• Published 21st Apr 2015
  • 1,134 Views, 39 Comments

The Forgotten Princess - Okami1197

Lightning Storm had a good life, she had two loving parents, a brother, and two sisters. One night all that changed and she lost all of it.

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This is a story for all those who would listen. It is about the mistakes that I have made, regrets caused by jealousy, and loss of somepony dear to a lot of ponies. This is a story that my sister has tried to hide for so long because she hates that I was more liked, feared and respected than her. I am Lightning Storm, the former Princess of War and of Storms, and this is my story.

A land far from Equestria, 500 B.N. (Before Nightmare)

On a mountain there was a castle that housed the only known alicorns in existence. The castle could only be described as a place of wonder. There was currently four standing towers and one under construction. Each tower made of a different mineral. One made of finely shaped amethyst; the second made of the strongest stone; the third made of the brightest quarts; the fourth was made of pure sapphire; finally the incomplete fifth was made of the darkest obsidian. Each tower held the room of an alicorn, the color set to match one of their own. In the purple tower you could find King Galic and his Queen Terris; in the stone you could find the oldest of their children Void Star; in the white tower was the second Celestia; in the sapphire tower you could find me the third child, Lightning Storm; the obsidian tower will house the last of our powerful family our sister Luna. A wall connected our towers together and hides the central building and guards barracks of our home.

It was a dark night when the first tragedy happened. My father anted to go on patrol around the out side of the castle walls with the guards thinking that he would be fine, that nothing was stronger than a single member of our family. He was wrong. During the patrol a band of dragons, griffons, and Minotaur attacked the castle. None of the staff or my family was ready. The first thing I remember happening that night was being woke up by my personal night guards yelling "We are under attack!" I thought that they were doing a drill of some kind so I ignored them, that is until a large void dragon smashed its head through my bedroom's wall killing the guards in my room.

Being only a teen at the time I hid hoping for the attack to end soon, only it did not. I wish I would have stayed hidden in my room, but fate is a cruel mistress. Not long after I hid myself did a group of griffons start to search my room, "Hurry and find the Storm Princess before the rest of the family wakes. The father is dead so we are a little safer but he alone killed more than a quarter of our forces I hope we won't have to see what happens when the rest of the family is together." the largest of the griffons hissed to his team as he past my closet on the far end of my room.

I made the mistake of looking down and saw one of my closest friends, whom I requested be on the night shift to protect me, dead. Next to him was his lucky lance, he always said so long as he had that lance nothing bad would ever happen to me. I took a deep breath and picked it up hoping to be able to escape the griffons and get to my mother, brother, and sisters before it was to late. As soon as I touched the lance my lightning bolt cutie mark shined like the day I got it, and of course the griffons seen the light. Not giving them a chance to react I charged the one closest to me bringing the blade of the lance down on his head cutting his skull open. I turned just in time to bring the lance up to stop on of the griffons from using his claws to kill me. I blasted him with a raw blast of telekinetic force launching him into another one of the griffons sending them out the hole the dragon made.

The large griffon who was giving orders just a moment ago smiled at me, "You couldn't just lie down and die could you?" sarcasm. Really, "Just put the weapon down and I promise to make this painless."

I charged the large griffon not wanting to give him what he wanted, "I will not quit. I will have revenge you monster!" I brought the lance down on him only for him to use one of his talons to stop it.

"Listen here missy, you cannot defeat us. Your family will die tonight, the time of the Alicorn rule ends here. He brought his other talon up and punch me in the jaw snapping it. I let out a cry of pain as my vision blurred with tears, but I did not stop. I kept going at him only to have more of my bones broken each time, "It is over. You cannot fight any more. Your crippled now. Your time in this world is over."

I could hear him getting closer, slowly. It was like he wanted to draw out my suffering. Suddenly I head the door to my room burst open and a blinding light filled my room "You will not harm my SISTER!!!!" I heard Celestia yell out as the griffon was wining about the light. Then there was a snap and then silence.

I heard the distinct sound of Celestia's golden shoes approaching me as a sudden pain filled my body as bones re-positioned themselves and healed. The pain lasted for a short time but it was immense. When my jaw was healed and I could see again I looked at Celestia, her normally pink mane and tail were currently flowing fire, and her white coat shined with the radiance of the sun, "Sister thank you. I would not have lasted much longer without you."

"Worry not, mother, brother, and our younger sister are together." Celestia looks at the hole left by the dragon, "What is with dragons and leaving holes in towers?"

I laugh a little at Celestia's comment, "I don't know but they sure like to try and capture princesses.

Throne Room

"Mother, I think they are realizing that they can't win." Void Star said as he decapitated one of the many fleeing Minotaur.

Queen Terris looks up from Luna to look at her oldest child, "Don't be so confident, my son, this is only the beginning I can feel it." As Terris finished her sentence a large black and gray dragon landed before the trio of alicorns, "As I said this is only the beginning."

"Queen Terris," the dragon spoke in a deep gravely voice, "you and your family shall no longer rule us. You will no longer stop those of us that wish to rule their own way and not be part of your 'Nation of Peace'. Some of us just crave combat while others just want to see your family removed from the throne and allow the different races to go their own way, and form new nations."

Queen Terris's horn lit in an earthly brown color as Void Star was pulled away from the dragon, "I will not allow you beast to ruin the peace and prosperity that I have erected from the chaos that once ruled our land. Since my family has taken the throne and formed this nation there has been nothing but success in medicine, technology, and many other things; and you would just throw those things away just for some greed that plagues most all of the world." Terris approached the dragon that was easily five times her size, "I would rather die than see my subjects suffer because of you brutes."

The dragon smiled, "That can be arranged," the large dragon lifted his front leg and with unreal speed swept his claws over Terris cutting her body into pieces. "Now then," he looked at Void and smiled, "Will you make the same mistake as her or will you stand down and give up your position?"

I burst through the doors to the throne room, followed by Celestia, as the dragon finishes his question, "MOTHER!" I screamed when I saw her body in front of the dragon. I go to run forward only to be stopped by Celestia, "Why are you stopping me?" I growled.

"Calm yourself sister or you will meet the same fate as she did." Celestia spoke calmly but solemnly as she too looked at our mothers corpse.

I wish my brother would have heard our sister's words because no sooner did she finish that sentence did he charge forward to attack the dragon only for it to swat him like a fly, "You fool. What makes you think you can stop me if neither your mother nor father survived a single hit from me?"

"Because I am the void!" my brother yelled as he became a cloud of purplish-black mist.

"You fool. I consume void energy." the dragon took a deep breath in as Void's mist cloud got close to his mouth, "Thanks for the meal you idiot." The dragon looked at Luna and started to approach her as she cries, "Now what to do with you before I eat the rest of your family?"

At this point I forced Celestia away and charged the dragon, not noticing the weapons of the fell guards and Minotaur rise in my magic, I leapt into the air and screamed a banshee's scream as I launch all the gathered weapons at the dragon. All it could do was turn and look at me as the variety of weapons pierced his skull. I felt a sudden drain of energy as the dragon cried out in pain stunning all in the general area, "Stormy" was all I heard as I blacked out.

The Next Morning

I awoke to silence on the cold blood covered throne room floor. I looked around trying to see if my sisters were near me. All I saw other than dead bodies and scattered weapons was a note on my mother's golden throne. It read:

Dear Lightning Storm,

I have taken Luna and what remained of our stuff. I left your things there for you to sort through and leave for your own journey. Some rumors have been spreading about this place called Equestria, so I thought it wise to travel there and help as best as I can and hopefully raise Luna to be a good pony.

I bet your wondering why I did not bring you with us. Well that is because to put it simply, you are to dangerous to be around Luna while she is being raised. I do not want her to loathe war and bloodshed as our father did. So I left you at our old ruined home to find your own way.

I wish it did not have to be like this but after seeing you completely loose control like that I could not bear to have you around Luna and that happen and for her to get hurt. So please forgive me, and do not blame Luna. This is not her fault.

Your sister,


All I could do was cry after reading the letter, "Why?" I said quietly to myself, "Why!?" I steadily got louder to the point of me actually doing damage to the wall in front of me.

Author's Note:

Hope everyone likes it. I will diffidently say that it is much better than the old version of this story.