• Published 18th Jan 2015
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So, A Vampire, A Lycan, and A Alien Rent a Apartment... - TimeTravelinc

Following Dennis the Menace's My Roommate is a Vampire, A Alien lives with them, and soon throws Equestria upside down as a old villain returns for revenge reasons

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6: Suspicion II "Things Are Escalating Quickly"

So, the next day, early at the crack of dawn, I decided to give my roommates something nice. Unlocking the door, then locking it outside, I quickly ran down to the kitchen to make them something good. Heading to the fridge, I decided to make some eggs and… hay bacon? Apparently, there was a false bacon on this world. I was confused on what to do, when I decided to go ahead and make it.

I started remembering my past life, trying to help two humans with a crazed case that would’ve killed a human.

Flashback, A year and a half ago (from my perspective)...
It was a quiet-ish night in the woods, save for the background noise of crickets and owls. It seemed peaceful, and nice. Suddenly, a massive creature moved quickly through the woods, too quickly for its size. Going after it was a figure, leaping from tree branch to tree branch like a ninja. Behind these two was two humans running after the creature.

Both humans were young and working for the FBI, in some strange case that would drive a normal man sane. One was a reddish brown-headed woman who believed that there was a logical explanation for everything. Another was a blacked hair man whose sister was kidnapped by aliens. He believed in the supposed impossible.

“He’s getting away, keep up Scully!” yelled the man. “I’m trying Mulder.” Scully yelled back. The figure trying to keep up with the creature happened to be… well, me. That’s right, long ago I wanted to help Mulder with his problem and Scully with her disbelief, but then again the cosmos has other plans.

Right at that day I tried keeping up with the creature. It was trying to take over the world (again) and I, with the help of the “X-Files Duo”, I quickly found the dreaded creature. Now to get him back to his location, but others said otherwise. And when I meant others, I meant the two FBI agents that were following behind myself and the creature. ‘Now time to get you home fella. Back to the zoo.’ I thought as I followed it.

Wanting nothing more than to prove to Scully the existence of aliens would be great, but myself as well as others didn’t think so. So, utilizing the tools of mankind, and some proper planning, I threw down some smoke grenades, hopefully disorienting them. It worked as I quickly jumped onto the back of the beast, before the both of us were taken by the ship’s tractor beam. “So long, Mulder. Goodbye.” I said as the beam carried us up to the ship, to which it soon got out of there.

I looked through the ship’s viewfinder to see Mulder and Scully running out of the fog, just to get a 10 second look at the flying saucer. It soon flew away from Earth, and took us to Orion’s Belt so we could return the Brothian back to its cage. He later asked Mulder if Scully saw the saucer. She didn’t

‘Ah, those were the days.’ I thought to myself as set breakfast up for them. I then decided to ring a dinner bell with a wooden spoon (although where I got the dinner bell and spoon from, I won’t tell you. Your brains may leak out of your ears, or your head would explode. The most likely is that you would fall asleep) yelling “Come and get it!” I soon quickly grabbed the coffee pot and made coffee for the two of them and myself.

I was thankful that it wasn’t a day where we couldn’t be working, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to sneak my items into the apartment. So far, I’ve been careful, but I could be wrong, and I was. Going to my job at the fix-it shop, I soon started to finish working on Princess Luna’s Grandfather Clock.

Meanwhile, Octavia and Vinyl were keeping an eye on me, apparently calling their respected places to say that they were going to take a day off. Why were they taking the day off? Well, it was simple, they were spying on me. Looking from a table at a restaurant nearby the fix-it shop, they spied on me, trying to figure out something about me. “Why did he sneak back in quietly, and where did he go?” Octavia said. Vinyl wasn’t exactly paying attention, as she was looking at the newspaper.

“My better question is, why are we spying on him?” Vinyl said, in her usual bored tone(only when she was bored). Octavia sighed, then looked at Vinyl through her sunglasses. “Because he’s acting suspicious last night. I woke up and heard something.” Vinyl was now curious, looking at Octavia with interest. “When, I went to the door, I saw him carrying a large bag with parts of the bag faintly glowing. He entered, then locked the door.” she said.

Octavia placed a fedora and sunglasses on her, then grabbed the newspaper near her. Vinyl was confused, then just shrugged, placing the fez on her head. “Wait, why do I have to wear the fez, why don’t you?” “Because it fits your eccentric personality.” she whispered as I came out. Vinyl looked confused and almost wounded, “I can’t tell if that’s a compliment or an insult.”

Both of them grabbed the newspaper and opened it, pretending to read it. I happened to walk by them, stopping for a brief moment to see if I was seeing right, then I realized that it wasn’t my roommates and continued on. I should’ve looked at their cutie marks closely, but my mind was on other things like how to fix my ship, whether I should keep a permanent residence or find a way to contact some other intelligent beings with spaceships.

I soon went into the Everfree again, while my roommates stayed behind and hid behind a bush. Now while I gathered my things, things started happening. Now I don’t know how accurate it is, but my roommates gave me a general picture of what happened while I was in the woods. Yes, I did get their accounts on what happened, but I can’t be sure that their accounts were accurate.

It seemed that while I was out in the woods gathering my things and placing them into a bag, (again, pocket dimension) both were considering whether or not to follow me. Just when both of them were just about to set up a plan, suddenly, Octavia saw a spider. It seemed that they were going to go back to start making plans when a gust of wind caused the spider to land on Octavia’s face, just as she was turning her head towards it.

Freaking out, Octavia bolted (because she thought it was going to get her, her claim not mine) while Vinyl stomped on it (mainly because she didn’t care, and didn’t like spiders in the other way. She did also note that, she thought it was funny that a lycan like Octavia, big, mean, and powerful, was afraid of a little spider. Her claim, again not mine) then made her way into the woods. It seem that she was about to stop, when she slammed into a wooden dog (what I later found out it was called ‘Timberwolves’)

Now according to what I know, a normal pony wouldn’t exactly have a chance. They have more of a chance of flight than fight, however Octavia was a lycan. Changing to her wolf form, she quickly jumped at one of them, as more quickly got up and went after her. The last one of the pack wasn’t lucky as it was crushed by a white unicorn pony with electric blue hair. She smiled as the others were alerted to their presence.

They threw some of them, others they were crushed, and while they fought, I was going down a slightly different path. It seemed all quiet when I heard a roar. Followed by a timberwolf being tossed across my path. Realizing that I could be in danger, I quickly ran, objects rattling in my bag.

About five minutes after they had defeated the timberwolves, they heard the rattling bag and followed me back to the apartment before seeing me head back to my job, coming back to work on some other items. Princess Luna did come back in and get her grandfather clock, which we were paid gladly. After Time Turner paid me, I returned home.

“Well, that was fun.” Vinyl said, brushing off the wood from her fur. “Indeed, although I think things are escalating quickly.” Octavia said. That was when I entered through the door, grunting something to them before heading to my room.

Inside, there was wires hanging from the ceiling, computers were scattered on almost every wall and computer parts filled drawers and the desk. I soon started to repair the main computer console again, while checking the navigation system and the N-th Dimensional Multi Purpose Guidance system computers.

Vinyl and Octavia sat there hearing the crashing and noise that came from the room. “That’s it!” Octavia said. Vinyl looked at Octavia, “It’s simple, we go follow him in the nighttime. He won’t expect that.” she said. Vinyl’s expression of confusion turned into a wild grin. “And I thought that I came up with the crazy plans.”

What they didn’t know was that their semi-normal life was going to get crazy, intergalactic crazy!

Author's Note:

John wanted me to remind you guys that he gets different parts of his story from other sources as well, but it's mainly told from his perspective.

Just saying.
-The Character