• Published 17th Feb 2015
  • 5,840 Views, 42 Comments

The Return of the Shadows - Crystal Night

Story about King Sombra redemption to become a new pony and forget the past.

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Chapter Three: Sombra's Day

A new day was arrived.
Sombra left the bedroom, he saw the four crystal guards. They are asleep.
He smiled for no reason, but he could care less.
The castle was still very quiet, he woke up sooner than the rest of them. The stallion wanted to be see the sunrise, so he needed a better point of view. He decided to use the front balcony.
The same balcony he used in the past, to see his pony slaves. He shook his head, trying not to remember those moments.

He finally reaches the place he wanted. Just perfect.
Sombra never paid a lot attention to the sun, because it remember him of Princess Celestia.
The sun seemed to shine more brightly. He closed his eyes. The dark stallion could feel his body getting warmer.
Somepony was watching, but he was enjoying that moment.
A hoof landed on his shoulder, gently.

"Enjoying the morning sun, Sombra?"- Cadence asked.

Sombra looked back to see the Princess.
"Very much, I guess I didn't took the proper time to do so."- he explained.

Cadence smiled at Sombra, she could see he has changed.
"Come, let's take breakfast."

"Of course!"- he rose up and followed Cadence through the many crystal hallways.

They reached to the dining room, the table was already set for the three ponies, also the breakfast was ready.
Both ponies sat in the same place as yesterday.
The pony butler used his magic to pick the food and put it on the table.

"Thank you!"- she thanked him.

Right, before they started eating, Prince Shining Armor arrived.
"Good morning, my dear."- he kissed Cadence in her cheek. He glanced at Sombra. "Did you sleep well?"

The question got Sombra by surprise.
"I had a nightmare but I'm fine, thanks for asking."

Shining Armor sat down.
"Well, let's eat, today it's going to be a big day."- he looked at Sombra.

Meanwhile in Canterlot. The preparations for Sombra's arrival are being made.
Princess Celestia was in her royal office also proceeding with her own preparations, when somepony knocked on the door.
"Yes?"- Celestia asked.

"It's me sister."

"Come in!"- she said.

The door opened slowly. Princess Luna was wearing her royal clothes just for this special occasion.
She seemed rather concerned. Celestia stopped, she stared at her sister. That expression in her face, she knew well about that.

"Is there something wrong, Luna?"

"Do you trust on his words?"- she questioned.

"I believe that everypony deserves a second chance, don't you?"- she continued. "If Sombra wants to change and live in Equestria, we must give our word."- she stated.

Luna thought about last night.
"Last night, I visited Sombra on his dream, but in this case it was a nightmare about himself."

Celestia raised an eyebrow.
"He had a nightmare with himself?"

The blue mare nodded.
"It seems his dark side doesn't like the idea about Sombra's change." Luna continued.

"That means Sombra is willing to change for good, but he needs our help!"- Celestia paused. "He still has a heart, we just need to show him."- Celestia put a hoof on her shoulder.

Celestia was right, there's still hope for Sombra.
"You're right, I'll go check on the preparations."

Celestia nodded, she also had a few things to do before leaving.
Luna wandered through the castle hallways, she could see the security has higher. Since Prince Shining Armor was gone to the Crystal Empire, they needed it a new captain of the royal guards. Now the new elected captain was Flash Sentry.
For additional safety, Luna brought a few batpony guards. The Canterlot shield was reinforced since the changelings invasion.
Things were running smoothly. In a few moments, the meeting would start. They needed to be ready.

Back on the Crystal Empire, everything was set and ready to go.
Cadence, Shining and Sombra were at the train station. Their personal crystal train was ready.
The three ponies entered the train. Soon the train started moving.

Sombra felt a bit nervous about the meeting, he didn't know what to expect.
He took a last glance to the Crystal Empire. Maybe after that day, he could live there.

Minutes passed. Sombra was thinking about what he was going to say.
Shining Armor looked through the train's window. They saw Canterlot from the distance.
Again, Sombra was getting nervous.

Cadence grabbed Sombra's hoof. He looked up, his eyes met hers.
"Everything is going to be fine."- she said with a grin.

"Thanks."- Sombra felt more confident.

The crystal train got passed through the magical shield and arrived to the train station.
The three exited the train to mee the welcoming committee.
"Welcome back, your majesties!"- said one of the guards.

"Thank you!"- Shining Armor.
After leaving the train station, they head towards the castle. A group of royal guards followed them including the captain.
It's been a long time since Sombra saw Canterlot. Just like the Crystal Empire, a lot was changed during his sleep.

Standing in front of the castle doors, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna await.
Celestia looked at Cadence and Shining Armor.

"It's good to see you safe and sound."
Cadence and Shining bowed. Then Celestia saw that dark stallion right behind them.

"Hello, Sombra."- she greeted him.

Sombra didn't know what to do, that was an awkward situation for him. Shining gave him a sign to bow using his head.
And so he did, that was the first time he bowed for Celestia.

"Your majesties!"- he replied.
Celestia was impressed, she also noticed that Sombra wasn't wearing his royal armour.
The group entered the castle. They crossed the hallways to reach the meeting room.

The guards closed the doors, only five ponies were in the room, after all that was a private meeting.

The table was round with the mark of the sun.
Celestia took a deep breath.
"So, Sombra, in the letter that was send to me, you stated you want to be good and help, right?"- while saying this, Celestia levitated the letter and put it on the table.

Sombra nodded.

"Is there a reason for such decision?"- Luna asked.

Sombra stared at the four ponies, this was his chance to make things right.
He cleared his throat.

"During my long sleep, I had plenty of time to think about certain things, I'll be honest, one of them as revenge, but I knew if I try to get my revenge, I would probably fail and maybe never see the light again."- he paused to catch his breath. "Then I thought maybe I could change, try to forget my terrible past, start a new life, and I knew the only pony that was willing to help me was Princess Celestia. But I couldn't show up by myself in Canterlot without causing any kind trouble, so I went to the Crystal Empire to talk with Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor."

The four ponies looked at each other.
"We need a moment to decide, can you please wait outside?"- said Celestia.

"Sure!"- he bowed and left the room.

Again, minutes passed, maybe hours, Sombra didn't know. The waiting was making him to lose his calm and thoughts.
Suddenly, the doors opened. They left to room.
This was the moment of truth.

"We finally made a decision."- Luna.

Sombra felt his heart beats getting stronger.
"You're free to stay in Equestria."- Celestia stated. "With one condition."

"And what is that?"- Sombra asked, nervous.

"Learn about friendship."- Cadence.

Sombra raised an eyebrow. How could he learn about friendship?


"My sister will help you!"- said Shining Armor.
He didn't know Shining had a sister.

"Twilight Sparkle."- Celestia. "She is the Princess of Friendship, she and her friends helped reform Discord. And I'm most certain they will help you in your quest. Are you ready?"- Celestia questioned.

The dark stallion nodded.
"Yes, I'm. I will try my best!"

"Alright, tomorrow you will meet Twilight and her friends, in Ponyville."- said Luna.

Hours later, Sombra was in one of the many guest rooms of the castle.
Cadence and Shining Armor returned to the Crystal Empire a few hours before.
He looked outside to see the moon rising. All of a sudden he heard a knock on the door.

"Yes, who is it?"

"It's me, Princess Luna."

"Oh, come in please."
Luna opened the door.

"How can I help you?"- the stallion asked.

"I'm just making sure everything is alright."

"Thanks, everything is fine and, by the way thanks."- he thanked.

"Thank you for what?"

"For helping me with my nightmare."- he said with a small grin.
His cheeks turned red. Luna let out a small laugh.

"It's my royal duty as a friend to help who needs."

"Friend?"- Sombra thought. "We are friends?"

"Now have a good night, if you need me, you know where I'm."- after saying that, she gave him a kiss on his cheek and left the room closing the doors behind her.

Sombra put the hoof on his cheek, he could hardly believe what just happen, Princess Luna gave him a kiss.
He got in bed, still shaking from the kiss.

He thought.
"Tomorrow, new life will begin as a new pony. No more evil Sombra."- he said smiling, and then he fell asleep, dreaming with new hopes.
Only Sombra knows what will happen his bright and new future.

The End.

Author's Note:

And final chapter of this story is over sadly.
I hope you liked reading it, this chapter took me more time to think and write.
I was thinking about maybe making a sequel, i'm not sure.
Anyway tell me yor opinions :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 29 )

You should do a sequel. If you do, you have 100% my support good luck!:yay: (Note: Is there any lunbra, cause I semm too see it somehow:facehoof:)

5704803 Thanks :twilightsmile: maybe soon i will do the sequel, (i have another story in mind), i just more time to think and write!

A full rewright.

5705681 maybe i will do that in the sequel, first time so, but thanks for your opinion!

It reads pretty good to me, though it does seem slightly rushed. Still not bad all in all.

5924133 True, I was running out of ideas, but thanks for the comment :twilightsmile:

Comment posted by Crystal Night deleted May 13th, 2015

5971893 Thanks, I really appreciate your comment, about the gramar, I'm trying my best to improve.
I'm glad you enjoyed :twilightsmile:

5971893 Romance? What romance?
5635702 Who is the pony in your avatar?


Now that I've read the entire story I have to say that it is still really good and has a lot of potential, but it also needs to SLOW DOWN. I have a friend who is writing a pokemon fanfic and he has the the same problem. However, I'm going to withhold my final judgment until after I read the sequel.


I LOVE that song so that's why I made the connection. Do you see it?

5989912 I do, I actually downloaded the music.

6220209 That would be funny :rainbowlaugh: Thanks :twilightsmile:

Nice! Good ending, I really like new Sombra, I was picturing the story in my head and he looked so cute when he was clueless or lost. But then again ponies are just cute naturally.

6317294 That's why I made a sequel.

6317385 I read the description, I guess the 'learn about friendship or...' stuff is a bit ausgelutscht.

sorry read to many twisombras. I need a juicy hot cadance x sombra.

Honestly, the writing is pretty shit-tier in terms of quality. If you slowed down the pacing and took care to fix the grammatical and spelling issues, as well as working on making the dialogue less wooden, it could be decent. I'm not saying I hated this, just that it needs a lot of work before I can like it...

~Crystalline Electrostatic~

7183189 I know and I understand, but like I said before, this was my first story. I'm portuguese, so my knowledge about english is lacking, to say the least, however I'm reading and try to improve my writing skills. I have a good support from my followers, that's one of the reasons I'm determine to continue. I totally understand what you're saying, if I could, I would rework this story, unfortunately the time I have to write it's small, I thank you for being honest.

7183368 I'm glad to see that you can be mature about my criticism, because a lot of the amateur writers on this site can get very defensive when met with a negative response about their work. I can understand how you have trouble with writing, but the fact that you are at least trying to improve on your skills shows that you are a cut above the normal mediocrity that many of the writers on this site fall into.

That said, I would like to see a re-visitation of this fic once you are better at writing, because this fic does have potential.

~Crystalline Electrostatic~

7183428 I will and thank you once more, also I did write a sequel, I haven't finished yet.

7183470 I noticed the sequel, but I haven't tried it yet...

~Crystalline Electrostatic~

7183475 When you can, please take a look and tell me what you think.

It was a bit fast-paced and too short but I liked the characterizations. I'm curious to see what comes next.

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