• Published 14th May 2015
  • 1,207 Views, 5 Comments

Not Dead Yet - Evil Twilight

Will Twilight find out why she died and finally rest in peace?

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Chapter I: Awaken from the Eternal Sleep

White, there was only white. She didn’t know where she was, and she was confused beyond belief.

“Is this, the afterlife?” the lavender unicorn spoke as she got up and looked around her. Confused and daisies as to what to do next, she just started walking.

After walking for only seconds, there was a bright light that started to shine behind her.

Quickly turning around, she looked right into the light. To her understanding, it was getting closer and closer to her. As if, it was alive.

She stopped in her tracks and let the slight get closer to her, it wasn’t getting brighter, just closer it seemed. After waiting for several minutes, the light spoke.

“Twilight Sparkle,” it said.

Twilight bowed. “Hello, um, light?” Twilight was slightly confused.

The voice within the light giggled. “Call me Erishel. I am the goddess of the afterlife, which is where you are right now.”

Twilight got up and rolled her eyes. “Never would have guess, after seeing myself being stabbed by the Princess of the Night.” There was a lot of frustration in Twilight’s voice.

“There is a reason behind why you are here Twilight,” the light got closer, almost in front of Twilight’s face.

Twilight backed away. “Really? Can you tell me?”

“I’m afraid not, you’ll have to find out yourself,” the light got slightly farther from Twilight’s face.

“What? Why not?” Twilight was confused beyond belief.

“Ponies or any species can’t have eternal peace until they find out why they die. You are here right now with the grudge against your brother and the Princess of the Night. In order to enter the Afterlife, and live eternal peace, you must find out your death, and understand it.”

It was a lot for Twilight to comprehend, but she understood. “But, how? Will I just go back to Ponyville as a spirit or something?” Twilight giggled at her own joke.

“Yes,” Erishel replied.

Twilight looked at her like she was crazy. “What? Are you serious? Will ponies be able to see me? Talk to me? Interact with me?”

“Yes to your first question, no to the rest. You’ll be invisible completely. However you will have the power to enter anypony’s mind and read their thoughts and see from their eyes, and hear what they hear, but that’s about it. You won’t be able to actually take control of their body, but you’ll be like a spectator from their point of view.”

Twilight thought about this for a second. “I do have a lot more question, but I don’t really want to waste any more time.”

“Good idea,” Erishel replied.

“However I do have one more question,” Twilight raised a hoof.

“Go ahead,” Erishel was getting slightly impatient.

“Will this be easy?”

“Good question, that’s going to be on you. You read many mystery books during your days, I’m sure you’ll be able to figure it out.”

Twilight nodded. “I understand my task and I am ready.”

“Very good. Good luck Twilight, you will succeed, I believe in you.” There was a blinding light that crowded Twilight, and within a blink of an eye, she blacked out.

Twilight woke up laying on the ground. She didn’t feel any pain, any nausea, nothing. She hasn’t felt this good since the day her and her friends defeated Nightmare Moon.

“My Friends,” Twilight thought as she looked around. There weren’t that many ponies out from where she was. “I think I’m in the park.”

Twilight looked down at herself and found something rather radical. Her body was almost completely see through. All the colours she originally possessed were gone. It’s like somepony took away all her physical features and replaced them with a cloud.

She saw a pond and quickly ran over to it to see what her face looked like. Being distracted by looking at herself, Twilight didn’t notice that she was about to run into a park bench, but she passed right through it.

She looked back at the bench in amusement. “I’ve read in many ghost stories that spirits can pass right through objects, but I didn’t know it was true. As Rainbow Dash would say: that’s totally awesome!”

Twilight walked over to the pond and looked down in it. As she thought, her figure wasn’t there. “Great,” she thought. “Now I’ll never know what I look like. Eh whatever, have to continue on my mission.”

Running away from the pond, Twilight’s first place she thought about going was her treehouse. Thankfully it wasn’t too far from where she was so she quickly ran to it. She noticed she was a lot faster now in spirit form so it made the trap all the more faster.

Once she got there, she stood in front of two guards that were standing right outside her house. “Hmm,” Twilight thought. “They must be guarding the crime scene.”

Just as she thought that, Applejack and Rainbow Dash walked up to the two guards.

“Ah c’mon y’all!” Applejack exclaimed. “We haven’ seen Twiligh’ in days! When will ya let us in and see her?”

“When we get orders from the Princess thank you very much,” the guard was getting irritated. “We don’t know her current state in there and we have no intention in finding out until the Princess arrives, now go away!”

Rainbow Dash was getting annoyed. “At least let us ask her if she’s okay! Come on already!”

“Possess Rainbow Dash,” Twilight thought. Just then, Twilight was all the sudden seeing out of Rainbow Dash’s eyes.

“Whoa, I’m inside Rainbow Dash’s body!” Twilight thought. “Let’s see what she’s thinking.”

“Man this guard is so stupid! Nothing gets in between my friends and me,” Rainbow Dash thought.

“Of course she’d think something like that,” Twilight thought. “Unpossessed Rainbow Dash.”

At the blink of an eye, Twilight was outside of Rainbow Dash’s body. Rainbow Dash was about to charge at the two guards before she was quickly stopped by Applejack.

“Ah wanna get in there as much as you do too Rainbow. How’ver it’s clearly that they don’ want us in. I’m sure she’ll come out within a couple of days,” Applejack said.

Rainbow Dash touched down next to Applejack. “Oh come on Applejack! You wanna see Twilight as bad as I do!”

“That’s mightily true,” Applejack said. “But I’m sure she’ll come out within maybe a couple of hours. Let’s just give it some time.”

Rainbow Dash was irritated but she understood what her friend was saying. “Oh alright! We’ll be back!”

“We can guarantee if you’ll see her once you come back,” the guard said.

“Let’s see what these guards are thinking,” Twilight thought. “Possess the guard in front of me.” In the blink of an eye, Twilight was inside the mind of the guard that was in front of her.

“That’s the third time her friends wanted to see her, first it was that pink pony and some white pony with a blue mane. Then it was some yellow pegasus, now it was some idiot and her cowmare friend,” the guard thought. “When will they just tell everypony that she’s dead already?”

Twilight unpossessed his body at that instant. Her mood became sorrowful at the thought that she died by the hands of a Princess. Even after freeing her from being Nightmare Moon she still killed her. And her own brother was there to witness and did nothing about it!

Twilight walked through the guards and through the closed door into her treehouse.

The guard outside however felt a shiver down his spine. “Ah! Man did you feel that?”

The other guard looked at him like it was an idiot. “Felt what?”

“It felt like something just brushed past me! That was weird, probably nothing,” the guard went back to being serious.

“I might have some fun with that,” Twilight said as she heard them both from outside. She looked around her house and saw it was an utter mess. Out of temptation she tried to use her magic to lift a book, to her surprised, it worked, but only for a short time.

“Wait, what?” Twilight said out loud, not worrying about if the guards heard her or not. “How is this possible?!”

Twilight heard Erishel once again. “Ah I forgot to tell you Twilight!” Twilight looked around confused on where the voice came from.

“When a unicorn dies, her magic dies with her, so you still possess some of your magic. You can move any outside object for a short time. Sorry, forgot to tell you!” her voice faded almost instantly.

Twilight smiled at this new-founded information. Now she had a way of communicating with physical ponies.

Anyways after glancing around her room for a little bit she noticed something on the floor. It was a white sheet with something bulging from underneath it.

Curious as to what it was, Twilight used her ‘ghost’ magic to lift up the sheet slightly. To her surprise, it was her dead body.

A tear ran down her eye as she knelt down next to it. Her eyes were closed and just looked all around lifeless. It pained Twilight to see her own dead body again. Sadly she doesn’t think that a soul can just climb back into its body like all of her ghost stories says they can.

Twilight repositioned the sheet back over her body and got back up. Inspecting the sheet one last time, she walked upstairs to her room, just to see it one more time.

When she got up there, Twilight was relieved that nothing had been tampered with. Her room was just like she remembered it, before dying. The only thing Twilight wanted to do was to go out and see all her friends again, but she knew that wasn’t possible. To her understanding, there was no such thing as a ‘bring back from the dead’. Such a thing is simply impossible, not even Celestia could be able to pull it off.

Twilight found a piece of paper on her work desk right next to her bed. There was even a quill next to it as well.

“Should I? No I shouldn’t, nopony would read it anyway,” Twilight thought as she walked away from the quill and paper.

Walking back downstairs she had no reason to continue being in her home. So, it was time for her to resume her mission in finding out her death.

Walking through her door back outside, the two guards were still there, but not many ponies seemed to be around today.

“What should I do first?” Twilight said out loud. “Nopony can hear me anyway so what’s the point in not talking out loud at this point?”

After thinking about what she should do, she wanted to check on her friends before heading over to Canterlot to try to find out why Princess Luna killed her, and Shining Armor let it happen.

“First I’m going to go see Fluttershy,” Twilight ultimately decided. Thankfully being that she was a spirit it didn’t take that long to run to Fluttershy’s cottage, being that she could run at super speed and pass through anything.

Once Twilight got there, the first thing she did was peek into her window. Fluttershy was sitting with angel and a couple of her other animal friends talking to her.

“I’m sure Twilight’s okay everybody, no need to worry!” Fluttershy said petting one of her squirrels.

“I wish,” Twilight said out loud.

“What? Who said that?” Fluttershy said looking around. “Twilight? Was that you?”

Twilight got down from Fluttershy’s window. “She can hear me? I thought Erishel said nopony can hear me!”

“Ah I see you found a rarity Twilight,” Twilight hear Erishel again.

“What do you mean?” Twilight thought

“Some ponies have the ability to see and hear certain spirits. It’s a useless skill but being that you and Fluttershy are connected via element of harmony, her skill and that are enough for her to interact with you Twilight!”

Twilight looked back inside, Fluttershy was still looking around. “Wow, that’s Erishel!”

“No problem Twilight, good luck on your mission!”

Twilight gathered her courage and walked through Fluttershy’s walls to see her fully. “Hey Fluttershy,” Twilight called out.

Fluttershy quickly turned around to see Twilight standing in front of her. “Twilight! What? What happen to you?”

“I’m dead Fluttershy. You’re currently talking to my soul, and no you’re not dreaming. Princess Luna and Shining Armor killed me and I can’t go to afterlife until I find out why,” Twilight was worried that Fluttershy might not believe her.

Fluttershy looked at Twilight’s living soul like she just died and came back to life. “You’re-you’re see through! And, y-you died? Luna killed you? And whose Shining Armor?”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Shining Armor is my brother, he’s captain of the royal guard. And yes Luna is the one who delivered the killing blow to me, Shining Armor just sat there and watched.”

Tears started to flow from Fluttershy’s eyes. “I’m sorry Twilight!” Fluttershy tried giving Twilight a hug but passed right through her body. Some of her animals looked at her like she was stupid being that they can’t see Twilight.

“You can’t physically interact with me Fluttershy, I’m a ghost. Also you’re my only way of interacting with any living pony. Please don’t go around telling ponies that Luna and Shining Armor killed me, there’s clearly a reason behind it and I want to find out,” Twilight looked determined.

Fluttershy wiped the tears from her eyes. “I’ll be more than glad to help Twilight!”

“Perfect,” Twilight said. “I think the first thing we should do is head to Canterlot. I would opt for you to tell our other friends about my fate, but I doubt they would believe you no offence.”

Fluttershy nodded. “I doubt they would to,” Fluttershy thought to herself for a moment. “Do you think maybe Princess Luna and Shining Armor had to kill you? Like, they were forced to?”

Twilight shrugged. “I suppose it’s possible, but I doubt it. Anyways, are you ready to head to Canterlot?”

“Yes I am!” Fluttershy more determined than anything. Her animals still looked at her like she was an idiot. “By the way what happened to Spike? We haven’t seen him about as long as you.”

Twilight bit her lip. “He, also died. But I haven’t found him in spirit from yet. Maybe his soul was finally at perfect peace.”

Fluttershy frowned but still looked determined. “Are you ready to find out the truth?”

“Yes I am!” Twilight said turning around walking right through Fluttershy’s door.

Fluttershy looked at her door weirdly before shaking it off and opening it and following closely behind Twilight.

Neither them knew what they might find out when they find out why they killed Twilight, but they both knew it must have had been a good reason.