• Published 21st Apr 2015
  • 1,134 Views, 39 Comments

The Forgotten Princess - Okami1197

Lightning Storm had a good life, she had two loving parents, a brother, and two sisters. One night all that changed and she lost all of it.

  • ...

Chapter 4

Author's Note:

Two chapters in one night.

It is about time you get your act together author.

Be quiet Storm I have issues writing sometimes. Well most of the time.

I think that you are just lazy.

"Princess Celestia You asked to see me?" Fluttershy asked from behind her mane.

"Yes I did Fluttershy. You see I have a pony who needs help. She is broken far to badly for me to help her myself, but I was hoping your kind and gentle nature could help her. She is currently sleeping in my room. I would recommend that we wait for her to wake up before you meet her, because lets just say the way that she is broke does not agree with surprises. So what do you say Fluttershy, will you help her?"

"Yes, I will. I mean if she wants it."

"Yes she does. Even if she does not show it she is a lot like you. At one time all she wanted to do was sit in the garden with the animals, but that time passed long ago. She wants to be like that again, so she asked for me to help her."

A guard opened the side door to the throne room, "Princess Celestia, Ms. Storm is asking for you, and she is crying."

"Let us go Fluttershy. I think it is time that you and Lightning Storm meet."


"Ms. Twilight why did Aunt Celestia ask for you to go and get Ms. Fluttershy for her?" Dinok asked looking over the top of his school book.

"She did not say. Just that it was an emergency. I am worried about your mom though. I have not seen her since Celestia and her went to talk in private, and when Celestia came to speak with me earlier she had tear stains in her coat."

Dinok looked at Twilight with wide eyes then dropped his book and shot out of the room in the direction of the throne room.


"So let me get this right Blaze." one of the guards outside of the throne room said, "That freak thunderstorm, that none of the weather ponies could control, was caused by an alicorn that is related to the Princesses. Said alicorn then beat Princess Celestia to a pulp in the courtyard and now she is an emotional mess in Princess Celestia's bed chambers. What in Tartarus are you smoking, because I want some."

"I am not smoking anything that is what is happening. Where have you been the past two days?"

Dinok came sliding around the corner just not colliding with the wall, but charging straight into Blaze nocking him down, "Where is Aunt Celestia?"

"Her bed chambers Dinok."

"Thank you." Dinok kicked off at full speed kicking Blaze in the face on accident.


"Let me go inside first and talk to her Fluttershy." Celestia opened the door and went inside. Fluttershy couldn't help but look inside when she had a chance. To her surprise the pony that she saw inside was easily the same size as Celestia. She also saw the long horn on her head. She started to back away from the large white door slowly. Fluttershy only got about two feet farther away from the door when it opened again, "You can come inside now Fluttershy. She is ready to meet you."

"Oh… Ok." Fluttershy walked through the open door. The room was not at all what she was expecting. It was plain for the most part other than a large bookcase and a mirror with a small dresser underneath it. What she saw when she looked at the bed made her want to turn and run but Celestia closed the door. In the bed was a large alicorn who obviously just stopped crying for some reason or another. The alicorn's body was still except for the expansion of their lungs, "He…..Hello."

The alicorn turned her head and forced a smile, "Hello there." she croaked with a hors voice, "You must be Fluttershy. My sister said that you could help me to some extent. I am grateful for the fact that you are willing to help a monster like me." when she finished tears started to fall down her face.

Fluttershy shot to the bed with surprising speed, and hugged Storm, "It's going to be alright. No pony here thinks that you are a monster. You just need someponies help to get back on your hooves."

There was a large thump against the door. Then the door opened to reveal a distraught thestral colt, "Mama!" he yelled as he jumped into the bed with Storm.

Storm smiled as she used her wing to pull her adopted son closer, "Hi Dinok. I thought that you were with Ms. Twilight and your Uncle Void."

"I wanted to be with you. Since no pony had seen you in a while other than Aunt Celestia, and Ms. Twilight said that when Aunt Celestia asked her to get Ms. Fluttershy she had tear stains in her coat so I wanted to find you."

"So you know Fluttershy here?" Dinok looked at Fluttershy and nodded, "Where is your Uncle?" Storm asked with worry, because she just noticed that he said nothing of him being with them after they left from the courtyard.

"He said that he was going to check out how society has changed since he last had a body." Storm looked at Celestia with only worry in her eyes. Celestia nodded and left the room.

"Dinok, if there is one pony you should never take after it is your uncle. You will learn why once you get to truly know him. Now tell me have you been a good boy?"

He nodded his head, "Just ask Ms. Fluttershy. When I'm not in school or helping my friends with something I am helping her and the rest of Ms. Twilight's friends with little thinks to teach me the value of having true friends. All the ponies in Ponyville are real nice except for Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, but from what the rest of my friends have told me that they are being nicer than usual because they are scared of me."

"Why are they scared of you?"

"Me and Cloudy Sky think that it is because of my size."

"Who is Cloudy Sky?"

"She is the first friend I made in Ponyville. Her parents are busy most of the time so she spends her time alone a lot. She is always scared that somepony will take her away from the few ponies that are nice to her."

"I would like to meet this Cloudy Sky. Where is Ponyville?"

Fluttershy answered this question, "It is the small town that you can see from the castle towers."

"So that is were Celestia sent you to be raised." Dinok nodded, "Why don't you go and ask Ms. Twilight to take you home to see Cloudy Sky, and tell Sky that your mom is a Princess and that I want to meat her. Nothing else."

"Ok. Love you mama." Dinok kissed Storm's cheek and ran out the room.

After a few minutes of silence Storm broke down and cried, "How can he be so happy about me being his mother!? I was never there. He grew up without me because of my selfishness." before she could continue Fluttershy silenced her with a hoof.

"If you put so much effort to make yourself seem fine for his sake then you do love him. He has the right to love you even though you were not there before. You are here now, and that is what matters. Nothing else."

"At least he is happy. That is the important thing. I don't think he would have been happy if I would have stayed."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because I could only fake reactions for so long. Eventually he would learn that I truly am a monster, and before you stop me again to say that I am not I want you to know why Celestia did not bring me here with her and Luna. When our mother was killed our home was under attack from various races that once belonged to our old kingdom. Me and Celestia had just entered the throne room and saw my mother and brother standing in between a dragon and Luna. This is before Luna could even walk by the way. I saw the dragon just slice through my mothers body like it was nothing. My brother used his ability to become one with the void to try and subdue the dragon and end the conflict but as he was about to attack the dragon ate him. That was the last straw, I lost it. I grabbed every single weapon in the room. Thousands of them and turned the dragon into, well something that was not a dragon any more." Fluttershy just looked at her. The sadness in her eyes would have poisoned and killed a changeling if they tried to use it as food, "That was only the first horrible thing I did. I also slaughtered any remaining forces from the rebellion." Storm's eyes started to water again, "Even the ones who surrendered themselves saying that they were sorry."

"I'm sorry. I want to help you, but first you must come to peace with what you did. If not then you will suffer from horrid nightmares for an unknown amount of time."

"There is more. Before I found Dinok and started to raise him for the short time that I did. I had stumbled across some terrible things. The dragons are uniting and they want war. A war that will remove the existence of the alicorns. I'm sorry that you came here only for me to say this, but with what is coming I would rather wait to get better. I will need to be a cold hearted killed for what I will have to do to insure the safety of all Equestrian citizens. I will annihilate the dragons. If at all possible I will not mobilize the guard. I would rather only sacrifice my life."

Fluttershy smacked Storm causing the larger mare to recoil, "Don't be selfish! Think of what permanently loosing you would do to Dinok. He would be destroyed. You are his mother no one could replace that." now Fluttershy was crying.

"Fluttersh-" Storm went to speak but silenced herself as Fluttershy ran out the room crying, "What did I just do……"