• Published 12th May 2012
  • 2,626 Views, 30 Comments

Fey - Azure Arc

In the year 2030, two corporations team up to create true life My Little Pony companions.

  • ...

Chapter 1: A New Friend

In 2030, a multinational merchandising company commissioned the newly formed Gen-co, a department of top tier scientists and genetic biologists, to genetically engineer the first living My Little Pony. A clever mesh of living tissue and true Artificial Intelligence. These ponies were able to breed, grow, learn and eventually pass on at the same rate as a regular human being.
Capable of complex speech and understanding. It's physical design, widely considered to be 'cute' and/or 'adorable', was purposed to appeal to families, and children. With each pony bearing a unique personality and visual appearance, much like regular human beings. Once passed through health and safety review, they were mass produced, and eventually self sustaining as a species.

Three models of pony were made available, varying in price depending on the complexity of their genetic makup.
And 'Unicorn'.

Earth ponies were the more commonly purchased and/or bred as family pets, as they were the least expensive to initially create.
Pegasus ponies were often purchased and raised by aspiring stage performers. They, unlike regular earth ponies, were born/created with wings.
Unicorn ponies, the most expensive of the three, featured heightened senses and minor telepathic abilities. Commonly purchased as assistants/guides for those with physical, speech and/or visual impairments.
Each model of pony has the same mental capacities, with their personal IQ's varying with their individual personalities.

Not everybody was content with these events, however. Government officials lobbied against Gen-co, believing it wrong to 'play god'. When truthfully, they feared Gen-co's potential. A bill was created to combat Gen-co. If their bill were to pass, Gen-co would be shut down, and all existing ponies would be called in for immediate destruction.

This is the story of one young upper-class woman and her unicorn companion, whom fought the hardest for the longevity of the My Little Pony species.


Chapter 1: A new friend.

A morning shuffle clattered throughout the Brown mansion. The residing married couple coordinated their well rehearsed preparation routine, right down to the second they both stepped out of the door, one after the other.

“Behave yourself, Fey. Mommy will be home in a few hours. Don't give James any grief!” The woman called into the gargantuan house before closing the door behind herself and rushing to the luxury car her husband was parked up and waiting in.

Through a gap in the blinds pulled over the window overlooking the driveway, hazel eyes, belonging to the girl, Fey, watched her parents pull away, in disappointment. Fey was only five years of age, long flowing, well groomed mahogany brown curls fell from her head to her shoulders, draped over the expensive brand name toddlers dress she wore.

“James, why can't mummy and daddy stay home and work?” The young girl turned to the tuxedo clad butler appointed as her live in babysitter among the other jobs he is tasked with throughout the sizable home.

James placed a comforting hand atop Fey's head and smiled down at her. “We've talked about this, Fey. Your parents have important jobs. They help keep the whole country in order. They can't do that from home.”

Fey's parents were high standing political officials, with impressive pull amongst the government, and super corporations. Achieved both in part, through Fey's grandfather on her mother's side. A wealthy man that had owned the rights to one of the most popular technology brand names. With his inheritance, her parents were able to fund their campaigns and projects to swiftly climb through the ranks.

“I wish there were other kids my age near us...” Fey pined for attention. From James, from her parents, from anyone she could at the time. But with her parents always working, and James having other responsibilities to attend to, she got very little of it. This upset her. Fey wanted a friend.

“I know, Fey. But look on the bright side. You'll be starting school next year!” James lightly tussled her hair, taking care not to mess it up. “Plenty of friends to make, there.” Children weren't known for their patience, but this would keep her happy for now. “If you'll excuse me for just a few moments, I have to go make your parents beds and begin preparing your lunch.”

* * * * *

“You saw her too, watching us leave. Marcus, you know as well as I do that she needs one of us there. James isn't her father, you are.”

Fey's father, Marcus, gave his wife a sideways glance. Taking care not to let his attention stray from the road before him. “I did, Tara. But neither of us can afford to throw in the towel right now. You've got that big campaign coming up, and I've got piles of paperwork to go through, that I can't do at home.”

Tara sighed and fiddled with her purse. “Maybe we should get her a pet dog?”

Marcus couldn't shake his head fast enough at the idea. “I don't like the idea of a dog running about the house. A cat, maybe?”

“No,” Tara replied “cats aren't all that great a companion... All they really do is lay around, and occasionally meow for attention. Fey needs something that will take care of her, just as much as she will need to take care of it.”

The car went silent, save for the whooshing of passing traffic. Both parents tried their best to think of such a pet, but nothing came to mind for either of them.

“...Maybe we could get her a horse, and hire an instructor to teach her how to ride? It's not exactly the companionship she needs, but it will keep her busy until she begins attending school.” Tara suggested.

Seeming like the best idea they could come up with, Marcus opened his mouth to confirm. But something else came to mind before he could so much as utter the sound of a single syllable. “Hon, I think I have the perfect idea.” He wore a confident grin, waiting for her to ask him what his idea was.

“And that is?” Tara asked.

“I'm sure you've heard about Gen-co? Relatively new to the world, but are already establishing themselves as the best genetic engineers money can buy. Though some say they're pushing the borderline much to far, much too quickly. They've started up a project, funded by another multinational merchandising company, to create these.” Marcus pulled his left hand from the steering wheel to fish his wallet from his coat pocket. From the wallet, he produced a small flier. Which he then passed over to Tara.

Fey's mother took it from him and unfolded it. The first thing to catch her attention was the incredibly cartoony pony wearing a cute expression. But despite its cartoonish nature, it looked as real as life itself. “You want to get her... An animatronic toy pony?” Other than a little background design, there was no text on the page to give any insight into the pictured pony at all.

“It isn't animatronic, dear. It's alive. Gen-tec have genetically engineered truly living My Little Pony critters.” Marcus slipped his wallet back into his pocket and returned his hand to the wheel. “I didn't catch up on the details, but I'm fairly certain they can be bred, they age at the same rate as your average person, and are able to learn and speak just as we can. So if we get her one of these, she'll not only have a companion, she'll have a friend. One that can take care of her while she takes care of it.”

Tara had a difficult time wrapping her head around this. “Isn't this kind of genetic engineering illegal? I mean, it sounds perfect, and I definitely think we should look into it. But how are they able to get away with this?”

“From what I understand, they were able to slip through a 'grey area'. There are a few politicians that oppose the idea, for obvious reasons. Playing god has never been widely well received. But there hasn't been any action to prevent them from putting these little critters in to mass production within the next few years. At the moment, they're only available to those that can afford them. They are a little... Pricey, at the moment.” Fey's father shrugged. “But nothing out of our reach.”

* * * * *

As the day passed, Fey watched the clock above her TV diligently. As soon as the second counter ticked over, and seven o’clock rolled around, Fey ran to the window facing the driveway and waited. Her parent would always arrive home at seven. Almost on the dot. This time, however, they seemed to be running a little late. The minutes ticked by and before long, the clocks around the house were showing seven thirty. “James, what's taking them so long?” Fey pressed her nose to the glass and looked worriedly out into the night.

Before James could reply, the headlights of her parents car shone over the window. “It seems they were just a little delayed, Fey. Let's go greet them at the door, shall we?”

She wouldn't have to be told twice, Fey was already bounding for the door to meet up with her mother and father. Standing back from the door as it swung open, Fey held her arms outstretched, waiting for one of them to take her into their arms. As was usual. This time, however, her parents walked in holding a small cardboard box.

“Fey,” her father started them off “we know we haven't been around all that much. And we know you really wish you had someone to spend time with.”

Tara continued on. “So we talked about it while we were headed to work, and your father and I have decided to get you something.” They both leaned down and placed the small box in front of Fey.

As eager as a child always is when being handed a gift, Fey pulled at the box lid, flipping the flaps open to take her first glance at what was inside.

Inside the box, a small white and purple ball was curled and quivering. Two wide, blue eyes twinkled as they glanced up at Fey, with obvious apprehension. Marcus knelt over the box and gently lowered his hand into it. Slowly, he lifted the small white critter from the box and placed it down in front of Fey. Having been pulled from the safety of its box, the critter stood on its tiny hooves and looked around the room. “It's a pony.” Marcus told Fey, smiling at her bewildered expression.

Fey sat herself down in front of the small, white, purple maned pony. “A pony? It doesn't look like a normal pony.” she squinted at the small extension jutting from the pony's head.

“This one is different.” Fey's father replied. “Her name is Rarity. The people I bought her from told me she is a real gem, because she is the first unicorn pony they have ever made. She's a little shy, but when she gets older, she'll grow bigger along with you. She'll even be able to talk and do little magic tricks.”

Fey reached out to pet Rarity's mane, and although the small unicorn had flinched away at first, she was able to make contact with her silky soft mane. “She's beautiful.” Fey smiled.

“Just remember,” Fey's mother spoke “you have to take care of her. She needs to eat, sleep and play just like you do.”

With Rarity now suddenly gone from her spot on the floor, to being cradled in her arms, Fey nodded firmly at her mother. “I'll take very good care of her, I promise! We'll be the very best of friends.”


That's right. I have a new story. One a little... Well, vastly different from anything I've ever done before. But I'm sure many of you can relate when I say that when you get an idea, sometimes you gotta get it out.

Comments ( 30 )

So let me get this straight, I can't get a Celestia? Dammit I want to mess with the sun!

WHERES MY DAMN PINKIE?!?! I WANT A PINKIE PIE!!!!! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

You read tampins manuals didn't you? :ajbemused:

There were a series of manuals about Robotic/Organic ponies (The mane 6) that were featured before.
This looks like that idea in a story.

Not quite... This story will be more about the moral grey area when it comes to creating and destroying life.

It's widely considered wrong to create artificial life. But when that has already come to pass, is it any better to get rid of it?

This story is going to be basically one great big moral dilemma.

How so?
You make life, it's made.
End of story.

Wow. Way to brush aside a very real issue in morality.
It's easy to say "I'm going to make life." and be done with it.
But then you have to think about what impact that life will have on the world. Or what impact the world will have on this life.

And what happens if it turns out to be a very bad idea? "Just get rid of it"?

But then you've got to think about basic human rights. These ponies on a mental level, not much different than human beings. So when the question arises; "Would it be acceptable to just wipe them out, because they should never have been allowed to have come about in the first place."?

Lets say for example, you are a scientific creation. You have all the same features as a regular human being. But your creation was unlawful, and it was decided that you should be destroyed. You wouldn't like that at all. No sane person would. You may be a creation of science, but on the outside, and even the inside, you are human. As such, you deserve the same treatment. Basic human rights and whatnot.

It's no different for these ponies. They grow, think, feel and speak. Do you think if they were to ever truly exist, that they would deserve the same rights as us?

The answer to all of this is far deeper than "It's there now."

Funfact: Human rights don't really exist.
And seeing as ponies aren't people, no they can't have the same rights, if they were made to be pets, they can be pets.
And yes I'm a heartless bastard.:trixieshiftright:

Well then I'm afraid this story, and many other real life issues may be lost on you. Can't please them all, I guess.

It's okay.
It's just I don't really give a shit about 99.9% of the people on this planet.
I just thought this seemed like manual styled story.
And I think this has been done before, but with Fluffy ponies on Ponibooru.

It's a little funny that they say they are suppose to be intelligent creatures, but they still package them up in boxes.

Will this be a dark biopunk/horror fic like MLP Laboratories: The Outbreak?

Being rather well-versed in biology and very interested in biotechnology and genetic engineering, this could turn out to be a sweet and fluffy story combined with a tale about bioethics.

I am assuming that the next chapter will be a time skip a decade or so in the future and the ponies have been established. And Fey and Rarity are either teenagers or young women in thier 20s.

Seriously though, if I actually had one of those "Synthonies" (Synthetic Ponies); I would probably lobby to have further production of them banned (assuming that production had already started and there was a sizable population of them) but grant them status as full sapient persons. And I would tell anyone who tries to confiscate mine to go hump a paper shredder. :pinkiecrazy:


They haven't been fully established yet. Our little upper-class family and those like it are among the first to own one. So far as anyone is concerned at this stage, they're not too much different from regular pets.


You aren't far off. I'm glad someone is getting the point of all this. The next chapter will be a time skip, though not quite that far. Just a little more time developing the relationship between Fey and Rarity, and then I can move on further.

Wow! I'm liking this so far! Looking foward to more.

This story throws up some flags. Are you per chance using MLP FIM to pontificate about your own sociopolitical views?


I wouldn't say that. More like posing a question in humanity and morality, really. Politics just to happen to be coincidentally involved. I It's a promise that I won't be involving any deeply personal matters such as my political standpoint. I wont be driving it in a direction that I believe is morally correct, either. I want the people reading to be able to decide that for themselves.

Having said that, I will have to give it an ending eventually. I guess we'll just see where the story goes, eh? Might let my readers decide what happens.

Do have a schedule for updates in this fic, or are you just going to add chapters whenever you feel like it?


At the moment it's whenever I'm able to get some writing done. I write whenever I have the time, and I feel inspired to, between job hunting and drawing.

Year 2030
Still worried about "playing god"


*Reads your name*

Righto then.

I wish this could actually happen like shes my little pony. For bronies this would be awesome.

Any news on an update?

I surprisingly am quite busy these days. What with commissions and some video game art and voice acting work.
I'll get to it eventually, I certainly have no intentions of dropping these stories.
Quite the opposite actually, I've got some ambitious plans for a couple of them. Here's hoping I can pull them off.

I'm utterly surprised at how interested I am in this story. You have my follow.

along with each and every creatures immediate destruction.

That by ethical standards would NEVER happen, if they are living organisms (especially if they're sentient) that would be taking a life without cause. If that were to happen I'd probably be more outraged by people actually agreeing to kill intelligent lifeforms than the fact that they are ponies. :unsuresweetie:
But then again, this is the government were talking about. They make stupid decisions everyday :rainbowlaugh:

this has great potential you should keep updateing

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