• Published 13th Apr 2015
  • 1,954 Views, 25 Comments

To hide from your friends among your friends - QuickType

Jack and Piper where transported to Equestria, after a year of working in a Diamond dog mine they are finally free, but not all are happy with these new creatures.

  • ...

Escape to Glorious Freedom

“YOU are slave! You mine for us!” Jack watched as Piper was struck by the beating stick, her once blonde hair stained with dirt and blood and her once flawless skin now pale and covered with various cuts, dirt and grime. Their masters where a pack of what Jack came to know a diamond dogs, two were holding him down as he watched Piper get struck a second time. “LEAVE HER ALONE!”.
He yelled his pale skin dirty from the mine, his black hair in clumps from not washing it.

Both of then were 17, trapped in the same world together, the only ones of their kind, and in love.

Jack broke free of the Diamond Dogs grip and tried to reach his love but the metal collar around his neck with a chain mounted to the floor stopped him.

The commotion caused the whole cavern mine to stop and stare up at the event unfolding, but only for a moment, whips cracked and screams where heard and they started working once more.
He pulled and pulled at the chain, he found he had more strength than a normal human, the first month here and he had managed to break it.
But they replaced his Collar and chain with ones that were a bit thicker and glowed occasionally. The chain groaned and squeaked under the pressure.

“AAAAAGGGGGG!!!!” he yelled trying to reach her, but could only watch helplessly as the stick came down over and over again hitting her over and over making her scream in pain. There was an audible crack from behind followed by blackness.


Jack awoke to the coldness of the mine and to the familiar sound of pickaxes. The mine was far from dark due to the fact the ore, gems and torches glowed brightly.

He lay there for a couple of minutes allowing himself the precious resource of rest.
he fell asleep for about a minute until he was awoken by the sound of screaming children.

“You! Big Strong! Get up!” A Dog screeched at him before kicking him. The diamond dogs looked like gray short haired dogs but they stood on two legs, they had four fingered hands including thumbs, wore clothing and had a bigger jaw then the usual bipedal dogs causing their speech to sound like shrieking most of the time.

Jack picked himself up to see the children he heard, being chained to the station next to him.

As far as he was aware there were four sentient races ruled this earth that weren't human. Ponies, Dogs, Griffins, and Dragons.

The ponies and the Dogs were the only ones to have sub races the ponies having Unicorn, Pegasus, Earth, Bat, and Changeling.
The Dogs have many but the only ones Jack and Piper have met where the Diamond dogs and the Golden dogs which also worked in the mines with them.

But the children were ponies three fillies, they didn't even with their Cutiemarks yet. Cutiemarks, as Jack and Piper learned showed a ponies special talent.

He picked up his pick and started to mine as the fillies complained, they were silenced by a crack of a wip above their heads and with tears they slowly started mining at the wall to.

To his left was Crunch (Changeling), and Mandy (Golden Dog), friends he had made during the past year he and Piper were here. “Jack, could you give the newbies the introduction please?” Mandy asked in her sweet voice.

Jack turned to the fillys “Ok, my name is Jack and welcome to the mine. What are your names? “

They seemed a bit afraid of him. “Hey its ok, we are all friends here.”

“My Name is Scootaloo” the dark orange one said.

“I like your Purple hair” Jack said as he swung his pick at some diamonds breaking them off with ease.

“Um, thanks?” Scootaloo said “This is Sweetiebelle her mane is usually a mix of pink and lighter pink but she fell in some mud.” She said
nodding towards the white unicorn who was sobbing as she worked.

“Ok, and who is that?” Jack pointed towards a yellow earth pony with a red mane.

“Thats Applebloom.”

“Howdy” Apple bloom said before focusing on the task at hand.

“So do you have loved ones?” He asked

“Yes, and they know the princess personally” Scootaloo said

“Did they witness you being taken?”

“Sure they did!” Applebloom said “We were at ma farm, brad daylight I think a good 12 ponies saw them.”

“So they are going to rescue you?”

“Yup!” all three said.

Jack and the fillies quickly went back to work as the guard passed.

"Well welcome to the mine anyway kids, this pale skinned blue-black haired boy here is the only male of his kind here, and the long haired one on the ground over there is Piper." Crunch said in his rough voice, he was bacicly a father figure to most of the young miners he was as strong as Jack was perhaps even stronger, earning him respect.

Then Piper started screaming. Jack turned around to see her on the ground curled in a ball with bulges coming out of her sweatshirt. then Jack felt a pain in his back it felt as if some thing was clawing its way out.
The pain was so great he fell to the ground with his vision going red, after two very large ripping noises the pain stopped.

Jack felt....more, on his back, he looked behind him and saw large white feathers, looking at Piper he saw she had wings as well.

Thats when the real commotion began, there was shouting at the other end of the mine and sounds of cheering and fighting.

With the guard distracted Jack swung the pick axe and knocked out the guard, took the keys and unlocked himself. He ran over to Piper and unlocked her as well as kissing her, before going over to Mandy and Crunch and freeing them as well.

The fillies were freed next . “Go find your families, don't tell them about us.”

“But why Jack?” Applebloom asked

“I dont want to be known just yet, only rumors and occasional sightings will suffice.”

“Oh, ok?” Applebloom said more confused then ever.

Jack turned to Crunch and Mandy “Do you want to come with us?”

Mandy’s ears perked up “As long as we bring Max.”

“Wouldn't dream of leaving him behind!” Piper said

“Ill come too , someone needs to keep you kids in line." Crunch said.

Jack flew over with surprising ease, to Max (golden dog) who was chained to a cart, he unlocked the chains around his ankles “Come on!” Jack yelled over the noise.
“We need to get back to the others.” before grabbing Max in a hug and flying back to Piper and their friends. Mandy and Max started kissing as soon as they saw each other.

The commotion was rising as what was obviously the royal army was freeing prisoners they looked over the edge of the tunnel and their suspicions were confirmed.

“So whats the plan?” Max asked after breaking from the kiss.

“Well we need weapons if we are going to survive, so lets go to the armory!” Jack said pointing up a shaft.

The odd group of friends started running through the tunnel and up a flight of stairs which led to a wooden door. the door opened wide to an armory of loot.

They went to work, grabbing backpacks and filling them with knives and the only food in there loafs of stale bread.

When Jack made a remarkable discovery twin swords, their origin was easily recognizable they were Katanas, Scooping them up Jack handed one to Piper after they put them on their belts Jack noticed one more piece of weaponry they couldn't leave without.

A compound crossbow with a bag of bolts and wax. Jack gave the bags to Max to hold with his stuff
“Are we all ready?” Mandy asked.

“I think so did everyone grab what they wanted?”

“YUP.” they all said in unison.

Suddenly a Dimond dog came barging into the armory trying to find a wepion, in a flash Jack pulled out his new sword and cut his stomach open on the spot and left him to bleed on the floor gurgling blood in agony. The others compleately unmoved by this put on their back packs and sattle bag.

“Alright, lets fly” Jack said as they ran out the other side of the armory into the commotion below. Looking up they saw that the dragons made a hole in the roof of the cave making a way out.

“Piper lets go.” Jack said as he grabbed Max and started taking off.

Piper grabbed Mandy and started following with Crunch close behind.

Flying came as easy as walking, the equipment did not put any strain on their wings whatsoever. They where free.

Shining armor looked up and saw the odd group, shocked by what he saw he quickly drew a sketch of the creatures in his notebook, and was amazed as with one gigantic flap of their wings they soared out of the cavern.

Author's Note:

For me First chapters, are short chapters they are there to help hook the readers.
Disclaimer!!!: I do not own the image used for the cover, I also don't own the creatures used in My Little Pony: Friendship is magic. Don't sue me, I have no money.

I Hope you enjoyed the first chapter of one of my new story, whether you like it or not there is more to come, But don't forget to like and comment!