• Published 14th May 2015
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Not Dead Yet - Evil Twilight

Will Twilight find out why she died and finally rest in peace?

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Chapter IV: Final Goodbyes

Twilight was walking around in a circle in the Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters. She didn’t know what her final words to her friends, family, and mentors were going to be.

“This is going to be a lot harder than I had originally thought,” Twilight thought to herself. “Everypony is going to be all emotional and such, but I guess that’s what you have to deal with after you die.”

Twilight stopped in her tracks. “I died,” Twilight thought. She had never really stopped and thought about for the fact that she was dead and never returning to Ponyville. Her mission and seeing all her friends had kept her from it. “And there’s no way of me going back as a physical pony, goodness gracious.”

Just then the door swung open and Fluttershy and the other ponies that Twilight had instruct her to get were coming in the door.

“Ah’m tellin’ ya Fluttershy you had better not brought us here for not’in’!” Applejack said annoyed as she followed Fluttershy in. “Twilight better be here!”

“Yeah, Twilight, better be here,” Shining Armor said holding his mother closely.

“Trust me you all, you’ll get to see her,” Fluttershy said smiling.

Luna wanted to say something against this, but Twilight’s friends were here and they
didn’t know she was dead so she kept her mouth shut.

“Now I want everypony to sit in a circle around me,” Fluttershy said standing next to Twilight.

Shining Armor sat down with his mom next to him. Velvet leaned in towards his ear. “I thought you said our daughter was dead Shining Armor!”

Fluttershy overheard Velvet. “You’ll see in a second Miss Twilight Velvet.”

“You ready Twilight?” Erishel told Twilight.

“Ready!” Twilight said out loud.

“Everypony, meet Twilight Sparkle!” Fluttershy said pointing next to her.

There was a bright light that was almost blinding. Everypony looked away then the light, afraid that it might blind them. The light dissipated after several seconds and in its place revealed Twilight Sparkle, still spirit like.

“Hello everypony, sorry I had to meet you all in this state,” Twilight said smiling.

“TWILIGHT!” everypony shouted as the sprung up from their seats, however sat back down when they saw here.

Twilight looked over to her parents. “What Shining Armor said was true, mom, and dad. I am indeed, dead.”

Her five friends gasp after hearing this. Twilight then turned towards them. “I’m so sorry you all. I wish I didn’t have to say goodbye in this state. There was nothing I could do about this. I’m so, so sorry,” even though ghost couldn’t cry. Twilight still felt tears coming out, even though they weren’t there.

Everypony including the Princesses were crying. “Twilight,” Applejack got up and said. “Wha-what happen to ya?”

Pinkie Pie was next. “Yeah T-Twilight what happened?”

Princess Luna stood up, wiping the tears from her eyes. “Please allow me to explain.”

Twilight turned towards Luna. “No, no Luna, this is my funeral, I would like to.”

Luna nodded and sat down. “If you wish Twilight Sparkle.”

Twilight took a deep breath. “Do you all remember the time, when we defeated Nightmare Moon? And then she returned back to Princess Luna?”

“Darling how could we forget?” Rarity said, still crying.

“Well apparently the dark magic that took over Luna infected my magic and caused me to turn into some sort of wolf whenever nighttime yet. This dark power only activates during the night so that’s why Nightmare Moon wanted eternal night, the dark power can linger in her forever. So when Shining Armor and Princess Luna faced that side of me for the first time, they had no other choice but to kill me,” Twilight said looking down and closing her eyes.

All of her friends’ mouths hanged in shock. “Why were we never aware of this at all?!” Rainbow Dash got up and said.

“Are you aware of all the deaths that happened throughout Ponyville?” Twilight said.

“Yeah, why?” Rainbow Dash replied confused.

“That was me, I did all of those,” Twilight looked ashamed.

Rainbow Dash’s mouth hanged even more as she sat back down. Nopony in the room could comprehend what was going on. Their best friend was standing in front of them, as a ghost, about to leave them forever.

“Fluttershy over here was my connection to all of you. Her skill at speaking to animals also branches out even further, to ghost! However it was also our connection with the Elements of Harmony that really interlocked the connection between us,” Twilight said smiling at Fluttershy, who was crying and smiling.

Twilight walked over to her parents and brother, who were cuddling and crying together. “Mom, Dad, B.B.B.F.F., I’m sorry it had to be this way,” Twilight said frowning.

Velvet and Night Light stood up. “Twilight,” Velvet started off. “You were the best daughter anypony could ask for. You were obedient, smart, kind, we couldn’t have asked for any other daughter.”

“We were so proud of you when we found out you got accepted into Celestia’s school,” Night Light went next. “Shining Armor and I always talked about how amazing you were when you left us on the first day of school. We talked about how you were the best daughter/sister ever. Also when Shining Armor told us about you, we didn’t believe him and wouldn’t have in a million years from now. We’re sorry we couldn’t do anything to help you.”

Twilight smiled. “There was nothing you could do dad,” Twilight walked over to her brother. “Big brother, best friend forever, thank you for supporting me all the way until the end of my short life. I couldn’t have asked for a better brother. We never fought, had a disagreement, nothing of that sorts. I love you so much Shining Armor.”

Shining Armor stood up wiping the tears from his eyes. “I love you Twilight Sparkle, my one and only and favourite sister. Please find peace up there in the afterlife and I hope we get to see each other again one day. I’ll be sure to tell Cadance that you said goodbye okay Twily?” Shining Armor said smiling.

Twilight smiled. “Thank you big brother,” Twilight moved on to the Princesses, starting with Celestia. “Princess Celestia, my mentor, teacher, close friend. I wish I never had left your side. I felt like if I hadn’t then this whole mess wouldn’t have happened. But that doesn’t matter now, I’m going to miss you so much.”

Celestia smiled at Twilight through crying eyes. “Twilight I’m going to miss you too. And yes you are correct if I hadn’t sent you to Ponyville this wouldn’t have happened, so this is all my fault!”

Twilight looked up at Celestia. “It isn’t you fault, none of us knew this was going to happen!”

Celestia looked at her and smiled. “You’re right. And may I say a couple of things to you Twilight?”

Twilight smiled at her. “Go ahead Celestia.”

“You were supposed to become a Princess, and Alicorn, just like me and Luna. I gave you the instruction to go to Ponyville and make friends. You were then going to learn about friendship and how wonderful it was. I was going to then instruct you to finish a spell that Starswirl the Bearded couldn’t get right, no matter how much he tried. Once you did that, I would have given you the powers of a Princess and you have become Equestria’s newest Princess,” Celestia said looking down.

Twilight was dumbfounded, but not mad. “Maybe you can find somepony else to take my place instead,” Twilight said smiling. The last thing that Twilight wanted to do was get mad before she had to leave forever. So she set aside all negative emotions for the time being.

Celestia shook her head. “No Twilight, nopony can replace you. You’re too smart, magical, and all around amazing.”

Twilight smiled. “Thank you Princess Celestia, I love you.”

“I love you too Twilight,” Celestia bowed her head.

Twilight moved on to Princess Luna. “Princess Luna, the Princess of the Night, I’m sorry it had to be like this. I haven’t known you for long, but you seemed like an amazing pony to get to know. I wish we could have gotten to know each other better.”

Princess Luna looked up at the almost see through mare and smiled. “Twilight Sparkle, I would start saying this is all my fault but it really isn’t. This is not your fault, nor mine, nor really anypony’s! Sure if you were never sent to Ponyville you’d probably still be alive but who knows? It may have happened to one of your other friends instead. Either way, I’m also sorry it had to be like this. I feel like if we’d gotten to know each other better we would probably become the best of friends. I’m sorry Twilight,” Luna bowed her head and started crying.

“This isn’t your fault Luna,” Twilight said smiling. “As you said, nopony knew this was going to happen. I don’t want you to feel bad about this at all. This isn’t your fault at all!”

Luna looked up at her and smiled. “Thank you Twilight Sparkle.”

“It’s my pleasure Luna,” Twilight said moving on to her friends as Fluttershy joined
them. “Applejack, in the little time I’ve gotten to know you you’ve been funny, kind hearted, and honest. I’m going to miss you a lot.”

Applejack stood up and took off her hat. “Twilight Sparkle, thanks for bein’ such a great friend! And tryin’ all mah deserts that one time,” Applejack said giggling.

Twilight moved on to Rainbow Dash. “Rainbow Dash. You saved my life once as well and probably the most loyal and athletic pony I’ve met, besides Applejack of course. Thanks for being by my side and defending me until the bitter end.”

Rainbow Dash stood up crying. “Twilight Sparkle, you’re just crazy! You’re full of surprises and what not but that’s what I love about you. You’ll be missed by all of us greatly, you egg head!”

Twilight giggled and moved on to Rarity. “Rarity, nopony will match your beauty and undying creativity. While you did make me try on a ton of different outfits when I first met you back in Ponyville, you still fixed my hair. Thank you for your kind generosity as well.”

Rarity stood up crying. “Thank you Twilight for helping me with the décor and tolerating my love for fashion! I’ll make sure to right all about in my diary back at home!”

Twilight bowed and walked over to Pinkie Pie, who was crying and her hair was straighten. “Pinkie Pie, you are absolutely the funniest pony I’ve ever met. I thought you were annoying when I first came to Ponyville but I soon realized after we defeated Nightmare Moon that you are the best representation of the Element of Laughter. I’m going to miss your hilarious, unexplainable actions.”

Pinkie stood up and wiped the tears from her eyes. “Twilight, I’m glad I threw that party just for you when you first came to Ponyville. If I knew this was your fate I would have made it a million times bigger! I’m so sorry it wasn’t as big as I could have made it.”

Twilight shook her head. “No need to apologize Pinkie, it was just fine. I really needed a party like that, especially because I haven’t had a party like that in a very long time. Thanks for being so kind to me when I first walked into Ponyville.”

Pinkie Pie tried to hug Twilight but fell right there here and onto the ground. “Oops, sorry,” she got up and laughed.

“That’s fine Pinkie,” Twilight said moving onto Fluttershy. “Fluttershy, I’m probably going to miss you the most. You have helped me get in contact with everypony and have been my connection to the outside world. You have been the most helpful, and I thank you. You were really shy when I first came to Ponyville and is kind as a bunny. Thanks for your support and helping me out until the bitter end.”

Fluttershy was crying so hard that you could fill Celestia’s back pool ten times over. “I-I’m so, so sorry you h-had to leave u-us like this. We l-love you and w-we’ll never forget you!” Fluttershy reached out to hug Twilight but fell on the floor as a result.

Twilight giggled and stepped back. “Thank you all for your support throughout my short life. I love you all.”

Nopony replied to Twilight’s statement, they were all balling as they knew they weren’t going to see her again.

“I’m ready,” Twilight said looking down at the grown.

“I’m so sorry Twilight,” Erishel said.

“It’s not your f-fault,” Twilight said looking up giving a tired smile. A bright spot light surrounded Twilight. “Goodbye everypony, hope I’ll see you all again one day.”

“Bye Twilight!” everypony in the room called out as Twilight was lifted into the air. With a flight of blinding light, she disappeared and the light went completely away.

“We’ll miss you,” Fluttershy said through sobs.