• Published 21st Jan 2015
  • 343 Views, 4 Comments

Lite Step's Story - thekid0536

Lite Step is just a regular old Earth pony DJ who came to Ponyville for just one night after partying hard last night at his concert at Manehatten. He didn't expect this one decision, to change his life, forever. Both physically and mentally.

  • ...

Settling in

Lite Step's P.O.V.

Even though I had a head-start, Social Treat managed to somehow get ahead of me by bouncing. Seriously? She is so weird. But at least she knew where to go. I guess in front of me right now is her house or something, but I never seen a house so tall! It was at least 2 and half stories tall. My old house was half the size of that, I think.

"I've never seen a house so tall!" I said while inspecting the house. It had two hedges across from each other with a bunch of flowers in them. While have more flowers surrounding the house. It also had a front gate that was whitish yellow. There was a path leading to the stairs of it too. "Really?" asked Social Treat in disbelief. "I didn't really get out much. I was too lazy to go outside." I shrugged. I was either listening to music, watching TV, and being bored. I also read books on the side from time to time.

"You didn't even go to school?" Treat asked in a concerned tone. I rolled my eyes, that's why I read books. They taught me anything I needed to know. "I dropped out of school in 3rd grade. I just stayed home one day and kept doing it over and over again. Eventually I was kicked out of school because of my attendance." I said. "What grade are you supposed to be in now?" Treat asked in complete horror. "I think 6th or something." I said shrugging. "That's terrible! Once you get settled in I'm gonna make sure you get enrolled into school when the school-year starts!" she said in complete determination. "I was doing just fine without school..." I muttered. By the time I said that, her front door was open. "Come in!" she said smiling. I don't understand how she can smile all the time... It really isn't necessary...

I walked in and looked around. The inside of the house looked just as nice as the outside of it. There was pictures hanged up on the walls. Most of them contained Social Treat and some stallion. She had a greyish white coat and whitish pink hooves with a curly yellow mane with baby blue eyes. She was a pegasus and had three purple balloons for a cutiemark, what does that mean? The stallion had a blue coat with a white gradient on his hooves. He had a light green mane with a white gradient at end of it. He was wearing a dark blue tie. He was a unicorn and was tall and skinny. His cutiemark was a lightning bolt made to look like a violin( or guitar?). I wonder what that's about, but it looks cool! There were some other pictures on the wall that looked like pictures of places I've never seen before. Others, included Treat hugging some pink filly with a dark pink straight mane. She wasn't smiling in the pictures, but it looked like she wanted to. Why didn't she smile then?

I guess we're walking into her living room. It had a TV on top of a dresser with a gaming console and some controllers in it. I can't wait to try that out! It included a black couch. The dining room was close to the living room. It was so close that it looked like it was connected to it! The kitchen was connected to the two rooms. The only thing separating the rooms apparently were some door entrances without doors, that's weird. I saw stairs leading up to where the second floor was.

I smiled at how nice the inside of her house looked. I sniffed the air, it smelled pretty good too. My house was pretty dull, it didn't even have any decorations on in it anywhere! "You like it?" Treat asked. "Yea!" I said happily. "Well make yourself at home!" she said. I walked over to the couch and sat down. I saw a remote, that I guess goes to the TV. I turned the TV on to find out that it was already on a channel showing cartoons. I can get used to this. I watched TV for a good 30 minutes until I heard somepony open the door. Who would walk into somepony's house without knocking? When I saw who it was, I realized that he looked like the stallion in the photos.

"Surprise, I'm h-" he paused when he saw me. We stared at each other for a good minute until I said "Um, hi?". That was literally the first time I ever felt shy. And wait, who is this pony named "Surprise"? "Why are you in my house?!" the stallion said just standing there. I think he's surprised, of course he is... Social Treat came out of nowhere(how does she do that?) and said "Welcome home Acoustic! I see that you met Lite Step!". Wait, if his name is "Acoustic", then why is his cutiemark an electric violin or something! This guy is keeping some sort of secret. "That still doesn't explain why there's some random colt in our house Surprise! And why is he watching our TV?!" Acoustic said.

I thought her name was Social Treat? I am so confused... I hopped off the couch and walked over to Social Treat. He kept watching me as I moved. If you think about it, that's kinda creepy. "We're gonna adopt him!" Treat said. "You didn't talk to him about it first. Instead, you just talked to some traumatized colt about adopting him. You basically kidnapped me! How come I didn't realize this earlier?..." I said. I really should stop talking now. "Wait, what?" he said dumbly. "This...Lite Step is correct about most of that. But what I don't get is the kidnapping and traumatized part. So wait, you kidnapped a traumatized foal?!" he said. At this point, I think he's kinda angry. " Let's all just sit down, and Lite and I can explain everything!" Treat said happily. She turned around and bounced to the dining room table.
We followed her.

After a couple of minutes of explaining how this happened, Acoustic had a better understanding of the situation, I hope. "So, Surprise, you're telling me that you basically kidnapped this foal so that you can adopt him?" Acoustic said. "I didn't actually kidnap him, I just took him home because he didn't have anywhere else to go! And he looked cute!" Treat said. "I'm not cute..." I muttered while crossing my arms and blushed. "I get it now. So, you wanted to adopt him?" he said while crossing his arms too. "Yep!" Treat said. "Then let's see how much you know about music." he said with a devilish grin.

That literally came out of the blue, but I'll totally ace this! "Name all the genres of music you know." he said. "Dubstep, Chillstep, Melodicstep, Acapella, Acoustic, Techno, Rock, Metal, Rap, Pop, R&B, Classical, and that's basically it." I said proudly while puffing out my chest. "Not bad. I take it that your favorite type of music is along the lines of dubstep and techno?" he said smiling. "It's the best type of music ever!" I said.

"Well, we both got something in common." he said chuckling. "But why is your name "Acoustic" and your cutiemark is an electric violin?" I asked. He paused, I guess I shouldn't have asked about that. "Tell you what, I'll tell you later on only if you promise to show me your skills." he said. I guess he's talking about music. I never really considered if I could make music on my own, besides making random taps and beats everywhere absent-mindedly... I'll give it a try then! "It's a deal!" I said.

"Also, one more question. Why do you call Treat "Surprise"?" I asked. "Well, if you can already tell, she can be really surprising sometimes. And she occasionally sneaks up on ponies and surprise them! So I nicknamed her "Surprise"!" he said smiling. That makes much more sense now. And that name fits her too. "I like that name, I guess I could call you Surprise now?" I asked. "Of course, silly! Everyone calls me Surprise!" she said.

"We have a guest room upstairs for you, if you want to get settled into it?" Acoustic asked, gesturing towards the stairs. "Sure, thanks!" I said. I trotted up the stairs, into what I assumed was the guest room. The room was pretty much empty, except having a bed and a dresser against the wall. I flopped on the bed, planning on taking a quick nap.

Then suddenly, my body became unforgiving. I had forgotten to use the bathroom at all in a couple of hours after being caught up in that mess! I got up hurriedly and quickly found the bathroom. I quickly shut the door to shut out any intruders. After taking care of my business, I spotted a mirror. I decided to take a look at myself, after all, I hadn't did that in long time. I basically forgot what I looked like! I walked over to the mirrior and stood on my hind hooves.

My dark blue bangs were covering up my eyes so I couldn't really see that much. I moved them out of my way and saw my eyes. I had forgotten that they were different colors. Pretty cool, huh? My left eye was reddish purple while my other eye was greenish blue. I was bluish purple and had a dark blue mane with white tips at the front. This goes for my tail too. I think I need a manecut or something 'cause my mane is kinda too long for me. I looked behind myself and saw that still was missing a cutiemark. I sighed. I probably won't be getting one anytime soon either.

I got down and decided to find something to keep my mane out of my face until I could get a manecut. I found a thick rubber band just lying on the sink. I shrugged. I don't know if anypony was going to use this but I am now. After putting my mane into a low ponytail, my view had cleared up, thankfully. I went to go look into the mirror again and I looked much better. But... I still needed a manecut.

I walked back to the guest room and flopped down on the bed once again. I regretted not trying to enjoy the sensation of the bed last time. It was soft and comfortable unlike my old shabby bed. The pillow felt like it was filled with the best feathers anypony could ever find. I sighed blissfully and drifted off to sleep, well, atleast I tried to.

The last words that my mom said to me kept repeating over and over in my head. Lighty, why didn't you help me? I...I don't know. I just didn't know what to do... Lighty, why didn't you help me? I was afraid of him... he was always hostile and either drunk or high... I just coudn't handle it... Lighty, why didn't you help me? I was too weak!... Heck, I still am... Lighty, why didn't yo- I couldn't! I'm too selfish weak to help anypony, or anybody at all! All I care about is music... and music alone... but why can't I just be selfless for once... I just... don't know...

I cried myself to sleep that day... and I thought I was going to have nice dreams for once...

Author's Note:

I kinda have no excuses on not putting this out sooner. I but, I blame school, like I always do.

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