• Published 2nd Feb 2015
  • 2,405 Views, 29 Comments

Bonds never break - Deidara21

  • ...

Chapter 4: Discord's revival part 3

Recap: Every...PONY turns to their alternate version of themselves and the elements of harmony weren't in the labyrinth after all:/

Twilight optimistically raised her voice in an attempt to sound actually happy. "See everypony? We did it! We found the elements of harmony together!"

Applejack and Sasuke merely yawned in complete boredom.

"You don't even care, do you?"

"No." Everypony said in unison.

"I can't believe all my friends have turned into complete jerks!" Twilight hovered all the necklaces in a bunch, she walked over to everyone else standing in the background.

Twilight then simultaneously placed all the necklace on each of their respecting ponies. "Necklace! Necklace! Necklace! Necklace! Aaaand big crown thingy! Now let's go, no time to waste!" Twilight ushered.

"But Twilight," Spike beckoned. "I'm sure you're missing some pony."

"Nope. We've got the liar, the grump, the hoarder, and the brute. That's it!"

"What about that one horse with the beautiful rainbow mane?" Sasuke asked.

Twilight turned to Sasuke, looking like she was just about to kill him. "Ohhhh. I forgot you, the playboy. Congrats Sasuke, you're the new Rainbow dash!" Without Sasuke's consent, she threw the necklace over Sasuke and pushed them all out of her house.

"Now let's defeat Discord everypony! LET'S DEFEAT HIM NOW!"

"We can't. The hoarders' gone." Fluttershy remarked.

Twilight looked at her doorway to see that Rarity was helplessly trying push Gary back out. Twilight zapped herself back inside and helped Rarity push Gary out.

"LOOK OUT! HERE COMES GARY DAHL!" Twilight yelled as the giant boulder flew out of the door way.

Discord poofed himself up in front of the ponies, he mischievously grinned, already predicting how well this was going to turn out. "Well-well. I see you found the elements of harmony. I'm scared out of my pants."

"Ha-ha! Discord! I've figured out your lame riddle, prepare to fall!" Twilight proclaimed.

"Oh I see how it is. It's time to meet my end." Discord formed a large bullseye over his chest. "Fire. When. Ready."

"Formation now!" Twilight barked.


Twilight looked around. "Where's Sasuke?!" Twilight yelled in frustration.

"Sauce pan left." Fluttershy pushed up Spike with Rainbow dash's necklace over her his head. "But don't worry. We have a new Rainbow crash."

"Whatever. Let's get this over with."

Their powers started to charge, creating a vibrant display of color and light. Then just suddenly, it fizzled out. Nothing happened.

Discord pointed to them and laughed out loud. "Looks like your attack wasn't very effective!"

"What?! What just happened?!" Twilight asked.

"Mine's working. There must be something wrong with your's." Applejack pointed out.

"I hate the elements!" Pinkie pie yelled.

Fluttershy took her necklace and threw it on the ground. "Humph! What a load of dump!"

Rarity lunged for Fluttershy's necklace and tightly grasped on to it. "MINE!"

"I'm sorry Twilight..." Spike sighed. He took off the necklace and threw it on the ground. "I guess I'll just run upstairs and clean up a bit." Spike started to run off before he tripped and fell.

"Ha-ha! Sorry Rainbow crash!" Fluttershy said before she started to laugh.

Discord clapped his hands together. "Bravo ponies, bravo! Well, harmony is now officially dead. Congratulations Twilight on your accomplishment and now, ciao my friends." He raised his fox paw and wiped it over his body, making him disappear.

"It's your fault it didn't work!" Pinkie pie yelled at a random direction.

"Who are you taking to?"

"Any of...actually...ALL OF YOU!" Pinkie pie started to trot away. "I hate all of you!"

"Well, she's gone. I better leave too, I have better friends waiting for me back at the farm." With those lasting words, Applejack walked away as well.

"Yeah! I hate all of you worthless losers!" Fluttershy yelled, she then flew off while Rarity trudged in the opposite direction to take Gary home.

"Fine! Leave! See if I care because with friends like you...who needs enemies..." Twilight's body turned to gray, tears streamed down her cheek as she turned arou nd to walk home.

Discord poofed up a rainy cotton candy cloud just for Twilight and hung it over her. "HAHAHA! Looks like friendship is pointless after all!"

"It was. And now...it's time for me leave this place...forever."

After randomly falling asleep, Naruto woke up and ran off to find Twilight, just his luck, he found Twilight walking towards the library but...she was alone. Naruto galloped towards her and put on a reassuring smile, that was until he saw her expression. Her expression alone made it clear what had just happened.

"You're giving up, aren't you?" Naruto asked.

"It's pointless to keep on trying..." Tears kept on falling down Twilight's cheek, remembering all the past memories she had of them.

"...Who are you?"

"What kind of question is that? I'm Twilight sparkle."

"No." Naruto lowered his head. "You...aren't her. Now let me ask you again, WHO ARE YOU?!"

"...I'm Twilig-"

"How can you be the same Twilight who never gave up on her friends?! How can you be the same Twilight who would die for her friends? How...?"

Naruto pulled something out of his pack. It was a mass of written letters. "Spike started throwing up these letters, he told me they were yours so I brought you some of them."

Twilight hovered some of them for her to read. "Why would Princess Celestia send me my old letters?"

Twilight read the letters out aloud. "...Real friends don't care what your cover is...Friendship is a wondrous and powerful thing...And like the path cut through the orchard, there will always be a way through...The best thing to do is stay true to yourself...Everypony has a special magical connection with her friends, maybe before she's met them..."

Twilight's color finally returned to normal as she realized something really important. "I finally understand! Thank you Naruto! I finally understand what Discord has really been trying to do. He's trying to distract us from what's truly important because he knows how powerful our friendship...our bonds, are."

Naruto grabbed the letters and stuffed it back into his pack. "Because...bonds never truly break."

"You're right Naruto. They don't. Now I will fight for my bonds and fight for Equestria!"

Sweet Apple Acres...

Applejack slammed her hoof on the wooden table. "And so I tried to defeat Discord but nooooo none of my 'friends' would lift a darn hoof to help me!"

The door flew open, and Twilight along with Naruto galloped inside the barn. "I'm here to help!" Twilight exclaimed as Big Macintosh started to lick Twilight like a dog.

"Help?! Where was this 'helping' back when I was wrestling with Discord?!"

"Snap out of it Applejack!" Twilight ran over and pounced on Applejack, she lowered her horn and cast a memory spell on her.

Applejack slowly stood up, flashbacks of previous moments started racing through her mind, she shook her head and looked straight at Twilight. "Wh-what happened? Oh! Twilight! I saw a vision of us fightin', I couldn't face the truth so I just started tellin' lies...could you ever forgive me?"

"I already have. Now let's go!"

Fluttershy's cottage...

Twilight approached Fluttershy who was bonded to a rope, making her unable to move. She lowered her horn and used the memory spell on her.

"Oh my! Twilight! Applejack, Naruto! I just had the worst dream."

Naruto nodded his head. "You're telling me, you were all like ha-ha and boo-hoo and..." Naruto saw the horrified look on Fluttershy's face and decided to keep quiet about this topic.

Carousel Botique...

Rarity spread her hooves across Gary as Twilight approached her. "What're you doing?! Get away from my gem! Get away!"

Everyone watched as a bright light flashed from the window. Both Twilight and Raroty stepped out. "This, never happened." Rarity said as she pushed Gary out her door.

Twilight took out her list, she skimmed down. "Next on the list is...Sasuke. Where is he?"

Applejack pointed her hoof to a nearby crowd of girls. "I'm guessing he's over there."

As the everyone started to head in that direction, Rarity stopped them. "Wait, wait, wait. Is this what we want? Let's keep him like this and tell absolutely no one."

"But you do realize he'll flirt with all of us, right?" Applejack pointed out. "And he'll still be a big jerk and he won't have any consideration for your feelings."

"...true..." Rarity admitted. "Well. Go ahead Twilight."

Twilight stopped herself, she turned to Naruto. "You've known Sasuke a lot longer than us. You should do the memory spell. I mean, you're really good with magic after all." Twilight passed a scroll over to Naruto.

"I believe in you Naruto!"

Naruto studied the map then approached the crowd of girls, and sure enough, Sasuke was in the middle of them. Laughing like a dick. "Ha-ha! You're so funny Derpy! Tell me more!" Sasuke said in such a suave voice.

Before Derpy could speak one word, Sasuke turned his attention to somepony else. "Say that one more time Berrysplash!"

"It's um...Berryshine."

"Yeah whatever. Hey, Gingergold! Love what you did with your hair."

"YAHHHH!" Naruto yelled, he pounced on Sasuke and used the memory spell on him.

Sasuke pushed Naruto off and walked straight past the group of giggling girls. "Never, ever talk about this." Sasuke hissed.

Rarity flipped her hair over once Sasuke approached. "Soooo Sasuke, what do you think about my hair?"

"I really don't give a damn about your hair, Rarity."

Naruto jumped up in the air. "He's back!"

Fluttershy and Twilight walked up to the group with Pinkie pie laughing in a wheelbarrow. "Now we have one more to find but where could Rainbow dash be?" Twilight wondered.

Pinkie pie pointed to a lonely cloud. "She's right there!"

The group ran over to the cloud, Twilight raised her hooves and called out for Rainbow dash. "Hey! Rainbow dash!"

"Hey guys!" Rainbow dash called back.

"We've been looking everywhere for you!"


"Well...Discord's still on the loose and we need you to help us with your element, Loyalty!"

"Nah. I'm good up here. I mean, you've seen Ponyville, right? Looks like something out of Alice in Wonderland. I'm going to stay in Cloudsdale where it's awesome."

"Is she crazy or something? My house is bigger than Cloudsdale." Naruto pointed out.

"I think it's the same as Rarity's diamond lust." Sasuke stated, he turned his head to Rarity. "Right, or was that your twin sister again?"

Rarity's face started to flush again. "...heh...heh...maybe..."

Twilight huddled everyone in a group. "Alright! Time for plan B." Twilight announced.

Twilight was atop a tower of Naruto's horn was about to touch Rainbow's head before she immediately woke up and started to fly away along with her cloud. "Now Applejack!" Twilight yelled.

Another tower of Naruto's emerged in front of Rainbow dash with Applejack on the top. She swung her lasso and tied it around Rainbow dash's body. Just below the cloud, Rarity, Pinkie pie and Fluttershy had the extended rope clenched in their mouth.

"Now pull!"

Rainbow dash started to drag them along before Applejack ran up and pulled the last end of the rope, making Rainbow dash immobilized.

Twilight lowered her horn and used the memory spell on Rainbow dash, restoring her to normal. (Finally...they're all back.) Twilight happily thought to herself.

Rainbow dash landed on the ground, she looked at everybody, dazed almost. "Wh-what happened?" She gasped. "Where's Discord?! Did you guys get him already?!"

Everyone, except Sasuke, jumped up in excitement. "Yay! Cue the credits!" Pinkie pie yelled.

*theme song*

Created by: Lauren Faust

Executive producer: Stephen Davis

Featured voices:

Tara strong as Twilight sparkle

Junko Takeuchi as Naruto Uzumaki

Tabitha St. Germain as Rarity and Derpy

Some guy from a bar as Sasuke Uchiha

"WAIT! WAIT! We're not done yet!" Twilight reminded everypony. "We still have to face...you-know-who."

Discord sat on his throne, laughing. He looked at Ponyville, it was horrendously messed up and he loved every single bit of it. "Ahhh. Chaos is such a wonderful, wonderful thing."

"Not as wonderful as friendship!"

Twilight along with the rest all lined up in front of Discord while Naruto and Sasuke just sat beside them to watch the final defeat.

Discord sat on his throne, still with a smirk on his face. "Oh yeah right. This'll be rich, you never seem to learn from your mistakes."

"I'll tell, you what I have learned no...what WE learned! Friendship isn't easy but it is always worth fighting for!"

"Mm hm. Well, hurry this up, I'm missing some excellent chaos here."

"Alright! Let's show him what we can do, girls! Friendship: ACTIVATE!"

Much to Discord's surprise, each one of their elements started blinking and several projectiles launched towards him. "What in the...it can't be! How is this even..."

The six ponies raised up into the air, their eyes shined through. A vibrant rainbow blasted up into the air and landed on Discord. "NOOOOOO!" Discord yelled as he started to turn back to stone again.

The six ponies landed back on the ground with a huge smile plastered across all their faces.

"Friendship truly is magic and it its definitely worth the fight." Twilight said in awe.

Twilight's ears perked up as she heard a nearby crack, she turned her head around and started to gasp. The statue was actually cracking.


A large explosion erupted from the statue and a much larger, tailed beast size, Discord rose from the broken pieces of rock. Half of his body was Kurama and the other half was his own.

"I said...YOU CAN'T KILL ME THAT EASILY!" He snapped his paws together and the chaos instantly returned.

Several fox tails sprouted from Discord's behind. He sat down and, a ball of dark purple chakra started forming in the middle of his tails.

Twilight stuttered back. "Wh-what is that?!"

"It's the tailed beast ball." Naruto answered.

"What will happen if he uses that thing?"

"Well...Ponyville will end up in ashes and every single living thing in this town, will die."

"If the elements can't help...then..." Twilight looked back to all of her friends. "...what...?"

Everyone looked at each other in sadness. "This is just it then?" Applejack asked. "But...we can run, we can gather up everyone in Ponyville and-"

Rarity put a hoof on Applejack's back. "There's not enough time. We can't get everyone...but if we all run without anyone else, oh I don't think I could even live without my sister..."

"Or my animals." Fluttershy added.

"So we just die? Everything we've been through...this can't be it." Rainbow dash said in disbelief.

"It is." Pinkie pie looked up, she smiled. "But...remember all those times we had with each other? Remember those days?"

"I do." Tears streamed down Twilight's face. "We got our friendship back but it seems we'll lose it again. Well...at least I'll die with my friends. We'll die...together."

"Is there something we can do, Sasuke?" Naruto asked.

"What can we do? We just don't have the ability to use our strongest attack anymore. And if we do somehow attack, the ball will either explode on itself or he'll shoot it sooner than later. And the elements, are pointless."

"But...I can't just sit back and let people die! I will never live with myself if I do! Multi-shadow-"

"Stop it Naruto! Or we'll die sooner."

"You know what...if we are going to die, I rather die trying. I rather die knowing that I at least tried to give it my all because that is what I stand for."

Naruto closed his eyes, he got into sage mode. His famed, Rasenshuriken formed around his horn. (This is my ninja way.) Several other clones popped up, and they all charged for Discord who was just finishing his tailed beast ball.

"Naruto comeback!" Twilight yelled but he kept on running.

"You idi-" Sasuke stopped himself, he saw someone else running after Discord, he saw his brother, trying to save everyone. (How far...will you go? Am I just...weaker than you?) Sasuke gritted his teeth out of complete frustration. "Why am I always seeing you, Itachi? At least...why am I seeing you in Naruto?"

Twilight looked back to all her friends. "Naruto is risking his life to try and save us...and we're just standing back, letting...watching him kill himself."

Rainbow dash stared at the ground. "What can we do?"

"We can...try. Even if we fail. We can still try!"


Naruto smirked when he heard that familiar jutsu, he watched as a giant ink dragon wrapped around Kurama.

"HELL YEAH!" Naruto yelled in excitement.

"Senjutsu Susanoo!" Sasuke yelled, a giant purple fiery-warrior covered with black markings, emerged from his body. He pointed a giant arrow at it, flamed with a fire type jutsu.

"Naruto! Go!" Sasuke yelled as he released the arrow.

Naruto nodded, his clones threw him up in the air and he threw the Rasenshuriken at the arrow.

Discord compressed the ball and clamped it into his mouth. Thankfully, before Discord could release the tailed beast ball, another large dragon wrapped around his mouth.

The arrow blasted straight throw Discord's body, making another large explosion erupt. Discord fell onto the ground, he clenched the hole through his body that was gushing out with blood.

(This can't be how I...die...wait...I'll heal myself using the last of this power...!) Discord, using the last of Kurama's chakra, healed his wound. The fox features on his body dissapered, returning him to his normal self.

Twilight nodded to her friends. "Let's seal him now!"

The girls lined up, their eyes flashed as the elements started working again. "We can do this! With the power of Friendship!" A larger rainbow blasted up into the air.

The rainbow hit Discord yet again creating a huge explosion. "AHHHHHHH!" Discord yelled as he turned back to stone. A tiger painting emerged out of nowhere and grabbed the statue of Discord.

Twilight looked around, the statue was gone. "Hm...where's Discord?" Twilight asked.

A scroll bumped her in the head, she rolled it out and sure enough it was the statue of Discord, trapped inside a painting. "Wow...this is cool..." Twilight said in awe.

Suprising everyone, a white pony with dark brown hair and the same deep black eyes as Sasuke appeared in front of him. His cutie mark was of a very distinct ink brush and unlike Naruto or Sasuke, he was a normal earth pony.

"Thank-you, purple horse. You're really kind." Sai pleasingly stated. "Well, let me introduce myself. My name is Sai."

"...um hi...I'm Twilight. Thank you for saving us."

"Oh, no problem at all."

Naruto ran over and kicked Sai out of the way. "You're creeping them out Sai!"


Everyone walked out onto the castle court. A large group of ponies cheered and hollered for their tiring efforts. "We are gathered here today to honor the efforts these ponies have made, these ponies who stood up to Discord and saved Equestria from eternal chaos!"

Celestia unraveled the scroll that contained the statue of Discord. "And now, balance is restored!"

She then unveiled a new stained-glass window, decipting the mane six along with Sai, Naruto, and Sasuke triumphing over the likes of Discord.

The next day...

As everything started to slowly return to normal, Twilight was back to her usual hobby of reading and studying. "I guess I'll start reading this book Rarity gave me, hm...Canterlot high school host club? A nerdy pony who meets a group of flirty play boys, sounds like something Rarity would read."

Sai on the other hand was busy painting a picture of someone, it was hard to paint using his mouth but he still managed.

Naruto walked down the stairs as he started to yawn. "Hey guys!" Naruto then noticed a painting on the floor. "Hey! Who are you painting?"

Sai quickly stood in front of Naruto, he slid the painting away. "Um...no one..."

"Ha-ha! Come on I wanna know!"

"It's nothing."

Naruto bumped Sai out of the way and took a look at the painting. "Is that...INO?!" He fell on the floor and started to laugh.

Sai's face reddened as he nervously tried to push it away. "Um, speaking of. You haven't seen Sakura or Yamato anywhere, have you?"

Naruto got up and shook his head. "Nope. When you guys got summoned here...shouldn't of you all stayed together?"

"The jutsu was highly unstable. It barely worked...thanks to Kakashi."

"Say...how's Kakashi doing as hokage anyways?"

"Pretty good, well before we left. I'm not sure what he's doing now."

"I bet he's trying to use all the money on those pervy books! We won't have any funds for ramen anymore!"

"Don't worry, he's probably not, I mean only an idiot would believe he would do that."

*vein pops* "SHUT-UP!"

Konohagakure...Naruto's fantasy...but this could be real...

Shizune ran up Kakashi while he was filing some documents. "Hokage-sama! We got a giant surge of money from winning the Suna-lottery. What should we spend the extra money on?"

"I say...the new limited Akatsuki edition Icha Icha series. It's by a new author."

"Brilliant idea, sir."

Naruto gasped. "We have to find Sakura and Yamato!"

"I don't know where they are. Maybe you can use your tailed beast thing and turn into God again."

"...I can't without using Kurama and he doesn't have enough chakra."

"So all of that stuff you pulled during the Madara fight?"

"Gone...I guess then, we'll find them when we get an opportunity..."

Naruto trotted up the stairs, he pulled down some books and started reading up on some advanced magic tricks. He had time to waste.

Twilight closed her book, she got off her reading area and called for Spike. "Spike! We're going out! Bring the checklist!"

Spike ran down the stairs with a unrealistically long checklist and an ink pen in his other hand. "Ready Twilight!"

Twilight opened the door and trotted out. "If you need anything, we'll be around town!"

Sai got up and followed Twilight out of the door.

"Hey, where are you going?" Naruto asked.

"I'm getting some extra ink. I kinda used all my ink during the fight with whatever that thing was."

After everyone left, Naruto started to skim through the pages of this random book until he saw an interesting ad. "Nightmare Night festival? When is that?" Naruto skimmed down the page. "It's...tonight."

Author's Note:

A/N: I decided instead of going episode by episode only replaced with Naruto characters, I would actually do a sorta story arc format that ties in with everything. So I'll tie in arcs with some episodes, some plot from IDW comics, and some original ideas by Lauren Faust herself, then I'll wrap it up to the next dilemma.

I've also always wanted to add a little more character development to characters who only get two-three episodes to talk. The story line will probably go in order but maybe miss some episodes.

Also, Naruto characters, I ensure they won't die. I never really liked it when a character dies so maybe...no one will die:)

Note: Since I'm gonna start watching One Piece again, there'll be a short hiatus, just as a heads up.