• Published 14th May 2015
  • 1,207 Views, 5 Comments

Not Dead Yet - Evil Twilight

Will Twilight find out why she died and finally rest in peace?

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Chapter II: Worried Friends

Fluttershy was following closely behind Twilight’s spirit. She was trying to understand why she of all ponies is the only one that can see and hear Twilight. Eventually they got to the same park that Twilight had appeared in when she first returned to Ponyville.

Fluttershy didn’t even know what Twilight could do in her spirit from, could she take control of ponies?

“Hey Twilight?” Fluttershy stopped in her tracks.

Twilight turned around. “Yes Fluttershy?”

“Can you possess ponies? Sense you know, you are a ghost,” Fluttershy smiled weirdly.

Twilight smiled back. “Yes I can but I can’t take complete control of them. I can hear what they’re hearing, I can see what they’re seeing, and I can read their minds. But that’s about it honestly. I just hope I don’t have to stay in this form for a long time.”

Fluttershy frowned. “Why? You’re with us now! You’re back in Ponyville!”

Twilight walked up to Fluttershy. “Fluttershy, look at me, I’m dead. I won’t be able to return to my body and live with you all ever again. Nopony can see me or hear me other than you! Pretty much the reason why I’m here is to find out why I died and live happily ever after, do you not want that?”

Tears started to form in Fluttershy’s eyes. “Are you sure? I can translate for you? Twilight we don’t want you to go, that’s why I’m saying.” Fluttershy broke down into complete sobs.

Twilight knelt down to get to eye level with the crying pegasus. “I understand Fluttershy. I don’t want to go either, I really don’t! However this is fate, and fate cannot be changed.”

As Twilight was saying that a passing earth pony saw Fluttershy’s sobs and walked over to help her.

“Hey Miss are you okay?” the light brown stallion asked.

“Doctor Whooves!” Twilight thought as she looked at him.

Fluttershy got up and wiped the tears from her eyes. “Yeah, I’m sorry. My friend recently died and it’s been really tough.”

“I’m so sorry, I hope your friend finds everlasting peace in the afterlife,” Doctor Whooves said with an elegant smile.

“I’m getting there,” Twilight thought to herself.

“Thank you kind sir,” Fluttershy ask before turning around preparing to walk away.

“Oh and by the way!” Doctor Whooves called out to Fluttershy.

Fluttershy turned around with a confused face. “Is there something you need?”

“Have you seen Twilight Sparkle? I tried going to her house but some guards wouldn’t let me in. Do you know where she is?”

Fluttershy didn’t know what to say. Twilight Sparkle was right next to her, only she was dead. Fluttershy took a deep breath before beginning to talk.

“I, truly don’t know. I’m sorry mister. I haven’t seen her in the last couple of d-days,” Fluttershy sounded like she wanted to curl up and cry.

Doctor Whooves thought to himself for a moment, then he smiled. “I’m sure she’s fine miss, to my understanding you’re one of her close friends. Don’t worry about her, I’m sure she’s just fine!”

“I wish,” Twilight said out loud.

Fluttershy glanced at Twilight before returning to Whooves. “I’m sure you’re right, Mr. um?”

“Whooves, Doctor Whooves. I’m not really a doctor thought, everypony just likes calling me that,” Whooves laughed to himself. “Anyways, take care!” he said as he walked right past her.

Fluttershy turned around shyly. “Goodbye.” With a sigh of relief, Fluttershy turned towards Twilight, only to have her jaw drop when she saw her.

“What? Is there something wrong Fluttershy?” Twilight turned towards her confused.

“L-look at the left side of y-you,” Fluttershy pointed to Twilight’s left.

Twilight looked down at her side and was just as surprised as Fluttershy. There was a long gash that ran down the centre of her torso on the left side of her body. It was only spread about four to five inches, but it was also glowing.

“I think this is the spot where Luna stabbed me,” Twilight said getting a closer look at the giant cut.

Fluttershy walked over to Twilight to inspect the giant cut a little better. “Wow, that’s one massive cut,” Fluttershy thought to herself for a second. “Hey Twilight, this may sound weird but is it possible that you might be able to climb back into your body and your spirit will merge with your body and you’ll come back to life.”

Twilight sighed and turned towards Fluttershy. “Fluttershy, I really hate to say it, but I’m gone. Once I find out my death is the last time you’ll hear my voice. You can’t bring anypony back to life, it’s not possible. I wish there was something I could do to come back but, it’s not possible! I’m sorry Fluttershy.” Twilight couldn’t cry, spirits can’t cry.

Tears once again formed in Fluttershy’s eyes, but she quickly wiped them. “Why are you so accepting of this? I’d expect you to be all crazy mad and stuff. Why are you so accepting of this awful fate?”

Twilight glanced at the ground with an unsure expression. “What’s happened has happened. Believe me Fluttershy I’m at a huge outrage at both Luna and Shining Armor for killing me! There must have been some good reason to kill the Element of Magic,” Twilight gave an annoyed sigh. “The point is, I can’t go back and changed what happen, I would like to but I can’t sadly.”

Fluttershy nodded. “I can see your point of view on that,” Fluttershy gave a warm smile.

“Ey Fluttershy who ya talkin’ too?” Applejack and Rainbow Dash walked up to Fluttershy from behind and nearly scared the crap out of her.

“Woops! Sorry about that Flutters, didn’t mean to scare you,” Rainbow Dash giggled a little.

“My friends,” Twilight thought to herself.

“Anyways Fluttershy who were you talking to?” Rainbow Dash went from a happy to a weirded-out look.

“Just some of the animals that are roaming around here, you know!” Fluttershy gave a nervous laugh as she rubbed her arm and looked around.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash looked at each other and shrugged. “Well, we were just walkin’ aroun’ and saw ya so we’d figured we’d say hey,” Applejack tilted her hat as they turned around to walk away.

“Wait guys!” Fluttershy said raising a hoof to stop them.

“Yeah Flutters?” Rainbow Dash said for both of them as they turned around.

“Do you guys think, Twilight is dead?” Fluttershy had a very sad look on her face.

Neither of them knew what to respond with. “We’re, really worried about her to say to least. But to answer your question of course not! There must be some reason there are guards guarding her house after all. Maybe she’s getting some special treatment from the Princess!”

Applejack looked at her and nodded in agreement. “Yea’! I agree with that one-hundred percent! I’m sure she’ll come on out within a couple of days! Why, do you think so?”

Fluttershy looked at Twilight who closed her eyes and gave a slight nod. “Honestly yes I do,” Fluttershy said turning back towards them.

Both Rainbow Dash and Applejack looked at her in awe. “Fluttershy!” Applejack said quite loud. “How could you say such a thing about your friend?”

Rainbow Dash stepped in. “I mean, I can see how she could think that. If this was some sort of Princess meeting wouldn’t everypony be aware of them being here in Ponyville?”

Applejack thought about it for a second. “Yea’ I guess you’re right. But man I hope she’s okay, I would cry all week if I found out she died.”

“I w-wouldn’t be crying, but I c-certainly would be the saddest pegasus in Equestria!” Rainbow Dash blushed slightly.

“Do they actually mean that?” Twilight thought to herself.

“I probably wouldn’t leave my cottage for a couple of days if I found out that happened,” Fluttershy said.

“I don’t think anypony woul’ leave their house if they found out that happened Fluttershy, she’s alrea’y brought so much good to Ponyville in the short time she’s been here!” Applejack smiled grew wider by the second.

Twilight’s emotions began to mix and turn from hearing all of this. “Are they actually being serious?”

“But thankfully we won’t have to worry about all of that because she’s not dead!” Rainbow Dash said cheerfully. “Well Flutters we’re going to head back to Applejack’s place,
talk to ya later!” both of them walked past Fluttershy.

“Bye girls!” Fluttershy waved back at them.

They waited for Applejack and Rainbow Dash to go out of sight before resuming their conversation. Twilight stepped up to Fluttershy with a mixed emotional face. “Did they actually mean what they said back there Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy smiled and nodded. “See Twilight? This is why I didn’t want you to leave, you inspire us all. You’re like a Princess but you’re not. Ponies look up to you in more ways than one.”

If Twilight could cry like a newborn foal right there and then she would have. “I-I don’t know what to say about this. This is such a huge shock to me. I knew my friends cared about me, but this much in the short time I’ve been in Ponyville?”

Fluttershy nodded. “You inspire us Twilight, you inspire us to be at our best, and be at our finest. You made me not as shy as I used to be. I’m still a wimp but that’s beside the point.”

Twilight smiled. “Thank you Fluttershy, it means a lot to me. Say, why don’t we go see Rarity and Pinkie Pie? I kind of want to see how they’re doing.”

“Will do Twilight!” Fluttershy said stepping in front of Twilight, leading the way this time.

They both finally exited the park they were in and reached the inner walls of Ponyville. Their search was cut short when Fluttershy saw both Rarity and Pinkie Pie walk into Sugarcube Corner.

Following closely behind Fluttershy, Twilight was nervous on what Pinkie Pie and Rarity would say about her. Sure it was probably going to be similar to what Applejack and Rarity said, but it still worried her.

Fluttershy walked through the doors while Twilight just walked through the walls and positioned herself to where she could view all three of them.

Rarity looked over at Fluttershy and smiled. “Oh hello Fluttershy nice to see you today! I was just picking up a cake from Pinkie Pie to give to a good friend of mine.”

“What’s up Fluttershy? How are you doing today?” Pinkie said, jumping up and down.

“Hello girls, hey, have any of you guys seen Twilight recently? I haven’t seen her in a couple of days,” Fluttershy had a worried look on her face.

Both of them looked at each other with unsure looks then looked back at Fluttershy. “Well, um, to be honest, there could be a number of reasons why we have not seen Twilight Sparkle in a couple of days Fluttershy darling,” Rarity replied.

“Yeah Fluttershy, do you think she’s dead?” Pinkie Pie had a worried look on her face.

Fluttershy took a deep breath in before talking again. “Honestly yes I d-do. She hasn’t come out in a couple of days, and they’re guards guarding the entrance of her treehouse.”

Rarity and Pinkie Pie looked at Fluttershy liked she just killed somepony. “Well darling while I can understand your reasoning, I say let’s not just jump to the conclusion. For all we know she could be out of town and have something of value in her treehouse.”

Pinkie Pie looked at Rarity. “But why wouldn’t she tell us first?”

“Maybe it’s top secret or something? I don’t know, I don’t want to think about for the fact that she might be dead. I wouldn’t open my shop for a couple of days if that happened. Just sit there and cry,” Rarity tied pushing the thought of Twilight being dead out of her mind.

“Me too,” Pinkie Pie said softly. “I wouldn’t even open up shop honestly, I don’t care what Mister or Misses Cake would say.”

Twilight was at a loss for words. Her friends truly cared about it, loved her. Now she really wanted to go back to being a pony, but she couldn’t, it was impossible.

“I agree, I really hope Twilight’s okay,” Fluttershy said looking down. “Well I’m going to head out, I’ll see you all later!” Fluttershy said as she walked towards the door.

“Bye Fluttershy!” Both Rarity and Pinkie Pie said and unison.

Fluttershy walked out and Twilight soon followed walking through the door. Twilight had mixed emotions about all of this, she didn’t know what to feel. All she wanted to do right there was curl up in a ball and cry for many hours.

“As I said before Twilight, we love you and care about you. Now I’m not trying to convince you to try and become a Pony again, but when you do leave, take that information to the grave with you,” Fluttershy smiled as a tear ran down her cheek.

Twilight walked up to her and smile. “Even after I go to afterlife I will never forget any of you. You guys changed my life for the better, even if I haven’t been here that long. You girls showed me what it’s like to have friends, if only I could have discovered it sooner however.”

Fluttershy wiped the tears from her face once more. “Well c’mon Twilight! We have a mission to complete! We have to find out why you died!”

“Yeah! Let’s go!” both of them sprinted towards the train station.

While Fluttershy had to wait in line to buy a ticket and get in line to get on the train, Twilight could just walk right through the walls and wait for her on the other side. It seemed like Fluttershy sat alone on the train but really she had Twilight next to her the entire time.

“Thanks for helping me Fluttershy,” Twilight turned towards her as they finally reached Canterlot.

“Anything for a friend,” Fluttershy said softly.