• Published 14th May 2015
  • 1,207 Views, 5 Comments

Not Dead Yet - Evil Twilight

Will Twilight find out why she died and finally rest in peace?

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Chapter III: Sorrowful Parents

Both Fluttershy and Twilight got off the train and looked around. They didn’t see anything out of the ordinary so they decided to start looking around.

Fluttershy didn’t feel obligated to talk to Twilight while they were walking around being that it would look weird if somepony was talking to a ghost. However she did acknowledge her existence and that was enough for Twilight.

Twilight could easily possess her and they could communicate through thoughts but Twilight actually wanted to see Canterlot again being that she hasn’t seen it since she moved out and this would probably be the last time she would ever see it. It was sad knowing that Twilight would never see any of this ever again but what’s been done has been done.

After walking around for several minutes, Twilight spotted her brother walking along the sidewalk, ignoring everypony he passed.

Twilight saw this and possessed Fluttershy so they could talk.

“Fluttershy, look to her right, it’s my brother!” Twilight said into Fluttershy’s mind.

Fluttershy looked over to her right to see Shining Armor with his head hanging walking along the sidewalk very slowly.

“Is your brother the white stallion with the dark blue mane?” Fluttershy asked.

“Yeah that’s him,” Twilight said.

Fluttershy thought silently to herself for a second. “Twilight, I got an idea. You go follow your brother, and I’m going to go to that pet store we passed a couple blocks back there.”

“Why don’t you want to help me Fluttershy?”

“I think you need to handle this family thing on your own Twilight,” Fluttershy smiled.

Twilight took Fluttershy’s words into careful consideration. “Are you sure you don’t want to help me with this?”

“If I tried to get involved it probably wouldn’t end well,” Fluttershy thought. “Besides you’re a ghost Twilight.”

“I guess you’re right,” Twilight said. “Alright, I’ll go do this part on my own and I’ll let you know how it goes.”

Fluttershy nodded. “Good luck Twilight. And I won’t leave the pet store by the way, take as much time as you need.”

Twilight unpossessed Fluttershy. “Thank you Fluttershy, I’ll let you know how it goes.”

Fluttershy nodded and started to walk away from Twilight. Twilight however still had her brother in view so he started to follow closely behind him.

“Alright time to see what he’s thinking,” Twilight said as she possessed her brother.

“What am I going to do?” Shining Armor thought. “What am I going to tell my parents? That the Princess of the Night and I had to kill my sister because she turned into a wolf?”

“Wait, what?” Twilight thought. She wanted to unpossess Shining Armor right there but she wanted to see what else he would say.

“’Oh hey parents I just wanted to let you know that every night Twilight would turn into a wolf and start killing innocent ponies. Oh and did I mention it was because of the dark energy that was contained within Nightmare Moon? Yeah I know it sounds skeptical but it’s true!’ Yeah like that’ll work,” Shining Armor thought to himself.

Twilight unpossessed Shining Armor right there and then. “Is, this true?”

“I’m afraid so Twilight,” a familiar voice called out to Twilight.

“Erishel, I would turn into a wolf at night, and kill innocent ponies?” Twilight wanted to curl up and cry right there and then.

“Yes Twilight but it was beyond your fault, you couldn’t control it. Now that you’ve found out your death, you can now come to afterlife.”

“Not yet,” Twilight said back.

“Oh? Is there something else you want to do?”

“I want to see what my brother tells my parents,” Twilight said.

“I understand. I’ll make you a deal Twilight. If you can gather all your friends and you brother, and even the Princesses if possible to one place, I’ll let you talk to them before you leave.”

Twilight smiled. “Thank you Erishel.”

“My pleasure Twilight,” Erishel said before her voice faded away.

Twilight took a deep breath in and continued to follow her brother all the way to their house. It wasn’t too far from where they originally were so it wasn’t too long of a walk. Not like Twilight would be affected by it or anything.

Shining Armor got to the door of his parent’s house. Before stepping inside, he thought about what he was going to say.

“What am I going to do?” Shining Armor thought to himself. “Should I get Princess Luna here to help me? No, I doubt it would help me in this situation.”

“If only I could tell him I’m here,” Twilight thought to herself. She really wanted to give her brother some sort of sign, a clue that she existed. Of course she had her ‘ghost’ magic, but that wouldn’t really do her much good.

After gathering his courage, he walked into his parent’s house, and Twilight followed closely behind him

Twilight’s parents were sitting in the living room. Twilight Velvet was reading the newspaper while Night Light was reading a book. Once they saw Shining Armor walk in, they put their stuff down and ran up and hugged him.

“Shining Armor! What brings you back so soon? Is there something urgent? Celestia told us we wouldn’t be seeing you as much and Twilight even less! In fact, how is Twi-” Velvet was cut off my Shining Armor.

“Mom, please, just, sit down. Both of you please,” Shining Armor didn’t even look either of them in the eye throughout that ordeal.

“Shiny what’s wrong?” Night Light said as he followed his wife over to the couch and both of them sat down on it.

Shining Armor sat down on in the chair across from them. He didn’t bother getting comfortable being that he probably wasn’t going to be sitting for very long.

“Shining Armor tell us, what’s wrong? Is something wrong with Twilight?” Velvet demanded out of her son.

“I’m getting to that mom, just calm down,” Shining said demandingly to his mom.

Twilight sat in the floor in the middle of both his parents and his brother. She knew none of them could see her, so she got to see this entire thing unfold.

“I want to reveal myself, however I must wait until the right time,” Twilight thought to herself as she sat there waiting for Shining Armor to spill the beans.

“Mom, Dad, I love you both more than anything in this world. You know what right?” Shining started off staring at the ground.

“Yes,” both of them said in unison.

“Well,” Shining Armor choked back.

“Well what Shining?” his mother was getting anxious.

“Say it dang you!” Twilight said out loud. “They deserve to know!”

Shining Armor couldn’t hold it back anymore. “Your daughter, my sister, Twilight Sparkle, is dead,” he finally shouted out and admitted.

Both of them looked at each other with pure horror on their faces. “Wha-what?” Twilight Velvet started off.

“Yeah that’s right, now tell them the reason big brother!” Twilight shouted at him. Regardless if neither of them could hear Twilight, it still made her feel better inside.

“Yes, I know you probably don’t believe me,” Shining Armor started off, “and I really don’t know if I believe it too.”

Night Light stood up. “Son, did you kill our daughter?” Shining Armor could tell there was fire in his father’s eyes.

“No, however I helped,” Shining Armor finally got out. “Now before you start hitting me, let me tell the full story.”

Night Light sat back down. “Go ahead son.”

“This is going to take a while,” Twilight said out loud.

Shining Armor then went on about the dark power within Twilight, her turning into a wolf and slaughtering many guards. And finally he and Luna finally putting her down, for good.

“S-so that was Twilight that was really the wolf? We heard that there was a wolf
lingering around Ponyville but it was really our daughter Twilight?” Velvet couldn’t stop crying.

Shining Armor nodded. “I’m afraid so. Nopony knew it was her, and still don’t as of right now. Currently her body is inside her home which is being guarded by two sentries. We were waiting to tell all the important ponies before revealing to the public that she’s dead. Important ponies being you two, and her six friends.”

“Oh they’ll know soon enough,” Twilight said out loud.

“We’ve heard about all those murders down there, and we found out that Celestia was sending the royal guard we got scared for you Shining Armor,” Night Light said, he also being in tears.

“I understand but the point of all this is, Twilight’s dead,” tears started to form in Shining Armor’s eyes as well.

“Not quite big brother,” Twilight said as she got up. “I think I’ve heard enough, I have an idea.”

“I really wish I could save her,” Shining Armor said planting his face in his hooves.

Twilight stopped right before she could walk through the door and looked back at him. “I’m not mad Shining Armor, you did what you had to do,” Twilight smiled and turned back around and walked out.

Once she walked out, Twilight looked around to see if she could find where Fluttershy was hanging out. Twilight still knew Canterlot pretty good so she knew where the Pet Store was, which only a couple blocks was down from here.

Twilight saw Fluttershy walking out, she didn’t have anything in her hooves so she must have been just looking around in the store or something.

Fluttershy quickly spotted Twilight and walked over to her. “Hey Twilight,” Fluttershy said softly. “Did you get all the information you were looking for?”

Twilight smiled. “Yes I did Fluttershy and I have an idea. We’re going to call a meeting at the old castle where we defeated Nightmare Moon. It may seem odd, but I need you to gather all of our friends. Also I need you to write a letter to my parents and the Princesses to meet there as well.”

Fluttershy was confused by all of this but Twilight clearly had a plan so she didn’t question it. “Could I just go to your parents’ house down there and tell them to come with me?”

“That works too!” Twilight said with an enthusiastic voice. “Also since my brother will most likely be there he can also get in contact with the Princesses as well!”

Fluttershy nodded. “I’ll get right on it!”

“See you at the castle Fluttershy!” Twilight said walking away.

“See you there Twilight!” Fluttershy said walking away.

Twilight waited for Fluttershy to go completely out of view before laying down and closing her eyes.

“Erishel, may I take ten minutes or so to speak with all my friends and family before I depart to afterlife?”

“Of course you can Twilight. Since you are connected to the Princesses and your friends through the elements of harmony, I should be able to channel enough magic for you to become visible to them, as for the Princesses too. And for your family, I’ll be difficult for me to channel enough magic to make you become visible to them but since they’re bloodline to you I most likely will be able to,” Erishel said.

“Thank you, this means the world to me,” Twilight thought as she smiled.

“Everypony deserves to say some last words to family before they depart forever,” Erishel said. “Now get to the castle.”

Twilight got up. “Will do,” she said out loud and bolted off.