• Published 2nd Feb 2015
  • 2,406 Views, 29 Comments

Bonds never break - Deidara21

  • ...

Chapter 5: Mare out of the moon

Recap: The mane 6 and then some defeat Discord and restore balance, whoop. Naruto also finds out today is the Nightmare night festival.


XxxxxxXxxx=break in chapter, not sure if I'm doing this right though

Note: Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry! For the long as heck hiatus but One Piece is a heck of a long anime. Also from what I heard, season 5 came out, I'll have to catch that sometime.

Sai walked out of the ink store with a bag of ink supplies clenched in his jaw. 'Well...At least this place is more peaceful than Konoha.'

Like always. A sudden stampede of ponies with heart eyes, trampled all over him. As he tried to get himself up Sai heard several footsteps approach him. He looked up to see Rarity looking down at him, with an almost annoyed look. "Oh Sai, just look at yourself." Rarity nagged. She levitated Sai up and wiped off some of the smudges on his milky pale coat.

"Brilliant, much better...now, have you seen Sasuke anywhere?" Rarity asked.

"Um, no."

"Because he requested I make some certain clothes for him." Rarity levitated a dark gray, high-collar shirt. She turned it around to reveal the infamous Uchiha symbol and finally, Sai recognized the outfit, it was the same shirt he wore during the war.

"It'll look rather adorable on him. I wanna see him try it out...say, Sai, would you like me to make you some clothes?"

Sai was now kinda confused, he already had on his basic clothes that he wore during his missions. "...no thank-you..."

"Oh, well that's too bad." Rarity turned around and started to trot off. '...he seems so uncomfortable talking to me...how strange.'

Twilight's house...

Naruto stood back, he looked at all the decorations he put up in time for the Nightmare night festival. "This place looks super cool! And now..." Naruto levitated a pair of cat ears towards him. "Ha-ha! It worked!"

"That's it! I'll dress up as him!" Naruto ran up the stairs and levitated a straw hat on his head. "And now...I need a marker."

The door swung open and Twilight stepped in. Naruto turned his head to meet Twilight's worried gaze. "Hey Twilight!"

Twilight's jaw dropped when she saw what Naruto did to her house, it was covered in random pieces of paper that was drenched in thick, drippy ink. "Gah! Naruto we gotta clean this up! Princess Celestia is coming over any second now."

"Dammit! We gotta clean!"

"That's what I'm saying!" Twilight hovered the pieces a clumped it all, into a giant ball.

Naruto shot his horn at it and the gooey clump of black papers disappeared.

"Wha- Naruto! Where did you teleport that to?"


*vein pops* "Naruto! You-"

Finally, Princess Celestia walked into her house, Twilight lowered her head and stared at the ground. "I'm sorry...I just thought I had to send you a letter about Friendship every week. I missed the deadline, so I...I'm sorry! I'm such a horrible student!"

Celestia shook her head. "No. You are a very wonderful student but, you don't have to send me a letter every week."

Twilight raised her head and perked her ears. "Really?"

"Hey! Celestia-san! Do you know a tracking spell?

"No. But...my sister does."

"Your sister? Where is she?!"

"Trapped in the moon."

"Why? Don't you ever want to see your sister again? She's your sister, isn't she? Don't you...care?"

Celestia floated a book towards Naruto. "Read the end of this book, it's Luna's last entries of our journal."

'She didn't answer the question...'

Naruto went upstairs, he sat in a comfy chair and opened up the old, tattered journal. "Man, there are hundreds of pages in this book. I guess, I wanna see what the beginning looks like. Journal entry 1 Celestia: Thou art so enlivened by thou gift thou Starswirl has giventh us. So now thy can write down thou adventures we share!"

"Journal entry 2 Luna: Not only did Celestia ruin the book by writing down in Royal Canterlot voice but she also wrote first when clearly I requested I write first."

P.S. Momonosuke sucks.

Naruto flipped to the last page of the book.

"The last entry of this wretched journal my sister and I have to share because I've lost track of the number: I'm tired of being in the shadow of my sister. I'm tired of nopony EVER regarding my tireless duties as Princess of the night. They praise when she raises the sun yet when I raise the moon, no one really gives a hoof. So now I am done, till' we meet again, I won't have to share this diary."

Naruto closed the book and levitated it above his head. "I guess she feels...forgotten. It's true, that's the worst feeling in the world."

Naruto trotted back down the stairs, Celestia along with Twilight and Spike were both gone. *sweat drops* "Where did they go?!" Naruto sighed and set it on the table.

He walked out of the door to see nearly every pony outside hanging up decorations for the festival later on tonight. The sun was nearly set behind the horizon while the sunlight danced around the clouds, creating a beautiful sunset. 'It's noon already, and Sasuke isn't back. I haven't seen him for at least a day...' "Where are you, Sasuke? Please don't tell me you've...no...that can't be it."

Finally, after several minutes of waiting, Twilight and Spike came back with a bag full of supplies. "Hey, Naruto I got you a costume as well." Twilight said in a cheerful tone.

"Oh, what is it?"

Twilight dropped some cat ears in front of Naruto. "Cute, isn't it?"

"Ooooh yeah! Thank you Twilight!" Naruto put on the cat ears and warmly smiled. "Hey...what the heck happened to Sai?"

Twilight shook her head. "Dunno. I'll be down in an hour to teach you about the Nightmare night festival, otherwise you can do whatever, Naruto." She, along with Spike, walked upstairs leaving Naruto to wonder about his friends.


Naruto's ears twitched, the sly, smug voice was spot on to Sasuke's. Naruto turned his head, he started to grin at the thought of seeing his friend once more. "Hey Sasuke you-wait..."

"Ha-ha, hahhaha! It's me, silly!"

Naruto's jaw dropped as he saw a face full of Pinkie pie, rather than Sasuke. "Pinkie pie?! What the heck is going on here?!"

"Did ya', like my impression?!"

"That was perfect! The key, the tone, the level of smugness, absoultely spot on! Do another! Do another!" Naruto cheered.

"Ok, Ok." Pinkie pie furrowed her forehead and put a twig in her mouth. "Hey, hey. Who ate all the meat?"

"Ha! Ha! Perfect! Again, again!"

"Oh my, my, my. This dress is absolutely gorgeous, I simply must, must purchase such fine art!"

"HAHAHA! Do...SAI! Yeah Sai!"

"I'm sorry, I uh, I didn't mean to bother you."

"Dattebayo! Do Sasuke's one more time and make the face!"

"Heh you loser, don't act like such a blockhead all the time."

"Perfect! Hahahah!"

Pinkie pie smiled. "I'm glad I made ya' smile! Ciao my friend!" Pinkie pie, then jumped away, laughing uncontrollably.

Spike ran down the stairs. "Naruto! What happened?! I heard...joy..."

"Oh uh, Pinkie pie started doing really good impressions, ya' know."

"Impressions, huh?" Spike smoothed his spikes over his eye. "Um, hi, Naruto. I'm sorry, I didn't hurt you, did I?"

"HAHAHA! That's so Fluttershy!"

"Ok, ok. Hello, I'm the Spike crtic and I remember it so you don't have to."


"NARUTO! SHUT-UP!" Twilight yelled. "AND SPIKE, CA' MERE!"

*sweat drops* "I gotta uh...go, Naruto. See ya' tonight!" Spike hastily said, he grabbed a fake beard and ran up the stairs.

Naruto fell on the floor and stared at the ceiling. "Dammit, what now? Where's Sasuke and Sai?"

"Oh well. They'll come running sometime for food." Naruto picked up a giant white beard and walked up the stairs as well in order to get ready for the festival this coming night.

Two hours later...

Naruto walked down the stairs in full costume, he approached the entrance and was about to open it until the door swung open and slammed him on the face. "Come in, come in. Naruto is really nice. He'll give you good pointers on being a reliable person." Twilight beckoned.

"Ok. Where'th thou Na-ru-to?"

Naruto poked his head from behind the door. "Yeah, what do you want?" Standing right in front of him was a dark blue alicorn pony with blue flowing hair, Naruto could tell she looked pretty uncomfortable around him.

Twilight trotted up from behind the alicorn and introduced the two of them to each other. "Naruto, this is Princess Luna. Princess Luna this is Naruto."

Luna looked questiongly at Naruto. "Thou...fishcake?"

He shook his head in annoyance, then quickly changed the subject. "You're the Celestia-person's sister, right? Why haven't I seen you around in the palace?"

"...well, if you must know-"

Twilight butted in before things got complicated. "It's a long story. Don't have time for it, right now I want you, Naruto to teach her a few pointers about being a good, reliable friend."

"Ok. Luna-san, do you have a lot of money?"

"I, uh, guess..."

"A good friend buys their best friend lots of ramen, and magazines about-

*vein pops* Twilight angrily glared at Naruto, no matter how old he got, he still had the same symptoms of stupidity. "Naruto! Useful information!" Twilight hissed.

Naruto slowly nodded and looked straight at Luna. "A friendship only works if you both believe in each other. You have trust and count on each other, you have to be willing to die for each other!"

"Also, stop saying 'thou', it's annoying." He added.


Naruto happily perked his ears and smiled. "I've taught you all I can. Good luck!" He then walked past them and galloped towards the Nightmare night festival, despite not even listening to Twilight's lecture.


Sai looked around, he in a barren landscape with the exception of one or two trees standing around. 'I got lost...' "Where am I? Now that I think about it, I wonder if a rat will eat my corpse if I starve and die out here?"

Sai looked up at the full moon, the shadow of a pony was no longer present. Suddenly, that's when he saw something unusual. It looked as if the moon itself was seeping out a black substance. He looked questioningly at it, merely shaking his head at the thought of it. "Well...that's new."

Elsewhere...distant location...

'The moon's seeping out of the sky? Or rather something's seeping out of the moon.' "We should head in that direction."

"How long do you think it'll take to get there?"

"A couple of days at best. It's too far to tell, there's no telling what they might do so let's hurry up."



Naruto walked through the town, his bag was full of candy and chocolate flavored grass. He was chewing the chocolate flavored grass, thinking it actually tasted like real chocolate. "...this stuff...actually sucks."

He looked around to see if there was anypony else giving out food. '...is that gray one wearing paper bags? Weird.' He simply shrugged it off and kept on searching for more food, at this point nothing was too surprising for him.

"I got it! I'll eat some of Twi's candy!" He ran off in the opposite direction and went in search for Twilight.

Twilight stepped hoof into the royal castle, according to Spike, Celestia had an important matter to address her. Although she was a bit timid of seeing her sister after so long, Princess Luna happily followed Twilight into the castle.

Celestia was a bit taken by surprise from seeing her sister again in her original form, but never the less overjoyed by her appearance. "Luna, it's been so long..."

Upon seeing her sister, Luna ran up to Celestia's side, still a bit timid after seeing her again. "I apologize for everything I've done, I'm ashamed of everything-"

"Luna, no matter what you did in the past or do from now on, I will still always love you. I'm glad you're finally back."

"Princess Celestia!" Twilight bowed down then poked her head back up. "What did you call me for?"

Celestia walked back to her throne, a group of important looking ponies all walked in and stood by the throne. Celestia levitated a document in front of her. "Twilight Sparkle, dear student of mine."

'I think she's appointing me something! I'm so excited!' "Yes. Princess Celestia!"

"...You've done something that I couldn't help but notice and I'm very taken by your actions."

"Yes?" 'I'm so happy! Senpai...finally noticed.'

"Twilight Sparkle, you've been accused of a third degree crime and I hereby sentence you to a lifetime in Eclipse Prison."


Naruto ran inside the tree house, he looked around, but sadly didn't see Twilight anywhere. "Hey! Twil-" Naruto heard an ear piercing scream and ran up the stairs, to his horror he saw Spike screaming while sleeping in his own pile of candy wrappers

Naruto shook Spike back and forth. "SPIKE! WAKE UP! S...stop screaming! Please!

He started thrashing around in his bed, beads of sweat poured down his face.


Suddenly, Spike bolted straight up, a look of absolute terror and fear was spread across his face. "...ug...AAHHH!" Spike lunged towards Naruto face and started scratching his face up.


Spike released his hold from Naruto's face and fell down. "...na...ru...to?

"Spike, are you ok? You were screaming and yelling while you were asleep. What happened?

"I don't know, what...ha-" Before he could answer any further, Spike passed out right in front of Naruto, landing back on his pile of candy wrappers.

'A nightmare? No. It looked like he was going through total hell. If Twilight was here then-'

Interrupting him in his thoughts, Naruto heard a knock on the door and came trotting the stairs, he opened the door and saw Rarity levitating a bouquet of flowers in front of his face. "Is Sasuke here?"

"No, he's been gone for at least a day or two. Have you seen Twilight?"

Rarity shifted her eyes. "Well, the last time I've seen her, she was with Princess Luna."

"...Princess of the cap locks..." He muttered.

"Huh? Did you say something?"



Twilight couldn't believe what Celestia just said, was she talking to some pony else? She had to be dreaming. Somehow gathered up the courage, and managed to muster a few words of her own. "Wh-what're you talking about?"

Celestia slammed her hoof on the ground. "You're crime is the assistance of a demon. The same demon that tried to destroy Ponyville is linked to your associate; Naruto."

"That can't be! Naruto save-"

"He tried to destroy it." Celestia lowered her eyes and read off the document she was still levitating. "You not only accompanied Naruto but you also let him roam free by not imprisoning him in stone."

Luna sympathetically gazed over to Twilight, the clear heartbreak she was feeling was absolutely painful to watch. "Sister, don't you think-"

"Luna! This does not concern you. You have no right to speak up as if you knew what happened that day!"

"Celestia! This isn't like you, this pony right here-"

Celestia finally turned her full attention towards Luna. "Will you shut your trap already?!"

'...! Well, ponies change I guess...' "...!"

"Please, let me just explain what's going on!" Twilight begged, it felt like her whole world, was crashing down on her. The person she admired the most, wasn't even listening to a word she had to say.

"Lock Twilight up, at once."

Immediately, one of the ponies by Celestia levitated some hoof-cuffs and locked it around Twilight's hooves. Two guards came from behind Twilight wrapped a chain around her body.

Celestia pointed her hoof at Twilight. "Guards, send her to Eclipse Prison!"

'...I'm sorry everyone...' "Wait...what about Naruto! Are you locking him up to?!"

Celestia's eyes narrowed. "No. Naruto deserves a much more serious punishment." She looked to the other set of guards behind her throne. "Other guards! Find Naruto and bring him to me."

"NO! PLEASE LET ME GO! STOP...I thought...you...-"

Celestia walked over to her, she mouthed an unusual word and suddenly, Twilight blacked out.


Rarity peered over Spike who was still out. She shook her head and looked over to Naruto. "You're right, this isn't a nightmare. This is much more violent. He was having a night terror."

"Huh? Is it serious?"

"Well, it's pretty common to have a nightmare because of Luna's absence. Though, I heard a lot of other ponies are suffering the same thing as well."

"Can Luna cause nightmares?" Naruto asked, inching closer to take a look at Spike.

"She can trigger them, but she can't cause t-" Rarity suddenly jumped back from Spike and started to over dramatically scream.


A black substance was seeping from Spike's mouth and dripping onto the floorboards. "What is that?!"

"Rarity! Come on, we're gonna find Twilight, and then we're going to help Spike!" Naruto ran down the stairs and opened the door to run out in search for Twi.

"Hold up! Don't be so rash Naruto, we have no idea where to even look."

Rarity levitated a book in front of her, she flipped open to a marked page. "Naruto-hon, can you get me a sample of Twilight's hair?"

Naruto poofed up Twilight's brush in front of Rarity. "This should due."

Rarity stood up and lowered her head, she pointed her horn at the brush and soundly muttered a few words. The brush levitated into the air and dissolved into an image of Twilight.

"What the...how'd you do that Rarity?!"

"Later, it seems Twilight is...AAAAAHHHHH!" Rarity dramatically fainted on the floor with a hoof on her forehead. "This is absolutely terrible! Twilight is going to get so dirty there in that nasty place!"

*vein pops* "Where the heck is she Rarity?!"

"Oh. She's locked up in Eclipse Prison. Wait! SHE'S LOCKED UP IN PRISON! WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING!"

Just behind them, the door burst down and two royal guards jumped in. They held out their spears, then pointed them to both Rarity and Naruto. "Uzumaki Naruto! You are under arrest!"

Naruto muttered something under his breath, then threw a smoke bomb on the ground. "MASTER ESCAPE PLAN!"

Rainbow Dash was outside getting ready for the upcoming day she got forced into preparing for. Lazily, Dash laid down on her favorite cloud and watch the birds fly by. "Today was awesome." She merrily sighed.


Rainbow dash perked up her ears as if she heard something.


"Rainbow! We need heeellllp!"

Rainbow quickly turned her head around, Naruto and Rarity were both falling down at a fast rate. She got up, stretched her wings, then flew down to catch them.

Rarity turned around and angrily glared at Naruto while they were falling. Which in return she got a sheepish grin from him.

"Don't look at me like that! Heh, we escaped didn't we?" Naruto cheekily quipped.

"Hold on! I gotcha guys!" Rainbow swooped down and grabbed them by their tails, Dash grumbled as she slowed down her pace to land safely on the ground. "I swear Naruto, you're always getting yourself into the weirdest situations!"

Rainbow set them both down on the warm grass, she looked questioningly at them, wondering how the heck they even got in the sky. "Ok. What the heck just happened? How'd you guys get up there?"

Naruto shook his head. "Long story, I'll tell you later. Right now, Twilight is trapped in some Eclipse Prison and we need to rescue her at any cost."

For a slight second, a hint of fear spread across her face, quickly she returned back to normal and looked sternly at Naruto and Rarity. "We should get the others. Eclipse prison is a weird place."

'Huh? It's just a prison isn't it?' Naruto wondered. "Ok so, we break in, save Twi, then we break out."

Rarity teleported a picture book in front of her, she flipped to the last pages. "If only it was that easy. Eclipse prison is a towering structure. In fact, legend has it the tower is so tall you can practically touch the moon itself." She explained.

"And another thing." Rainbow added. "It's behind The Gates of Tartarus."

Author's Note:

A/N: As far as I'm concerned, there won't be another 4 month long hiatus because I'm officially caught up with One Piece. Even if I decide to watch another anime, which I will.