• Published 21st Apr 2015
  • 1,134 Views, 39 Comments

The Forgotten Princess - Okami1197

Lightning Storm had a good life, she had two loving parents, a brother, and two sisters. One night all that changed and she lost all of it.

  • ...

Chapter 10

"Princess Mi Amor Cadenza! There is a large group of dragons headed this way!" one of the crystal guards yelled as he ran into the throne room.

"Rally the guards and intercept them. If things start to look grim I will evacuate the citizens." the pink alicorn ordered calmly.

"Yes ma'am." the guard saluted and ran to rally the troops.

Cadenza turned to face her scribe, "Send word to my aunts in Canterlot. We need help."


Two guards ran into the throne room, one solar unicorn and a thestral, "Princesses!" the unicorn said out of breath.

"The dragons are attacking the Crystal Empire, and Princess Mi Amor Cadenza request assistance." the thestral mare finished off.

For a second the half the room became extremely hot and the other grew some ice, "Send word to Commander Storm tell her to bring the newly crowned prince and princess here. Also have her bring Princess Twilight Sparkle." both Luna and Celestia said in unison.

"Yes Princesses." the unicorn guard left the room in a hurry.

"Night Blossom I want you to go to the armory and retrieve one of each type of weapon including that weapon." Luna said coldly.

"Yes Mistress." the thestral mare left the room at a more of a calm pace than her solar counterpart.

"Sister did you just tell her to go and get that weapon? That blade has not seen combat since our father was alive." Celestia said.

"None have been able to pick it up let alone use it without something surrounding it since our father was alive, but I have a good feeling that one Prince might take a liking to it."

"I will let this continue then. Only because there is a chance he could." the door opened and a dark purple alicorn stallion walked in followed by Twilight, Dinok, Sky, a blue dragon, and a white changeling princess/overseer.

"What is it you called us for sisters?" Void asked.

Celestia stood up, "The dragons are attacking the Crystal Empire, and Cadence called for our help. So we are sending the best help we can." she looked at the door as a few guards walked in behind Night Blossom, "Us. The seven of us are going to go to the Crystal Empire and assist Cadence in the defense of her Empire. Luna had Night Blossom here retrieve weapons from our personal armory just for this occasion."

Storm's eyes followed the one weapon that was cover by a piece of clothe, "Sister is that what I think it is?" Celestia nodded, "You realize only father was capable of using that weapon."

"Well we have a new Prince with our father's magic so we are hoping this will work. We could use the Harbinger in combat against these monsters." Celestia said calmly.

"What are you two talking about?" Dinok asked bluntly, "And what is the Harbinger?"

"The Harbinger is the weapon inside of the rap, but none of us can even touch the thing that is why we raped it like we did." Celestia spoke calmly as she moved the bundle to Dinok, "We believe that you can use this weapon because you have a connection to our father."

"So you want me to try and use the weapon then?" both Luna and Celestia nodded, "What are we waiting for then? Ponies are in danger." Dinok used his magic to rip the clothe off the weapon and pick it up. The weapon is a tall black scythe that has no blade, "Where is the blade?"

"The blade is magic. You have to will the bade into existence." Celestia said.

"So all I have to do is want the blade to appear and it will?"

"Pretty much. Now for you Sky I think a weapon made for a distance will help you, but whether or not you want to make your own, or use one of the ones we have here is up to you."

"I think that I will make my own." Sky said sheepishly.

"Sister I have a special weapon for you." Celestia pulled an emerald lance out of the pile of weapons and handed it to her, "This is the lance you used that night so long ago. There has been reports of a pony that shares his name. We think that our friend Lance had one child before he was killed and that the child and its mother fled."

"Thank you sister, for retrieving this." Storm said as a tear ran down her face.

"Void I had two custom short hilt katana made for you." Celestia said as she gave her brother two sheathed blades.

"I will use them well sister." Void said with a slight bow.

"Twilight, as much I wish you could join us on the field of battle you cannot. Your mission is to find Cadence and help her protect the citizens. That is the main priority today. The Empire could fall but I want those ponies to survive."

"Yes Celestia."

Luna stepped forward, "Let us be off!"


"Cadence! It is time to leave!" Shinning Armor yelled as he was struggling to keep both the shield protecting him and Cadence and the one protecting the train of evacuees up.

Cadence charged her horn, "Drop our shield and focus on protecting the citizens!" Shinning nodded and dropped their shield. As one of the dragons charged them Cadence let go off a blast of pure telekinetic force sending it flying the other way.

Before any other dragon could charge a loud deafening roar sounded threw the area as a massive airship being pulled by possibly the largest dragon anyone has seen ever became visible. The dragons shifted their attention to the ship forgetting about Cadence and Shinning Armor. There were bright flashes as hundreds of magical bolts fired down hitting the dragon army. Those that did not react fast enough were killed and those that were fast enough were injured, but they continued to fight, "Cease this nonsense and join us." a booming voice bellowed from the ship. A small number of dragons stopped and knelt in submission while others charged the ship.

Before the ship could fire another volley of magical bolts there was numerous booms from the sound barrier breaking a distance away. Trails of fire, ice, lightning, emerald, dark purple, violet, and darkness could be seen approaching quickly. Suddenly the trail of darkness disappeared and several of the charging dragons heads fell from their bodies. The dark purple trail raced towards the closest living hostile dragon and the flash of two blades cut threw the dragons chest. The fire and ice trails worked in unison with each other, freezing the wings of the dragon right before it was roasted by the other. The lightning trail shot like an arrow throw the bodies of the dragons killing them on the spot. The emerald one landed on the ground and started launching pieces of earth at the remaining hostile dragons. The violet one flew straight at Cadence and Shinning Armor.

"Cadence!" Twilight yelled as she tackled the alicorn of love, "Are you all right?"

"I'm fine Twilight but the Empire is not. We lost all the guards, and not even half the population escaped." Cadence said with a saddened tone.

"I'm sorry we were not here sooner."

"It is fine Twili." Shinning said as he picked his sister up off of Cadence, "But we have to have a word with one very large dragon." he looked up at the large dragon that was still in the air.

Dinok was the first of the alicorn combatants to land next to the small group, "That should be all the hostile dragons."

Cadence looked at the thestral alicorn and then back to Twilight, "Who is this Twilight?"

"'I am Prince Dinok. I hold the power of the galaxy itself and I am also the protector of Princess Cloudy Sky the guardian of Earth." Dinok said with a slight amount of pride.

Twilight looked at Dinok and gasped, "Dinok you got your cutie mark finally."

Dinok looked at his flank and sure enough he saw a galaxy with a skull in the center, "Well it seems that I did." Dinok faced Shinning Armor, "The large dragon up there is not your enemy. He is an ancient friend of my mother and her siblings."

"And who is your mother exactly?" Storm and Void landed flanking Dinok as soon as Shinning finished his question.

"That would be me." Storm stepped forward, "I am sister to both Luna and Celestia, Commander of the Equestrian military, and the Princess of Storms."

"Why should I beli-" Twilight stuffed her hoof into her brother's mouth before he could finish.

"Trust me she is." Twilight said flatly, "And just for a reference. She destroyed Celestia in a one on one fight the day I met her."

When Twilight pulled her hoof from her brother's mouth both his and Cadence's jaws dropped, "Ok. I will take your word Twili."

The large dragon started to descend and landed a ways away also setting the massive ship down, "Storm, Celestia, Void! I know you three are here. I recognize those flight trails." the dragon bellowed.

Storm took off for the large dragon and yelled, "Radetel!" she slammed into his leg and tried to hug it, "I missed you so much!"

"And I you little one." he responded gently as if talking to a child.

"Hello Radetel. It is good to see you again." Void said having glided over from Dinok's side.

"Void! Not sleeping with random mares again I hope."

"Na decided to try out a stallion this time." he said without any show of joking until both him and Radetel started laughing, "But in all seriousness I have not."

"Good lad. Saying that most ponies nowadays are probably decedents of yours anyway."

"Come on I didn't sleep around that much did I."

"Yes, yes you did."

Celestia and Luna land side by side next to their brother, "Radetel I am glad you are still alright and on our side." Celestia said calmly.

"I am glad that you are alright. It was my job to protect you and your family, but I failed when it mattered most." he looked over Luna and smiled, "Little Luna is not so little any more. You have grown into quiet the mare my dear."

Luna blushed slightly at the complement, "Thank you. It has been a long time since someone complemented my appearance."

"Tell me Celestia did my daughter make it to you at Canterlot, or to one of the other castles in Equestria?"

"She made it to Ponyville's castle. Her and Ms. Cleveska were treated for injuries they sustained on the way there. They are on their way here as we speak actually."

A black Pegasus with an emerald colored mane and tail flew down from the massive ship behind Radetel, "Radetel why have we landed? We need to get to the Princesses."

"Easy Lance. The Princesses came to us." Radetel said calmly.

"They did?" Lance looked at the alicorns in front of the massive dragon. Then he looked at the one still hugging his leg, "Storm….." he whispered.

"What was that Lance?"

"Nothing Radetel. I just saw a ghost that’s all."

Storm finally let go of Radetel's leg and looked at Lance, "You look just like him."

"Look just like who?" Lance asked.

"A friend that I lost a long time ago." Storm responded sadly.

"Oh….." Lance looked at Storm closely then shook his head, "Why do I keep getting these visions every time I look at you?"

"What kind of visions?"

"Almost like memories, because you look like a young teen in most."

Storm looked at Radetel, "Where did you find him?"

"Not far from the castle ruins. Why?" Radetel said.

"Because, this is not one of Lance's decedents that just share his name. I think this is actually him."

"How could it be him sister? He died in your room that night. We both saw his body impaled on the ground." Celestia reasoned.

"Dinok died too, but there was greater plans for him so he was brought back. How do we know something similar didn't happen to him!" Storm took off towards Canterlot causing multiple storm clouds to form on top of her as she flew.

Dinok had just walked over as his mother flew away, "Aunt Celestia why did mom leave like that?"

"Because she couldn't accept the truth Dinok. That’s why." Celestia said with anger evident in her voice.

"Let us not continue this conversation now. We are all a little emotional." Radetel said, "Let use go to your capital and speak before the coming battle against the would be dragon king."

"Yes lets go."

Author's Note:

All the pieces of this game are set.