• Published 21st Apr 2015
  • 1,134 Views, 39 Comments

The Forgotten Princess - Okami1197

Lightning Storm had a good life, she had two loving parents, a brother, and two sisters. One night all that changed and she lost all of it.

  • ...

Chapter 5

Dinok walked down the street towards Cloudy Sky's home, "I home she is home. I need somepony to talk to." he said to no one in particular. Most of the ponies he passed wave to him and he waved back. The only ones who did not tell him hi were Diamond Tiara and her shadow Silver Spoon, but he did not mind. He always thought about what the other foals told him about how they used to act like they were better than every other foal in school just because Diamond Tiara's parents are rich. He stopped out side of a smallish home on the outer reaches of town and knocks.

He did not have to wait long until the door opens to reveal and purple unicorn with long cyan, blue, and purple mane, "Oh hi Dinok, where were you today, since you were not at school?" she said with a slight bit of anger.

"I was in Canterlot. Ms. Twilight brought me up there yesterday. She got a letter from my Aunt Celestia that my mom was going to be back soon."

"Was she?"

"Yep. I told her about things here in Ponyville. I even told her about you. She said that she wants to meet you. She also wanted me to tell you that she is a Princess."

"A Princess wants to meet me. I don't understand. I am just an ordinary foal."

"Can I come inside please? My legs are getting tired."

"Sure lets go to my room." Dinok followed her through the house.

Her room was the color of the twilight sky. It was doted with little painted on stars, "Where are your parents? I don't want you to get in trouble for having friends over without permission."

"My dad is in Canterlot, and my mom is at a music rehearsal. So she won't be home for another couple of hours." she puts some pillows down so that they could sit, "Sorry about the cramped area."

"It's ok. I just need somepony to talk to, and you were the first one I thought of."

"What do you need to talk about?"

Dinok just looked at Sky for a moment, "Yesterday I watched my mother slam my Aunt Celestia into the ground, and today I heard her call herself a monster for some reason. I wish I did not have the hearing capabilities of a bat." Dinok stops and turns to face Sky's door, "Somepony is at the door. Do you want me to come with you to answer it?"

"Yes please." the two go back into the front room of the house and open the door only to see a Pegasus in golden armor on the other side.

"Ms. Cloudy Sky?" Sky nodded, "I am afraid that I have to ask you to come with me to Canterlot. Something has happened with your mother and she won't be coming home. I am to take you to stay with your father."

Cloudy started to sob, "I don't want to go."

"I am sorry but you have to."

She started to back away, "I don't wanna go!" she yelled as tears filled her vision.

Dinok looked at the state that Cloudy was in and pulled her into a hug. When the guard started to approached the two Dinok let Cloudy go and got in between the guard and Cloudy, "Go back home, and I will take her to her father."

Dinok barred his teeth, but kept his canines hidden, and spread his wings trying to block the guard's path to his friend. The guard kept getting closer and Dinok started to growl.

It scared the guard enough to make him jump back, "Ok kid if you are not going to move I will move you myself."

When the guard went to grab him, Dinok bit the guard's leg and used the small amount of momentum the guard ha to through him to the side into the couch. Dinok turn and pulled Cloudy onto his back and he ran. Outside more guards were waiting. A crowd had formed on the outside of the scene. The guard that Dinok threw into the couch limped into the door way behind the two.

"You have no ware to go you little monster."

Dinok barred his teeth again this time he did not hide his canines causing the ponies in the crowd to run away, "You will not take her!" he growled.

"We have orders to do so. So we can and will take her." one of the other guards said.

"Just try it" he growled as he put her down and stood protectively over Cloudy's crying form.

One of the guards took his challenge and charged him. Relying on pure instincts Dinok dropped down as low as he could when the guard went to jump on him, and at the last moment Dinok shot up and head butted the guard's exposed underbelly. Not long after the first guard hit the ground two of the others charged him, "I am sorry that you will see me do this Cloudy." Dinok said just loud enough for Cloudy to hear. When the guards got close enough Dinok bit down on the little bit of exposed skin on the guard's neck and used the momentum from the guard's charge to though him into the other that was charging him. Dinok turned to the guard that knocked on the door, "Do you want to try again?"

The guard shook his head. Dinok pick Cloudy back up and took off into the air and headed for Twilight's castle, specifically the balcony for his room.


"Sgt. Shield I sent some of the guard to retrieve your daughter but it appears that she has a juvenile protector. He defeated the four guards I sent. Two of them need stiches the other two have severe bruising on some spots of their bodies."

"Why did you tell me this Captain?"

"Because from what some ponies said he was extremely gentle with her, and the fact that she was refusing to come here to stay with you."

"There is only one reason that she would not come. She felt threatened by the fact that you sent guards there to retrieve her. Why did you not call for me?"

"Because you were on guard duty. The only reason we told you that you wife passed away from lung failure is because it is required by the guard code. Now you have two choices. You can stay here and continue to be a guard or you can go home to you daughter and never come back. Which will it be? Choose wisely because you get you money from this not for being a father."

"I… I… I will stay, but I would like a few hours to calm my nerves sir."


"Dinok! Open this door!" Twilight yelled from the hall, "I will teleport into there if you don't open the door now!" there was a bright flash by the door and Twilight appeared in Dinok's room. It was pretty plain other than a small collection of bookcases, a desk with enough ink and quills to last him two weeks, a small mirror that was almost never used, and his bed. On Dinok's bed Cloudy was still crying and Dinok was sitting there next to her glaring at Twilight for some reason.

When Twilight went to approach the bed he growled at her, "Are you going to try and take her away too? I won't let anypony take her."

"Dinok I just want to know why Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity said that you just tore through some royal guards."

"They tried to force Cloudy to go with them. I wouldn't let them. I won't let anypony."

"Dinok you're scaring me." Twilight backed up and unlocked the door only to receive another growl from Dinok.

Suddenly the sound of crackling sound of thunder shot through the air twice, and the sky got dark. Cloudy started to whimper as if she was in pain causing Dinok to move closer to her, "I won't let anyone hurt her. I dare somepony to try. They will end up like the ones who tried to take her."

"DINOK!!!!!!" his name being yelled for all to here did not pull his attention from the possible threat in front of him. Until the owner of the voice landed on the balcony and the lightning outside intensified, "WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY FOR YOURSELF?!" Storm yelled at him in the Royal Canterlot voice causing Cloudy to whimper even more. Dinok glared at his mother. Not caring what will happen to him he stood over Cloudy and barred his teeth at her, "You listen to me right now You wil-" she was cut off as Dinok lunged at her. He moved like an animal trying to protect what was his. With her not expecting this Storm did not have the chance to brace for her son's charge and they both went over the rail. Almost immediately Dinok bit into his mother's leg and started to spin, and just before they hit the ground he let go and flew back to Cloudy's side.

Twilight looked at him with horror when she saw the blood dripping from his face. She immediately teleported to Canterlot to find Luna.


"Sister what was that noise?" Luna asked a very worried Celestia.

"Well Luna, that is what happens when Storm goes all out in the speed department. She pretty much becomes a lightning bolt. I just don't know what is going on."

A sudden burst of light appeared as Twilight teleported into the throne room, "Luna I need you to come with me."


"It's Dinok. He is acting like an animal. He just pushed Storm out of a window. I think he bit her because he has blood dripping from his mouth."

Luna looked at Twilight in shock, "We need to leave now!"


When Twilight and Luna appeared in Dinok's room they saw him nuzzling Cloudy's sobbing form trying to comfort her. He turned to face them and growled, "You will not take her!"

"Twilight. Leave the room and do not come back in until I say so." Twilight left the room slowly not wanting to startle Dinok. Luna smiled. She knew how to fix the situation, but she did not want to do this to her own nephew. She charged him and as he went to retaliate she teleported behind him and kicked him into the wall, "Dinok talk to me I don't want to go any farther than this." all she got was a growl and he shot towards him. Luna frowned as she side stepped as brought her hoof down on his back. He recovered faster than Luna expected and bit her foreleg. She ignored the pain and slammed him into the ground causing one of his wings break. He did not let go so Luna spun quickly and stopped and the momentum forced Dinok to release and he hit the other wall breaking his other wing.

Dinok stayed down this time. He started to whimper and cry from pain. Luna walked over to him and picked him up, "Aunt Luna what happened to me?"

"Tell me what you remember first ok."

"I remember being at Cloudy's house when some guards said something about her mom and that she had to go to Canterlot to stay with her dad, but Cloudy did not want to go. When the guard tried to force her to go with them I stood between them and barred my teeth careful to hide my canines. He went to force me out the way and I threw him into the couch. I took Cloudy outside were the rest of the guards were and then I felt that they were threatening my best friend's safety and everything went red."

"Just as I feared. You were protecting what you felt was yours. All thestrals have this issue at one point or another."

"P…p….p…Princess Luna." Cloudy bowed as best she could.

"No need for formalities child. You are very dear to my nephew here so you are not required to do that stuff. At least that is how I see it. How much of what I just said to Dinok did you hear?"

"All of it," she said as she slowly made her way over to Dinok.

"Then you know how much you mean to him." Cloudy nodded, "Are you surprised by this?"

"Not really. I was always there for him when he couldn't take everything that was happening around him."

"What do you mean?"

"When he just has a mental break down. One time he got depressed because his mom was not here and just needed a shoulder to cry on."

"Come. Let us take him to the hospital. I fear that I have broke both his wings."

Author's Note:

Hey what about me!?
What about you Princess of war.
Now Luna be nice to your sister.
I'm sorry I threw out a window mom
Lets just focus on the fact that there is three chapters in one night. The world is about to end.
Very funny Sun Butt. I just can't sleep tonight and have nothing better to do.