• Published 18th Jan 2015
  • 1,220 Views, 16 Comments

So, A Vampire, A Lycan, and A Alien Rent a Apartment... - TimeTravelinc

Following Dennis the Menace's My Roommate is a Vampire, A Alien lives with them, and soon throws Equestria upside down as a old villain returns for revenge reasons

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3: "New To Ponyville"

So, at the time of basically planning a way to pay for rent and live in a apartment complex with two mares, they were busy planning for a extra roommate. The first thing they had to do was convince the tenant of their building that they had extra room for their roommate. “You want to what?” he said in surprise. “We have extra room and we would like to advertise that we have this extra room if they want it.” Vinyl said. The tenant thought about this, then said, “Alright, but only if he pays.”

At that moment, I decided to quickly set up a job that would work for me. From there I saw a workshop that repaired clocks and other odds and ends. Heading in, I quickly went to the place, then entered. It was then I started to feel a presence that I hadn’t felt in a long time, but maybe it was just me. Being in space can drive one crazy.

It was then a brown pony appeared from behind the curtain, wearing a green tie, and spiky hair. Did I forget to mention the Hourglass cutie mark? The pony in question, looked at me as if he was trying to remember something, before shaking it off. “Welcome to Time Turner’s Fix-it Shop. How can I help you?” he said in a british accent. This would be a point where alarm bells would be going off in my head, but I pushed them to the back of my head.

“Hi, I’m new to Ponyville and was wondering if I could get a job here, repairing items?” I said. Time Turner looked at me, trying to figure out something, before saying, “Alright, I’ll just start you off with fixing this.” he said, handing me a small clock. I then notice the tools on the counter, knowing what to do. Grabbing a screwdriver with my hoof, I started quickly working on the mechanical device before grabbing a hammer and hammering out a few dents. Finally I wound the clock, before it started ticking.

“Very nice. You’re hired.” he said with a smile. “You start tomorrow.” he simply said, writing down something on a pad, then handing it to me. “You know, I never got your name.” he said. That’s when I decided to try and see if my Earth name would still work. “Um, it’s Smith, John Smith.” I said. Time Turner looked at me with a raised eyebrow, while I took the paper from him with my mouth, then I quickly ran out the door.

‘That takes care of my money problems, now for the house.’ I thought, seeing the apartment complex, ‘And I know just the place.’

Reaching the apartment, I decided to check in on the tenant of the place. “Excuse me sir, but I was wondering if there’s a Room for rent here in this apartment?” I said. The tenant was reading his paper, not paying attention. I tried dinging the bell, that didn’t work either. So, with my abilities, I basically just gave out a powerful AWOOOGA! to which he fell over onto the floor.

Getting up, he was about to get angry at the thing that made the noise, when his eyes fell upon me. He looked around for the source of the noise, then back at me. “Didja hear that noise sunny?” he said, in some odd accent. “No sir.” I lied, “I just tried getting your attention. I heard that there was a room for rent in one of these apartments.”
The tenant looked me over, confused. “How the hay didja get word on tat’ when I haven’t even sent th’ dang advertisement over to my pal?” “Simple.” I started, quickly thinking up a story, “I have a friend that said that there’s always an available room somewhere in Ponyville.” I said. He looked at me again, trying to see if I was lying. Apparently, he didn’t trust me, and that was understandable from his perspective and from mine.

In my line of work, traveling across space-time, I’ve had creatures give me the stare when I told them stories that sounded like a load of baloney.

He then shrugged at this, then said, “You may wanna talk to some mares over in room 306. They’ll give ya’ the details about the room.” he said, before I decided to head out to meet the manes that I just saw hanging around the front of the Ponyville Apartment Complexes.

‘Here we go!’ I thought.

Author's Note:

I'll try to update this every so often, and try to work on my other series, "ASotBTiE: The Equestrian Series". Hopefully, it will be done soon. Until then, enjoy the series chapter.

-The Character