• Published 26th May 2015
  • 2,105 Views, 125 Comments

Memories - TheCamel

Thunderlane reminisces about days gone by... days spent with a certain younger pegasus who couldn't fly...

Comments ( 66 )

Thanks to you, Thunderlane is a flagrant dickwad in my headcanon universes. Ah well, your stories are great.

Oh, dang it, Dash! Deleting those things off that phone was the worst thing that you could have possibly done! Delusional or not, those things could've helped the authorities nab that filth Thunderlane! Now they won't be able to! Good grief, girl! Could you have made things any worse?!

And she's in the first stage of grief: Denial. She can't accept that Scoots is gone, and won't ever come back.

I feel so sorry for her.

And then he broke her too....

And once again, it seems Thunderlane has escaped without any consequences whatsoever for his actions. Well, add two more to the list...

I have to say that this ending has been disappointing to say the least. Thunderlane left a small mountain of evidence behind that lead right to him, but he did not get caught? I have to call bullshit on that one.

6064430 Well, now it's up to us i guess.


Good news for you, then... KrisProwler 'convinced' me to write a second 'prequel' to this story to further explore another aspect left untouched so far...

...but yeah, Thunderlane kinda isn't involved at all in it.

Sooooo... yeah, he gets away with it.


6065400 He got away again:ajbemused:


...that's kinda his whole schtick.

Why would you want him to get caught, anyway?

6065409 Justice and punishment:twilightangry2:

6065409 :flutterrage:THAT'S IT! I'M DONE!!!:flutterrage:

6065222 Yep.

One thing that I thought of last night after I read the last chapter, though: Rainbow thinks that Scoots will get in touch with her, call her, but she's the one who has Scoot's phone! So, barring the fact that Scoots is dead, how the heck, even if she was still alive, would she be able to call Dash, if she has Scoots' phone?!

I think that that shows just how much in denial Rainbow is at this particular point.

6065804 How did she even get her hands on said phone to begin with?

6065822 Well, I think that the chapter stated that she somehow also has possession of Scootaloo's purse, and that the phone was in it, so that's probably how.

But I don't really know.

6065976 One should not steal from a crime scene.

6065980 True.

But I don't know if she stole it, per se, or if it was already in her possession, or what.

6066132 It would make sense for Scoots to have it on her own person, seeing how it is hers after all.


He's like 9 and 3 now in so far as completely escaping punishment.

6066134 True.

6066140 My guess on his getting away with all this is that he's kinda like Equestria's version of John Gotti, AKA "The Teflon Don".

6066159 But we are going to make sure he gets a very unpleasant surprise, aren't we >:)


Scootaloo left her possessions in Rainbow's room after she got back that night; it's not much of a stretch to assume that she didn't bring any of them with her when she jumped because... yeah...

6066172 Yep, we are.

Even if the author doesn't.:rainbowdetermined2:

6066351 Yeah, you're right. I'd forgotten that bit.

And no, it's not.

Still, Dash shouldn't have deleted all that stuff just in case, once she got her head back on straight, and wanted to find out why Thunderlane's number was in her contacts.

6066430 So, do you have the rope? I have the chloroform and the "Joking Belladonna".

6066445 Yup.

So when should we meet, and do this?

Be warned, I may have to jump offline for bit in a little bit. My sis and bro-in-law will be home from their trip soon, and I figure that we'll go out to eat, as Steve will likely be too tired to cook supper later. So if I disappear, that's what's going on.

Just thought I'd let you know that.

6066507 No problem, i have to go to bed soon so i can get to work tomorrow (i live in sweden). So i guess we can try tomorrow.

6066513 Okay, that works for me.

Sleep well then, my friend, and I'll see you tomorrow sometime.

6066716 Thank you, but i have come to realize something. I assume that you live in the unites states (please correct me if i am wrong) and that means that we both live in very different time zones. And since i work full time, that mean that about 9 1/2 hours of my day get eaten up just like that. So i think it will be easier for both of us if we wait until the weekend.

6067765 You're very welcome.

And you assume correctly, actually, so there's no need for any correction. I live in Missouri.


And yes, it will, and that works fine for me. So I'll see you this weekend and we can plot Thunderlane's long-overdue punishment and painful demise then.

Looking forward to Saturday!

Til then, don't work too hard, okay?

6070800 Alright, you have a nice week now. And don't worry, i have some special little things in store for little unfortunate Thunderlane >:)

6071039 Thanks, I will.

Oooooo, that sounds interesting! I'll see this weekend then!

6071162 Good, i'll see you then.


Get a room, you two. :rainbowlaugh:

6071989 Maybe after Thuderlane lies dead at my hooves.


Heh, this story has spawned the weirdest comment board...

6073484 Trust me, it's gonna get weirder (and naughtier to).

6071162 Would you please respond to the PM i sent you?

6071989 Already got one.

Sorry 'bout that. Your stories have really fueled some deep emotionsin us both here.

Because honestly, where Thunderlane has always been concerned (the one on the show, anyway), I've always been pretty ambivalent toward him (kinda like I was toward Karai in the 2003 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon series).

After she was first introduced, I really didn't care one way or the other about her, other than she was sometimes pretty irritating about how wishy-washy that she could be sometimes.

Then came the season after the Utrom Shredder was defeated and exiled to some icy rock in deep space by the Utrom Justice Council (in "Exodus, Part 2", the Season 3 Season Finale). Karai disappeared from the show until sometime later in Season 4 (in the "Scion of the Shredder" episode, in fact). And when she came back, she was a revenge-obsessed bitch who blamed the Turtles, as well as the Utroms (who were just bringing a criminal of their own race...as was their right to do ... to a long-overdue justice (Hence the exile on that ice asteriod)). A bitch that I grew to hate with a passion, and still do.

(The one in the 2012 TMNT series I haven't watched enough to form a real opinion of yet.)

But yeah. Due to the original story, I now hate Thunderlane with a fiery passion.

Hence mine and Robinebra's l'il plotting sessions.

Don't worry, though; we're taking those to PMs.

Again, sorry 'bout getting carried away there, TC. Won't happen again. Promise.

6081418 Sorry, been really busy the last little while.

I will soon, though.

6081700 Good, we have things to discuss.


Aww, but I enjoy seeing you two plot together (and how to help TL avoid any traps...)

But in all seriousness, being able to ruin TL's image for you like that is a great sign for me... it proves that my quality of writing is still on par with my levels of quality control. It's one thing to simply brand a pony a rapist; it's another to create a cult following who despises him. Sort of like how I was able to make so many people despise Rarity in 'Broken Hearts and Diamonds'.



True, but the world isn't always fair... :pinkiecrazy:

6081715 Yep, we do.:raritywink:

If I can keep things in my offline life from throwing big monkey-wrenches in my way, that is. That's all it seems to want to do to me lately, it seems.:facehoof:

6083596 Heh, well, I'm glad that you do.

But please don't help the prey, okay? That wouldn't be fun for us when we get ready to dish out his just..."desserts"...shall we say.

Well, you certainly did that, alright! I will never look at TL the same way ever again.

Not even the one in JB von Herb's Mare-Do-Well: Regeneration and Storm Cloud stories.

And that, my friend, is quite the accomplishment, as far as I am concerned.:ajsmug:

So heartiest congratulations.:ajsmug::twilightsmile:

6085340 Good, but let's keep it to PM's.

6085343 Cool, and we will.

Right now, though, I'm just trying to get caught up with my Comments and PMs 'n' such.

(And Celestia's and Luna's Mercy, don't even get me started on my e-mail messages!:pinkiesick:)

I'll hollar at ya in a bit when I do. Okay?

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