• Published 24th May 2012
  • 623 Views, 27 Comments

A Burning Desire - FlameWing

This is the first page of my first fic, hit me up if you like it and I will continue the story

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Rainbow tossed and turned in her bed, her mind on what had happened that day she was having a nightmare.

Rainbow hovered, watching her filly hood friend and lover fall. The three of them had been flying, when a strong gust of wind had tore through the area, and loud cracking sounds had been heard as Flamewing and Fluttershy both reacted to it wrong, flaring their wings as though it were an updraft, the powerful wind had ripped their wings out of their sockets, now Fluttershy fell, as did Flamewing. Even with her speed, she could only catch one. She dived into action, swooping towards Fluttershy, Catching her easily and turning to catch Flamewing, as the ground rose up, Rainbow got closer. She was just close enough to hear Flamewing scream "CHEATER!! " Then a sickening thud, the crunching of Flame's bones, the blood gushing out onto the floor...

Rainbow awoke, leaping out of bed and screaming


Then she realized that she was alone, in her cloud home, Flamewing had been staying there recently, but tonight she had gone out of town to get her things to officially move in tomorrow. Tank looked at her, the little turtle showing concern in his beady, black eyes.

"I'm really messed up over this Tank. I mean, who ever heard of the element of Loyalty cheating on her mare friend?" She shuddered just saying the words "But, it's not just the fact that she kissed me, I mean it’s not really cheating if they kiss you, right? It's more that, though, I,” She sighed, “Liked it, like really liked it. But I gave up on me and Fluttershy a long time ago. But now it turns out she likes me. And I don't know if it is okay that I like her too. I mean if I like her back, that's what I meant!" she added the last part quickly. To which Tank reacted by staring at Rainbow passively "Don't look at me like that!"

Rainbow groaned and flopped back onto her cloud bed but when she closed her eyes, that sight appeared again. The look of betrayal on Flame's face when she hadn’t caught her, the bones sticking out at odd angles, her body broken and mangled in ways that shouldn't be possible. The blood leaking through her destroyed wings as the black ground absorbed it like a vampony absorbing the blood from your neck. She quickly opened her eyes and decided that now was a good time for a fly through the night sky.

Meanwhile, at Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack was laying on her bed, staring at the ceiling thinking about Rainbow, and how tired she was, and Flame-whatever's successful corruption of the Element of Loyalty. She had decided that this was all that bright orange Pegasus' fault. It had to be, after all, Rainbow was a good pony at heart, but she must have been led astray by that Flamewing. Tomorrow Applejack was going to save her friend from herself, AJ shuddered at the thought of the two mare. Her family was taught that filly-fooling and colt-cuddling was wrong, wrong and disgusting. The Princess’ never foretold that, ever. But for now, she needed some sleep.

Fluttershy lay in her cottage, Rainbow's reaction still replaying in her mind. After they had broken the kiss, Rainbow Dash had stood there, stunned and Fluttershy's heart had dropped like a stone. Rainbow did not want her, they would never be together, and life had no purpose! Fluttershy was torn from this by the feeling of Rainbows lips against hers again, just a short peck, but enough for Fluttershy to know there was something there. Something special. But before she could become more involved in the kiss, Rainbow was gone, flying out of an open window back towards her cloudhome.

Flamewing continued gathering her meagre belongings together, both two of her pictures depicting her family, her personal blanket, and a bit of cloud from her old home in Cloudsdale. She gathered these things and decided that one last night on her old, earth pony bed wouldn't be bad. As she lay herself down to sleep, her lover, her enemy, and her competition found themselves unable to do just that.

Rainbow Dash flew through the night sky. It reminded her of her horrific nightmare, so she decided to go check in on the two mares. As she landed in front of Fluttershy’s cottage, many animals snarled at the sight of her. She wondered why they did this, because obviously, they couldn’t understand Equestrian. Rainbow Dash lifted her hoof to knock on the door, but instead she found herself pushing it open.

“Fluttershy? It’s Rainbow Dash, I just came to check if everything was alright!” She called through the house, some of the animals inside looked at her curiously, as if they had never seen her before. She heard some sniffles from the kitchen. She went to investigate, and when she did, her eyes darted around the room. There was some blood dripping onto the floor, coming from the, now red, pegasus.

“Fluttershy!” Rainbow Dash shouted, Fluttershy’s wing was hanging of the side of her body, pulled out of the sockets. “Fluttershy! No! WHAT DID YOU DO?” Rainbow Dash screamed at her.

“You don’t want me do you?” Fluttershy turned around, her eyes bloodshot. “You never wanted me! IT WAS NEVER MEANT TO BE! YOU WILL NEVER LOVE ME!”


“ITS TRU-“ Rainbow Dash was in pain seeing her best friend in her state, so she decided if these were Fluttershy’s last moments, she better enjoy them. Fluttershy pulled in closer and dragged Rainbow Dash towards the couch. The door slammed open, in the doorway stood an orange pegasus pony. At the sight of the two ponies, she screamed;