> A Burning Desire > by FlameWing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Beginning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A/N this takes place after the royal wedding, where as the previous chapter takes place shortly after Rainbow Dash's first Rainboom, enjoy. Flamewing An orange pegasus pony watched in awe as her idol flew through the air, doing amazing tricks and spins that simply blew her mind. It was unfair really, nopony, beside maybe Fluttershy, could appreciate the difficulty behind those moves. Nopony but her. One had to get just the right spin, position their wings just so, catch just the right updraft, it was all so complicated, and those other five took it all for granted! She would have been mad at them, where she not spying on them from a bush. "Twilight, that weird pony is watching us again." Pinkie Pie whispered into Twilight Sparkle's ear "I know Pinkie, but I am sure she is just watching Rainbow, not us." Twilight reassured her, her eyes still on Rainbow Dash. "For Celestia's sake Flamewing, why are you hiding in a bush instead of talking to the mare you...like?" The pegasus whispered to herself. As much as Flame Wing wanted to tell Rainbow Dash about her feelings towards her, she knew, just knew that she would get rejected. After all, how could somepony as amazing and awesome as Rainbow Dash care at all about somepony as mundane, boring and normal as Flamewing? It was just impossible, sure Flamewing was one of the hottest, fastest ponies in Equestria. But that did not change the fact that Rainbow excelled in the Coolness, Awesomeness, and Radicalness, sections of the essential cool pony and there was no way Flamewing could top that. Flamewing had heard of a little snack shop in town called the Sugarcube Corner, and decided to check it out for herself. After all, nopony knew her, she made sure of that by living as far away from Ponyville as she could, getting supplies from Cloudsdale, and all in all living apart from all other ponies. So she quickly trotted through Ponyville, trying hard not to be noticed. Which, of course, got her noticed more so than not. "I've never seen that pony in town before," One mare said. "Check that flank out!" A colt spoke from across the street. She almost burst out laughing at this, honestly. Even if Flamewing had been interested in colts, she still would steer clear of such foalish comments as 'Check that flank out' please! Flamewing had seen more stallion-like mares! Pinkie pie was pretty busy, an order for a confectionery masterpiece that may well rival the MMMM had come in and the Cakes needed all the help they can get. So when the bell above the door rang, Pinkie was there in her characteristic must-have-galloped-full-speed-through-a-wall-to-get-there-so-fast half second. "Hey! your that weird pony who is always watching Rainbow do her tricks every Wednesday!" Pinkie said enthusiastically. Flamewing blushed. "Oooooooh somepony has a cruuuush!" she said in a sing-song voice. "N-no I don't!" Flamewing protested her blush darkened intensely. "Dooo tooo! Otherwise you wouldn't hide in a bush watching Rainbow do the same tricks over and over, you would probably come to my parties, but you don't because you always know Rainbow is coming, and right now your blushing like a school filly caught cheating!" As she spoke her excitement level rose until he was nearly screaming out Flamewing's secret like it was the most normal thing in the world! "Please don't tell anypony! please if anyone found out I was a...a...a fillyfooler I would be ruined!" "Nuh uh!" Pinkie protested. "Whoa! Flame, you’re a fillyfooler?" A voice which Flame Wing recognised in an instant, spoke up. Flamewing froze, oh Celestia, Rainbow knew now, she was going to shun her, and Flamewing would never see Rainbow again! "Phew, I thought I was the only one!" > Confrontation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "What?" Flamewing could not believe her ears. It wasn't possible, was it? She had always believed that Dash was straight, but this meant... "Do I have to spell it out for you?" Dash raised an eyebrow, giving Flamewing her best 'you silly little filly' look. "I'm gay, Flame." "Really!?" As Flame Wing heard Rainbow Dash say this, it opened new doors in Flamewing’s life. She would never be as awesome as her idol, but now they might just be together. "Yeah, Flame, I thought you knew." What was Rainbow Dash talking about? "Honestly, Dash, how could I?" She nervously said, "I haven't seen you in-" "Now don't go lying Flame, you see me every week." Rainbow Dash said knowingly. "How... never mind." She shook her head. She must not be as sneaky as she thought. "You know what I mean." "Yeah, I do. It has been a while, hasn't it?" It had been years since Flamewing had last seen Rainbow at pegasus flight school in cloudsdale. After flying to protect Fluttershy's honor and showing Flamewing how it felt to be second, then how it felt to love shortly thereafter, the two had become fast friends. They would spend a lot of time together, each moment that passed by increasing Flamewing's devotion to Rainbow. until one day Rainbow just...disappeared. Flamewing had not seen her at school after that day and not seen her outside of school either. "Yeah, it has...are you seeing anypony?" Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! She might as well just scream out 'I LOVE YOU RAINBOW DASH' while she was at it! "No, I’m not, why?" Had she really not caught on? It was so obvious! If Pinkie Pie of all ponies knew, why didn’t Rainbow? "Oh, no reason. No reason at all," Behind her, Pinkie facehoofed. "What’s up Pinkie?" "Oh nothing Dashie, you'll figure it out." Pinkie smiled kindly, "You'll figure it out eventually, and as for what you were asking me about, Flame, I say go for it" Pinkie winked, Flamewing blushed. "Ooh!" Rainbow dash exclaimed "Who's the lucky mare?" "She is the most beautiful, talented, amazing pegasus pony ever to fly across Equestria's skies," Flamewing stared over Rainbow's shoulder, talking dreamingly "She is fast, kind, and gentle when she needs to be. She is loyal, and is so much better than me in every way it is not funny!" "Hey! Don’t sell yourself short, I'm sure whoever this pony is, that she isn't any better than you at all!" Rainbow Dash came to her defense. "I'm pretty sure your opinion would change if you knew who this pony is." "Well who is it?" Rainbow Dash asked wantingly "She would never have me, she would never take me! I’m just boring, plain old me." "Hey! Your nothing but boring!" "The pony I am in love with is awesome! She has saved Equestria time and time again! She...she...she never leaves her friends hanging." "I always say that! I think I like this pony." "Do I have to spell it out for you Rainbow?!” Flame Wing pretty much shouted. “It’s so obvious, even Pinkie Pie figured it out!” "I think you will, because I have no ide-mmph!" Rainbow's sentence was cut off by the feeling of a pair of lips pressed against hers. Pinkie Pie and the rest of Sugar Cube Corner turned their heads to see Flame Wing and Rainbow Dash sharing a kiss. “Your special mare, was, me?” Rainbow Dash asked. Flame Wing nodded a slow nod. “I guess I can’t argue with that,” Rainbow Dash whispered. Thanks to FlutterStar for editing  > Jealousy and family traditions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gasps where heard throughout Sugarcube Corner, as what had just happened came to light in everypony's mind. Rainbow Dash, one of Equestria’s saviours, the mare that so many adored, the fastest flier ever, was a lesbia! A fillyfooler, what a shame! A few stallions' dropped to the floor at the sight, while a few mares in the establishment perked up a bit. Some ponies were whispering to each other. “What a disgrace,” “What crazy pony would do this, take it to a private place at least, pu-lease!” But the happiest face in the entire building was Pinkie Pie’s. "You know what this calls for?" Pinkie asked nopony in particular. "What does it call for?" Flamewing asked dreamily, not taking her eyes off, her, mare. "A PARTY!" she cried happily, throwing streamers from nowhere. "Ohihavetoesendinvitationsandgettheballoonsandmakethecakeandgetmoreballoonsandstreamersand-" She went on like that as Flamewing and Rainbow Dash walked away, out of Sugarcube corner, wings wrapped around each other. Just being happy, finally realising they could finally be with someone they loved, with each other’s presence. So this is what is feels like to be loved... it's nice Flamewing smiled. Pinkie had pulled out all the stops for this one, balloons hung from every corner, streamers hung from the ceiling, and everypony was there. Well almost everypony. As the two love birds enjoyed their special evening, everypony knew now, everypony in Ponyville. They both didn’t mind, it was as if they didn’t even notice the other ponies were there at the party. Only, there were two ponies who could not bring themselves to come, for two very different reasons. "Ah'm happy for Rainbow and all, but another mare Winona, it just ain't right!" When the down to earth, traditional cowpony Applejack had heard that Rainbow had found love, she was very happy for her, but when it was revealed, in the same sentence by an ecstatic Pinkie pie that this love was between two mares that happiness had been tainted by a bit of...something. Was it resentment? No, she did not hate Rainbow for being a fillyfooler, although she was not too happy with the other mare, Flame-something, for bringing out the lesbian in Rainbow, but no, not resentment. Was it disgust? Maybe, the thought of two mares together in the same bed was just....ugh. Sharing what was meant for mare and colt, ugh. Applejack shivered at the thought. Disgust was the only thing she could put her hoof on that made a lick of sense "Oh Winona,” she asked her dog, the only one she could talk to, “Ah just don't know what ta do!" Far from there, a butter yellow pony was crying into her pillow. Her pet bunny, Angel, trying everything he could to comfort her, Flutter shy lifted her head meakly, and whispered to Angel. "Oh Angel bunny, why couldn't it have been me?" With that she plopped her head back down, crying freely, alone in her cottage. “somepony beat me to her now I'll never find the right pony!” She sobbed into her pillow again, now starting loud howls. Alone except one bunny who was on the verge of tears himself. Angel was a tough bunny, but when he saw his owner, his lover, hurt. That was what brought him to a breaking point. He only vaguely grasped what was happening, though. something had happened to or with that other one. He thought hard and came up with a name and a picture in his mind Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash had done something to his Fluttershy that she did not like, and by extension, he did not like. Angel decided he was going to do something for his Fluttershy, though he did not know just what yet. All he knew was that she needed his help, so Angel cuddled up with his mare and slept, hoping to comfort her with his small, but warm reassuring body. The next morning, Fluttershy woke to the sound of somepony knocking on the door. Angel bunny hopped out of the bed and ran downstairs. The sound of the door opening and a familiar voice filled Fluttershy’s ears. “Fluttershy? Fluttershy! It’s me! Rainbow Dash!” She heard footsteps outside her bedroom door. Rainbow Dash opened. “Fluttershy? Hey? What’s up? I didn’t see you at the party last night, did you know there was a party?” Fluttershy kept her head in her pillow. “Wait, that’s impossible. Um.. Were you sick? Was there an animal emergency?” Fluttershy still kept her head still, eyes closed as she heard Rainbow Dash guessing why she wasn’t at the party. Rainbow kept blabbering on, until she heard somepony, slap her in the face which brought her silent. “Thanks Angel,” Fluttershy mumbled. “Fluttershy! Please tell me!” Fluttershy turned around, her eyes red. She sniffed as she brought her face closer to Rainbow Dash’s. “What’s u-” Rainbow Dash felt a pair of lips press against hers. She opened her eyes wide to see Fluttershy in front of her, no-pony else. Realisation struck Rainbow Dash. She had just cheated. > Cheater > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow tossed and turned in her bed, her mind on what had happened that day she was having a nightmare. Rainbow hovered, watching her filly hood friend and lover fall. The three of them had been flying, when a strong gust of wind had tore through the area, and loud cracking sounds had been heard as Flamewing and Fluttershy both reacted to it wrong, flaring their wings as though it were an updraft, the powerful wind had ripped their wings out of their sockets, now Fluttershy fell, as did Flamewing. Even with her speed, she could only catch one. She dived into action, swooping towards Fluttershy, Catching her easily and turning to catch Flamewing, as the ground rose up, Rainbow got closer. She was just close enough to hear Flamewing scream "CHEATER!! " Then a sickening thud, the crunching of Flame's bones, the blood gushing out onto the floor... Rainbow awoke, leaping out of bed and screaming "FLAME!" Then she realized that she was alone, in her cloud home, Flamewing had been staying there recently, but tonight she had gone out of town to get her things to officially move in tomorrow. Tank looked at her, the little turtle showing concern in his beady, black eyes. "I'm really messed up over this Tank. I mean, who ever heard of the element of Loyalty cheating on her mare friend?" She shuddered just saying the words "But, it's not just the fact that she kissed me, I mean it’s not really cheating if they kiss you, right? It's more that, though, I,” She sighed, “Liked it, like really liked it. But I gave up on me and Fluttershy a long time ago. But now it turns out she likes me. And I don't know if it is okay that I like her too. I mean if I like her back, that's what I meant!" she added the last part quickly. To which Tank reacted by staring at Rainbow passively "Don't look at me like that!" Rainbow groaned and flopped back onto her cloud bed but when she closed her eyes, that sight appeared again. The look of betrayal on Flame's face when she hadn’t caught her, the bones sticking out at odd angles, her body broken and mangled in ways that shouldn't be possible. The blood leaking through her destroyed wings as the black ground absorbed it like a vampony absorbing the blood from your neck. She quickly opened her eyes and decided that now was a good time for a fly through the night sky. Meanwhile, at Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack was laying on her bed, staring at the ceiling thinking about Rainbow, and how tired she was, and Flame-whatever's successful corruption of the Element of Loyalty. She had decided that this was all that bright orange Pegasus' fault. It had to be, after all, Rainbow was a good pony at heart, but she must have been led astray by that Flamewing. Tomorrow Applejack was going to save her friend from herself, AJ shuddered at the thought of the two mare. Her family was taught that filly-fooling and colt-cuddling was wrong, wrong and disgusting. The Princess’ never foretold that, ever. But for now, she needed some sleep. Fluttershy lay in her cottage, Rainbow's reaction still replaying in her mind. After they had broken the kiss, Rainbow Dash had stood there, stunned and Fluttershy's heart had dropped like a stone. Rainbow did not want her, they would never be together, and life had no purpose! Fluttershy was torn from this by the feeling of Rainbows lips against hers again, just a short peck, but enough for Fluttershy to know there was something there. Something special. But before she could become more involved in the kiss, Rainbow was gone, flying out of an open window back towards her cloudhome. Flamewing continued gathering her meagre belongings together, both two of her pictures depicting her family, her personal blanket, and a bit of cloud from her old home in Cloudsdale. She gathered these things and decided that one last night on her old, earth pony bed wouldn't be bad. As she lay herself down to sleep, her lover, her enemy, and her competition found themselves unable to do just that. Rainbow Dash flew through the night sky. It reminded her of her horrific nightmare, so she decided to go check in on the two mares. As she landed in front of Fluttershy’s cottage, many animals snarled at the sight of her. She wondered why they did this, because obviously, they couldn’t understand Equestrian. Rainbow Dash lifted her hoof to knock on the door, but instead she found herself pushing it open. “Fluttershy? It’s Rainbow Dash, I just came to check if everything was alright!” She called through the house, some of the animals inside looked at her curiously, as if they had never seen her before. She heard some sniffles from the kitchen. She went to investigate, and when she did, her eyes darted around the room. There was some blood dripping onto the floor, coming from the, now red, pegasus. “Fluttershy!” Rainbow Dash shouted, Fluttershy’s wing was hanging of the side of her body, pulled out of the sockets. “Fluttershy! No! WHAT DID YOU DO?” Rainbow Dash screamed at her. “You don’t want me do you?” Fluttershy turned around, her eyes bloodshot. “You never wanted me! IT WAS NEVER MEANT TO BE! YOU WILL NEVER LOVE ME!” “Fluttershy-“ “ITS TRU-“ Rainbow Dash was in pain seeing her best friend in her state, so she decided if these were Fluttershy’s last moments, she better enjoy them. Fluttershy pulled in closer and dragged Rainbow Dash towards the couch. The door slammed open, in the doorway stood an orange pegasus pony. At the sight of the two ponies, she screamed; “CHEATER!!” > Revalations > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dash awoke in a cold sweat, her mane matted to her forehead. Another dream, or a nightmare, more like it? Or was it a dream within a dream? Was this a dream? It felt real, but then so had Fluttershy's blood against her hooves and chest, the heart wrenching pain, it had felt real. "Alright, Tank, I need to talk to Flamewing now." Tank slowly looked up at Rainbow Dash with his beady eyes. Flamewing was sleeping on her old bed when Rainbow showed up at her door, knocking furiously. "Flame! get up, I need to talk to you!" Slowly Flamewing dragged herself out of bed, her back aching and her head pounding. This was why she didn't like to sleep on her earth pony bed. She slowly made her way to the door, her mind groggy and confused, why did Dash need to talk this late? Couldn’t she wait until the morning? Flamewing reached the door and opened it to find a sweaty, worried looking Rainbow Dash waiting on the other side. "Wha-" "Flamewing, I have something I need to tell you" Rainbow interrupted, her eyes looking everywhere except at Flamewing, pupils large in fear. "Dash, what's up?" "I...I cheated Flame" Flame wing’s half closed eyes flew open, her mind clear and her old pains forgotten. They were replaced by new ones. Her heart hurt not because Rainbow had cheated, but because Flamewing had not been enough for her lover. Her mind hurt, because the Element of Loyalty was the last person Flame would have ever thought she would hear those words from. But the worst pain, was the look on Dash's face. "Wh-Who?" "Fluttershy" "What?" "We kissed. Well she kissed me." Flame wing’s fear faded, it was only Dash's sense of loyalty that made her think she had cheated, nothing more "And, the problem is, I liked it." "Oh Da-" "So I kissed her back" Flame wing’s heart dropped like a stone through the air "I see," She replied flatly. Silence answered her. "I love you Flame, I do. But..." Flamewing softly put her hoof to Rainbows lips. "That’s all I need, Dash," She smiled. "Let's go see Fluttershy." Together, Flamewing and Rainbow flew to Fluttershy's cottage. Meanwhile, Fluttershy herself was alone in her cottage, worried sick about Rainbow. She had made Rainbow cheat, and could only guess what it was doing to her subconscious. But...life had no meaning without Rainbow, she made life worth living, always there for Fluttershy when nopony else was, never wavering in her conviction to her friends. Fluttershy didn't know what had come over her, kissing Dash like that. "Oh my, Angel bunny, I really have screwed up this time." Angel cocked his head 'how?' he seemed to be asking "I've made Rainbow betray her lover, who she will probably tell tonight, ruining their relationship." Fluttershy's heart sank at the thought. Rainbow and Flamewing seemed so happy together "Oh Fluttershy, you're so selfish" She told herself. At just that moment, a knock resounded on Fluttershy's door. "Fluttershy, Ah need a word with ya!" Applejack called through her door. She hadn't been able to sleep, so she decided to speak with Fluttershy about what was on her mind. Surely Fluttershy would be just as repulsed by the unnatural filly-fooling as Applejack was, right? Fluttershy was surprised for a second, but moved to let Applejack in. Opening the door she noticed the concerned look in Applejack's eyes, and her instincts took over "Please come in Applejack, what's on your mind?" "Ah needed ta talk ta ya 'bout Rainbow and uh...what's er name" "Flamewing?" "Yeah, that's the one" "Oh,” Fluttershy said nervously, hoping that this wasn’t about something happening between them. “What about them?" "Ah don't like it, Fluttershy, it ain't natural" "Isn’t natural? What do you mean Applejack, you're not...Homophobic are you?" "Well, no, but ah don't approve neither! Me and mah family were grown up taught that filly-fooling and colt-cuddlin’ is wrong, downright unnatural!" The farm pony cried. "Oh, well...um." "Ya don't mean to tell me...ya do?" A surge of bravery washed over Fluttershy like an ocean wave. Nopony, not even Applejack, talked bad about Rainbow "As a matter of fact Applejack, I do. I approve of lesbian, or filly-fooling if that’s what you call it, relationships so much, in fact, that I willingly participate in them!" The look of disgust on Applejack's face stole away any courage Fluttershy had accumulated, replacing it with fear. Now she was scared Applejack was going to shun her, call her a freak, a weirdo. "Ah see" Applejack simply turned around to leave but was met only the face of an orange pegasus pony, Flamewing. "You." Applejack narrowed her eyes at Flamewing, her anger coming to the surface. This was the pony who had made Rainbow Dash a fillyfooler, this was the pony who had made Applejack's friend into a different pony, a wrong pony, a lesbian pony. "Hello Applejack, what's up?" Applejack turned, quick as a whip, and kicked out. A smile spread across her lips as a solid thump as her legs impacted against Flame's chest, knocking the wind from her lungs. As she staggered, Applejack charged at her and tackled Flamewing down, a crack and a scream meeting her ears as Flame's left wing popped out of its socket. Applejack stood, feeling her work complete, and turned to leave. Flamewing took her chance, getting up and charging the earth pony, she reared up and kicked Applejack across the face. Applejack's face snapped to the side as the vicious blow connected. Her vision going hazy and her fight or flight instincts switching to flight, she galloped, full speed away. Hearing Flame Wing’s cries of pain fading in the distance. “YOU HORRIBLE PONY! I’LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU FOR THIS APPLEJACK!” She also heard Rainbow Dash shout in the distance. "Well, we did want to talk to you, Fluttershy."