is there no limit to your insanity, Mr. Book? Wait, don't answer that, actually. I really don't want to know.