• Published 28th Mar 2015
  • 3,049 Views, 197 Comments

I serve the lord of... - Lionvalley

Life was good, I had fun, I had friends, now not so much. Now I have to deal with losing half of my emotions and memories while figuring out what to do in a world filled with rainbow colored horse people. Oh and i'm a Daedra now, so yeah.

Comments ( 139 )

Caddy, tia and Wuna got backbone in this story:raritystarry: and shiny proves himself squeamish. Big surprise there:ajbemused:

I hope there is not gonna be massive "What have we done!" moment with princesses. Because it just gonna be too cliche.

5839158 Don't worry your pretty little head about anything aunty:pinkiesmile:... I got it covert.:ajsmug:

5839158 I doubt it, it's only Cadence who gave the orders to Dem, and between being corrupted by Daedric magic and Shining Armor getting kidnapped, she's really not in her right mind right now. I don't Doubt that Luna and Celestia will be horrified when they find out what Cadence told Dem to do, but I think they'll be more concerned about what's happening to their niece and what the remaining gryphons and other countries will do, rather than dwell on the atrocity that's already occurred. I mean they've been around for centuries and have probably seen stuff just as bad if not worse.

5839725 +1 point to you sir and -5 points to Argo Invid ^^

Interesting. Looking forward to more.
Keep up the good work. Deus tecum.

So let me get this straight. Shining escapes after being tortured for day, then sees 'Dem' kill a few Griffons and when one pne deaths door tells him to protect the royal family - the same family that is preparing war on Equestria - he listens

Shining you are some kind a stupid. In fact, Shining, you now fall under the catogory TO STUPID TO LIVE!"

oh shit :pinkiecrazy: this is gonna be fun :eeyup:

6052717 Oh don't be TO surprized. Shining has always been stupid. Example, season 2 finally, "oh hey, I'm being half mind controlled and know it too. Let's not tell anyone and LET THE CAPITOL OF OUR COUNTRY FALL UNDER THE CONTROL OF AN UNKNOWN AND EXTREMELY POWERFUL ENEMY ON YOUR WEDDING DAY!!!!!:facehoof: See, stupid. Case closed!*bangs gavel*

6329089 May I borrow your gavel?

6329657 sure thing. But if you don't give it back, I WILL find you and I WILL kill you in the slowest and most painful way known to man.

but no not really:moustache:

6330163 *grins* Cool. Oh Shing Armor~

Shining: bloody screams

Comes back covered in blood* Thanks

6330804 no problem. But if I had known you were going to do that, I would have thrown in some knives, a branding iron, a hand saw, a pair of bolt cutters, a car battery and jumper cables, and my good ol' friend, Pinkamana Pie.:pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

P.S. I'm not a psychopath, I'm a highly functioning sociopath.

Reply if you get the p.s. reference.

6291401 and the souls go to me *insert favorite evil laughter here* they're going to be lunch, in case you were wondering

6331106 :pinkiecrazy: Thats why thre are healing spells.

Sherlock home. Cant excatly where though.

6331123 YAY, YOU WIN!!! But alas, it's my turn to have some fun with little Shiny. Oh and by the way, I don't think we should tell Twilight or Cadence that this was us. I say we just blame it on the gryphons. I guess it's a good thing I read that healing hands tome. *cough* elder scrolls reference *cough*

6331155 oh any spares? I've been using Final Fantasy spells. Trade?

6331217 sure, I have a large collection of unused destruction and conjuration spell tomes ranging from novice level summon and flames spells to master level deadra summons and destruction spells such as blizzard, fire storm, and lightning storm. All very fun to use and offer to you at the low low price of either 156,872 imperial septums (aka gold coins) or a trade of equal value that satisfies both participating parties.

I like being a bargin man:moustache:

6331269 well let me check my bag of holding.....I got the complete set of white, balck, and blue magic. Some mystic swordmans spells.
Oh forgat about this one, a bersker armor that rapidly heals the wearer while at the eame time makes one nearly impervious to magic. Bout 3 thousand phioenix downs. Anything tickle your fancy.
If not I got a crap ton of diamond and rubies.

6331292 I'll do all but the bersker armor and the gems. I have enough deadric artifacts (including armor) and a handmade set of dragon plate armor forged in the flames of the skyforge from the bones of dragons (they are surprisingly durable and shock absorbant) which funnily enough, has the chest plate enchanted with restore health by 10 points every second and resist 75% of all magicka damage.

6331317 Deal. *Hand over requested items* Heh looks like our armor is about the same though mine made out of mythril, a rare metal that absorbs magic sent at it. It the stores the magic inside rare gems inside the armor which cast a constant healing spell allowing to fight for hours. Promblem is once the magic in the gems run out it feast on the wearers magic. Does your Dradric armor or dragon armor have this flaw? Any help will be appreciated.

6331366 since they are passive enchantments, no not really. Nirn enchantments are...odd for lack of a better term. Passive enchantments, or the enchantments put on armor and other wearable items (i/e necklaces, rings, and robes) need a large power source to activate them, then they run off the plethora of ambiant magicka that shrouds the world of Nirn. Active enchantments, the ones placed on weapons, cannot do so. They need the same activation of filled soul gems (the size of the gem and of the soul filling the gem dictates the charge and initial power of the enchantment) but need to be recharged after a certain number of uses with, you guessed it, more soul gems. Btw, you fill soul gems by killing things and channing their soul into a soul gem. Also, the size and strength of a creature dictates the size of its soul. For example, a skeeter (aka a giant sewer rat) would have a petty soul which is the smallest. However things like dragons, mammoths, and drauger deathlords (drauger are Nordic undead) have grand souls the largest. The largest soul gem also just happens to be a grand soul gem. So basically, the larger the soul, the better the enchantment.

Nerd mode: deactivated

Huh? What happend?

6331461 oh nothing much. So do you have a book on Nirn enchanting? With it I could improve my armor spectacually. Trade ya a dragon soul.

6332514 actually, it was a Web page I found that offered an in depth description of the oddities of Nirn. Don't remember the title, unfortunately. Also, said method of enchanting only works in the elder scrolls universe because it has a unique magic or something like that. However, if someone came up with a way to create a stable field of Nirn that was self sustaining and self regenerating and didn't cause a complete collapse of the multiverse (hence the need for stability throughout the field) then, and only then, would those enchantments work. And yes I have done all of this, which is the only reason my world is not being consumed by the Eldrazi.that's a reference to something. Can you guess what?

6333732 pity, my skill with that is woefully underpair to what is needed.

Also magic the gathering I believe.

6333808 you would be correct. That was indeed a Magic the the gathering reference. To be specific, rise of the Eldrazi, in which the plane eating, world destroying Eldrazi are released from their supposedly eternal prison of Zendikar and must be recontained (due to the fact that they simply cannot die) before they regain their ethireal for and destroy the plains. Man I wish I could have the three prime Eldrazi under my control...

6334137 hmm... an unkillable creature bounded to my armor could create an infinte battery for it.
Also since you sacerfice souls you might want to know its wasted potential. If you fuse the soul to the weapon it lasts indefinatly. To a simple blade and a willing sacerfice can create an undullable blade that eaaily cuts through stone. So far its has lasted 200 years.

6334446 unfortunately it doesn't work like that in Nirn. The souls will all fade away, that's why the charge is limited. Oh, and to bind the Eldrazi to anything you would need a master planeswalker that could manipulate colorless mana as well as a massive source of pure energy to even do a simple binding.

6336838 true but my process literly become the weapon while the orginal fades. It will never be as srong an enchantment as a weapon thats fueled by souls but I think its a fair trade. Still trying to work with stronger souldby brst uses a manticore. I hear the strongest souls come from from the constalation beasts.

6337445 oh also I forgot to mention that Nirn dragons are immortal and the only thing that can kill them is a 'dovakiin' (common translation: dragon born, Literal translation: dragon hunter killer born) devouring their soul which, in turn, destroys it. Soooo yeah, that's a thing...

6337592 hmm.so there souls are reuseable? Could use their soul to enchant an item and simple wait for their revival?

6337993 nope. When their phisical bodies die, they go to Kvach to recover. Unless they are instantly destroyed, they will go there. So no dragon soul for you!

6338148 I take it that Kvach is enaccessae to mortals?

6338265 no, that's Sovengarde. Kvach is the realm of Akatosh, the dragon lord of time. The dragons are essentially his children, created in his likeness as a way to give companions to Alduin, the first dragon and Akatosh's only true child. So basically, it's a dragon safe haven.

6338323 yeah... think I'll stay away from that. Pissing of a god of time seems like a quick way to cease exceisting.

6338369 he's actually one of the more caring divines. After Alduin when, I guess rogue, or something, he created the dovakiin go combat Alduin and his forces and free the joor, er, I mean mortals. #dovahzul #thuumtranlator

Wait a minute, THIS ISN'T TWITTER!!!!!!!!:pinkiegasp:

6338407 hmm still doubt he would take kindly to his kids being usedas batteries. And if he is as kind as you say then he has my respect. Me and Zeus still go at it at times, ironiclly it was hades who help create my armor in tje first place. He's one of the few greek patrenons I respect.

6338449 I also forgot that their souls can't be contained in soul gems, so yeah...

6338507 ah but there in lies the beaty pf my craft, one doesn't need a soul gem. At least I haven't neededvone in the severral realms I have visited. The trick involve grey magic. It's like usung necromancy to heal. Necromancy as you know involves blood, flesh, bone, souls, pain, and death. But instead of using to cause massive bleeding you use to stop bleeding, remove pain, nit flesh back together, mend bone, and even prevent them from dying. All of this done by black magic, not healing. Anyway my point is, using this technique one can rip the soul out of body without damaging either and craft the soul into a weapon. Hades is a true master at this.

6338532 it's not just soul gems. Nirn dragon souls CAN NOT be manipulated in any way, shape, or form. That includes any form of necromancey. It's the way they were designed. Unless you are dragonborn, you can't even glimpse any form of it.

6338630 I see. Just to let you know while its similar the necromancey it is in its own classification. But in this case I shall refer to your rxpertise.

Makes me wonder if I could create an artificial dragon born. My memory is a bit fuzz but isn't the dovakinn a human with the blood of a dragon? Or was it the heart of one? Worst case scenario I splice dragon DNA with that pf a human.

6338648 body of a mortal (human, elf, kajit, argonian) soul of a dragon. Grants the power of the voice aka the thu'um, which are words in dovahzul, or dragon tongue, that have unique magical properties. Most are up to three words long, but according to the lore, Alduin knows one that is either five or six words and has enough destructive power to vaporize the summerset ilse. Though it would leave him quite weak for a while...

6338686 well if it takes a mortal bodyand the soul of a dragon and only the dragonborn can see let alone touch a dragon soul that rules at trying to create an artificial dovakin. Hmm can human and dragon produce offspring

6339148 nope. The dragonborns are born at random or during times of world wide peril. some examples are the first dragon war, in which the mortals fought to free themselves from Alduins tyranny. Then, during the forth Era (aka the elder scolds V: Skyrim) Alduins return (this was after the oblivion crisis). That, and the fact that their sexual anatomy is probably more closely related to birds, and if it wasn't, the sheer size difference would be extremely problomatic, if not deadly(crushing, impairment ec.)

6339535 hmm true...doubt a shrinking spell would work either. What about the creatures from oblivion. Can their soul be harvested?

6340764 surprizingly, some deadra can be. It's more hit'n'miss with deadra. The less powerful they are, the weaker their bind to oblivion is, which means it's more easily severed, allowing transfer to a containment vessel. However, you should never go after the very powerful ones, especially the deadric princes, aka rulers of oblivion. There are 14 deadric princes, but some of the the more commonly known ones are Molag Bal, deadric prince of domination. Mehrunes Dagon, prince of destruction and change and also responsible for the oblivion crisis. And Sheogorath, prince of madness and insanity.

6341158 wait Sheogorath's a prince!? That annoying prick still owes 50 septems!

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