• Published 2nd Feb 2015
  • 2,406 Views, 29 Comments

Bonds never break - Deidara21

  • ...

Chapter 7: Departure

Recap: Twilight finds out Sasuke was trapped in Eclipse prison all along with another mystery pony. While being, Naruto, the Mane 6, and Luna make their way to the prison as they face small problems along the way.

Celestia impatiently lounged on her throne awaited for her personal guards to return with Luna's petrified body. After what seemed like ages of waiting, the door finally creaked open, letting the shadows of two ponies flood into the room.

Celestia got up off her throne and approached the shadows. "Finally, you've returned with my dearest sist-"

Rather than her own guards, a pale looking pony, with short chocolate brown hair, rolled in Princess Celestia herself. He clenched a brush in his mouth along with a scroll below his hoof and began to speak. "...super beast imitating drawing..."

Before 'Celestia' could react, a giant black snake seeped out of the scroll and instantly coiled around her. The pale pony mouthed another word, this time with a more sinister tone. "...clutch."

The snakes around 'Celestia's' body began tightly squeezing her. Without giving a flicker of emotion, the pale pony approached 'Celestia'. "How do you want to die? Wait until the snakes crack your ribcage?" Sai suggested. "Or how about you die due to suffocation? Well, I could make it quick too by impaling you. Your choice."

"Who do you think you are?! You can't kill your princess!"

He simply smiled at her remark. "Right now, you are in no position to choose your fate. I will, however, allow your choice of death."

'Celestia' only gritted her teeth in frustration, never in a million years would she have thought a pony would attempt to kill her. "..."

"No answer? Well then, I'll choose for my self."

"That's enough, Sai." The real Princess Celestia piped up. She walked over to 'Celestia' and cut the snakes open. "Leave this kingdom now Princess Chrysalis and never return!"

The princess changeling made an abrupt escape out of the window, Sai merely breathed a long sigh and shook his head. "Celestia-san, you do realize what a stupid choice you've made."

"Don't worry, if she comes back we'll be ready."

"If I killed her right there, we wouldn't have to worry about her coming back."

Celestia walked back to her throne then answered Sai. "Killing won't solve any problems." Her voice stuttered a bit when she spoke.

"Hm? What is wrong with you and killing? We have to kill in order to survive. You're weird sister seems to be okay with the concept."

"...you don't understand, Sai what my sister and I had to go through when we were fillies. That incident changed the way how we viewed things, forever."

"...oh I see. I won't bring it up again."


Twilight patiently waited for Sasuke to come out, a while ago, she heard a few faint murmurs, but now it was dead silent beyond the walls. 'I hope you're okay in there, Sasuke...' Suddenly, she heard a loud crashing sound.

She pressed her ears against the concrete, wondering what could be happening. It was silent again until she heard Sasuke's faint voice. "...back away...BACK AWAY NOW TWILIGHT!"

Twilight immediately began backing away from the wall like Sasuke instructed, as she backed away she bumped into something warm and soft. "I found you, Twi."

Twilight jumped out of skin, she could barely tell, but an orange pony was standing before her. "...wait! You're not going to faint, are you?!" The orange pony asked.

To think of it, she did, feel dizzy now that he mentioned it. "...I...will."

The orange pony acted quickly and picked up Twilight. "We're getting out of here guys! Sasuke's about to wreck this place up!"

Pinkie pie started laughing uncontrollably. "You mean Sasuke's gonna rekt this place up, Naruto!"

"What?! Look what you did Pinkie, you're going to outdate everything!"

"Lol noob!" Pinkie responded.

"You're doing it wrong!"

"Hashtag yolo! Bronies 4 life are swag!


Naruto turned his attention to Rarity who was in the back sharpening her hooves and Luna, who had a stoic look on her face as usual. "Rarity, Luna. Let's do it again."

"Right." Both of them responded.

A bright light spiraled from Luna, Rarity, and Naruto's horns, just as they did before, a flash of blinding light bathed the room. Once the light dispersed, the group of ponies in the dimly lit halls were all suddenly gone.

Reappearing outside of the tower, Naruto set Twilight down on a soft patch of grass and waited for her to wake. "...Twi..."


Naruto turned back to the others. "You're not waiting. Leave now and I'll catch up." He ordered, then continued. "I have a feeling something is wrong."

20 minutes later...

Twilight slowly blinked open her eyes, she saw a blur of orange and yellow hanging over her. "...n..aruto. What happened?! Where am I? Where's Sasuke?!"

Naruto swallowed deep, not knowing how to word this properly. "Sasuke destroyed the prison and now we're at Ponyville, there wasn't time for you to wake up so I just carried you."

Twilight got up and looked around, she almost fainted again when she saw...Ponyville. "What happened?! Please tell me this a dream Naruto!"

"I'm sorry, one of us should've stayed behind but...everyone is safe I believe. We're going to the palace so you can seal the moon up."

"...what...I don't want to- Where's Spike and my friends?!"

"They went ahead to the palace."

Twilight looked around in distraught, debris and filthy black liquid was sprawled across Ponyville. Everywhere she looked, the entire town was utterly...destroyed.

"Don't think about it Twilight." Naruto muttered as he pulled Twilight up onto his back. "...it won't take long for us to get there."


Completely dismissing what Naruto had to say, Twilight hopelessly stared at Ponyville. All the houses were in pieces lying in the cold ground. She turned her head to Townhall and it was in total ruins.

As Naruto ventured further past the debris, Twilight nearly puked when her eyes wandered up onto Carousel boutique. Clothes and dresses were scattered across the ground, but worse of all, the boutique itself was smothered in a disgusting black substance.

"Close your eyes, Twilight. The rest of Ponyville is far worse than this." He warned.

At that statement, Twilight's mind began racing. 'What does Sugarcube corner look like? Everything can't be...'

"...when will this nightmare ever stop?"

Naruto's eyes darkened. "Never." He answered. "Unless you do something about it."


The mane 'five' along with Sai and Spike patiently waited for Naruto and Twilight to come through the door. The situation at hand wasn't getting any better and Twilight was key in sealing the moon.

"What will we do, Princess Celestia?" Fluttershy asked. "How can we rebuild all of this?"

"I have an idea, but it'll have to wait until Naruto and Twilight come."

Just as those escaped from Celestia's mouth, Naruto and Twilight dashed straight through the door. Naruto set Twilight down and Spike walked over to give her the element of magic.

Twilight managed to catch a glimpse of her friend's faces, every single one of them had smiles on their faces despite that, she could tell how unbelievably hurt and scarred they were.

'Please...don't force a smile for me...I know how much pain you're-'

Abruptly stopping Twilight's thoughts, Naruto pushed her toward the balcony where the moon hung over the ponies, it was still seeping that black substance. Thoughts ran crazy through her mind. '...this has to be a dream...please tell me-'

"Twilight!" Pinkie pie interrupted, breaking Twilight out of thought. "Are you ready?"

Twilight slowly shook her head. "I don't understand, how did Ponyville get like this?"

"The night army, that you see is seeping from the moon, demolished Ponyville." Rarity explained, stuttering a bit as she tried to explain it.

"Are you okay, Twi?" Applejack asked.

Twilight sighed. "Not really but..." Twilight turned her head around and gave her friends a light smile. "I'm happy as long as everyone's ok. I mean no matter how dark everything is, the sun will rise eventually, but please," Twilight's voice was pained. "stop smiling for me."

"...well. Let's get this over with."

The elements, each on their respective owner, shined brightly and a powerful rainbow blast erupted from them. The rainbow spiraled towards the moon and once it made contact, a radiant flash of light filled the area then disappeared in an instant.

Twilight walked over to the edge of the balcony, the black substance that once littered Ponyville was now gone, thankfully. However, nothing changed the fact that Ponyville was still utterly and completely destroyed.

Twilight along with the others went back inside the palace. Twilight walked up to Celestia, something was still bothering her. "Princess Celestia...why did you send me to prison...did I do something bad?"

"No, it's a quite a long story but there was an imposter in place of me. I apologize for any heartbreak you've been going through."

"It's fine because I never stopped believing in you. You're our princess after all."

'...she thinks so highly of me almost as if I was...' "Thank you Twilight, it's been on my mind, but Twilight, do you like the idea of becoming a princess?"

"A princess? I don't know, it sounds like too much of a burden and I'm just not ready."

"Think about it, Twilight."


Celestia once again returned to her throne, her expression was stone cold. "As you all may know, Ponyville is in ruins due to the destruction of the night army."

"Right. How do we fix that?" Rainbow asked.

"We can go to the forest and chop it down." Applejack suggested.

That idea was absolutely appalling to Fluttershy. "But the poor animals will have no home."

"Fluttershy, we have no home."

"Can't we just have it rebuilt with the supplies we have?"

Rarity shook her head. "The substance dissolved most of the wood we have from the buildings. With what we got, we can probably build a Ponyville a fourth size of the original."

Celestia pulled out a large map. She laid it out in front of them. "There are lands beyond Equestria, it'll be easier and much faster, to go to the Equine nation than go to distant lands in Equestria. A team of you will go to the Equine nation and ask the ruler to let us borrow material from there. Another team of you will stay here and protect Ponyville from incoming dangers. We won't let history repeat itself."

Twilight never even imagined lands beyond her home, lands she never traveled, it was shocking to think how much more unimaginable knowledge there was to still obtain. "...wait, you never told us there was something beyond Equestria!"

"Well of course, there are strange, different places out there. Places you have yet to explore. Equine nation is our closest country and is just a little beyond the Whitetail forest. Take the train there and then there should be a town with a dock."

"We can't just take lumber from Whitetail forest?" Applejack asked.

"No, like Fluttershy mentioned it would ruin the ecosystem. From the last time my sister and I visited Equine nation, they have an abundance of materials. You'll depart tomorrow."

Everypony looked at each other, you could tell from their faces, they were all thinking the exact same thing. All of this was sudden, too sudden.


Twilight stared out of a hole, everything was back to normal the more or less, but it was daunting seeing the proud buildings once standing tall all now crumbled to the ground. "...I want to see what else is in the world, I want to see outside of Equestria...there'll be so much knowledge I can absorb..."

"...Twilight..." Spike mumbled. "...stop talking in your sleep...again."


Spike slightly pulled off his covers and met his expression with Twilight's. "What?!" He softly murmured.

"What do you think is beyond Equestria?"

"Dunno don't care. Go back to sleep Twi!" Spike grumbled.

Twilight pulled back her makeshift covers, so many topics on her mind at the moment making it impossible to fall asleep. 'These tents are...unbearable...'


The ponies all stood by the train station, even Sasuke, who was previously missing, was there as well. "So it's decided. Naruto, Sasuke, Twilight, Pinkie pie, Rarity, and Spike will go on to Equine nation. While Applejack, myself, Fluttershy, and Sai will stay here and fight off whoever comes our way." Rainbow explained.

"If something goes wrong, Spike will send Celestia a letter and we'll come immediately." Applejack added.

Twilight's friends all looked at her, the pain in their eyes was still present, but a lot better than from yesterday. "What?"

Without a single word, Twilight's friends gave her a huge mammoth hug. It was devastating to see the mane six split up, but it had to be done. Because of Twilight, the damage done to Ponyville didn't daunt the friends as much as it did yesterday.

Applejack sincerely looked at Twilight's sparkling eyes. "Once you get to Equine nation, Twi, don't forget to be faithful and strong."

"Have big adventures." Rainbow dash added.

"And share kindness." Fluttershy piped up while on the verge of tears.

The others watched as Twilight and everyone else boarded the train, leaving Ponyville. Fluttershy broke out into tears and started crying, right there at the train station.

Sai turned around and shook his head. "You know, I really do like you ponies." With that, he left leaving only a tissue behind for Fluttershy.

As the train started moving along, Naruto stared out of the window, it was seemed that his entire world was changing. 'How long am I staying a horse...I don't know...but I can't just abandon them here and now...'

"You want to leave, right?" Sasuke asked. "Just deal with it for now, there's nothing we can do."


"Naruto, do not get attached to those horses, you understand? I promise you we're finishing our fight, in the Valley of End."

"Don't tell me what to do, Sasukeee!"

"I'm trying to help you, dumbass!"

"Since when has your advice ever helped me!"

"You never listen to my advice, idiot!"

"Shut up!"

Twilight rolled her eyes and sighed. "Guys! Do you think this is the time to fight?! Just get some sleep for now, we're gonna have to be on this train for a couple of days."

The following morning...

The sun shined brightly through the window and the smell of sizzling pancakes was in the air as Naruto rolled off the train seat. "...what's that smell...?"

"I did some research since I figured you felt a little homesick," Twilight answered, as she levitated a spatula over the grill. "and I found a recipe called 'Taiyaki'. It's like a pancake filled with a sweet substance."

Naruto walked over and wolfed down the plate of taiyaki.


Naruto's face turned an icky green, he had this weird expression on as he struggled to swallow the taiyaki. "Wh-what did you...put in this?"

"Slightly sweetened oats mixed with pieces of hay and grass, which reminds me..." Twilight bent down from behind the stove she was cooking on and started searching for something.

Twilight placed a small green package on the counter. "I did more research and ended up finding a shop around the corner, it's a little snack food called pocky."


"Being myself of course, I chose green tea out of strawberry and chocolate so why don't ya give it a try?"

*sweat drops* "You're really serious, huh?"

Pinkie pie along with Rarity and Spike walked in. Twilight floated plates of taiyaki towards them. "It's breakfast for today, we have a long journey ahead of us."

"Where're we going once we leave the station?" Rarity asked after she took a bite of the taiyaki.

"There should be nearby dock waiting for us, at that point I'm not sure who long it'll take to get into Equine nation." Twilight explained.

"I can't wait for the wonderful fashion they'll have!"

"I can't wait for all the FUN!" Pinkie yelled.

Naruto looked puzzled. "How are you guys liking that taiyaki?!"

"What do you mean? This taste delicious." Pinkie pie said.

"Don't forget we are ponies, honey." Rarity added.

*sweat drops* "So even you admit to your own weirdness..."

Twilight looked around the train cart, that raven haired pony was missing yet again. "Sasuke isn't here, is he?"

Naruto shook his head. "I don't understand either. What's wrong with that guy?"

Spike jumped up on Naruto's head. "He's just a little distant, that's all." He pulled the corners of Naruto's mouth in order to make a smile. "You gotta chill sometime, stop worrying about Sasuke so much, fishcake."

"...yeah ok."

As each rolling hill the train passed by would mark closer and closer to Equine nation, if nothing were to go wrong they would be back in Ponyville before they knew it. Sasuke sat on the top of the train and stared out into the distance.

He couldn't even force himself to crack a smirk at this point. "Wait ok, wait for me to come back. I promise the blood of Uchiha will live on."

"Who're you talking about?"

Sasuke swiveled his head to see Naruto pop his head out of the hatch. "That's not of your concern, Naruto. Tell me, I want to know why you kept on following me, I still don't understand, why you would go that far for me?"

"I would go to hell and back to save you." He gave Sasuke a reassuring smile. "'Cause you're my friend!"

Sasuke sighed. "You know, I would never do the same for you, Naruto."

"Yeah, whatever. What're you going to do once we get back?"

"Honestly Naruto, why would you ask such foolish questions, you know exactly what I'll do."

"If we die again then it's over." Naruto reminded.

"Then don't die."

For the first time, Naruto actually agreed to something Sasuke had to say, so he thought up of another interesting question to ask. "If you live on to have a family, what do you think you'll name the child?"



Sasuke gave Naruto an I'm-gonna-kill-you glare. "You know what I meant! Don't play dumb!"

"Heheh, whatever."

Naruto stood up and boarded the train cart. Pinkie pie, Twilight, Rarity, and Spike all gawked at Naruto as he went back inside the train cart and sat down on the bench like nothing at all happened. "What?" Naruto asked.

Pinkie pie shook her head to get herself out of the shocked state she was in. "YOU JUST WENT ON THE TOP OF A MOVING TRAIN!" She yelled.

"Yeah, what of it?"

"Honey, at that speed you would've surely flown right off the roof." Rarity explained.

"Well I'm a strange guy." Naruto said.

*sweat drops* "So even you admit to your own weirdness..."

Twilight smiled, at this point she really wasn't surprised what Naruto would pull out. "You sure are a very special pony. Thank Celestia nothing's happened so far."

"I know." Spike agreed. "Usually something happens, right about...now."


The train slanted sideways, forcing everything to collapse. The ponies fell onto the side of the window while the portable strive Twilight brought began crushing the life out of them.

"Sh-it." Naruto mumbled, barely able to move his jaw at that.

"Do-you she somethin' Rarity?" Pinkie pie asked as she struggled to move the heavy bench off her body.

"I do. I see Sasuke, more Sasuke, a giant dragon trying to kill us, and Sasuke."


*vein pops* "How can you just say ok to that?!" Naruto yelled.

"So...where is Sasuke, exactly?" Spike asked.


"There's Sasuke." Twilight flatly answered.

The train literally elevated up the next second and the portable stove along with the bench flew towards the opposite side of the ponies. To describe the feeling, it almost felt like they were flying through the air. "What now?!" Twilight panicked.

Naruto peered out of the window and of course they were flying through the air. 'Damn you Sasuke, I always have to fix your crap!' "Multi-shadow clone technique." Naruto mumbled.

Alll the ponies (and Spike) started screaming as they waited for the incoming impact...that would pretty much kill them.


Twilight's eyes slowly opened up and surprise, surprise a blue pony with messy cherry-red hair was staring right back at her. Rather loosely wrapped around his neck he wore a white scarf was hanging over her face. "H-hi. Twilight Sparkle, correct?" He nervously asked.


"Teddy junior."

"How do you know my name?"

At that one sentence, Teddy's entire face lit up. "Are you kidding me?! I'm a huge fan of you Miss Twilight Sparkle! You wouldn't believe how excited I was to hear you were coming to the edge of Equestria, I didn't know you'd come so soon!"

'I have a...fan?' Twilight looked around, she was at the edge of a beach, it didn't look like there was anypony else here or anything else here for that matter. "Where is everyone, Teddy?"

"...well, they're dead. I'm the only one here." Teddy nonchalantly stated, not even batting an eye.

"I'm...I'm so sorry to hear that, I...can't even begin to imagine the pain you must be going through..."

Teddy shifted his eyes. "It's fine, it's not like I care really, but Miss Twilight Sparkle...is it true you're going to Equine nation?"

Twilight slowly nodded.

"Then I beg your pardon, but...please be careful in the...slums of Equine nation." Tears started to swell up in his eyes. "Never, ever go near the slums! Please, promise me you-"

"I promise."

Teddy blinked back his tears, taken back at how fast Twilight could respond, especially to well...a stranger. "Wha-"

"Hey Teddy," Twilight brightly smiled. "how about you come live with us in Ponyville after we fix it up, of course."

'...!' "B-but how could you say that?" Teddy stammered, still shocked by her surprisingly fast answer and cheery, naive, attitude.

"Because, at this point, I don't think I could ever abandon you. No one should ever have to live without friends and loved ones."


Twilight continued. "I'll be your friend, Teddy. That way you won't have to be so lonely." She stopped and offered Teddy a tissue, seeing as he was about to cry, again.

Tears dropped down from his cheeks to his milky white scarf. "...t-thank you..." Teddy wiped his tears away on the tissue Twilight gave him and genuinely smiled for the first time in a long time.

Twilight started getting up off the ground. "Teddy, I'm going to go and find my frien-"

"No don't get up." Teddy abruptly said. "I'll find them just for you Miss-"

"You can just call me Twilight."

Teddy's face flushed bright red. "Twilight."

"Ok then, there's a purple hair, black hair, pink hair, and a yellow hair pony you need to find along with one small purple dragon." She explained.

"I'll get on it right away!"

'Wow, what a nice, kind pony.' Twilight thought to herself as he galloped off.


Naruto was hanging upside down in a knotted tangle of vines he couldn't break out from. There was literally no other way to get free until someone came to save him. "HELLLOO! HELP! TWILIGHT! SASU- wait not Sasuke, I don't want him saving me like some weakling..." Naruto screamed at the top of his lungs.

"Damn." Naruto felt his stomach rumble, it felt like he hadn't eaten anything in years. "And I'm hungry?!"


Naruto suddenly fell and slammed his head on the stone slab below him. "Ow! Ow! Damnit all!"

"Shut-up already."

Naruto swiveled his head thinking to see Sasuke, but instead it was an equally handsome red-headed pony that was maliciously glaring at him. "Who're you?" 'I see he's a good shot, basing from that tattoo on his-'

"That's not really important right now, is it? So get up already yellow-fodder."

*vein pops* "What?! Who are you calling fodder! I can whoop your butt in two s-"

"Stop talking. Count yourself lucky I saved you, if it wasn't for Twilight your blood would be stained on the ground already."

Naruto breathed a sigh of relief. "Good. You know Twi?"

"Of course I do, now go pick up your pieces of trash and head to the shoreline."

Naruto got himself up and slightly stretched out his legs. "Damn, I wouldn't think Twilight knew some god-awful ponies like you. What do you want with her anyways?"

"Why are you asking such pointless questions? A fool like you would never understand a devotion like mine towards Twilight Sparkle."

Author's Note:

So...until I come out with something just think of Teddy Junior as Sasuke's looks, with Sasori's hair, and Byakuya's scarf. *i don't own this, please don't sue me*