The Return of the Shadows

by Crystal Night

First published

Story about King Sombra redemption to become a new pony and forget the past.

Years have passed since King Sombra was defeated, but the ruler of the shadows was risen from the ice mountains.
Now, he has a new plan, something that will surprise everypony.

Chapter One: The Darkness Awakes

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The Crystal Empire, back again to it's shining glory, where everypony lives happy. The crystal ponies just simply forgot about their terrible past, once ruled by the one they who fear the most, now it's a deep forgotten memory. But soon, that will change.
Deep in the mountians, buried by snow and stone, lives a small spark of shadows.
A red horn emits a cloud of purple color.

"It's been a long time."- a voice says.

The red horn glows harder. The snow starts to melt around the horn.
"The time has come, for me to be free!"

Suddenly, the horn started levitating, while a dark shadow was gaining a shape, a pony shape.
"Yes, hahaha! Soon!"- the voice growled between the laughs.

The dark shadow started walking towards the exit. He could feel the cold on his mane, he smelled the air.
On his hooves, armor pieces appeared, also his neck had armor. Over the body, he had a red cape, worthy of a king.
A king without kingdom to rule over, but the most importante piece has in place, his crown. He continue walking towards the cold storm.
Soon his body disappeared in the middle on the snow.
The King of Shadow was back to life, with some thirst for revenge.

"I need a new plan, I can't do what I did last time."- he thought to himself. The thoughts of his previous failed attempt came to his mind.
"What did I do wrong?"- that's when he remembered a face of a familiar pony. A purple unicorn mare invaded his mind.

He knew, that mare was the reason for his downfall.
"Who is she?"- he wondered.

It was impossible to see anything, the blizzard was getting stronger. King Sombra was still very weak, after all he had just woken up from his long sleep.
His mind was still racing, trying to elaborate a new plan. He suddenly stumbled on a small rock, hitting his face on the white snow.
He growled at the small rock.
"What I'm doing?"- he asked himself.

Minutes have passed, Sombra had lost track of time. Fortunately the blizzard was dissipating.
That's when he saw something in the horizon. Seemed to be buildings. One of them was very tall.
"Maybe I don't need to....."- he stopped. He finally had the perfect plan.

The sun was setting on the horizon, nighttime was coming.
Sombra looked around for some kind of shelter, but there hasn't anything in sight.
His horn started glowing, dark crystals appeared between the snow. The crystals turned into a small house.
He entered, the little shelter was empty, again his horn glowed, this time he made a bed. Sombra looked through the window.
It was night time, he could see the moon above him. For some reason, he felt comfort, almost feeling joy.
Finally after many years, he was back with new intentions. Sombra felt the cold going through his body.
He summoned a fireplace. Soon, the small shelter was more warmer.

"This time things shall be much more different than last time!"- Sombra said to himself while looking at the flames with a grin.

He laid his head and prepared to sleep. His eyes are getting heavy, he struggled to stay awake, but he end up falling asleep.
Sombra woke up, but not on his shelter. This seemed to be a nice house, somehow he knew about that house before, but he couldn't remember why.
He rose from the bed, which also seemed to be a bed for at least two ponies. Suddenly, a lovely smell filled his nose. The dark pony continued to look around, then he decided to go downstairs, also following the smell.
Sombra arrived at a small living room. There was some photos on the wall. On the photos, he could see himself next to a white mare with a pink mane. They seemed very happy together.

"This photo! I..."- he was interrupted when he felt something warm on his cheek. He immediately turned around, he saw standing right in front of him, the white mare.

"Did you sleep well, my dear?"- she asked.

Sombra stand still, trying to figure what was happening. He finally gave an answer.
"Yes, I suppose..."- he said, suspiciously.

"Good, I made your favourite breakfast."- the white mare turned around heading for the kitchen. "Come."

Still very confused, Sombra obeyed, he didn't know why or the reason for such thing, but he felt he knew the mare. With small steps, he entered the kitchen. The kitchen was cozy with a circular window, Sombra took a sneak peak, he saw a river, the water was crystal clear. In fact the houses seem to be made of crystal. He also saw what appeared to be crystal ponies.

"Can it be?"- he asked himself. Sombra turned his head to see the mare sitting by the table waiting for him. He grabbed a chair and sat down. He looked at the his breakfast, that brought joy, pancakes covered with honey. Definitely his favourite. The dark colt heard a sound, his belly was asking for food. So, he started eating, he enjoyed every bite.

"Do you like it?"- she asked looking at Sombra. Sombra just nodded, he couldn't stop eating. "I need to do some groceries, I'll be right back"
The white mare approached Sombra, giving him a soft kiss on his cheek, all of a sudden, he remembered everything.
Sombra quickly turned.

"Cynthia?"- he said, while his legs were shacking. She looked at Sombra. "Yes?"- without notice, Sombra was hugging her. Tears stream down his face. His beloved mare was back. "Are you ok, my dear?"- she was confused. Sombra wiped the tears and smiled. "Yes, and I love you!"

The couple gave another kiss, but in this case, their lips touched. She finally broke the kiss, she stared at Sombra. She winked at him.
The sudden Sombra cheeks turned red. She closed the door, Sombra could see Cynthia through the window.
Sombra also decided going for a walk.

"The Crystal Empire, but how..."- he stared at the crystal ponies, they seemed happy. "Never mind that."- so he began walking.

Up in the clouds, a blue mare stare at Sombra, intrigued.
Sombra felt all of a sudden very happy, he greeted all the ponies wherever he went. This feeling was new to him. Suddenly, Sombra felt a strange presence, like almost he was being watched. He looked behind, but nothing, he stopped, and staring at the clouds, then he saw something.

He saw a blue mane and wings. "Princess Luna?"- he thought.

Sombra woke up from his sleep. The fire has faded.
Beams of light entered the house through the window. Sombra then realized. "It was only a dream..."- a tear dropped from his face.
He stepped out his crystal house.

"This won't be easy."- looking at the morning sun. "But it's the only way!"

A few meters away, he could see the Crystal Empire. Now he was close, but not trying to get too close. The shield was still in place, of course, still powered by the Crystal Heart.

"I need to get their attention, but how?"- while he thought about some options. "I know!"

All of a sudden, a huge dark shadow grow up, bigger and bigger.
Meanwhile in the castle, Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor are taking care of some letters. Two guards entered the room, apparently they seem to be tired, probably from running.
They looked at the guards trying to catch their breath.

"Your Majesties, it's an emergency!"- one of the guards said.

"What's the emergency about?"- Shining Armor asked sounding very curious.

The two guards stared at each and then looked at Cadence and Shining.
"It's King Sombra, he's back!"- they said at the same time.

Chapter Two: A New Shadow

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They remained silent for a few seconds in the room. Princess Cadence couldn't believe. She looked at Shining Armor, his face showed anger and frustration.

"How it's possible?"- he growled standing up hitting with one hoof on the ground.

Cadence never saw his husband react like that before. Shining Armor came down from his throne. He looked though the crystal window, he could see a huge dark cloud, but for some reason he was far away from the empire. Shining decided to grab his helmet and his armour.

"Where are you going?"- Cadence asked gently.

"Just wait here for me, alright?"- Shining Armor.

A small group of crystal guard ponies followed him. The white colt approach one of the guards.

"Don't let her leave the castle, do you understand? It's too dangerous!"- while whispering to the guard. The guard nodded.

They left the castle.
Some of the crystal ponies were scared. The group passed through the city. The city was deserted, not one single sound was heard besides the heavy hoofsteps from the guards armour.
Cadence looked outside, she also saw the dark cloud. She levitated a paper and feather.

"Dear Princess Celestia..."

Meanwhile in the other side, Sombra waited, impatiently. He could see a big group of crystal guards, in the past they served him, of course, under a dark magical spell. They didn't seem to be afraid of him. After all, there wasn't any reason for that.
Sombra came in peace.
Suddenly, the group divided leaving a gap in the middle. Prince Shining Armor arrived along with the rest of the guards.

"Finally!"- said Sombra, trying not to sound rude. "How long haven't we seen each other?"- he continued.

"Almost twenty years!"- he answered. "What do you want Sombra?"

"I have a small request, I wish to talk with Princess Celestia."

Shining Armor couldn't believe what he just said, he, King Sombra, the King of Shadows, wanted to talk with Princess Celestia.
Also King Sombra never called her Princess Celestia, he always treated her just by Celestia.
He looked at Sombra, he seemed rather calm, still his request was very suspicious. Maybe he wanted to get a chance to destroy Canterlot or even worse, Princess Celestia herself.
He finally spoke, continuing to be aggressive in his tone.

"Why?"- he asked.
Sombra remained calm and collective in his thoughts.

"The reason why is simply, because I want to change. I'm willing to help."
That answer was a surprise to everypony. Did they heard right? King Sombra wanted to...change. The guards were confused with that statement, even Shining Armor.
He didn't know what to say. Sombra waited for an answer.

"Is that true?"- a voice said behind the guards.
They turned. It was Princess Cadence.

"I'm sorry my Prince, but..."- the guard was quickly interrupted by the Princess.
Sombra stared at Cadence.

"It's good to see you, Princess Cadence."- he replied while he bowed.

"It's not his fault, but I wanted to see this, tell me Sombra, why are you willing help?"- she asked, also remaining calm.
Sombra closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"I did things that I'm not proud of, enslaved the crystal ponies and caused a war against Princess Celestia and Princess Luna."- he paused to catch his breath. "My hunger for power blinded me, and because of that I created a huge amount of chaos, and because of this I payed a huge price, twice, but I realized how life is important and I want to enjoy every moment, I also lost a pony who was very dear to me."

There was a moment of silence, they could only hear the sound of the wind.

Shining wasn't still convinced.
"Prove it!"- he demanded.

The dark colt turned his head towards Shining Armour.

All of a sudden, King Sombra's armour fell on the white snow, his cape flew off.
He grabbed the crown with one his hooves, and then he threw it on the snow, close to them.

"You want proof? Here!"- he pointed towards the fallen crown covered with snow.

One of the guards approached Princess Cadence while holding a letter, probably from Princess Celestia, she hoped so.
She opened the letter. In fact, the letter was from Celestia.

"Who is it?"- Shining Armor asked.

"It is from Princess Celestia, I wrote her a letter explaining what was going on."
He figured she probably wrote after he left the castle, informing her. She always asked her when she had some doubts or issues.

"And it looks like I need to write a new letter."- she stated.

Shining couldn't believe it. Cadence gave him a signal to follow her.

"Can you hold for a while? We need to talk."- Cadence said to Sombra.

"But of course, take the time you need Princess!"- he bowed.

Cadence was waiting for Shining Armor under the tree. He came forward.

"What's the problem?"- he asked looking into her eyes.

"This is a great opportunity, you know?"

"Have you thought he might be lying to us about his intentions?"- he paused. "Maybe it's only to get your trust, and then to trick us. King Sombra is a cold pony, he would help no one besides himself."

Princess Cadence glanced at Sombra, again he remained calm and quiet, just waiting. He seemed very different since last time.

"And I believe what's he's saying is true. I can sense a minor change on his personality."- she stared back again to her husband. "Don't you?"

The truth was Sombra appeared to act and sound very different.
Shining Armor only had to two choices, the fate of Equestria or believe in his wife's words.
He finally made a decision.

"Alright, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt, because it's you." Shining didn't like the idea but what chance he had.
Cadence gave him a hug.

"I knew you would do the right thing."- said Cadence.

"Yeah, I hope so..."- he thought.

They glanced at Sombra.

"We believe in your intentions, and soon you will speak with Princess Celestia."- Cadence.

Sombra smiled.
"Thank you very much!"- he bowed again.

The blizzard came back again, starting to grow stronger and stronger. Sombra felt even more cold than before.
Cadence saw the dark colt shivering. Her horn glowed, a gap was opened on the shield.

"You may come inside, I know it's cold outside."- she said with a grin.

Sombra was surprised with the offer, but he accepted. The dark stallion felt a bit naked, after all he always used his royal clothes.
This was definitely new to him. They decided it was time to return to the castle. Sombra's belly growled, this time actually asking for food.
His cheeks turned red, that was embarrassing even for him. Sombra was surrounded by at least eight guards. The remaining returned to their guarding places.
The crystal ponies could see them through the window. Sombra looked at them, but they closed the windows. He couldn't blame them, only himself. He kept his head low, in a sign of shame. Cadence glanced at Sombra.

Soon, they reached the castle. The guards kept a secure distance from Sombra.
The castle was different during the time he ruled the empire.
The group wandered through many hallways, until they arrived at the dinner room.

"Sit down, please."- Cadence said gently towards Sombra.

Sombra pulled the chair out and sat down.

"What do you want to eat?"- Shining Armor finally spoke.

Sombra thought.
"Pancakes covered with honey, please."

Shining signaled the butler, he immediately went for the kitchen.

"Can you please write to Princess Celestia about the meeting?"- she asked Shining.

"Of course!"- he turned around, and exited the dinner room.

Cadence also pulled a chair out, sitting right in front of Sombra.
"Tell me, back there, you said you lost a very dear pony to you, right?"

"Yes, it's true."- he said, sadly.

Cadence continued.
"Can I know her name?"

Sombra took a deep breath.
"Her named was Cynthia, she was a white mare with a pink mane."- those words brought a few tears.

She could see in his eyes he used to love somepony before.
"What happen to her?"

Sombra stared at Cadence with his green eyes, but this time the purple smoke was smaller then usual.
"She...she...she died, from a terrible disease."- he paused. "I tried to use magic to help her, but I failed to save her."

That statement shocked Cadence.
"Poor Sombra."- she thought to herself.

The butler arrived with the pancakes, putting them on the table, in front of the stallion.
Sombra started eating, again that brought him joy.
"Cynthia, she used to make this for breakfast."

Shining Armor was back.
"It's done, Princess Celestia agreed with the meeting!"

"Great!"- said Sombra.

Night fell, it was time to rest. The dark stallion entered his room. It was normal guest room, at least he had a window.
He closed the doors, outside there were four guards, just in case. He saw a mirror.
In front of the mirror he saw himself, but this time without armour or his crown. A complete stranger.
Finally he got in bed, falling asleep.

Sombra, found himself wandering through the castle hallways. It seemed very quiet and almost abandoned.
He felt a cold shiver going through his dark mane. He looked around, but nothing.

The castle seemed strange, he didn't know why. All of a sudden, he heard laughs, evil laughs.
The laughs grow stronger and stronger. Sombra looked behind him. What he saw made him lose his calm.
Dark cloud was behind him, and worst was he had the same face has Sombra. The dark stallion started walking backwards. The white colour of the crystals soon turned dark and purple shades. Sombra ran from the cloud.

The cloud growled with a huge anger. Dark crystals tried to block Sombra's way. He reached a familiar room, the throne. Using his magic, he closed the door and sealed with crystals. Suddenly, something was knocking on the door, trying to bring it down. Sombra looked for a place to hide, but nothing in the room could help him. Finally, the crystal door was destroyed. The dark cloud entered the room, staring at Sombra.

Sombra was afraid, he cringed. The cloud was getting closer, it seems almost the shadow was going to eat him.
Without notice, a light appeared behind Sombra.
Sombra was blinded by the light. When he oppened his eyes, he didn't saw the shadow.

"He's gone, for now!"- a rather familiar voice said.

Sombra got up, and glanced behind.
"Princess Luna?"- said Sombra, very surprised.

The Princess of the Night looked at Sombra.
"The King of Shadows, having nightmares with himself?"- she asked.

"Please, don't call me King Sombra, just Sombra, ok?"

Princess Luna was impressed with Sombra's attitude. She knew about the tomorrow meeting, after all she was going to be there too.
"Alright, my sister trusts in you about becoming a better pony, is that true?"

"It's true, I'm not lying."- he stated.

"Tomorrow, we'll see about that, now have a good night sleep!"

Sombra woke up from his sleep, he was sweating due to the nightmare.
The sun was rising. A new day has come, specially for Sombra. The stallion got out of his bed.
He stands in front of the mirror.

"Today, is the day!"- taking a deep breath, then he exited the bedroom.
Sombra had good hopes for his future.

Chapter Three: Sombra's Day

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A new day was arrived.
Sombra left the bedroom, he saw the four crystal guards. They are asleep.
He smiled for no reason, but he could care less.
The castle was still very quiet, he woke up sooner than the rest of them. The stallion wanted to be see the sunrise, so he needed a better point of view. He decided to use the front balcony.
The same balcony he used in the past, to see his pony slaves. He shook his head, trying not to remember those moments.

He finally reaches the place he wanted. Just perfect.
Sombra never paid a lot attention to the sun, because it remember him of Princess Celestia.
The sun seemed to shine more brightly. He closed his eyes. The dark stallion could feel his body getting warmer.
Somepony was watching, but he was enjoying that moment.
A hoof landed on his shoulder, gently.

"Enjoying the morning sun, Sombra?"- Cadence asked.

Sombra looked back to see the Princess.
"Very much, I guess I didn't took the proper time to do so."- he explained.

Cadence smiled at Sombra, she could see he has changed.
"Come, let's take breakfast."

"Of course!"- he rose up and followed Cadence through the many crystal hallways.

They reached to the dining room, the table was already set for the three ponies, also the breakfast was ready.
Both ponies sat in the same place as yesterday.
The pony butler used his magic to pick the food and put it on the table.

"Thank you!"- she thanked him.

Right, before they started eating, Prince Shining Armor arrived.
"Good morning, my dear."- he kissed Cadence in her cheek. He glanced at Sombra. "Did you sleep well?"

The question got Sombra by surprise.
"I had a nightmare but I'm fine, thanks for asking."

Shining Armor sat down.
"Well, let's eat, today it's going to be a big day."- he looked at Sombra.

Meanwhile in Canterlot. The preparations for Sombra's arrival are being made.
Princess Celestia was in her royal office also proceeding with her own preparations, when somepony knocked on the door.
"Yes?"- Celestia asked.

"It's me sister."

"Come in!"- she said.

The door opened slowly. Princess Luna was wearing her royal clothes just for this special occasion.
She seemed rather concerned. Celestia stopped, she stared at her sister. That expression in her face, she knew well about that.

"Is there something wrong, Luna?"

"Do you trust on his words?"- she questioned.

"I believe that everypony deserves a second chance, don't you?"- she continued. "If Sombra wants to change and live in Equestria, we must give our word."- she stated.

Luna thought about last night.
"Last night, I visited Sombra on his dream, but in this case it was a nightmare about himself."

Celestia raised an eyebrow.
"He had a nightmare with himself?"

The blue mare nodded.
"It seems his dark side doesn't like the idea about Sombra's change." Luna continued.

"That means Sombra is willing to change for good, but he needs our help!"- Celestia paused. "He still has a heart, we just need to show him."- Celestia put a hoof on her shoulder.

Celestia was right, there's still hope for Sombra.
"You're right, I'll go check on the preparations."

Celestia nodded, she also had a few things to do before leaving.
Luna wandered through the castle hallways, she could see the security has higher. Since Prince Shining Armor was gone to the Crystal Empire, they needed it a new captain of the royal guards. Now the new elected captain was Flash Sentry.
For additional safety, Luna brought a few batpony guards. The Canterlot shield was reinforced since the changelings invasion.
Things were running smoothly. In a few moments, the meeting would start. They needed to be ready.

Back on the Crystal Empire, everything was set and ready to go.
Cadence, Shining and Sombra were at the train station. Their personal crystal train was ready.
The three ponies entered the train. Soon the train started moving.

Sombra felt a bit nervous about the meeting, he didn't know what to expect.
He took a last glance to the Crystal Empire. Maybe after that day, he could live there.

Minutes passed. Sombra was thinking about what he was going to say.
Shining Armor looked through the train's window. They saw Canterlot from the distance.
Again, Sombra was getting nervous.

Cadence grabbed Sombra's hoof. He looked up, his eyes met hers.
"Everything is going to be fine."- she said with a grin.

"Thanks."- Sombra felt more confident.

The crystal train got passed through the magical shield and arrived to the train station.
The three exited the train to mee the welcoming committee.
"Welcome back, your majesties!"- said one of the guards.

"Thank you!"- Shining Armor.
After leaving the train station, they head towards the castle. A group of royal guards followed them including the captain.
It's been a long time since Sombra saw Canterlot. Just like the Crystal Empire, a lot was changed during his sleep.

Standing in front of the castle doors, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna await.
Celestia looked at Cadence and Shining Armor.

"It's good to see you safe and sound."
Cadence and Shining bowed. Then Celestia saw that dark stallion right behind them.

"Hello, Sombra."- she greeted him.

Sombra didn't know what to do, that was an awkward situation for him. Shining gave him a sign to bow using his head.
And so he did, that was the first time he bowed for Celestia.

"Your majesties!"- he replied.
Celestia was impressed, she also noticed that Sombra wasn't wearing his royal armour.
The group entered the castle. They crossed the hallways to reach the meeting room.

The guards closed the doors, only five ponies were in the room, after all that was a private meeting.

The table was round with the mark of the sun.
Celestia took a deep breath.
"So, Sombra, in the letter that was send to me, you stated you want to be good and help, right?"- while saying this, Celestia levitated the letter and put it on the table.

Sombra nodded.

"Is there a reason for such decision?"- Luna asked.

Sombra stared at the four ponies, this was his chance to make things right.
He cleared his throat.

"During my long sleep, I had plenty of time to think about certain things, I'll be honest, one of them as revenge, but I knew if I try to get my revenge, I would probably fail and maybe never see the light again."- he paused to catch his breath. "Then I thought maybe I could change, try to forget my terrible past, start a new life, and I knew the only pony that was willing to help me was Princess Celestia. But I couldn't show up by myself in Canterlot without causing any kind trouble, so I went to the Crystal Empire to talk with Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor."

The four ponies looked at each other.
"We need a moment to decide, can you please wait outside?"- said Celestia.

"Sure!"- he bowed and left the room.

Again, minutes passed, maybe hours, Sombra didn't know. The waiting was making him to lose his calm and thoughts.
Suddenly, the doors opened. They left to room.
This was the moment of truth.

"We finally made a decision."- Luna.

Sombra felt his heart beats getting stronger.
"You're free to stay in Equestria."- Celestia stated. "With one condition."

"And what is that?"- Sombra asked, nervous.

"Learn about friendship."- Cadence.

Sombra raised an eyebrow. How could he learn about friendship?


"My sister will help you!"- said Shining Armor.
He didn't know Shining had a sister.

"Twilight Sparkle."- Celestia. "She is the Princess of Friendship, she and her friends helped reform Discord. And I'm most certain they will help you in your quest. Are you ready?"- Celestia questioned.

The dark stallion nodded.
"Yes, I'm. I will try my best!"

"Alright, tomorrow you will meet Twilight and her friends, in Ponyville."- said Luna.

Hours later, Sombra was in one of the many guest rooms of the castle.
Cadence and Shining Armor returned to the Crystal Empire a few hours before.
He looked outside to see the moon rising. All of a sudden he heard a knock on the door.

"Yes, who is it?"

"It's me, Princess Luna."

"Oh, come in please."
Luna opened the door.

"How can I help you?"- the stallion asked.

"I'm just making sure everything is alright."

"Thanks, everything is fine and, by the way thanks."- he thanked.

"Thank you for what?"

"For helping me with my nightmare."- he said with a small grin.
His cheeks turned red. Luna let out a small laugh.

"It's my royal duty as a friend to help who needs."

"Friend?"- Sombra thought. "We are friends?"

"Now have a good night, if you need me, you know where I'm."- after saying that, she gave him a kiss on his cheek and left the room closing the doors behind her.

Sombra put the hoof on his cheek, he could hardly believe what just happen, Princess Luna gave him a kiss.
He got in bed, still shaking from the kiss.

He thought.
"Tomorrow, new life will begin as a new pony. No more evil Sombra."- he said smiling, and then he fell asleep, dreaming with new hopes.
Only Sombra knows what will happen his bright and new future.

The End.