• Published 21st Jan 2015
  • 343 Views, 4 Comments

Lite Step's Story - thekid0536

Lite Step is just a regular old Earth pony DJ who came to Ponyville for just one night after partying hard last night at his concert at Manehatten. He didn't expect this one decision, to change his life, forever. Both physically and mentally.

  • ...

New Beginnings

Lite Step sat in the waiting room at Baltimare Hospital covered up in a blanket. He was waiting for his mom's surgery to finish, even though he already knew that there was a very slim chance of his mother surviving. Knowing this almost brought him to tears but he stopped himself from crying. Lite knew that his mother wouldn't want to see him like that. He didn't even think about what his father would do to him, he didn't care about him anymore.

While he was waiting and preparing for being told if his mother survived or not, a unicorn mare dressed in a business suit holding a note pad with telekinesis, walked up, and sat down next to him.

"Hi! My name is Social Treat! What's yours?" she said smiling while sitting next to him. Lite didn't say anything, he just stared at her. He didn't know who she was, where she came from, or why she's here. All he knew was that he didn't want to be bothered with anypony right now. "I'm Lite Step..." he mumbled while scooting away from her.

"I was supposed to meet a colt with blue hair and a light blue coat, and it seems like that's you!" She said while getting her notepad and pen ready to use. Lite Step was still staring at her with an annoyed and sad look.He just nodded slowing, not knowing what to say.

"I just wanted to ask you some questions regarding your family."she said. "Why?" Lite said, looking at her with annoyed look. "The Head Police pony that you met earlier hired me to help you!" She said, while smiling even more. Lite Step was wondering why she would actually answer his question, even though it was rhetorical. He knew why she was there. She wanted to find him a place to live, even though he wanted to stay at the hospital for however long it took for his mom to recover.

But he had no choice but to answer her. She wouldn't leave him alone. Lite sighed "What do you want to know..." he said in a gloomy voice. "Well, do you know your grandparents?" she asked. "No" Lite said. She scribbled that down. "Older sisters or brothers?" "No, it's just me, all alone..." Lite said. She scribbled that down. After she was finished, she said "Umm...OH! I could have made this sooooo much easier with this one question! Do you know any other relatives besides your parents?" "No" he said, while yawning out of boredom. The mare was shocked at that but then smiled, scribbled that down, and said "Thank you for your answers Lite Step. These are going to be important for the future! Now, I just have a couple more questions to ask you." She noticed the Lite Step looked at her with anger and boredom written all over his face. "I-I p-promise it wont take long!" She said while being taken back at his expression. "Fine..." Lite Step said while looking towards his mom's operation room.

A tear fell from his eye. Treat didn't let it go as if it was nothing to worry about. "What's wrong?" She said while trying to scoot over to Lite. He couldn't believe she would ask a question that stupid. He didn't answer, he just started to cry. "I'm sorry if I made you sad, and angered you. I was just trying to help." she said in a gloomy tone. "It's not your fault..." He said in between tears and sniffling. "It's all my fault because I didn't help her, I just ignored her..." He said. Social Treat hugged him and said "It's not your fault. You did everything you could to save her. So stop beating yourself up like that or else you're gonna be sad for the rest of your life." Lite Step just cried himself to sleep while Social Treat just hugged him and went to sleep too.


Hours went by while both of them were snuggled up to each other. Social Treat was the first to wake up. She smiled at Lite while he was sleeping adorably in her hooves. Treat was starting to consider taking Lite in herself for her and her coltfriend, Acoustic, since she was infertile. Treat was about to get up, wake up Lite, and ask him if he would consider letting her adopt him, even though she knew that wasn't a proper question to ask a child his age. But as she got up, a doctor walked out a operation room, and started to head towards Social Treat and Lite. Treat immediately woke him up. Lite was about to ask Treat why they were snuggled up to each other but before he knew it, a doctor got his attention.

The doctor began "We seemed to have saved your mother's life right in time before she bled out. But the problem is that your mother is in a coma and is paralyzed from her neck straight down. We did all we could to fix her spinal cord but it was beyond repair. Most of her organs are damaged, but we will install artificial ones inside of her soon. We're sorry, we did all that we could. You can go visit her in a couple of days so that her body can relax and recover."

Lite Step sat still to process everything. My mom is still alive...MY MOM IS STILL ALIVE!!! Lite Step stood up and ran up to the doctor, hugged the life out of him, and thanked him over and over again for helping save his mom's life. Lite was overjoyed to know that she was alive. It didn't matter if she was in a coma or not, she was still breathing. That's all that mattered to Lite. That she was still alive.

The doctor looked surprised at first but returned the hug and smiled. Lite finally cried happy tears that day, he never felt so much joy like this in his life. Social Treat teared up at the happy scene the the young colt probably hasn't had in years. She decided that she could wait to ask her Lite her question and let him have this moment.


After a couple of minutes, Lite had calmed down to his usual self, still holding onto the most joy he had ever experienced,in his heart. Social Treat said that Lite could come home with her since he literally had no other place to go. They barely made any progress in questioning and they hadn't decided what to do with Lite either. Lite had agreed to go with her, it seemed like he really didn't have so much of a choice.

They thanked the doctor and walked out the hospital. Lite Step was gleaming with happiness. He knew he didn't have to worry about his father anymore. He knew his mom was at least alive I guess. And now he has a place to stay! With Social Treat...so annoying...I mean, she already asked too many questions, she snuggled and went to to sleep with me, Yuck! And she's probably gonna ask me if I want her to adopt me! Of course... I'll say no... Lite started to blush when Social Treat asked him the same question "Can I adopt you? You are just too cute!" Lite blushed harder and couldn't believe what he was about to say. ".....ok....." He said this in the lowest voice he could possibly make. Treat hugged him, turned around, and started bouncing just as a certain pony would do. She smiled with every bounce she made. " This is gonna be so much fun!" What did I get myself into... Lite thought as he sighed and followed Treat to his new home, for now I guess it is...

Far out in the distance, they saw a bright and rainbow light. Anypony surrounding them stopped to look at it. "What the heck was that??!!" Lite said while making a full stop to look at it along with Treat who, well, thought differently of it. "Wow! I never seen that before! I wish I knew where it came from..." She said while staring at the forever going light. "Well I for one don't, I just wanna go...home...and relax."Lite said while taking his attention away from the "annoying" rainbow and walked away, of course not knowing where he's going. "Aww c'mon! It wouldn't hurt to just look at it while it last! I mean, I don't know if it would hurt or not but its worth a shot!" Treat said while desperately trying to stay and look at the rainbow a bit longer. "While you're doing that, I'm going to go...umm...somewhere, and stay there." Lite said while walking away slowly. "But you don't know where you're going! Treat said. "Oh well! I'm going wherever the wind takes me!" Lite said while trying to sound cool but his squeaky voice stopped him from doing so. "...Fine, I go home and find out what that rainbow thingy was later..." Treat said while walking up to Lite sadly. "Well then let's go!" Lite said with his squeaky voice and a happy tone for some reason. Treat perked up and said "This is why you are soo cute!" Lite Step blushed and said "Stop being so embarrassing!" "Nope! I'm never giving in!" Social Treat said while trotting soon galloping ahead of Lite. "Bet you can't catch me!" She said teasingly while making a funny face at Lite. "Oh yeah? Bring it on!" He said while chasing after her in a full gallop with a smile on his face.

When he did, something happened. Something inside of him sparked. He felt like he just found what he has been looking for: Fun. He ignored his feelings and just had fun while it lasted.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the wait, my teacher wanted to act retarded and give us research assignments every other week with a bunch of homework. And I got after school so that doesn't make it any better...