• Published 24th May 2012
  • 625 Views, 27 Comments

A Burning Desire - FlameWing

This is the first page of my first fic, hit me up if you like it and I will continue the story

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Dash awoke in a cold sweat, her mane matted to her forehead. Another dream, or a nightmare, more like it? Or was it a dream within a dream? Was this a dream? It felt real, but then so had Fluttershy's blood against her hooves and chest, the heart wrenching pain, it had felt real.

"Alright, Tank, I need to talk to Flamewing now." Tank slowly looked up at Rainbow Dash with his beady eyes.

Flamewing was sleeping on her old bed when Rainbow showed up at her door, knocking furiously.

"Flame! get up, I need to talk to you!"

Slowly Flamewing dragged herself out of bed, her back aching and her head pounding. This was why she didn't like to sleep on her earth pony bed. She slowly made her way to the door, her mind groggy and confused, why did Dash need to talk this late? Couldn’t she wait until the morning? Flamewing reached the door and opened it to find a sweaty, worried looking Rainbow Dash waiting on the other side.


"Flamewing, I have something I need to tell you" Rainbow interrupted, her eyes looking everywhere except at Flamewing, pupils large in fear.

"Dash, what's up?"

"I...I cheated Flame" Flame wing’s half closed eyes flew open, her mind clear and her old pains forgotten. They were replaced by new ones. Her heart hurt not because Rainbow had cheated, but because Flamewing had not been enough for her lover. Her mind hurt, because the Element of Loyalty was the last person Flame would have ever thought she would hear those words from. But the worst pain, was the look on Dash's face.




"We kissed. Well she kissed me." Flame wing’s fear faded, it was only Dash's sense of loyalty that made her think she had cheated, nothing more "And, the problem is, I liked it."

"Oh Da-"

"So I kissed her back" Flame wing’s heart dropped like a stone through the air

"I see," She replied flatly. Silence answered her.

"I love you Flame, I do. But..." Flamewing softly put her hoof to Rainbows lips.

"That’s all I need, Dash," She smiled. "Let's go see Fluttershy." Together, Flamewing and Rainbow flew to Fluttershy's cottage.

Meanwhile, Fluttershy herself was alone in her cottage, worried sick about Rainbow. She had made Rainbow cheat, and could only guess what it was doing to her subconscious. But...life had no meaning without Rainbow, she made life worth living, always there for Fluttershy when nopony else was, never wavering in her conviction to her friends. Fluttershy didn't know what had come over her, kissing Dash like that.

"Oh my, Angel bunny, I really have screwed up this time." Angel cocked his head 'how?' he seemed to be asking "I've made Rainbow betray her lover, who she will probably tell tonight, ruining their relationship." Fluttershy's heart sank at the thought. Rainbow and Flamewing seemed so happy together "Oh Fluttershy, you're so selfish" She told herself. At just that moment, a knock resounded on Fluttershy's door.

"Fluttershy, Ah need a word with ya!" Applejack called through her door. She hadn't been able to sleep, so she decided to speak with Fluttershy about what was on her mind. Surely Fluttershy would be just as repulsed by the unnatural filly-fooling as Applejack was, right?

Fluttershy was surprised for a second, but moved to let Applejack in. Opening the door she noticed the concerned look in Applejack's eyes, and her instincts took over

"Please come in Applejack, what's on your mind?"

"Ah needed ta talk ta ya 'bout Rainbow and uh...what's er name"


"Yeah, that's the one"

"Oh,” Fluttershy said nervously, hoping that this wasn’t about something happening between them. “What about them?"

"Ah don't like it, Fluttershy, it ain't natural"

"Isn’t natural? What do you mean Applejack, you're not...Homophobic are you?"

"Well, no, but ah don't approve neither! Me and mah family were grown up taught that filly-fooling and colt-cuddlin’ is wrong, downright unnatural!" The farm pony cried.

"Oh, well...um."

"Ya don't mean to tell me...ya do?"

A surge of bravery washed over Fluttershy like an ocean wave. Nopony, not even Applejack, talked bad about Rainbow "As a matter of fact Applejack, I do. I approve of lesbian, or filly-fooling if that’s what you call it, relationships so much, in fact, that I willingly participate in them!" The look of disgust on Applejack's face stole away any courage Fluttershy had accumulated, replacing it with fear. Now she was scared Applejack was going to shun her, call her a freak, a weirdo.

"Ah see" Applejack simply turned around to leave but was met only the face of an orange pegasus pony, Flamewing. "You." Applejack narrowed her eyes at Flamewing, her anger coming to the surface. This was the pony who had made Rainbow Dash a fillyfooler, this was the pony who had made Applejack's friend into a different pony, a wrong pony, a lesbian pony.

"Hello Applejack, what's up?"

Applejack turned, quick as a whip, and kicked out. A smile spread across her lips as a solid thump as her legs impacted against Flame's chest, knocking the wind from her lungs. As she staggered, Applejack charged at her and tackled Flamewing down, a crack and a scream meeting her ears as Flame's left wing popped out of its socket. Applejack stood, feeling her work complete, and turned to leave. Flamewing took her chance, getting up and charging the earth pony, she reared up and kicked Applejack across the face. Applejack's face snapped to the side as the vicious blow connected. Her vision going hazy and her fight or flight instincts switching to flight, she galloped, full speed away. Hearing Flame Wing’s cries of pain fading in the distance.

“YOU HORRIBLE PONY! I’LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU FOR THIS APPLEJACK!” She also heard Rainbow Dash shout in the distance. "Well, we did want to talk to you, Fluttershy."

Comments ( 10 )


i like this awsome fic...why the dislikes?

>>FireFlash13231 >>time_to_brony
the first chapter scared away most of the people who would read it, my Prolouge/ first chapter was not my best...in fact it was my worst work ever. but no worry, even having two fans of the fic fills me with pride, you guys are great. if it isn't too much to ask, however, could you tell your friends about my fic? I would love to see my likes out number dislikes for once. I mean at five likes I did a dance of happiness, so yeah...

790586 ill post a blog about it :)

790608 thanks Flutterstar, you're the best. :pinkiehappy:

damn you and cliff hangers! One day i shall get my revenge!

790616 im starting up on youtube here soon i guess i will say something about this fic?if you want that is...and ill post about it on kongregate i got a few friends on there...
790218 idk :applejackunsure:
790603 im lovin it to :yay:

792248 that'd be great man, thanks

why you no more update -_-
do i got to get luna onto you to start wrighting this again?
because you know i will -_-

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