• Published 24th May 2015
  • 367 Views, 5 Comments

Survivors - SoulDragonWithFlow

A new story following the journey of two ponies trying to survive after the end of the world

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Chapter 1

Leaning on a tree, Thalia attempted to catch her breath. She was grateful for the support, allowing her a moment to think past the panic and her deafening heartbeat. Food rations at her previous dwelling had caused her to lose weight, making her appear leaner, but she was not, in any aspect, muscular. All the weight loss had done to her so far was make her colder, more lethargic, and generally weak, which is what caused her to break from her prior, swift sprint. Thalia was already naturally puny, but she thought that if she hadn’t been eating at the rate she had been, she could have run longer. On top of puniness, Thalia was also a coward at heart. Absolutely zero attempts were made to help the new ponies she met in the quarantine zone when the fog arrived. An apologetic glance teeming with sympathy was the only aid they received from the panicked young mare. She instantly regretted it, but self-survival fuelled her flight instinct into overdrive. An impulse she currently possessed a love-hate opinion for. Regret was a great thing. She absolutely regretted only bringing a single, small, but sharp knife with her. How she neglected to snatch up useful items on her way out was beyond her, even as she thought of it. Gas masks, more clothes, or ANYTHING would have been useful. Now in a forest, Thalia knew nothing that could save her now, if a need to was required at any given time. She was, not that she wasn’t before the fog came and drove her away, out of her element. Imagination, a gift and a curse. Thalia’s panicked mind, “spooked” as it was, caused her to hear things. She could have sworn a twig snapped somewhere within her vicinity. A snarl too, a nightmarish noise she had not heard often, but well-known. She yipped in surprise, before jumping back into motion. Her general clumsiness that plagued her everyday life (caused by general anxiety to begin with) hindered her further. Thalia tried to be smart. Hazardous stones that had befallen on her personal path were avoided, and she even managed to step over twigs. But soon, all the stones, branches, and leaves that crackled with impact became too much. Overwhelmed, her lanky legs tripped over themselves.

In any other case, the pathetic, pitiful mess of a mare would have felt embarrassed. But because of her current situation, and lack of company, she was able to get past the fact that she somersaulted down a hill, miraculously avoiding hitting jagged, harmful objects on her brief journey downward.
“Guaaah!” she exclaimed, annoyed and frightened, and still running on meagre rations and adrenaline. A mudslide caused by the previous night’s storm had been the unlucky mare‘s new destination. The sky was still dark and dull, but not a single droplet of rain fell. She grunted with immense effort as she tried to climb out of the natural trap. The mud was slick, so when she tried to make a step, she slipped and fell. Or, the mud was sticky, and kept her in place, gradually sinking. Finally remembering her magic, Thalia had an idea. Through much strain, she was able to pull from one of the nearby, low hanging trees’ branches in her favour. She latched onto the limb, before letting her magic die down. The heavy lump of bark slowly eased back into its position, pulling the underweight mare closer to steady ground. Once she crawled out of that mess, she sighed heavily with exhaustion. She was glad to be away from the murderous monster of a fog, but now she was alone. Thalia knew quite well she could not survive very long alone, without supplied, in the middle of the woods. If the dead didn’t get her, eventually nature would. She kicked her hind legs, slinging the loose mud from her fur as she walked forward. She was currently trying to inch further away from the danger behind her. Thalia coughed, dislodging soil that had seeped into her mouth. Just. A. few. More. Steps. The mare motivated herself with that thought for a mere thirty seconds, before finally stepping into a new nightmare. A trap. Her right, hind leg had slung itself into somebody’s trap. With a cry of major surprise, she watched the world flip and become upside down. Once again panicked, she forgot her magic and flailed weakly, kicking soil from her hooves about and releasing the occasional distressed cry.
“Oi Lads!” A deep male voice came from the undergrowth. “I got a live one ‘here!” An extremely dirty and rugged looking Earth-Pony appeared menacingly from the trees. Another dirty, muddy pony, a blue Pegasus, dropped down from the trees. The winged pony smirked as Thalia flailed and kicked wildly.
“Oh, she’s a lively one, ‘aint she?” He smirked as he poked her with a stick. “What’d you reckon we should do with her?” Several more Earth-Ponies and Unicorns appeared seemingly out of nowhere.
“We kill her now!” One shouted.
“We tie her up as bait and lure the Reds away!” Added another.
“Shut it you lot!!” Piped up the first Earth-Pony. “You!” He pointed to a dark red Earth-Pony. “When’s the last time you saw a Red-Eye?”
“Uhh… Last night.” He replied. “They didn’t get past the outer circle.” The first male grinned as he looked over his catch.
“Ya hear that, little filly?” He asked her deviously, a plan clearly brewing in his eyes. She attempted to sway away from their pokes and prods, but like everything else, failed. "It's ya lucky day! We don't need you for the Reds!" Thalia’s green eyes watered as dread overcame her, as she contemplated what could be worse than being fed to the dead. When the apparent leader asked her a question, she simply stared at him, tears falling past her eyebrows.
“Y’know… We can use her for a lot more things than just bait,” one of the unicorns grumbled.
“Hmmmm…” The Earth-Pony grunted hungrily, before walking up and taking a deep, long sniff of her neck, inhaling her scent. “My thoughts exactly…” He then bit down on her neck. The message was clear; ‘You. Are. Mine.’ He then spoke up, addressing the crew loudly. “What‘d ya reckon then lads? Be a shame to waste such a rare gem, wouldn’t it?” Thalia winced noticeably from the leader‘s message, making some of the ponies chuckle amusedly. Most nodded, growled or stamped their approval. The silent ones approved and eyed their catch with obvious desire. Though her throat was now dry, the young mare attempted to defend herself vocally, since she could not find a way to run.
“Y-Y’know… I-I’m really not…” was all she managed. It was scarcely heard. “Just tie her up already! It’s getting dark,” another one of the earth ponies urged. The first pony spoke again, this time angry.
“YOU! Do NOT tell me what to do with my catch!” He produced a blade and put it to the Unicorn’s throat. “She MY catch! I get first dibs on her! Don’t yo-” He was cut off as the small knife was shot from its place, strapped to his hoof. “FUCK!” He cursed, as his hoof stung from the shock.
Another yelp, this time from a Unicorn was heard as he was shot too in the flank. The crew’s members looked over to see a short, stiff arrow sticking firmly in his rear.
“Aww… What a shame. You fellas never did like the idea of sharing, did you?” A dark-pelted Unicorn wearing a black cloak, carrying several large bags on his back and sporting a pair of thick, black goggles appeared out from the trees. A crossbow hovered in his magical gasp, and although his muzzle was covered, the tone in his voice was no less clear.
“Begone Rogue!” Shouted one of the Earth-Ponies. “This ‘here ain’t none of your business!”
“Why don’t you just go find some nice quiet place to go fuck yourself, outsider?!” Added the catcher. Though it couldn’t be seen through his mask/cowl, the ‘Rogue’ as they called him, smiled smugly.
“Well, if y’all can’t learn to share, then I guess none of y’all can have her.” The rope holding Thalia aloft sparked, and burnt for a split second before she dropped to the ground, with what looked like a painful thud, though ropes still entangled her hind legs. Another Unicorn stepped forward.
“Back off Rogue! Hooves off our catch!” He moved a foreleg back, revealing a sheathed blade. The Rogue did the same, pulling back his cloak and showing off a sharp looking knife. It hovered into the air graciously, before pointing itself at his opponent.
“Reckon your quicker than me, son?” He taunted. This was a game of speed and odds. The more powerful the Unicorn, the faster he could launch his blade at his opponent and thus, win the standoff. “You don’t look too heathy. When‘s the last time you ate, ah?” The Bandit-Unicorn looked uncertain. “The way I see it, there’s no need for a scrap.” Finally, the bandit covered his blade back up. From her awkward position on the muddy ground, Thalia could see her apparent saviour, but only just. Mud stung her good, left eye, so all she had for vision was her scarred right eye, currently covered by her long, unkempt mane. She squirmed and wiggled, only entangling herself more and hurting her legs. The rope cut into her hide. She swore very softly under her breath before holding still, giving up for the time being. A couple of the earth ponies, originally bystanders, crept toward Thalia with intentions to snatch her up and bolt. Thalia couldn’t see them from her angle, but she could hear the squelching of mud on-hoof behind her.
“Leave her lads.” The catcher sounded. “She ain’t worth it.” Several of the bandits began to walk away from the scene, now the show was over. “Stay out if our territory, outsider! Or I’ll feed you to the Reds myself.”
“I’m sure you will.” He said to himself as he watched the bandits walk off.

With the bandits now gone, the Rogue too now turned tail, and without even looking at Thalia, her ropes around her hind legs snapped and broke lose.
“H-Hey!” Thalia called. She scrambled upright, slipping in mud even further. She had the balance of a new-born foal. She grumbled as she got upright. Thalia stood still, unsure of whether she should follow the Rogue, or to run off. She was certain the bandits had more traps, and with the stranger gone, she would have no chance of escaping them. Even if she avoided the traps, the dead would surely take her. With a new will of determination, she trotted after the darker pony, following him. He grunted, frustrated.
“Go home, little filly!” He sounded, warning her. It was an odd phrase to use since she was not that much younger, if not the same age as he was. “You’re no safer with me.” Thalia stopped moving for a moment or two, but then continued her pace.
“My home is gone. Fog took it.” she explained, continuing to tail him.
“Well what a shame.” He said with a distinct lack of sympathy, but not quite sarcastic cruelty. “Family too I’m guessing? Well congrats kid, they’re dead.” He said bluntly before turning round and adding cheerily, “Welcome to my world!” He turned and kept walking. “Now go away. Go on, off ya pop.”
“No. Family was ‘red-lighted’ by doctors. They were shot,” Thalia said curtly, but continued to follow him. “And you’re probably the only pony with weapons and food out here who won’t want to rape me, so I’m going to follow you for now,” she explained herself. Thalia kept herself at a considerable distance from the pony, even though she seemed to trust him with her safety for now.
“What makes you think that, ah filly?” He added, not wanting to get stuck with the ignorant filly. “What makes you think I won’t just have my fun with you then leave you in a ditch for the Reds?”
"Because you didn't bother to take me as a trophy. You left me for dead, without having your fun." Thalia squinted. Knowing full well what was about to happen, he grunted before activating his magic and shoving her back. He didn’t even bother turning round, but just backed up a little, before lifting and snapping a trip wire, hidden in the rotting leaf forest floor with a hind leg. Several darts erupted from the tree she was standing by. He released his magic force from her chest. With a sigh he turned round to face her, removing his goggles and, what was now revealed to be a bandana covering his muzzle. For the first time, Thalia got a good look at her ‘savour’, if he indeed was that.
“What’s your story, ah filly?” He enquired. “It’s clear you’re ignorant as fuck, so I’m guessing…” He took hold of one of her hooves and looked under her wrist. Burnt into her flesh, was a small teardrop symbol inside a circle. “Thought so, quarantine. I’m guessing they didn’t teach you any useful skills did they?” She recoiled backward, away from his touches. Thalia narrowed her eyes distrustfully, but then sighed, looking down, both embarrassed and afraid.
“No. They didn’t. We had soldiers who took our food and killed ponies who coughed. That was it,” she answered, “The fog came and I ran. I was so scared…” she fidgeted, lifting her hooves and placing them back into the ground. Thalia sniffed, but refused to cry in front of the stallion, but also refused to look him in the eye. “I don’t know where I am, or what to even do. I know you already saved me, but please help me.” she glanced up a couple times, but otherwise stared at the ground. Her size made her look even more pitiful, especially compared to him. “I… please?” He sighed and groaned.
“Fuck my liiiiife!” After pacing up and down a few times, he finally sighed. “Fine! But I got rules, filly!” Thalia blinked and stepped backward, surprised he agreed.
“Alright…” she eyed him curiously.
“First off, Eyes. Wide. Open! Look at everything! Skipping through the world like some stary-eyed school filly is a great way to get yourself killed! Second, ALWAYS, I repeat, ALWAYS, Listen to me! My word is law. My judgment is final. You realise what that means don’t you? If I tell you to run, you run for your god-damn life! If I tell you to be quiet, I don’t want to hear you even breathing. If I tell you to fight, you never ever stop doing so, if I tell you to run and save yourself, you must do so. Rule number three, Stay. In the. Middle. Of the trail! Rule four, it’s ok to ask questions, but you either learn fast or die! So pay attention. Do you understand?” With each new rule, Thalia’s ears pricked themselves up higher. She could have sworn she heard something similar a while back, but that memory was repressed and long gone. The mare nodded obediently, her eyes falling to the ground again. She murmured her understanding. “Where are we going?” she asked, tilting her head upward.
“Y’know how I said out here it’s either learn fast or die? Well it’s getting dark and it’s going to get dangerously cold soon. So if the Reds don’t get you, hypothermia will, which means...?” He looked at her, waiting for her to finish his sentence.
“I-I… We need to find shelter? Build camp?” she attempted. “Coats? I wouldn’t build a fire out here, not with those bandits.” He smiled at her, genuinely, for the first time.
“Might be hope for you yet. Fire’s a good way to get yourself killed. Like a big beacon that says, ‘Hey come and get me’. Forests in general aren’t a good idea at night. We are heading back to the city. Nice and flat. Easy to navigate, plenty of places to hide out, and plenty of high vantage points. Plus it’s easier to get buildings warm. I have a hideout there, so that’s where we are going. And when I tell you to,” He levitated a couple of fuel canisters out from one of his bags, start splashing this on the floor, keeps them off our scent. Got it?”
"My magic... sir... it's depleted. Is it far off? I've been running and struggling for hours." she said meekly. "I don't want to complain but I think it's because our soldiers stole our food. You have food right?" she asked. She obviously looked like she regretted asking this but she was used to a certain starved, but relaxed lifestyle.
“Yes I have food, at my hideout. Look filly, you need to get it into your head that life from now on will be hard. You want something, you got to get it yourself, no matter the cost. And you giving me excuses like you are weak ain’t gonna wash. That kind of attitude will get you killed out here. So, frankly,” He levitated a saddlebag onto her back and placed the canisters into them. “Tough.” He turned and began walking again. “Oh and rule five, no ‘sirs’. You ain’t in the army, filly, and I’m no general or master to anypony. The name’s Midnight. Midnight Shadow.” She nodded and her knees shook with the weight of the saddlebags.
"A-Alright." she nodded. "Let's do this." she mumbled, swaying slightly. How her weak frame supported the extra weight was a mystery. "My name's Thalia. No family name now." she mumbled.
“Good to meet you, now walk. And remember; Eyes. Open.” Midnight said.

"Nice hideout." Thalia wheezed. The walking and climbing and sneaking around had just about made her pass out. "It's just... yknow... really high and tall..." she added. The climbing was tiring but it was her fear of heights that caused her to begin to hyperventilate like she did now.
“That’s kinda the point. The higher up you are, the safer you are. Means you can see stuff coming earlier, and the Red Eyes find it more difficult to get to you. Don’t know if you’ve noticed, but the dead aren’t exactly the smartest bunch. Mostly. It’s the Greenies you gotta watch out for. They’re smarter, faster. If it weren’t for their green rotting flesh, you’d almost think they were alive. Thankfully, they are rare. Only came across a couple dozen in total, ever. Here,” He pulled open a chest and spared some bunches hay out for her. “Eat up. There’s some water over there too.”
"Oh, thank you so, so much!" Thalia exclaimed, quickly forgetting her fatigue and fears. "How am I even going to make up for all you've done?" she whispered as she began stuffing her face.
“You can start by not getting yourself killed.” Midnight said bluntly as Thalia munched down greedily. “When you’re done, wash yourself off with the bucket behind you, but ONLY with the water from that bucket! Clean water is worth more than gold now. So we only use the clean stuff for drinking.” Thalia blinked wearily and nodded as she finished her gorging.
"Yes, Midnight Shadow." she answered before shuffling over to the bucket to wash her face and hooves. she didn't want to waste all the water, albeit murky water, on the entirety of her body. Midnight chuckled to himself. This might not turn out to be so bad.
“Just Midnight.” He said. “Now get some sleep.” He added softly, gesturing over to a nearby bed roll. Midnight began to walk around the room, locking and boarding up doors, windows and dousing the couple of lamps illuminating the room. Thalia nodded.
"Thank you." she smiled at him before basically falling into his bed roll. "Thank you, Midnight." she murmured as she nuzzled into the warmth of the bed. Her small frame left plenty of room in it, but not quite enough for Midnight himself. Midnight yawned and settled down, using one of his saddlebags to rest his head on as a pillow, before drifting off to sleep.

Author's Note:

Post apocalyptic word of MLP. Not sure what else to say at this point. Got a lot of work to do to get this finished.

Comments ( 5 )

Well, I like it! :twilightsmile:

Story is good, just work on the format of scene changes so it will be easier to follow.

This is based on my observations as a reader
I recognise a scene change with little confusion when the author leaves double the normal space or even a written breaker such as
Now this sentence seems more detached from the one above it, signifying a change in scene or perspective .

I'll keep that in mind then. Thanks for the feedback

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