• Published 13th Apr 2015
  • 1,954 Views, 25 Comments

To hide from your friends among your friends - QuickType

Jack and Piper where transported to Equestria, after a year of working in a Diamond dog mine they are finally free, but not all are happy with these new creatures.

  • ...

A chapter that has food, a gun, and sk8 boards.

Author's Note:

This needs to be said,
1. I am a procrastinator.
2. I hate my own writing, but I am trying to get over it.
3. I got stuck in developing the first hump of the story arch.
4. I don't care if pizza is canon already.
5. I swear this will be the last time I use food as a filler.

As always I am not the best editor so you will see some mistakes and gammer issues that I somehow missed.

Copyright: Hasbro , The Offspring, and who ever invented Pizza.

This chapter was rewritten a lot (that's why the delay), I hope you enjoy it the first arch is starting in the next chapter.
Oh and I renamed myself to QuickType. =D bye


===========================4 hours after lunch==================

Eventually Jack and Piper found their room, after exploring (getting lost in) most of the castle.

"This bed is amazing!" Piper said flopping herself onto it.

"This bathroom is amazing! Plumbing!" Jack said as he flushed the toilet repetitively.

"I think the best part is the indoor waterfall." She said coming into the large bathroom."How long are we staying here?"

"Until a week after the Gala, so 3 weeks from today on Monday" He said


A knock on the door interrupted them.
"Come in!"

A cream colored Unicorn in a maid outfit came in obviously a bit startled by the rare creatures in front of her.

"The Princesses have instructed me to inform you that dinner will be in a hour and a half." she said.

"Thank you." Piper said

Once the maid left Piper turned to Jack.

"We have an hour to kill, and you have been such a good boy." Piper said winking

"Have I now?" Jack said as he went over to the door and peeked out to find a guard posted out of their door. 'The prick must have placed him there'

"Hey, you." He said to the stone faced guard.
"Yes,Sir?" the guard responded.

"Are you able to leave, or are you stuck due to orders?"

"Orders from the Prince" He said almost spitting the word prince.

"Do you have ear plugs?"

Much to Jack's surprise the guard actually had Ear plugs.
The guard winked and said "Guests can get loud now and then, If you know what I mean."

Jack laughed "So you are cool with it?"

"Yes" he said before putting the earplugs on.

Jack turned around to see Piper on the bed in her underwear in a seductive pose.

'I am so lucky.' he thought as he went to have some fun.

=====================30 min later====================
Lyra had just gotten some of what she believed to be human artifacts from storage and was going to ask the humans about them.
She grabbed the first things she saw, A black shiny rectangle that glowed if a button on the side was pressed, a gray L shaped object that said 'Colt 92' on the side among other markings and numbers, and she grabbed what looked to be a scooter with no bar but a longer board and bigger wheels.

As she approached she saw a guard posted at the door wearing earplugs.
'oh, boy' she thought as she approached.

"You are just in time, they just finished." The guard said causing Lyra to blush, as he knocked on the door.

"Come in!" they heard a voice yell.


Jack and Piper watched as Lyra opened the door holding some items they recognized quickly.

"Hello!" Lyra said blushing for some reason. " I was hoping you could identify and name some of the artifacts I have with me, starting with this." Lyra pointed the Colt at Jack.

"Hey watch where you point that!" Jack said swiftly grabbing the Gun from Lyra's Telekinetic grasp.

"So it is a weapon." She said scribbling down some notes.

Jack ejected the mag and released the bullet in the chamber, not even bothering to check how many rounds were available.

" Yes it is called a gun and you should not point that at people." Piper said.

"More pacificly it's a Colt 92" Jack said inspecting the now no longer threatening piece of metal in his hand. "I am no expert on guns but it looks clean enough to work properly." he said before placing it and the magazine on a nearby table. "Moving on!"

Lyra then held up a Ipod and clicked the button on the top of the device. "This is as far as I have gotten with it."

Piper took it from the air and slid the lock screen to gain access.

"What are you doing?" Lyra asked looking over Piper's shoulder with amazement and curiosity .

"I am going to play some music, that what this device is for, storing music.... that's odd..."
"What?" Jack asked.
"The battery indicator has an infinity symbol on it."

"Forget the music for now, Lyra I can tell you exactly what this is." Jack said holding up what he identified as a longboard.

"Please tell." Lyra said with wonder in her eyes.

"This is a Gravity 43' Drop Kick, with blazer wheels on it. (Link to board)"
"Its a longboard." Piper said.
"You guys chat, I am going to have some fun, see you at dinner!" Jack said as he stood on the board and propelled himself through the open door with his wings, startling the guard as he turned and cruised down the hall past the doors.

Twilight and her friends were standing in the hall trying to see what the commotion was about and we're equally as surprised as the guard .

"What are you doing?!" Twilight yelled at him.

"Something stupid!" He yelled back as he brought the back of the board down to help him descend the stairs without stopping.

"That was cool, I guess" Rainbow said from above as she started to follow him.

"Oh, You want to see cool? I'll give you cool." He said before he noticed the maid crossing an intersection up ahead. Jack jumped over her and let the board go beneath before landing on the other side.

"Lame, oh Blueblood is up ahead." she said.

'Is the hand ready to fire?' Jack asked his hand.

--Hand is ready to fire, sir!-- his hand responded.

Jack also noticed the open window up ahead and the plan came together.

'Fire at will' he told his hand.

"YOU, WHORE OF A MOTHER COCK SU--!" was all Blueblood had time to say before Jack's hand slapped him so hard across the face they say even two thousand years later you can still hear the *Smack* echoing around the castle.

Then Jack jumped with his board, out the window.

Celestia was sitting in her reading room sipping some tea when she felt a disturbance......Followed by a loud *Smack*.

Standing up to investigate she saw a human jumping out a window with the largest grin she has ever seen on a creature's face.

She sighed 'Five bits says that he just smacked Blueblood.' she thought to herself.

Jack landed on a slanted roof and then onto another all while doing tail grabs and other tricks like grinding corners. He eventually made his way, with the aid of his wings, to the center of the courtyard where he then proceeded to a handstand while riding around.

"That was awesome!" Rainbow said. "What, where all those moves you did on the way down?"
"Those where tricks, but I like to call it falling with style." Jack said remembering an old movie he watched when he was young.

"To the throne room!" he announced pointing a finger into the air and propelling himself forward with his wings.

"You don't know where that is?" Rainbow said following him into the castle.

Jack stopped. "Not from here, no."

He then noticed a cook passing by. "Excuse sir?" Jack called
The young chef notably tensed a little upon seeing Jack but kept walking.
"I am sorry sir, I have no time to chat, we are having a dinner crisis!" he said quickly as he continued to what Jack guessed was the kitchen.

"Whats wrong?" Jack said as he rode next to the trotting pony.

"Master Chef, Joly Beak has lost his cookbook! We don't know what to cook! He sent me to pick up another from the store but they had none in stock, and won't get more until tomorrow, and the library didn't have the book to borrow..... I am actually on my way to tell him the bad news." his pupils shrunk a bit. " I could get fired for this..."

"What's your name?" Jack asked him.
"Clear Taste."
"Don't you worry Clear you will still have your job after I am done!" Jack said with a smile on his face after rolling his eyes at the ironic name. "To the kitchen, lead the way!".


Five minutes after hearing the slapping noise Celestia heard a voice that only confirmed her suspicions.

"Auntie Celestia!" Blueblood whined as he burst through the door of the tea room.

"Yes?" she said with a sigh as she put down her book.

"That brute hit me! I demand he be thrown from the castle at once!" He said showing the bruise on his face.

"I will have a word with him." she said. She was growing tired of Bluebloods antics, He had obviously offended the humans in some way.

"What did you say to him?"

"Nothing! I was just minding my own business in the hall." he said picking up his left back hoof slightly, telling Celestia that he was indeed lying.


Max and Mandy were walking around Canterlot taking in the sights when they were approached by a Pony in a dark hood.

"Excuse me? Do you happen to know anything about the two creatures in the castle?" she said.

"You mean Jack and Piper? Yes lots why?" Mandy said.

"Could you give them this?" she said holding up a card in a telekinetic grasp. "I am from the press and I wish to conduct an interview with all four of you. "

"We'll be sure they get it" Max said.

"Thank you" she said before walking away.

"That was odd." Mandy said.
"Yes it was, come on let's get back, Dinner is about to start and I made sure to let them know what our diets where.... that last meal was terrible."

Mandy nodded in agreement.

"What is this?!? Clear I asked you to get a cookbook! Not bring guests into the kitchen!" Joly Beak exclaimed in a accent that could be mistaken as a mix between French and British.

"It's not his fault. I came because I have a new recipe for you and, I guarantee you have never cooked it before." Jack said .

Joly stroked his chin fetters with his talons "A new recipe you say? Where is it from?"

"Another universe." Jack said noticing the look of interest on the Griffon's face.

"Then show me how to prepare this dish!" He exclaimed with excitement.

"I am going to need a chef hat." Jack said.

"But of course!" He said as he went into a back room and brought back a hat and placed it on Jack's head.

"Clear! Start making dough!" Jack smiled as he ordered another cook to get sauce, this was going to be good.

======45 min later====

Piper and the rest of the squad were waiting with the Royals and what she had learned to be the bearers of the elements of harmony.

Everyone was sitting making small talk when the doors from the kitchen burst open and out came the familiar smell of pizza.

"Dinner is, served!" Jack announced before he rode over to his seat next to Twilight and Piper, followed by waiters carrying pans of the delicious Americanized meal.

"What is it?" Lyra asked

"Pizza!" Piper said with glee. "Whats on the menu Jack?"

Jack smiled and pointed to four pies nearest to the ponies.

"We have veggie lovers with grass and hay for the herbivores." He then turned and pointed to for more pies near Max and Mandy "Meat lovers for the carnivores. " Then proceed to show off four more pizzas nearest to him and piper. "And a meat lovers with some greens and mushrooms for the omnivores!"

"How do you eat it?" Twilight asked.

"Like this." Jack said grabbing a slice of a meat lovers and taking a bite.

"Where did this dish come from?" Rarity asked obviously unsure what to make of the meal set before her.

"Well, it is a popular food where I am from."

Max shrugged and grabbed a slice and took a bite.

"Amazing!" He exclaimed after he swallowed and then continued to eat. Pinkie pie grabbed a slice and shoved it into her mouth and her eyes grew to the size of dinner plates.

Twilight turned to the Princess Celestia who simply smiled and picked up a slice with her magic and brought it to her mouth to take a bite.
Celestia's eyes widened and looked at the pizza slice with a hungry look.

But she kept her composure and said "Twilight Sparkle, it would be rude of you not to try our guests food especially when it tastes this good."

Jack smiled as the rest of the ponies (except Blueblood) tried the food and immediately voiced their opinions.

"Yeeha! That's delicious!"

"Um, thanks for the food."


"I didn't know what I was expecting but this is exquisite! "


"Humans are awesome!"

"It's good! You should write a book on your culture's recipes."

Jack laughed stood to bow "Thank you thank you, although most of our food requires a combination of meat and greens so I doubt the creatures here would like or care about that kind of book, I doubt somebody would want to read a book with omnivore recipes, but feel free to share this! ”

===After dinner====

After eating most of the pizza and putting the leftovers way in a fridge. Jack and Piper with Max and Mandy left the dining hall.

"Hey guys!" Lyra called from behind them. " The Princesses are about to raise and lower the Sun and Moon! Come and see!" She said before heading towards the throne room, the Four of them following her.

Coming into the throne room they found the Elements and the Princesses out on a balcony to the right of the throne.

"You're just in time." Twilight said greeting them.
Jack watched as Celestia and Luna stood next to each other Luna's head lowered and Celestia's head raised, then slowly with their horns lit Celestia lowered her head while Luna raised her head in time for the sun to set rapidly and the moon to ascend into the sky.

Jack could feel the power of the alicorns in front of him and couldn't help but fear it.

"I am going to bed." He said wanting to get away from the ponies that could make him a pile of ash in an instant.

"Good night, I am going to stay up a bit longer." Piper said before kissing him on the cheek.

After Jack got to his room he took a shower and went to bed.

=3 hours later=


Luna said goodnight to her sister, took her place on the throne and entered the dreamscape, a dimension with thousands of floating doors each one a having a dream of a creature behind it.

She smiled, one of the humans was about to have a dream, she went over to Lyra's dream to ask if she wished to view the dream.

She came to a door with a lyre on it and knocked on it with her hoof. The door opened as Lyra poked her head through. "Yes, Princess?"

"Jack is about to have a dream, would you like to see it?"

Lyra flung the door open and stepped out with a huge smile on her face. "Of course, but I think Twilight would like to see it as well."

"Very well" Luna said as she and Lyra floated over to a door with Twilight's cutie mark on it.

Lyra knocked on the door, after about a minute of waiting Twilight opened the door."Yes?"

Lyra quickly explained the situation to Twilight.

"Of course!"

"Twilight Sparkle?"

"Yes Princess?"

"Lyra has already vowed to never talk about the dreams she sees to protect the personal thoughts of those who are dereaming, Will you accept this vow?"

"I Do" Twilight said with a bow.

"Then come, and let us view a dream of another mind." she said as her eyes flashed.
====Jack's dream===

Jack found himself sitting in his early childhood home house except the furniture was made of phones each saying '9-1-1 what's your emergency' over and over.

Jack sat there taking in the room and his surroundings until he heard a scream.

"Piper?" he asked no one turning around to find himself in the throne room with Celestia on the throne and his friends on the floor with holes in their chests, dead at her hoofs.

"What have you done!?"

"What I needed to do, but don't worry you're next." Celestia said with an impossibly large smile on her face.

Jack felt the familiar crushing effect of Celestia's power as her horn started to glow.

"NO!" He yelled. With tears in his eyes he jumped through a window just as a SONG (link) began.

He could hear the singer as if he was right next to Jack's ear.

He climbed up into the sky as the singer sang

'Oh take me higher,all the way to the sun!'

He then proceeded to dive into the streets of canterlot hearing Celestia yell "Kill Him!" as the song continued.

'Down to the wire fighting's only begun!'

Jack tilted his head slightly so he could take quick glances behind him , he just make out something big and gold gaining up on him as he dove and weaved through the streets extremely close to the cobblestone road.

'It's closing in on you, closing in on you
Run from the fire raining down on you
It's closing in on you, closing in on you
Oh, and no way out oh oh.'

It had started to rain fireballs at Jack and he could feel his doom ever closer to him.

"Why are you running?! Your friends are dead, you have no hope!" Celestia yelled at him.

'I will persevere, I will resist to hear
I will interfere
I'm not the only son, my will will be done
Omniscient begun'

Jack did a 180 in the air and flew straight at the cluster of guards and Celestia catching them by surprise with his katana out slashing through them like butter.

It's closing in on you, closing in on you
Run from the fire raining down on you
It's closing in on you, closing in on you
And no way out

'Gonna make it through, gonna make it through
Divide by zero like a wrecking crew
Closing in on you, closing in on you oh
Oh, and no way out oh oh'

The song seemed to want to encourage him to attempt the impossible and as it said "divide by zero." So once again Jack rose into the sky.

Oh take me higher all the way to the sun

At the height he wished he dove at his demise sword drawn.

I will persevere
I will resist to hear
I will interfere

leveling back out in the streets Jack dodged more fire coming from Celestia.

It's closing in on you, closing in on you
Run from the fire raining down on you
It's closing in on you, closing in on you
Oh, and no way out oh, oh

He started to climb back up into the sky.

Gonna make it through, gonna make it through
Divide by zero like a wrecking crew
Closing in on you, closing in on you
Oh, and no way out oh oh

Jack screamed as he was struck on the back in three places with searing hot pain.

His ascent stopped and soon he began to fall back towards the earth headfirst. The last thing he saw before hitting the ground was a shop with a blue banner on the front that read "Curiosity Store."


Luna, Twilight and Lyra found themselves back in the dreamscape.

Luna had tears rolling doing her eyes from what she just saw.

"Princess, what did we just see?" Twilight asked.

"We just saw Jack's nightmare, this is what I was afraid of. He is afraid Celestia will find something she will take as a threat and kill him and his friends." She responded.

"What should we do?" Lyra asked

"Nothing, I will inform my sister of this and hope for the best."

===The next day after breakfast===
The Princesses told Piper they would be announcing their presence to the public after lunch they would then be free to leave the castle if they wished.

Jack and Piper were walking down the hall with Celestia.

"So once we announce your presence you will be free to mingle with the citizens,they will have a lot of questions to ask."

"Thank you." both the humans said.

"I have a request to ask." Jack said


"Could we have our weapons back?"

Celestia's eyes widened a bit before she asked "Whatever for?"

"I would feel safer if I knew we had them, besides I have been keeping this knife with me for the past couple of days." he said showing the knife in his pocket.

"Very well, you will find them in your rooms when you return.” Celestia said unmoved by the knife.

---------------------------------------------------------after lunch---------------------------------------------------

Jack and Piper were walking around the city taking in the sights and sounds.

The announcement was quick, Celestia briefly acknowledged Jack and Pipers existence and to treat them no different than any other pony and the crowed cheered a little and then dispersed back into the busy life style of Canterlot.

But that didn't stop ponies from staring at them.

Piper didn't seem to notice or let alone care about the looks.

That's when Twilight and her friends walked up to greet them, with Max and Mandy just behind them.

“Hello darlings! Mandy had the wonderful idea to show her and Piper around, and do some shopping!” Rarity exclaimed. “Which will leave you guys to do whatever you want, bye!”

They dragged Piper away shocked at the sudden separation.

Just like that Jack, and Max were left alone.

“What do you want to do now?” Jack asked

“Want to go to a bar?” Max replied

“Sure, why not.”
They walked until they saw a bar that looked interesting, it was called The Iron Crown, the inside looked like any standard bar. Sports posters and flags, tons of alcohol and the smell of food cooking.

As they walked in, most of the ponies and other creatures, turned to look but as Max and Jack sat down at the bar, everyone went back to their business.

A Griffon bartender walked up to them and asked “My name is Lars and I own the joint, what will it be?”

“Give me the strongest apple ale you got.” Jack said recalling a time when he stole some out of his Grandmother's cabinet.

“Do you know how to make a Hellhound?” Max asked lars.

“Depends, Bloody or Slaughtered?”


Jack had no idea what he was talking about but what came back was a bubbling crimson red drink that was on fire.

“The hell is that?” Jack asked in wonder as Max seemed to sip the flames and not get burned.

“It's a hellhound, normally it's made with, Its two parts vodka, one part brandy, one shot of whiskey , edible flame magic, one drop of manticore blood, two drops of hydra blood, stirred with a dragon's scale spoon and a bit of peach juice. But I ordered it with extra blood, peach and vodka.”

“That sounds like a quick way to get drunk.”

“It is.” He said with a smile before he took a swig that left a bit of fire on his lip.

They sat there for hours, drinking, talking about the past, and cracking jokes. It was a fun time until the bar closed for the evening, the time being 3am.

They stumbled back to the castle, drunk. Stumbling up to the gates in eachothers arms.

“Stop!” A guard said at the gate.

In his slurred speech Jack said “my good man, do you have any idea who I am?”

“ Yes” the guard said but was unheard by the drunk Jack who slipped into another person's persona.

“I am the great Wilfred Warfstache, and I am here to conduct an interview with one miss Princess Celestia!”

“Sir, the Princess is sleeping, now I could escort you to your room.” The guard said in a calming tone.

“Fine” Jack said.

As they were walking up Blueblood came storming out of the castle, angry.

“Guards! I demand you ar-”

“Mr.Jacka- er I mean Blueblood! I DEMAND to have an interview, is its true you are addicted to heroin?” Jack said interrupting the prince.

“What is-”

“Three times a week you say?”

“I don't see-”

“And you snort crack on Tuesdays?”

“I don't do-”

“AND you are a registered sex offender? Good God man!”

“Now hold on here a min-”

Jack turned to the remaining guards at the gates who were all watching them with looks of joy in their eyes and said “There you have it folks, Prince Blueblood a shell of a man..er pony who is addicted to, heroin, crack and is a registered sex offender…..”

“He also molested children.” Max said from behind Jack a little less slurred.

“This just in! He is a pedophile too, how did he become this way? Well first kiddos, don't do heroin and don't molest children, this has been Wilfred Warfstache and Max the flying poodle, Good night!” He fell on the ground with a thud. The last thing he heard that evening was all the guards laughing.

==========hours earlier Piper======================================

After being separated from Jack, went shopping with the girls, got something to eat, and generally talked the whole time.

They talked about, boys, the Princesses, handbags, the heaping pile of gold in piper’s home, human culture,confectionarys.

It wasn't until they started talking about Jack’s past that Piper noticed that it was getting really late.

“So what is wrong with Jack?” Pinkie asked in an alarmingly calm tone.

“What do you mean?”

“He is hiding something, I mean other than parental abuse and being trapped in a diamond dog mine for a year.”

“Like what?” Mandy asked her ears perking up to the conversation.

“I can't tell but I know something is troubling him, what do you think Piper?”

“I don't know, he has yet to tell me if there's something wrong.”

Twilight and Lyra exchanged nervous looks as they continued to walk.

“I mean we tell each other everything.” Piper said unsure of what to do, she shook her head and reassured herself. “ He would tell me….would he?”

“It's probably for the best that you ask, no telling what could be going through his head.” Pinkie said putting a comforting hoof on Piper's shoulder.


Piper looked at the time as she entered her room, 11pm she looked towards the bed and saw that Jack still wasn’t back, slowly she got ready for bed and crawled in and quickly fell to sleep.

==Piper’s dream==
Piper got up from the moist floor of the mine and looked around at the walls and found she was chained to the floor while all the other shackles were empty.

A shrek like voice came from behind her “you, worker filth!” It cried as she turned and saw a Diamond Dog handing her a pickaxe. “Dig!” It screeched before producing a wip from nowhere and cracking it above her head.

Slowly Piper began to mine the mountain, “Faster!!” It screeched before hitting her with a club, she threw the pick down quicker and quicker but nothing seemed to satisfy the dog.

It kept telling her to move faster and faster until it pulled her from her work and threw her on the ground club raised high ready to beat her. Piper curled into a ball and braced herself, until she heard a voice shout.

Piper opened her eyes and peeked over her wing to see Princesses Luna standing there.

“Greetings Piper, I have come to free you of your nightmare, your suffering in the dimond mines is long over. You needn't worry, you are free from their grasp.”

“But I am worried I will end up there again, it was horrible.” Piper said fighting back her tears as memories of each day flooded her mind.

“Come with me.” Luna said In a soft voice, wrapping a comforting wing around Piper as a door appeared in front of them.

Piper entered for the first time and was amazed at all the doors. “This is amazing and all but why did you bring me here?”

“I am going to show you the memories of certain ponies who all fear something they know they don't need to but do nevertheless.” Luna said as they glided towards a door with Twilight’s cutie mark on it.

“Twilight lives in constant fear of failing, it doesn't matter what the situation, she is always afraid of the possibility of failure, let's take a look.” She said while casually opening the door.

Piper and Luna looked down on a sleep deprived Twilight pacing back and forth in her library her thoughts broadcasted around the room.

“Friendship problem, I need to write to the princess! But nothing is wrong!” She thought.

“A while back, Twilight would write to the princesses every week with a solution to problems he and her friends came across, Not wanting to fail my sister she ended up creating a problem.”

Piper watched as Twilight dug out a old doll from a chest and place a spell on it. “She, modified a love spell to make all who gaze upon the doll suddenly want the doll so badly they would fight over it.”

The dream continued as the whole town was in a free for all over the doll. Each pony bucking and biting each other just to have a chance at holding the stupid thing.

“The problem was eventually resolved. On that day Twilight learned to control her fear, she still has trouble sometimes but it doesn't rule her life…...somewhat.”

Piper was confused at what the Princess had said as they sat there in a moment of silence before the Princess laughed nervously and exclaimed “Moving On!”

As they approached another door Piper looked past it and saw a door with a human handprint on it. She made a mental note and continued to listen to Luna ramble on about a dentist that used to be afraid of teeth, a coal miner who was afraid of being trapped underground, a filly who was afraid of getting her cutie mark, and a famous singer with stage fright.

It was like the whole ordeal was ripped right out of a kids show.

Eventually, they made it back to her door, as she re entered her dream she took note how to open the door to the dream scape, she needed to go through the moon.

Comments ( 3 )

Great story so far, can't wait for more.

7012249 need more nice job

The references are strong with this one...

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