• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 845 Views, 12 Comments

Changeling Army Secret Forces Logs: Dillon Mane - Obedience

In these log entries is the life of a pony spy working for the Changelings.

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Changeling Army Secret Forces logs

October 21 2010 (morning)

Ouch. I just saw a Dalek evaporate a tree. I hope that wasn't Fluttershy.

The Dalek seemed to be easy to impersonate. All I have to do is shout "EXTERMINATE!" and I'll join the herd.

I flushed the Dalek out of its shell with a really super high voltage stun gun from the future. That Dalek armour sure is tough stuff. But it seems the stun gun the Doctor gave me was even tougher! Dalek amour is strong, but it could withstand good ol' future pony engineering!

And so, I tranquilized the exposed Dalek. Yeah, I found one more dart in my pocket. The Dalek looked just like a cross between chewing gum and a squid. Eww. It may have looked harmless, but that thing just obliterated a tree from existance! You can never be too safe. Alright, all that's left is to get into this freaking ugly piece of scrap metal. Oooh! I see the rest of the Daleks! I'll continue writing later.

-Report by: Agent Dillon Mane

October 21 2010 (around noon)

The ponies have already started Winter Wrap Up. The Daleks are mobilising. Fortunately, the ponies have shove snow from the rooftops on the ground. And I lolled at the Daleks' reaction to this. "Well, this certainly buggers our plan to conquer Equestria." they said. The this guy starts saying "Real Daleks don't climb stairs. They level the building. Real Daleks don't move on snow. They fly over it. Seriously guys. What's wrong with you?"

ELEVATE! It seems the Dalek shell responds to voice commands. Just say "ELEVATE" and you hover. Say "EXTERMINATE!" and BOOM! Freaking lasers.

Most ponies are in the town outskirts doing... wrapping up winter. Back in Changeling country, winter wraps up on its own. But here, everypony is like "One does not simply let the sun do it." I mean, seriously, what the hay? There's a reason why the sun is a big fireball in space. Or maybe in this timeline, Celestia is really lazy. That must be it. Too lazy to wrap up winter with solar power. Where am I? I want to go home!

The Daleks are moving fast. Faster than expected, considering the ridiculous metal shells. How am I supposed to stop so many Daleks? There's like, 7 of them! I can't "EXTERMINATE" or stun gun them without being exterminated. Need a plan. Why am I still writing this?

-Report by: Agent Dillon Mane
--End of Log 9--

Author's Note: I have no idea what I'm writing. I've never watched Doctor Who. To all Whovians reading this. Please don't eat me. :(