• Published 18th Jan 2015
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So, A Vampire, A Lycan, and A Alien Rent a Apartment... - TimeTravelinc

Following Dennis the Menace's My Roommate is a Vampire, A Alien lives with them, and soon throws Equestria upside down as a old villain returns for revenge reasons

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5: Suspicions I "Acting Strangely"

The next day, I awoke to something poking me with a stick. ‘If I had to guess, I’d say that’s the roommate that’s checking up on me.’ I thought to myself. Cracking open my eye, I saw the dj, Vinyl Scratch who was curious with me. I pretended to sleep, as I turned around. It seemed like she was about to leave me alone, before she started poking me with a stick again. I pretended to mumble something, before suddenly turning around and scaring her with a roar.

Now to note, I scared her still in my pony form and roared in a normal voice. No change into a horrible monster, nor some un-human roar, but instead I tried to appear normal. The only problem was that she fell over and hit my chester drawers, knocking her out. Octavia quickly ran up to my room, only to find a stick, a unconscious Vinyl, and me in a menacing stance on my bed. She looked at Vinyl, then at me. “Oops.” I uttered, sitting there on my bed.

Minutes later, and a good explanation, Vinyl had a ice pack on the back of her head and I was apologizing for the scare. “I’m sorry kid. I didn’t mean to do that to you. I just wanted to play a prank on you.” I said. Octavia wasn’t happy at me, but Vinyl looked at me angrily before changing to a face of good humor. She soon started laughing, “I’m sorry. I know I shouldn’t be laughing but, that was hilarious.” she said, “And it was my fault for not expecting that. I mean I slipped and tripped into your drawers.”

“So, that means…” “Yes, I accept your apology.” she said with a smile. Octavia sighed, but soon showed signs of being a bit light-hearted. “Well, since we got that out of the way, I can now go ahead and go to my job.” she said. “As well as I.” I said.

There isn’t a lot of details I’m willing to write down without fear of boring you to death, so I shall skip some details. I trotted off to work, heading toward the Fix-It Shop. Entering, I worked for a bit with Time Turner, repairing some of the primitive but amazing technology. At lunch I quickly ran back into the Everfree, heading to the crash site where I started gathering things to take back to my room. I did this for an hour and fifteen minutes before returning back to my job, continuing to work on the grandfather clock that Princess Luna sent to us.

After making repairs, I needed to fix a few things before turning in for the night and heading off back to my room. Heading for my room, all I needed was a few hours of sleep and I could get to working on my ship in my room. I fell asleep for just a few minutes before going ahead and working on the parts of my ship that I brought to my room.

Now how did I sneak the parts past Vinyl? Simple, she was asleep. As I made repairs to the main control console, I must’ve been making a lot of noise, because suddenly there was a knock on my door. I quickly went to it before she had a chance in seeing something she shouldn’t. Opening the door enough to see who it was, and seeing me, I saw Octavia standing there. She didn’t look exactly happy, but she didn’t look angry or upset either.

“Hey Octavia, what brings you here?” ‘Not that I could already guess.’ I thought to myself. Octavia looked a little worried, trying to see into my room, but there door wasn’t cracked enough to see into the room. “I heard noises coming from your room and was wondering what you were doing.” “Oh, just a little remodeling and a project.” I said. Now I wasn’t lying, I was basically withholding certain information about myself and the whole ‘I’m-from-another-planet’ shtick. She looks at me curiously before I said, “Look, if I need anyo-anyponys help, I’ll make sure that I get you or Vinyl’s help.”

I soon closed the door, leaving Octavia confused as ever. She decided to let me work, while I quickly went back to work on my ship’s console. ‘Darn thing’s busted. Where can I find replacement parts on this planet?’ I thought.

Vinyl, was in her room after taking a relaxing nap to the entire thing. Waking up, she went upstairs to start working on her items for tonight’s show. “Alright, let’s kick it up.” she said, to which Octavia entered the room. Vinyl smiled as she noticed her marefriend entering the room. “Hey Tavi, what’s the matter?” she said. Octavia looked at her with a worried face, which caused Vinyl to stop what she was about to do. “I can’t help but feel suspicious about our new roommate.” “What do you mean?” Vinyl asked.

It was then that I suddenly was working loudly, causing them to suddenly hear the new ear-piercing sound. It soon stopped with a pop. “I mean our new roommate is acting strangely, and he’s just been here for 24 hrs.” she said. Vinyl nodded, then said, “Well, let’s give him a day, he may just be nervous. He may not actually be that strange.” she said.

Suddenly, as something started to whine, the lights started to flicker and dim. Octavia and Vinyl looked at the light, then back at each other. “Then again, this could be something else.” she said.
“No,” Octavia said, “We’ll give him another 24 hrs, and if he continues to act strangely, we’ll investigate into his… history.” she said. Vinyl nodded in agreement, as the lights slowly flickered and strange sounds came from the room next door.

Later, while they slept together, I quickly went over and checked on them. ‘Yup! They’re asleep, now to try and get some more items from my ship.’ I said as I headed out of the apartment, and quickly into the Everfree forest. From there, I started removing a few items that would be useful in case of emergency.

Gathering the parts and items I quickly left my ship again and headed back towards the apartment. Closing the door quietly, I soon went back to my room, dropped my items off and went to sleep for two hours. Enough sleep for me to handle the rest of the day tomorrow.

What I didn’t know was that Octavia checked to see me enter, and sneak past their room with a large bag with beeping, and klinking noises as I tried to sneak it back to my room. Octavia looked at me tonight, while I quickly entered my room and quietly closed the door, locking it as well.

She was now really suspicious.

Author's Note:

John:I'm surprised that they have technology in this world.
Character: Well, their world is like a cross between steampunk and the 21rst Century.
C:Yes, very.

Don't worry, this is only part 1 of Suspicions.
-The Character